Alabama Journal from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)

a a us 5. is. 15 on or re: I in all Place in Country 6 yd. Call S. Landua, for air, good Squire I built blast, or or Good and new 301 spot up Call and 50, it us 5.

cost condition 5 1519. top Con op- Call soli. all. 01 top, air. door, runs Pons speed Cruise cruise.

234 air 2 or 40.000 Can 12 or 277 Still import in good. 285 firm. 1 air, or landau 51 BAD or Cartier, in ton, good condition, 72 Hills 11. ask call Classic or see AUTOS, our miles. 71 1975.

air. 5117 good 57 must tires Air root 73 pod 272-1653. 2415 cylinder, 7 air Sugar interior. control sell. door, door 000 looks air, Wagon, I of call after condition cr 35500 automatic condition, 234-7491 owner miles miles speed.

power condo Vani good GAS Dr air cup sell fin or das 22 or July 28, 1980 ALABAMA JOURNAL, Montgomery, Ala. 17 Carter Faces Twin Trials Over Billy Affair, Co Convention WASHINGTON (AP) President Carter, at a time when he could well have been looking forward to a triumphant Democratic National Convention, this week faces twin trials over his brother Billy that could turn the convention into a disaster for the president. A special Senate subcommittee opens an investigation Tuesday into Billy Carter's dealings his with Libya and the president himself could be called to testify. At the very least, the probe will raise embarrassing questions about the president's brother and the president's administration. At the same time, several dozen members of Congress are continuing efforts toward holding an "open" Democratic convention, a move that could deny Carter the renomination he seemed to have so firmly in grasp only a week ago.

Rep. Michael Barnes, a spokesman for to the effort, said Sunday he expects more meetings this week in Congress pushing the idea as well as the creation of a "boiler operation" with volunteers contacting convention delegates to urge them to vote for an open convention. Such a convention would free delegates now pledged to Carter or Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and allow them to vote for whomever they wished.

Barnes said in a broadcast interview that he wants this simply because he believes it would be "extraordinarily difficult to re-elect" the president. Kennedy himself said Sunday he continues to favor an open convention, but presidential spokesman Jody Powell cautioned Democratic members of Congress against judging the president's troubles with brother Billy until all the facts are in. President Carter has promised the nine-member Senate panel full cooperation. Billy Carter and his wife, Sybil, reportedly left Georgia for Washington on Sunday and plan to remain in the capital until its investigation is completed. Billy Carter, with his "redneck" comments and penchant for swilling beer, has been troublesome to the president before.

But he has developed into much more than a mere embarrassment since he was forced by the Justice Department to register as a foreign agent of Libya. The president's brother has acknowledged receiving a $220,000 installment on what he described as a $500,000 loan from the Libyan government, and questions have arisen over the behavior of the White House and Justice Department in the handling of the matter. Sen. Birch Bayh, D- chairman of special panel, said staff investigators will begin interviews this. week with administration officials and possibly with the president's wife, Rosalynn.

But he said the panel will probably be able to hold only the "briefest kind" of hearings before the Democratic convention opens in New York on Aug. 11. Barnes said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the group in Congress backing an open convention now numbers about 50 but was growing daily and could "be tomorrow 150." "There is a great deal of momentum toward an open convention," he said. "My phone has not stopped ringing. Barnes said it would be "extraordinarily unlikely" for Kennedy to be the nominee of an open convention.

George Barrett, a Kennedy delegate from Tennessee, mentioned as Death Nofices ling. Burial in Rose Hill letery. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Alma Moore, of Mrs. Betty Griffith.

both Tallassee, Mrs. Marie Bass, of Opelika, Mrs. Kirk, of Tuskegee, Mrs. Barbara Kelley, of Wetumpka, Ala; son Mason, Union Springs, lone sister. Lilly Belle Rodgers, of Shorter, 23 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren; several neices and nephews.

LOGAN, Thomas Jefferson. 187, of Rt. 4. Box 535, Talla-10 Issee, died July 27, 1980 at 2:10 p.m. in the Community Hospital after an extended ill(ness.

Graveside services will be Wednesday, July 30, lat 10 a.m. in Rose Hill CemeItery with Dr. David Bentley officiating. Jeffcoat Funeral Home directing. Survivors include his wife, Flore Mae Logan, Tallassee: five daughters, Linnie Reeves, (Opelika, Dorothy Sims, Fairfax, Mary Grizzle, Opelika, Louise Hodnett, Chamblee, GA, Nellie Weaver, Salem; lone son, John Edward Logan, (Opelika; one sister, Ollie Linville, Bakersville, CA; one brother, Joe, Logan, Wetumpka; grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren.

Visitation will be from Jeffcoat Funeral Home. Lee's MONTGOMERY E. G. Cummings JARRETT MEMORIAL GASSETT-HUDMAN WETUMPKA McKenzie's TUSKEGEE Robert M. Burton, Mgr.

TEASLEY, Thirlow a resident of Old Columbus Road Tuskegee, died July 25 in the John A. Andrew Hospital. Funeral services will be Tuesday July 29 at 2:00 p.m. from Mount Olive Baptist, Church with Rev. Monroe Jamerson officiating.

