Antichrist Hunting (Supernatural Fanfic) - Ashy7707 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

I was born (1986) out of desire for a child and a rotten deal. My mother, Augustine Summers, was in an accident that rendered her infertile, miscarrying her unborn child of ten weeks. She prayed to the Heavens for her child to survive, but that's not who answered her prayers.

An angel appeared before her, a devil of scriptures but an angel by nature's rules. He gave her a choice, she either lost her unborn child or birth them but gave them to him upon his return. Augustine, heartbroken and alone, agreed.

I was born six months later, eyes glowing a deepened red. My mother, realizing what her deal had caused, was horrified by the creature laid out before her for it was less than human.

I was immediately put up for adoption, adopted the very next week by an infertile couple. I was raised in a normal child environment, besides the no friends, glowing eyes, and confused hunter parents...oh and the teaching of how to hunt the supernatural.

As I grew I learned how to fend for myself and survive against the deadliest of demons. Though what I wasn't ready for was to be approached by a creature of darkness the very day of my 18th birthday. Her name was Meg and she knew what I was, truly. Though, that knowledge wasn't even known by me at the time.

Meg kept herself hidden as a mentor for hunters' kids, like me. She took me in and taught me spellwork, summoning, hunting the creatures of dark, and how to contain such a species to retain answers.

One night, she woke me up at midnight explaining she had my first mission for me. I was to follow two demonic hunters Sam and Dean Winchester, gaining the knowledge for us to track them down and end them. I agreed, two less demonic entities in our world for a win for me and my parents back home.

I track them to a bar in Chicago, me and Meg going to seal the mission. I was told to leave the talking to her, which I was fine input never helped anyone. I dressed as I believed party people do and headed with her to the bar.

Chapter 2: Meeting The Winchester

Chapter Text

Pre-warning for the story: All warning for supernatural, plus self harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts to apply for the whole story... viewer warned... enjoy :)

We find Sam and Dean talking a ruckus about a hunt they were working. "They must be looking for a new victim" Meg whispers to me, my eyes glowing red with anger.

We walk up to them, Meg seemingly knowing the one younger brother, Sam. "Sam, oh my God. I didn't know I'd find you here." She smiles a warm smile. I shy to the side, anxious of new people, especially such clever demons. "This is my friend, Asmerelda." My code name... it wasn't my choice. My real name was Phenix Bitter Summers (legally). Though I preferred to use my adoptive parents last name Winter for non-legal name documents.

Meg explains how she wasn't able to make it to California and ended up in Chicago, meeting me. I was half zoned out of the conversation as I never really minded to chat with demons, rather kill now talk later kinda hunter.

She started bashing Dean for not respecting Sam and dragging him around the country, which confused me. 'Why would two demons agree to work multiple jobs around the country but bicker the whole time? Usually one demon would be the leader and the other the follower, no bickering, just orders.' I kept my thoughts to myself, not wanting to stir the demons away.

Sam makes some random, noticeable only by me, excuse and gets Meg's number, because of their new found friendship, agreeing to meet up with her soon. I smile, to myself, at his comment...the sooner we can hunt them the better.

I stay in the bar for a drink to calm my mind while meg leaves. That's when I pick something up, Sam is suspicious of Meg. He wants his brother and him to do research on her backstory and figure out if she's demonic. "Why would a demon care about another demon?" I whisper to myself.

I follow Sam as he follows Meg. He follows her all the way to an abandoned factory, sneaking in by climbing up the freight elevator. I teleported inside the building, knowing what was going on. She was summoning an angel for back up, she had many on her side (or so she said). She warned the entity Sam and Dean were in town, telling it to wait for us on the other end.

I teleported out of the room. Sneaking to the freight elevator, watching Sam explore the room alone. I note the strange human-like behavior he attributes and decide to track him to his hotel/motel to end my qweres.

I slam open the door, blade in hand, ready to murder this sons of demons. Dean immediately goes for a gun under his pillow and sam a large knife, confusing me. 'Usually demons use their demonic magic not weapons, but to each their own.' I charge at Dean, slamming the gun out of his hand and putting the knife to his throat. I could tell my eyes glew red in that moment by the look of panic in Sam's eyes. "Christo!" I yelled, but nothing.

I lower the knife, in a moment of lapse of judgment. It's that moment I'm knocked out from behind, clasping to the floor.

I wake up in pure confusion. "That's the first time a demon has tried to reveal me as their own." Dean's voice chimes. 'Demon? I'm no demon!' "What do we do with them?" Sam's voice asks. I open my eyes, the world slowly unblurring. "I'm no demon!" I yell. They both turn to me with an annoyed look.

"If you're not a demon, drink this." Sam says handing me a glass of water. I smiled, with a sigh, drinking the whole thing. That's when the sore throat kicked in. "See, nothing." I rolled my eyes, annoyed. Though a tint of confusion crossed my mind, 'why did that hurt my throat, it's just holy water, maybe just plain water!' "Okay, then explain to us why try to murder me." Dean asks, confusing me. "Cause you're demons!" I yell. They both stare at me. Dean chuckles, though realizes I'm serious moments later.

"We're not demons, kid." Dean says. I stare at them in realization. 'Of course they aren't! Why would they trap me in a devil's trap and make me drink holy water if they were? Demons turn on each other all the time, but they kill, not trap.' "Then..." I pause. "Meg is..." I gasp out. "You didn't know?" Sam asks. I shake my head.

I stand up to leave, when I notice... I can't leave the trap. I stare at the trap in horror, hoping to the gods they didn't find my shoe switchblade. 'Thank the stars they didn't' I think, scratching at the inside of the trap, freeing myself. The brothers have already started to leave for Meg's at this point, so they don't see.

I follow them into the factory, none of us talking, an eerie silence around us. When we get there, Sam leads us to the elevator, and we climb up to reveal Meg preparing a ceremony of types.

I teleport over and she smiles, "Good job hybrid, you led them right into my trap." I look at the floor with a frown. 'They were supposed to kill me earlier, why are they so humane? They are too human to be demonic, let alone demons.' "I don't know if they are demo-" i start to say, but she stops me. "Take this blade, hand it to one of them if they escape... see if they try to kill you. Then you'll see." I nod, teleporting away to their hotel room.

"Phenix?" A voice calls, confusing me. "Phenix Winters?" I turn to see a man, fatherly looking as if he raised two kids... 'is this The John Winchester?' I think to myself. 'That means Sam and Dean...they aren't demons, their Sam and Dean Winchester, John's sons.' I realize. "Long way from home, what brings you here? Hunting with my Sam and Dean?" He asks. I fake a smile, nodding. "Yeah, a demon of sorts." I explain. "I came here to wait for them after researching some more." I lie.

Half an hour later, Dean opens the door, both him and Sam walking in. They realize the sight before them, Their dad and me waiting for them. "Dad?" Sam speaks the first word. He smiles at the boys, making me frown, turning my back to the window.

'I can't teleport away, they'll think I'm demonic.' I sigh. 'I wish my birth family would've loved me like John to his sons.' I shed a tear, my eyes glowing a blue hue new to even me.

I leave the room, silently, as the brothers and their father talk, not wanting to interrupt. I return to Meg and my apartment, gathering all my belongings. I swiftly pack my bags, immediately teleporting to my car. 'I need to get out of town.' I think to myself. Though before I knew what was happening, I was knocked out.

I open my eyes, in a room with an angelic touch. "We finally found you." A voice echoes, making me shutter. Pain washes over my body, scaring me to the brick full of panic.


Since my last mentor turned out demonic, I couldn't face my parents this way. Let alone without solving this new problem of mine. So I decided to follow the Winchester brothers instead while continuing my studies online. I was taking a criminology major with an art minor. Though, I was more forced on my glowing eyes, powers, and new found weaknesses.

After a few months, I gave up my research, the brothers fighting cases different from my family and arguing getting to me. Well that was until I met a hunter named Gordon.

I was hunting a vang nest at the time, when I discovered a human hunting the same. He introduced himself as Gordon Walker, which I introduced myself as Phenix Summers, not wishing my history to ruin my hunt. He explained what he founded and I explained my own. He even emitted he usually worked alone, but my research alone could help him. So we agreed to work together for this one nest of vang, agreeing to part ways after.

Chapter 3: We Meet Again

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"You let her get away?!" I half shout, pissed. "You know it's not easy chasing a vang!" Gordon shouts back. "Well, next time we- Wait." I stop myself. "She's here."

I equip my knife, finding her hidden behind a group of trees. "Got you." I whisper. "Wait I have a-" She starts, though I behead her in one swoop.

After cleaning up our mess to look more like a murder than a vang we leave for our separate hotel rooms. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling for a moment. "She had a... Family? Secret? Why would she state that before she's killed?" I think aloud. I hear my door unlock and I sigh, "Find any news on the nest?" I ask. Gordon looks over in shame, "Nothing." He replies. "Damn," I sigh.

I get up and start to clean my knife, of the last vang's blood, more of a clean person then messy. "I'll switch with you. You head to the bar, see if you can find any of them. I'll track for the nest." I order.

We had been in Red Lodge for the last week tracking the very nest Gordon had been chasing his whole life it seemed. I for one wouldn't give up if a vang killed my sister either, so I admired his fight.

I pass by the sheriff's office, thinking of doing this as a normal hunt, but I stop myself. "This is Gordon's hunt, not mine." I whisper to myself. I start to walk away, when I notice someone familiar or actually two familiar faces. "Sam? Dean?" I gasp out confused. "What are you doing in Red Lodge?" I ask.

"Phenix Winter?" Sam guesses my name and I smile. "Yeah, how'd you figure that?" I inquire. "After you attacked us last time we decided to look into you." I awkwardly look at the floor, "Sorry about that."

"You're the son of Everly and James Winter, famous hunters in the hunter community." Sam states. I smile. "Yeah, though I'm not half as good as them. I mean I almost killed you two. Your dad alone could have a book of the stories I've heard on my journey's cross country." They seem touchy on the dad subject so I leave it alone, changing the topic.

"So what you doing in Red Lodge?" I ask. "We're tracking a supposed vang hunt. You?" Dean says. I roll my eyes, "Why does everyone seem to try to steal my cases?" I sigh to myself. "I'm hunting a vang case here, myself." I half lie, Gordon didn't like other hunters and I didn't wanna upset him. "Wanna work together?" I ask, knowing I could get more info from another set of eyes, let alone two. "We usually don't work with other hunters." Dean states. I sigh, "Makes sense. Well if you change your mind, this is my number." I say handing Sam a slip of paper from my wallet. I wave a goodbye, then turn the corner teleporting away.

I teleport to the farmer's herd counting the cattle attacks. "One, two, three, four..." I start. I counted a total of sixteen, one more than yesterday. "Great, another." I sigh.

I stare coldly at the rest of the cattle, my mind spinning. I shake myself, trying to ground my mind in the present, teleporting back to my hotel room.

That night I join Gordon at the bar, getting a spiked Arnold Palmer (half n half). "Anything?" I ask. "Got another vang, but no news on nests." I sigh, "Me neither. Though, some other hunters are in town. I say we try to finish this quickly before they get all the credit." I explain. He nods.

I watch as Sam and Dean walk into the bar, annoying me. "Of course," I sigh to myself. "Can you keep an eye on them for me?" I ask, secretly pointing to the brothers. Gordon nods as I order us another round.

We follow them as they leave the bar, round the corner, and Gordon disappears. I look around in pure confusion. "Gordon?" I yell, startled. I then notice the brother trying to knife my friend. I throw Dean to the floor, getting to Sam before anything can happen. "He's a hunter! He's a hunter!" I state over and over, risking a blade to the arm.

I pull my lip up and prove I'm not a vang, Gordon doing the same, calming the brothers. "Who are you?" Gordon asks. "I'm Sam and this is Dean," Sam explains. "I'm Gordon Walker and this is Phenix Summers." Gordon introduces us.

"Sam and Dean Winchester" Gordon exclaims, revealing his weapons. "I can't believe it. You know I met your old man once? Hell of a guy. Great hunter." He pauses for a moment, I soak in the knowledge everyone gives me. 'He's dead isn't he?' I think. "I heard he passed. I'm sorry." He seems to know alot about the Winchester family, though word does travel fast in the hunter world. I knew a few things about them myself, gaining bits and pieces from drunk hunters at bars. "You know how hunters talk," Gordon finishes. "Actually we don't" Dean states, confusing me. I'd grown up a hunter and learned the ways of getting hunting stories, even hearing them as bedtime stories as a kid.

"Were those two vangs you?" Sam asks. I nod, "I got the last one, Gordon got the first." I explain. "Where's the nest?" Dean asks, stopping us dead in our tracks. "We've got this covered. We've been here for about two weeks, tracking a vang all the way from Austin. We'll finish it." Gordon explains. I sigh, 'We could always use help, and they seem nice enough.' "Oh that sucks cause I've been itching for a hunt." Dean remarks. I sigh, "There's a Chupacabra up north you can have at." I smile. Gordon gets in his car and I walk to the other side, teleporting away.

(G: Gordon P: Phenix)

G: I'm closing in on one

P: K

P: Text me after

P: Let's meet up

I stare at the ceiling, my eyes glowing blue with melancholy. I was holding the only thing I had of my birth mother, a soft rabbit stuffie. 'Why would she make me a rabbit stuffie, but send me away?' I think to myself.

Just then I get another text.

(G: Gordon P: Phenix)

G: Meet me at the bar

G: Me Sam Dean are getting drinks

P: Coming

I teleport to the bar doors, walking a moment later. I met Sam, Dean, and Gordon in one of the booths with a fake plastered smile. "Hi nice to see you again." I say chirpily. Sam seems uncelebratory compared to my partner and his brother. I decide to make small talk with them to figure it all out.

It turns out Dean, Sam, and Gordon all hunted a vang back in the alley. Though, Sam seems discontent with this. "Are you alright?" I ask. "I'm fine." He remarks, coldly shocking me. Sam believes decapitations aren't a reason to celebrate, which I could question but note instead. "It's not human." Gordon remarks, making me glance at the floor sadly for a moment. I hated the supernatural with all my heart, but no matter how hard I wished I was one of them.

After a few more back and forth, Sam decides to leave for the motel, Dean tossing his keys. "Hey, I'm gonna go back too. I feel like I ruined the mood." I explain, leaving to catch up with Sam.

"Sam!" I shout, getting out of the bar. "Good I caught you." I say, as he turns to face me. "What?" He asks coldly. "I wanna talk." I remark. He looks at me angrily, though sighs. "You're not going to change my mind." He states. I nod a reply.

After a few minutes of chatting, I seem to understand Sam's way of life. "Want me to show you my father's journal?" I ask. "My mother wrote most of it for him, but he always took it with him on hunts and wrote his tales to read to her when he returned." I smile. He nods. "Sure, though I should be back at our motel in an hour." I nod, leading him to Gordon's car. "Don't stab me," I say, closing my eyes as they turn red as I teleport us to my hotel room. Sam fell to the floor unstabled and startled. "Sorry," I look to the floor.

"What did you just do?" He asks. Though we both knew. "Teleported?" I answer more of a question. "How?" He remarks on his actual question. "I don't actually know, I've always been able to teleport around..along with a few other powers." The last part is more silent.

I grab my dad's journal, handing it to Sam. "My powers are mentioned in his first entries though those are just introductions." I remark, not able to even look at the book. Sam seems to note this as he scans through the hunts and stories.

"Give me a minute, I have to make a call." Sam says. I nod, organizing my thoughts. "Nice to hear from you again too, Ellen." Sam smiles. I look at him in amazement. "Ellen?" I ask. "I haven't heard from her in ages." I smile. "Okay, I'll put you on speaker." "Phenix, how are you?" Ellen chimes. I smile. "I'm doing well, how bout yourself?" "Doin well. What you doing with the Winchester brothers?" She asks. I sigh, "Me and a hunter Gordon Walker were-" She cuts me off. "Don't, he's dangerous to everyone and everything around him. It's better if you just leave the case to him." She explains, shocks me. I'd been working with him for two weeks and nothing, why worry?

After chatting with Ellen and Sam some more, Sam heads off to his motel, telling me the location so I could stay if Gordon turns rapid or something. I thank him, packing my stuff leaving once the sun dawns.

I sneak out of my room, placing my bags into my car with a sigh. "What am I doing?" I ask myself. "I'm running away..." I pause, staring at my car keys. "I've been doing a lot of that lately." I sigh.

I knock on the door, anxiously waiting for a reply. "They didn't just let you go!" Dean shouts. "That's exactly what they did," Sam replies. He tells Dean he doesn't know where the nest is, he was blindfolded. Though, he did go over the bridge outside of town.

"You hear that?" Gordon's voice chirps, in a whisper. "Yeah," I smile. "If it's supernatural, we kill it, that's our job." Dean argues. "No, our job is hunting evil and they aren't evil." Sam replies. "Let's go." I say, heading to Gordon's car.

On the road I'm put on look out. We knew after only a few minutes Sam and Dean would be on our tail. "They're trying to close in on us." I state. Gordon nods, speeding up.

When we get to the nest, Gordon's job is to get the vang in front while I search the nest. "All clear!" I yell outside. Just then, Gordon walks in with a fainted vampire. "Dead Man's Blood?" I ask. He nods.

I help Gordon tie up Lenore, using a constrictor knot. "Think she'll escape?" Gordon asks. I shrug, with a smile. "Don't know, though it is my best knot work." I say.

The vang wakes up within a few minutes, Sam and Dean arriving at the house at that moment. "I'll deal with them." I sigh. Gordon nods.

"Sam, Dean." I smile. "Lovely to see you here." I remark, sarcastically. "What brings you to this house in the middle of nowhere?" I ask, knowing very well. "Give it up, Phenix. Where's Gordon?" Sam says, coldly. "Why ruin the fun?" I ask. Just then my eyes turn blue as I make the earth shake them to the ground. I pause, 'I would never kill a hunter.' I think to myself. 'Only a monster would kill a human being.' I turn myself around, levitating my knife to my hand, as I walk inside.

"I'm going to get Lenore to show us where the rest of her nest is. You can help us, just grab a knife." Gordon offers it to the brothers. I sigh, 'I hate this part of hunting.' "We should just chill out." Dean remarks making me chuckle. "That's not in a hunter's vocabulary" I smile. "Put down the knife, Gordon." "It sounds like Sam is the one who needs to chill." I chuckle at my own joke.

"Stop," Sam orders.


I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. "Stop!" I yell. "Why would a monster like you get mercy?" A voice asks. "I'm not a monster." I cry out. "You're a hunter, right?" They ask. I try to nod, but the pain makes me wince. They chuckle at my response.

"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."


"Stop!" I yell. When I ground myself back to reality I realize what I'd just done. Sam, Dean, and Gordon were all thrown to the floor by the lack of control of my own powers. "You're not human!" Gordon remarks coldly.

I untie Lenore as Sam and Dean fight Gordon. "I'm so sorry." I say, tears still burning down my face. "Thank you." Lenore says as I finish cutting the rope.

"You know, I might be like you, and I might not." I turn to see Gordon tied to the opposite chair from me and Lenore. "But you're the one tied up right now." Dean remarks.

I walk outside, staring at the night sky. "You okay?" Sam asks, walking out behind me. I slightly jump at his sudden presence. "Yeah, just thinking ab-" I stop myself. "Don't worry about me." I explain. "I've never met a supernatural hunters before." I sigh, "Neither have I. Maybe that's why no hunter has ever trusted me..." I stare back up at the stars. "Except my parents" I smile, thinking of my lovely hunter family. "Thanks for saving us." I nod, "I've been wrong too many times to count. Though I know, when a hunter puts human lives in danger they deserve no peace." Sam nods a reply, as he heads back inside, leaving me alone with the darkness.


I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. "Stop!" I yell. "Why would a monster like you get mercy?" A voice asks. "I'm not a monster." I cry out. "You're a hunter, right?" They ask. I try to nod, but the pain makes me wince. They chuckle at my response.

"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."

My eyes don't dare to close, frozen open from the fear that entangles me. I watch as they clean their knives, searching for new ways to punish me. 'Why do I have to go through this just because I'm magic?' My eyes glow blue with pain. I hear the figure laugh as they notice the glowing reflecting on their tools. "Your powers won't help you now." They chuckle. 'I won't kill a hunter just because I'm supernatural.' I confirm to myself.


I wake up in the Impala with a sigh, "Morning kid." Dean's voice rings. I groan, rubbing my eyes. I notice the sweat and tears, I'm covered in, in a panic. 'I hope I didn't have another night terror," I think to myself.

"Did I miss anything?" Sam asks as he enters the house. "Nothing much," Dean replies. "I called someone to come in a couple of days to untie him, that's it." Dean explains. Sam and I nod. "Ready to go?" Sam inquires. "Not yet," Dean pauses, then punches Gordon in the throat once again. "Now I am." Dean smiles.

"Phenix, do you wanna come with us?" Sam asks, Dean glaring at him with pure confusion. "Nah, I have something to finish." I say, picking myself off the floor. "Okay, it was nice seeing you again." Sam smiles. "See ya," Dean goodbyes.

I watch out the window, as the brothers drive off, leaving me all alone.

I close my eyes, their blue glow intensifying as I teleport away. I open my eyes with a smile. A cat comes barreling towards me, "Hey Simers" I say with a gleeful smile. "Where's mom and dad?" I ask, she co*cks her head with a whine. I glance up the road, realizing I was about a block away.

"Why are you out so far from home?" I ask her. Though it was more of a rhetorical question then for her.

I teleport us to the neighbors' house, seeing the burn marks on its side. "No," I state. I turn to my childhood home in disbelief. It was completely burned to the ground. Nothing remained of the last bit of my childhood. Just me and Simers. "Mom?! Dad!" I yell, trying to find someone.

I search around the rubble for any sign of life or answers, but nothing. "Up Simers." I order. She jumps into my hands and I teleport us to my family's cabin.

I open the door with my key, turning the light on. It seems abandoned, though recently. "Mom?! Dad!" I yell, searching through the house...again nothing.

"Simers, I think we're the only ones left." I sigh, shedding a tear. I get my phone out, filled with guilt. 'I should call Ellen' I think to myself.

Ring Ring Ring.... My phone rings. 'Come on please pick up.' Ring Ri- "hello?" It was Sam's voice. "Sam?" I sob out trying to hide my pain. "Phenix, are you okay?" Sam asks, worriedly. "Yeah, can you guys pick me up? I wanna accept your offer, the thing I needed to do fell out." I explain, calming my voice to my normal level.

A few hours later, Sam and Dean pull up to the cabin. A knock comes on the door, as I swiftly walk over. I sigh to myself, whipping my tears and plastering a fake smile. I open it to reveal the two brothers. "Simers, come here girl." I say, as she runs over. "Sorry, I couldn't get anyone to take her." I say, lying. I couldn't lose both my parents and Simers. "It's fine." Dean says, clearly lying.

I join them in the car, Simers on my lap, along with the few things I always keep on me. Just two bags, one with clothes and toiletries, the other with hunting gear. Then, we head off to their next planned hunt.

Chapter 4: Mind Controlling Trippyness

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We stopped at a gas station not far from the roadhouse, though we weren't heading there. I was inside looking through the allies of food and drinks, holding two bags, one of starbursts and the other of cheez itz. I grabbed myself a half n half from one of the fridges and walked to the counter.

I paid for my food and met Sam and Dean before the entrance. We all got back in the car and I began to notice Sam was giving off signs, while Dean was giving off worry. I took note of it, though I didn't intrude.

Later down the road, I'd taken note of the silence. "I don't know, man. Why don't we just chill out, think about this?" Sam turns off the radio. "What's there to think about?" he asks, perplexed. "I just don't know if going to the roadhouse is the smartest idea." Dean replies. "Dean, it's another premonition. I know it." Sam insists, interesting me. 'Is he supernatural too?' Sam tells Dean that he knows his vision is gonna happen, and even adds that it may have some connection with the yellow-eyed demon. 'Of course, they are at the start of their hunting life. I heard of hunters who are trailing demons for years until they get revenge then are just left empty. Was this what was happening with the Winchesters?'

"That's exactly my point," Dean says. "There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if going in there and announcing that you're some kind of supernatural freak with demonic connections is the best thing. Okay?" Sam looks shocked. "So now I'm a freak?" He asks. Dean smiles at him. "You've always been a freak." He remarks.

I notice the anxiety of my past getting to me, but try my best to push it down. 'Who am I to fear? I'm not even human.' I force myself to calm to my normal level, listening to the brothers talk.

We get to the roadhouse within the next hour. "Ellen, it's so great to see you." I smile, walking up to the bar. She smiles back. "What are you doing here?" She asks. I point to the brothers. "They brought me here for a case." I explain. "You sure you're okay to work with other hunters?" She asks. I look to the floor, "I don't know, they are different." I explain. She nods. "If they give you any trouble, come to me okay?" She orders. I nod.

I join the brothers as Ash exits his room, laptop in hand. "Hey Ash," I smile. "Sup," He greets.

Ash is on his laptop, looking at the Blue Ridge bus line website, "It looks like we have a match." as the logo for the bus is in Guthrie, Oklahoma. "Can you check for any demonic signs or omens." Ash agrees, but we find nothing. "Okay, search for a house fire, in 1983, in a baby's nursery, on the night of the baby's six month birthday." Ash and I give them a look, "Now, that is just weird man, why would I be looking for that?" Though the brothers insist, interesting me once more.

"That profile you have Ash looking for, your mother died the same way, didn't she? A fire in Sam's nursery?" I overhear Jo ask, Dean. "That's a family thing." "I could help." "We need to handle this on our own." "Besides, if I ran off with you, your mother might kill me." They both glance over to me and Ellen at the bar. "You're afraid of my mother?" Jo asks, and Dean smiles. "I think so".

"I think I'm about to be kicked out of my new gang." I sigh, ruffling my hair. "You could always take a case from our-" "The case bin?" I inquire. "You know what happened last time I did that." She chuckles. "You came in here covered in ink from a squid that was classified as a shifter." I chuckle, "It wasn't funny at the time to me." I remark. She nods, calming herself.

To my surprise Sam and Dean let me stay with them. So we all headed to Guthrie, Oklahoma together (me dropping Simers at the roadhouse).

"Andrew Gallagher," Sam starts explaining her research. "He was born in '83, like me, and lost his mother in a house fire, too." I stare at the floor. 'House fire...'


I teleport us to the neighbors' house, seeing the burn marks on its side. "No," I state. I turn to my childhood home in disbelief. It was completely burned to the ground. Nothing remained of the last bit of my childhood. Just me and Simers. "Mom?! Dad!" I yell, trying to find someone.

I search around the rubble for any sign of life or answers, but nothing. "Up Simers." I order. She jumps into my hands and I teleport us to my family's cabin.

I open the door with my key, turning the light on. It seems abandoned, though recently. "Mom?! Dad!" I yell, searching through the house...again nothing.

"Simers, I think we're the only ones left." I sigh, shedding a tear. I get my phone out, filled with guilt. 'I should call Ellen' I think to myself.

Ring Ring Ring.... My phone rings. 'Come on please pick up.' Ring Ri- "hello?" It was Sam's voice. "Sam?" I sob out trying to hide my pain.


"Do you think the demon killed Andrew's mom?" Dean asks. "It sure looks like it." Sam replies. I start to zone out their conversation until they start to mention Max Miller. I'd met him once or twice, strange kid. He had similar powers like him. Though he could over levitate things. "Yeah, but Max Miller was a pasty little psycho," Dean says. "The point is, he was killing people. And I was having the same type of vision about him." Sam replies. "And now it could be happening all over again, with this Gallagher guys." "How do we find him?" Dean akss. "No current home address, but he does have a work address." Sam states.

We enter the diner and I immediately realize, 'I've been here before'. I don't know when, but it was in the last few years.

"You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do." She smiles. "They?" Sam asks. "You're debt collectors, right?" She says. "Once in a while they come by. I don't know what he says to them, but they never come back." Dean cuts in and explains we are actually lawyers, representing Andy's Great Aunt Lita, who passed away, but she left him a sizable piece of estate. "Are you a friend of Andy?" I ask. "You'd to be, but I don't see much of him anymore." She explains.

Just then a young man, Webber, walks up to us, "Andy? Andy kicks ass, man!". "Is that right?" Deana asks. "He can get anyone anywhere! He got me backstage at an Aerosmith concert once." The watier sends him away and explains, "If you wanna find Andy, you should try Orchard Street, and look for a van with a barbarian queen riding a polar bear painted on the side." With that she leaves. "Strange." I accidentally speak my mind. I stop myself quite quickly after. "Really strange." Dean agrees.

We find the van, a few blocks from the diner. "I;m starting to like this guy, this van is sweet." Dean says. I roll my eyes. "He could be a murderer, but van." I smile sarcastically. I look over at Sam, he's upset. "What's wrong?" I ask as Dean turns too. "Nothing." "I know that face." Dean states. "It's something." "It's just Andy is the second guy we've found like this." "The demon came for them when they were kids and now they're killing people?" I ask. Sam nods.

"We don't know what Andrew is, he could be innocent." Dean explains. "My visions haven't been wrong yet!" Sam says. "Your point?" "My point is, I'm one of them." I freeze for a moment, taking in what he just said. 'He's upset because he's supernatural...and that makes him a Killer?'


"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."

My eyes don't dare to close, frozen open from the fear that entangles me. I watch as they clean their knives, searching for new ways to punish me. 'Why do I have to go through this just because I'm magic?' My eyes glow blue with pain. I hear the figure laugh as they notice the glowing reflecting on their tools. "Your powers won't help you now." They chuckle. 'I won't kill a hunter just because I'm supernatural.' I confirm to myself. "Though, you already know that, don't you?"


"No, you're not." Dean says. Sam insists, explaining "The Demon said he had plans for me and all the children like me. Maybe this is his plan. Maybe we're all a bunch of psychic... freaks. Maybe we're all supposed to be..." Dean cuts him off. "What, killers?" "Yeah," Sam says. I frown, staring at the floor. "So the Demon wants you out there killing with your minds, is that it?" Dean asks. "Gimme a break." I cut Dean off. "You're not a murderer, Sam." I say quietly. "You don't have it in your bones." Dean states. "No?" Sam retorts. "Last I checked, I kill all kinds of things." "Things that kill innocent creatures!" I shout back, in a low voice.

We all go silent as Andy comes out of the house, walking along for a bit, and then approaches a man holding a takeaway coffee. Smiling, he asks the man for the coffee, and disturbingly happy the man hands it to him.

Andy approaches and shakes hands with a n older man, as Sam goes shocked. "That's him," Sam says. "That's the shooter." Sam gets out of the car and follows the older man, while Dean and I stay behind following Andy.

The van stops, we stop behind. Andrew gets out of his van and walks over to the Impala. Meanwhile, Dean quickly puts a gun in his jacket and I hide a blade in my hand.

'Hey," Andrew says, walking up to the car. "That's a cheery ride," Andy says, as he begins to ask questions. All I catch in car lingo is that it was recently rebuilt. "Can't let a car like this one go," Dean says and Andrew agrees. "Can I have it?" He asks, and Dean gets out. "Sure!" He agrees. I follow Dean believing he has a plan, though the blade is still in my hand. "Thanks," Andy says and he drives away. Both of us staring, dumbfounded.

"I'm gonna call Sam." Ring Ring Ring, "Or he's gonna call you." I say, seeing the caller id. "Hey! Andy's got the Impala?" Sam asks. "I know," Dean admits. "He just kinda asked me for it, and I let him take it." "You what?" Sam exclaims. "He full on Obi-Wan-d me! It's mind control, man!" Dean cries indignantly.

Suddenly, we hear Sam go silent. "Dr. Jennings just walked into the street and was hit by a bus." We ran over to meet Sam.

We watch as the paramedics are taking the body away, "I kept him out of the gun store," Sam says. "I thought he was okay. I thought he was past it." He pauses, staring at the floor. "I should have stayed with him." "It's not your fault Sam." I say, not meeting anyone's eyes. 'Stop glowing, plz.' I try to calm myself, but it doesn't work.

We start to search around for the Impala, finding it parked at the side of the road near the diner. My eyes seemed to have stopped glowing, seemingly more like it was a trick of the light. "Thank God," Dean runs over. "I'm sorry baby. I'll never leave you again. At least he left the keys in."

We start to talk about Andy after we all get in. Dean explains how "it seems he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he has to use verbal commands." "The doc had just got off his phone when he walked into the street." Sam explains. "So Andy might have called him?" I deduce. "I dunno. Maybe," Dean says, confusing us. "Maybe?" Sam asks. "I just don't know if he's our guy, Sam," Dean admits. "Dean! You had O.J. convicted before he even got out of his white Bronco and you have doubts about this?" Sam asks incredulously. "He just doesn't seem like the stone-cold killer type," Dean explains. "And O.J. was guilty."

I keep my eyes on the floor, wishing not to argue with them. "So how do we track this guy down?" I ask. "It's not a problem." Dean replies.

We track down Andy's van, as it's not very inconspicuous. Dean opens the back door and we all look inside. Inside is a disco ball and paintings of tigers on the sides. "This doesn't look like a serial killer's lair, there's no clown paintings on the walls or scissors stuck in a victim's photos." Sam sighs, getting into the van.

We find some thick books, though it only proves heavy reading, nothing big or helpful.

I walk out of the mini-mart, holding a bag of a few veggies, fruits, and some chicken for a stir fry for my dinner tonight. Dean and Sam are sitting in the Impala, Sam reading some papers and Dean eating his lunch. "You know one day I'd like to sit down, and eat something that I don't have to microwave at a Mini-MART," Dean muses. "I don't tend to eat junk much, I cook my breakfast and dinners" I smile, holding my bag of groceries to show them. "I can cook for you two if your hotel room has a stove top" I explain. "Ugh, it doesn't" Dean sighs. I chuckle, "Mine does. You two can come over for dinner whenever you want."

"I don't understand the motive, the doc was squeaky clean. Why would Andy want to kill him?" Sam asks. "If it was Andy" Dean chimes in. "Dude, enough! The man was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind-control. You do the math". "I just don't think the guy's got it in him, that's all." Dean explains. "Why are you bending backwards to defend him?" Sam asks. "Because you aren't right about this one." Dean states.

Just then, Andy comes to the window and asks us why we're following him. Sam starts to lie, but Andy denies it. "Tell the truth!" Sam says nothing, but Dean suddenly say, "We hunt demons." We all look at Dean in shock. "What?" Andy retorts. "Demons. Spirits. Things your worst nightmare wouldn't even touch. Sam here is my brother." I babble. "Phenix, Dean shut up!" Sam says. "I'm trying," Dean states, I nod. But Dean keeps talking. "He's psychic. Like you. Well not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer. And he's afraid that he's gonna become one himself, because you're all part of something terrible, and I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right." "I'm a demon hybrid." I blurt out, immediately covering my mouth in shock and fear.

"Just...leave me alone." with that Andy walks away. Sam gets out and follows him, but we stay for a few moments unable to follow.

I teleport us to Sam and Andy, having followed their trail with my eyes as they left. We see Sam seeming to have a horrible migraine. Dean runs up to him, though I stay behind. 'They know.' I try to clear my head. 'It will end the same way every time.'

"What is it?" Sam sits on the ground, and tells us he saw a woman burning alive. "At a gas station. She's gonna kill herself." "What does he mean, going to?" Andy asks, "Shut up." Dean orders. "She gets triggered by a call on her cell". "How long?" "I don't know. "But as long as we keep our eye on this son of a bitch, he can't hurt her." Dean states. "I didn't hurt anyone." Andy tries to shut, though sirens drown him out. "Go see what's going on, Dean. We'll stay with Andy." At that Dean disappears.

"Sam, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys I'm a hybrid. If you guys want me to leave, fine. I'm in no position to argue." I stare at the floor as I speak. "It's not like you wanted to be born a hybrid." Sam says, surprising me. 'It's not like I wanted to be born at all' "I mean... Still... Hunters tend to not work with the things they hunt." I explain myself. "You're a hunter though, right?" I shake my head yes. "I am..." I start, Sam cuts me off. "And you wouldn't hurt us on purpose?" Sam asks. I shake my head. "I wouldn't" he smiles, "Then there's no problem with you hunting with us." I half smile, looking up at him. "Thanks," I mubble.

Dean calls Sam a few minutes later, telling us she's dead, just like Sam envisioned it. "When?" "Just before I got here. What's up with your vision? They didn't even give us a head start." "I don't know I can't control them." Sam retorts. "You're with Andy the whole time, so it can't be him, it's gotta be someone else." "I'll dig around, see what I can find." Dean explains. "Ok." Sam hangs up.

After a few moments of silence, Andy and Sam sit down on the curl. "So you have premonitions about people who are gonna die? That's impossible," He exclaims. Sam smirks. "People would say the same thing about what you can do." Andy shrugs. "Death visions? That sucks. I mean, when I got my visions it was like a gift. It was like winning the lottery." Andy explains. "So why do you still live in a van?" I ask, joining them, sitting next to Sam. "You could have any house you want." I state. "I already have everything I need." Andy replies.

"You're not really a killer are you?" Sam asks. "That's what I've been trying to tell you." Andy exclaims.

Dean comes back and tells us, "The victim's name was Holly Beckett, 41, single." We all stand up. "I called Ash on the way over and he told me that Holly gave birth back in '83 on the same day that Andy was born." Dean extends our knowledge. "Andy, are you adopted?" Sam asks. "Yes," He nods. "And you neglected to mention that?" Dean asks. "It never really came up. I never knew my birth parents... Do you really think this woman was my birth mother?" "I tried to find out, but that information is locked up." Dean explains. "Screw that," Andy says. 'Oh that doesn't sound lawful.' I think to myself.

We get to the public records office, Andy explaining to the older man who works there that he should go for a cup of coffee, the man immediately leaves.

We start looking around at the information, Sam finding Holly's file. Holly Beckett is Andy's birth mother. Dr. Jennings being the doctor who helped her through the birth. He was there when Holly gave birth and oversaw the adoption process. "So who killed them?" Dean wonders. "I have a pretty good guess.. Holly gave birth to twins." "Holly put both of them up for adoption, Andy's brother's name is Ansem." Sam explains.

I pull up a picture of Ansem... "That's Webber, the young man from the diner." Dean says, shocked.

"Do you know anything about this Ansem guy?" I ask Andy. "He showed up about eight months ago, acting weird, trying too hard to be my friend." Andy explains. "Why didn't he just tell you the truth?" Dean wonders. Sam starts rubbing his head. 'He's getting another vision?' I think to myself.

We all got in the car driving to the High Water dam. Sam and Dean get out and pop the trunk, gathering their weapons. I rustle around my bag and grab my throwing blades, placing them in my back pockets and dagger, gripping it tightly in my hand.

"You three should stay back." Sam says. Dean agrees, "I've had my head messed with enough for one day." "I'm coming with you, Tracey's up there." I pretend to not wanna help, but truly I was about to teleport to save Tracey from the edge.

I watch as Ansem tells Tracey that when they're done, he wants her to head over to the edge of the dam, and jump off. "You will, because you can fly, right?" He sas. "I think so," She replies. He tells her to just say to herself that everything is okay.

Suddenly, the window breaks beside them. We all turn to see Sam, holding a gun. "You really don't want to do this," Ansem says, but Sam hits him in the face and drags him out of the car.

I help Andy take Tracey away, watching as Sam duct tapes Ansem's mouth. "I can handle this." Sam tells us. I teleport to Sam just as he was about to be hit by Tracey's big branch. "I swear," I groan to myself. "I always get injured on hunts." I finish falling to the floor. "Tracey, stop." Andy states. "How did you do that without verbal commands?" Andy asks, amazed. "Practice." "If you have to, you can use this," Ansem says, and touches his head.

Andy goes to attack him, but Ansem says "Back off, Andy. Or Tracey's going to do a little flying." We all turn to see Tracey standing at the edge of the sam, ready to jump. "I'm a lot stronger than you brother." Andy steps back. "Just please don't hurt her," Andy says. "Don't be mad at me, Andy. I know this is all wrong, but Tracey is trying to get between us. She's garbage, they all are. We can push them! We can make them do whatever we want!" Ansem explains himself.

"I wanted to tell you for a long time, but I couldn't. He said I had to wait for the right time." Ansem states. "Who?" Andy asks. I teleport over to Tracey, "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods, "I can fly, I'll be perfectly fine." She explains. I stare at the floor, shocked at how mentally broken Ansem made her. "The man with the yellow eyes," Ansem replies. 'The demon Sam and Dean are tracking!' I think to myself.

"Tracey wanna join me off this ledge?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I am waiting for Ansem to let me try to fly." I stutter from the sheer creepiness of this all."In my dream, he said I was special," Ansem says. "He told me he has big plans for me. Wait 'till you see what's in store for both of us."

"Why did you kill our mother and Dr. Jennings?" Andy asks. "Cause they split us up!' Ansem yells, Tracey taking a step closer to the edge, "They ruined our lives, Andy. We could've been together all this time. Instead of alone. I couldn't let them do that, I couldn't let them get away with that. No." From a distance a gun co*cks, making Ansem turn around.

"I see you," He says. "Bye bye." and suddenly Dean turns the gun on his own head. I teleport to him, trying to pry the gun from his hand. "Dean!" I yell, knowing I couldn't get to him, but wishing I could.

A shot goes off near us, making everyone slowly turn to Ansem and Andy. Andy was holding a gun, Ansem on the floor bleeding out. We all concluded Andy had shot him.

The police were talking to Andy, him explaining Ansem shot himself and we all saw it happen. The police completely believed him, still freaking me out. 'I don't think I'll ever get used to that.' I think to myself.

"He's getting better at it," Sam says. Andy looks at Tracey, but she looks away. "She won't even look at me," Andy says to them, I sigh. "Yeah, she's pretty shaken up." I state. "No, it's different. I've never used my mind thing on her. Before last night. She's scared of me now." Andy replies sadly.

"We have to leave, but these are our cells." Sam hands him a paper, I glance at it noticing my number as well, making me half smile. "Call us if anything comes up." Andy nods. "What am I supposed to do now? "Be good, Andy. Or we'll be back." Dean replies as we start to walk away.

"So, I was right about Andy?" Sam says. "He was a killer after all". "He's a hero," Dean remarks. I smile, nodding. 'He saved his girlfriend's life." I state. "He saved my life!" Dean remarks. "Bottom line, last night, he wasted somebody." Sam says. "He's not a foaming at the mouth psycho," Dean replies. I nod. "He was pushed into that." I explain. "Anyone would have done the same, wouldn't you have?" I say. "They all were. Ansem, Max, and myself." "What's your point?" Deana sks. "Under the right circ*mstances, everyone is capable of murder." Sam explains.

"You know, maybe that's what the Demon is doing. Pushing us. Finding ways to break us". "Sam, we don't know what the Demon wants, okay? Quit worrying about it". Dean walks over to the car, followed by me. "I heard before when Andy made you tell the truth." I paused 'He's talking to Dean,' I calm myself, getting into the back seat.