Burial will be in the Ashdale Cemetery with McKenzie's Funeral Home Directng. Survivors include Mrs. Gertrude M. Teasley; grandson, liam Howard Teasley, Tuskegee; two sisters, Nancy Smith, Altharetta, Exia Maxwell, Atlanta, GA: three brothers, Leroy Teasley, Alfred Talsey, Altharetta, GA, Fred Teasley, Augusta, GA; four sisters-in-law, Annie Teasley, Tuscaloosa, Elouise Teasley, Augusta, GA, Grace and Merly Teasley, Altharetta, GA; one brother-in-law. Taylor Smith, Altharet-sate, two uncles, Fred Teasley, Knottsville, TN, Minor Teasley, Atlanta, GA; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends.

The body church will lie in state at the from 12:00 until funeral hour. Jackson BRUNDIDGE THRASH, Master Larry Richard Jr. (Ricky), 8, and a resident of Warner Robins, GA. died Saturday, July 26. 1980 in an Atlanta, GA hosp tal.

He died a lifelong battle with Cystic Fibrosis. Funeral services were held Monday at 3. p.m. from the Shiloh Baptist Church with Rev. Billy Anglin and Rev.

Mack King officiating. Burial in church cemetery with Jackson Funeral Home directing. Survivors include his parents, Mr. Mrs.l Larry Richard Thrash, Warner Robins, GA; one sister, Miss Stacey Lynn Thrash, Warner Robins, GA: maternal grandparents, Rev. Mrs.

Earl Temple, Samson, AL; paternal grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Fred Thrash, Banks, AL; maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Fleeter Slaton. Andalusia, AL; paternal great grandmother, Mrs.

Genie Barbaree, Banks, AL; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Ruby Thrash, Troy; five aunts; three uncles." Johnson GEORGIANA LANCASTER, Henry Hermon, 66, and a resident of Rt. 4, Greenville, AL, died Sunday, July 27, 1980 at 12:05 a.m. after a brief illness in al Montgomery hospital. Funeral services were held from Johnson Funeral Home Chapel, Georgiana, Monday at 2 p.m.

with Rev. Wilson Shell officiating. Burial in the Bushy Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Surviors1 include his wife, Mrs. Lurline Lancaster; three daughters, Mrs.

Kay Hurl, Montgomery, Mrs. Carolyn Rayborn, Brantley, AL, Mrs. Kathryne Scott, Florence, AL: five brothers, Pratt Lancaster, Greenville, Hyrom Lancaster, Darl Lancaster, Lancaster, all of Mobile, Lancaster, Warner Robins, GA: two sisters, Mrs. Stella Cowart. Warner Robins, GA, Fernistine Gibson, Searcy, AL; four grandchildren.

STATE Mrs. and a resident of Ashland and a former resident of Clio, AL. died Saturday at her resiSun-dence after a brief illness. Graveside services were Monday, at 11:00 a.m. from Memory 'Gardens, with Rev.

Ellis Johnson officiating. Brock Funeral home directSurvivors include her husband, James Foy Mid-1 Death Notices Cem-Idlebrooks, Ashland; onel daughter, Mrs. Margaret M. Horn. Ashland; one sister.

Nola W. Woodham, Montgomery; eight grandchildren; four great grandchildren. Announcements Cemetery Lots Monuments EASTWOOD Cemetery, 2 lots in devotion garden 5700. 264-8188. 12 LOTS in Montgomery Memorial Two for $325 277-9636 after 5:00 p.m.

Lodge Notices AIR FORCE ONE LODGE NO. 889. 2315 Federal Drive, will hold a Stated Communication, Monday, July 28. 1980 at 7 p.m. All local and visiting brethren cordially invited.

Raymond Bryan, WM Oscar D. McKnight, Sec. Khur-Um Lodge No. 858 will hold a stated communication Monday night July 28th at in the Masonic Temple Building 215 N. Jackson St.

Joint installation of the officers, of Victory Lodge No. 809 and Khur-Um lodge No. 858 Refreshments will be served. Drew Harrington W.M, David Huff, Sec'y 12 Lost and Found ANY PETS MISSING? Look at Humane Society For Adoption it Unclaimed BLACK Gray striped, female cat, brown collar, missing front leg. Name 269-1953 FOUND: Small black male poodle with blackflea collar, Vacinity of Cloverdale Decatur.

Call Kay 264-2288 or 265-1691 TRI color, short hair, Fox Terrier lost in Bellingrath area. Reward. 265-8153. 14 Notices Personal, Special AARON'S A-1 PRICES Class Rings Mens $50 up Wedding Bands. 7 AM tp 9 PM 7 Days Will Pick Up.

277-5509 A BIG Congradulations to G.R. Peggy on Your Engagement at L.B.'S house. Thats good-good-good. ADAMS DRUGS "The Service DrugOpen 7 days a week. Free Delivery on prescriptions.

Free Insurance Income Tax information. Complete line of Sundries, Cosmetics Candies. Two convenient locations to serve you: 2019 264-3496 and Normandie, phone 281-1691. BUYING SILVER COINS CALLS for information appreciated 279-8304 BUYING Class Rings, wedding bands, silver coins, dental gold. Will pick up.

272-1154. FEED I Adult for $7.06 weekly. InI meat daily, choice of 8 fresh b. vegetables, and P.O grain. Box Free 366, details Union Springs, Al.

36089. Better Real Estate Service, Call James C. Collins, Amos Agency 834-7787 or 279-0104. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENJAMIN L. WARE many Happy Returns of the day from your co-workers at the Ad- -Journal.

HealthCare NEED A NURSE? Upiohn. HealthCare Services, 284-1400 HUNGRY While looking for a job. Come into WAFFLE HOUSE. MAN Or wife men gives muscle relaxing massage for women. Appoinfment only 284-3341.

Problem Pregnancy? Abortion is legal, and test confidential. provided tree. Counseling 281-7240. and pregnancy Reproductive Health Services. Y's offering $5 for return of any Shoney's waitress uniform.

STACY'S 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 284-4816. Heat massage, bath. Appointment only SUCCESS, high profit, from your next garage sale. Fact filled pamplet.

$1.00. Fiesta, Box 2454, Montgomery, AL 36104. WITNESS to accident Saturday July 12. Involving 73 Pinto, white with wood paneled sides and 72 Pinto, blue Corner of Ripley and Madison. 288-1916.

Automotive 122 Automobiles Domestic Montego Stationwageon Good condition, clean interior, 136,000 miles, $275, 281-8395 after 5. A Better Buy Late model clean used cars at MONTGOMERY'S LOWEST PRICES Capitol Chevrolet Just North of 1-85, on Eastern By. Pass Phone. 272-8700 Concord Deluxe 1979. Air ton, Am-Fm, excellent condition.

Book value 54725, sell $4200. 264-5463. 14 Notices Personal, Special Classiled Advertising WANT AD INFORMATION NEW ADS de in the from ERRORS frat find in to CANCELLATIONS Ones your ad it until runs the first day. When cancel your ad, be sure you are cancellation receipt number. you record this number.

No adjustments unless this cancellation number is presented. ABBRAVIATIONS We de net abbreviate wards within heeding and bedy el ads. Certain standard abbreviations used in firm nomes and addresses are acceptable. LEGAL NOTICES Legal notices must be mailed livered te our department by 9:00 en the morning pries to the date it is te run. MAJOR HEADINGS: Announcements.

2-16 22-40 42-52 Farmers 62-80 82-90 Items For Sale-Rent. 92-130 Lelaure 132-170 Mobile Hames. 172-180 182-190 Real Estate For 192-220 Real Estate For 222-250 DEADLINES 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for ads starting the next day. WEEKENDS 3:30 P.M.

Friday for ads starting Seturday, Sunday, or Menday. Phone service for cancellations correctiens only: 8 te 10 A.M. Saturday for Sunday; 8 te 10 A.M. Sunday for Mendey. OFFICE HOURS 8 A.M.

to 5 P.M. Monday Friday. Closed Saturday Sunday MONTGOMERY PRATTVILLE, WETUMPKA Dial 264-4561 FROM ELSEWHERE IN ALA. DIAL TOLL FREE: 1-800-392-5794 Drive-in Windew 116 5. McDonough St.

Mailing Address: Caller Bex 1000 Mentgemery, Ale. 36102 22 Automobiles Domestic ALMOST Antique: 1956 Chevy Bel Air 4-door sedan. Completely original. Runs good. Automatic transmission.

Tinted glass. Radio. Clock. Chrome package. $1,250.

277-1202. AMC Concord, 1979, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, air condition, power. $4695. Call Dan Cody, agent, 265-8521 AMC Hornet Sportabout Wagon 1975, Small V8 engine, air, Am-Fm stereo radio. $1700.

288-8788 AMC HORNET, 1974 Sportabout Wagon, automatic, air, power steering. 54,000 miles, clean car. Call Harvey Sankey at 272-7147. REINHARDT EAST AMC Spirit 1979, 9500 miles, air, delux package, 30 mpg, $4500. 567-8139 A SHORT DRIVE to GILMORE FORD "THE FORD PLACE" in Prattville will save you money.

365-2246. BARGAIN CARS 78 Mustang 11 $3695 77 Plymouth Arrow $3695 76 Pinto $2295 76 Datsun D-210 $2495 76 VW Sirocco 53695 75 Pinto Stationwagon $2295 75 Pontiac Astre $1795 75 Ford Courier Pickup $2995 74 Ford Courier Pickup $1995 73 Audi 100-LS $1895 72 Pinto Stationwagon $1195 Ralph Smith Motors Hwy. 231 North 272-4004 427 Jefferson 263-1347 BLUE TRANS AM- 1978, power, air, wheel, cassette, 32000 miles, very nice, Call 283-5516. BOB YOUNGBLOOD'S International Motor Co. 2900 East So.

Blvd. 277-3562 ROYAL MOTOR COMPANY Your "Gas Mileage Headquarters" Featurling new Chryslers, Plymouths, Flats. AMC Cars and Jeeps. 833 Eastern Bypass, 279-9300. SPECIAL condi-1975 Chevrolet Impala, air, 59,376 miles, $1495, Allen Auto Sales, 444 Bell, 264-4119 14 Notices Personal, Special PREGNANCY SHOULD BE BEAUTIFUL But If It A trained counselor can review your choices and help you decide the best course of action.

The earlier you discuss these options, the more likely a firm, comfortable decision can be reached. Counseling and pregancy test FREE. CHOOSE A REPUTABLE CLINIC WITH AN OB-GYN SPECIALIST AS THE PHYSICIAN. REPRODUCTVE HEALTH SERVICES Of Montgomery, Inc. 1203 E.