"You're just as scared of this as I am," Sam insists. "I was mind controlled!" Dean argues. "We just have to keep doing what you two were doing, and find the Demon..." I try to end their arguing. "And kill it." Dean adds. I nod.

Ring Ring Ring, Dean's phone rings. "It's Ellen," Dean ends our conversation. "She wants us to head to the Roadhouse." I nod, closing my door.

"Hey Simers," I happily gleed. We'd gotten to the Roadhouse within a few hours of our chat. "Jo get another case of beer" Ellen orders. Though Jo complains she leaves anyway.

"Wanna tell me about your last hunt?" Ellen asks us as we walk up to the bar. I look at the brothers, leaving the decision to them. "No really," Dean replies. "No offense, it's just kind of a family thing." "No anymore," Ellen says, pulling out some papers. "I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burnt down on his six month birthday, just like yours. You think it was the Demon both times, don't you?" She explains. "Yes-" Dean cuts him off. "It's none of your business." Dean retorts. I stare at him, eyes burning red. "Mind your tongue with me boy. It's not just your war, it's war. Something big is coming and it's coming fast. All we have is each other. No secrets or half truths here." She states.

So, Sam explains his powers to her, telling her the Demon has plans for the people like him. "Are the psychics dangerous?" Ellen asks. "No, not all of them." Dean replies. "But some of them are." Sam adds. "Do they have anything else in common?" She asks. "Their mother has always been killed in a fire on the night of the kid's six month birthday." Though Sam cuts him off. "There was no fire in Ansem's past. Nothing out of the ordinary." "That breaks the pattern, which makes them impossible to track." I sigh, "So there's no way of knowing how many are out there." Dean says. "Jo you better break out the whiskey instead," Ellen calls.

Chapter 5: Another Tag Along

Chapter Text

We were laughing as we started getting into our car. We were cracking jokes about heading for LA to investigate the disappearance of Katie Holmes, who's been kidnapped by an evil cult. Though then there was a sudden scream from the roadhouse, making us all go back inside in protective mode. Jo and Ellen are arguing over whether Jo should be allowed to go on a hunt by herself.

The phone rings and when Ellen goes to answer it, Jo shows us the case on the death of the girl in the Philadelphia apartment three days ago. She explains how over the past 80 years six women have disappeared from the same building, all young blondes. The murders only occur once every decade or two so the cops never eyeballed the pattern.

Amazed, Dean asks if Ash put this case together and Jo explains she did it herself. Ellen tells us to take the case and mentions to Jo, "Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. I won't lose you too. I just won't" In a saddened voice, which worries me. Though, we still head out without Jo.

We sneak into the girl's apartment and start scanning the room with our EMFs. Sam starts to pick up high signals as he pans the scanner over the light switch. He notices a tar-like substance and signals us over. He explains it's ectoplasm, which confuses us all. "Someone's pissed off," I retort, to which Sam ignores explaining his deduction. Sam explains how he's only seen this stuff once or twice, in order to make it you need a seriously pissed off spirit.

Within a few minutes we all started walking down the hall, "spooked" by sudden talking. I teleported back to the room.

I listen in as the voices get closer.... It's Jo and someone else, maybe a worker or rental person. 'She's followed us here!' I thought to myself. She was talking of renting the apartment. "Good cover," I spoke softly, in a whisper to myself.

She tells the person Dean is her boyfriend and they need a fresh start and want the apartment. Then it goes silent, I don't know what happened, but probably some money exchange. As they walked towards the door, without the extra accessory they held before.

"You know I could always steal evidence bags to make our hunts feel like real detective cas- Oh hi Jo" I pretended not to have been listening in before.

I watched as Sam and Dean unloaded our weapons. It was complete silence until Dean piped up asking if Jo's mother knew she was here. She says she left a note she was in Vegas and got Ash to lay a credit card trail all the way to the casinos. Just as I go to join the convo Dean is called by Ellen. Ellen asks if we knew where Jo was and if she was with us. Dean, almost telling the truth, lies and says he hasn't seen her.

Going over the building's history, Jo informs us that this building was originally built in 1924 as a warehouse and then turned into an apartment complex a few years ago. Before that, there was nothing. There were no violent deaths reported in the past 82 years.


"So whatcha got kid?" My dad asks, I frown. "The "case" you gave me is impossible" I wined. "Take a look at the info again," He says pointing to my notes.


"It could be a cursed object the spirit is tied to," I sprouted. So we all decided to scan every area of the building we could get to. Jo mentioned how we'd save him by splitting up, So Dean went with Jo and I went with Sam.

"Nice eyes," Sam joked sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. "They're powered by Halloween." I remark and he chuckles. "Are you ok?" Sam stopped walking, "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I continued walking, but Sam grabbed my wrist and stopped me, I winced at the sudden pain from his grasp. "Don't worry about me. You don't even know me" I declare, he sighs.


"Humans are weak! We can push them! Kill them! Drain them of their very life. We can make them do whatever we want!" I closed my eyes and let the darkness close around me. "Answer me hybrid!" The creature yelled and I opened my eyes, from pain and shock. A hot metal bar had been placed on my back, right on my possession tattoo breaking it, slightly freeing me, making me stronger. "Why do you wear such cages? Did they domesticate you! Are you weak as one of them?! Don't you wanna fight back?!" The creature yelled as it scratched me on my wrist. "No!" I half yelled.


I opened my eyes, startled. I was lying on one of the apartment bedroom chairs, left with only a pillow and my own thoughts to keep me warm.

Sam half ran over to me, seemingly worried. "Are you okay?" He inquired and I just sat myself up. "What happened?" "You just kept repeating no, no, no to yourself. Bad dream?" "You could say that, yeah." I spoke softly. 'It's been years since that case. Why was I dreaming about it just now?'

"Here," Sam handed me my switchblade. The one thing I've had since childhood. One of the few things that brought me comfort, from my childhood.

I took the blade and started fiddling with it, watching Sam as he made his way out of the bedroom.

I locked the door behind him and quickly changed into a casual outfit.

I walked out to the main room just as Sam started his "report" of sorts. Sam remarks how another girl, Teresa Ellis, in apartment 2F, disappeared last night. There were cracks all over the walls and ceiling, ectoplasm too. Jo points out, in a picture over the area, that the building next door was once a prison.

She calls up Ash to get some information and as we wait we all sit in separate chairs. It's silent Jo and Dean seem a bit awkward, but not and Sam seems zoned out. I on the other hand was fiddling with my switchblade still anxious for my previous dream.

Eventually Ash calls back and expounds how he found out that it was the Moyamensing prison, built in 1835 and torn down in 1963. They executed people by hanging them in the empty field next door.

Suddenly, Sam's phone dings. Ash emailed him a list of everyone executed, a total of 157 names. We all started going through the names, when one hit our interests. One of the names on the list is Herman Webster Mudgett (H. H. Holmes). I pulled up some research on Holmes and spoke to the others. "Herman was executed at the prison on May 7th, 1896. He was a multi-murder having been the first serial killer before anyone had coined the term." I paused, locking and dropping my switchblade to the side. "He confessed to 27 murder, but some say he kill over as many as one hundred. His victims were blonde women, using chloroform to kill them." My last remark, peeks at Dean's interest. "That's what I smelled in the hallway last night" He remarks and I nod, intrigued.

"The cops found human remains and long locks of blond hair in his home." I continued. "We find his bones, and salt and burn them" Jo intruded and I nod.

Sam looks at us with skepticism, "It's not gonna be that easy... His body was buried in town, encased in several tons of concrete." Sam retorts and I believe we all thought at once 'Why!' "The story goes, Holmes didn't want anyone mutilating his corpse, because that's what he used to do." Sam finished his deduction and I sigh annoyed.

"He built an apartment building in Chicago, while he was still alive, that became known as Murder Castle. The whole place was a death factory: secret chambers, trap doors, acid vats, and quicklime pits. He built these chambers inside the walls, locking his victims inside, keeping them alive for days." I continued reading. "He would suffocate some and let others starve to death." I finished and that set a plan in motion. We were to tear through the drywall and search for Teresa and any other victims, for they could be alive still.

We started doing such, me and Sam a team and Jo and Dean a team. Suddenly after about half an hour Dean comes running to us. Jo had gone missing, he explained to us and we all looked at him shocked and worried. She was Holmes's victim type and he could have taken her and what's worse she could already be dead. So we searched inside the walls all night for her, but no sign was found.

Dean gets a call from Ellen as we're searching and she's furious. She knows that Dean lied to her and Jo is with us. She demands to know where Jo is and Dean just replies we'll get her back. "You promise, that's not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester. I'm on the next flight out!" Ellen retorts, pissed beyond humanly possible.

Sam notices, while Dean is talking, there's a sewer system connected to the building. So as soon as Dean gets off the phone we head out.

We found the hatch within a few minutes. Dean looks at Sam and me, I just open the hatch. "Last one has to deal with the next casper!" I half yelled as I climbed down, Dean climbed in after me, and then Sam.

After some climbing we found the chamber and fired several rounds of rock salt into Holmes's stomach. All three of us rescue Jo and Teresa, but Dean mentions how we have to use Jo as bait to catch the murder. Me, Sam, and Teresa leave them to their plan and sit near the sewer entrance waiting anxiously.

I watch as Dean fills the hold up with cement, saying he's making sure Holmes remains down there till "all hell freezes over".

We all sit in the car on the way back, in total silence. You could hear a feather drop. It was that silent. I was writing in my journal as I normally did after cases. Sam was reading a book he'd stolen from me, on Greek mythology. Jo was messing with her dad's knife. And Dean was driving, probably half zoned out.

When we got to the roadhouse, Ellen was pissed. We apologized over and over again, but she only made us wait outside as she talked to her daughter.

I sat by the door reading the first Sherlock Holmes book, the name Holmes reminding me of it. Sam was reading my Greek mythology book still. And Dean was anxious pacing, worried for Jo.

Suddenly, Jo burst at the door, seemingly pissed at Ellen or us I couldn't tell at that moment. Though it soon became clear it was us. She told Dean to back off and leave, which confused all of us. 'She was so deliberate to work with us before, what changed?' I think to myself.

Jo mentions that it was John Winchester that was on her father's last hunt. John had gotten her father killed. That's why John never mentioned Ellen to us as kids, because he couldn't look her in the eye after what happened that night. I just stared at Jo, as she walked off into the distance, in disbelief. 'Their dad was the reason she didn't get to grow up with her father around? A hunter let someone die on their watch?!'


Chapter Text

"Tell us your real name!" I was still reliving what just occurred. A SWAT team bursted into our hotel room, guns in hand. Then they trakled me to the floor, because I was levitating a blade in my hand, seeming as if it was being thrown.

"I told you, Phenix Winter." I grin. "Phenix Winter died moments after her birth." It was true that my fbi file confirmed their theory. My family didn't like the fact I could be tracked by the fbi while hunting states away from them. So when they adopted me they claimed I died moments after being taken in. They even held a non-hunter funeral for me. It's the very reason I haven't met most of my non-hunter relatives.

"We can hold you here as long as it takes." The cop states. I yawn, stretching my arms. "You can hold me here for 24 without evidence of crime." I look around the room. "I believe I've been here one already, so 23 now." I smile. "Tick Tock," I tap my wrist, with a smirk. The cop leaves the room, Diana, the lead from our capture, walking in.

"Want some water?" She asks, placing a cup near me. "Trying to get my fingerprints?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Why does everyone think I'm a criminal?" I fake a frown. "Are you?" Diana asks. I shake my head, "I would never hurt a living soul." I emphase soul, more directed to myself, but she notes it anyway.

"We found you with the Winchester." She starts explaining her notes. I sit back, tiredly. "Yeah, they're old college friends of mine." She looks at me confused. "Dean never went to college." She explains. I sigh annoyed, "Sam and I are old college friends, happy?" I ask, he nods slightly.

"Dean is being held for the suspicion of murder." She states. I fake a shock stare. "Shocked? I thought you'd know being so close to them as you said." She remarks. I roll my eyes. Hunters often have charmes of murder, break and entering, etc. because of the details of our hunts/cases.

After a moment of silence she speaks, "So name?" she asks. I sigh, "Phenix Summers... put up for adoption right after my birth, because, and I quote, "It's a monster!"." I stare at my hands. "Can you just cuff me now or let me go, already?" I ask, staring at the glare of the sun on the metal table. "If you don't believe I'm Phenix Winter, ask me questions for my file and I'll answer anything you want." I state. She nods, heading out of the room.

I look at my hands, seeing the glow of my eyes on the table. They were glowing blue with pain. I hadn't heard those words before, only having read them in my adoption court files.

Diana entered my room moments later with a file. "Name?" "Phenix Summers." "Age?" "Currently I'm 19, my birthday is October 31, Halloween." I state. "Know your place of birth?" "St. Joseph hospital, Ohio. Moved to California with my parents after their adoption went through" I kick my legs under the table, anxiously. I was used to interrogations, but they never got easier with practice. "All correct so far?" I ask. She nods.

"Know your birth parents?" "Augustine Summers, my father is unknown. I don't believe he is even put down in my birth certificate." I try to calm myself, knowing my eyes will start glowing soon. "Adoptive parents?" "James and Everly Winter." I smile, remembering my parents. "They died in a house fire recently, Simers our cat being the only living survivor." I start to, painfully, keep my humanly natural look. I usually could do it effortlessly as I normally did daily, but my emotions when they are full are affecting me.

"Done?" I ask, coldly. Diana seems to notice the change in tone and nods. "You've been confirmed dead for 19 years... your full life. We'll need to make the courts change this." I look at the floor. "Not My Problem." I state, my eyes glowing red. Diana seems confused for a moment, then shakes her head. All I can think is she's thinking, 'Must have been a trick of the light.'

She leaves the room, leaving all of my lonesome in an empty room, besides the water cup.

"How did I get here?" I ask myself.


Sam walks over to Dean and I. I had made breakfast for the two of them, so they decided to stay in my room for the morning. Sam hands Dean a coffee and offers me one, I decline it. I take out a flash, filled with half n half (Arnold Palmer) and take a swig. "Anything interesting?" I ask. Dean was reading the paper, intently. "Anthony Giles" Dean starts. "He's a Baltimore lawyer. Working late at his office. Check it out." He shows us the paper. "His throat was slit but the room was clean," Sam reads aloud/ "Huh. No DNA, no prints?" I ask. "Keep reading. It gets better," Dean says. "Security camera failed to capture footage of the assailant." Sam continues.

"So I'm thinking either someone tampered with the tapes-" "Or it's an invisible killer," I finish. Dean smiles. "My favorite kind. What do you think, Scully? Wanna check it out?" "I'm not Scully!" Sam says. "You're Scully." I retort. "No, I'm Mulder." Dean answers. "You're a red-headed woman?" I ask. He nods, making me shake my head.


I ground myself back to the present as someone enters my room. I pause, "Sam?!" I gasp. "Shhh, can you teleport us out of here?" He asks. I smile, nodding. "Prepare yourself." I state, closing my eyes letting them turn blue. Then we were on the street, behind the police station.


Karen is looking at the insurance papers. "I totally forgot about the insurance." She says, obviously crying. We're sitting on the couch across from her, wearing nice, new suits. "We;re very sorry to bug you right now, but the company is required to conduct its own investigation, you understand." Sam says. She nods. "Do you remember anything from the night your husband died?" I ask. "Tony and I were supposed to have dinner." She begins. "But he called and said he was having computer troubles and had to work late. That's it." She finishes her story.

"Do you have any idea who could have done this to him?" asks Sam. "No," she says. "No. It's like I told the police, I have no idea". "Did Tony mention anything – unusual – to you in the days before his death?" asks Dean casually. "Unusual?" she says. "Yeah, like strange," says Dean. "Strange?" she says. "You know, Karen, weird!" Dean says. "Noises, or visions, anything like that." I clear my throat and Dean turns to look at us. Sam makes a face at him across the table, but when Karen turns to look at Sam, he quickly assumes his sympathetic face again. "He had a nightmare the day before he died," she says. "What kind of nightmare?" Sam asks. "He woke up in the middle of the night and there was a woman standing at the foot of the bed." She pauses. "He blinked, and she was gone, it was just a nightmare," she adds.

"Did he say what she looked like?" asks Dean awkwardly. "What the hell difference does it make what she looked like?" asks Karen. "Our company's very thorough," says Dean after an awkward moment of struggling. "He said she was pale and she had dark red eyes," Karen tells him.


"Phenix you good?" Sam asks. I blink my eyes grounding myself. We'd walked to the nearest hotel, already through the front doors. I'd been dissociating the whole time. "Yeah, I just zoned out for a moment." I lie. "Okay, I already booked us a room. Dean should figure out a way to escape and join us soon." Sam explains. I nod.

I lay on the couch, trying to ground myself back to the present. I hadn't had flashback episodes for a long time. Usually I would just have night terrors. Though when I had flashbacks, I could always know I was to have night terrors some night soon.


Dean picks the lock of Tony's office and we all enter the room. Sam shines his flashlight on a patch of blood on the floor, telling us "Anthony Giles' body was found right about there." "Throat was slit so deep, part of his spinal cord was visible," Sam reads from the paper in his hand. Dean whistles. "What do you think? Vengeful spirit? Underline 'vengeful'?" Dean theorizes. I nod, "Seems likely. Maybe it was the woman he saw at the end of his bed." I state. They both nod.

"Take a look at this," Dean says. We look up to see the word 'Danashulps' is type-written over and over again on a piece of paper. "Dana Shulps?" Sam says. "What's that? A name?" Dean looks for some more paper. I take one of the sheets in my hands, staring at it. "Code?" I theorize. "I don't know, but it's everywhere." He states, taking another sheet.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Dean laughs. Sam is at the glass table, shining his flashlight on the glass. "See something?" I ask. He breathes on the table revealing the word "danashulps" written on the fog. "Wow," Sam says. "I'd say we've officially crossed over into weird." I state. "Maybe Giles knew her," Dean says. "Maybe it's the name of our pale, red-eyed mystery girl," Sam guesses. I shroud "Possibly." I agree. "Well," Dean says, taking out a file. "Let's see what we can see."


"Here," Sam hands me some hot chocolate. "Thanks," I smile, taking the mug. "I was worried you didn't like hot drinks." Sam chuckles. I shake my head, "I just don't like most types of coffee. Strange, I know." "but I have always been strange." I shrug.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, sitting next to me. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and shrug, "Sure," I say. 'I'd never told anyone anything before. My parents didn't even know the abuse I've retained within my life.'

"I have night terror and flashback episode." I take a deep breath. "They're caused by..." I pause for a moment thinking of a lie. "Past memories." I decided against it. 'I don't need them seeing me as a liar' "Sometimes, the flashbacks aren't of those memories, but simple memories or happy memories. Though, the night terrors tend to always be the same few memories." I explain. "Have you ever taken anything to stop them?" He asks. I shake my head, 'I don't deserve that peace when I've destroyed others.' He nods. "Do you want me to get you anything?" Sam asks, surprising me. 'No one has ever tried to help me before. Why would he care?' I don't answer, instead I take note of his question for a later date.


Dean throws down the papers he's looking at in annoyance, "There's not a single mention of a Dana Shulps anywhere." He sighs. Sam is sitting at the computer on Tony's desk. "There's not a D. Shulps. Or any other kind of freaking' Shulps,'' Dean adds, obviously frustrated. I place down my journal and roll my eyes. "I did say earlier it might not be a person." I remark.

"What have you got?" Dean asks Sam and I. "A lot of nothing." I sigh. "No Dana Shulps has ever lived or died in Baltimore in the last 50 years at least." Sam adds. "So, what now?" Dean asks. "I'm pretty close to cracking Giles' password, so maybe there's something in his personal files?" Sam says. I nod. "Awesome," Dean says, checking his watch. "So we just get to... hang out."

Within seconds Dean gets bored, beginning to make mouth noises. "Dud, seriously!" Sam exclaims. "I'm going to talk to Karen again and find out if she knows anything about this Dana Shulps." Dean says, quickly standing up. "Great," Sam smiles. Dean flicks the flashlight on and off Sam, "Keep going, sparky." He jokes. I open my Celtic Mythology book and start reading.


I stand up quickly, "I'm gonna take a nap." I state. "Wake me when Dean's here?" I ask. Sam nods, "Okay." I lay on one of the beds and close my eyes, letting the silence slow me to sleep.

I'm woken by a knock at the door. Sam goes to get it, expecting Dean. I ground myself, rubbing my tiredness away. The source of the sound walks in to reveal Diana. "You know I must be losing my mind," She states. "You're fugitives. I should be arresting you." "You can arrest us later," Sam says. "You must have seen it, didn't you?" I add. She nods. "What did it look like?" Diana gives us a detailed description, just the same as Karen's husbands to Karen. Though, she adds her throat was cut. "It appeared as if she was trying to talk to me, but she couldn't. There was just a lot of blood." Diana explains.

"You know what, here." Sam says, gesturing us towards the table. I grab my book from the nightstand and join the two at the table. "I've been researching every girl who's ever died or gone missing from Ashland Street". "How did you get those? Those are from crime scenes and booking photos," Diana asks, taking the pictures. "You have your job, I have mine." Sam shrugs.

Diana looks at the photos finding one girl she recognizes. "This is her," She says. "I'm sure of it." She hands Sam the picture. It's a picture of a blonde girl, "Clarie Becker? 28 years old. Disappeared eight or nine months ago." Sam says. "But I don't even know her," says Diana. "Why would she come after me?" "Well, before her death, she was arrested twice," says Sam. "For dealing heroin. You ever worked narcotics?". "Yeah. Pete and I did," says Diana. "Before homicide". "You ever bust her?" asks Sam. "Not that I remember," says Diana. Sam reads off a bit more of the report. Apparently the police never found her body. "So we gotta check it out, see if we can find her body," says Sam. "What?" asks Diana. "We gotta salt and burn her bones," says Sam. "It's the only way to put her spirit to rest". "Of course it is," says Diana resignedly. I grin at that answer, it was a totally non-hunter Dean thing to say.

I teleport to Dean's room after Sam and Diana leave. "Dean?" I call, turning to face gim. "Good, you're still here." I smile. "Sam and Diana are looking for the remains of a girl, Clarie Becker on Ashland Street." Dean glances at my eyes, noticing the blue glow. "I didn't wanna scare anyone when my eyes started glowing as they left." I sigh. "I heard you confessed." Dean chuckles, "Yeah, pissed off one of the cops." He states. I smile, "Don't get put in jail." I say. He nods, "I'll try not to." He states. I nod, glancing at my phone camera. "My eyes have stopped glowing." I state to myself. "I'm gonna go, okay?" He nods.

I teleport at the front of the abandoned building from Clarie's case. 'She was last seen here?' I walk in to see Sam destroying the wall, "I hope you didn't have too much fun without me." I smile. He turns, "Wanna swing?" He asks. I shake my head. He continues at the concrete until we find something.

We lift out a body bag. I cut the rope tying it all together, unwrapping it carefully. Inside we find Clarie's body, her wrists tied. "That must be where the bruises came from." I deduce, both of them agreeing with me.

Diana looks at Clarie's necklace intently, "Recognize it?" I ask. "Yeah, It's very rare. They're custom made over on Carson street. Only two in existence," She states, showing us her necklace. "Pete gave it to me." I gasp, "Now it all makes perfect sense." I exclaim. "I'm sorry?" Diana asks. "Yeah, you see Claire is not a vengeful spirit, she's a death omen." Sam explains. I nod. "Excuse me?" Diana asks. "Clarie's not killing anyone. She's trying to warn them. You see sometimes, spirits don't want vengeance, they want justice. Which is why she's here in the first place, she wants us to know who her killer is." Sam pauses.

"Detective, how much do you know about your partner?". Diana thinks for a second. "Oh my God," she says. "What?" Sam asks. "About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lock-up. Obviously it was a cop. I never found out who did it, but whoever did it would need someone to fence their product..." "...somebody like a heroin dealer," says Sam, "Somebody like Claire".


"I feel like a dealer." My friend states. "Dealers aren't bitten so their hybrid friend can use his powers to protect themself and others in hunts." I roll my eyes, whipping my mouth. "Don't make it any stranger." They remark. I nod. "Hunting is already a strange life, what's more weird?" They laugh, "True."


Diana hangs up her phone, explaining. Pete just left with...Dean. "What?" Sam exclaims. "He said the prisoner had been transferred. And he just took him," Diana explains. "Dispatch has been calling, but he won't answer the radio." "Radio? He took a county vehicle?" I ask. "Yeah?" Diana confirms. "Then it should have a lojack, you just gotta get it turned on!" I exclaim, being loud for the first time near strangers in years.

I close my eyes, teleporting us to the signal of the truck. "I didn't think that'd work." I state as I open my eyes on the side of the road. Pete pulls a gun on Dean, surprising me. "Wait, wait!" Dean exclaims. "Let's talk about this. You don't wanna do something you're going to regret. Well, maybe you do..." Dean rambles. "Pete!" Diana yells.

Dean and Pete turn to see me, Diana, and Sam run towards them.

Diana pulls a gun on Pete, "Put the gun down," She orders. "How did you find me?" He asks. "I know about Claire." Diana replies. "I don't know what you're talking about," Pete says. "Put the gun down!" Diana orders, again. "I don't think so," Pete says, still aiming the gun at Dean. "You're fast, but I'm faster" He grins. I stare at Dean, having a mental conversation. 'Do you want me to try to levitate the gun out of his hand?' 'Phenix?! How are you in my mind?' 'Telepathy.' 'It's dangerous, Diana has a gun and if she spooked she could shoot you.' I nod.

"Why'd you do it?" Diana asks. "I didn't do anything," Pete replies. "It's a little late for that." Diana says. "It wasn't my fault," Pete starts. "Claire was going to turn me in, I had no choice." "And Tony?" Diana states. "Karen?" "Same thing!" Pete yells. "Tony scrubbed the money, and then he got skittish, and he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything. It was a mess, I needed to clean it up. I panicked". "How many more people are going to die over this, Pete?" asks Diana. "There's a way out," says Pete. "This Dean kid's a friggin' gift. We could pin the whole thing on him, hey? No trial, nothing. Just one more dead scumbag". "Hey!" says Dean, and Pete aims the gun at him again. "No one will question it," he says. "Diana, I still love you." She slowly lowers the gun. "Thank you," says Pete. "Thank you." He turns toward Dean and 'Shoot him.' Diana shoots him.

Dean rolls out of the way, "Why don't you buy me another necklace, you ass." Diana spits out. Pete suddenly jumps on her, shocking us all. Sam comes forward, but Pete aims the gun at him. "Don't do it! Don't do it!" Pete warns Sam. He aims the gun at Dean again. All three of us with our hands up.

Claire appears behind Pete, just standing there. Pete turns around and sees her, shocked as all hell, giving time for Diana to shoot him from behind. Diana kneels besides Pete's body, while we all watch.

She walks over to us, "You doin' all right?" Sam asks her. "No really," She replies. "The death omen, Claire. What happens to her now?" She asks. "It should be over. She should be at rest," I explain.

"So... what now officer?" Dean asks. "Pete did confess to me," Diana says. "He screwed up all your cases royally. I say there's a good chance we can get all of your cases dismissed." "You'd take care of that for us?" I ask. "I hope so," She says.

"But the St. Louis murder charges? That's another story. I can't help you. Unless.. I just so happened to turn my back and you walked away? I could tell them that the suspects escaped". "Wait, are you sure?" Sam asks. "Yeah, she's sure, Sam!" Dean says, quickly. "No, it's just, you could lose your job over something like that." "Look, I just want you guys out there doing what you do best. Trust me, I'll sleep better at night." I chuckle.

"Listen, you guys need to watch your back. They're going to be looking for both of you right now. Get outta here. I gotta radio this in." She finishes, ushering us away. "Where's the Impala?" Dean asks. "It's at the impound on Robertson." She pauses looking at Dean's face. "Don't even think about it." "It's okay we'll just improvise, we're pretty good at that." Sam says. "Yeah, I've noticed." She sighs. And with that we walk off.

"Nice lady," Sam says. I nod, "indeed." "Yeah, for a cop." Dean says. "Did she look familiar to you?" Dean asks. I shrug, "Nope." "No, why?" Sam replies, pushing Dean with his shoulder gently. "I dunno. Anyway, are you hungry?" Dean asks, "I could make you guys dinner, what are you craving?" I offer. "For some reason I could really go for some pea soup..." Dean says. I shake my head, "That's only you." I say. I don't like pea soup, it tastes disgusting to me. Though, if it meant company, I'd make Sam and Dean some for dinner.

Diana's view (that morning):

"Name?" I ask. "Phenix Summers." He states. I look at the file, checking the name twice to make sure I saw it correct. "Age?" "Currently, I'm 19, my birthday is October 31, Halloween." He says. "Know your place of birth?" I ask "St. Joseph hospital, Ohio. Moved to California with my parents after their adoption went through" He kicks his legs under the table, anxiously. "All correct so far?" He asks. I only nod. 'How could he know everything about his birth, but not his last name?' I think to myself.

"Know your birth parents?" "Augustine Summers, my father is unknown. I don't believe he is even put down in my birth certificate." He seems to be forcing himself to be calm. "Adoptive parents?" "James and Everly Winter." He smiles."They died in a house fire recently, Simers our cat being the only living survivor." He explains.

"Done?" He asks, coldly. I notice his change in tone and nod. "You've been confirmed dead for 19 years... your full life. We'll need to make the courts change this." he looks at the floor as I jot down a note. "Not My Problem." He states. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but I swear his eyes glew red.

Chapter 7: HELL HOUNDS!!!!


I have a questions for later seasons addons. So I have past season three done. Though, I LOVE hell hounds and I was wondering if any of y'all would like me to add more hell hound content (not changing the episodes then adding Phenix and many another character later). Maybe even give Phenix one Idk... any advice would be cool :)

Chapter Text

I pick at my pancakes, not daring to take another bite. I'd taken a few, but my mind wasn't in the clearest place to satiate my hunger. "So much for our low profile. You've got a warrant in St. Louis, and now you're officially in the Fed's database." Sam states, clearly annoyed. "Dud, I'm like Dillinger or something." Dean says happily. "Dean, it's not funny. Makes the job harder, we've gotta be more careful now." Sam's annoyance is more clear.

"Well, what do they got on you?" Dean asks. "I'm sure they just haven't posted it yet." Sam mutters. I smile, "No accessory? Nothing?" Dean asks. I start to chuckle. "I even have charges." I laugh. "Pseudocide isn't a big crime." Dean says. I laugh, "For 19 years I was off the map. Now, I'm back. It's more like a mystery tale." I smile.

Dean looks at Sam, "You're jealous." He laughs. I chuckle a bit, trying not to offend Sam. "No, I'm not!" Sam remarks. "Uh-huh. All right. What do you got on the case there, you innocent, harmless young man, you?" Dean asks, I try to force my chuckles back down my throat.

Sam shuts his computer, annoyed, and pulls out several pages of research. "Architect Sean Boyden plummeted to his death from the roof of his home, a condominium he designed." Sam says. "Hmm. Build a high-rise and jump off the top of it. That's classy. When did he call animal control?" Dean asks. I perk up, "Two days earlier." I state, remembering off the top of my head.

"Did he actually say Black Dog?" Dean asks. I nod. "Yeah. A vicious, wild, black dog. The authorities couldn't find it, no one else saw it; in fact, the authorities are a little confused as to how a wild dog could get past the doorman, take the elevator up and start roaming the halls of the cushiest joint in town. After that, no more calls, he doesn't show up for work, two days later he takes a swan dive." Sam explains. "Do you think we're dealing with an actual Black Dog?" Dean asks. I shrug, "It's possible." I explain.

"What's the lore on it?" Dean asks. I sigh, holding a book on myths. "Pretty vague, legend changes mouth to mouth. Though the biggest vote is either an animal spirit or a death omen. Though, whatever it is all agree it's big and deadly." I hand Dean my book open to some marked pages. "Yeah, I bet they could hump the crap outta your leg, look at that one, huh?" I smile, "It's kinda cute." I comment, making the brothers stare at me in confusion and shock. "A shadowy puppy." I comment, fake petting the picture.

"I call posing as Architectural Digest writers!" I shout. I teleport us all immediately to our hotel to change. "I'm gonna wear a cool reporter outfit!" I smile, teleporting to the bathroom with some clothes.

"Oh so you do have bright-colored clothes." Dean remarks. I roll my eyes. "Says the one who wears flannel 70% of the time." I state. He chuckles, "True." I smile, french braiding my hair. "Ready to go Sam?" I call Sam. Sam was in Dean and his bedroom. "Almost!" He echoes back. I nod, grabbing my bag.

I place a lighter, some salt, a small box of chalk and 200 dollars in my front pocket. Dropping my hand gun and my journal with its pen in the back pocket. "Got any holy water?" I ask. Dean looks at me, "We're just interviewing someone." He explains. I nod, "Can't be too conscious." I say. I teleport to the bathroom, grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen placing the pills in my bag. "Haven't updated my backpack since my last lone hunter, over a year and a half ago. It's better to have me be prepared and anxious, then unprepared and calm." I explain, placing my flashlight in the back pocket. "Here," Sam throws me a cantine. I smile, "Thank you." I thank, throwing it in as well.

We head out, meeting with Sean's business partner. He tells us Sean lived a charmed life. Though, "ten years ago, he couldn't design for beans." He worked as a bartender at a place called Lloyds. Then seemingly overnight, he became this genius designer, designing some of the most ingenious buildings anyone had ever seen.

Next, we visit animal control to get more information. A girl named Karley tells us she revealed a total of 19 calls total, giving us the address of Silivia Pearlman, who was the most recent person to report of seeing black dogs.

We speak with Silvia's maid and find out Sylvia disappeared two days ago after reporting seeing black dogs. She was a surgeon at a very young age, the youngest in the history of the hospital. She got the job ten years ago. Dean notices a picture of Silvia and her friends at a bar, he flips it over and it reads "Lloyd's Bar 1996".

We decide to visit the bar, quickly changing to more casual clothes.

Walking up to the bar, we notice some yarrow flowers planted in the middle of a bunch of weeds, used for summoning rituals. "Ten years ago, two people suddenly became successful where there just happens to be a crossroad." I say, suspiciously. "So to the crossroad?" Dean asks. I nod.

We dig at the center of the crossroad, finding an old metal box buried inside. Opening it reveals a bottle of graveyard dirt, a black cat bone, and other deep summoning items, used for summoning demons. "People aren't just summoning demons, but making deals" Dean deduces. "They aren't seeing black dogs, but demonic pit bulls." Sam explains. I nod, "Hellhounds." I sigh, fiddling with the bone.

"This is like the Robert Johnson Legend, the whole selling your soul at the crossroads deal." I roll my eyes. "Robert Johnson died choking on his own blood. He was hallucinating and muttering about "big black dogs"."

"We need to find out if any more people made deals with this demon." Sam states. I nod, "We should just forget about this case, because it's their decision to make these deals." Dean remarks, making my eyes glow red. "They are still people." I stare daggers into his eyes. "We shouldn't let these people die." Sam says. I nod, trying to calm myself. "Fine." Dean agrees, besides his mindset.

The next day, we make our way to George Darrow's room, noting the "pepper" outside it. The door suddenly opens, us wasting no time getting to the point of his deal. Darrow gives us five minutes inside. He explains that the stuff outside his door is goofer dust, used as protection against demons.

We don't know much about George, but he doesn't seem to want our help. He brushes us off saying, "Sometimes people make their bed and they have to sit down and lie in it. All I want is to buy time to finish one last painting." Though, he does give us the name of another victim of the demon deals, Evan Hudson.

We make it to Evan's house to try and help him. Though, thinking we're demons we're locked out. "Ugh, ground yourselves." I say, closing my eyes tight. I teleport us inside Evan's house, immediately following the sound of Evan's breath.

We try our best to convince Evan we're not demons, asking him what he asked for. Evan tells us that "My wife was dying of cancer and I begged the demon to save her." I nod. "You're a good husband. Sam use the goofer dust to seal the room, I'll paint a devil's trap in the center just in case." I order. "I'm gonna find that son of a demon." Dean states. I nod, "Be careful. If you accept any deals I'll kill you myself." I glare at him, eyes blackened. He nods, "I know." He smiles, walking away.

We all stand around in the center, a devil's trap covered in salt, our best hopes. I sit inside the circle, knowing I've entrapped myself. If the hellhound was to kill any escape acomplies I'd be the first.

I can hear Dean incanting in Latin from outside, 'Dean will solve this.' I force myself to believe. 'He'll protect us. Right?' The hellhound breaks into the room through the vents.

It inches closer and closer to our little circle. The incantation continues outside, seemingly louder. The hellhound slowly eats away at the goofer dust, getting to the inner circle.

The noise and commotion stops, the hellhound disappearing.

"I don't think I'll be able to live with the fact dad made a deal to save my life." Dean says, looking at the floor. I fidget with my hands, "Our dad should've died fighting, because that was his legacy, not bargaining with it." He finishes. "The number of people dad, and even we, have saved is because of what dad taught us, that was his legacy. We must follow in his footsteps and finish what he started." Sam explains. I stand, trying not to intervene.

Chapter 8: Demonic Virus


How do you guys like the flashbacks added in? I was wondering if I should keep them a main thing or in later seasons (Since I'm already done with the beginning ones) make them less of a focus then they are now. I hate when people make their own character in a fanfic but don't give them any background or past. It's like they just made a side character for one episode and stretched it out for no reason. So, I make my characters have backstory, but I try not to make it too much of a focus especially during big main plot episodes.

Chapter Text

Night terror (flashback):

I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. "Stop!" I yell. "Why would a monster like you get mercy?" A voice asks. "I'm not a monster." I cry out. "You're a hunter, right?" They ask. I try to nod, but the pain makes me wince. They chuckle at my response.

"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."

My eyes don't dare to close, frozen open from the fear that entangles me. I watch as they clean their knives, searching for new ways to punish me. 'Why do I have to go through this just because I'm magic?' My eyes glow blue with pain. I hear the figure laugh as they notice the glowing reflecting on their tools. "Your powers won't help you now." They chuckle. 'I won't kill a hunter just because I'm supernatural.' I confirm to myself. "Though, you already know that." He grins, picking up a blade.

I watch him glide the blade across my face, my blood pooling down my face. I can taste the metallic iron of the pooling liquid, my tears running out. "Please, don't" He grins a toothy grin, stabs my hand to the chair.


I scream bloody murder, waking myself up. I turn to see Sam, already awake, turn to me in sheer panic. I can't manage to snap myself out of the terror. "Hey, hey." Sam quickly walks over to me. "It's okay. It's okay." He places a hand on my shoulder, sitting on the bed next to me. "No one can hurt you here. Me and Dean would never let that happen." He explains, using a tissue to wipe my tears.

I slowly start to ground to the waking world, seeing Sam. "Sam?" I call. He slightly smiles, "I'm here." He calms. "What happened?" I ask, confused. "You had another nightmare." He explains. I stare at the blanket, wiping my eyes. "Sorry if I woke you." I frown. He takes his hand off my shoulder, making me wince, in my head, at the distance."Where's Dean?" I ask. "He went out to get coffee." He states. I nod.

"You okay?" He asks. I get out of my bed. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I fake a smile. I teleport to the bathroom, taking some clothes with me. I take a shower to calm my nerves, only making me feel much worse.

I get out, water dripping on the floor, noticing my dagger on the counter. It stares back at me, begging me to weld it. I try to look at the floor, but my eyes stay put. I start to walk to the counter, picking up the blade.

I hold it in my hand for a moment, letting the anxiety leave me slowly. I stare at my arm as I let the blade deepen through my skin. Four rows of six two on each wrist, top and bottom. I watch the blood drip into the sink, toilet paper unable to hold such burning pain.

"Phenix, are you okay?" Sam echoes from outside. I close my eyes letting the pain siff over me. Sam knocks on the door, groning me to the world. "Yeah, I'm fine." I fake a smile looking at the door. "Dean got you a half n half for when you're done." I look at the floor, "Thanks, I'll be out in a minute." I state, quickly brushing my hair, putting on deodorant, brushing my teeth, then adorning my clothes. I hiss from the sudden contact, but truly I was happy the darken outfit couldn't show the blood seeping through.

"Sam you okay?" I ask, seeing his dissociated like voice. "Another vision?" I ask. He nods, handing me my half n half. I hide the hiss, from the pain of the cans' weight on my arm. "Dean was about to shoot a man tied to a chair." Sam explains. "Any place of origin?" I ask. Dean nods, "We've got a long trip to River Grove, Oregon." I nod. "Sounds fun." I say sarcastically.

We get there at a quarter to 10am. Looking around we find the word "CROATOAN" carved into a street side telephone-power pole. "The last word left of the lost colony of Roanoke" Sam deduces. I nod, "Strange."

We seek out the man from Sam's vision, discovering increasingly violent people, who appear to be controlled by some kind of "demonic virus".

"I'm gonna call Ellen, we could use his help. One of you call Ash, tell him to bring-" I pause, looking at my phone. "Line isn't working, you two try." I order, canceling my call. They both are denied, "The lines must have been cut." I deduce. "We need to leave to get back up." I state, trying to teleport away. I close my eyes, opening them moments later. I stare at the floor, "Why are we still here?" I ask. They both shrug, "Oh no. I'm stuck grounded." I remark, fearfully.


"Oh it's no use struggling." I look down. There's a devil's trap drawn in blood. My blood presumably. "That will hold you. At least a very long time." I stare at the figure before me. They're completely covered, wearing a mask and non-revealing clothing. 'There's no way to ID them, but they're a hunter for sure. "I wonder what we could do in that time." I can feel the toothy grin plastering their face a mile away. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'


I start shaking, my eyes glowing blue. "We're trapped?" I state as Dean returns. "They've blocked the exits." Dean agrees. I start panicking, but Dean places a hand on my shoulder. "We will get out of here, kid." I calm down a bit, enough for us to sneak into the local medical center.

We find the local doctor, a nurse, and 'Sarge' (An ex-marine).

The doctor studies the blood of one of the infected, noting the appearance of sulfur in the blood. "Demonic intervention?" I whisper to the brothers. The demon virus is transmitted via exchanging blood. Though, the sulfur doesn't manifest until four hours after infection. "It could be related to a theory in dad's journal. Croatoan is the name of a demon associated with plague and pestilence." Sam theorizes. I hum in agreement, "This is Demonic Germ Warfare" I remark.


"Your very life is meant for demonic warfare." I stare at the floor. I knew this, but hearing the words from someone else meant to hurt me, broke me. My eyes glow red, "Perfect the injections have worked." I close my eyes, the next thing I knew he was dead.


Duane Tanner, seemingly the man from Sam's vision. This man being part of the family we visited first, all of them being infected. He shows signs of infection when he enters the medical center, claiming to have been out of town fishing and just returned.

Everyone suspects him of infection, everyone restrains him, besides me, ties him to a chair locking him in the other room.


"Oh it's no use struggling." I look down. I'm rope tied to a chair, with duct tape layered on top. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. "That will hold you. At least a very long time." I stare at the figure before me. They're completely covered, wearing a mask and non-revealing clothing. 'There's no way to ID them, but they're a hunter for sure. "I wonder what we could do in that time." I can feel the toothy grin plastering their face a mile away. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'


Sam tries to convince Dean not to kill Duane, as we don't know if he's infected or not. I try to help, but Dean just locks us in a room to prevent us from stopping the killing.


I paced the room, cold stone eyed. I was broken, my emotions leaving me. 'I killed someone and I feel nothing.' I think to myself, taking a sip from my hands. The pooling red liquid stains my lips. 'Hunters will come searching for them soon' "What did you give me?" I ask as if bodies could speak back.

As if clockwork two people enter the room. Eyes bounce around the room, before they walk towards me. I immediately pick the blade from the body's hands, ready to attack.

They both attack from different sides, the blade too little in my fight. I close my eyes, they turn a burning red. "Careful." One of the guys whispers to his partner. I stab one of them, knocking the other back with forced gravity. The stab wound gushes blood towards me, my eyes glowing red with want.

Everything goes blank... When I come to, I'm not even in the warehouse anymore.


"I'm a monster..." I slowly breathe out, barely legible. I stare at the floor, my eyes cold and emotionless...burning blue. Sam puts a hand on my shoulder, "backwards, 100 99" Sam starts, I take a breath. "98," I take another breath. "97, 96, 95." I breathe. "94, 93, 92, 91, 90." I manage to look Sam in the eyes. I start to see my present surroundings.

"Do you know where we are?" Sam asks. I nod slightly, "We're in River...River something, Oregon." I say. "Your age?" He asks. I take a breath, "I'm 19." Sam nods,

"You can finish your counting if you're still disoriented. Dean has to let us out eventually." I nod, "Thank you. You didn't have t-" "I care about you Phenix" I look at the floor. 'No one cares about me...Not even my own parents.'

Dean unlocks the door within a few minutes. He apologizes profusely, but I deny the need. It was understandable as he was led to believe we stood behind him and the infected.

We use the medical supplies, creating explosives to help us build an arsenal to escape the town, as the infected are milling about outside.

Suddenly, the nurse attacks Sam, deliberately cutting her hand and his chest to exchange blood and ostensibly infecting him with the demon virus. I watch as Dean shoots the nurse, dead.

Sam is locked into another room, as Dean and the other picker his fate. I stay with Sam, 'if he's infected, I should be fine, being half demon and all.' Sam even offers to shoot himself, when they come to get us. Though, when Sarge pulls his gun on Sam Dean stops him coldly, "You make a move on him, you'll be dead before you hit the ground." The remaining people are allowed by Dean to leave in the Impala. Though me, Dean, and Sam were gonna stay together until we all die of the infection.

Moments later, the doctor returned with news that the rest of the townsfolk had disappeared.

Five hours later, the doctor announces that there is no trace of the demon virus in Sam's blood, therefore he wasn't infected. This leaves all three of us uneasy. Though, we all go our separate ways, Duane riding in Sarge's truck.

We end up on the shore of a river, drinking beer and talking. Dean looks over at us, 'he's gonna reveal something...should I be here? I'm not his family...'

Chapter 9: Gordon Is Back

Chapter Text

We end up on the shore of a river, drinking beer and talking. Dean looks over at us, 'he's gonna reveal something...should I be here? I'm not his family...'

I look over the sunny river, drowning out their conversation. 'I have secrets I'd never share outside my family. I know it's the same with everyone else. I should go. I never belonged here anyway.' My eyes glow blue as I teleport away.

I walk into the Roadhouse, backpack in hand. "Pheo, what brings you here?" Ash asks. I sigh, "I left Sam and Dean. I fear I don't fit in with any hunters." I sit down at the bar. "Why's that?" Ellen asks, handing me a spiked lemonade. "They're brothers, they've known each other all their lives. That's what hunting partners normally are like. I've hunted alone all my life. I don't fit in, because I'm a lone hunter with no family." I take a sip of my drink. "Well not no family..." Ash starts, but Ellen gives him a look. "I can't hunt with a three year old." I chuckle to myself. "True," Ellen nods.

A few hours go by, when Sam walks in, nervous and afraid. "Dean's been calling me all day asking where you've been." Ellen states. I just keep sipping my drink. "What is going on between you two?" She asks, but her question is dodged.

"How's Jo?" Sam asks. I sigh, "I don't know, after the job you three worked, she wanted to continue hunting. I told her 'not under my roof' and she left. I haven;t seen her in weeks, but she sends a postcard every once and a while." Ellen explains. I hand Sam one of said postcards. "It's not your fault. I forgave John a long time ago for what happened to Bill." Ellen states. I smile. "No one should be blamed for what their family did hunting, before they were even hunting." I say, finishing my drink.

I zone out Sam and Ash's conversation, knowing only the topic was the 'special children' like Sam. I look down at my phone with a frown.

(P: Phenix, D: Dean)

D: Where r u

Read: 12:05

D: Do you know where Sam is

Read: 12:13pm

D: Nix?

Read: 1:30pm

D: Have you seen Sam

Read: 2:30pm

P: Im at the roadhouse

P: meet me here in half an hour?

D: Coming

Read: 4:23pm

I look over at Sam leaving the Roadhouse. Dean was to be here soon. I watch as Ellen calls Dean, against Sam's wishes, telling him Sam is heading to Lafayette, Indiana.

Dean arrives at around 5:10pm, us regrouping and heading to Sam's location.

Dean and I cruise by the motel, seeing Sam alive and well. We both feel relieved, though I point out the girl next to him, "Sam, you sly dog." Dean comments. I roll my eyes.

Though, before we can decide to get him or not, shots are fired towards us. I locate the shooter, teleporting on top of the roof across the street. "It's not nice to not give your opponent a fighting start." I say sarcastically. "What would a monster know about fair and not?" My breath starts to pick up, but my mind doesn't acknowledge it. "More than you it seems." My eyes glow blue, red in my mind. I levitate my blade from my backpack, taking it in hand.

He throws a few punches as I go for his throat, missing, nicking his shoulder. Dean appears a few rounds in, finishing off the small fight with Gordon knocking him out. My eyes start to water, my mind trying not to dissociate. "One down, one to go." Gordon grins. I turn around just in time to see the wind get knocked out of me.

Flashback (night terror):

I'm in the forest, blade in hand...supernatural and human alike dead around me.

I walk into the nearest town, the locals all either missing or murdered. The few that remain, run in fear or get ready to fight for their lives...breaking me inside. Though, I couldn't stop myself from draining the blood of the dead locals, drinking the last of it.

I stop another hunter, hiding from me. "I can see you..." I grin, slowly walking towards them. That's when it hits me, I've been tricked. I'm trapped in a covered devil's trap. I sit in the trap, taking in my surroundings. "You're smart for humans." I laugh to myself. "Ellen be careful." a voice echoes.

Another figure appears, walking over to me. "Ellen is it?" I ask. She nods, "Nice to meet you, hunter." I smile, extending my hand. She doesn't take it, making me frown inside. Though, I grin on the outside. "When I get out of this, you'll be the first to die." I smile. Though, inside my mind I'm screaming for myself to gain control of my demonicness.


"Rise and Shine, Phenix." Gordon grins, pouring water over me. I groan in response. "Was the water necessary?" I ask. He nods, "Adds flare." I listen to Dean's ringtone, realizing who it was. 'Sam! He's in danger.' "Hello?" Dean answers, Gordon holding a shotgun to his head. "Dean!" I listen in. "Sam, I've been looking for you." Dean says, faking annoyed. "Yeah. Look, I'm in Indiana, uh Lafayette." Sam explains. I smile, 'He actually wants Dean to know. He knows he's in danger and his brother can help him.'

"I know." Dean answers. "You do?" Sam asks. "Yeah, I talked to Ellen. Just got here myself with Nix." Dean half lies. "It's a real funky town." 'Their code word!' I realize it immediately. I look at Gordon, he doesn't notice anything. "You ditched me, Sammy." Dean states, pissed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, right now there's someone after me." Sam explains. 'Yeah, we know.' I think to myself. "What? Who?" Dean plays along. "I don't know, that's what we need to find out. Where are you?" Sam asks. I shake my head, 'he can't come here!' "I'm staying at, uh, 5637 Monroe St. Why don't you meet me here?" Dean asks. "Yeah. Sure." Sam agrees.

"As much as I want to get revenge on the three of you, I'm a hunter, not a killer. But that Sam, as a psychic, is fair game." Gordon grins. "Maybe I'll even kill me a hybrid." He smiles, sharpening his blade. I start shaking, but force myself to stay present. 'I'm used to this. I shouldn't be afraid. I'm not weak anymore.' I repeat to myself.

Gordon explains to us that "I was down in Louisiana performing a demonic exorcism on a teenage girl. She was a low-ranking demon, who in the midst of the action, muttered about a coming war, that the demon has soldiers fighting in this war. Though, these soldiers are human, fighting on hell's side. These soldiers are going to be the Special Children, with psychic abilities, which the demon has plans for." He takes a breath. "She explained I knew one of them, Sam Winchester."

Gordon knows all about Sam's vision from his own roadhouse connections. He explains that all these special children are going to be killers.

Gordon explains he has set up two tripwires in the building which will trigger the explosions with which he plans on killing Sam.

As expected, Sam searches the outside of the building heading around to the back door. We hear him picking the lock open, extremely cautiously walking in slowly. I wince at the sound of the explosion. 'This is my fault! I was weak for one second at the cost of Dean's brother, Sam.' I start to cry, forcing myself to try to stop. Though, my eyes are unwilling, burning tears down my throat. Pieces of wood fly all over the place, Dean screaming through his gag, tears filling his eyes.

Though, a few seconds later the second explosion goes off giving a reasonable theory of life. Gordon takes shis sniper rifle and peaks into the other room to confirm Sam's death. Sounds of a fight ensue, leading us to believe Sam's alive or that girl was with him. "Do it, DO IT, show your brother the killer you really are, Sammy." Gordon shouts, making me turn my head to reveal him holding a gun to Gordon's head. My eyes glow blue, burning with fear and memories. I shake my head trying to convince Sam against it, but I knew it was useless. That never worked for me.

Sam stops himself, instead banging Gordon's head with the back of the rifle, knocking him out. Sam quickly unties Dean and I, cutting the devil's trap to free me.

Dean is immediately ready to waste Gordon, but Sam stops him, "Gordon's been taken care of." He states. Dean nods to his brother, all of us walking out.

Though, as we're walking out we're shot at, confirming Gordon's liveliness. "Run!" I shout, trying to teleport us away. I get shot as soon as I close my eyes, them burning violet, unknown to me, as we teleport to the Impala.

As we hide behind the car, five squad cars surround him ordering him to, "Drop your weapons." "That's at least a good three to four years, provided he doesn't escape. If he does that, probs give us a solid week to a month or two." I estimate.

Dean gives Ellen an angry call as Sam patches me up. "You know you don't have to help me. I could accidentally hurt you." I frown, staring at the floor. "I Know you wouldn't hurt us Pheo." Sam states, looking me in the eyes. I look away, slightly smiling. 'He knows nothing about my past to say that.'

When we get back in the Impala, Sam keeps calling someone, but only gets their voicemail. I take note of the name mentioned, Ava. 'She must have been the girl from earlier' I theorize. "I want to keep hunting, and I'd like you to keep having my back Dean." Sam states. I smile, 'See I have no connections here. I could leave as soon as they realize what I've done... off to somewhere else.' "Bitch," Sam smiles as he answers, "Jerk," I just roll my eyes, with a slight smile appearing on my face.

Sam however has a bad feeling and convinces us to drop to Peoria to check on Ava.

At Ava's house, we find her fianće, Brady, dead in their bedroom with blood stains all over the bed. Traces of sulfur are found along the ledge of the window, proving demonic intervention. At the foot of the bed, Sam finds Ava's engagement ring...scaring us all of her death.


I wake up to a voice calling me. "Hey wake up," It's the second figure from that night. "Where am I?" I ask. "Our Roadhouse, in Nebraska." The figure explains. I nod slightly, "Why am I alive?" I ask, eyes glowing blue. "You lost your will to live over night?" They ask. "You had a lot of sass yesterday." They reveal my blade in their hand. "Either you find a newbie hunter or you're the son of Everly and James Winter." They explain. I sigh, "I have no right to call myself their son." I explain, sitting myself up.

"What's your name?" They ask. I look towards the devil trapped floor, "Why?" They look down for a second and shake their head. "We don't believe you demonic, it's just in case you haven't sobered up yet. I'm Joanna Beth. you can call me Jo," Jo introduces herself. "I'm Phenix...Phenix Winter." I say, trying to collect myself. "Most call me Nix for short." I look up to see someone else enter. It's the person from before, though their name leaves me.

"Jo, can you man the bar?" She asks. Jo aruges, but leaves anyway. "Phenix is it?" The figure asks. I nod, slightly, "I'm Ellen," She smiles. "Nice to meet you." I say softly. "Your voice is naturally very soft isn't it?" She asks. I nod, "I don't like to raise my voice much... maybe that's why it never got higher." I try to reason. "Your parents are on their way to confirm your identity. If you truly are Phenix Winter, as we believe, I hope this problem solves itself for your sake. It wouldn't be good if word out of a hunter going raid and killing others. Of course, rumors would leave out the facts of you being clearly drugged and out of your mind. You know how hunters talk." I smile, nodding. "Yeah." I responded.


I stare at the building as we drive away. 'Ava's fiance was killed by a me' I frown as the rain slowly picks up.

Chapter 10: Swimming...Downing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I lean back on my bed, trying to come to terms with what's been happening. Ava Wilson has been missing for a month now and Sam was getting frantic. There were missing posters littering our motel room, some with clues who had gotten, some without.

Sam walks in, "Okay, thanks Ellen," Sam says, hanging up. "What Ellen has to say?" Dean asks. "Nothing, and me, I've been checking every database I can think of, Federa; state and local. Nobody's heard anything about Ava. She just... into thin air, you know." Sam rambles. "What about you?" He asks. "No, same as before. Sorry man." Dean replies, handing Sam a coffee. I take a sip from my hot chocolate, propping myself up.

"Ellen did have one thing," Sam continues. "A hotel in Cornwall, Connecticut. Two freak accidents in the past three weeks." He finishes. 'A CASE!' I smile, 'Finally.' "Yeah, what does that have to do with Ava?" Dean asks, walking over to his bed. "It's a job," Sam replies. "A lady drowned in the bathtub, and then a few days ago, a guy falls down the stairs, head turns a complete 180. Which isn't exactly normal, you know? Look, I don't know, Dean. It might be nothing. But I told Ellen we'd think about checking it out."

"You did?" Dean says, taking off his jacket and sitting down. "You seem surprised," says Sam. I pause, 'Another fight?' I sigh, trying to zone them out. "Well yeah it's just, you know, it's not the patent Sam Winchester way, is it?" Dean answers. "What way is that?" asks Sam. "I just figured after Ava, there'd be – uh, more angst, and uh, droopy music, and staring out the rainy windows... yeah I'll shut up now," he finishes, seeing Sam's unamused look.

"I'm the one who told her to go back home," Sam says, standing up. "And now her fiance's dead and some demon has taken her off to God knows where, you know?" I nod, 'We had no clues besides the sulfur and Ava's engagement ring. So we weren't exactly able to solve this case like the others, where we at least had a dead guy.'

"We've been looking for a month now, and we've got nothing. So I'm not giving up on her, but I'm not going to let other people die either. We gotta save as many people as we can." "Wow," says Dean. "That attitude is just way too healthy for me. I'm officially uncomfortable now. Thank you." I chuckle. Dean looks at Sam for a minute, "Call Ellen and tell her we'll take the job." I smile, 'FINALLY!'

We all get out of the car in front of the inn. "Dude, this is sweet!" Dean's enthusiastic. "We never get to work jobs like this." Dean states. "Like what?" Sam asks. "Old school haunted horse! Fod, secret passageways... sissy British accents..." Dean replies as we head towards the door. "I worked on Sea cases for three years. Fourteen to seventeen. We call y'all Landbirds." I chuckle to myself. "You worked with Pirates?" Dean asks. I shake my head. "We lived much longer and healthier. Though, life was exciting." I smile.

"Hey, wait a second." Sam says, stopping me from knocking. "I'm not sure haunted's the problem." Sam explains. I give him a confused hum. "What do you mean?" Dean asks. "See this pattern here?" Sam points at a pattern on the top of one of the urns. "It's a five-spot." I explain. "Five-spot?" Dean asks. "That's used for Hoodoo spellwork, isn't it?" Dean continues. "Yeah, if you fill it with bloodweed you have a powerful charm to ward off enemies." I explain. "I don't see any bloodweed." Dean remarks. I nod, "Strange." "Don't you think this place is a little too... uh... white-meat for Hoodoo?" Sam and I shrug, "Maybe." Sam says, knocking.

Inside a woman, Susan, comes out to help us. "Can I help you?" Susan asks. "Yeah, we'd like two rooms for a couple of nights," Dean says. A kid comes running out one of the side doors and accidentally runs into Sam. Susan immediately apologizes to Sam, Though, Sam says there's no need.

"Well, congratulations," says Susan. "You could be some of our final guests." Dean chuckles a little and replies, "That sounds vaguely ominous." "No, I'm sorry, I mean we're closing at the end of the month," Susan corrects, then looks at them. "Let me guess. You guys are here antiquing?" Dean blinks at her for a second, but Sam nods and Dean asks her how she knew. "Oh, you just look the type," she smiles. 'How?' "What'd you mean we looked the type?" asks Dean, but Sam quickly cuts in and asks her about the urn on the front porch, asking her where she got it. She answers she doesn't know, it's been there forever. She hands Dean the key, and asks Sherwin, an older man in a suit, to show them to their rooms, and he immediately smiles and says, "Let me guess – antiquers?" I stare confused once again. 'What?'

While we're walking up stairs, Sam comments on how the hotel is closing. Sherwin starts to tell us about how it used to look like a palace. He explains, "Two different vice presidents were here, my parents even worked here. I practically grew up here. I'm going to miss it." He unlocks our doors and hands us the keys.

"I'm gonna sort my stuff, then I'll be back." I explain, heading into my room. I sort my clothes and hunting gear, taking my phone, keys, and ipad to Sam and Dean's room.

Sam is looking at some papers as Dean is exploring the room. "What the-" Dean pauses, looking up at a large dress hanging on the wall. "What?" Sam asks. "That's normal," Dean replies. "Why would anyone stay here?" He asks. I chuckle, "They aren't anymore." I remark. 'Why'd I say that? What if they don't find it funny. God, I'm such an idiot!' Dean chuckles, "I'm surprised they kept in business this long." Dean comments. I smile, shrugging, "Maybe they had a bunch of antiques." Dean nods, "Maybe."

"Alright, victim number one, Joan Edison, realtor, handling the sale of the hotel, and victim number two was Larry Williams moving some stuff out to Goodwill." Sam explains. "So they both were helping shut the place down?" I ask. Sam nods, "Well there's a connection between them." Dean remarks. "Yeah, maybe someone here doesn't want to leave, and they're using Hoodoo to fight back," Sam says. I nod. "Susan?" I inquire. "It's not likely as she's selling the place." Sam disproves. "So what then, Sherwin?" Dean asks. "I don't know," Sam replies. "Could be a spirit." I suggest. 'Why wouldn't they think supernatural? Aren't we hunters? Maybe they already disproved that theory.' "Maybe," Sam says. I facepalm, 'and these two are famous?'

We walk down the hall, finding another urn with Hoodoo inside. Dean knocks on the door nearest to us, Susan answering. "Is everything okay with your rooms?" She asks. "Yes," We all reply at once. "Sorry, I was just in the middle of packing." She starts to close the door. Dean spots something quickly pointing it out, "Hey, are those antique dolls?" He asks. They were quite pretty dolls, looking at least a century old. "Cause this one," He points to Sam, 'Oh no.' Sam and I both exchange a look. "this one here, he's got a major doll collection back home." Sam gives him a look, but Dean just says, "Don't you, huh?" Sam turns resignedly and says, "Big time." I force back a chuckle. "Big big time." I smile.

"Do you think he could- we could come in uh take a look?" Dean asks. "I don't know," She says, but Dean quickly cuts her off, "Please? I mean, he loves them. He's not gonna tell you this. He's not gonna tell you this, but he's always dressing them up in these tiny outfits and... you'd make his day. She would, huh? Huh?" Sam glares at him, but turns slowly to Susan, and replies, "It's true." "Okay," She says. "Come on in." So we all go in.

We all look towards the dolls, Sam pretending to be interested. "Wow. That's a lot of dolls. They're nice, I mean, they're not super creepy at all." Dean comments. Susan chuckles, "Yeah, I suppose they are a little creepy. But they've been in the family forever. A lot of sentimental value." Susan explains. Dean nods.

I look over to Sam, he's looking at a sort of doll house replica of seemingly the hotel. "What is this? The hotel?" Sam asks. "Yeah, that's right. Exact replica, custom built." Susan explains. Sam leans down and picks up the broken doll. He frowns, "His head got twisted around. What happened to it?" He asks. "Tyler, probably." She remarks with a sigh.

The little kid from earlier runs into the room. "Mommy! Magiie's being mean." She states. "Tyler, tell her I said to be nice, okay?" Susan orders. I look at the doll house for a moment, fixing it to my image of the hotel in its entirety. "The man with the twisted head is in the same place victim two died." I whisper to Dean. He nods.

"Hey Tyler. I see you broke your doll. You want me to fix it?" Sam asks the little girl. "I didn't break it. I found it like that." She remarks, kinda upset by his statement. "Oh. Well, uh, maybe Maggie did it." Sam tries. "No, neither of us did it. Grandma would get mad if we broke em." She explains. "Tyler, she wouldn't get mad." Susan remarks.

"Grandma?" Dean inquires. "Grandma Rose. These were all her toys." Tyler explains. "Oh. Really. Where's Grandma Rose now?" Dean asks. "Up in her room." Tyler places the toy back where it was. That's when I notice the other doll, the first victim.

"You know, I'd, I'd uh, I'd really love to talk to Rose about her incredible doll-" Sam's cut off, by Susan's sudden outburst of, "No." She pauses. "I mean, I'm afraid that's impossible. My mother's been very sick and she's not taking any visitors." Susan explains, calming her voice. I dart my eyes to the floor, them turning white with shock.

We exit the room, talking in hushed voices. "Well, what do you think? Dolls, hoodoo, mysterious shut-in grandma?" Dean comments. "Well, dolls are used in all kinds of voodoo and hoodoo, like curses, and binding spells, and..." I cut him off. "Maybe we've found our witch doctor. We should research this grandmother." I suggest. They both agree, "I'll see if I can find anything online. You and Phoenix should search the hotel." Sam orders. I agree, "Okay, we'll meet back tonight?" I ask, Sam nods.

Dean and I are searching the outside of the hotel, when we see someone get rushed into an ambulance. "Maybe that's the best place to start." I comment. Dean nods.

"What happened?" Dean asks Susan. "Oh, the maid went in to turn down the sheets and he was just... hanging there." Susan explains. I offer her a hug, which she takes off guardedly. "That's awful. Was he a guest?" I inquire. 'Did that sound too invested?' I question myself. "He worked for the company that bought the place." Susan explains. I nod. Dean hums a reply.

"I don't understand." Susan remarks. "What?" Dean asks. "Had a lot of bad luck around here. Look, if you'd like to check out I'll give you a full refund." She offers. We both disagree. "No thanks. Don't scare that easy." Dean remarks. I nod.

We head back to the hotel, after making sure Susan would be alright, greeted by Sam. Sam is sitting alone in the dark, framed by the half-open door with the key askew in the lock. We enter, Dean shutting the door behind us, in all business-mode. "There's been another one. Some guy just hung himself in his room." Dean explains. Sam nods, "Yeah. I saw." Sam reamrls. "We've gotta figure this out, and fast." I turn to make dinner in the kitchen, listening to their conversation as I work.

I'm surprised by the empty bottles of alcohol and beer littering the counters, cleaning them with an annoyed sigh. "What'd you find out about Granny?" Dean asks. "You're the boss." Sam slurs out. "What?" Dean looks at me for answers. I shrug, nothing I could solve. "You're bossy." Sam pauses. "And short." He laughs sloppily. "Are you drunk?" Dean asks. "Yeah." Sam laughs. "So? Stupid." I chuckle at the comment, finishing off the bottles tying the trash bag closed.

I take a sip of one of the unopened beers and head for the fridge. "Dud, what are you thinking? We;re working a case." Dean states. Sam starts to cry, staring at nothing. "That guy who hung himself. I couldn't save him." He explains. I start to dissociate at the sudden comment. "What are you talking about? You didn't know, you couldn't have done anything." Dean explains. Sam shifts his gaze back to Dean, "That's an excuse, Dean. I should have found a way to save him. I should have saved Ava too." Sam wipes his eyes.

Dean approaches Sam, sitting at the table. "Yeah, well, you can't save everything. Even you said that." He remarks. I nod, cutting some tomatoes.


I looked at the room, filled with past victims. They'd placed me in another room, to hide me from everyone. I was to be put on display for others to practice hunting the next morning. I was to be pay for, for children to practice hunting. I was a monster to them.

My eyes glow, trying to figure out how to escape and free the others. I wasn't alone... Though many of those who'd been here longer than me, had died the morning I was captured.


Sam slammed the table, grounding me back to the present. My finger stinned confusing me. "No, Dean, you don't understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change!" Sam states. I look down at my cutting to see I'd cut my finger slightly while dissociated. I bandage my finger and start on the lettuce. "Change what?" Dean asks. Sam leans forward, hands to his chest, "My destiny, Dean!" He shouts. I cover my eyes, calming myself. 'What is with hunters and their constant yelling?' I question.

I flip the burgers, the rest of the spread ready for topping them. "All right. Time for bed. Come on, Sasquatch." I smile. Dean leans over and hauls Sam over his shoulders. "Come on." He states.

He starts walking, "I need you to watch out for me." Sam remarks. "Yeah. I always do." Dean agrees. I push everything out of the way to Sam's bed. "No! No, no, no. You have to watch out for me, all right? And if I ever..." He pauses. I pause in my tracks, "turn into something that I'm not..." He pauses once again. "You have to kill me." He finishes. "Sam." Dean sounds dismissive. Sam shoves Dean in the face. "Dean! Dad told you to do it, you have to." Sam explains. "Yeah, well, Dad's an ass." I stare at the floor. I exit the room, giving them some time to talk.

I finished making me and Dean some dinner, as Sam was most likely sound asleep. "You okay?" Dean asks. I stare at the floor, "Yeah, just very out of...." I stop myself. "I've known you guys for about a year... and we've been frie- working together for almost three months." I pause. Dean looks at me concerned. "I have night terrors because-" I stop myself, "Before you say anything listen to everything I have to say." I look Dean straight in the eyes, "Please?" I ask. He nods, "Ok." He nods.

"I was born out of a desire for a child and a rotten deal. Though when my mother discovered what I was she abandoned me. I was born with eyes glowing red, wings, the whole angel fit. I was adopted by a hunter family, the Winter family. They took care of me, but when I started hunting solo... things went south." I paused, my eyes tearing up. "Sorry," I stare at the wall, my vision going blurry. "I-" "Sorry-" I shake my head. "Forget I said anything. I'm gonna go for a walk." I blurt out quickly, teleporting away.

I fall to my feet, behind the hotel. I puke my guts out (figuratively), leaning against the building's back wall. I slow to the floor, slid to the floor cradling my knees. All I can see is the walls covered in blood. My mind just keeps replaying the same scene.


The walls are covered in blood, dripping to the floor. I stare at the ropes tying me to the ground. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'

The hunter knew I wouldn't be able to escape even if they left the room.

I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens.


I can't breathe, everything keeps turning different shades of red. All I can smell is blood, sweat, and tears. I'm destroyed, physically and mentally. "If my parents saw me like this, I'd be so embarrassed." I laugh trying to help myself back up.

I didn't make it back to the hotel room till very early in the morning. Sam was puking his brains out in the bathroom toilet and Dean was getting ready. "Morning," Dean greets. I groan, "Ugh, I wish the sun would die." I take a sip of my coffee. I look at the floor with a sigh, "Coffee still sucks." I take another sip. "When did you become the perky morning one?" I ask. He chuckles, "After you two became drunk." I roll my eyes, "Sam you alright?" I call, he groans.

Dean and I walk into the bathroom. "How you feeling, Sammy?!" Dean asks, loudly. Sam groans. "I guess mixing whisky and Jäger wasn't the best idea, was it?" I joke. "I'll bet you don't remember a thing from last night, do you?" Dean asks. Sam groans, "Ohh, I can still taste the tequila." Sam says. Dean smiles in relief. "You know, there's a really good hangover remedy- it's a, it's a greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray," Dean jokes. I chuckle, "Oh, I hate you." Sam heaves. "I know you do," Dean chuckles. "I'll make breakfast," I walked out to the kitchen.

After finishing cooking toast, eggs, and bacon (veggie bacon for Sam) Dean walks in. "We're gonna have to talk to Rose." I nod, "After you two eat breakfast." I order. He nods, "You too." I sigh, "Fine." I roll my eyes, placing his plate on the table.

We approach the door marked "PRIVATE" and knock. "Hello? Susan?" Sam calls. Dean looks around furtively, I just stand still unsure of why we were here in the first place. "Clear?" Sam asks. Dean nods, "Mm-hmm." He hums a response.

Sam kneels before the door and picks the lock.

We enter the creepy doll room and go to the door in the back. It's open, so we take that as an invitation upstairs the dimly lit staircase. We creep upstairs and to the end of another hallway, into a small room whose door is ajar. Rose is seated in a wheelchair facing the rain window, jer back to us. We approach cautiously.

"Mrs. Tompson? Mrs. Thompson?" Sam approaches her. She is trembling, staring at the void. "Rose? Hi, Mrs. Tompson, we're not here to hurt you, it's okay-" Sam soothes. She doesn't respond, just trembles harder. "Rose?" I approach, quietly. "Dean-" Sam calls him over. "This woman's had a stroke." Sam explains.


"Foxes don't just die." I state. "Well, maybe she had a stroke." The kennel owner explains. "She was in perfect health. I know you let her escape. Give me the direction she went." He rolls his eyes, in a creeped out way. "You're a creepy kid, left ok."


"Yeah, but hoodoo's hands-on, I mean, you've got to mix herbs, and chant, and build an altar." Dean explains. I zone in and out of their conversation, barely present. Suddenly, Susan walks in, "What the hell?!" Startled, I teleport away and then back again, my eyes pure white. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "Oh, we just wanted to talk to Rose..." Sam starts. "Well, the door was open..." Dean overlaps. "I'm so sorry. My brother they-" She cuts me off. "Look at her, she is scared out of her wits. I want you out of my hotel in two minutes or I'm calling the cops." Susan orders. We all leave, with no hesitation.

The Impala rumbles out of the hotel parking lot. I slowly try to close my eyes, letting sleep take over me. I take a deep breath, taking a flask out of my backpack. I down the whole thing, eyes burning their deepest blue.

A creepy wind blows, as we walk Susan stares at the full-sized set as it begins to move on its own. She approaches the playground cautiously; all the playsets are moving, and a car starts behind her. I immediately teleport to the car's wheel. As Sam saves Susan, I drive against the possessed car.

I teleport out, walking over to Sam, Susan, and Dean. "Come on, come on. Let's get inside, let's go." Dean rushes. I close my eyes, using all my strength to teleport us inside.

We guide Susan to the bar and table. "Whisky." Susan says. "Sure, I know the feeling." Sam agrees. "What the hell happened out there?" Susan asks. "And how did you do that?" Susan turns to me. "You want the truth?" Dean asks. "Of course." Susan orders. "Well, at first we thought it was some sort of hoodoo curse, but that out there? That was definitely a spirit." Dean explains. Sam hands her a glass of whiskey, she downs it. "And you?" She asks me. I stare at the floor, "Special, I guess." I try to ignore the truth.

"You're insane." I roll my eyes, "Yeah, it's been said." Dean sighs. "Like every week now." I groan, dropping a glass of whiskey. "Look, I'm sorry, Susan. We don't exactly have time to ease you into this, but we need to know when your mother had the stroke." Sam orders. "What does that have to do with any-" Susan starts. "Just answer the question." Sam orders. "About a month ago." She answers. "Right before the killings began." Sam says quietly. "See? So what if Rose was working hoodoo, but not to hurt anyone. To protect them." Sam says to us. "She was using the five spot urns to ward off the spirit." Dean agrees. "Right, until she had a stroke and couldn't anymore." I finish.

"I don't believe this." Susan remarks. "Listen, sister, that car didn't try to run you down by itself, okay? I mean, I guess it did, technically, but, but the spirit can- forget it." Dean tries to reason. Sam interrupts, "Look, believe what you want, But the fact is you and your family are in danger, all right? So you need to clear everyone out of here; your employees, your mother, your daughters, everyone." Susan looks at Sam confused. "Um, I only have one daughter." She explains. "One?" I ask. "I thought Tyler had a sister named Maggie." I explain. "Maggie's imaginary." Susan explains. Me and the brothers all go wide-eyed. "Where's Tyler?!" We all ask.

Susan leads us up the playroom. "Tyler!" She calls. We go into the room; the floor is littered with broken dolls. Susan starts to panic. "Oh my god. Tyler." She runs out of the room. "Tyler!" She runs back. "She's not here." We all start to panic.

"Susan. Tell us what you know about Maggie." Sam orders. "Uh, not much. Um, Tyler's been talking about her since Mom got sick." Susan explains. "Okay, did you ever know anyone by that name?" Sam asks. "Uh, no..." She thinks for a second. "Think, think, I mean, somebody that could have lived here, might have passed away." Dean urges. "Oh my god." Susan exclaims. "My mom had a sister named Margarent. She barely spoke about her." She realizes. "Did Margarent happen to die here when she was a kid?" Sam asks. "She drowned in the pool." Susan explains. "Come on." We all rush out towards the pool.

We ran through the gardens to the pool house. We reach the door and start to pound on it. Sam and Dean start pounding to break the glass as I try to teleport us all inside. It doesn't work, normally my powers didn't work against the supernatural unless. "Tyler!" Susan yells. We all try to pound on the glass harder. "TYLER!" Susan yells. "Mommy!" Tyler yells back. Tyler pulls forward and falls into the pool with a scream.

I close my eyes, teleporting inside. I'm pulled under as well, though I try to grab Tyler in my drowning efforts. "Margaret." A voice calls. "Margaret." I look around the water burning my eyes. I hear someone break through the glass, my mind elsewhere.


"Even a monster like you can't breathe under water." A voice calls. I hold my breath, my attempt at life slowly failing. My mouth opens letting water take over my lungs, limiting my breathing. Soon, everything starts to turn blurry. I'm so cold... 'I'm dying... Why? Because I'm a monster?'


I gasp for air, Sam taking Tyler from me. Tyler is unconscious. I cough up all the water in my lungs, taking deep breaths to regain myself. Dean breaks through the back door, Susan and him running over to us. After a moment of worry and doubt, Tyler coughs up all the water in her lungs and wakes up. "Thank god! Thank god, thank god." Susan exclaims. "Mommy!" Tyler calls. "Yeah, baby, I'm here." Susan responds. "Tyler, do you see Maggie anywhere?" Sam asks. "No, she's gone. Mommy." Tyler explains.

"Phen are you okay?" Dean asks. I stare at the floor, hoping no one can see the tears stream down my face. Hoping they're hidden by the water dripping down to the puddle on the floor around me. "Yeah," I manage to breathe out.

We all make our way back to Rose's room, Susan holding Tyler close to her chest. "Don't worry, honey, we're leaving in two minutes, we've just got to get Grandma." Susan explains to Tyler. "I don't get it, did Maggie just stop?" Dean asks. I shrug. "Seems like it." Sam states. "Well, where the hell did she go?" Dean asks. Suddenly, Susan screams from upstairs.

We all run to Rose's room to find Rose slumped over in her wheelchair, dead. Whatever happened next I black out on. The next thing I knew we were in front of the hotel, saying our goodbyes.

"Paramedics said it was another stroke. Do you think..." Susan pauses. "Maraget could have had something to do with it?" Susan asks. We all shrug, "We don't know." Dena answers. "But it's possible, yeah." Sam explains. "Susan, I'm sorry." Sam apologizes. "You have nothing to apologize for. You've given me everything." Susan smiles.

Tyler runs over to us. "Ready to go, kiddo?" Susan asks her. "Yeah," Tyler smiles. "Now Tyler, you're sure Maggie's not around anymore?" Dean asks. "I'm sure. I'd see her." Tyler responds. "I guess whatever's going on must be over." Dean deduces. I nod.

Sam holds the taxi door for Susan. "You three take care of yourselves, all right?" Susan orders us. Before getting in the taxi, she turns and gives Sam a full-body hug. Dean and I smirk. "Thank you. Both of you." Susan thanks. Sam shuts the door behind her.

"Think you could have hooked up some MILF action there, bud. I;m serious, I think she liked you." Deran explains. "Yeah, that's all she needs." Sam's sarcasm is clear. "Well, you saved the mom, you saved the girl. Not a bad day. 'Course you know, I could have saved 'em myself, but I didn't want you to feel useless." Dean jokes. "All right, I appreciate it." Sam thanks.

"Feels good getting back in the saddle, doesn't it?" Dean asks. I nod, "Yeah." I smile, walking to the car. "Yeah, it does. But it doesn't change what we talked about last night, Dean." Sam remarks. "We talked about a lot of things last night." Dean avoids it. "You know what I mean." Sam states. "You were wasted." Dean remarks. "But you weren't. And you promised." My eyes glow golden in the window.

They both get in the car. Sam in a full-on brood, Dean flicking his eyes towards Sam every few minutes in worry or some sort of anxiety as we pull out from the inn.


Random story: When me and my siblings were kids my mother always feared we would drown in the bath or at a pool. Honestly the fear wasn't extreme, just an anxious thing. Though, I have almost drowned three different times sooo... I guess it wasn't a bad thing to be anxious about.

Chapter 11: Going On The Run

Chapter Text

Milwaukee, Winsconsin... We got here late last night, after a break in at a jewelry store. We were disguised as FBI agents.

Frannie comes out of the back with some paper in her hand. She hands them to Dean. Dean was dressed in a black suit and tie, not very original. I turn back to Sam, he's also dressed in a black suit and tie with his hair slicked back. We were interrogating the manager of the store.

"Helena was our head buyer. She..." He pauses. "She was family, you know?" I nod in reply. "She said it herself, every year at the Christmas party. She said we were the only family she had. "So there were never any signs that she'd do something like this?" Sam asks. He shakes his head, "No. Still can't believe it, even now. That night, Helena came back to the store after closing. Cleaned out all the display cases, and the safe. Edgar, our night watchman, he caught her in the act. He didn't know what to do, he'd known her for years. He called me at home." The manager relays the story. "And that's when she took his gun?" Sam asks. He nods, "She shot him in the face. I heard him die. Over the phone." I could feel the pain in his voice.

"Any idea what her motive could have been?" I ask. "What motive? It makes no sense. Why steal all those diamonds, all that jewelry, and then what? Just dump it somewhere, just hide it, and then go home and," He pauses. "She dropped the hair dryer in the bath and fried herself. Or so the cops say." The manager continues. "Do you agree?" I ask. "The cops should know the truth." He explains.

"So you never saw the security footage yourself, then?" Sama sks. "No. The police, they took all the tapes, first thing." The manager explains. "Yeah, of course they did." Dean approaches, waving Fannie's number in our faces.

We drive down the dark street, pulling up to a small house. "Five, this is it." Sam states. "Friggin' cops." Dean sighs. "They're just doing their job, Dean." Sam explains. "No they're doing our job, only they don't know it, so they suck at it." Dean argues.

"Tell me about this bank." We all get out of the car, starting to approach the house. "Uh, Milwaukee National Trust. It was hit about a month ago." Sam explains. "Same M.O. as the jewelry store?" Dean asks. "Yep, inside job, longtime employee, the never-in-a-million-years type. Dude robs the bank, then goes home and supposedly commits sucide." Sam finishes. "The guy Resnick, he was the security guard on duty?" Dean asks. "Yeah. He was actually beaten unconscious by the teller who heisted the place." I retell. "God." Dean exhales. "Yeah." I look to the floor, trying not to dissociate from the current situation.

Sam knocks on the screen door. "Mr. Resnick? Ronald Resnick?" He calls. A bright flood light turns on, as we shield our eyes. "Son of a-" Dean is cut off. A youngish man comes to the door warily. "FBI, Mr. Resnick." Sam explains. "Let me see the badge." Ronald asks through the screen door. We all take out our fake badges, worried he'll see through them. Ronald squinks at them, carefully reading every line.

"I already gave my statement to the police." Ronald explains. "Yeah, listen Ronald, um.. Just some things about your statement we wanted to get some clarification on." Dean lies. "You read it?" Ronald asks. "Sure did." Dean sees a path in. "You come to listen to what I've got to say?" He asks. "Well, that's why we're here." I lie.

"Well. Come on in." Ronald welcomes us in, opening the door and leading us through a narrow hallway to a cluttered room. The walls are covered with alien photos and conspiracy theory paraphernalia. "None of the cops ever called me back. Not after I told them what was really going on. Uh, they all thought I was crazy. First off, Juan Morales never robbed the Milwaukee National Trust, okay? That, I guarantee. See, we and Juan were friends. He used to come back to the bank on my night shifts, and we'd play cards." Ronald explains. "So you let him into the bank that night, after hours?" Sam asks. "The thing I let into the bank . . . wasn't Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Uh, every detail was perfect, but too perfect, you know, like if a dollmaker made it, like I was talking to a big Juan-doll." Ronald corrects. "A Juan-doll?" I ask, doubtfully. "Look. This wasn't the only time this happened. Okay?" He hands me a file folder. "There was this jewelry store, too. And the cops, a- and you guys, you just won't see it!" Ronald explains. I hand Sam the folder, letting him search through the papers. "Both crimes were pulled by the same thing." Ronald states.

"What's that, Mr. Resnick?" Ronald picks up a copy of a magazine called "Fortean Times" and holds it to his chest. The headline at the bottom reads "BIRTH OF THE CYBERMAN". "Chinese've been working on 'em for years." Ronald explains. "And the Russians before that. Part men, part machine. Like the Terminator." I give Sam and Dean a 'This man is crazy' look. "But the kind that can change itself, make itself look like other people." Ronald finishes. Dean smirks, "Like the one from T2." Dean says.

"Exactly! See, so not just a robot, more of a, a, a, a,..." He thinks for a second. "...Mandroid." He states. "A Mandroid?" Sam inquires. "And what makes you so sure about this, Ronald?" Dean asks. Ronald holds up a finger, smiling a little wildly.

Ronald inserts a VHS tape labeled "M.N.T. Camera 4 - Juan" into a player. "See, I made copies of all the security tapes. I knew once the cops got them they'd be buried." Dean nods, "Here." He fast-forwards. "Now watch. Watch. Watch him, watch, watch! See, look! Th, th, there it is!" He pauses the tape. I stare at the footage, the creature's eyes flaring a golden glow. "You see? He got the laser eyes." We all look at each other, 'It's a Shapeshifter.'