South Blvd. 281-7240 Law of the Sea About 2,500 representatives from 163 countries are scheduled to begin meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, today at the final five-week conference on the Law of the Sea. The purpose of the conference is to draw up an agreement on how to share the oceans peacefully, settle disputes, and regulate the mining of the vast mineral resources the oceans contain. Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth's surface, and can play an important part in providing the world with food, valuable minerals, drinking water and energy. Previous Law of the Sea conferences have already helped settle several issues involving fishing, pollution, navigation and scientific research.

DO YOU KNOW Which ocean is the world's largest? FRIDAY'S ANSWER Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. 7-28-80 4 VEC, Inc. 1980 22 Automobiles Domestic BUICK 225 Needs motor: BUICK Century. Cylinder, door, extra clean, automatic, am- fm. bower brakes steering also power door locks one owner, good gas.

4.2900 365-1227 BUICK Riviera tif wheel. cruise. am fm stereo with Tape, automatic. $1150. 281-0037.

BUICK REGAL. 1979 Limited Beau tiful one owner, low mileage car, Va. automatic. air. AM FM stereo cassette.

till, cruise power Only Call Ray Brighurst at 272-7147 REINHARDT EAST CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Nicely equipped, low miles 56995 BREWBAKER USED CAR CENTER BIBB MOLTON 264-5375 CADILLAC 78 Sedan DeVilie, all extras, beautiful condition, Dealer price 57450; sell for 56500 788-3336. CADILLAC 1980. New custom Limousine. List 528.936 Sacrifice $23.714 272-9124 CADILLAC 1976 Eidorado Loaded. new tires.

excelient condition. 83450. 569-3387 or 288-64V3 CAMARO, 1975, good condition. $3000 best offer: 262-7214 ask For Debie CAMARO Rally Sport, 1979 Automatic V8 pertect condition, $5100, 262-4160 CAMARO Rally Sport 1969. Automatic.

stereo with tape, mag wheels $1895 268-6730, 272-6099 CAMARO 1971, automatic 350, power steering and power brakes, very cus: tomized. $2300. 288-2838 CAMERO 1978 Power steering and brakes 4 speed 350, 4 BBL. 8 track. $3800.

365-1584 CAPRI, 1979, automatic like new. low miles, am- fm radio: $5200, 272-7394: CATILLAC Seville, 1979, dove gray. loaded, superior condition, 22 miles per gallon, $9900 857-3712 CHECK Us Before You buy any used car: We have in inventory, Datsuns, Sunbirds, Chevettes, Citaused tions, AMC Concord DL: Buick Regals. And Executive Cars. All Priced below NADA Market Value Bill Durden Chevrolet, Inc.

Prattville, Ala 365-0611 CHEVEROLET 1975 Nova 40,000 miles, automatic, like new, good tires $2300. 272-2557 CHEVROLET MALIBU CLASSIC. 1980, 8.000 miles, fully loaded, 56500 288-4786 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 1973. 4 door. V8, automatic, power steering, air.

Good buy at $888. Call Earl Waites, 272-7147 REINHARDT EAST CHEVROLET SILVERADO, 1977, auto matic transmission, air condition, power, AM-FM, power windows door locks. Tool box $3695. Call Charles Horne, Agent. 265-8521.

CHEVROLET Caprice 1976 4 door, all power. Am- Fm stereo, good family car 51800 or best offer. 1-584-7604 after 5. 832-6776 T. Sweat.

CHEVY, 1974, Pickup, as $750 or best offer. 272-9175 after CHEVY, '57, 46.000 actual miles, all original, near perfect condition, $2850, call 272-5653 after 5:30. CHEVY Caprice Classic Estate wagon, '79 and loaded with extras. 11,000 miles Super Savings! LANDRUM Chevy Oids. Wetumpka 567-4301.

22 AutomobilesDomestic CHEVY NOVA DE outstanding con- dition. 93.000 miles. 13850 272 5298. 277-7807 CHEVY SS. 1065 No sneed $500.

272-4800 CHRYSLER 4 000r hardtop $300 279-0343 CITATIONS New 1980 3 4 speed and automatic. Large discounts. FT DEPOSIT MOTOR CO Your Chevy-O1ds Dealer) 227-4373 CLEAN USED CARS St JOHN SHAW MOTORS 500 Bell 283-2110 COB6-KIRKLAND Sells Owner: Certified mileage automobiles Eastern Bypass at Vaughn Road. 277-3480 COLLIER FORD Wetumpka Alabama 567-8444 Colt Wagon 1974 cylinder, loaded JAMES MARTIN 616 BELL ST 264-7334 COME 1 1974 cylinder. 2 door, power.

air automatic. 46.600 miles $1750 279-7760. CONVERTIBLE CHEVROLE Caprice Classic: 1975 White Dark Blue body 15.000 Owner 265-1332 after 285-3767 We CORVETTE 1989 and 83700 New Brakes Transmission. Must Sell: 264-1643. ext.

6604 Greg CORVETTE, 82 1976 AM FM tape steering stereo with tri-axle: speakers. CH Am mags. automatic, excellent condition, lover 59200 will consider trade 185 6p.m 365 9613 CORVETTE 1975. Silver. top, all tions.

51,000 miles Good condition $5950. 279-8436 COUGAR XR7 1978 air conditioned stereo. many extras. $4500. 277-2505 CREDIT SLOW We finance most of 56950 our cars.

RALPH SMITH MOTRS. two locations. 263-1347 272-4004 CUSTOMIZED VANS Dealer Demonstrators and show cream models Only 3 left at special discount prices Camping World RV Center 285-5251 CUTLASS Supreme 1976. Excellent con: dition. stereo, velour seats, $3000.