"Cops said it was some kind of reflected light. Some kind of "camera flare". Okay? Ain't no damn camera flare. They say I'm a post-trauma case. So what? Bank goes and fires me, it don't matter!" Sam starts to rant, Sam eyeing him cautiously. "The Mandroid is, is still out there. The law won't hunt this thing down -- I'll do it myself. You see, this thing, it, it, it kills the real person, makes it look like a suicide, then it sorta, like, morphs into that person. Cases the job for a while until it knows the take is fat, and then it finds its opening. Now, these robberies, they're, they're grouped together." Ronald contines, gesturing at a map on his wall. "So I figure the Mandroid is holed up somewhere in the middle, underground, maybe. I dunno, maybe that's where it recharges its, uh, Mandroid batteries." Dean nods, apparently impressed. Sam and I stare intently. We all stand.

"Okay. I want you to listen very carefully. Because I'm about to tell you the God's honest truth about all of this." Dean smiles, I start to get anxious, as we wait on Sam's words. "There's no such thing as Mandroids. There's nothing evil or inhuman going on out there. Just peiipel. Nothing else, you understand?" Sam explains. I smile to myself. Though Dean is clearly startled as he tries to speak. "The laser eyes." Ronald states desperately. "Just a camera flare, Mr. Resnick. See, I know you don't want to believe this. But your friend Juan robbed the bank and that's it." Sam lies. "Get out of my house! Now!" Ronald yells. "Sure. First things first" Sam states calmly. Dean frowns in further confusion. Though, I understand.

I return to the brothers' motel room, which has the obligatory Tacky Wall Decorations. I'm wearing my normal clothes.

I take my shoes off as Dean starts to speak. "Man, that has got to be the kicker, straight up. I mean, you tell that poor son of a bitch that-" Dean pauses. I walk over to the two. "What did you say, remand the tapes that he copied?" Dean restates. I walk in the kitchen, pouring myself some half n half. "Classified evidence of an ongoing investigation?" Dean laughs. "That's messed up." He remarks.

"What are you, pissed at me or something?" Sam asks. I turn on the stove, opening the fridge to see what I'm working with for dinner. "Nah, I'm just thinking it's a little creepy how good of a Fed you are." I cut some of our leftover chicken. "I mean, come on, we could have at least thrown the guy a bone." Dean states. I place the pieces on a pot on the stove to cook. "He did some pretty good legwork here." Dean explains. "Mandroid?" Sam inquires. I chuckle as I take out a pepper. "Except for the Mandroid part. I like him." I say, placing the peppers in a cup. "He's not that different from you or me or Phen." I turn towards him, my eyes glowing violet. "People think we're crazy." I explain Dean's point.

I cut some lettuce. "Yeah, except he's not a hunter. He's just a guy who stumbled onto something real." I place the lettuce into another bowl. "If he were to go up against this thing he'd get torn apart." I take out the last of our sprinkle cheese. "Better to stay in the dark, and stay alive." Sam explains. I pour the cheese into a third bowl. Then I check on the chicken, taking a sip from my drink. "Yeah, I guess." Dean says, defeated.

Dean places tracing paper over the map, starting to mark it with a red pen. Sam looks over the tape, pausing at the flaring eyes. I finish cooking the chicken, getting out the tortilla wraps I brought earlier today. I place two on the table, leaving them for the fridge. I grab some vegan chicken to cook for Sam. I put Dean and my quesadillas together, letting the cheese melt over the chicken.

"Shapeshifter. Just like back in St. Louis. Same retinal reaction to video." I place Sam's chicken on a new pot, on the stove. "Eyes flare at the camera. I hate those friggin' things." Dean remarks. "You think I don't?" Sam inquires. "Yeah, well, one didn't turn into you and frame you for murder." Dean is tracing a pattern on paper of the sewer system. I finish cooking Sam's chicken, putting his quesadillas.

"Well, look. If this shifter's anything like the one we killed in Missouri..." I cut all our quesadillas into four pieces each. "Then Ronald was right." I place all our plates on the table. "All right, they like to layer up underground, preferably the sewer. And all the robberies have been connected so far, right?" Dean asks. "Yeah." I agree. "With the, uh, sewer main layout. There's one more bank lined up on that same sewer main." I nod, "Let's go after dinner." I suggest. They both agree.

The sign above the bank door reads: "CITY BANK OF MILWAUKEE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND INVESTMENT." We are hidden in plain sight as Securiserve Guard Service Technicians, being led by the security guard down the main hall.

"Well, we haven't had any flags go up on our system yet." The guard states. "No, this is a glitch in the overall grid. We just want to make sure the branch monitors are kosher." Dean explains. "Well, better to be safe than sorry, I guess." the guard agrees. "That's the plan." Dean fakes a smile. Or at least I believe it was fake. Though for all I know he could be happy to hunt such an easy hunt.

The guard opens the door to the observation room with several TV screens showing security footage. "Alrighty. You guys need anything else?" The guard asks. "Oh, no, no, we'll be, uh, we'll be in and out before you know it, just a routine check." Sam stumbles. "Okie-dokie" The guard leaves.

"I like him. He says "Okie-dokie." Dean remarks. I laugh, "He seems nice." I agree. "What if he's the shifter?" Sam asks. "Then he sucks." I take my words back. "Well, then we follow him home, put a silver bullet through his chestplate." I sigh. "That went dark."

We sit and watch the screens for a few moments. "Okay. Well, you got any popcorn?" Dean asks. I shake my head, "I got a bag of cheez itz." I state, looking in my backpack.

Third person:

"Hey Sam look. Phenix fell asleep." Dean poks phenix with his bag of cheez itz. "Strange." Sam remarks looking at Phen. "He usually isn't comfortable sleeping during the day cause of his night terrors." He pauses. "Should I wake him?" Dean asks. "No, he seems ok. Let him sleep. Let's continue searching for this shifter." Sam looks back at the monitors.



"Sweetie, it's time to go to bed." Mom places me in my bed, tucking me under the covers. "But I wanna hear another story!" I wine. "Fine, last night or new one?" She asks. "New one!" I cheer again and again. "Ok, ok, let's do the first shifter I faced with your father." I smile, curling up next to my mom.


I wake up, slowly opening my eyes. It takes me a few minutes to realize where I am. "I'm so sorry I fell asleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately. And with the night terrors sleep is god damn useless to help energize me and-" I start to ramble off excuses. "Calm down, It's ok." Dean says. "We haven't found the shifter yet and it's only been a few minutes." I knew he was lying. Last time I checked the clock it was 10:37pm and now it was 12:58 am.

A few minutes go by before anyone speaks again, "Well, it looks like mister okie-dokie is... okie-dokie." Dean states. "Maybe we jumped the gun on this one. I mean, we don't even know if it's here." Sam says. "True, and it's been hours. We would have seen it right?" I say. "Mm-hmm" Dean is distracted. I look at another one of the monitors.

"Maybe we should just go back to the sewers and... and..." Sam pauses. Dean is zooming one of the camera in on a woman's ass. "What the hell?" I ask. "Dean, we're supposed to be looking for eyes." Sam says exasperated. "I'm getting there." Dean says. "Oh yeah?" Sam asks.

"Wait a minute." Dean pulls our attention away to another monitor. A middle aged man turns towards the camera; his eyes flare. "Hello, freak." Dean comments. "Got him." Sam agrees. Sam and I head for the door, but Dean lingers behind, looking at another screen. "What?" I ask. "Look." Dean remarks. We turn to see Ronald scurry up to the outer door with a chain and a padlock, changing the door shut. "Hello Ronald."

Screams come from the main room. "And you said we shouldn't bring guns." Dean says directed to Sam. Worried, horrified people brush past us every few seconds. "I didn't know this was gonna happen, Dean." Sam combats. "Just let me do the talking. I don't think he likes you very much, Agent Johnson." Dean comments,

We enter the room, me immediately ready to teleport us to safety. "Hey, buddy. Calm down. Just calm down," Dean tries to sooth. "What the-" Ronald stares at us. "You! Get on the floor, now." He orders. We all slowly kneel on the floor. "Okay, we're doing that. Just don't shoot anybody, especially us." Dean says.

"I knew it, As soon as you two left. You ain't FBI. Who are you? Who are you working for, huh?" I stare at the floor. "The men in black? You working for the Mandroid?" Ronald asks. "We're not working for the Mandroid!" Sam says. "You, shut up! I ain't talking to you. I don't like you." Dean gives Sam an 'I told you so' look. "This is was any different circ*mstance I'd be laughing, but..." I whisper. "Fair enough." Sam states.

"Get on 'em. Frisk them down, make sure they got no weapons on them. Go!" Ronald orders. A middle-aged black man goes over to Sam and Dean and frisks them; he finds a knife in Dean's boot. I stare at Dean with an annoyed look. "Now what have we here?" Ronald inquires. Sam stares at Dean, "I'm not just gonna walk in here naked!" Dean remarks. Ronald takes the knife, "Get back in here." Ronald orders. He drops the knife in the deposit box, "No, no, no, no!" Dean exclaims. It clatters, Dean winces.

"We know you don't want to hurt anybody. That's exactly what's gonna happen if you keep waving that cannon around, and why don't you let these people go?" Dean suggests. "No! I already told you. If nobody's gonna stop this thing, then I've got to do it myself." Ronald explains. I try to hold back my white glowing eyes.

"Hey, we believe you! That's why we're here." Dean explains. "You don't believe me. Nobody believes me! How could they?" Ronald's anxious. "Come here." Dean orders. "What? No." Ronald states. "You're holding the gun, boss, you're calling the shots." Dean explains. "I just want to tell you something. Come here." Dean states.

Ronald approaches cautiously and leans in. "It's the bank manager." Dean says quietly. "What?" Ronald exclaims. "Why do you think we've got these getups, huh? We've been monitoring the cameras in the back. We saw the bank manager. We saw his eyes." Dean explains. "His laser eyes?" Ronald asks. "Yes. No, No! No, look, we're running out of time, okay? We've got to find him before he changes into someone else." Dean exclaims. "Like I'm gonna listen to you. You're a damn liar." Ronald remarks. Dean stands cautiously, hand out. "I'll shoot you! Get down!" Ronald exclaims, worriedly.

"Take me. Okay? Take me with you, take me as a hostage. But we've gotta act fast. Because the longer we just sit here the more time he has to change." Dean pauses. "Look at me, man. I believe you. You're not crazy. There really is something inside this bank." Dean says. "All right. You come with me. But everyone else gets in the vault!" Ronald says. The room exclaims with gasps and cries from the other hostages.

Ronald ushers us into the vault. "Com on, move, move! Move, move!" Ronald looks at Dean. "And you lock it up." Dean starts to move the heavy door shut. "It's okay, everyone. Just stay cool." He shrugs at us in apology. Sam swallows unhappily. I just try not to panic. The door slammed and we were trapped.

A young redhead stares after Dean. "Who is that man?" She asks. "He's my brother." Sam says worriedly. "He is so brave." Sherry says. Sam very nearly rolls his eyes.

I sit on the floor fiddling with my hair. "I could just teleport us out." I whisper to Sam. He shakes his head, "The hostages are already terrified." I nod, "You're probably right." I sigh, unbraiding my hair.


I wake up under the deck. I'm hanked from my room and pulled towards the deck. "Walk the plank, walk the plank." People start shouting. "For too long has this monster lived with our kind. Today we kill this monster once or for all." The crew goes wild...


"Even a monster like you can't breathe under water." A voice calls. I hold my breath, my attempt at life slowly failing. My mouth opens letting water take over my lungs, limiting my breathing. Soon, everything starts to turn blurry. I'm so cold... 'I'm dying... Why? Because I'm a monster?'


I wake up, shaken by Sam. "Sorry," I apologize. "It's fine. I was worried for a moment. You started to cry." Sam explains. "Thanks." I thank, fixing my hoodie and hair. "I'm fine, no worries." I lied. He nods, turning back to Sherry.

"Has your brother always been so, um, wonderful? I mean, staring down that gun. And you know the way -- he played right into that psycho's crazy head, telling him what he wanted to hear, I mean," Sherry asks. Sam stares at her. "He's like, a real horo or, or something." She continues babbling. "Yeah. Yeah." Sam seems to be zoning her out for the most part.

The door opens to reveal Dean; he now has a handgun. "Oh my god, you saved us! You saved us!" Sherry shouts. I wince at the sudden loud noise, noticing Dean was gathered by a bunch more people. "Actually, I just found a few more. Come on, everybody, let's go. Let;s go." Dean urges everyone inside. Sherry stares in confusion as several more people, including guards, are herded inside.

"What are you doing?" Sherry asks. "Sam, look, uh, Ronald and I need to talk to you and Phenix" We both leave the vault, Dean shutting the door behind us, shrugging apologetically.

"It's shed its skin again. We don't know when..." Dean takes a breath. "It could be in the halls, it could be in the vault." Dean explains. "Great. You know, Dean, you are wanted by the police." Sam is exasperated. "Yeah." Dean sighs. "So even if we do find this damn thing," He pauses. "How the hell are we gonna get out of here?" Sam inquires. I stay silent, 'I can teleport?' I think to myself in confusion. "Well, one problem at a time." Dean remarks.

"All right, I'm gonna do a sweep of the whole place, see if we can find any stragglers. Once we get everyone together we've got to play a little game of find-the-freak, so . . . here." Dean hands Sam a silver letter opener. He looks at me, not having anything to give. I make my eyes glow on command as a reminder of when I levitated a dagger with ease. "Found another one of these for you. Now stay here, make sure Ronald doesn't hurt anybody, okay?" Dean orders. "Help him manage the situation." Dean states. "Manage?" I ask. "Are you insane?" Sam's voice rises in outrage.

Alerted by Sam's raised voice, Ronald looks over at us. Dean looks past Sam and gives Ronald a grinning thumbs-up. "Look, I know this isn't going the way we wanted," Dean starts to whisper. "Understatement!" Sam shouts. "But if we invite the cops in right now, Ronald gets arrested, we get arrested, the shifter gets away, probably never find it again, okay?" Dean whispers.

Ronald is peering out the window, in plain view, and Sam gestures at him in exasperation. "Ronald out of the light!" Dean orders. "Seriously?!" Sam asks. "Yeah, Ron's game plan was a bad plan." Dean explains. "I mean, it was a bit of a crazy plan." He corrects himself. "But right now crazy's the only game in town, okay?" Dean remarks. Dean slaps Sam on the shoulder and leaves us.

Sam sighs, leans back, and rolls his eyes at Ronald. "Hi, Ronald." He greets. I sigh, "So we just stand here?" I ask Sam. He shrugs, "I guess."

I open the vault to reveal the hostages basically burning to death. "See told you they'd be overheating by now." I gesture to the people. "Fine, I'm going to leave this open. Give you guys some fresh air, all right?" Sam explains. "But no one leaves this vault." I sigh, 'So much for entertaining escapes.'

The phone rings, and Ronald spins around, panicked. "I don't understand. Why are you helping him?" Sherry asks. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Sam explains. I sigh, agreeing with a nod.

"I think I gotta get out of here!" The guard starts panicking. "Look, I'm very sorry, but you're just going to have to stay put, all right?" Sam explains.

"What? What do you mean, demands?" Ronald akss. "Ronald! Hang up!" I order, seeing him on the bank phone. "No, I, I'm not a bank robber, I, I, I-" He pauses, frantic.

"I've got to really get out of here." The guard panics. "Sir, you can't leave!" Sam orders.

"Kind of a crime fighter, I guess." Ronald explains. "Ronald!" I exclaim.

The Guard is struggling to the door; several other hostages helping him. "Look-" Sam pauses.

"No, I'm acting alone." Ronald explains on the phone. "Ronald, hang up." I order. My eyes start to dimly glow red. Sam slams the phone, hanging up. "Ronald? The less the cops know, the better." Sam explains.

"Hey! I think this dude's having a heart attack!" A man exclaims. "Get a doctor!" Another hostage exclaims. "Great. Could be our guy. Could be a trick." Sam explains. "You just going to let the man die?" The guy asks. "Everyone shut up!" I order. "No one is dying here. Ronald cover the door. Sam deal with the cops." I order.

"Look. one of the people could be having heart trouble. You need to send in a paramedic." Sam explains. There's a slight pause. "Just send in a paramedic, okay? And don't try anything else. Please." Sam shouts into the phone. "Paramedic? We don't have time for that, man!" The guy from before shouts. "Listen I, I, I'm sorry, okay? I am. But nobody's getting out." Ronald states. "He's dying right in front of you." The man is pissed. "Help!" The guard yells.

A few minutes go by. "Come on, man, you've gotta unlock the front door. We've got to get him out here." The man explains. "Both of you stay where you are." Ronald co*cks his gun.

Dean whistles me and Sam over to him. "It's the man holding the guard." Dean explains, barely audible.

"You know what, Ronald?" Sam says. "He's right, we've gotta get this man outside. Come on. I've got you." Sam says. He takes the guard from the shifter. "Yeah, yeah, let me help you." The shifter offers. "Oh, I got him, it's, it's cool. Thanks." Sam thanks. Sam gets the guard out of the way as Dean glares at the shifter, approaching the vault.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asks the shifter. "You got the gun, man." The shifter starts walking out. "I mean, whatever." He gets close enough and immediately attacks Dean, knocking him to the ground. I immediately run after him, my eyes glowing deep, blood like, red. "Stop! Come back here!" Ronald runs after us...

It's like it all happened in slow motion. "GET DOWN!" Sam yells. "NOW!" I turn just in time to see a sniper fire, hitting Ronald squarely in the chest. As he falls, Dean ducks behind a low wall. I immediately teleport to Ronald, checking his pulse. "They killed him..." I stare at the body, tears filling my eyes. "YOU KILLED HIM!" I shout at the sniper, immediately ready to murder the son of a bitch. "Phenix get down!" Dean yells.

My wings summon themselves, saving me from the sniper's bullets. I open my wings to their fullest, staring the sniper down. The hostages run out of the vault, as Dean crawls closer to me and Ronald. Sam ducks down besides Dean, both panting. Sam pulls out the key and hands it to Dean.

"Here/ Take care of the guard. I'm going after the shifter." Sam explains. He runs off, and Dean crawls over towards me and Ronald. I stare at him, "Don't-" I close my eyes. I release my wings, them slowly fall behind my back. The shots staining my wings red.

Dean takes Ronald's rifle and, looking around furtively, runs off towards the guard. I follow behind him.

Dean holds the guard in front of him, the rifle in his other hand. We all approach the front door, slowly. "Everything's going to be alright." Dean explains. "No, don't shoot! Don't shoot! Please!" The guard panics. "No, no, no, no! Don't even think about it!" Dean says. "Please! Don't shoot!" The guard is full on freaking out. "Son of a-" Looking around the media frenzies outside. "I said get back! Now!" Dean yells. "Okay, ho, go!" The guard stumbles out as Dean draws back inside, followed by me.

I shut the door, latching it locked. "We are so screwed." Dean mutters. I nod, "If we make it out of here, I promise to explain everything." I state, right before teleporting away to check for Sam.

I find him just as he discovers the shifter has shade everywhere. "Oh no." I sigh. Sam turns to see me, "I'll call Dean." He explains. I nod, "I'll start searching." I explain, teleporting away.

We all start searching high and low for the shifter.

I fall to the floor, my body trying to heal itself but failing badly. "f*cking snipers." I sigh, flapping my wings up. I slowly lose consciousness.

I teleport myself behind the bank, greeted by a bunch of police men. I pretend I just walked out and fainted. "We found a hostage!" Someone shouts into their mic. I keep my eyes sealed tight. If they see my glowing eyes it won't end well for me or them. They get a stretcher and take me away. 'You got this Sam and Dean. Save those people.' I think to myself.

I immediately teleport myself out of the ambulance, teleporting to Sam and Dean's motel.


I wake up to see Sam and Dean standing over me. "Hi?" I stare up at them. "Waiting for breakfast or something?" I ask, annoyed. I sit myself up, holding back my hisses in pain. I flap my wings to my back, a feather falling into my hands. "I'm like a bird." I laugh.

"Turn the tv on." I order. Sam rolls his eyes, turning to the news. "The fugitives fled the building and now are on the run. Seemingly with missing person Phenix Winter. Who until now was confirmed dead after birth. If you see these three people." A picture of us shows up. "Don't hesitate to call the police. Do not interact."

I stretch my wings out with a sigh, "Have you seen the posts about me?" I ask. Looking at my laptop, "They're calling me the Angel of Death and the Angel of Darkness." I smile, showing them my screen. "I'm a super villain!"


I wake up in the back of the Impala. My bags scatter on the floor. I groan, pulling myself up. "Morning, kid." Dean greets. I sigh, "My back hurts." I frown. "I mean you took several bullets from the sniper. I don't know your pain tolerance, but I'd say that'd hurt like hell." Sam explains. I groan, "What time is it?" I ask. "5:30am." Dean says. I nod, "On the run and it's not even sunrise. That's a new one."

Chapter 12: Are You There God?


Major Self-Harm Warning (Beginning of Chapter)

Chapter Text

I sit in the bath, my water stained with dry blood. My wings pull me down into the red liquid. "You alright feather?!" Dean calls from outside. I fiddle with my wings, "Yeah!" I call back. I look at my wings as they stretch out of the bath, "You're lucky scars don't show up on wings." I whisper to them.

I get out and dry myself off, hissing from the pin of my healing wounds. I change into my outfit for the day.

I hiss at the contact with my devil's trap necklace, making me groan, annoyed. "You okay?" Dean voices calls again. "Yeah!" I call back. "I just stubbed my toe." I lie.

I finish getting dressed and head out to see Sam lying on his bed, which is strangely vibrating, while he's listening to music on his phone. He looks sort of blissful.

I start to make us lunch as Sam enters. "Hey." Sam greets. I smile back, "Morning." I turn back to my lunch preparations.

"Hey!" Sam smacks Dean's boot. "Hey. Man, you gotta try this. I mean there really is magic in the "Magic Fingers"" He air quotes. I hand Sam a sandwich, "Dean, you're enjoying that way too much. It's kind of making me uncomfortable." Sam says.

"What am I supposed to do?" Dean asks. "I mean, you've got me on lockdown here, I'm bored out of my skull." Dean whines. "I did say I could get you something to do." I argue back. "You're the two who were on the eleven o'clock news, not me. We can't risk you just walking into a government facility." Sam explains. "Like I would after la-" I pause myself, getting Dean his sandwich. Dean hums a response to Sam.

Sam waves a dismissing hand at Dean as he turns to go into the bathroom. The bed sh*tters to stillness. "Aw, dammit! That was my last quarter." Dean sighs. "Hey! You got any quarters?" He asks me. I roll my eyes, "Not for you." I smile. "Here," I handed him his sandwich.

Dean pulls his headphones out and gets up, crossing the room and leaning on the doorway to the bathroom where Sam is washing his face. "You have any?" He asks. "No!" Sam exclaims.

"So did you get in to see that crazy hooker?" Dean asks. "Gloria Stinick." I add. "Yeah. And I'm not so sure she's crazy." This intrigues me. "But she seriously believes that she was... touched by an angel?" Dean states. "Yeah. Blinding light, feelings of spiritual ecstasy, the works." Sam confirms. "I mean, she's living in a locked ward and she's totally at peace." Sam explains. "Oh yeah, you're right, sounds completely sane." Dean remarks. I walk over taking a bite of my sandwich.

"What about the guy she stabbed?" I ask. "Uh, Carl Gully. She said she killed him because he was evil." Sam states. "Was he?" Me and Dean say at, basically, the same time. "I don;'t know. I mean, I couldn't find any dirt on him. I mean, he didn't have a criminal record, he worked at the campus library, had lots of friends. He was a churchgoer." Sam explains.

"Hm. So then Gloria's just your standard-issue wacko. I mean (pshew) she wouldn't be the first nutjob in history to kill in the name of religion. Know what I mean?" Dean states. I'd being staring at the corner completely zoned out for the last few seconds. "No, but she's the second in town to murder becayse an angel told them to. Little bit odd, don't ya think?" Sam asks. Well, little odd, yes, supernatural, maybe. But angels?" He pauses for emphasis. "I don't think so." I stare up snapping back to reality at the word 'angels'.

"Why not?" Sam asks. "Cuz there's no such thing, Sam." Dean says as if it's obvious. "Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted." Sam explains. "Yeah, you know what? There's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and they shoot rainbows out of their ass." I chuckle. 'If they only knew about Zannas,'' I think to myself.

"Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?" Sam, jokingly sad, sits down. "That's cute. I'm just saying, man, there's just some legends that you just..." He pauses. "You file under "bullcrap"." Dean finishes. "And you've got angels on the bullcrap list." Sam deduces. I try not to laugh my ass off, 'That's what those dicks with wings deserve.' I chuckle to myself, quickly. "Yep." Dean confirms.

"Why?" Sam asks. Dean looks up, "Because I've never seen one." Dean explains. "So what?" Sam asks. "So I believe in what I can see." Dean states. "Dean! You and I have seen things that most people couldn't even dream about." Sam argues. "Exactly. With our own eyes. That's hard proof, okay? But in all this time I have never seen anything that looks like an angel. And don't you think that if they existed that we would have crossed paths with them? Or at least know someone that crossed paths with them? No. This is a demon or a spirit. You know, they find people a few fries short of a happy meal, and they trick them into killing these randoms." Dean rants. "Maybe." Sam is defeated. Dean rolls his eyes, "Can we just-" He pauses.

"I'm going stir-crazy man. Hey, let's go by Gloria's apartment, huh?" Dean suggests. "I was just there. Nothing. No sulfur, no EMF..." Sam explains. "You didn't see any fluffy white wing feathers?" Dean jokes. 'No all angels have the same color. Actually most don't. You'll find out one day. Maybe, depends. Angels don't like to interfere with hunters.' I think to myself. Sam sighs, "But Gloria did say the angel gave her a sign, right beside Carl Gully's doorway." Dean starts to get very eager, "Could be something at his house; it's worth checking out." Dean smiles.

We pull up in front of Gully's house. It is a moderate single-family home with steps leading up to the front door; to the left of the door is a plastic angel figure. Dean mounts the step and sees it.

"Oh hey, Sam. I think I found it." He gestures to the angel. "It's a sign from up above." I smile. We all peer into the window. "Well, I think I learned a valuable lesson: Always take down your Christmas decorations after New Year's, or you might get fileted by a hooker from God. Ha." Dean laughs. I roll my eyes, 'No angels are here. That's good.' I think to myself. "I'm laughing on the inside." Sam is clearly annoyed.

We wander around back, led by Sam, through a gate; finding a wooden storm cellar. "You know, Gloria said the guy was guilty to his deepest foundations." Sam says. "You think she meant the literal foundation?" I ask.

We open the creaking down and go down the steps, shining flashlights around. "Hm." Dean hums. There's scratches on a wall near the floor...


The room I was thrown in was covered in scratches. I was too delirious from almost drowning that I couldn't teleport out. I knew exactly what this room was. It was where they kept their torcher pets. I puked at the near sight of all the scratches, my eyesight going blurry.


I start to feel nauseous. "Hey." Sam points at the wall. "You got something?" Dean asks. Sam digs at the wall and pulls something out. "What is it?" I ask. "It's a fingernail." We all look at each other. We pull three shovels from the wall and begin to dig.

We'd been digging for the last hour it seemed. Though, finally we revealed the skull of the last skeleton. "So much for the innocent churchgoing librarian." Sam states. I nod, "Yikes." I exclaim. "Yeah, well, whatever spoke to Gloria about this knew what it was talking about, I'll give you that." Dean agrees.

I take a few pictures of the bodies, just in case and then teleport us back to the Impala.

Dean is sitting on the edge of the bed with the police radio in hand, listening. He looks painfully bored, but I'm too distracted with my painful nauseous and migraine to really care to help.

"We've got a minor TA, involving a motorcycle and a, uh van, this is at the corner of 28th and Pine, 28th and Pine." The Police radio states. Sam enters the room, making me turn to the brothers. Dean is staring sadly at the "Magic Fingers" controller. "D'you bring any quarters?" Dean asks desperately. Sam frowns at the controller.

"Dud! I'm not enabling your sick habit." Sam tosses a sandwich at Dean. I stare at the sandwich, "I made that." I say sarcastically sad. "You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies." Sam exclaims. "That's a sad way to live." I remark. "What are you talking about? I eat. And I got news." Dean says "Me too." Sam states.

"All right, you go first." Dean allows. "Three students have disappeared off the college campus in the last year. All of them were last seen at the library." Sam says. "Where Carl Gully worked." Dean deduces. "Yep." Sam confirms. "Sick bastard." Dean stares at the floor.

"So Gloria's angel-" Dean cuts him off. "Angel?" "Okay. whatever this thing is..." He pauses.

"Okay, well, whatever it is, it's struck again." Dean intervens. "What?" Sam asks. "We were listening to the police radio for the last hour or so. There was a guy." Dean starts. "Zach Smith." I add. "Some local drunk; He went up to a stranger's front door last night, stabbed him in the heart." Dean finishes. "And then I'm guessing he went to the police and confessed?" Sam asks. "Yep. Roma Downey made him do it." I cross the room grabbing one of Dean's sticky notes off the mirror. "I got the victim's address." I wave the sticky note in the air.

We climb over the fence into the yard and sneak in through the window. Sam sits down at the computer as Dean and I search the house.

We walk into the room greeted by Sam, "Find anything?" He asks. "Well, Frank liked his catalog shopping, but that's about all I got." Dean explains. Sam looks at me, I shrug in response. "Cute dog pictures." I sigh, giving something.

"Not much here. Except he's got this one locked file on his computer, I can't..." He pauses frustrated. He presses a few buttons, "Hold on." He presses a few more, he grins in triumph. "No anymore. God." Sam grins again. "What?" I inquire. "Well, he's got all these emails. Dozens, to this lazy named Jennifer." He pauses. "This lady who's thirteen years old. "Our faces all drop in disgust. "Oh, I don't want to hear this." Dean remarks.

"Looks like they met in a chat room. These emails are pretty personal. Look at that. Setting up a time and place to meet." Sam explains. "Great." Dean remarks. I stare at the floor, 'Perverts' "They were supposed to meet today." I pause in my tracks, "Huh, Well I guess if you're going to kill someone, good timing." I state. "I don;t know man, this is weird, you know?" Dean starts. "I mean, sure, some spirits are out for vengeance, but this one's almost like a do-gooder, you know?" He inquires. We both nod. "Like, like a-" Sam cuts him off. "Avenging angel?" Dean turns away.

'Great, they're gonna fight again.' I sigh, fidgeting with my sleeves. I check the clock "Well, how else do you explain it, Dean?" It's almost midnight. "Three guys, not connected to each other, all stabbed through the heart?" My eyes glow in the moonlight. Honestly if they didn't have so much pain behind them... they might be beautiful to the human eye "At least two were world-class pervs, and I bet if you dug deep enough on the other guy-" Sam's cut off.

"Hey." Dean picks something up. "What?" Sam asks. "You said Cark Gully was a churchgoer, right?" Dean asks. "Yeah?" Sam is confused. Honestly, so am I. "What was the name of his church?" Dean inquires. "Uh... Our Lady of the Angels?" Sam answers. "Of course that'd be the name." Dean sighs. He holds up a church flier. "Looks like Frank went to the same church." I sigh to myself, 'Finally a connection.' I think.

We walk through the sanctuary of the church speaking to a friendly-looking priest. "So you're interested in joining the parish?" Father Reynolds asks. "Yeah, well, you know, we just don't feel right unless we hit church every Sunday." Dean explains. I sigh, quietly to myself, 'If they knew what I was, I'd be burned at the stake, not welcomed.' I frown, though quickly hide my reaction.

"Where'd you say you lived before?" Fr. Reynolds asks. "Uh..." Sam tries to think for a minute. "Fremont, Texas." I respond. I'd lived there with my parents for a few months before we moved again. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Really? That's a nice town. St. Teresa's parish, you must know the priest there." Fr. Reynolds comments. I look towards the floor.... My mind leaving me. "Sure, yeah, no it's uh." Dean thinks. "Father Shaughnessy." I confirm.


"Get that creature out of my church" I'm pushed into my parents, landing on the floor. My eyes burn a darkened blue. "Or the Next Time I See It I'll Kill It Myself!" The priest yells. "Come on, Pheo." My father picks me up. I keep my eyes to the floor as we exit the church doors.

"It's best we leave this town anyway. Wouldn't want to stay somewhere as boring as here for long." My mother says. I slightly smile. I know she's trying to make me feel better, but I was too distracted mental to mind. We were in the middle of a werewolf hunt from a pack of christain wolves. I remembered the rule of my family at moments like this, 'never kill a creature that isn't evil no matter how it looks.'


"You know, we're just happy to be here now, Father." Sam cuts in. "And we're happy to have you, we could use some young blood around here." Father smiles. "Hey, listen, I gotta ask..." Dean pauses for a slight second. "No offense, but uh, the neighborhood?" Dean inquires. "Well, it's gone to seed a little, there's no denying that, but that's why what the church does here is so important. Like I always say, you can expect a miracle, but in the meantime you work your butt off." Father explains.

"Huh. Yeah, we heard about the murders." Dean explains. "Yes. The victims were parishioners of mine, I'd known them for years." Father confirms. "And the killers said that an angel made them do that?" Sam asks. "Yes. Misguided souls, to think that God's messenger would appear and incite people to murder. It's tragic." Fr. Reynolds states. "God's angels would never do such a thing." I confirm. 'Gabriel might though.' I think to myself.

"So you don't believe in those angel yarns, huh?" Dean asks. "Oh, no, I absolutely believe. Kind of goes with the job description." Father explains. "Father, that's Michael, right?" Sam points to one of the stained glass windows. I sigh, 'Doesn't match what he's like in real life.' I think. "That's right." Father confirms. "The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons." 'Given so many titles. It's a surprise angels aren't completely full of themselves... oh wait.' I try not to laugh. "Holy force against evil." Father finishes.

"So they're not really the Hallmark card version that everybody thinks?" Sam inquiries. I try not to laugh at his question, 'Hallmark card angels. Imagine if they understand emotions well enough to be as weird as holiday cards.' "They're fierce, right? Vigilant?' Sam asks. 'Especially when-'

I may be a demon hybrid, but I still am Lucifer's blood child. I do have angel like powers including my wings, astral projection and vision, angel radio, etc. "Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful. But, uh, yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God's warriors. "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone down upon them, and they were terrified."" I look at the floor, "God really scraped that together in one minute.' I think to myself. "Luke, two nine." I explain to the confused Dean. Dean nods sagely.

"Well, thank you for speaking with us, Father." Sam says. "Oh, it's my pleasure." Father smiles. "Hope to see you again." He goodbyes.

"Hey, Father, what's, what is all that for?" Dean asks, pointing to a collection of tribute items at the bottom of the steps. "Oh, that's for Father Gregory. He was a priest here." The priest explains. "Was?" Dean asks. "He passed away right on these steps. He's interred in the church crypt." Father explains.

"When did this happen?" Dean asks. "Two months ago. He was shot for his car keys." Father explains. "I'm sorry." Sam apologies. "Yeah, me too. He was a good friend. I didn't even have time to administer his last rites. But like I said, it's a tough neighborhood. Ever since he died I've been praying my heart out." Father rants. "For what?" Sam asks. "For deliverance. From the violence and the bloodshed around here. We could use a little divine intervention, I s'pose." Father states. "Well, Padre, thanks. We'll see you again." Dean goodbyes.

Father Reynolds goes back inside; so we decide to investigate the shrine. "I'm gonna go back to the hotel." I say suddenly. I don't give them time to reply as I teleport myself away.

"Hey, it's Phenix, Lucifer's son." I greet the guards of his cage. "Go ahead, Lucifer has been angry all day." I nod, "Thanks, I'll be wary." I pass them the entrance.

"Phenix, my favorite child." Lucifer greets. I sigh, "I'm your only child." I explain. "Here to help me escape?" I shake my head, "Never are." He looks annoyed. "I'm here to ask about a demon of yours."

I teleport back to the hotel, greeted by an arguing Sam and Dean. "Humans," I sigh to myself.

That evening we headed to Father Gregory's tombstone. It's covered in creeping vines. We all crouch before it. "That looks like- '' Sam starts. Dean cuts him off, "It's wormwood. Plant associated with the dead; specifically the ones that are not at rest. I don't see it growing anytwere else, except over the murdered priest's marker. It's him, Sam." Dean explains. "Maybe." Sam tries to agree. "Maybe?" Dean asks. "Dean, I don't know what to think."

I zone out there arguing thinking of what Lucifer had told me earlier.


"Yellow eyed demon? Sounds like Azazel. I'd be careful, even my full blooded warriors are scared of demons like him. And I can't lose my strongest soldier." Lucifer explains


"Okay. You want some more proof? I'll give you more proof." Dean states. "How?" Sam asks. "We'll summon Gregory's spirit." Dean says. "What? Here? In the church?" I shrug, "Sounds fun." I smile, pulling out some salt from my bag. "Yeah. Yeah, we just need a few odds and ends, and that, uh, séance ritual in Dad's journal." I groan, "Do it by the book? That's no fun." I put my salt away.

"So if Father Gregory's spirit is around it'll summon him and if it's an angel... you're f*cked." I state. "Have fun with that. I'd rather not talk to either dick." I teleport away to my own room in hell.

I hadn't been there since my last partnership failed. Though, I don't mean Gordon or Meg.

The pictures are all of different hunters and supernatural beings. Though the picture above my makeup mirror is of my adoptive family and cat. The organizer boxes filled with different hunting supplies and dead hunters' journals.

I crawled under my bed and let myself take a few deep breaths.

I teleport back to the Impala, noticing us at the store. Sam and Dean are nowhere to be seen. So, I take my extra time to write an overdue journal entry.

I watch as someone across the street glows bright white. I stare at the man, my eyes forcing a pure violet glow. Dean gets into the car, locking the door behind him. "Dean. Unlock my door." Sam orders. "You're not killing anyone, Sam. I got this guy, you do the séance." Dean orders. I teleport myself out of the car, "I'd rather summon Casper." I explain, adorning my backpack.

"Dean!" Sam yells as Dean pulls away, following the young man at a short distance.

We kneel before Gregory's grave, the spell materials spread out: a circle of small white candles, a large black candle in the middle, the placemat (Spongebob side down), and the journal. I lit the candles, As Sam reads from the journal. "Amate Spiritus Obscure, te quaerimus, te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, aput nos circita." I think of the translatio, curious. 'Spiritual shade (of my) beloved (or steemed) one, we summon thee, we pray to thee, (come) talk to us, join and be among us!' I think to myself. I sprinkle some herbs on the black candle as it flares once, brightly.

Father Reynolds walks in, distraught by our actions. Him and Sam get in an argument as I continue the séance. As we're pulled to the exit a familiar bright glow builds behind us. We turn, Father Reynolds inawe, Sam in disappointment, and me in curiosity.

"Oh my god! Is that... is that an angel?" Father Reyolds gasps. "No, it's not. It's just Father Gregory." Sam dismisses. The bright glow dims and coalesces to reveal a young priest. "Thomas?!" The priest stares at him. "I've come in answer to your prayers." Father Gregory yells.

Sam approaches the Gregory-spirit cautiously. "Sam. I thought I sent you on your path. You should hurry." Gregory explains. "Father, I'm sorry." I interrupt, "You're not an angel." I explain. "Of course I am." He remarks. "No. You're a man. You're a spirit. And you need to rest." Sam states. "I was a man. But now I'm an angel. I was on the steps of the church. And I felt that bullet pierce right through me. But there was no pain. And suddenly I could see . . .everything. Father Reynolds, I saw you, praying and crying here. I came to help you." The priest explains. "Help me how?" Reynolds asks.

"Those murders- that was because of you?" Father Reynolds is in awe. "I received the Word of God. He spoke to me, told me to smite the wicked. I'm carrying out his will." Father Gregory explains. "Yeah, it doesn't work like that." I whisper.

"You're driving innocent people to kill." Reynolds exclaims. "Those innocent people are being offered redemption. Some people need redemption. Don't they, Sam?" Gregory asks. Sam looks away, touched a nerve.

"How can you call this redemption?" Reynolds asks. "You can't understand it now. But the rules of man and the rules of God are two very different things." Gregory argues. "Those people. They're locked up." Reynolds exclaims. "No, they're happy. They've found peace, beaten their demons. And I've given them the keys to Heaven." Gregory states.

"No. No, this is vengeance, it's wrong. Thomas, this goes against everything you believed. You're lost, misguided." Reynolds explains. "Father. No, I'm not misguided." Gregory states. "You are not an angel, Thomas. Men cannot be angels." I think for a moment, 'I mean technically. Though, God can really do whatever he wants.'

"But...but I, I don't understand. You prayed for me to come." Gregory explains. "I prayed for God's help. Not this. What you're doing is not God's will. "Thou shalt not kill". That's the word of God." Father Reynolds explains.

"Let us help you." Sam suggests. "No." Gregory remarks. "It's time to rest, Thomas, to be at peace. Please, let me give you your Last Rights," Father Reynolds pleds. Father Gregory nods in resignation; Father Reynolds lifts his hands in prayer.

"Oh Holy Hosts above, I call upon thee as a servant of Christ to sanctify our actions this day, in fulfillment of the will of God." Father Reynolds starts. Though he's cut off by his own gasps as Father Gergory flickers like a distorted image. "Father Reynolds?" Gregory questions, confused. "Rest." Reynolds replies. Gregory kneels as Reynolds holds a hand over his forehead. "I call upon the Archangel Raphael, Master of the Air, to make open the way." I stare at the floor, 'If only hunters could die at a peace like this and be granted Heaven.' I sigh. "Let the fire of the Holy Spirit now descend, that this being might be awakened to the world beyond." Reynolds finishes. Gregory glows bright, then vanishes to a short soft (angelic) chorus. Reynolds lowers his hand in awe.... All of us are in awe. 'Never has putting someone at rest seemed so easy.'

Sam slowly leaves the church, leaving me confused and in awe. "Father," I pause. "Yes?" Reynolds asks. "Would you say all of God's creatures go to Heaven?" I ask. He looks where Gregory once stood, "That's one of life's greatest mysteries. I believe if someone or something is good at heart, they'll make it into Heaven." Father responses. I nod slightly, "Thanks." I smile.

I watch Sam pack as I eat some buttered toast. Dean approaches the room, entering from outside. "How was your day?" Dean asks. "You were right. It wasn't an angel. It was Gregory." Sam's voice is sadly dully, demoralized. Dean pulls a flask from his inner pocket, takes a drink, then, considering, offers it to Sam. Sam takes it.