Ask for Danny Gardner. 382-3196 CUTLASS Calais 1978 Loaded. 14.000 000 miles. like new. excellent millage.

$5700 272-4865 CUTLASS 1972 condition. power $650 281-7685. DODGE ASPEN brakes, coupe with landau roof, clean 1979, 6 cylinder, air, power steering 83550 as new. $4295 ED BEASLEY 1115 ADAMS AVE 263-6777 DODGE Coil 1978. Automatic, air, ra dio, 29,000 actual miles, new tires.

$3995. 277-2267 Dodge Challenger, 1974. 318 power steering, brakes, 9000 condition. 51325. 277-0403 FAIRMONT Sport Coupe, fully equipped with 1978 all extras, white white roof.

$4795. KEN KRIG vinyl MOTORS 264-1414. Catoma St FORD 1977 power, air, like new, teachers. $2995 288-1304 FORD Stationwagon 1975 rack, ball hitch, Luggage cellent running condition $1500. 288-6019 FORD Fairmont Furtura 1978.

4 speed, I cylinder, Am-Fm 8 track, air new fires, 30.000 miles. excellent shape. Asking 13495. 284 1642 281-3615 ask for Charlotte FORD Fiesta 1978 $2800 281-2731 BUSINESS And SERVICE DIRECTORY Cabinets CABINETS, Formica counters, bookcases, carpenter repairs. Reasonable References, 365-4302 Chimney Cleaning YOUR Chimney may be a fire hazard Tor a heat loser -unless properly cleaned Contact the professionals, ALL CLEAN CHIMNEY SWEEP 279-9634.

Construction AT CARPENTRY Painting, additions, remodeling, storm windows. insulations, free estimates. Licensed work guaranteed. 288-9538 A BAD Roof, rotten eaves, house needs painting? Call price all for needed repairs refinancing. 277-9199.

BUILDING, Remolding, energy, concrete, brick, Patio Covers, Ail Repairs, CHANDLER 272-4222, 288-7664 after 5. ABSOLUTE Best Home Repair, ting, siding, additions. painting, carpentry, re modeling, Small- large odd liobs. Work quaranteed. 277-6957 A CALL TO JACK THAGGARD do it all.

288-5206 or 263-2381 Action Home Repairs 834-3058 Gets free estimates. For large or small liobs. Remodeling, roofing, repairs. We Reasonable, experienced dable. Satisfaction guaranteed by Ed Rogers.

ADD An Energy Efficient Fireplace THE FIREPLACE 5155 ATLANTA HWY 272-1551 ADDITIONS, Remodeling, painting, roofing. patios, gravel concrete driveways. 34 years Bush, experience Free estimates Charles 284-0808. ADDITONS, Remodeling, repairs Res Idential commercial. Free estimates.

Jim Mason. 263-0831 or 834-6026 All work guaranteed ADDITIONS REMODELING JORDAN BUILDERS "Since 265-1333 or 285-3767 ADDITIONS ALUMINUM SIDING Home Repair Remodeling. years experience No Job to Small. Call 269-5734 or 262-0208 ADDITIONS BROWN CONSTRUCTION CO, INC Remodeling, carpentry repair, painting, concrete, rooting, landscaping. All work guaranteed, financing avail able.

284-2890 ADDITIONS. repairs, remodeling and painting Free estimates. Call C.E Royal 762-7166. ADDITIONS, Remodeling of all kinds Custom Home building, Call after p.m. 1-382 2744 ALL KINDS home repairs, painting odd jobs.

All work guaranteed, HUEY ROLLING, 263-9504 Aluminum Siding All kinds of home repairs No job 10 large or small. Financing. 834-2293. AT SMALL Home repair, and paneling sheet rock and tile. brick block, drive ways, patios, and rooting 264-6658 BAMA BUILDERS 281-5068 Additions, closures, all types of modeling, Serving Montgomery over 10 years Reasonable Ben Slauson Bldrs.

ADDITIONS. ALUMINUM SIDING, ROOFING All painting, home repairs FINANCING 262-1191. 834-2293 CEMENT Work of all types. Retired veteran. Low rates, free estimation, 24 service.

264-3657 CONCRETE WORK Slabs, drives, patios, colored concrete, aggregate brick pavers. By Professional Contractor, 277 9199. DAVID ALAN HOMEBUILDERS Additions, remodeling, complete home maintenance repairs Service calls, concrete brick work Rooting, storm doors wood fiberglass patio covers Interior exterior painting. Free Esti: mates. Call 834-2375.

Evenings 263-5416 ELK The New Generation of Fiberglass Shingles. Limited 25 warranty, Sand replies to Box 14-12, Advertiser-Journal, Montgomery, AL 36192. ADDITIONS, Remodeling, roofing, concrete work, painting financing. HOME REPAIRS- Painting, hang paper, paneling, carpentry repairs, floor- ing. windows screens, etc.

264-2333. Inflation Fighter discount on all house doctoring and home repairs contracted in June. 25 years experience. Free Estimates. Call COWBOY 265-3628 or 277-5019.

LIGHT Tractor, concrete slab, driveWaYS. patio, landscaping. Free Esit- AutomobilesDomestic GRAND PEn Full power, with 3950 14. GRAND PRIX Golden niversary model, TiTop power seats. windows and Lots of extras real ciean.

83200 227 4547 GRAND Black with white Landau tap and interior, cruise air power steering and brakes. Am Fm cassette. 85900 Days 277-0657, evenings 3954 277-4821 GRAND BROUGHAM more likely possibilities Secretary of State Edmund S. Muskie, Vice President Walter F. Mondale: and Sen.

Henry Jackson, D-Wash. There are reports also that a prominent Democratic fund-raiser from Philadelphia, S. Harrison Dogole, has formed a group supporting Jackson, who lost the nomination to Carter in 1976. But Jackson, who gave his backing Sunday to an open convention along with Sen. Gaylord Nelson, said he was not after the nomination.

a politician, I am flattered, but I am not a candidate," he said. Kennedy, of course, does not share the view that an open convention would not lead to his own nomination. He said Sunday he has been encouraged by the reception he has received recently from convention delegates who are either uncommitted or pledged to support Carter. Name Time ABRAMS, Mr. Ted 2 pm COONER, Mrs.

Lucille Jordan 2 pm LANCASTER, Mr. Henry Hermon 2 pm LOGAN, Thomas Jefferson 10. am MASON, Mrs. Eunice 3 pm MIDDLEBROOKS, Nobia 11 am SMITH, Nancy (Emma Legg Jones) 2 pm TALLEY, John I. 3:30 pm TEASLEY, Thirlow 2 pm THRASH, Master Larry Richard (Ricky) 3 pm WHITTLE, Walter Herbert 2 pm WILLIAMS, John 2 pm White Chapel H.S.

Jones TALLEY, John 63, and a lifelong resident of Montgomery, died at his home 3030 Maryland Saturday after a brief illness. Funeral services were held from the Burge Memorial United Methodist Church at 3:30 Monday, July 28, 1980 with Rev. Alvin Bush and Rev. Jasper Smith officiating. Burial in Oakwood Annex Cemetery with White Chapel directing.

Survivors include the wife, Mrs. Mable L. Talley, Montgomery; five sons, Gary Talley, Timothy Talley, Daniel Talley, Jimmy Talley, all of MontgomGerald Talley, of Mobile; four daughters, Cathy Talley, Gloria Thornton, Jackie Burris, Barbara Jordan, all of Montgomery; brother, J.D. Talley, Montgomery; one sister, Hazel Smith, Montgomery; 16 grandchildren; one great grandchild. Leak-Memory B.R.

CARGILE WHITTLE, Walter Herbert, 68, and a resident of 2160 Meadow Lane and of Montgomery for 30 years, died Friday at his residence after a brief illness. Funeral services were held from Leak Memory Chapel Sunday at 2. p.m. with Rev. Hal E.

McNeely officiating. Burial in Greenwood Cemetery. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Elizabeth Cruse Whittle.

Montgomery; three daughters, Mrs. Peggy Bruce Whittle McDaniel, Dalton, GA. Mrs. Andrea Whittle Livingston, Selma, Mrs. Whittle Sparkman, Birmingham; one sister, Jessie Powell, Hayneville, AL: five grandchildren.

Active pallbearers were Thomas Blake, Harold Dunn, Judson Vaughn, Lacey Robertson, William Blake, Charles Knight, William Flurry, Joseph Reese. COONER, Lucille Jordan, 91, and a resident of 316 Tanglewood died at 4:15 a.m.. July 26, 1980 a after an extended illness. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, July 29, 1980 at 2 p.m. from Leak-Memory Chapel, with Rev.

Frank E. Martin officiating. Internment in Greenwood Cemetery with Leak Memory Chapel directing. Survivors include four daughters, Miss Lillian Cooner, Montgomery, Miss Evelyn Cooner. Montgomery, Mrs.

Betty Rushton, Montgomery, AL, Mrs. Emily C. Rabren, Columbiana, AL; two sons, Eugene C. Cooner, Montgomery, AL, Walter J. Cooner, Little Rock.

AK: eight grandchildren; one great granddaughter; a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Captain Walter J. Cooner, United States Air Force. Lynn Rabren, Joel In an interview on ABC's "Issues and Answers," Kennedy proposed a 24-hour postponement of a convention fight over his challenge to a rule that would require convention delegates to vote on the first nominating ballot for the candidate they were pledged to support. The rule would guarantee Carter's renomination, because he already has 1,981 delegate votes, with 1,666 required for nomination.

Kennedy said his advisers have been negotiating with Carter aides to postpone the vote from the opening day of the convention to the following day. Such a change would "give delegates more time to become familiar with the different points of view," Kennedy said. He added that the Carter forces have not agreed the switch. Funerals Date Funeral Home July 29 Ridout's July 29 Leak Memory July 28 Johnson-Georgiana July 30 Jeffcoat July 28 Jeffcoot July 28 Brock July 29 Greenwood July 28 White Chapel July 29 McKenzie July 28 Jackson July 27 Leak-Memory July 28 Ridout's Cooner, Leslie Cooner, Rushton, Rickie Rushton, Randy Rushton. Greenwood Chuck Conner Steve Jackson- Jim Carlisle SMITH, Nancy (Emma Legg Jones), 86, the widow of Harwell Smith and a former resident of Montgomery, died in Knoxville, TN.

July 25, 1980. Memorial services will be held at the Church of the Ascension at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 1980 with the Rev. Mark E. Waldo officiating.

Survivors include two son, Harwell F. Smith Oak Ridge, TN, Pryor Smith, Montgomery; one sister, Mrs. W.P. McQuire, Atlanta, GA; grandchildren, Dr. Harwell' Smith III.