"I don't know, Dean, I just, uh..." Sam sits on the bed. I sit my toast on its plate, thinking of how to keep Sam's faith, since angels are real. "I wanted to believe..." He pauses, taking a breath. "so badly, ah ... It's so damn hard to do this, what we do. You're all alone, you know? And ... There's so much evil out there in the world, Dean, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up..." Dean cuts him off sitting on the bed next to him. I take this moment to figure out what Azazel wants from Sam to end the brothers' suffering, even if I can't stop their destinies.

"Yeah, well, don't worry about that. All right? I'm watching out for you." Dean comments. "Yeah, I know you are." I smile, slightly. "But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else, watching too, you know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe..." He pauses. 'Angels aren't a higher good. They usually work for themselves, pretending to be so righteous. That's the only difference between Angels and Demons, their egos.' I sigh, writing something, in pen, on my hand.

"Maybe what?" Dean asks. "Maybe I could be saved." Sam answers.


"You know most angels, they're dicks." Gabriel remarks. I look at him in fake confusion. "Angels, dicks? I could never-" He rolls his eyes at me. "They lack understanding of human emotions and can be quite narcissistic to species other than themselves or their higher ups." I nod, "I know. It's just... maybe, If I ask real nicely. They'll spare me for a greater destiny." Gabriel sighs, "Unlikely, God left Heaven some time ago. He's the only one who can change your destiny, if not yourself." I sigh at his response, "Maybe I can't be saved." He shrugs, "Never know. I find it's simpler to just ignore your destiny and do what you want with your life." I nod, "Maybe."


Sam laughs nervously, "But, uh, you know, that just clouded my judgment, and you're right. I mean, we've gotta go with what we know, with what we can see, with what's right in front of our own eyes." Sam confirms.

"Yeah, well, it's funny you say that." I snap back into the conversation at that. "Why?" Sam asks. "Gregory's spirit gave you some pretty good information. That guy in the car was bad news. I barely got there in time." Dean explains. "What happened?" I ask. "He's dead." Dean states. "Did... you?" Sam starts. Dean cuts him off, No. But I'll tell you one thing. If... The way he died, if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I never would have believed it. I mean... I don't know what to call it." Dean explains. 'Angels, ugh the bain of my existence.' I sigh. "What? Dean, what did you see?" Sam inquires. "Maybe...God's will." He states. I stare at him, 'He found God?!'

Chapter 13: Can Possess the Hunter

Chapter Text

I sit fidgeting with my necklace. Dean's on his phone, leaning against the Impala. He is fidgeting, clearly upset. I knew why Sam had been missing for the past few hours. We'd noticed this morning when he didn't get up first and make himself coffee. I was the second to awake and made breakfast for all of us, unlocking Sam and Dean's hotel room after it finished. There I discovered Sam was missing and wasn't responding to Dean. So I called him...and no response.

"Ellen it's me again. Any chance you've heard from him?" Dean asks. I fidget some more, almost accidentally cutting my hand. "I swear, it's like looking for my dad all over again. I'm losing my mind here." My eyes glow blue, I feel bad for Dean. Sam is all he has and I'm not much for 'great company'.

"No, I've called him a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail." Sam's voicemail wasn't much of a voicemail. It spoke 'This is Sam Winchester leave a- DEAN I WON'T FORGET THE PIE.' If this wasn't a worried time, I'd laugh at that. "I don't know where he went, or why. Sam's just gone." I frown. Sam doesn't deserve to be a missing person poster, barely seen by those who pass it. 'Hunters don't even go missing, without reason. What was Sam's?'

His cell phone beeps, "Hang on." He puts Ellen on hold. "Sammy?" Dean calls, my eyes dimming to their humane color. "Where the hell are you? Are you okay?" Dean rants worriedly. "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Where are you?" There's a pause, as Dean scribbles something down. "All right, don't move, we're on the way." Dean states, getting in the car quickly.

We make it to Twin Lakes, arriving at a semi good looking hotel. We walk frantically, well Dean does. I'm used to keeping myself physically calm, checking door numbers until we reach room 109. Which I knock on the door of. "Sam, it's us. Sam!" Dean calls. We try to open the door, it's open.

Inside, Sam sits numbly on one bed. "Sam?" Dean calls. "Hey." He kneels beside Sam. "Hey, Dean." Sam responses, seemingly dryly. I get some water from the sink, handing it to Sam. He takes a sip as Dean continues to speak. "Are you bleeding?" Dean asks. "I tried to wash it off." Sam explains.


"Are you bleeding?" My father asks, wide eyed. "I tried to wash it off, but kept coming back." My hand holding a blood soaked cloth. "Sweetie, come with me." My mother coaxes me into the kitchen, picking me up and placing me on the counter.

She dips a cloth in the sink water and washes the giant gushing scratch wounds on my chest, carefully as if she was washing a bird's wings.


I stare at the floor, mind blank. "Oh my god." Sam's shirt is covered in blood. Dean starts to search for a wound of some kind. "I don't think it's my blood." We both stop in our tracks. "Whose is it?" Dean asks. "I don't know." Sam responses.

"Sam, what the hell happened?" Dean asks. It was a reasonable question, though maybe too early in time. Sam seemed too frightened to give a clear answer. Sam finally looks up at us. "Dean. I don't remember anything." Sam explains.

After a few minutes of silence I take control of the situation, "Dean can you get us some breakfast?" I suggest. Dean nods, leaving from the store.

"Sam, don't worry. We're going to figure this out. I promise." I state. I don't know if that promise was going to be fulfilled or just another empty wish, but it seemed to calm him just a little bit. "Take a shower and get dressed, I'll look around for clues." I order. He nods, walking into the bathroom.

Dean returns to the room, carrying a grocery bag. Sam has changed clothes and seems a little less out of it than before. "What'd you find out?" Sam asks, knowing Dean did some investigating while shopping. "You checked in two days ago under the name Richard Sambora. Of course, I think the scariest part of this whole thing is the fact that you're a Bon Jovi fan," Dean starts. Sam cuts him off, "Dean." He remarks. "Your room's been quiet, nobody's noticed anything unusual." Dean finishes.

"You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood?" Sam asks. "Yeah. That's what I mean." Dean confirms. "Then how the hell did I get here, Dean? What happened to me?" Sam starts worrying again. "I think I know the first answer." I point to the window. There's bloody marks covering it, seeming from the outside going in.

We walk outside the motel. It's day, but it's raining mercilessly. "Recognize anything?" Dean asks. I always loved the rain, it seemed to wash away memories of the past. It cleaned the surface and brought a new. "Not really." We walk towards a parking garage out back. It was a nice memory for me. My mother and father met on a rainy day. They;d always tell me the story while we watch the rain on our porch. "Wait." Sam pauses.

"What?" Dean and I ask at once. "I think I was here." Sam explains. "You remember?" Dean asks. "Not really, it just...feels familiar, you know?" Sam explains. Dean shrugs, walking to the nearest garage. "Try that one." Sam points to one of the doors. Dean walks over to it, "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Okay," Dean tugs at the padlock.

"Wait." Sam digs in his pocket, frowning. He pulls out a key, giving us a significant look. Dean opens the padlock with the key, raising his eyebrows at Sam. He pulls the garage door open to reveal a filthy, beat-up VW Beetle. "Oh, please tell me you didn't steal This." This groans. Sam fidgets, uncomfortably.

We go into the garage and open both doors of the car, Sam on the driver's side. He touches the wheel, showing us his stained finger. "More blood." Sam frowns. "Sam. Back seat." We both turn to see a bloody knife sticking to the floor of the backseat. Sam stares at it intensely, as he picks it up. "You think I used this on someone?" Sam asks. "I'm not thinking," He pauses for dramatic effect. "Anything." I sigh, "Sam, you're not a killer." I state.

Sam looks around, as he rubs the knife hand off on the inside of his jacket. I pick up a pack of cigarettes. "Okay now this is disturbing. Come on, man, this couldn't have been you. Had to have been someone else, somebody who uh." Dean takes the smokes from me. He sniffs the pack. "Smokes menthols." I gag, I hated the smell of cigarettes. I turn to Sam and for a second, I swear, his eyes flickered. "Here. Gas receipt. Few towns over." Dean nods, "Let's go."

I text Dean, on the way, what I saw.

(D: Dean, P: Phenix)

P: It may have been a trick of the light

P: tho i swear sams eyes flickered

Read: 4:37pm

We pull up in front of a small gas station. "All right. Receipt's for ten gallons at pump number twp. You getting any, uh, any goosebumps yet? 'God, this looks familiar', deja vu vibes?" Dean asks Sam. Sam shakes his head quietly. "Maybe someone inside'll remember you. Come on." Dean urges us inside.

We go inside the convenience store; the clerk looks up in shock, then anger. "You. Outta here now, I'm calling the cops." He states. "You talking to him?" Dean asks. "Yeah, I'm talking to him. Jerk comes in yesterday stinking drunk, grabs a forty from the fridge, starts chugging." The clerk explains. "This guy? You're drinking malt liquor?" Dean stares confused. "Not after he whipped the friggin' bottle at my head." The clerk aruges. "This guy?" Dean asks again. "What, am I speaking Urdu?" The clerk's sarcasm tires me.

"Look, i'm really sorry if I did anything-" Sam starts. "Tell your story walkin', pal. Po=po will be here in five." The clerk states. "Wait, wait, put the phone down. Sam, go wait in the car." Dean orders. "But Dean-" Sam argues. "Go wait in the car!" Dean strictly orders. Sam sighs, leaving the store.

"Okay, look, man. I just want to talk to you, that's it. Okay?" The clerk hangs up. "Now, when he took off yesterday, which way did he go?" Dean asks. "Why don't you ask him?" The clerk isn't having it. "'Cause I'm asking you." Dean fires back. :Now please, you'd be doing me a huge favor." Dean states.

"Oh, do you a favor? Well, that is what I live for. You know, your buddy didn't pay for the booze. Okay? Or the smokes, which he also illegally lit up." The clerk aruges. "You saw him smoking?" I ask. "Yeah. Guy's a chimney." The clerk states. Dean clears his throat and pulls out his wallet, placing some bills on the counter. "This, uh, ought to cover it." Dean states. "Hmm. It's, ug, it's coming back to me now. He took two packs. " The clerk lies. Dean pulls out more money, "If course he did." Dean sighs.

"He went north. Route 71, straight out of town." Dean nods, grabs two candy bars and leaves with a smirk. I look the clerk in the eyes, eyes burning red. "Scammers piss me off." I state. The fear is clear on his fear no matter how hard he tries to hide it. I quietly catch up to Dean.

"What's going on with you, Sam?" Dean asks driving down the road. "Hm? 'Cause smoking, throwing bottles at people, I mean, that sounds more like me than you." Dean states. I nod, Dean was more aggressive when he had to be.

It had turned night as we drove, though I preferred the night sky to the sunshine. The night hid my fears in its pitch black darkness. "Dean. wait, right here. Turn down that road." Sam orders. "What?" Dean asks. "I don't know how I know, I just do." Dean complies and turns down a back road to a private property.

It's a large house with plenty of emergency lighting and security cameras outside. "Whoever lives here, I'd say they don't like surprises." Sam remarks. I stare at the house in pure horror, my whole body shaking. I didn't remember when or why, but I'd been here and not for a good reason. My whole body wanted to freeze to the floor and sob uncontrollably. Though, I was on a case and had no time for weakness.

"Should we knock?" Dean asks. "Ywah, I guess." Sam replies. Dean knocks on the front door while Sam pokes around the corner. "Hey!" Sam calls us over.

He waves his flashlight at a window. It's broken, the ledge covered in shattered glass. "I'm surprised the cops didn't show. Place like this you'd think it'd have an alarm." Dean remarks. "Yeah, you would." Sam looks to a disabled alarm on the wall.

I teleport us inside, as close to the front door as possible. The floor is covered in broken glass and shattered items. In a back room, we find a body across the floor. I stare at the hunter before me, hit by a strange sense of relief.

"Hit the lights." Dean orders. I compile, turning the light on as Dean kneels behind the body. He places a hand on it and turns it over. It is a middle-aged man with a deeply cut throat; he is dead, his eyes staring. Dean puts a hand over his own; Sam looks purely horrified. I just stare, unsure of what to feel.


The room I was thrown in was covered in scratches. I was too delirious from almost drowning that I couldn't teleport out. I knew exactly what this room was. It was where they kept their torcher pets. I puked at the near sight of all the scratches, my eyesight going blurry.


"Dean, I did this." Sam states. "We don't know that." Dean replies, strictly.


I try to teleport outside, against the walls, anything to get out. It all fails as my mind starts emptying of ideas. The room becomes covered in my vomit and blood, from overusing my powers.


"What else do you need? I mean, how else do you explain the car, the knife, the blood-" Dean cuts him off. "I don't know, man, why don't you tell me?!" Dean pauses.


I slid to the floor, using the wall for safety. My body has officially given up trying. I stare at the blurry, scratchy, redwalls in complete defeat. "Am I going to die here?" I think aloud. "Finally, you've given out." I'm startled by a sudden voice.


"Look, even if you did do this I'm sure you had a reason, you know; self-defense, uh, he was, he was a bad son of a bitch, something!" Dean pats the body down. "He doesn't have any ID." I try not to vomit my guts out, seeming calm to the naked mortal eye.


The walls are covered in blood, dripping to the floor. I stare at the ropes tying me to the ground. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'

The hunter knew I wouldn't be able to escape even if they left the room.

I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens.


"I need your lockpick." Sam states. "What?" Dean's confused. So am I. "I need your lockpick." Sam repeats. Sam takes the lockpick and opens a double-door closet in the room. Inside the room, one wall is covered in firearms, the other in charts and clippings.


"You know I truly favor a bullet to the heart. Though, with hybrid mistakes of nature, I prefer the wait. It's better to see the pain as you slowly die over the course of a few days." He injects something into my arm. I try not to vomit at the mere touch.


"Holy.. either this guy's a Unabomber-" Dean starts. "Or a hunter." Sam finishes. "Dean, I think I killed a hunter." Sam states. Dean looks at a security camera near the ceiling. "Let's find out." He remarks.


"Oh it's no use struggling." I look down. I'm rope tied to a chair, with duct tape layered on top. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. "That will hold you. At least a very long time." I stare at the figure before me. They're completely covered, wearing a mask and non-revealing clothing. 'There's no way to ID them, but they're a hunter for sure. "I wonder what we could do in that time." I can feel the toothy grin plastering their face a mile away. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'

I hiss from the very pain of my own coming death. "Stop!" I yell. "Why would a monster like you get mercy?" A voice asks. "I'm not a monster." I cry out. "You're a hunter, right?" They ask. I try to nod, but the pain makes me wince. They chuckle at my response.

"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."

My eyes don't dare to close, frozen open from the fear that entangles me. I watch as they clean their knives, searching for new ways to punish me. 'Why do I have to go through this just because I'm magic?' My eyes glow blue with pain. I hear the figure laugh as they notice the glowing reflecting on their tools. "Your powers won't help you now." They chuckle. 'I won't kill a hunter just because I'm supernatural.' I confirm to myself. "Though you already know that don't you?"


I sit in the corner rocking back and forth, staring at the floor. Sam is sitting in front of the desktop computer, Dean standing behind. He cues up the security tape, but my vision is too blurry to make much out.

"Here we go." Dean remarks. One the tape, a blurry figure is fighting a similar (or the same) man who lies dead on the floor before us. The fight moves off camera and then the first figure drags the man back into the frame; he kneels, the man pulled up against his legs, and slits his throat. Sam and Dean stare in shock as Dean pulls back from the screen and stands straight, glancing at Sam.


I wake up to a voice calling me. "Hey wake up," It's the second figure from that night. "Where am I?" I ask. "Our Roadhouse, in Nebraska." The figure explains. I nod slightly, "Why am I alive?" I ask, eyes glowing blue. "You lost your will to live over night?" They ask. "You had a lot of sass yesterday." They reveal my blade in their hand. "Either you find a newbie hunter or you're the son of Everly and James Winter." They explain. I sigh, "I have no right to call myself their son." I explain, sitting myself up.

"What's your name?" They ask. I look towards the devil trapped floor, "Why?" They look down for a second and shake their head. "We don't believe you demonic, it's just in case you haven't sobered up yet. I'm Joanna Beth. you can call me Jo," Jo introduces herself. "I'm Phenix...Phenix Winter." I say, trying to collect myself. "Most call me Nix for short." I look up to see someone else enter. It's the person from before, though their name leaves me.

"Jo, can you man the bar?" She asks. Jo aruges, but leaves anyway. "Phenix is it?" The figure asks. I nod, slightly, "I'm Ellen," She smiles. "Nice to meet you." I say softly. "Your voice is naturally very soft isn't it?" She asks. I nod, "I don't like to raise my voice much... maybe that's why it never got higher." I try to reason. "Your parents are on their way to confirm your identity. If you truly are Phenix Winter, as we believe, I hope this problem solves itself for your sake. It wouldn't be good if word got out of a hunter going raid and killing others. Of course, rumors would leave out the facts of you being clearly drugged and out of your mind. You know how hunters talk." I smile, nodding. "Yeah." I responded.


Sam sits at the computer desk, staring at a page in his hand; Dean bustles around behind him; cleaning up. "How do you erase this? Huh?" Dean asks.


"Why'd you save me?" I ask. Ellen looks at me, my eyes glowing blue. "I honestly can't answer that one, kid." She explains with a sigh. She hands me a drink, I take it dryly. "Thanks," I whisper, downing it.


"Sam, come on, I need your help." Dean states. "I killed him, Dean." Sam panics. "I just broke in and killed him," Sam seems overly worried. 'Is it normal to be this panicked after you just found out?' I think to myself. "Listen to me. Whoever this guy is, he's a hunter. Which means that other hunters are going to come looking for his killer, which means we've got to cover our tracks, okay?" Dean explains. I nod, picking the glass off the floor.

"His name was Steve Wandell-"


"His name is Steve Wandell." I stare at the hunters before me. "Classic 'distrubed' kinda guy. Had more than three supernatural creatures in his basem*nt, and ten more rooms for others." I stare at the floor, my vision going blurry again. "Phenix?" Ellen calls, in an echoey-ish voice.


"This is a letter from his daughter." Dean looks from Sam to the letter, to me, then to Sam, back to the letter, then makes a decision. He grabs the CPU, lifts it above his head, and smashes it to the floor, stomping it with his boots for good measure. Dean looks at Sam, still sitting there despondent, tosses a rag to him. "Wipe your prints, then we go." Dean orders.

I teleport us into the motel room. My eyes blurry once more, I pack my bags, listening in on Sam and Dean's conversation. "All right, we get a couple hours sleep and then we put this place in our rearview mirror." Dean remarks. "Look, I know this is bad, okay?" Dean pauses. "You gotta snap out of it. Sam, say something!" Dean panics.

I bring my bags into the main room, stealing a glass of spiked lemonade from the fridge. "Just get some sleep and leave in the morning? Murder, Dean. That's what I did." Sam exclaims. "Maybe." Dean is hunting for words. Sam scoffs, "Okay?" Dean questions. "Hey, we don't know...Shapeshifter!" Dean tries.

"Oh, come on. You know it wasn't, you saw the tapes. There was no eye flare, no distortion." Sam explains. "Yeah, but it wasn't you! All right? I mean, yeah, it might have been you, but it wasn't you." And now I am even confused.

"Well, I think it was." Sam sits on his bed. "I think maybe more than you know." Sam remarks. "What the hell does that mean?" Dean's annoyed. "For the last few weeks I've been having... I've been having these feelings." Dean sits next to Sam.

My head starts to burn, my mind convincing me to run and protect Dean. Though, for no reason. It's just Sam. "What feelings?" Dean asks. "Rage. Hate. And I can't stop it. It just gets worse. Day by day, it gets worse." Sam states. "You never told me this." Dean mummers. "I didn't want to scare you." Sam explains. Dean nods, slaps his knee, and stands up. "Well, bang-up job on that." He comments.

"Dean, the yellow-eyed demon, you know he has plans for me. And we both know that he's turned other children into killers before, too." Sam explains. "No one can control you but you." Dean retorts. I sit on the floor, trying to figure out what so off about Sam. "It sure doesn't seem like that, Dean, it feels like no matter what I do, slowly but surely I'm, I'm just becoming..." Sam cuts himself off. "What?" Dean retorts. "Who I'm meant to be." And now he's a Disney princess!

"I mean, you said it once yourself, Dean. I gotta face up to who I am." Sam mentions. "I didn't mean this!" Dean remarks. "But it's still true." Sam argues. "You know that. Dad knew that. That's why he told you, if it ever came to this..." Sam trails off.

"Shut up, Sam." Dean orders. I take my bottle in hand and place it in the sink. "Dean, you promised him. You promised me." Sam reminds. "No. Listen to me. We're gonna figure this out. Okay? I mean, there's gotta be a way, right?" Something clicked in my brain at that moment. Earlier, his eyes flickered. 'He's,' "Yeah there is" He takes a handgun from his duffel, shoves it at Dean. 'Possessed.' "I don't wanna hurt anyone else. I don't wanna hurt you." I try to warn Dean without "Sam" knowing.

Dean looks down at the gun Sam is handing him, "I won't Whatever this is, you can fight it." Dean remarks. "Sam" starts to tear up, "No. I can't. Not forever. Here, you gotta do it." They just stare at each other for a long moment. Then "Sam" grabs Dean's right hand and places the gun in it. Dean doesn't move, just stares at "Sam" in shock. I stare at Dean trying to make him realize "Sam's" not Sam. "Sam" is shaky, upset.

"You know, I've tried too hard to keep you safe." Dean explains. "I know" "Sam" nods. Dean shakes his head no, "I can't. I'd rather die." Dean remarks. Dean drops the gun and shoulders past "Sam". "No. You'll live." "Sam" picks up the gun, turning to face Dean. "You'll live to regret this." "Sam" remarks. "Dean duck!" I yell, turning around wings and all. Sam pistol-whips Dean, who falls to the floor unconscious.

I kneel next to Dean, checking his pulse. "He's alive," I sigh to myself. "So name? If I may ask." I remark, lowering my wings. "Sam," I groan, "Funny." I roll my eyes. "Killing hunters for a reason or just for fun?" I ask. He pauses, staring at me for a moment. "You're the Hybrid." I pause, staring daggers into him. "Names Phenix." I retort.

"Well I should be going. You have a destiny, but so do I." He smiles a toothy grin. "You're not gonna stop me... You wouldn't lay a hand on Sam." I stare at the ceiling. "You have no clue what I've done." I spit back, taking a blade in hand. "I know more than you might think." He levates a blade to himself.

The fight begins in a more 'take the other knife' sort of way. Though, it leds to a painful battle, leaving my body littered in cuts. Of course, he was right. The demon's ve....Sam has barely been injured at all.

I dropped my blade to the floor. "Giving up so soon?" The demon asks. Tears fill my eyes, pain pouring out of me. "Well I'd love to see and witness all of-" He pauses, circle pointing at my face, "That. but I must go." And with that he leaves.

I kneel next to Dean, shaking him awake. "Dean, we need to go." I worry. "Sam is in danger. The demon is going to kill everyone we love. Dean, I need you to wake up. Dean please." My tears start dripping onto his face. Dean groans, "Oh thank gods." I sigh, wiping my eyes to look mentally stable.

"What happened?" Dean asks. "Sam...the demon he's-" I start. "Where'd he go?" Dean asks immediately getting up. Though, he's just as soon hit with a dizzy spell. "I'll drive. Look up the closest hunters from here." I order, grabbing the keys and my bags.

I drive down the road, barely hitting every car on the road. The nearest hunters was the Roadhouse. I couldn't lose the very few people who gave me a second chance, let alone to a demon as low as this.

Dean bursts through the entrance, startling me and everyone inside. Who was only, seemingly, Jo and "Sam". "Sam!" Dean exclaims. Sam grabs a knife from a pillar, his calm expression shifting to one of desperate panic, as he places the knife at Jo's throat.

"I begged you to stop me, Dean." "Sam" yells "Put the knife down, dammit." Dean orders. "I told you I can't fight it! My head feels like it's on fire, all right?! Dean. Kill me, or I'm going to kill her. Please. You'd be doing me a favor! Shoot me." The demon orders back. He turns to face Dean and I, arms spread. "Shoot me!" He reorders. "No, Sammy, come on." Dean stares, gun steady, as I glance at Jo. 'She's okay, just startled.' I convince myself as to calm down.

Dean turns away, lowering the gun. "What the hell's wrong with you, Dean. Are you that scared of being alone that you'd rather let Jo die?" The demon remarks. Dean turns suddenly, flinging water from a flask at the demon; the water hisses and steams as it strikes him. I teleport over to Jo cutting the ropes, freeing her. "That's holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!" Dean shouts.

"Sam" growls, turns, and runs, bursting through a window and fleeing. Jo takes the gag out of her mouth as Dean and I start to run after "Sam". "He was possessed?" Jo asks. Dean turns and stares at her for a moment. I don't hesitate, jumping out the window, wings ablazing. Dean jumps out behind me, "Dean!" Jo shouts.

Dean, possessed Sam, and I stalk each other through a dim, crowded warehouse, each with a handgun. I have a blade, silver, embedded with rocksalt, only the best blade I have. Neither of us see each other directly, instead we hide stealthily behind piles and boes shouting at each other, well "Sam" and Dean.

"So who are you?" Dean asks. "I got lots of names." I sigh, knowing that'd be the answer. "You've been in Sam since he disappeared, haven't you?" Dean remarks. "You shoulda seen your face when you though Sam murdered that guy." There's a brief pause. "Pathetic." The demon grins.

"Why didn't you kill? You had a dozen chances." Dean comments. "Nah, that would have been too easy. Where's the fun in that? You see, this was a test. Wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste Sam. Should've known you wouldn't have the sack. Anyway, Fun's over now." I groan, knowing we were to fight Again.

"Well, I hope you got your kicks. 'Cause you're gonna pay hell for this, I'm gonna make sure of that." Dean spits back. "How? You can't hurt me. Not without hurting your little brother." Dean puts his gun away, pulling out the flask of holy water. "See, I think you're gonna die, Dean. You and every other hunter I can find." The demon faces the door, "One look at Sam's dewey, sensitive eyes? They'll let me right in their door."

Sam gets up, heading outside; Dean follows, though I tred back. I watch them walk onto an open-air dock. Once Dean is out in the open, looking around at the water, Sam steps out, takes aim, and... "DEAN!" I yell before the gun shot can even be heard to the human ear. Dean's hit in the shoulder, knocked back into the water with a splash. Sam stalks the edge and peers over where Dean fell. He smiles, then turns to me. "It's been fun." He grins, making a shiver run through my body. "I've got hunters to kill." He teleports away before I can move to stop him.

Ring! Ring! Ring! I sit on the dock, hearing Dean's phone from the depths below. I don't move an inch as the ringing seems closer... and closer... and "Phenix!" Jo calls. She pauses, "Where's Dean?" She asks, seeing my tear drenched face. I point to the water... "He was shot into the water..." I stare at the drink.

Suddenly, we're distrubed by a groan. "Dean?!" I call. "Where's Sam?" Dean asks, grabbing onto the dock. I help pull him up, "He teleported away, I don't know where." I panic. "Are you okay?" I ask. He shrugs the question off, starting to walk away. "Dean!" Jo yells.

Dean is seated at a table, gripping the edge with his right hand as Jo digs the bullet out of his left shoulder; he's groaning in "terrible" pain. I'm sitting on the floor, bandaging my arms from my fight this morning.

"Don't be a baby!" Jo exclaims. "God!" Dean groans. "Almost. A;; right, got it. Got it." Jo remarks. She drops the bloodstained bullet in a glass of clear alcohol. Dean takes a few healthy swigs from another bottle of whiskey.

"God, you're a butcher." Dean thanks. "You're welcome." Jo states sarcastically. "All right, are we done?" Deana sks. "Would you give me two minutes to patch you up?" Jo asks, annoyed. "You can;t help Sam if you're bleeding to death." She retorts. Dean takes another swig as Jo continues layering gauze and tape over the wound. I place my leftover bandages in my bag, sitting next to the bar.

"So, how did you know?" She pauses. "That he was possessed?" Jo asks. "Uh, ah, I didn't, I just knew that it couldn't have been him." I roll my eyes, "Sure, you did." I state.

"Hey, Dean?" Jo continues. "Yeah?" Dean asks. "I know demons lie, they ever tell the truth too?" I stare at her question. "Uh, um, yeah, sometimes, I guess. Especially if they know it'll mess with your head." He takes another swig. "Why do you ask?" I ask. "Nothing. Doesn't matter." She explains.

"So do you have any idea where he's headed to next?" Jo asks. "Well, so far he's been going after the nearest hunter, so" Dean looks at me. "Closest one I know of lives in South Dakota." I remark. "Okay good, I'm done." Jo finishes. "Let's go." She smiles. "Yeah." Dean stands up, signaling me to do the same. 'You're not coming." I stare at him. "The hell I'm noy. I'm a part of this now." Jo explains. I nod, "She is as much as part of this as us now." I remark. "I can't say it more plain than this. You try to follow me and I'll tie you right back to that post and leave you here. This is my fight. I'm not getting your blood on my hands. That's just how it's gonna be." I stare at him in pure shock.

"Wait." Jo stops us from leaving, "Here. Make him take these." She gives me prescription painkillers. "Will do." I smile. "I'll call you later, okay?" Dean states.

It's raining as Dean drives us down a dark sketch of road; as I call a number on his cell. I look at the phone and shake my head. "Dammit." Dean exclaims.

Dean knocks on the door of the hunter. "Bobby!" He yells. I've established that they're either the demon or the hunter by this point. Someone opens the door, "Dean, and kid." I smile, "I'm Phenix, Phenix Winter." I introduce myself, fidgeting with my hands. "Son of James and Everly?" He asks. I nod, "Yeah." looking at the floor. "I heard, sorry kid." He apologizes.

Bobby invites us in, showing us "Sam". The demon is tied to a chair, before a fire and under a gigantic devil's trap, I stay wary of. Dean smacks him in the face to wake him up. "Hey." Dean greets, annoyed. "Sam" looks up, seeing the painted Devil's trap. Dean looks up too.

"Dean. Back from the dead. Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a co*ckroach." The demon scuffs. "How about I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?" Dean asks. "Oh, careful, now." The demon warns, "Wouldn't want to bruise the fine packaging." The demon smirks. "Oh don't worry, this isn't gonna hurt Sam much." He turns to pick up a bucket. "You, on the other hand.." He tosses the whole bucketful of holy water on the demon, who sizzles and roars.

"Feel like talking now?" Dean asks. "Sam's still my meat puppet. I'll make him bite off his tongue." The demon grins. "No, you won't be in him long enough. Bobby." Bobby starts chanting, "Exorcisamus te, omnes in mundus spiritus, omnes satanica potestas, omnes incursio..." He continues as Dean talks. "See, whatever bitch-boy master plan you demons are cooking up? You're not getting Sam." Dean's voice is bold. "You understand me?" Dean asks. "'Cause I'm gonna kill every one of you first." I flinch at the thought. 'Would he kill me too?' I ask myself.

The demon struggles painfully, then throws back his head and laughs maniacally. Bobby cuts himself off in surprise. "You really think that's what this is about?" The demon starts. "The master plan? I don't give a rat's ass about the master plan." He states. "Humiliares sub potente magnu dei..." Bobby continues, but he's cut off. "Oops. Doesn't seem to be working." The demon grins.

"See, I learned a few new tricks." The demon lowers his head, begging to chant in latin. "Spiritus in mundus, un glorum suarum umitite palatum iram, domine ..." He continues. The fire behind him flares as the room starts to shake. "Thi isn't going like I pictured! What's going on, Bobby?" Dean exclaims. My wings appear on my back as protection. "It's a binding link!" I look at Sam's forearm seeing the burn mark. "He's locked himself inside Sam's vody!" Bobby explains. "What the hell do we do?" I ask. "I don't know!" Bobby responses.

I wake the walls begin to crack the protective circle failing. The demon's eyes are black as he lowers his head. "Everyone down!" I order, covering them with my wings. "There. That's better." The ceiling starts to crash around us. He jerks his head left; Bobby goes flying. He jerks his head right; Dean goes flying. They both land on opposite sides of the room. Dean flinches in pain from his shoulder. "Sam" rips free of the restraints and walks over to me. "Move." He orders. I stare at him, my eyes glowing an orange I'd never seen before.

"Oh, I didn't know You'd be hiding in plain sight." He grins. "Find yourself a few human toys?" He asks. I stare at him, "How do you know me?" I ask, confused. 'He can't be a demon guard with this lack of loyalty.' "Move." He orders. I fall to the floor, my wings burning. My wings are in burning pain to my shoulder blades to their feathered tips.

The demon stalks over to Dean. "You know when people want to describe the worst possible thing?" He asks. Dean doesn't respond, no one does. "They say it's hell." The demon answers himself. The demon kneels in front of Dean, fisting his left hand in Dean's shirt and clocking him hard with a right jab. Dean grabs onto Sam's with his right hand.

"You know there's a reason for that. Hell is like, um..." He pauses, hitting Dean again. My eyes glow red, my fists curling in balls. "Well, it's like hell. Even for demons." He finishes. 'That was true. Hell was like a desert wasteland for humans and demons alike.' He hits Dean again; Dean is groggy and bleeding heavily from his nose. My wings unfold trying to protect my eyes from the sight. "It's a prison, made of bone and flesh and blood and fear," he explains.

He hits him again; then grabs Dean's head, holding it steady, "And you sent me back there." The realization on all our faces. "Meg." Dean sneers. "No. Not anymore. Now I'm Sam." Sam states. 'Ugh, the stupid demon calluses. When they pick a vessel they steal their full identity. It's hard for mortals to understand.' He hits Dean one more time; then digs his right thumb into Dean's bullet wound. My wings hit him in the back. "Get off of him." "Sam" turns to see my eyes glowing deep orange with my wings spread with their astral shadow on the wall behind. My whole figure is redating my anger as my body tries to calm it down.

"Sit." He orders. I force myself out of his grasp. "No. I won't lay down and bark." I state. He grabs a knife and looks over to me. "Lucky for me, you're the weakest one here." He states. "Likely story." I glare. I take out my favorite blade, levitating it in the air. He lungs at me, I levitate the knife at him, douging his blade. "You're lucky you caught me today. I dripped my blade in holy water just a few hours previously." I smile.

Our fight ensued for a few minutes, neither of us getting the chance to hit each other, besides the slight cut or two. Though, Bobby signals me to back off as he grabs Sam's arm burning it with a metal poker from his fireplace. "Sam" screams in pain, then all of the black demon smoke billows out of him and up the chimney. Dean pulls himself up painfully as I stare at my wings in utter defeat. 'Am I nothing but the demon they say I am?'

Sam falls back, becoming himself once more. He scrabbles and looks around in confusion, then grabs his arms in sudden pain. "Sammy?" Dean asks. "Did I miss anything?" He asks. Dean rears back and right-hooks Sam in the check, then rolls his eyes and collapses. Sam grabs his cheek in confusion.

I stared out the window, in pain and in confusion. Sam was sitting behind Bobby's table with an icepack on his arm, Dean on the other side of the table groggily holding an ice bag to his face. "By the way, you really look like crap, Dean." Sam says cautiously. "Yeah, right back atcha." Dean remarks.

Bobby walks in slowly, looking concerned. "What is it, Bobby?" Sam asks. I turn to the conversation, intrigued by the concern. "You boys ever heard of a hunter named Steve Wandell?" Bobby inquires. My heart starts to race as I turn back to the window, forcing a shrug. "Why do you ask?" Dean asks. "Just heard from a friend, Wandell's dead. Murdered in his own house." Sam swallows, looking down. "You wouldn't know anything about that." He remarks. "No sir, never heard of the guy." Dean responds.

"Dean..." Sam starts. "Good. Keep it that way. Wandell's buddies are looking for someone or something to string up, and they're not going to slow down to listen to reason." Bobby explains. "You boys understand what I'm saying?" From his tone, I know, he knows, Sam did it. We all nod.

"We better hit the road. If, uh, you can remember where we parked the car." Dean remarks. I nod, "I'll find it." I smile. "Here. Take these." Bobby hands Sam and Dean each a small metal charm. I hold out my necklace, trying to hide the burn marks, from under it, on my neck. "What are they?" Sam asks. "Charms. They'll fend off possession. That demon's still out there. This'll stop it from getting back up in ya." Bobby explains. I nod, placing my necklace back down. "That sounds vaguely dirty, but uh, thanks." Dean jokes, taking his. "You're welcome. You boys be careful now." Bobby orders. We all nod. "You too." Sam smiles at Bobby. Though, Bobby looks back at him seriously, not returning the smile.

The boys leave, though I stick behind. "I want to explain myse-" I start. Bobby holds his hand out, "Sam and Dean seem to trust you. That's all that matters in my book." He explains. I smile, "Thanks." He nods. "Though, if I find out you're anything to do with this "special plan" in the future, I'll kill you myself." I nod, "Now you better go before they notice you're missing." I quickly leave the house, teleporting us to the Impala.

I stare at the open road with a smile on my face. Sam and Dean were arguing again, but I drowned them out. I held my journal in my lap, open to my most recent journal entry. Bobby Singer, *** *** ****. For once in a long time, I felt like I belonged. My eyes burned bright violet, increasing my happy mood.

Dean chuckles, "What?" Sam asks. "Nothing." Dean tries to calm himself. "Dan, what?" Sam reiterates. "Dud, you- you like, full-on had a girl inside you for a whole week." Dean laughs. Sam's frown crack, as he laughs with Dean. I start to chuckle as well. "That's pretty naughty." Dean states. I smile, 'Yep, I belong here.'

Chapter 14: Tricky Trickster

Chapter Text

I sit staring at the window, holding my necklace in two parts. The chain had broken earlier this morning, making it fall to the floor beneath me. Though, I'd stuffed it in my pocket, hoping to fix it later, now I realize it's beyond fixing, the chain at least.

The radio is playing James Gang's "Walk Away" by Joe Walsh. Sam is sitting on the couch looking through some books; tiredly. Dean is sitting up on the bed behind him, listening to the radio and eating some messy fast food. I'd offered to cook, but I wasn't feeling like cooking after my necklace broke.

"Dude. You mind not eating those on MY bed?" Sam's annoyed. "No, I don't mind." Dean is semi annoyed. "How's research going?" He asks, eating another fry. I sigh, placing my necklace pieces on the window sill. "You know how it's going?" Sam asks. I groan from the sudden change in tone. 'They're gonna argue again?!' "Slow. You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster?" Sam asks. I roll my eyes, "How?" I ask, knowing the answer. "If I had my computer." He seems to lower his tone at my sudden intrusion. "Hmm." Dean nods sarcastically.

I walk over to my bag pulling out the laptop. My parents had given me a macbook air when I turned 18th. I hand it to Sam with an annoyed look. I tune them out, walking back to the window, picking my necklace back up. "Can you turn that down, please?" Sam asks. "Yeah, absolutely." Dean grins, turning the radio louder.

(B: Bobby, P: Phenix)

P: They are acting like dogs chasing each others tails

B: I'm on my way up

P: Thank purgatory

B: That's a new one

P: heaven n hell r not the best in my mind

P: never heard much abt purgatory


"You know what? Maybe, uh, maybe you should just go somewhere for a while." Sam says loudly. Dean shuts the radio off and looks up. "Hey, I'd love to. That's a great idea. Unfortunately my car's all screwed to hell." Dean snaps. "Dean, I told you, I have nothing to do wi-" Sam is cut off by a loud knock on the door.

I stand up and quickly let Bobby in."Hey, Bobby." Sam greets. "Boys." Bobby enters, hands in his pockets. "Hey, Bobby." Dean approaches us. "It's good to see you again so soon." Bobby smiles. "Yeah, uh, thanks for coming. Come on in." Sam ushers. Dean shakes Bobby's hand firmly, "Thank god you're here." Dean sighs.

"So um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?" Bobby asks. "It's this job we're working. We-" Sam starts. "Weren't sure you'd believe us." I finish. "Well, I can believe a lot." Bobby scoffs. "Yeah, no, no, it's just, we've never seen anything like it-" Sam starts, once again. "Not even close." Dean cuts off. "And we thought we could use some fresh eyes." Sam explains. "Well, why don't you begin at the beginning?" Bobby suggests. "Yeah, um, all right." Sam agrees, gesturing to the bed. Bobby picks up the empty takeout tray and peers at it, sets it aside, and sits down.

I sit back by the window sill, fidgeting with my broken necklace. "So, it all started when we caught wind of an obit. See, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper." Sam starts to lay.


Sam is sitting at a table with a stocky jock boy (Curtis) and an attractive girl (Jen); he sets a voice recorder down on the table. I sit next to Sam, in one of my favorite outfits.

"Yeah, we both had the professor for Ethics and Morality." Curtis explains. "Yeah? So why do you think he did it?" Sam asks. I nudge him for being insensitive. "Ow, what?" He whispers. "Be sensitive for once." I whisper back. "Who knows? I mean, he was tenured, wife and kids. His book is like a really big deal. Then again..." She leans in conspiratorially. "Who's to say it was suicide?" Jen inquires.

"Jen, come on." Curtis scoffs. "Well, what else could it be?" Sam feigns surprise. "Well, you know about Crawford Hall?" Jen asks. "No, I don't, actually." I'm intrigued by this seeming legend. "It's a bunch of crap, it's a total urban legend." Curtis explains, over Jen. "Yeah well, Heather's mom went to school here, and she knew the girl?" Jen remarks.

"Wait, what girl?" Sam asks. "Thirty years ago, this girl was having an affair with some professor. He broke it off, she jumped out the window and killed herself." Jen explains. "You know her name?" I ask. "No. But they say she jumped from room six-six-nine. Get it? You turn it upside down?" Jen continues. Sam and I nod. Though Curtis laughs. It was a bit of a stretch. If it was meant to be 666, it should have been three rooms down. "So now she haunts the building. And anyone who sees her? They don't live to tell the tale." Jen finishes. "Well if no one lives to tell the tale, then how does the tale get told?" Curtis asks, denying her theory. "Curtis! Shut up!" Jen orders. "You know what, uh-" Sam pauses. "Thanks a lot guys. Excuse us." Sam ushers me.

We walk over to Dean who's downing shots with a nice looking lady. "Dean. Dean, what are you thinking?" Sam asks. I ask the bartender for a Half n Half (Arnold Palmer) spiked. Dean burps, "I don't know, man, I think they're called purple nurples?' Dean responses. I take a sip of my drink, "Purple Nurples? What kind of name is that?" I ask. Dean shrugs. "Okay, well listen. I think maybe we should go check out the professor's office." Sam

suggests. I nod, "I could probably get us in." I state.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no I can't right now, I've got some feisty little wildcat on the hook, I'm about to-" He pauses, making a sound even I don't understand why he did. "Zzzzp" "Reel her in. I'll introduce you." Dean smiles. I roll my eyes, but turn to the lovely girl nonetheless. "Dean-" Sam is cut off.

"Starla! Starla, hey. This is my shuttle co-pilot Major Tom and his girlfriend Asher. Tom, Asher, Starla." Dean introduces. "Enchanté" Starla greets. I smile, "It's nice to meet you, Starla" I greet. "Hi." Sam greets.

Starla suddenly gags, covering her mouth, then looks up grinning. Sam looks really skeptical and dubious. I look at her, concerned. "Sorry. Just trying to keep my liquor down!" Starla apologizes. I nod, "It's fine, when I first started drinking I couldn't hold my liquor either." I smile. I technically didn't lie. Though she would most likely think I meant when I was starting college or late highschool. No one would think I started drinking around seven years old. "Yeah! Good job." Dean smiles. 'Maybe he isn't as bad to girls as I thought.' I think to myself. Dean leans back into Starla's arms, both of them grinning suggestively.


I sit on the floor, drinking a beer. Everyone else in their original spots. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute." I turn to Dean. "What?" Sam asks. "Come on, dude, that's not how it happened." Dean whines. "No? So you never drank a purple nurple?" Sam asks. I shake my head, "I remember that." I remark. "Yeah, maybe that, but I don't say things like "feisty little wildcat. And her name wasn't Starla." Dean explains. "What was it?" I test him. "I don't know." I sigh, "Then you tell it." I state.

"Okay she was a classy chick. She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories." Dean explains.


We walk over to Dean who's downing shots with a nice looking lady. "Dean! What do you think you're doing?" Sam asks. I ask the bartender for a Half n Half (Arnold Palmer) spiked. "Sam, please. If you wouldn't mind, give me five minutes here." Dean's voice is smooth and casual. "Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We don't have any time for any of your blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah Blah!" Dean leans in to kiss the girl again as Sam continues to speak. "Blah!" Sam is exasperated.


I stare at Dean, "Right! And that's how it really happened." Sam states sarcastically. Dean shrugs. "I don't sound like that, Dean!" Sam exclaims. "That's what you sound like to me." I try to hold back a chuckle.

"Okay. What's going on with you two?" Bobby asks, staring at them. "Nothing. No- it's nothing." Sam ends. "No, come on. You're bickering like an old married couple." I chuckle at that. "No, see married couple can get divorced. Me and him, we're like, uh Siamese twins." Dean corrects. "It's conjoined twins!" Sam recorrects. "See what I mean?" Dean states, seemingly having his point proven. "Look, it," Sam sighs. "We've been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don't worry about it." Sam explains. I nod. "Okay." Bobby puts the argument to rest.

"Anyway, we figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime." I continue.


The janitor lets us in (posing as electricians) to the professor's office. "So, how long've you been working here?" Sam asks. "I've been mopping this floor for six years." He turns a light as the three walk into the professor's office. "There you go, guys." He remarks.

He looks to Sam's EMF reader, "What the heck's that for?" He asks. "Just find a wire in the walls." Sam explains. "Huh. Wow. Not sure why you're wiring up this office. Not gonna do the professor much good." He states. "Why's that?" Dean asks. "He's dead." He answers, bluntly.

"Oh. What happened?" Dean asks. "He went out that window. Right there." He states. "Yeah? Were you working that night?" Sam asks. "I'm the one who found him." He sounds accomplished, but I was probably hearing things. "You see it happen?" Dean asks, looking at a bowl of nuts on the side table. Dean eats a nut. "Nope. I just saw him come up here, and uh...well." He stops. "What?" Sam asks. "He wasn't alone..." The janitor explains.

Dean walks over to us, his cheeks stuffed with nuts. He's holding the bowl as he continues eating throughout our conversation. "Who was he with?" Dean asks, muffled by his full mouth.


"Come on! I ate one, maybe two!" Dean remarks. I laugh, "Okay, okay." I smile. "Just let me tell it, k?" I ask.


"He was with a young lady. I told the cops about her, but uh, I guess they never found her." The janitor explains. "You saw this girl go in, huh? But did you ever see her come out?" Sam asks. "Now that you mention it, no." He realizes. "You ever see her before, around?" I ask. "Well, not her." He implies.

"What do you mean?" Dean asks, still with a mouth full of nuts. Sam glares at him, while I try not to chuckle. "I don't mean to cast aspersions on a dead guy, but uh... Mister Morality here? He brought a lot of girls up here. Got more ass than a toilet seat." He explains. Dean laughs delightedly; Sam glares, the Janitor grins, and I just stand there grossed out.

"One more thing. This building, it only has four stories, right?" Sam asks. "Yeah." The janitor confirms. "So there wouldn't be a room six-six-nine?" Sam continues. "'Course not. Why do you ask?" The janitor questions. "Aw, just curious. Thanks." Sam thanks. Dean chews with his mouth open, stuffed full of uts. I roll my eyes at him.


I stare at "the janitor". Sam and Dean leaving the room. "Six year? Really?" I ask, knowing the answer. "Yep" The janitor grins. I shake my head, "Careful, Sam and Dean won't listen to reason." I warn. "Says the demon hybrid." I smile, "I'm a hunter." I correct. "Who's the son of the devil?" I sigh, "Some hunters come from strange backgrounds." I state.

"I should be going, they'll be confused if I'm gone too long." I explain. "Bye Gabe." I wave, leaving the building.



We returned to the hotel. Sam sits on the table; as Dean gets a beer out of the fridge for each of us. I place my backpack on the floor, turning to Sam and Dean. "Well, no traces of EMF, that's for sure." Sam explains. "And the room six-six-nine's a load of crap." Dean adds. I nod, "Maybe it's not a case." I suggest. "I don't know. I mean, the uh, girl the janitor described, that's pretty weird." Dean says. I nod, "Yeah." I agree.

"We oughta check out the history of the building. See if any co-ed ganked herself there." Dean states. "Yeah, you're right." Sam agrees, opening his laptop as Dean goes to brush his teeth.

Sam stares at the screen confused, "Dude. Were you on my computer?" Sam asks, annoyed. "No." Dean replies, coming back out of the bathroom, confused. "Oh really? 'Cause it's frozen now. On, uh," I try not to chuckle. Dean thinks for a moment, frowns, winces, and retreats. "Dean! Would you- just - don't touch my stuff anymore, okay?" Sam orders. "Why don't you control your O.C.D.?" I stare at them both, annoyed. "Would you two just stop arguing for one day in your life?" I ask.


"But did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal co-ed?" Bobby asks. No. History's clean." Sam explains. "Then it's not a haunting." "Maybe not. Tell you the truth, we're not really sure." Dean remarks. "What do you mean, you're not sure?" Bobby asks us. "Well, um...." Sam starts. "It's weird." I finish. "What's weird?" He asks. "This next part, we uh, we didn't see it happen ourselves exactly, but it's pretty friggin weird." Dean explains. "Even for us." I add.

Third person "Flashback":

Curtis walks alone through the campus. He hears a noise and turns, startled, then keeps walking, laughing at himself. He hears another noise and stops, looking straight up. He walks more carefully, hands in pockets. Suddenly a bright light whooshes on overhead and he cringes, arms over his head. He starts running, but trips and falls; a bright beam of light shoots down and grabs him like a tractor beam, pulling him up. He screams and flails.


"Aliens?" Bobby exclaims, confused. "Yeah." Dean confirms. "Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to earth and swiping people." Bobby explains. "Hey, believe me. We know." Dean says.

"My whole life, I've never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It's all just cranks and pranks." Bobby continues. "Yeah, that's what we thought. But... we figured we'd at least talk to the guy." Sam explains.


Dean is seated next to Curtis, who has three full shot glasses lined up in front of him. Sam is standing nearby, me standing next to him. Curtis takes a shot. "Hey, you ought to give those purple nurples a shot." Dean says. I sigh, rolling my eyes at him.

"So, what happened, Curtis?" Sam asks. "You won't believe me. Nobody does." Curtis explains. "Give us a chance." Sam begs. "I do not want this in the paper." He warns. "Off the record, then." Dean complies.

"I, uh.... I blacked out, and... I lost time, and when I woke up, I didn't know where I was." Curtis starts. "Then what?" Sam sits next to them. I continue standing, 'I'd prefer to not be associated with aliens. I have a reputation.' I think to myself. "They did tests on me. and , uh..." He takes another shot. "They, uh... they probed me." He continues. Sam turns his face away, struggling not to laugh.

"They probed you?" Dean questions. "Yeah, they probed me. Again and a...Again and. And again." He takes another shot. "And again and again and again... and then one more time." He confirms. "Yikes." Dean replies. "And that's not even the worst of it." Curtis states. "How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch" Dean smirks, but he's glared at by Curtis, making him stop. "They... they made me... slow dance!" He exclaims.


"You guys are exaggerating again, huh?" Bobby figures. "No, no." Sam explains. "Then this frat boy's just nuts." Bobby states. "We're not so sure." Dean explains.


We stand over a large, perfectly round scorch mark in the ground. "I'm telling you, Dean, this was made by some kind of jet engine." Sam exclaims. "You mean some saucer-shaped jet engine?" Dean asks. "Never seen one like that before." I remark.

"What else could it be?" Sam asks us. "What the hell?" Dean exclaims. "I don't know." Sam responses. I sigh, "Not aliens...." I pause. "Right?" I ask, with slight hesitation.

"Seriously, dude-" Dean sighs, "What the hell?" He exclaims. "I don't know." Sam repeats himself. "I mean, first the haunting. Now this? The timing alone... There's got to be some kind of connection." Dean tries to reason. "You mean between the angry spirit and the sexed-up E.T.?" Sam asks. I sigh, "What could possibly connect the two?" I exclaim.


"But what could we do?" Dean questions. "So we just kept on digging." He takes the story off for me.


We were talking to another kid enrolled at the college. "So, you and this guy, Curtis." Sam pauses. "You were in the same house?" Sam asks the kid. "Yeah." He replies. "You heard what happened to him, right?" Dean questions. "Yeah he says it aliens, but, you know, whatever." The kid rolls his eyes.

"Look, man, I..." Sam pauses slightly, "I know this all has been so hard." Sam tries to comfort. "Um, not so much." the kid states. "But I want you to know... I'm here for you. You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. Come here.' he grabs him in a hug. "You're too precious for this world." Sam starts to cry.


"I never said that!" Sam exclaims. "You're always saying pansy stuff like that." Dean remarks. I glare at Dean.


'Well, um... Yeah, uh, thanks." Sam releases the clearly uncomfortable kid. "Thanks for the hug, but, uh, I'm okay. Really. To tell you the truth, whatever happened to Curtis, he had it coming." He declares. "Why is that?" Dean asks. "He's our pledge master. Put us through hell this semester, and got off on it. So now he knows how we feel." He explains. "It's okay." Dean says to Sam, sarcastically. I roll my eyes, with a sigh.

After the kid leaves I teleport us to our hotel room. "Still doesn't make a lick of sense. But, hey, at least there's one connection." Dean states. 'What?" I ask. "The victims. The professor and the frat guy. They're both dicks." Dean explains. "That's a connection?" Sam asks. "You got anything better to go on, I'd love to heat it." Dean states. Sam looks into his bag, "Where's my laptop?" Sam asks. "I don't know." Dean states. Sam looks to me, I shrug.

Sam continues to look, getting more and more frustrated. "Think about it. A philandering professor gets a dead girl A pledge master gets hazed." Dean explains. "I left it in here..." Sam thinks aloud. "You obviously didn't. I mean, these punishments... they're almost poetic. Actually, it'd be more like a limerick, but still-"


"And then they started arguing about Dean "totally" taking Sam's laptop." I roll my eyes. "Did you take his computer?" Bobby asks Dean. "Serves him right, but, no." Dean remarks. "Well, I didn't lose it. 'Cause I don't lose things." Sam states. "Oh, that's right, yeah, 'cause he's Mr. Perfect." I try not to chuckle. "Okay, okay. Why don't you just tell me what happened next?" Bobby asks.

"There was one more victim." Dean says. "Right. Now, we, we didn't see this one ourselves, either. We kind of put it together from the evidence. But this guy – He was, uh, he was a research scientist. Animal testing." Sam explains. "Yeah, you know.... A dick. Which fits the pattern." Dean continues the story.

Third person "Flashback":

A Research Scientist leaves a campus building, heading towards the street.

He sees something shiny in the gutter and stops. He looks around cautiously, then gets down on hands and knees to see it better. It is a gold watch. He smiles and looks excited. He gets all the way down and sticks and arm through the gutter bars, trying to reach it. He struggles. Close on his face as something grabs him. He begins screaming and struggling as blood spatters on his face.


We shine our flashlight through the morgue window. The window latch slides aside as Sam opens it from the outside with a small knife.


"Cops didn't release the cause of death 'cause they had no clue what the cause was." Dean explains. "So, we check it ourselves." Sam adds.


Flashlight in hand, Sam crawls through the window. "Hey." Dean tosses his flashlight to Sam, then climbs through and shuts the window, just as I teleport in.

Dean opens a body drawer and shines his light through. He grimaces. "Well, this oughta be quick." Dean states. We slide out the drawer and gingerly peel off the bloody blanket, revealing extremely mangle remains. "OK, that is just nasty." Dean exclaims. Sam holds his hand to his mouth and nose, speaking in a muffled voice, "Uh, yeah." I roll my eyes, "Clearly you haven't dealt with any bloody werewolf cases." I remark.

"Mutilated?" Dean asks me. I nod, "Seems like it." "They identify him yet?" Dean asks Sam. "Yeah, uh, a research scientist at the college. Guess where his office was, by the way. Crawford Hall, same as the professor." Sam explains. "That's right where the frat boy has his close encounter." Dean remembers.

"Yeah. Hey, grab me that thing, would you?" Dean slides a magnifying light over to Sam, who peers through it at the corpse. "What is it?" I ask. "Looks like a... A belly scale?" Sam stares confused. "A belly scale? From what?" Dean asks "Uh... An alligator?" Sam says. "An alligator in the sewer. Come on." Dean rolls his eyes. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles go on strike." I laugh to myself.

"Well, Dean, it's a classic urban legend. A kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet, and it grows huge in the tunnels." Sam explains. "But no one's ever really found one. I mean, th... they're not real." Dean states. "Well, neither's alien abductions." I explain. "This couldn't get any weirder." Dean sighs. I nod, "Maybe we should get some help." I suggest. "I'll call Bobby, maybe he's run into something like this before." Sam states. I nod. "Oh, I'm sure he has. Just your typical haunted campus, alien abduction, alligator-in-the-sewer gig. Yeah, it's simple.


"We decided to search the sewer anyway, so we split up, each taking one end of campus." Sam explains. "D'you find anything?" Bobby asks. "Yeah, I found something, just not in the sewer." Dean exclaims.


Third person:

Dean emerges from the sewer and enters the alley where the Impala is parked. All four tires are flat. "Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaims He circles the car and finds a money clip on the ground, engraved with "S.W." "Sam!" He yells to the heavens.


"I did find something. Though, it wasn't something I wanted to find the way I found it." I explain. "What was it?" Bobby asks.


I shine my flashlight on the path, walking down the sewer. Suddenly, someone shines in the light. I look down grabbing the shiny object. It's a necklace of sorts. I clean some of the dirt and sewage. I stare at the necklace confused, "How?" I whisper to myself. It was my necklace, the one my mother gave me. The pentagram (Devil's Trap) I wear to control my powers. It was broken on the sewer floor...for gods know how long. I clutch my neck, realizing it had actually come off.


"I haven't been on that side of the sewer yet, so It couldn't have fallen off and landed there. That means someone stole it either after it broke or broke it and got rid of the evidence." I stare at my necklace annoyed. "But anyway, Dean returned to the hotel just I did."


Sam is reading a book as Dean and I enter. "You think this is funny?" Dean asks. "It depends. What?" Sam asks. "Th-th-th-the car!" Dean exclaims. I sit by the window, watching the rain fall, holding my broken necklace. "What about the car?" Sam asks. "You can't let the air out of the tires, you idiot. You're gonna bend the rims!" Dean exclaims. "Whoa, wait a minute. I didn't go near your car." Sam defends himself.

"Oh, yeah? Huh. Then how'd I find this?" Dean holds up Sam's money clip. Sam pats his pockets, standing. "Hey. Give me back my money!" Sam exclaims. "Oh, no, no. Consider it reparations. For, uh, emotional trauma." Dean states. "Yeah, very funny. Now, give it back." Sam reaches for it. "No." Dean repeats.

"Dean, I've had it up to here with you." Sam's angered. "Yeah? Right back at you!" Dean yells. I wince at the yelling. Sam reaches for the money again; Dean avoids him. Sam grabs at him again; tackling him to the bed. They scuffle and fight like kids. "Come on!" Dean yells. "Get off me!" He orders. "Give it back!" Sam yells.


"Okay, I've heard enough." Bobby interrupts. I sigh, "I wish I had the option to only hear that much." I mubble. "You showed up about an hour after that." I explain.

"I'm surprised at you two. I really am. Sam, first off, Dean did not steal your computer." Bobby starts. "But I-" Bobby holds his hand out, ending Sam's argument. "Shh, shh, shh, shh!" He orders. "Dean, Sam did not touch your car.' Bobby continues. "Yeah!" Sam exclaims towards Dean. "And Phenix, Neither Sam nor Dean touched your necklace." He explains. I give the brothers a look, "You sure?" I ask. Bobby nods.

"And if you three bothered to pull your heads outta your asses, it all would have been pretty clear. "What?" Dean asks. "What you're dealing with." Bobby exclaims. "Uh..." Sam thinks. "I got nothing.' Dean states. "Me neither." Sam agrees. I shrug, "I don't know." I third.

"You got a trickster on your hands." Bobby explains. 'More of an uneasily killed archangel, but po-ta-to -po-tot-to' I think to myself. "That's what I thought." Dean snaps. "What?! No, you didn't" Sam argues.

"I got to tell you... you guys were the biggest clue." Bobby explains. 'What do you mean?" Sam asks. "These things create chaos and mischief as easy as breathing, and it's got you so turned around and at each other's throats, you can't even think straight." I laugh to myself, 'I mean I'm pan sooo' "The laptop." Sam sighs. "The tires," Dean sighs. "My necklace." I sigh.

"It knows you're onto him, and it's been playing you like fiddles." Bobby states.

"So, what is it, what, what spirit, demon, what?" Dean asks. I hold my hand out, "Let him breathe." I order. "Well, more like demigods, really. There's Loki in Scandinavia. There's Anansi in West Africa. Dozens of them. They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air. Things as real as you and me. Make them vanish just as quick." Bobby explains. "You mean like an angry spirit or an alien or an alligator." Dean realizes.

"The victims fit the M.O., too. Tricksters target the high and the mighty, knock them down a peg, usually with a sense of humor- deadly pranks, things like that." Bobby continues. "Bobby, what do these things look like?" Dean asks. 'A lot like Archangels.' I try not to chuckle aloud. "Lots of things, but human, mostly." Bobby explains. "And what human do we know who's been at ground zero this whole time?" Sam and I stare confused. One because I don't wanna rat Gabriel out and two I wouldn't realize immediately, normally. Then Sam starts to smile, so I copy.

The janitor locks a gate behind us with a key attached to his belt. Sam, Dean, and I follow him up the stairs. "Sorry, I'm dragging a little ass today, boys. Had quite the night last night." I try not to gag. "Lots of sex, if you catch my draft." I stare at the floor, grossed out. "Yeah, hard not to. Listen, we won't be long." Dean explains. Sam signals us behind the "trickster's" back. "We just need to check a couple offices up on three." Dean finishes. "No problem." Gabe smiles.

"I, uh, forgot something in the truck. You know what? I'll catch up with you guys." Sam apologizes, leaving us. "Okay." Dean goodbyes.

We turn and begin ascending another fight of stairs. We get to the offices and pretend to work, Sam coming in about a half an hour later. "Ugh, what took you so long?" Dean asks. I stand up from the floor, teleporting over to Sam. "Find anything?" I ask.

We walk out the building, Sam and Dean arguing. "Just 'cause he reads the Weekly World News doesn't mean he's our guy. I mean, you read it, too." Sam states. "I'm telling you, it's him." Dean argues. "Look, I just think we need some hard proof. That's all." Sam says. "Okay, another thing Bobby mentioned was that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect, a real sweet tooth." Dean explains. "Well, I didn't find any candy bars or sugar. Not even Equal." Sam states. "Eh, that's probably 'cause you missed something." Dean remarks. "I don't miss things." I teleport away to Gabriel.

"They're arguing again." I sigh, sitting in the corner. He throws me a candy bar, smiling. "Don't be so sad about it." I roll my eyes. I turn to the window, "Thanks." I remark, taking a bite of the chocolate. Dean enters the building, angrily. "Looks like that's my cue." Gabriel grins. I nod, teleporting away to Sam and Bobby.

We listen from outside the door as Dean and the trickster chat. "Too bad. Like I said, I like you. Sam was right. You should've come alone." the trickster sighs. "Well, I'll agree with you there." We take Dean's word as our cue, slamming through the door with our stakes in hand.

"That fight you guys had outside-" Gabriel turns to me. "That was a trick." Dean smiles, but I look to the corner. 'I don't like being on angels' bad sides, but-' A masked man with a chainsaw appears near Sam and attacks. The brunette girl attacks Dean as Bobby runs to help Sam. I take my stake running towards Gabriel, though truly I gave him a signal. 'Go ahead.' A devil's trap appears below me, trapping me in the middle of the hall. "Ah, ha ha." The trickster watches, chewing a sandwich.

I try to throw my blade at one of the girls, but I only end up burning my hand. "Ooh." Dean takes another hit. "Ooh!" The girls throw Dean into the seats near the trickster. He bursts in clapping, "Nice toss, ladies! Nice show." He compliments. "Dean... Dean, Dean, Dean." Sam tosses a stake to Dean. "I did not want to have to do this." Gabriel explains. "Me neither." Dean stabs the trickster in the chest just as I see something shine out of the corner of my eye.

Everything slowly disappears, including the devil's trap, freeing me. Dean pulls the stake out as the trickster goes limp, dead.

Sam and Bobby approach Dean as I teleport out of the auditorium. "What this, death number seven?" I ask, smiling. Gabriel walks over to me. "Here." He hands me my necklace. "I knew this one looked off." I sigh, pulling out the fake necklace. "Thanks." I smile while taking it, placing it around my neck.

"Don't get tangled with hunters again, k?" I order. He grins, "I might." I sigh, "You're gonna get yourself killed. Just don't do anything to blow your cover Feathers." I sigh, with a smile. "See ya, Pheo." I wave, teleporting away, "Bye, Gabriel"

We all stagger outside. "Bobby, thanks a lot. We really couldn't've-" Sam starts. "Hey, save it! Let's just get the hell out of dodge before somebody finds that body." He orders. "Yeah." Dean agrees.

I teleport to my normal left side seat in the back. "Look, Dean, um... I just want today that I'm, uh... Um..." Sam tries. "Hey. Me too." They look at each other and each nod. Bobby rolls down the window, "You guys are breaking my heart. Could we please just leave?" Bobby asks. Sam and Dean exchange a look over the top of the car, then get in.

Chapter 15: Ghost's Story

Chapter Text

Molly runs in the middle of the road, hands out in front of the Impala. "Holy..." Dean slams the brakes, stopping us just in front of her. "You've got to help me." She goes to the passenger's side and pounds on the window, which Sam rolls down. "Please. Please!" She begs. "All right, all right. Calm down, calm down. Tell us what happened.' Sam tries to calm her.

We park the Impala, sitting in the middle of the road. "I-I swerved, a-And we crashed." Molly tries to explain. "And when I came to, the car was wrecked and my husband was missing. I went looking for him, but that's when the man from the road, he... he started chasing me." Molly finishes. "Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawn mower?" Dean asks. I give him a look. "How did you know that?" Molly asks. "Lucky guess." He shrugs it off. "Ma'am, what's your name?" Sam asks. "Molly. Molly Mcnamara." She introduces herself.

"I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Sam exchanges a look with Dean and I. "I can't. I have to find David. He might have gone back to the car." Molly exclaims. "We should get you somewhere safe first. Then Dean, Phenix, and I will come back. We'll look for your husband." Sam offers. "No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car, please?" Molly begs. "Of course. Come on." Sam agrees, as we go back to the car.

Dean parks the Impala in the woods near the crash site. We get out, Molly leading us into the woods. "It's right over there." We come upon the crash site, but nothing is there. 'I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. W-We hit that tree right there. This... this doesn't make any sense." Molly stares confused. She starts to walk around investigating.

"Dean, we got to get out of here. Greeley could show up at any second." Sam states. "What are you gonna tell her?" Dean asks. "The truth?" Sam suggests. "Oh yeah, Hi I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean and our demon hybrid friend, Phenix. We're here because we believe you died years ago in a car crash and are being torchered by the person you killed." I reply, sarcastically. "That'll work." I roll my eyes. "She's gonna take off running in the other direction." Dean remarks.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree." Molly walks back over to us. "I don't know who could've taken it. It was totaled. Please. You have to believe me." Molly pleds. "Molly, listen, we do believe you. But that's why we want to get you out of here." Sam tries to reason. "What about David! Something must have happened. I have to get to the cops!" Molly worries. "Cops... that's a great idea." Dean starts to scheme. "We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us. It's the best way we can help you and your husband." Dean suggests. Molly nods, "Okay."

We drive down the road, Molly in the backseat opposite to me. "We're supposed to be in Lake Tahoe." Moll finally speaks. "You and David?" Sam asks. She nods, "It's our five-year anniversary." Molly explains. I nod, "That would have been fun." She smiles, "Yeah." She sighs. "A hell of an anniversary." Dean sighs.

"Right before the crash, we were having the dumbest fight." She sighs, "It was the only time we ever really argued... when we were stuck in the car." She explains. Sam chuckles, slightly. "Yeah. I know how that goes." Dean scowls at him.

"You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk. Oh, god. What if that's the last thing I said to him?" She starts to panic. "Molly," I turn to her, placing a hand on hers. "I promise, we'll find your husband." Sam and Dean give me a look, that I know reads 'You sure you want to promise that?'

The radio starts making odd noises, then starts playing 'House of the Rising Sun'. Dean frowns at the radio. "Did you-" Dean starts. "No," Sam interrupts. They look to me for some hope, I shake my head. Even if my powers could do that, I wouldn't change the music mid-conversation. "I was afraid you'd say that." Dean swallows.

"This song-" Molly goes silent. "What?" Dean questions. "It was playing when we crashed." Molly exclaims. Just as she finishes the radio crackles again, and settles on another station. A creepy voice, me and the brother identified as Greeley's, starts to speak. "She's mine. She's mine. She's mine." It repeats. "What is that?" Molly exclaims.

Greeley appears in the middle of the road, Dean flooring straight at him. "Hold on." He orders, I hold onto my seat. "What are you doing?" Molly asks, concerned. Dean drives straight into Greeley, just as he vanishes in a puff of smoke.

'What the... What the hell just happened?" Molly is terrifiedly confused. "Don't worry, Molly. Everything's gonna be alright." Sam calms. Suddenly, the Impala begins to shudder. "Spoke a little too soon, Sammy." Dean jokes.

Dean coasts to a stop on the side of the road. He tries to start it again, but the ignition sputters. "I don't think he's gonna let her leave." I curse under my breath.

We all exit the car, "This can't be happening." Molly panics. "Well... Trust me. It's happening." Dean remarks. He opens the truck and starts pulling out weaponry. I join him, taking out my blades and hand gun, placing them in my backpack. Molly comes around and sees the arsenal, starting to back away. "Well... okay. Thanks for helping, but I think I got it covered from here." Molly starts walking away. "Wait. Molly, Molly, wait a minute." Sam goes after her. "Just leave me alone." She orders. "No no no. Please. You have to listen to me." Sam tries. "I think he's making it worse." I whisper to Dean. He just sighs, closing the trunk.

"It wasn't a coincidence that we found you, all right?" Sam admits. Molly stops, turning around. 'What are you talking about?" She asks. "We weren't just cruising for chicks when we ran into you, sister." Dean explains.

"We were already out here. Hunting." I add. "Hunting for what?" Molly asks. "Ghosts" Dean remarks. "D...d...don't....Sugarcoat it for her." Sam exasperates. "You're nuts." Molly exclaims. "Really? About as nuts as a vanishing guy with his guts spilling out. You know what you saw." Dean states. "We think his name is Jonah Greeley. He was a local farmer that died 15 years ago on this highway." Sam explains. "Just...stop." Molly is clearly overwhelmed by all this. Which makes sense, non-hunting humans are always confused by us.

"One night a year, on the anniversary of his death, he haunts this road. That's why we're here, Molly. To try and stop him." Sam clarifies. "Now, I suppose this.... Ghost made my car disappear, too." She states sarcastically. "Crazier things have happened, huh?" Dean remarks. "You know what? I'm all filled up on crazy."

"I'm gonna get the cops myself." She turns to start walking. "I don't mean to be harsh, but I don't think you're gonna get too far." Dean expounds. "What is that supposed to mean?" Molly seems more worried under her sas. "Means that plan A was trying to get you out of here. Obviously that didn't go over too well with, uh, Farmer Roadkill." Dean unfolds.

"Molly, we're telling the truth. Greeley's not gonna let you leave this highway." Sam says. "You're s... you're serious about this, aren't you." She worries. My eyes glow blue with worry for her. Seeing the tint off the Impala's tail lights, I force my eyes to the floor. "Deadly." Dean confirms.

"Every year, Greeley finds someone to punish for what happened to him. Tonight that person is you." Sam recites. "Why me? I didn't do anything." Molly exclaims. "Doesn't matter. Some spirits only see what they want." I glare at him. "So you're saying this... Greeley, he took my husband? Oh, god!" She worries. "Molly, look, we're gonna help, all right? But first, you gotta help us." Sam cuts her off. "Help you? How?" She questions.

Molly led us through the woods to a cabin. "This is it." She points. "This is where I saw him." She explains. "Must have been his hunting cabin." We all spy the vicious tools hanging near a bloodstained table. "Huh. Seemed like a real sweet guy." Dean rolls his eyes.

"No markers or headstones outside." Sam turns us back to the case. "You're looking for Greeley's grave?" Molly asks. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Why?" Molly questions. "So we can dig up the corpse and salt and burn it." Dean explains. "Oh. Sure, naturally." Molly sighs dramatically.

"It's a way to get rid of a spirit." Sam says. "And that'll save David?" Molly wishes. "Well, this is what'll help both of you,"Sam starts. "provided there's a corpse to be found." I add. "So how do we find it?" Molly asks. "I'm not sure. After Greeley died, his wife claimed the body. And that was the last anyone saw of her. So good guess she brought him back here. But they had a thousand acres. He could be buried anywhere on 'em." Sam replies. I sigh, "Ugh, this will take forever." I frown.

"So this is really what you guys do? You're like Ghostbusters?" Molly realizes. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Minus the jumpsuits." "This is a fascinating conversation and all, but this highway is only haunted once a year, and we got till sun-up to wrap this thing up. What do you say we move it along, okay? Great." I roll my eyes.

We all go outside and continue our search. "What are we looking for?" Molly asks. "Greely's house. Maybe he's buried there. Look for roads or paths or something. Stay close." Sam orders. "Yeah. Okay." She agrees.

I teleport around, out of Molly's sight, searching for a path or house of some sort.

I'm alerted away from my duties by the sound of a gunshot and someone running. I teleport to the main house, finding the noise coming from Dean and Sam. I walk over to Dean and Molly, soon joined by a running Sam. "Hey! Are you alright?" Sam asks. Dean and I nod but Molly just seems angry.

"What has that son of a bitch done with my husband?" She demands. "Just take it easy, all right?" Sam tries to calm. "You're gonna see David again." His voice lowers, "You will.

"Hey!" Dean indicates something ahead of us. "Follow the creepy brick road." I grab my rock salt encrusted blade and start my journey down the road, followed by Sam, Dean, and Molly.

"That thing shoots rock salt?" Molly asks. "Yep." "And plain salt keeps away spirits?" She questions. "Simple remedies are always the best. In most cultures, salt's a symbol of purity, so it repels impure and unnatural things. Same reason you throw it over your shoulder." Sam explains. "What about your throwing blade?" She asks me. I turn to her, confused someone would ask me about my handmade weapons. "Oh, I hand made it. It's an iron blade, embedded with rock salt on the sides." I recite from memory. She nods in interest.

We round the corner to spot a creepy old house. "You know, just once I'd like to round the corner and see a nice house." Dean sighs. "That house wouldn't last long." I remark.

We all enter the house after Dean and I do a quick once over outside. "Any headstones outside?" Sam asks us. "Yeah, right. Is it ever that easy?" Dean remarks. I sigh, shaking my head. "I guess not." Sam concludes.

"You two check upstairs. See if you can find any notes or records telling us where he's buried. Phenix and I will check down here." Dean orders. I nod, walking to the other side of the room searching for books or paper.

Molly and Sam go upstairs, my cue to teleport around to search easier. I start teleporting, but suddenly I'm hit by a slight dizzy spell. I think nothing of it, 'surely, I'm just tired' I convince myself. "I'm gonna check on Sam and Molly." Dean states, walking upstairs. I sent him back a nod, confirming I heard him as I continued my search.

I teleport around some more, even re-checking outside, just in case. Though, my dizzy spell just gets worse, turning into lightheadedness and nauseous.

"There's something behind here." I teleport right next to the doorway. I walk in, seeing Dean toss his flashlight to Sam. "Here." Dean moves a cabinet aside, revealing a small hidden door. He pokes at it. "It's locked from the inside." He sighs.

Dean turns around, throwing a back kick at the door, which does nothing. He looks surprised, then braces himself and kicks harder. The door falls inward. "I call investigating the creepy door first." I call. Dean and Sam shroud, "Ok." They agree. I smile, crawling in first.

Once we all crawl into the room, we all brush ourselves off, standing up. "It smells like an old lady in here>" Dean remarks. We all stare at the corpse hanging by neck from the ceiling. "And that would explain why." I point. "Wll, now we know why nobody ever saw her again." Dean states. "She didn't want to live without him." Molly explains. I slightly smile. I've always liked the people who seemed to care for the victims of a case less than the case itself more.

Sam picks up a chair as if to take down the corpse, "Dean, give me a hand." Sam orders. "Really?" Dean sighs. "What are you gonna do?" Molly questions. I'm also curious but seemingly too dazed to notice. "We can't leave her like this." Sam says. "Why not?" Dean asks. "She deserves to be put to rest, Dean." I agree, but I don't really know if I nodded or not. Dean reluctantly agrees.

Sam stands on the chair and begins to cut through the rose as Dean steadies the corpse. "Son of a-" The smell of the corpse reaching Dean's nose.

Molly and I watch as Sam and Dean dig. "So..." Molly speaks up. "So, if you manage to put Greeley to rest, to... What happens to them?" Molly asks. "Lady, that answer is way beyond our pay grade." Dean remarks. I roll my eyes with a slight smile. "You hunt these things, but you don't know what happens to them?" Molly questions. "Well, they never come back. That's all that matters." Dean states. Though, that answer doesn't satisfy her. "After they let go of whatever's keeping them here, they... they just go." Sam explains. "I hope someplace better, but we don't know. No one does."

"What happens when you burn their bones?" She asks. I stare off into space, "Umm... Well my dad used to say that was like death for ghosts, you know? But... the truth is, we still don't know. Not for sure." Sam explains. He looks at Dean. "Guess that's why we all hold on to life so hard. Even the dead. We're all just scared of the unknown." Sam states. I nod, slightly. "The only thing I'm scared of is losing David. I have to see him again." We all stare at the hole in silence. "I have to." I try not to cry as she may never know the truth about her "life" if we fail.

We head back inside after we bury Mrs. Greeley. I sit on the front steps, outside, by myself. I can hear Molly pacing the floor as Sam and Dean talk. I stare out at the night sky, the starry twinkling in the ominous darkness. I'd always found the stars beautiful. If I was to die, I'd spend my last moments staring at those beautiful glowing dots so very far away from earth.

The radio turns on, static, playing 'House of the Rising Sun' begins to play. I run inside, immediately. "He's coming." Molly exclaims. "Stay with her." Dean orders Sam, signaling me to follow him. 'He probably only wants me for my protection with teleportation'

We go cautiously towards the sound, finding a dusty radio powered on by itself. Dean crouches down and finds a broken, frayed power cord. A sound comes from the front door, making us investigate it. The door has frosted over, revealing the words 'SHE'S MINE'.

"He got Molly!" We hear Sam yell. We all leapt through the broken window, chasing them through the woods. Though, after a few minutes we lose sight of them, returning to the house.

"This guy is persistent." My vision starts to blur. 'Why are there three Sam and Deans?' "We gotta find Molly." One Sam states. "We gotta find Greeley's bones. And, uh, no pressure or anything, but we got less than two hours before sunrise." A Dean argues.

Sam returns to only a single person. "Hey." He points to a photo in an album. "What do you got?" Dean asks, turning back to one. "February 6, 1992." Sam reads outloud. "That was like two weeks before the accident, wasn't it?" Dean asks. I nod, "Yeah." I confirm. "I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but... I swear there's a tree right where they're standing." Sam remarks. We all look up.

"I should've thought of that." I facepalm. "What?" Dean questions us. "It's an old country custom, Dean. Planting a tree as a grave marker." Sam explains. "You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness." Dean jokes. "Yeah, I know." Sam is bitter.

"Here." I toss a shovel out of our car, over to Sam. "Thanks." I nod, taking myself out a shovel as well. We dig feverishly, hitting something metal. We look down; it's bones. "Hurry up guys!" Dean yells out to us.

I empty a whole box of salt into the coffin as Sam pulls a bottle of gasoline. I light a match and watch as it drops into the box. We watch the body engulfed in flames, burning to ash.

I watch out the window as we drive to David's house. We pull up on a nice suburban home. The lights are on inside. "He's in that house, right there." Same explains to Molly. "I don't understand." Molly stares at it. "You will." Sam says.

We all get out and approach the window to see David inside. He is older, wearing a bathrobe, and pouring a cup of coffee. "That's... not... it can't be." We watch her stumble around.

David looks up as a woman in a bathrobe comes up to him, kissing him on the lips. "What's happening?" Molly questions. She turns back to us. "Who is that?" She asks. "That's David's wife." She explains.

Molly turns back around to look at the house, then back at us. "I'm sorry Molly. 15 years ago, you and your husband hit Jonah Greeley with your car. David survived..." I trail off. "What are you saying?" Molly questions. "We're saying there isn't just one spirit haunting Highway 41. There are two. Jonah Greeley and you." Dean remarks.

"For the past 15 years, one night a year you've been appearing on that highway." Sam states. "No, that's not possible. It was our anniversary.... February 22nd." She exclaims. "1992." Sam says. "Yes." Molly confirms. "Molly, it's 2007." Dean explains. "Oh, god." She manages to get out.


"All right. Tell me about Highway 41." Dean orders us. "12 accidents over 15 years." I start. "Five of them fatal, all of them happening on the same night." Sam adds. "So what are we looking at... interstate dead zone? Phantom hitchhiker? What?" Dean asks. "Not quite. Year after year, witnesses said the same thing made them crash. A woman appearing in the middle of the road, being chased by a man covered in blood." Sam states. "Two spooks? I ask. Sam nods.



I found an old newspaper article referring to Molly and Jonah's deaths. The two spooks.



"Now, where is Molly buried?" Dean asks. "She... she wasn't buried anywhere. She was cremated." David explains.



"So much for burning her bones." Dean sighs. "Yeah, but then what's keeping her here?" Sam questions. "A long time ago I worked on a case where a spirit didn't know they were dead. They kept reliving their death every year, terrifying everyone around. They're called Death Echoes." I explain


"Some spirits only see what they want," Sam explains to Molly. "And Greeley?" Molly asks. "Each year he punishes somebody for his death...ah, chasing them. Torturing them. And each year, that somebody is you." Sam continues. "But I don't remember any of it." Molly remarks. "Because you couldn't see the truth, Molly." I explain to her. "So that's why he won't let me off the highway, Because... I killed him. I killed us both." Molly says, staring at the floor.

Molly sits on the steps of David's house, "Why didn't you tell me when you first saw me? Why wait until now?" Molly questions. "You wouldn't believe us." Dean answers. "And you needed me for bait." Molly accuses. "Well, we needed you." Sam tries to reason.

"David." Molly realizes. "Molly, we brought you here so you could move on." Sam says. "I have to tell him-" Molly exclaims. "Tell him what? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly, he already knows that." Sam states. "Look, if you want to go in there, we're not gonna stop you." I explain. "Yeah, but you are gonna freak him right out. For life." Dean adds. "David's already said his goodbyes. Molly. Now it's your turn. This is your unfinished business.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asks. "Just... let go. Of David. Of everything. You do that... we think you'll move on." Sam explains. "But you don't know where." Molly starts to cry. "No. But Molly, you don't belong here. Haven't you suffered long enough? It;s time. It's time to go." Sam urges. Molly nods, sadly. She steps slowly away from the house, turning her face upwards toward the first lights of dawn. Bathed in light, she becomes part of the light and vanishes.

"I guess she wasn't so bad... for a ghost. You think she's really going to a better place?" Dean asks. "I hope so." Sam replies. I just stare at the sunrise, "We all do." I finally replied.

We cross the road and get back in the Impala as light rain begins to fall. I slowly close my eyes letting sleep take over me.

Chapter 16: Secret Werewolf

Chapter Text

I sit on my bed, hugging my knees. "This is stupid." I whine. "What? Your wings trashing our motel or being stuck here babysitting a demon hybrid?" Dean asks, sarcastically. I roll my eyes, unfolding my wings. I jump off the bed and walk over to the kitchen, sitting down. "Ugh!" I groan. "I can't even cook food with my wings making a mess everywhere I walk." I complain.

Sam walks in making Dean almost leap for joy. Dean is cleaning his guns as I re-dip my blades in holy water. "Sam!" I exclaim, happily. My wings unfold to show my excitement. I sigh, my excitement destroyed, sitting back on the bed.

"This lawyer guy the first heart-free corpse in town?" Dean asks. Sam nods, "First man. Over the past year, several women have gone missing. Dead bodies all washed up later in the bay, too deteriorated to draw firm conclusions." Sam explains. I nod, "No hearts?" I inquire. He shakes his head, "No hearts. They were hookers working Hunter's Point. Now, cops are trying to keep things under wrap, but they're looking for a serial killer." Sam continues.

"And the lunar cycle?" Dean questions. "Mm-hmm. Yeah, month after month, all the murders happen in the week leading up to the full moon." Sam confirms. "Which is this week, right?" Dean seems more interested then when Sam first arrived. "Hence the lawyer?" Sam nods.

"Awesome!" Dean smiles. "Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?" Sam asks, annoyed. "I'm sorry, man, but what about "a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by moonlight" don't you understand? I mean, werewolves are badass. We haven't seen one since we were kids." I roll my eyes. 'I'd truly never seen a werewolf since before I went off to sea. Though, it wasn't like it was a unicorn or angel. "Okay, Sparky. And you know what? After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland." I groan, "But Disneyland is full of spirits, animal and human alike." I frown, jokingly.