LeNoir, NC, Evelyn Smith, Danville, KY, Wayne Smith, Knoxville, TN, Neil Smith, Montgomery. The family requests the omission of flowers, contributions may be made to the Music Committee of the Church of the Ascension. Ridout's PRATTVILLE CHAPEL WILLIAMS, John, a resident of Rt. 4, Box 506, Prattville, died Saturday, July 26, 1980 in a Montgomery hospital. Funeral services were Monday at 2 p.m.

from Ridout's Prattville Chapel with Rev. Swofford and Rev. Leroy, Jenkins officiating. Burial in Memory Gardens Cemetery, Ridout's Prattville Chapel directing. Suvivors include his wife, Margaret Williams; onel daughther, both Prattville; sisters, Fay Illanie Ruthledge, Prattville, Holtville; one brother, Julius Williams, Prattville: two grandchildren; one great granddaughter.

Active Raymond Smith, Roy Parrish, James Davis, S.R. Culpepper, D.J. Spear, Kline Styron. ABRAMS, Mr. Ted, 70, and a resident of Rt.

5, Box 890, Prattville, died Sunday, July 27, 1980 in a local hospital after an extended illness. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 1980 from Ridout's Prattville Chapel with Rev. George O'Brian and Rev. Bob Black officiating.

Burial in Oakhill Cemetery with Ridout's Prattville Chapel directing. Survivors include his wife, Lillie Bell Abrams, Prattville; one son, William Ted Abrams, Prattville: two brothers, Jack Abrams, Tallassee, Homer Abrams, Notasulga. Jeffcoat TALLASSEE MASON, Mrs. Eunice Ray, 68, and a residence of Rt. 2.

Tallassee, died, day, July 27, 1980 at 7:10 a.m., in a Tallassee hospital after a brief illness. Funeral services were Monday, July 28, 1980 at 3:00 p.m., from the Tallaweka Baptist Rev. David Dukes officiat- 1474 door hardtop, power steering split seats. good 81495 JOHN SHAW MOTORS 530 Bell 263-2114 GRAND Torino door power steering, automatic second car 8500 best after 01 7804 832-6776 Sweat IMPALA, 1976 one owner: 42 AM FM 82500 277 IMPALA Landau: 1970, wire wheel covers 14.000 new, assume payments of 567-3674 LINCOLN Mark 1977 Designer Series Moon with every thats available Extremely clean thing 281 9662 Lowe's Ok'd Used Cars PRATTVILLE PRATTVILLE 5365-2290 Alter Hours 365-5770 have MALIBU MALIBU condition MERCURY MONTE payments 7-10pm MONTES cassette: MONTE. miles otter: MONTE loaded, MONTES power 1269-5182 Montgomery MONZA AM FM WALKER MUSTANG $2650 MUSTANG MUSTANG 1-887 9946 Woodland 76 Ranchero, Ford, Maverick: Ford LTD.

NOVA, matic, mpg NOW Models from a large selection automobiles We used trucks 1977 door radio, cruise payments $126 63 brakes. air 1970 8. 350hp. 3600 277-9559 MONTEGO condition: Call Carlo 1980. Blue, 2200 miles list 5850 equity and of $167 monthly 284-0260 CARLO, 1960 fan, till 6.

700 miles. $6800 Carlo 1979 Must Fm stereo: $600 payments 1167 monthly Carlo Low 1976 33900 264-1961 after Carlo 1972 Power steering, tires. Mercury Lincein 405 Eastern Bypass 277-9970 1978 Hatchback straight shift, 285 5543 1974 Ghin V6 power steering. power stereo tape. 284 0316 1976 4 cylinder control AM FM Jape Convertible extra clean: Traiter Park NEED A CART 3978 for Rocky OR NO CREDIT FINANCE ANYONE FINANCE DOWN 525 PER Nova: Cadillac Duster, 77 Many others TED'S TRADING POST Jefferson Decatur 1978 4 door.

6 toil power, new warranty $3000. Selling 1979 1980 FORD rental fleet be seen at Dannelly HERTZ Turbo 6 Cruise am of domestic also ape cialize matic, $2195 JOHN Electric power conditioning Fm cruise, Corner and brakes. your firewood orders early best offer, 777-5062 of 277-0464 Commercial 262-6291, Home-263 2549 284-1560 OLDS 98 76 REGENCY. Local one owner, loaded with equipment 45,000 miles. $3695 BREWBAKER USED CAR CENTER BIBB MOLTON 264-5378 01.05 DELTA 88.

1973, transmission, air condition, 51295 Call Dan Cody at 265 8521 OLDSMOBILE 1978 Delta 88 Royale, root, full power split power seats, windows, locks, 54695 best offer. 279 8967 after 5p.m OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 1970, air tioned, radio, tape player, power steering, power brakes, automatic. colored, brown vinyl top: $600 Call gold 272 9048 PINTO 11972 PINTO RUNABOUT GOOD MILEAGE, new tires 66.090 miles. good dependable transportation, $700. (277 2738.

PINTO 11972 PINTO RUNABOUT GOOD GAS MILEAGE, new tires. 66.000 miles. (good dependable transportation, $800, (277 2738 1972, yellow speed, pertect mechanically, rough body. 131022 272-6247 PINTO Station Wagon, 1977. Low mileage, Call automatic, air.