"You know what the best part about it is? We already know how to bring these suckers down." He holds up a silver bullet. "One of these bad boys right to the heart. So, what's our next move?" Dean inquires. "Talk to the girl who found the body." I sigh, knowing that means I'll be left here, alone.

"This is stupid." I groan, looking at the bathroom mirror. "How am I supposed to help like this?" I turn towards the shower, turning on the hot water. I lean one wing into the shower, rising it off, then the other. I hadn't been able to wash my wings for years, not to say they were unclean as they never seemed to smell like much of anything. Though, it felt nice to get the crusty blood off the feathers.

Suddenly, there's a gunshot. I immediately teleport towards the sound, finding Sam, Dean, and a mauled policeman. "I'll call 911." Sam states. I nod, checking the man's pulse. Dean bends down examining the man. "I'd say Kurt's looking more and more like our Cujo." I look towards Dean, "Kurt?" I question. "Dean, if he's out here, we better check on Madison." My wings fall to rest, dripping water onto the floor.

"I guess, I'll head back to the..." I pause, feeling lighter than before. I try to pick my wings up, but nothing happens. "I guess I'll go with you two." I smile.

We knock on Madison's apartment front door. Across the hall, her neighbor opens his door to see our commotion. "What's going on?" He asks. "Police business, Glen" Dean repounses and Madison opens the door. "What is it?" Madison asks. Sam glances at Glen, "Well, maybe we should talk privately." Sam remarks.

Madison pours Sam and Dean some coffee. We sat on her couch, waiting for her to join us. "Has Kurt been here?" Sam asks. "Not exactly." Madison answers. "What exactly does "not exactly" mean?" Dean questions. "Well, he was outside last night. Just...looking. Just looking at me." We, three, exchange a look.

"Has he done something?" Madison asks. "We're not really sure." Sam explains. "It's probably nothing, but... we just don't wanna take any chances. In fact, one of us should probably stay here with you? Just in case he stops by. Where does he work?" Dean asks. "He owns a body shop." She responds. "You mind grabbing that address for us?" I ask. She nods and leaves the room. "Thanks." Dean, thanks.

"All right, you two go. I'll stay." Sam orders. "f*ck that. You go after the creepy ex. I'm gonna hang here with the hot chick." I roll my eyes at them. "Dud, why do you always get to hang with the girls?" Sam argues. "'Cause I'm older." Dean fights, taking a sip of his coffee. Sam looks at him with incredulity. "No, screw that. We settle this the old-fashioned way." I watch as he sets his coffee down and starts rock paper scissors. I decide, 'no harm in joining, it's not like I wouldn't mind an easy job.'

Dean picks scissors, I pick rock, and so does Sam. "Dean, always with the scissors." Sam slaps Dean's shoulder. "Shut, shut up. Two out of three." I roll my eyes, cutting myself out of their games. Sam sighs, but lifts his hands for another round. Dean loses to rock vs Scissors once again. "God!" He exclaims in frustration.

"Phen?" Sam questions if I wanna go another round as we'd tied. "Nah, we wouldn't wanna risk my wings reappearing on Madison." I deny. Though truly I want to stay. I don't even know why. I'm more for the hunt and research, then laying back. "Bundle up out there, all right?" Sam orders. We both nod, taking off.

I pace outside Kurt's work, my wings dragging air behind me. Dean exits, with Sam on the phone. "No, he hasn;t been at work all week. But because I'm good, and mean really, really good. I got a line on where he might be." I follow Dean into the Impala. "What's she wearing?" Dean jokes. "Bye Dean." I barely hear Sam's response as he hangs up.

"Wings, in the back." Dean orders. I groan, "Fine." I jump into the back, making sure to lightly hit Dean on the way back.

I sit at the table, waiting for Dean. He walks back with two drinks, which I down both. "I was gonna-" Dean starts. He pauses, "Never mind." He sits back down. "Like ten people thought I was a stipper." I groan, my wings rest behind my back. "I mean it's the perfect cover." Dean says, lightly, trying not to anger me. "I will stab the next person to ask me if I'm a prostitute." I state.

"I'll call Sam." Dean says. I nod, listening into his phone. "Hey." Sam greets. "I found him." Dean comments. "We" I correct. "Ok, we found him." Dean corrects himself. "Good, don't take your eyes off him." Sam orders. Though, Dean's eyes are glued to the skipper on stage. I glance at Kurt. He's at a table near us, also glued to the stipper. "Oh, yeah, my eyes are glued. Look, Sammy, I gotta let you go. I, uh, I don't wanna... don't wanna miss anything." I roll my eyes, getting up from the table. "I'm gonna take a break outside." I state. Dean gestures a yes by hand as I leave, annoyed.

I stand, stretching my wings, in the back alley, hidden from the mortal eye. "Maybe...maybe a flight will help." I think to myself. I slowly close my eyes, going astal. I turn, seeing my body slump to the floor. "Do I really look like that without my wings?" I question, staring at myself.

I stretch my wings full force and lift off into the air. I glide around for a few hours, discovering interesting scenes unfolding in every direction. Though, I'm taken back to my body by a phone call.

I open my eyes, no longer astral, answering the phone. "Where are you?' It's Dean's voice. "Kurt's on the move." He states. "I'll be right there." I teleport to the back of the Impala.

"f*cking Hell!" Dean gasps, at me suddenly appearing. "You need to give me a longer heads up before you do that." I shrink down, "Sorry." I try not to laugh. He shakes his head, "Sure." His voice is sarcastic, but he seems happy. I mean we're finally on another hunt since last week.

I stare at the house we arrived at. We sit in the car, for a moment, before Dean gets out. He goes to the back and props it up. I come up beside him and grab my daggers. "Daggers?" Dean asks. I take out my favorite blade, with a half smile, "Silver throwing blades." I correct. He looks impressed, as I extend a blade to him. He looks over it, afterwards handing it back to me. "Embedded with rock salt?" He asks. I nod my head, slightly. "Rock salt mixed with blood and holy water. Can't be too careful with demons all around." He nods, seemingly more intrigued in my hunting style now.

We stand outside of Kurt's house, watching as the lights inside turn on. Dean readys his gun, as I uncover my blades. Suddenly, the glass shatters as we watch the lights flicker off in the house. "What the Hell?!" Dean exclaims.

We run to the house, bursting through the door. Entering one of the main rooms, we find a woman hovering over Kurt's mauled body. She turns towards us... "Madison?!" I gasp. She growls and runs at Dean, pushing him into the wall. Before she escapes us I manage to cut her arm with a blade. She growls in pain as she crashes out the window. Though, I'm too busy watching as the consciousness leaves Dean's eyes. "Dean!" I yell, as he slumps to the floor.

I sit next to Dean, checking his pulse every few minutes, my wings stretched out around us. "Dean, please wake up." I beg. "Please..." I look at the floor, my wings' blood dripping to the floor. I'd been cut by the window when Madison escaped, but I never noticed till Dean collapsed.

I glance at the window, noticing the white glow to my eyes. It surprises me as I haven't seen my eyes glow white in forever. 'Am I truly scared?' I question myself. "Dean." I stare at his seemingly lifeless body. It was at that moment I realized just how worried I was. I was tearing up, fully convinced he might die on my watch.

I watch as the sunrises outside the window, indicating the lovely day incoming. I hear a groan as the sunrise reaches the window. I turn to see Dean holding his head in pain. "Dean!" I smile, my fears leaving me. "Phen?" Dean questions.

I yawn, "Why are you still here?" He asks. I realize in that moment how little he cares for himself then his own brother's safety. I care for Sam, but I know he could hang a werewolf by himself if he needed. Also if Dean died on my watch I swear Sam would murder me. "I'll call Sam." I state, helping him stand up. He nods, "Okay, put it on speaker."

"Phen? You guys okay?" Sam asks, worriedly. "Yeah, now that I'm conscious." Dean replies. I can hear Sam's shocked expression through the phone. "The werewolf knocked me out." Dean finishes. "Sam, it's Madison." I explain, much to Sam's dismay. "What?" Sam questions completely confused. "Yeah, awesome job of keeping an eye on her." Dean states.

"Dean, I've been here the whole time. She's in bed, asleep." Sam says. "Well, she wasn;t an hour ago." Dean replies. "Check her right arm below her elbow. I nicked her with a silver knife." I order.

I knock on the door, not wanting to just teleport in, just in case of anything. Sam opens the door, visibly upset. Dean and I enter seeing Madison all tied up in a wooden chair. I stare at the sight and almost vomit. "How you doin'? My head feels great, thanks." Dean comments. I immediately teleport next to Sam. "We've gotta talk." Sam brings Dean and I into the other room.

"She says she has no idea what I'm talking about." Sam explains. :She's lying." Dean replies, obviously. "Or maybe she really doesn't know she's changing, you know? Maybe... maybe when the creature takes over, she blacks out." Sam tries to reason. "Like a really hot incredible Hulk. Come on, dude, she ganked her boss and her ex-boyfriend. That doesn't sound rash and unconscious." Dean's deadpans. "Yeah, but what if it was, Dean? I mean, what if some animal part of her brain saw both those guys as threats. Hell, the cop, too." Sam tries to reason again.

"What are you, the Dog Whisperer now?" Dean asks, clearly annoyed. "Look, man, I just... I don't know, there, there, there was something in her eyes." Sam states. "Yeah, she's killing people!" Dean exclaims. I shrink down from the sudden yelling, my eyes glued to the floor. "But if she has no control over it-" Sam tries. "Exactly. She can't control it. Even if she's telling the truth, it's not gonna change anything." Dean explains.

"I'm not putting a bullet through some girl's chest who has no idea what's happening." Sam exclaims. My nauseous returns to me with that comment. "Sam, she's a monster, and you're feeling sorry for her." With that comment my eyes glow red. 'If she's a monster then so are we. I mean I'm a demon hybrid and Sam's... a psychic.' "Maybe I understand her." There's a long pause between us all.

"Look, there might be another way we can get the job done without having to waste her." Sam says. "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Dean questions. It's at that moment I could have mentioned the werewolf cure, but it was too late for Madison anyway. The werewolf cure, from the Men of Letters, only works 22% of the time and Sam wouldn't go for that chance.

Sam starts flipping through John Winchester's, their dad's, journal. "Dad;s theory. "Lycanthropy might have a cure if you kill the werewolf who bit you, severing the bloodline."" I try not to dampen their hope, but I knew that wouldn't work. "Might have a cure. Meaning "who the hell knows?"" Dean states. "It's worth a shot." Sam begs. "We don't even know where to start looking, all right. I mean, the puppy that bit her could be anyone, anywhere. It could've been years ago." Dean argues. "No, I don't think so." Sam realizes something, unknown to us.

Sam leads us back into the living room, where Madison is still tied up. I stagger back a bit behind them so as not to witness the scene in front of me. "Madison, when were you mugged?" She clearly doesn't wanna answer the question, just staring at us. "Please. It's important, all right. Just answer the question." Sam begs. "About a month ago." She finally answers. "Did you see the guy?" Sam asks. "No. He grabbed me from behind." Madison continues. "Did he bite you?" Sam questions. There's a slight pause. "How did you know that?" Madison asks, worried.

Sam doesn't answer her, only asks, "Where?" She responds quickly, "On, on the back of my neck." Sam lets her watch as he sets his gun down, goes behind her neck, and slowly brushes her hair away. This exposes a scarred lump the size of a gold ball on her neck. "Oh, that's just a love bite. Believe me, that could have been a lot worse. Where were you at the time?" Dean comments. "Walking home from a friend's loft." Madison answers. "Let me guess. Not too far from Hunter's Point?" Sam questions. She only nods.

Sam and Dean head back to the other room; Sam closing the door and facing Dean. I sit on the couch, waiting for them to return. "You know, I'm sorry about all this." I say after a long pause. "Then why don't you let me go?" Madison asks. "I can't" I stare at the floor, regretful. "Cause I'm a monster?" She asks. I shake my head, "I don't think you yourself are a monster. I believe you were bitten by a monster." I explain. 'She didn't want this. She didn't ask for this.' Madison is crying.

I watch Dean leave the apartment, my eyes begging Sam to let me go as well. Though, I stay. "Please. Just let me go." Madison begs. Sam looks at her sympathetically and pulls up a chair to sit in front of her. "Look ... I know you're scared. I also know that there's no way in hell you're gonna believe me. But I'm doing this because I'm trying to help you. I'm not gonna lie, all right, the odds aren't exactly in our favor. But if this goes the way I pray it does ... I'll untie you, and I'll walk out that door, and I'll never come back. You'll live the rest of your life. And I'll just be a bad memory." Sam's emotional, teaful, as is Madison.

I start to cook us dinner as a howl is heard from outside. I unsheave a blade, just in case, placing it in my hoodie pocket. I place the sandwich on the dining table and head back to Madison and Sam.

"Sam?!" I gasp Madison completely transformed. Sam pointing his gun at her. She lungs for Sam, just as I manage to teleport her into her bedroom. Sam helps me move the entertainment center in front of the door, trapping her inside.

I watch as the sun slowly rises. Sam joins me by the window. "You okay?" He asks. I don't respond, just stare at the sunrise. "It's over." Sam says. I nod, helping him move the entertainment table. "It should be over now. You'll never see me again." Sam calls to Madison.

We sit in the Impala next to Madison's apartment. "It was sort of sad, actually. Glen has no clue what was going on. Hey, why do you think he turned Madison instead of just killing her in the first place?" Dean inquires. "I don't know. I mean, he kind of seemed to have a thing for her." Sam explains. "Maybe his primal instinct did, too. Maybe he was looking for a little, uh, hot breeding action." Dean suggests. "Yeah. Something like that." Sam agrees.

"So?" "So what?" Sam asks. "Speaking of Madison...?" Dean tries. "Oh, whatever." Sam states. "Don't "whatever" me, man, you liked her. Maybe, uh-" He starts. "Dean, she thought I was a stark-raving lunatic." Sam states. "You saved her life." Dean argues. "Yeah, but she doesn't know that." With that Madison appears at the window.

"You know, for a stake-ot, your car's a bit conspicuous. What are you still doing here?" She asks. "Honestly? Uh, we're pretty sure you're not gonna turn tonight, but we've gotta be a hundred percent, so.... You know, we're.... Lurking." Dean tries to explain. "I know this sounds crazy." Sam starts. "Sure does. Wll, if we're gonna wait it out... we might as well do it together." Madison suggests.

I sit on the couch, siping some cocoa. I made me and Madison. "You were telling the truth, weren't you. About everything. What you did- it was to help me." Madison realizes. "Yeah." Sam says simply. "I did all of those horrible things... when I turned." Madison's eyes glue to the floor. "You didn't know." Sam tries to calm down.

There's a slight pause between us all. "So, when will we know for sure?" She takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "Moonrise?" She asks. "No, I don't think so. You turned middle of the night last night. I think we've gotta hang in until sun-up." Sam suggests. Dean has been watching Sam, carefully. He gives a tiny nod. "Well, it looks like we've got ourselves a few hours to kill. Poker, anyone?" Dean suggests. "I'll play blackjack." I call out.

I place another card down, "I win again." I smile. Dean groans, annoyed. "You're cheating!" He states. "How? I can't even add it perfectly." I argue.

We watch as the sun sinks and the moon rises. Dean lays his gun on the table as we all watch him. "Oh, no, you guys talk." Dean suggests.

Hours pass with laughter, fear, dinner, and lots and lots of rounds of black jack. Soon the sun rises. "Does- does this mean it worked?" Madison asks. "Yeah. I think so." Sam is relieved. "Oh, God, thank you." She sighs in relief. "Thank you so much." She gives Sam a hug. Dean clears his throat, ending their long ass hug. Madison laughs. "You, too, Dean. Thank you." "Aw, don't mention it." I smile towards her. "Thanks a lot Phenix." I nod.

There's an awkward pause, "So, We're gonna head back to the hotel and... watch some Pay-Per,View, or something." Dean drags me out of the hotel.

"I'm going to sleep. Wake me if only if you or Sam are dying. K?" I tell Dean. He nods, continuing his tv show. I lay in one of the beds, curling in a ball. My wings wrap around me, covering me in a lovely soft blanket. My wings usually don't appear at night or out of astral, unless I feel strong emotions. Though, because of the glitching they've been having lately, I figured out I could summon them when tired.

As soon as I get comfortable I'm out in a matter of seconds.

I'm awakened by someone running into the bedroom. I groan, slowly opening my eyes. I see Sam fidgeting anxiously. "Sam?" I question, rubbing my eyes. "She- She turned." Sam states. I gasp, "Madison?!" He nods. "What?" Dean walks into the room. "I couldn't grab her in time." Sam explains. "We'll find her, Sammy." Dean confirms.

We spent the morning searching for anywhere Madison could have ended up. We quickly walk down the steps of the Chin Sea Motel. "I already called Bobby. He doens;t know anything. Except he knew severing the bloodline wouldn't work. That's everyone. They all say it impossible to reverse it." Sam states. "How come she didn't turn when we were with her?" Dean questions. "Dean-" Sam starts. "So, what, you put her to bed and she wolfed out? Maybe she's gotta be asleep to turn." Dean suggests.

"What the hell does it matter, Dean? Look, we've gotta find some way to help her, some legend we missed or something." I keep my mouth shut. "If there was, don't you think someone we know would've known it?' Dean asks. "I mean Phenix worked air, sky, and land hunting and doesn't even know." Dean remarks. I try to hide my pain from not telling them. Though, I couldn't have them get hope from a 22% chance. "Well, then we have to look harder! Until we find something." Sam orders.

"Sammy, I don't think we've got a choice here anymore." Dean starts. "What?" Sam questions. "I hate to say it. She's a sweet girl, but part of her is-" Dean tries to say. "Evil?" Sam finishes. "Yeah." Dean confirms. "Yeah, that's what they say about me, Dean! So me you won't kill, but her you're just gonna blow away?" Sam is pissed.

Sam's phone starts to ring, He answers it. 'Madison, where are you?" We stare at Sam in shock. It was Madison. "Well, do you see any street signs?" Sam asks. There's a small apuse. "All right, hold on, Maddie. We're coming to get you, just stay where you are." Sam orders.

I sit on the couch watching Sam, Dean, and Madison chat. Madison is worried she can never be cured and we have to tell her she can't be. She starts to cry, Sam, I don't wanna hurt anyone else. I don't wanna hurt you." She picks up the gun and brings it to him. "Put that down." Sam orders. "I can't do it myself. I need you to help me." Madison says. "Madison, no." Sam states. "Sam... I'm a monster." She sobs out. They go back and forward for a while, when Dean takes the gun and walks out.

Sam chokes on his tears, as Dean slowly enters once again, silently. "Sam." Dean holds up the gun, "I'm sorry." He apologizes. "No, you're right. She's right." Sam wipes his eyes. "Sammy, I got this one. I'll do it." Dean suggests. "She asked me to." Sam says. "You don't have to." Dean states. Tears slid down his eyes, "Yes, I do. Please." He holds his hand out for the gun, tears streaming down his face. Dean hands it to him. "Just wait here.' He orders us.

He glances back at us, shaking, tears streaming, before heading back to the living room. Dean starts to tear up, shedding a sincere tear. The first I'd ever seen him cry, that I could remember. We both flinch as a single gunshot sounds off from the next room.

I immediately, subconsciously, teleport to Sam, holding his hand. I take the gun from him and drop it on the floor, as I wrap his sobbing figure into a warm hug.

Chapter 17: Haunting Movie

Chapter Text

I look around, not that interested. At least not as interested as Deam. Dean had forced us to go on a tour of the Warner Bros. Studio. We pass by movie and television sets... Though I don't see the appeal of seeing the studio. 'Wouldn't this take the music out of movies and tv?' I think to myself. Though, I don't dare ruin Dean's fun.

"First opened in 1927, the lot has been in continuous operation for eight decades." The tour guide speaks over the P.A. Dean turns to the kid next to him, eating ice cream. "Hey, you know this is where they filmed "Creepshow"?" Dean asks. The boy looks at him like he's a doofus and says nothing.

"Now, to the right, here is Stars Hollow. It's the setting for the television series, Gilmore Girls, and if we're lucky, we might even catch one of the show's stars." Sam, looking uncomfortable, turns to Dean, who just gives him a thumbs up. "Come on." Sam urges. "Let's finish the tour!" Dean suggests. Sam hops off the trolley, I join him. "Dean!" Sam urges again. Dean hops off as well, so we continue walking around the lot.

Dean suddenly looks very excited, "Sammy, check it out, it's Matt Damon!" Dean exclaims. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not Matt Damon." Sam states. "No, it is." Dean remarks. "Well, Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping." Sam explains. "Yeah, well, he's probably researching a role or something." I facepalm. "I don't so, Dean." I state, embarrassed by him.

Sam points to a sign, "Hey, this way, uh, I think Stage 9 is over here." Sam says. "Come on, man, let's keep going this way." Dean urges. "No, come on, we've gotta work." Dean sighs.

"Dude, you wanted to come to LA." Sam states. "Yeah, for a vacation. I mean, swimming pools and movie stars! Not to work." Dean whines. "This seems like swimming pool weather to you, Dean? I mean, it's practically Canadian." Sam comments. "Yeah. I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with... Madison, y-you could use a little R-and-R, that's all." Dean explains. "Well, maybe I wanna work, Dean. Maybe it keeps my mind off things." Sam remarks.

"Okay, okay, all right. So, this crew guy- what did he, he died on set?" Dean asks. "Yeah, uh, rumors spreading like wildfire online. They're saying the set's haunted." Sam says. "Like "Poltergeist"?" Dean asks. I roll my eyes at the reference. "Could be a poltergeist." Sam suggests. "No, no, no. Like, the movie "Poltergeist"" Dean explains. Sam shrugs. "You know nothing of your cultural heritage, do you?" Dean asks. "It was rumored that the set of "Poltergeist" was cursed. That they usd real human bones as, uh, as props. And, like, at least three of the actors died in it." Dean explains. "Well, yeah, it might be something like that." Sam agrees.

"All right, so this crew guy... What's his name?" I ask. "Frank Jaffey." Sam says. "Frank Jaffey. He got a death certificate or a coroner's report or anything?" Sam shakes his head, "Well, no. But, uh, it;s LA, you know? It might not even be his real name. But the girl who found him, she said she saw something... a vanishing figure." Sam continues. "What's the girl's name?" Dean asks. "Uh, Tara Benchley?" Sam thinks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tara Benchley? From "Fear dot Com" and "Ghost Ship", Tara Benchley? Dude, why didn't you say so?" Dean grins with fannish enthusiasm. "So now, you're suddenly on board?" Smaa sks. "Oh, I just- I mean, I'm a fan of her work. It's very good." Dean calms himself. Dean starts to walk away, Sam and I on his tail.

One of the studio execs for the movie, someone is talking to McG and the producer. "No, look, don't get me wrong. Everyone at the studio loves the dailies, myself included. We were just wondering if it could be... you know, a little brighter." One says. "Brighter?" Another asks. "Yeah, Jay. More color." Jay nods. "McG, you know what I'm saying, you're the master of that stuff." The first man states. "Brad, this is a horror movie." The man identified as McG says. "Yeah, and who says horror has to be dark, y'know? It's just, it's sort of... depressing, don't you think?" Brad explains.

He notices us enter the set, "Uh, excuse me, Green Shirt Guy?" Dean points to himself quizzically. "Yeah, you. Come here." Brad orders. We all exchange a look as Dean walks over to Brad. "Can you get me a smoothie from Kraft?" He orders. "You want a what from who?" Dean questions. Brad scoffs, "You are a P.A.? This is what you do?" Brad states. Sam and I quickly walk over. "Yeah, yeah... he uh.... One smoothie coming right up." Sam says, turning to walk away.

"What's a P.A.?" Dean asks. "I think they're kind of like slaves." Sam answers. I roll my eyes, "A P.A. is a production assistant." I explain. "Means that they help someone with food, work, etc." I continue. We all look back to Brad who gives us a thumbs up.

I sit from afar watching everyone film. The actors are standing inside an abandoned house, and "Wendy", played by Tara, has a book open in front of her. "Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy says to her friends. She begins reading, in very broken latin. It's painful to the ears.

"Maybe we'll finish this up tomorrow." McG states. "Oh my God, I hate you so much right now. You know?" Tara breaks character. "Cut!" McG yells. Everyone bursts into laughter, "Very nice." McG states.

I catch up with Tara, to help her with her latin. "Who are you?" Tara asks. "Phen...Phenix Summers. I'm just a P.A., but I'm fluent in Latin, as well as a few other languages." I murmur the last part. I keep my eyes glued on the floor. I'm not a social person. Not to say I didn't go to parties in highschool and beginnings of college, I did. I just never talk to many people, besides hunters. "I can help you pronounce your latin lines." I explain. She nods, "Okay." She smiles.

I spend a few minutes helping Tara, before she leaves to get a call sheet from a set of workers.

I sit in my room waiting for Sam or Dean to call me. My cat Simmers sits on my lap as I pet her, sitting on my bed. I look around my room with a sigh. Hell isn't that pretty, unless you look closely. Though, if any mortal came here they'd surely die or be dead already.

*Ring* *Ring* My phone rings, "See ya Simmers." I smile, teleport back to earth.

"Hey, what's up?" I answer. "We're heading to St. James Residence. Meet us there, k?" Dean's voice rings. I teleport over, hanging up, waiting for them to appear.

Sam knocks on the door. "Gerad St. james?" Dean asks. "Yes." Gerald answers. "You're still alive. And you're not Frank Jaffey." Sam sighs, "Uh. no?" Gerald confirms, seemingly confused.

"You were Desert Soldier Number Four in Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn?" Dean asks. "I was." Gerard confirms. "I knew I recognized you. I am a huge fan. Heh heh. I mean, your turn as a tractor crash victim in critters 3-" Gerald cuts him off. "Critters 3!" He exclaims. "Wow. Yeah." Dean smiles, fan boyishly. "Well, please, come in." Gerard welcomes. "I'm gonna chat with Tara again." I whisper to Sam. "Oh sorry, I must go. I have to help an actor." I say, walking out.

I teleport away to my bedroom in hell. My body burns as my wings flap out and my eyes burn darkened blue. I hold my stomach in agonizing pain. If Sam and Dean knew I reacted to blood withdrawals this bad they'd surely see me as a monster. These used to pass easier, when I only had little bits at a time. Though, after the... accident they got worse.

I curl in a ball of pain and tears, squeezing my body tightly. My wings curl around me in a sort of comforting way. Simmers curls beside me, licking my hand to try to help me calm down.

I wake up, realizing how long it's been. I check my clock, thankful it was only the next morning on Earth.

I teleport to Sam and Dean's motel with a plastered smile. My body still aches from all the burning pains, but my wings and eyes have returned to normal.

"Morning," Sam greets. I turn to him in shock from the sudden noise. My body burns as I try to hide its pain. "Morning." I fake a smile. "Dean is already at "work". I stayed back to do some research." Sam explains. I nod, taking a half n half out of my backpack. "You okay?" Sam asks. I try to hide my shock from his question. I fake another smile, "Yep." I lie through my teeth.

We approach Dean, who's lost in thought. "Walter's a little testy for a P.A., huh?" Dean comments. "How's it going in here?" Sam asks. "It is going really good, man. Tara's really stepped up her performance. I think it's probably from all the sense memory stuff she's drawing on." Dean states. "Sense memory?" Sam questions. "Yeah." Dean confirms.

"Dean, you, you know when I ask how it's going in here, I'm talking about the case, right? We don't really work here. You know, I thought you hated being a P.A." Dean says. Dean starts shuffling his feet, "I don't know. It's not so bad. I kind of feel like part of the team, you know? It's good-" He cut himself off.

"Oh, taquito? They're wonderful." Dean offers. I roll my eyes, trying to whine from the pain. "Dean." I state. "No. Umm... listen, I conned my way into the morgue." Sam starts. "And?" Dean urges. "News reports were right: Brad's a doornail, no question." Sam explains. "Copy that." Dean says into his headset.

"I'm sorry what?" Dean turns back to us. "Copy that?" sa, questions. "What did you say?" Dean asks. "The news reports were right. Brad's a doornail-" Sam tries.

"They are aware." Dean states to his headset. "Who's aware?" Sam asks. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Dean asks Sam again. "Uh, Uh... uh. The newspaper's right Brad's a doornail, no questions about it." Sam finally gets to say. "I guess it's a good thing we didn't skip town." Dean remarks. "Yeah." I agree.

"Oh, come here. I want you to hear something." He turns to his headset again. "Copy that. On my way." Dean states.

Dean leads us over to the sound guy, Dave. "Hey, Dave. Can you play them that thing you were playing me earlier?" Dean asks. "Sure." Dave hads us each a headset. I sudley flinched at the contact. I quickly put the headset on before anyone notices.

We listen to the audio of one of the scenes in the movie. "Doesn't matter. We're not leaving till; we find Wendy and your sister." Halfway through the dialogue, the sound becomes static and distorted. All three of us exchange a look.

I sit on the floor backstage, Sam and Dean standing nearby. "From the night of Brad's stage dive. All of sudden, I'm getting electromagnetic readings up the wazoo. For some reason, it's a legit haunting now." Dean explains. "Well, who's the ghost, Dean? What's it want?" Sam questions. "I don't know. I think we should take a look at Brad's death scene." Dean suggests.

Dean leads us to one of the trailers. Once inside, he pops a dvd in the television. "Hey, where'd you get this DVD?" Sam asks. "They;re called dailies. I got it from Cindy. She's kind of got this on-and-off thing going with Drew. He dubbed me an extra copy.

We watch as the scene goes on, complete with Brad's surprise entrance. "All right, here's where the guy fell through the roof." Dean points. "Right," Sam nods. I just curl myself in a kind of unnoticeable ball, hugging my knees. "All right, here we go." Dean resumes the tape. "They must have super-hearing." Mitch explains. Suddenly, Brad falls through the ceiling of the set, hanging by a noose. I stare in shock.

"Hey, wait, go back, go back." Dean rewinds the tape, "Right after. Right aft- yeah right. Wait. There." Dean pauses the frame. The screen displays a completely different set and standing in the far corner of the set is a ghostly white woman.

"It's like "Three Men and a Baby" all over again." Sam and I look over at him, confused. "Selleck, Danson, and Guttenberg. And... I don't know who played the baby." I chuckle at that, but it's overcome by my own pain stopping me. "What's your point?" Sam asks. "There's a scene in the movie where people say that the, the camera caught a ghost on film. Apparently, in the background of one of the scenes, there was this boy that nobody remembers from set. Spirit photography." Dean explains. I smile at the reference, "My dad worked that case." I explain, holding back tears.

Sam looks at the woman, "I've seen her before." He remarks, confusing us all.

Dean, headset in place, is sitting next to Sam and I at a table behind the movie set. Sam hands Dean a printout of an article. "Here. Check this out." Sam states. "Yeah, go for Ozzy." Dean pauses, "No, I don't have a 20 on Tara, I think she's 10-100." Dean continues. "Okay copy that." Dean says. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Dean asks us. Sam shakes his head in exasperation.

"Elise Drummond – starlet back in the thirties. Had an affair with a studio exec. He uses her up, fires her, leaves her destitute, so Elise hangs herself from Stage 9's rafters, right into a scene they're shooting." Sam explains. "Just like our man, Brad. So, what, she's got it in for the studio brass?" Dean continues. "Possibly. I mean, it's a motive." I confirm. "And Brad's death matches hers exactly." Sam adds. "We're digging in tonight, aren't we?" Dean asks.

We walk through the cemetery, shovels in hand. "Which way?" Sam asks. I try to keep up with the two of them, but my legs beg me to fall. "Uh... over there." Dean looks at his map. We walk a little more, until he stops us.

"Hey." Dean pauses. "Yeah?" Sam questions. Dean gestures to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty. "This map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Ramone's grave when we're done here." Dean comments. "You wanna dig him up, too?" Sam suggests. "Bite your tongue, heathen!" We pass by another memorial. "Ok, that's cool." Dean smiles.

"You know, Dean, what I don't get is why now? I mean, after seventy-five years, Elize Drummond suddenly goes homicidal, you know? Why this movie?" Sam questions. I shrug, "Maybe, because Tara mispronounced some accident Latin text." I joke, trying not to wince in pain.

"Here we go." Dean points to a headstone, Elise's headstone. "Yep. All right." Sam confirms. "Yahtzee." Dean smiles. We all start to dig.

We hit something metal, a coffin Dean opens the coffin to see Elise's corpse. I pour all my box of salt, Dean pours his alcohol over it, as Sam lights a match. We watch the body burn to ashes.

We return to the set the next morning, with info of Jay's sudden death. We watch as the police examine the crime scene where Jay was killed. "Run-in with a giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician back in '66, a guy named Billy Beard." Sam explains. "What the hell, dude?" Dean exclaims. "I don't know. Doesn't seem like Elise this time, either. It's not her M.O." Sam remarks. "No, we already torched her. So, what are we dealing with another ghost?" Dean asks. "Maybe." Sam nods. "Yeah, but these things don't usually tag-team." Dean states. I try to mention the fact Tara's lines are latin and could be summoning spells. Though, I don't manage to get a word out of my mouth.

McG gets out of his car, gathering the entire cast and crew, including Sam, Dean, and me. "Everybody! Gather around, okay! I've got an announcement to make." He hands his car keys to a P.A. "Everyone! Huddle in! In light of Jay's accident last night, and in cooperation with the authorities, we're shutting down production for a few days. I know, I know. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything. And that was to see Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning on screens all across America! Now, we owe it to them to go on, and to pull together and make this damn movie, huh?" He calls out. I zone out most of it, though I stay present. There is cheers and applause from the crowd. "But... but but but not today. Go home. Someone will call you." He finishes.

I sit on the floor, my wings curling around me. My head rests on Sam's shoulder as we watch the film back, researching. My body and mind are so exhausted I'm not even anxious or fearful about relaxing for the first time in a while.

Wendy is reading in latin when she is interrupted by Kendra. "Wendy, don't" Kendra urges. "What are you afraid of ghosts? Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy urges her back.

Dean enters the room, "Hey." He greets. I give him a nod of acknowledgement, barely able to muster the strength. "Hey. So, you find out where the electrician's buried?" Sam asks. "He wasn't. Billy Beard was cremated." Dean explains. "Great. Now what?" Sam sighs. I flap my wings, folding them behind my back. "No idea. Any more ghost cameos in the dailies?" Dean asks. "Not in the first six hours. You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie 'cause they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does." Sam suggests.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy urges. She continues reading in Latin. Sam seems to notice something and rewinds. He sits up and listens closer to the Latin. That's when I realize the same thing, it actually is a summoning spell. It's a necromantic spell. "Dean, that's the real deal- a necromantic summoning ritual. What the hell is that doing in a Hollywood movie?" Sam questions. I look at the screen, confused as all hell. 'Hollywood shouldn't have access to that yet... it is the 2000s right?' I question myself.

I curl my wings around me, sitting on the bed. I was forced to stay home because of my wings not disappearing. Truly, it was because of the burning pain I'd been in for the last two earthly days. My body was in no condition to hunt, let alone hide my wings.

I watch the incantation, deciphering it from Latin to english. I was practicing my Latin as I was rusty and had nothing else to do.

Sam walks in followed by Dean, who's got three drinks in hand. "Need a hand?" A chuckle. He rolls his eyes, handing me a half n half. I smile, a thanks before turning back to the tv. Sam hands me a script, sitting next to me on the couch. "Find anything new?" He asks. I shake my head, "Translation didn't help much. It's definitely a summoning spell tho. An accurate one." I confirm.

"Lord of The Dead? Interesting." I look over the title page. "Should've kept Walter's original script. It's actually pretty good." Dean's a few pages after me. "Yeah. And it reads like a how-to manual of conjuration, like a textbook on how to summon ghosts and get them to do whatever you want." Sam adds. "Yeah, like kill people." Dean continues. I shiver at the thought, "Like a trap for the unrest." I frown.

"So, let's say somewhere down the line, Walter learned some pretty black magic." Sam suggests. "Yeah. And let's say he's pissed at these people for wrecking his movie." Dean continues. "Motive and means." I smile. "It's worth checking out." Dean suggests. Sam and I nod.

I watch as the fan turns on. Marty is on the ground, being dragged by the ghost towards the fan. I stretch my wings out, prepared for my signal. "Oh, God, no! Please, no!" Marty shouts. "You ruined it, Martin! Everything I worked for!" Walter exclaims. "Oh, oh, oj. Oh, God! Walter!' Marty shouts for his saving. "Now you're gonna find out what being a ghost is really like." Walter remarks. I see Dean signal me. "Walter, please! Walter, help me! Heeeeeee-" He's cut off my me swooping down and taking him out of the ghost's grasp. Sam turns the fan off, as Dean prepares to fight the ghost or Walter off.

"You are one hell of a P.A." Marty thanks as I disappear from view. "Yeah, I know." Dean smiles. "What are you doing?' Walter exclaims. "I could ask you the same thing, Walter." Sam remarks. Walter begins climbing up the stairs to the scaffolding. "Raising these spirits from the dead? Making them murder for you? That's playing with fire, Walter." Sam explains. "You don't understand." Walter remarks. "You know what? You're right, I don't understand." Sam confirms.

"Just... wait, look. You put your heart and soul into something, years of hard work. It's years, and then they take it! And they crap all over it!" Dean looks at Martt, who shakes his head like Walter doesn't know what he's talking about. "And then – and then they want you to smile and say, "Thank you"." Walter finishes.

"Walter, listen. It's just a movie. That's it." Sam explains. "Look... I've got nothing against you, man. You're not part of this. Just please, please, just leave. But Martin's gotta stay." Walter scoffs. "Sorry, can't do that. It's not that we like him or anything, it's... just a matter of prin-" My vision starts to blur as I notice something shiny in Walter's hand. 'A talisman?' Walter begins to chant as the set starts to shake, and three ghosts appear, including the man who murdered Jay. "Sam!" Dean yells as he raises his shotgun.

The ghosts, all of whom are magled in some way, begin walking closer to them. I fly myself down, unnoticed by anyone. "Come on, come on!" Dean urges the ghosts. Suddenly, one grabs Sam knocking him to the floor. Dean shoots the ghost,as I help Sam back up. "Come on, come one! Move!' We all start to run away while the lighting on set begins shorting out, lots of sparks flying everywhere. We run into another building, shutting and locking the door behind us. Dean reloads his gun as I lock the other doors.

Dean quotes Bruce Willis as "John McClane" from "Die Hard", with accent and all. Somehow the lighting even is perfect, "Come out to the coast! We'll get together, have a few laughs!" He states sarcastically.

Marty stares at me with eyes filled with fear. It's that moment I snapped back to reality. "No, no, it's okay. I promise." I fold my wings close to my body. "Phen, stop scaring the man and help me over here!" Dean calls, I take a deep breath, uncovering my throwing blades.

I turn around, staring at the opened wall. "Dean." I point. "Oh, man!" Marty stares at the floor, "I can't believe this. Ghosts are real!" He gasps. "Spirits, but same diff I guess." I nod. "What makes you say that?" Dean asks sarcastically.

We all look around, ready to fight. "But I don't understand. How is Walter controlling them?" Marty questions. "Probably that talisman." Sam explains. Sam takes out his cell phone. "What are you doing?" Marty asks. I look around, seeing the ghosts circling us. "I mean, if film camera pick these suckers up, then... maybe, uh..." He tries to think aloud.

He uses his cell phone camera to scan the room. He suddenly sees one of the ghosts a few feet away, heading straight for Dean. "Dean! Right there!" Sam shouts. Sam points as Dean shoots it. It disappears into a cloud of smoke. "Got him." Sam smiles. "Hey! Right there!" He points to another ghost, I throw a rock salt blade at it.

Walter walks up to the upper level. Sam hands his phone to Marty as he looks at me. I nod, teleporting us after Walter. My blade falls to the ground, teleporting with us. I almost collapse to the floor from the force. Sam falls, himself landing not safety on the ground.I pick up my blade and teleport us out the back exit.

"It's over, Walter. Now give it to me." Walter throws the talisman on the ground, shattering it. I stare at it, before I can even manage to grab it. "There! Okay, now no one can have it." Walter remarks. "You shouldn't have done that." I comment. "Oh, yeah?" Walter asks. I nod, "Yeah." I confirm. "And why not?" He questions. "Because you just freed them. We can't stop them now. Walter, you brought them back, forced them to murder. They're not gonna be very happy with you." Sam explains. Marty and Dean join us outside.

"Yeah? So, why not?" Walter asks. He suddenly falls to the ground and begins screaming in pain. Blood begins to seep through his clothing. Marty raises the cell phone to let them all see the ghosts tearing Walter apart.

It's been a few days since Walter's death. The movie has continued, with even more acturace. I guess facing spirits themself helps with your ideas. "Kendra" and "Mitch" are now in the abandoned house. "Kendra" is scanning the room with her cell phone, the same kind as Sam has. "Oh, God. Oh, God. There!" Kendra points. "Shoot." From the sidelines, McG is watching, ecstatic. "But I don't understand. How can the spirits appear in the camera phone?" Kendra asks. "The video must pick up frequencies in a way that our eyes can't" Mitch questions. "Oh, God. Oh, God. Right there!" Kendra shouts. "Mitch" shoots again.

"Cut! Oh, print that one. That's the movie! Oh! Loved, it, kids. Loved it." McG shouts to the cast and crew. Marty, Sam, and I are watching from the side lines. "You find out there's an afterlife, and this is what you do with it?" Sam asks. Marty looks up from his texting with a grin, "I needed a little jazz on the page." Marty explains.

Chapter 18: Hunters in Jail


If you wanna skip flashbacks (They sometimes will effect Phenix's actions in the chapter, but they can get long) they start with "Flashblack:" and end with "(End)". So that's your cheat sheet... Happy reading :)

Chapter Text


We walk in the doors, Dean holding a map and flashlight, and Sam and I just holding flashlights. Dean looks at the map, "This way." Dean orders. We walk down the hallway. "I hate this plan, Dean." Sam argues. I nod. "Yeah, I got that the first ten times I heard it." Dean sighs. I smile, trying not to talk much.

It'd been a week since our last hunt, but I was still suffering from recovery symptoms. I'm experiencing insomnia, fatigue, and many more symptoms. Though, I didn't dare go to a doctor to get checked out. What would they even do with a winged, demonic, human?

We turn the corner, walking side by side by side. We pass a motion sensor on the wall at mid-calf height. The light on the motion sensor starts to turn red as we keep walking.

Sam undoes the lock on a glass exhibition case. He carefully takes a decorated ax from the case. Dean is holding a hooked dagger from another case. Sam turns the ax around in his hands. There is a noise off in the distance, and Sam looks up. Dean looks back at Sam. Sam inclines his head and we put down the weapons and leave.

We start to book it to the exit but are met by two policemen. "Freeze!" One shouts/ We turn to go the other way but two more policemen block our path. "Don't move!" Another shouts. We go down the last hallway open to us, though another set of cops stands there. "I said freeze!" I freeze, my eyes glowing white. "Hold it right there!" The second yells. "Put your hands on your heads! Get down on your knees! Now!" I watch as Sam and Dean comply. Though, I do the stupidest thing for my health. I use the last of my extended powers to turn invisible.