$3000 best offer. after 6 p.m. 279 6405 PLYMOUTH Duster, straightshiff, (5795, 277 7087 PLYMOUTH FURY, 1973, 31000. 1285 4443 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY TI 114,000 miles, $1995, 281-1230 PLYMOUTH VOLARE, autoImatic transmission, alt Dan power, 4 door, extra clean, Cody, Agent. $2695 265 8521 PONYTAC.

1951 Straint 8. looks g000, good. $800. 264 8836 PONTIAC. 1951 Straigt looks good.

runs good, $800. 264 8836 PONTIAC. T951 Straigt $800 264 8636 PONTIAC Ventura Hatchback 1975. Power steering, brakes and windows hit wheel, plush $2500 8336 PONTIAC PHONETZ 1980 power steer and brakes. Call between 365 5250 272-6261 after 1973.

3950 air pOWDE sell. 8500 and take millage brakes brakes. 834-J159 cylinder, auto: paint 263 6669. GM white they Field. SELL '79 ASPEN $4195 Coupe with landau top, air, power, a Chrysler lease our '79 CUTLASS $6495 Brougham, 2 dr, bt, only 19,000 miles, 6, stereo tape, till wheel, wire wheel covers, divided seats '79 $4995 dr wit power, stereo lope new radicle, just live brand sew '79 $4495 Classic, 4 door, 257 V-8, ode, viayl interior, clean as sew '77 $3195 5, coupe, only 33,000 miles.

Local cor MONTE $2595 Landau top, cruise, tilt wheel, stereo, white with red vinyl interior. '75 VW $2495 4 red with white interior, rune Like a Rabbit. '74 PINTO $1295 Wagon, 4 4 speed with air. '73 MALIBU. $1095 Laguno, 2 but no air, only 55,000 miles '72 $895 dr, cold alt, power, a good running, local, 1 owner car '74 PICKUP $1695 Ford Ranger, V-8, auto, power steer.

ing, power brakes, extra good condi ED BEASLEY auto sales 1115 ADAMS 263-6777 Take good Good with 4 281-8742 WEEK Impala, take over best 7395 11000 one to Greg MUSTANG. auto with transmission Buick conditioned deck 3302 4 51550 at Pine WE NO CHARGE Chevy Bird, last Construction REMODELING, Additions, Horne Re pairs, Patios Covers All work quar anteed. Days 265-7381, nights 263-5416. REMODELING of all types. Room ad ditions, cement, painting, drain fields, carpentry, rooting, stop we do if General Contracting, Special izing Carpentry and Painting tact Mr.

Hudson 265-6262. 8 to Carburetors CARBURETOR PROBLEMS you if it money leaks, stalls, hesitates, pops Of cuts off. the Carburetor Man. 264-2333 Anytime. Decorating REDECORATING.

Call Gayfers Deco- ator Consultants for Free Estimates Custom Drapery and Upholstery Aontgomery Mall, 288-3500. Easidale, 77-7200 Garbage Service COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL WASTE AWAY INC. 265-8547 FOR Garbage service trash removal BROWNING FERRIS IN JUSTRIES, 834-5580 Glass Coating Tinting Shut out sun's heal, glare, fade Scotch int Sun Control Film 3M on by win lows, does it. Solar Control 263-1157 Landscaping Nickerson Landscaping Nursery, Inc. 285-6287 Grading, shrubbery, sodding.

bush hogging, lof clean up. and top TIFTON Bermuda Sod Soysia 57.00 per 54. Cash Carry LAND: SCAPE CONTRACTORS. 265-5217. WALKER LANDSCAPING MILLBROOK, ALA 285-4049 Lawn Service LAWN SERVICES Reasonable Prices.

Call Anytime, 279-9885 Lawn Service Summer Special Any lawn size 100 Front Back Vowed Edged. High grass extra $15.00 YARD SERVICE AT. We do all. 264 8068. 515.00 Mobil Home Maintenance MOBILE HOME WEATHER PROOF NG Spray seal mobile home roots, Silicone windows doors.

caulk, all of and clean outside mobile homes We jo anywhere in Alabama Written querantee 204 9810 Painting EXTERIOR PAINTING FOR Beauty Protection. Water primed, coats of first qually applied by Professionals Call 2719199 FOR Professional painting, paper hanging and repair jobs CO call DECORATING 365 4026 HOME Painting by Ted Vail Ceilings extured. wall papering Garden plowed with Troy tiller 779-8908 Plumbing ECONOMY PLUMBING Complete re pair sewer service, water heater dishwasher installation repair Econamy rates 7 days, 24 hirs 361-0568. PLUMBING Problems CORRECTED DAN ARMSTRONG CO Phone 263-9551 Professional Services CARPETS cleaned in your home place of business by Von Schrader. Dry darn cleaning method.

No fuss, no nuss, nor odor. Call today for free estimate. Vonner's Carpet Care 262-8537 Saw Repair CAPITAL CITY SHARPENING SER VICE For all your sharpening needs Promot dependable service 264-2334 Swimming Pools JORDAN BUILDERS SINCE 1945 265-1333 or 285-3767 Tree Service THOMAS Tree Service Topping, thing, removing, lots cleared, stumps removed, firewood Licensed. Insured. Free estimates.

567-2678 or 269-5871 Wedding Services GENE SMITH'S Complete wedding services, flowers, church rental, recep tions photography. After 6 PM for I appointment, phone 272-0525..

Alabama Journal from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.