The cops walk closer, handcuffing Sam and Dean. All looking around for me. Even asking the brothers of my disappearance. Dean smiles slightly over to Sam, though Sam isn't believed. He heaves a worried sigh.

I make myself visible as Sam and Dean are taken out. I fall to the ground, my body overwhelmed by the sudden use of power. "They're back!" Someone yells. It's at that moment I turned to see a cop behind me. I raise my hands up, getting on my knees. 'f*ck it...' I sigh to myself.

I'm handcuffed and put in the same car as Sam. "Hi." Sam smiles, a little. I roll my eyes, sighing in annoyance. "Tell Dean I'll punch him next time I see him." I order. Sam shakes his head, smiling.

I stand in front, side, other side, and back for my mugshots. 'If my parents saw me now, they'd lose their sh*t.' I look to the floor. I only reach about 5'9 in height, but I never really cared for height. A hybrid isn't judged for their height in hell. They're judged for their abilities, wing size, bright eyes, etc.

I sit in an interrogation room, Sam and Dean in their own. I fidget with my hands, trying to loosen the handcuffs, but, to my dismay, I fail. Two men walk in holding a cup of water. "Thirsty?" One of them asks. I shake my head, "I studied law, you're not gonna trick me." I sigh, annoyed. I never liked most of the police. They didn't understand the truth of the supernatural and that made my life very difficult. Especially now since everyone knows I'm still alive and they have no records of me for the past nineteen years of my life.

"I'm Special Agent Victor Henriksen and this is my partner, Special Agent Reidy." Henriksen introduces. "Oh, they got the FBI on my ass." I jokingly act scared. "So what you wanna chat about?" I ask. Henriksen pulls out a picture and hands it to me. "This you?" He asks. I stare at the picture, 'my wings were edited out?' It was a picture from the bank shifter case from a while back. "Nope." I deny, with a smile. "You sure? Because we found your fingerprints at the scene." I shrug, "Nope, doesn't look like me." I remark.

Henriksen stares at me annoyed, "Read them their vows." He orders his partner. "Well we've got you for pseudocide, credit card fraud, attempted murder, grave desecration, mail fraud, assisted murder, first degree murder..." He continues reading off a list of charges. I stare at him, confused how they knew so much having been off the grid for nineteen years.

"Get bored of working alone?" Henriksen asks. I shrug, "I worked a few past jobs with others, but Sam and Dean are just for side gigs." I try to get some off Sam and Dean's plates. "Your parents taught you well to cover your tracks and stay "dead". Too bad you seem to have forgotten it all." I stare at him, "Don't talk about my parents." I stand up suddenly, eyes red with flame. "Calm down or we'll have to add attempted police assault on top of everything else." I sit down, trying to calm myself down. 'I don't need the FBI on my ass right now.'

A knock comes at the door, suddenly. It's opened to reveal a lawyer of looks. "Phenix Winter?" she calls. I stare at the floor, "Yeah." I say quietly. I hadn't been called by my full name since my last time in a police station like this. I hated the constant reminder my parents were gone. I didn't even deserve to survive to live on for them. I wasn't even their blood child. "I"m Mara Daniels, Public Defender's office." We shake hands, "I've been assigned you, Sam, and Dean's case." I nod. "Now if you're done here I'd like to talk to my client... privately." Henriksen and his partner leave the room, annoyed.

I sit next to Sam and Dean, with Mara Daniels across from us, silent. "Unfortunately your arraignment on the breaking and entering charge won't be until Tuesday." Mara sighs. "And they'll keep us in the country jail?" Dean asks, faking concern. She nods, "That's right." She confirms. "Green River Country Detention Center?" Sam questions. She nods once again, "Yes. And considering the charges you're facing, no judge in his right mind is going to grant you bail." She responds. I stare at the floor, 'Damn judges. None of them are ever hunters.' I sigh. Sam scoffs. "Yeah, we figured that." Dean nods.

"Extradition papers have already been filed from five separate states, Missouri and Wisconsin being the biggest concern - the bank robbery and the murder raps." I slowly zone out the conversation. "How long can we stall extradition?" Sam asks. "A week. Maybe less." Mara thinks. Dean nods. Sam raises an eyebrow at his brother. I just stare at the floor.

I sit in my cell, all alone. I only get a blanket and a roll of toilet paper. I'm curled in my blanket, hiding my wings as I try to think. I was only in a single cell because of how many murder scenes me and my parents could be traced to.

We all lined up to be frisked by a guard, and scanned with a metal-detecting rod by another. "My roommate doesn't say much- how's yours?" Dean asks Sam in a whisper. "Just keep staring at me... in a way that makes me... really uneasy." Sam remarks. "It sounds like you're making new friends." Dean smiles. "Imagine having a roommate." I smile to myself.

"Dean. This is, without a doubt, the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy." Sam states, I chuckle. "Calm down. It's all part of the plan." Dean smirks. I roll my eyes, "Oh sure. And Henriksen showing up is part of the plan too?" I ask. "Yeah, that guy moves a little faster than I thought. Look, all we gotta do is find this ghost, put the sucker down... then grant ourselves a couple of teardrop tattoos." I roll my eyes, "No." I state. "That's not funny."

"Dean, what about this escape plan? It-" Sam tries. "It's 100 percent sure. I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't. I mean, come on, man, this place has all the signs of a haunting. Innocent people are dead. Four so far." Dean explains. "Yeah, innocent." Sam laughs sarcastically. "You from Texas all of a sudden? Just because these people are in jail, doesn't mean they deserve to die. If we don't stop this thing, people are going to continue to die. We do this job wherever it takes us." Dean remarks.

"Look, Dean, just be straight with me, all right? You're doing this for Deacon." Sam states. "Damn right." Dean smiles. "Well, you barely even know the guy." Sam says. "We know he was in the Corps with Dad. We know he saved Dad's life. We know we owe him." Dean explains. "But don't you think he's asking a little much?" Sam asks. "It doesn't matter. We may not be saints, but we're loyal and we pay our debts. Now, that means something to me, and it ought to you. I'm not thrilled about this either, man, but Deacon asked us to hunt this thing down, and that's exactly what we're going to do."

I look at the spaghetti on my plate, frowning. I hated heavy weight food. I twirl the food around my plate, pushing it back and forth. "You know, this chicken isn't half bad." Dean smiles. "Great." Sam sighs. I glance back up at Sam and Dean. Sam puts down his fork and slides his plate towards Dean. "Finish mine." He rolls his eyes.

"All right, so let's go back over this, Dean." Sam says. Dean stabs Sam's chicken with a fork and moves it to his own plate. I just push mine to the other side of the plate, towards Dean's. He takes mine as well,

"Spirit suspect number one is Mark Moody, right?" I ask. Dean nods, "Yeah, psycho killer extraordinaire. Satanism, ritual murderer, died in jail." Dean rambles on. "You sure it's him?" Sam questions. "Pretty sure." Dean confirms. "Dean, considering our circ*mstances, I'm gonna need a little bit better than "pretty sure"." Sam bolds. "Really pretty sure. Moody died of a heart attack, which is what all the victims in here are dying of. He died in the old cell block, which they closed after he croaked, 30 years ago. They just opened that back up. That's when the killings started." Dean deduces for us.

"So you think his spirit was released somehow?" Sam asks. "Mm-hmm" Dean agrees. "But what if he was already cremated?" Sam asks. "I'm guessing there's something in the old block that's keeping him around. And whatever it is, we got to find it. And, uh, you know the rest."

Dean puts his fork down. "I'm done." Dean remarks. We get up and start to walk away. Sam bumps heavily into a tattooed prisoner. "Sorry, I-" Sam interrupted. "Watch where you're going." The prisoner calls out. "Yeah. Sure, I just-" Sam tries. Dean walks over to the tattooed prisoner. "He said he was sorry." Dean tries. "Dean..." Sam tries to stop him.

"You talking to me?" He asks Dean. Dean just stares back. "Are you talking to me?" He reiterates. "Great, another guy who's seen "Taxi Driver" too many times." Dean sighs. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Trust me. Let it go." Dean remarks. I stare at the prisoner, my eyes tinted red. The tattooed prisoner walks away.

Sam turns to Dean, "Dean, come on." He sighs. "See, that's how you got to talk to these guys." Dean winks. "Instant respect." The tattooed prisoner starts talking to a very large prisoner, who is sitting at a table nearby us. Suddenly, the second prisoner gets up. "You were saying?" Sam remarks.

The large prisoner follows the tattooed prisoner towards us as the other prisoners gather round. "Oh, great." Dean groans. The tattooed prisoner throws a punch at Dean, Dean catches him and holds him from behind. "We can end this right now- no harm, no foul." I roll my eyes at my partner.

The tattooed prisoner breaks Dean's hold. He grabs him again and slams him against a wall. The tattooed prisoner steps on Dean's foot. Dean steps back and kicks the tattooed prisoner in the groin and then sends him flying backwards to the ground with another kick. "That's enough!" The warden yells. The warden and a guard walk up. "On your feet, Lucas" The warden orders the prisoner. "Yes, sir, boss." Lucas follows

The warden takes out a baton and holds it under Dean's chin. I stare daggers into the man's eyes, but I'm ignored. "What's your name?" The warden asks. "Winchester," Dean responds. "Well, Winchester... not a good start." There's a long pause.

"Solitary. You too, Lucas." The warden sentences. I sigh, giving Sam a 'no harm, no foul, really?' with an eye roll. Sam just sighs, tired of Dean's act.

The guards grab Lucas and Dean. "Yes, sir." Lucas agrees. Dean looks over his shoulder at Sam and I, "Are we having yet, huh" Dean questions us. I just roll my eyes. The large prisoner points at Sam, then makes a slicing motion across his neck. Though, Sam just sighs.

I sit in my prison room, alone in the corner again. I curled myself in my blanket, my eyes burning red. I couldn't calm myself down. Though, I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not. I could leave and calm myself down, but then I'd have even more attention on me by the FBI.

I watch as Dean and another prisoner play cards. I, myself, had my own cards and was practicing my black jack skills. "Call." Dean's poker face was clear. "Three aces." The prisoner smiles. "That's a bad beat. That is a bad beat..." Dean remarks. I smirk, looking towards Dean's hand as he checks his card.

The prisoner picks up the cigarettes that are on the table between them. I look at the huge pile of unused cigarettes next ro Dean. Sam just chills watching from the sidelines. I take a cigarette, from the ones having fallen on the floor, and light it with a sigh. "You smoke?" Sam asks me in a confused whisper. I sigh, taking the cigarette out of my mouth, "When having withdrawal symptoms. It calms my wings and eyes sometimes." I explain. He nods, though I know he understands none of what I said.

"...but, see, I'm full... 3s over aces." Dean smiles. The prisoner drops the cigarettes, slams his hand down on the table and stands up. Dean laughs and spreads his hands, "Ha ha ha, sorry. Hey, it's a cruel game, my friend." Dean states. The prisoner flings down his cards and walks off. "Sorry, guys." Dean tries, as they walk away.

Sam sits down across from Dean as Dean gathers all his cigarettes he just won. I just put out my cigar and teleport over to them. "It's like picking low hanging fruit." Dean smiles. "You don't even smoke." Sam remarks. "Are you kidding me? This is the currency of the realm." Dean smirks. Sam narrows his eyes and changes the subject.

"Look. I got a good lead on Moody." "Me too. His spirit paid a little visit last night." Dean says. "What?" Sam exclaims. "The clock stopped, the flickering lights, cold post... I mean, he did everything but yell boo." Dean explains. "Well?" I urge, joining them at the table. "He walked right by me. Lucas wasn't so lucky. I mean, the way he was screaming..." I start to dissociate slowly. "The guy was a jerk, but he didn't deserve to go like that. What'd you find out on Moody?" Sam asks.


"Ugh, you never get used to the screams here." I groan, picking up Simmers. "Meow." She curls in my arms. "Well, off to visit the king of hell himself." I sigh, walking up to a guard.


"Yeah, so, I think I know where we might find his remains. Blood in his old cell." Sam continues. "Blood? I thought it was a heart attack." Dean states. "It was, after the guards worked him over. I mean, apparently there was so much blood in there, they had trouble mopping it out." Sam adds. "How we gonna get in?" Dean asks. I smile, knowing my way in. "I got a plan." Sam says. "That's the Sammy I know. Come on, man, you're like Clint Eastwood from "Escape From Alcatraz"" Dean smiles. "The problem is, even if we do find something, how are we gonna burn it? We don't have any accelerant." Sam states. "It's a good thing I'm like James Garner from "The Great Escape"." Dean smirks.

Dean stands up and holds up two hands full of cigarettes. "Hey, fellas! Who's ready to deal?" Dean smiles.

I curled in my bed and stared at the floor, my eyes glowing off the metal. I glance at the scratch marks evident in my cell. 'Did a werewolf get hold of me or-' My thoughts are ended by a sudden change in light. 'The guards must have turned off the lights for the night'


The room I was thrown in was covered in scratches. I was too delirious from almost drowning that I couldn't teleport out. I knew exactly what this room was. It was where they kept their torcher pets. I puked at the near sight of all the scratches, my eyesight going blurry.

I try to teleport outside, against the walls, anything to get out. It all fails as my mind starts emptying of ideas. The room just becomes covered in my vomit and blood, from overusing my powers.

I slid to the floor, using the wall for safety. My body has officially given up trying. I stare at the blurry, scratchy, redwalls in complete defeat. "Am I going to die here?" I think aloud. "Finally, you've given out." I'm startled by a sudden voice.


"Lights out." One of the guards confirms my suspicions. I curl my wings around my body, covering myself with the blanket, letting my eyes shut tight. I slowly fall into a restless sleep.


"You know I truly favor a bullet to the heart. Though, with hybrid mistakes of nature, I prefer the wait. It's better to see the pain as you slowly die over the course of a few days." He injects something into my arm. I try not to vomit at the mere touch.

"Oh it's no use struggling." I look down. I'm rope tied to a chair, with duct tape layered on top. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. "That will hold you. At least a very long time." I stare at the figure before me. They're completely covered, wearing a mask and non-revealing clothing. 'There's no way to ID them, but they're a hunter for sure. "I wonder what we could do in that time." I can feel the toothy grin plastering their face a mile away. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'

*Time jump*

I hiss from the very pain of my own coming death. "Stop!" I yell. "Why would a monster like you get mercy?" A voice asks. "I'm not a monster." I cry out. "You're a hunter, right?" They ask. I try to nod, but the pain makes me wince. They chuckle at my response.

"Why would a monster hunt other monsters? I wonder." I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. "Too bad we'll never know." They smile, cutting the side of my throat. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to bleed out." My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens. "Oh no, don't think of fainting now."

My eyes don't dare to close, frozen open from the fear that entangles me. I watch as they clean their knives, searching for new ways to punish me. 'Why do I have to go through this just because I'm magic?' My eyes glow blue with pain. I hear the figure laugh as they notice the glowing reflecting on their tools. "Your powers won't help you now." They chuckle. 'I won't kill a hunter just because I'm supernatural.' I confirm to myself. "Though you already know that don't you?"

The walls are covered in blood, dripping to the floor. I stare at the ropes tying me to the ground. The knot work is bad, but the devil's trap, drawn in blood under me, my blood presumably, would make escaping the knots useless. I close my eyes... 'I'm trapped.'

The hunter knew I wouldn't be able to escape even if they left the room.

I close my eyes hissing from the very pain of my own coming death. I open my eyes, everything's so blurry. My tears are burning the cuts littering my body, blood dripping to the floor. My eyes slowly try to close as my vision darkens.

*Time Skip*

I paced the room, cold stone eyed. I was broken, my emotions leaving me. 'I killed someone and I feel nothing.' I think to myself, taking a sip from my hands. The pooling red liquid stains my lips. 'Hunters will come searching for them soon' "What did you give me?" I ask as if bodies could speak back.

As if clockwork two people enter the room. Eyes bounce around the room, before they walk towards me. I immediately pick the blade from the body's hands, ready to attack.

They both attack from different sides, the blade too little in my fight. I close my eyes, they turn a burning red. "Careful." One of the guys whispers to his partner. I stab one of them, knocking the other back with forced gravity. The stab wound gushes blood towards me, my eyes glowing red with want.

Everything goes blank... When I come to, I'm not even in the warehouse anymore.

I'm in the forest, blade in hand...supernatural and human alike dead around me.

I walk into the nearest town, the locals all either missing or murdered. The few that remain, run in fear or get ready to fight for their lives...breaking me inside. Though, I couldn't stop myself from draining the blood of the dead locals, drinking the last of it.

I stop another hunter, hiding from me. "I can see you..." I grin, slowly walking towards them. That's when it hits me, I've been tricked. I'm trapped in a covered devil's trap. I sit in the trap, taking in my surroundings. "You're smart for humans." I laugh to myself. "Ellen be careful." a voice echoes.

Another figure appears, walking over to me. "Ellen is it?" I ask. She nods, "Nice to meet you, hunter." I smile, extending my hand. She doesn't take it, making me frown inside. Though, I grin on the outside. "When I get out of this, you'll be the first to die." I smile. Though, inside my mind I'm screaming for myself to gain control of my demonicness.

*Time Skip*

I wake up to a voice calling me. "Hey wake up," It's the second figure from that night. "Where am I?" I ask. "Our Roadhouse, in Nebraska." The figure explains. I nod slightly, "Why am I alive?" I ask, eyes glowing blue. "You lost your will to live over night?" They ask. "You had a lot of sass yesterday." They reveal my blade in their hand. "Either you find a newbie hunter or you're the son of Everly and James Winter." They explain. I sigh, "I have no right to call myself their son." I explain, sitting myself up.

"What's your name?" They ask. I look towards the devil trapped floor, "Why?" They look down for a second and shake their head. "We don't believe you demonic, it's just in case you haven't sobered up yet. I'm Joanna Beth. you can call me Jo," Jo introduces herself. "I'm Phenix...Phenix Winter." I say, trying to collect myself. "Most call me Nix for short." I look up to see someone else enter. It's the person from before, though their name leaves me.

"Jo, can you man the bar?" She asks. Jo aruges, but leaves anyway. "Phenix is it?" The figure asks. I nod, slightly, "I'm Ellen," She smiles. "Nice to meet you." I say softly. "Your voice is naturally very soft isn't it?" She asks. I nod, "I don't like to raise my voice much... maybe that's why it never got higher." I try to reason. "Your parents are on their way to confirm your identity. If you truly are Phenix Winter, as we believe, I hope this problem solves itself for your sake. It wouldn't be good if word got out of a hunter going raid and killing others. Of course, rumors would leave out the facts of you being clearly drugged and out of your mind. You know how hunters talk." I smile, nodding. "Yeah." I responded.

"Why'd you save me?" I ask. Ellen looks at me, my eyes glowing blue. "I honestly can't answer that one, kid." She explains with a sigh. She hands me a drink, I take it dryly. "Thanks," I whisper, downing it.

"His name is Steve Wandell." I stare at the hunters before me. "Classic 'distrubed' kinda guy. Had more than three supernatural creatures in his basem*nt, and ten more rooms for others." I stare at the floor, my vision going blurry again. "Phenix?" Ellen calls, in an echoey-ish voice.


I open my eyes, letting the sun wake me further. "Morning Sunshines!" A guard greets as he turns the lights on. I groan, hiding my wings quickly.

Sam, Dean, and I are in line for food. "You sure about this?" Dean asks. "Pretty sure." Sam nods. "Yeah, well, considering our circ*mstances, I'd like a little better than "pretty sure"." Dean remarks. "Okay, really pretty sure." Sam corrects. I roll my eyes, shaking my head at his correction.

"I'd like mine al dente." Dean orders. The server plonks spaghetti noodles and sauce on his tray. "Perfect." Dean smiles. He then walks over to a table with a very large prisoner sitting at it. Me and Sam just watch from a far as we get our food.

Sam and I have shuffled over to standing near two guards. Tiny smiles, then suddenly shoves his tray towards Dean and punches him in the face. Dean goes flying to the ground. The Warden walks around a corner near the two guards. Dean gets up and hits Tiny three times, but his punches seem to have no impact. Tiny grabs the front of Dean's prison jumpsuit and Dean headbutts him. Dean steps back with a hand to his head. A guard puts his baton around Tiny's neck from behind. Tiny picks up the guard and throws him down on the table.

During the whole struggle me and Sam slip into the kitchen. We find: salt, my homemade knives (being used for cooking, disgraceful), and silver knives. As well as some matches, just in case.

We start walking across the yard, "Wait. So you're telling me it wasn't Moody?" Sam asks Dean. "Not unless he liked going around dressed like a nurse. Poor Tiny, man. Poor giant Tiny." Dean frowns to the floor. "Wait, so this is- this is, like the ghost of some nurse who worked here or something?" Sam questions. I slightly nod, "Most likely. Any past riots?" I ask. Sam shrugs, "We could look into that." Sam agrees.

"So you want to know about some nurses?" Randall questions. We were in the mailroom, working. Dean wanted to buy extra snacks, I wanted new clothes (mine started to smell, even after being washed), and Sam wanted shampoo and conditioner. Sam nods. "Why you want to know?" He asks. Dean steps in, "Well, we got our reasons. But, uh... we'll make it worth your while." Dean smiles, showing Randall a pack of cigarettes, which Randall takes.

"So, this nurse, she would have white hair, one screwed up eyes... is that ringing a bell?" Dean remembers. "Yeah. Yeah, I remember her." Randall nods. "You remember her name?" I ask. "No, that's still kind of fuzzy." He states.

Sam exhales, slightly amused. We all three gave each other a quick look, "Give it to him." Sam nods over to Randall. "I earned these." Dean whines. "Dean." Sam shrugs, like 'wtf?' Dean hands Randall another pack of cigarettes. "Glockner. Nurse Glockner. Nasty old bitch worked here in the 70s." Randall explains.

"You knew her?" Sam asks. "I met her once. Had to get a tetanus shot. She damn near jabbed the needle through the other side of my arm." I wince at my imagined image. "At least I got out of there alive." Randall sighs.

"What do you mean?" I ask, forcing him to continue. "I've heard these stories. I don't know if they were true. Cons love to talk, but we're all liars." Randall says. "What kind of stories?" Dean questions. "Guys would go up to the infirmary with a cold. Next thing you know, they're in a body bag. A whole rash of heart attacks- young guys, old guys." Randall continues.

"Heart attacks?" I question. It wasn't unusual, though not overly common "Yeah. Story was Glockner had it out for cons and she did this, uh, Charles Bronson thing with a hypodermic. Anyway, that was the rumor. Nobody ever proved anything." I shuffle my feet in the dust. "Whatever happened to Glockner?" Dean inquires. "I don't know. I finished my bit and left. Next time I landed back in here, she was gone." Randall finishes.

Sam, Dean, and I are sitting at a small table in the dining area. "Okay, so let's say those stories on Glockner were true..." Sam starts. "It's a thought. You know, in life, she's a vigilante. In death, same thing." Dean agrees. "Right. But then how's she tied in with the old cellblock? And if she's going after cons, why kill that one guard?" Sam inquires.

"I did hear in the yard that that guard wasn't exactly squeaky clean, so, maybe she's going after anybody that breaks a law. Like me." Dean suggests. "You 'heard in the yard?'?" I start to zone Sam and Dean out, knowing they'll argue.


"His name is Steve Wandell." I stare at the hunters before me. "Classic 'distrubed' kinda guy. Had more than three supernatural creatures in his basem*nt, and ten more rooms for others." I stare at the floor, my vision going blurry again. "Phenix?" Ellen calls, in an echoey-ish voice. "Why would he do all this to me?" I ask, my voice quick to the loud. "Did you tell anyone you're a hybrid?" She asks. I shake my head, "No, my parents forbade it for my safety." I state. She nods, sliding me a drink.


Dean gets up, "Where you going?" I ask, snapping back to reality. "I'm going to talk with our lawyer." Dean states, Sam sighs.

I watch from the prisoner hall as Dean talks to Mara Daniels. Dean wants her to research Nurse Glockner. This confuses our lawyer, so she changes it to our case. Well Sam and Dean's, my charges can't be proven till they do the paperwork of my existence. "I need you to trust me on this." Dean begs. "Why should I? Henriksen says you're a monster." Mara explains. 'Monster? Sam and Dean aren't monsters. If they were, they'd be those dicks with wings.' I think to myself.

"Yeah. Look, if you're as smart a P.D. as I think you are, then you can tell with just one look whether or not your clients are guilty, okay, just like that. So I want you to look at me, really look, and you tell me – am I guilty?" Dean pauses, slightly. "We're not the bad guys." He declares. I stare at the floor, "Maybe, you two aren't." I frown, walking to my guard, asking to return to my cell.

I sat in the grass, breathing in the fresh air. Sam sits next to me, looking up at the sky. "Think this will work?" I ask, suddenly. Sam gives me a concerned look. "Dean's plan, I mean." I explain. He shrugs, "Worth a shot, even if it's not much of one." I frown looking at the grass, "I hope we figure this out soon." Sam hums in agreement.

Sam and I start walking around the yard, interrupted by Dean walking out. Sam holds up a hand to get Dean's attention. "She go for it?" Sam asks. "No. No, not so much. But, uh, maybe she'll still come around." Dean says. I sigh, "Well, we can't wait around for her." I explain, exasperated. "We could give it another day." Dean suggests. I stare at Sam, he nods slightly. "No, no, no. We;re leaving tonight, and that's it." Sam orders. "So we're not gonna finish the job, and we;re just gonna let these people die?" Dean asks. "Don't give me that, all right? This was your stupid plan. We went along with it, but we're sticking to the plan, Dean." Sam remarks.

"Okay. Uh, you leave. I'm gonna stay." Dean states, walking away. "Hey, don't turn away. Don't turn away from me!" Sam yells back. "Screw you." Dean remarks. "What?! Screw you!" Sam yells back. "Screw both of you." My eyes blink red. Sam grabs Dean's shoulder and spins him around. Dean pushes Sam back. I push Dean to the floor off of Sam. A guard grabs Sam and the Warden grabs Dean as another guard rushes in grabbing me. "A;; right, hard case. I see the usual methods ain't gonna work with you." He turns to Sam and I. "You too, sweethearts." I groan, realizing I brought this on myself.

The guards hold us as Dean's arms are cuffed, then Sam's, and finally mine. The guard takes Sam in, then the Warden takes Dean in, and finally the last guard takes me in as well.

They march us into a large room, uncuffing us. "Take off. I want to handle this alone." The Warden orders. I stand in the corner, worriedly. The guard nods and leaves. Sam looks wary at both of us. The warden steps menacingly close to Dean, then smiles and puts a hand on the side of Dean's neck. "Deacon, you are beating the holy hell out of me, man." Dean remarks. I smile, uncurling my wings from my back. "Sorry, Dean. I thought I was going easy on you." Dean laughs. "Just, uh, trying to make it look real." He explains. "Yeah. Well, mission accomplished." Dean states.

Deacon tosses me a bag, "Manage to get them all or just a few?" I ask. He sighs, "They took some for evidence lockup." I groan, "It's fine. Thanks." Deacon nods. Deacon takes Sam's cuffs off. "Thanks." Sam flashes a quick smile. "So, is it over?" Deacon asks. "No. Turns out, it wasn't Moody." Sam explains. "What?" Deacon questions. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Then who?" Deacon asks. "Uh, we think it's some nurse who used to work here, but we're still shy on all the intel we need." I explain.

"Which is why we should stick around until we find it." Dean remarks. "Oh, hey guys." Deacon remembers something. I walk over to the group, "You want to argue right now?" I ask Dean, my eyes glowing red. "I'm just say-" Dean starts. "We gotta go now!" Sam declares. "Guys." Deacon tries again, we all ignore him. "We're leaving, Dean. Otherwise, we'll be leaving in shackles for Milwaukee, with Henriksen as company." Sam explains. I nod to his point. "Oh, come on." Dean groans.

"Guys!" Deacon shouts to our attention. "What?!" We all ask at the same time. "Your lawyer left this for you." He holds up an eveneople. Dean takes it, "Heh heh. Would you at that, Man, I am freaking velvety smooth." Dean smiles. "You want to, maybe, open it up after, you know, when you're done patting yourself on the back?" Sam suggests. Deacon and I try to hide our laughter behind our smiles. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Dean rolls his eyes, opening up the envelope.

"Wow." Dean stares at the letter. "You want to share with the class, Dean?" Sam asks. "Glockner died in the old cellblock after Moody bit it. Seems they had a little inmate uprising. She got caught in the middle. They dragged her to a solitary cell and gave her a severe cerebral edema." Dean reads aloud. "Someone bashed her head in?" Sam asks. "Yeah." Dean confirms. "Does it say where she's buried?" I ask. "Yep." Dean smiles.

"All right, then, let's get you the hell out of here." Deacon states. "Don't worry, Deacon. We'll get rid of this thing." Dean smiles. Deacon removes a vent cover on the wall. "Good, 'cause I want it out of my prison." Deacon remarks. I nod. He walks back over to us. "Boys, uh... I can't thank you enough for this. I know it was asking a lot but you still came through. Your daddy ... raised you right." He smiles over to me, "Yours too." I smile to the floor. "Thanks." "Well, we owed you." Sam states. Dean looks at Sam. "Yeah." Deacon nods.

Deacon brings each of us into a hug. I smile, "I'll give Simmers a hug for you." Deacon nods, "Thanks." Hum a agreement.

"Hope to see you again, huh? Just... not in here, okay?" He orders. We all nod slightly. "Yeah, we'll do our best." Sam sighs, looking at Dean. I try not to laugh at the direct attack. "Right." Dean agrees. Sam and Dean start to head for the vent. "Oh... where do you want it?" Dean asks, turning back around. "What?" Deacon looks at him. Dean smiles. "Yeah, um..." Deacon pauses, pointing to his check. Dean pulls back his arm and swings a punch at Deacon.

As soon as we reach outside I teleport us to the Impala. Dean smiles at his car, "Oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes." Dean runs his hand along the Impala. I just slide into the backseat, hiding my blades in my clothing bag. Then Sam and Dean enter the car taking off their prison jackets. I take mine off as well.

"You know, I almost wish I could see Henriksen's face." Dean states. "Really? 'Cause I'd be happy if I never saw him again. I mean, we're not really out of the woods yet, Dean, you know?"Sam wishes. I nod, "Yeah." I agree, pulling my hoodie over my head. Once I get my vision back Sam and Dean have placed their jackets over their prison jumpsuits already.

An alarm sounds as a red light from above the prison doors starts to flash. "Good point." Dean agrees. We all get settled, buckling in and driving away.

I slowly start to nod off to sleep.


I open my eyes on a bench on the beach. "Wake up, if you wanna learn to fish we're gonna have to get on the boat." My dad walks over to me and my mother. "Ready kid?" He asks. I nod, with a slight smile. "Alright, get your fishing rod and we'll go."

*Time Skip*

I watch as my dad lays the fish in the grill. I sit nearby, gutting the extra fish.


Sam hands me a shovel as we grab our bags out of the trunk. I notice Sam and Dean have changed out their prison outfits, most likely during a rest stop while I slept. "We got to move it. If Henriksen gets to the lawyer..." Dean cuts him off. "I thought she couldn't say anything- you know, that whole lawyer-client privilege thing." Dean's confused. "The privilege doesn't apply, Dean." I nod in agreement. It was true, if they had a lead on where we were, they had to tell. "So she'll talk?" Dean asks, slightly more worry in his voice. "She has to." I confirm. "Oh, that's f*cking super." Dean groans.

Dean shines his flashlight over the grave, reading "Dolores Glockner 1934 - 1976". Sam starts to dig, I join him after a few seconds, so does Dean. We can hear the sound of armed officers as they get out of their vehicles.

Sam reaches the coffin, hitting it with a bang. "Got her." He smirks. I rip open the coffin with my shovel, pouring salt all over the corpse. Dean pours his lighter fluid as Sam lights a match and tosses it in. We watch as the corpse goes up in flames.

I quickly teleport us and our things to the car. Sam loads the back while I sort through our things, and Dean starts the car. "You thought we were screwed before?" Sam inquires. "Yeah, I know. We got to go deep this time." Dean remarks. I nod in agreement "Deep, Dean? We should go to Yemen." Sam declares. "Ooh, I'm. I'm not sure I'm ready to go that deep." Dean turns the key as Sam gets in the car.

I watch as the cops search the cemetery as we drive away, quickly.

Chapter 19: You Made A Wish


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"You sure it's not for us?" Dean asks. "For the millionth time, I don't know." Sam states. We'd been on edge all week. Even though we ditched our license plates and credit cards, we were still worried about getting caught. "I don't see how. I mean we ditched the plates, the credit cards." Dean rambles on.

I watch as the cop cars drive away, giving Sam and Dean the 'safe' signal. "They're leaving. False alarm." Sam breathes out. "Well, see. Nothing to worry about." Dean smiles. "Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party.' Sam rolls his eyes, sarcastically. He's clearly annoyed. I hand Sam a coffee. "It's not like we wanted to be fugitives." I state.

*Time Skip*

I push the book in front of me on the desk. The title of the chapter reads "djinn the wishing demon" "You got anything?" Sam's on the phone with Dean, who's tracking down info in the Impala. "Are you kidding me? How could I? You got me sifting through like 50 square miles of real estate here." Dean remarks, annoyed. "Well, that's where all the victims disappeared." Sam explains.

"Yeah, well, I got diddly, squat. What about you two?" Dean questions. "Just one thing. I'm pretty sure of it now." He pulls his book closer. "We're hunting a Dijin." Sam explains. "A freaking genie?" Dean double checks, confused. "Yeah." Sam confirms.

"What? You think these suckers can really grant wishes?" Dean asks. "I don't know. I guess they're powerful enough. But not exactly like Barbara Eden in harem pants. I mean, djinn have been feeding off people for centuries. They're all over the Koran." Sam explains.

I start to zone out there conversion, until Sam waves at hand at me. I stare at him confused, "What?" "Teleport us to Dean, he's trying to take on the djinn lair alone." I groan teleporting us to the Impala. I look around and Sam is nowhere to be found. 'That's strange.' I think to myself.

I look around the building, swinging open the creaky door. It appears to be an abandoned office, with typewriters, file cabinets, the whole shabang. There's a dripping water sound, but otherwise it seems soundless.

I hear a sudden yelp as if someone was attacked. "Dean?!" I call out. I ran to the source, finding Dean laying on the floor. I call Sam, to our rescue. Then everything goes black... the last thing I hear, "Phenix?!"

"Phenix, wake up." A blue light seems to engulf me. "Phen?" A person calls. The light dim to nothing as I slowly blink open my eyes. "Did you drink that much?" The voice calls again. I look at the source, it's a small girl, seemingly college age. I push myself up, looking around the room. It was a college dorm!

"You have a class in ten minutes." I groan, rubbing my eyes. "A class?" I ask, confused. I never got to go to college. My parents pulled me out of school after highschool to hunt. "Yeah? You have your crime lab test today?" The girl stares at me. "Right..." I pause, not knowing her name. "Sara?" She states, confused.

"Boi, did you hit your head last night?" Sara asks. I push myself off my bed and shrug. "I don't know. Everything is so bright." I lie, knowing how alcohol can make you feel.

I try to teleport out of the room, but nothing happens. "Missing these?" She holds up a pair of keys. I nod, awkwardly taking them. I walk out the dorm and into the parking lot finding the car the keys belong to.

I call Dean's most recent number, as soon as I enter the car. "Hello?" A voice calls, seemingly confused. "Sorry, wrong number." I quickly hung up. 'Where did Sam say they lived as kids again?' I question myself. "Lawrence Kansas!" I exclaim in excitement. I quickly type it into my gps. "Ten hours and thirty minutes." The gps states. I groan, "Why do I have to be powerless!"

I knock on the door of the Winchester's childhood home just as sunrise hits. "Ring Ring Ring'' My phone rings as Sara tries to reach me. I just let it go to voicemail again. Dean opens the door staring at me in confusion. "Phenix please tell me it's actually you." Dean hopes. I groan, wiping my eyes. "Human vision is a bish. Dumb alternate or dream me drank all night and into the morning. And even though it's been a whole day, I'm still in dying pain." I start complaining. Dean just hugs me, happily. "Thank God." He sighs. I smile, embracing the hug.

"Got any leads on the Dijin?" He asks. I sigh, "No, I'm sorry. It took me all night to drive here." I sigh. He shakes his head, "No worries. I found a professor, who can help." I follow Dean to the Impala. "He gave me a few books." Dean hands me one. I take it just as my phone rings again. I sigh, taking the call.

"Phen?! Are you okay?!" Sara calls out worried. "Yeah, I left to see a friend in Kansas." I explain. She sighs, "You know you have to email your teachers when you do that, dumbie." I smile, "Sorry, Sar." I can hear her groan. "Not that nickname again." The real Sara died by a werewolf in highschool. Though, this Sara seems to not even have a hint about the supernatural. "I'll be back soon, I promise." I can hear her sit on her bed. "You better, I can't make excuses for that long." I thank her, hanging up.

"Sara?" Dean questions. I stare at the floor, "My friend, she died in junior year of highschool. Though, here she seems very much alive." I explain. Dean nods, giving me a look of sympathy.

Dean goes inside for an hour, as I hide in the Impala, reading up on the Dijin. Dean walks outside and starts to mow the lawn. I stare in confusion

I sit on the steps to the front porch, next to Dean, both of us drinking a beer each. Dean looks extremely happy for once. A car drives up and parks at the curb. "I don't believe it." Dean stares. He gets up to go greet Sam and Jessica who get out of the car. Dean attacks Jessica with a hug, while Sam takes out the luggage from the trunk. "Hmm." Jess smiles. "Jessica." Dean greets happily. "Agh! You're, uh... Good to see you too, Dean." Dean laughs. "Can't breathe, okay." Dean lets her go.

"Sammy." Dean smiles. "Hey." Sam greets, slightly confused. "Look at you. You're with Jessica, it's- I don't believe it." He laughs happily. "Yeah." Sam agrees. "Where'd you guys come from?' Dean asks. "We just flew in from california." Sam explains. "Stanford. Huh? Law school, I bet." Dean smiles, knowing our Sam never got that dream. Sam chuckles, somewhat disapprovingly.

He motions to the beer in Dean's hand, "I see you started off Mom's birthday with a bang, as usual." Sam states. "Wait. mom's birthday, that's, that's today." Dean stares confused. "Yeah. Yeah, Dean. That's today. That's why we're here. Don't tell me you forgot." Sam sighs. "Wha..." Dean looks nonplussed.

I walk over to the three of them. "Sam.." I pause. "Jessica." I smile. "Dean has told me so much about you." I explain. Sam and Jess look at me confused, then each other. "Who's this?" Sam asks Dean. "Phenix, Phenix Winter. He's a friend from work." Dean introduces us. It was weird seeing Sam with Jessica. I never met her, but I've heard lots from Sam while looking for cases. "Nice to meet you." Sam and I shake hands. So do me and Jessica. "Well, I should be heading out, I have to get my dog from the kennel soon." I fabriac, leaving for my car.

I quickly get in my car and drive to the nearest motel. I shuffle through my car and notice something. I have no weapons, night bags, extra clothes, nothing. "I'm not a hunter?" I stare at the car. I go into the trunk and pull up the back, revealing a bunch of knives, guns, and two pairs of extra clothes. "Oh thanks gods." I grab my bag of clothes/extra and head inside.

I changed into a more "me" outfit. Then started shuffling through my bag.

I found a journal, like my real one, seemingly of all my hunts. I opened it to page one and already noticed the difference. It reads "Me and Sara went to Winter Formal tonight. The only problem, the dance was right next to a vang nest. No worries, called my parents up and we dealt with it. Then Winter Formal continued, peacefully :)" 'Winter Formal? I didn't go to Winter Formal.' I stare at the page. I didn't go because of that vampire nest.

I curled in my bed, slowly falling asleep to the sound of the rain pitter pattering outside. "Phenix?" A familiar voice calls. I open my eyes to see a run down office like room. I blind my eyes, confused out of my mind. "Phen?" The voice is Sam, he's looking at me from the other side of a box, hiding. I try to keep my eyes open, but my body feels pained. I feel like I'm dying, slowly. My eyes close, as Sam seems to get closer.

I open my eyes in my hotel bed, confused and startled. "What was that about?" I ask myself, staring at the wall. I ignore it, rubbing my eyes to wake myself. I quickly take my shower, brush/comb my hair, use deodorant, and change.

"Why is this me so girly?" I look at myself in the mirror with an annoyed sigh.

I drive up to the cemetery to meet Dean. "Why'd you call me at midnight?" I ask. He's looking at a grave. I stare at it, in confusion. It's his father's grave, "JOHN E. WINCHESTER. 1954-2006. LOVING HUSBAND & FATHER. REMEMBERED FOREVER." I stare confused at Dean. "All of them. Everyone that you saved, everyone Sammy, Ashy, and I saved. They're all dead. And there's this woman that's haunting me. I don't know why. I don't know what the connection is, not yet anyway. It's like my old life is, is coming after me or something. Like it, like it doesn't want me to be happy." I sit down next to Dean, respectfully.

"Like it like it doesn't want me to be happy. Course I know what you'd say. Well, not the you that played softball but... "So go hunt the djinn. He put you here, it can put you back. Your happiness for all those people's lives, no contest. Right?" But why? Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?" He begins to cry while talking. I take out a tissue, handing it to him. He doesn't even acknowledge my presence. "What about us, huh? What, Mom's not supposed to live her life, Sammy's not supposed to get married? Why do we have to sacrifice everything, Dad?" He takes a breath. "It's..." His lips tremble as he goes silent. The sky begins to rumble. "Dean, it's gonna rain." I whisper, calmly. Tears begin to fall down his cheeks. "Yeah..." He looks at the grave, then turns to me.

"Phenix?" He looks at me confused. "You call me here." I keep my voice calm. "Oh, I did?" He asks. I extend a hand to him and he takes it, getting up. "Let's get Sam." I say simple.

I sit in the car, waiting for Sam and Dean. I fiddle with my trashy blade as I pour holy water on it, reading the next page of my journal. It reads "Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if everything was different. I mean what if I was supernatural? Would hunters treat me the same or would I have been outcast by now? I worry that I'm only tolerated because I'm "Normal". Though, that's not what I wanna be known for." 'So even in a "perfect life" I have anxiety. Ugh' I groan, closing the journal.

Dean gets in the car tossing me a silver knife. I catch it and place it beside my other knives. We sit in the parking lot for a few minutes, before Sam gets in. "I thought you said Sam wasn't coming?" I say to Dean. Dean turns to Sam, "Get out of the car." Dean orders him. "I'm going with you." Sam states. "You're just gonna slow me down." Dean remarks. "Tough." Sam shrugs. "This is dangerous and you could get hurt." Dean tries to stop Sam again. "Yeah, and so could you, Dean." Sam worries. "Sam-" Dean tries again.

"Dean" A echoey voice calls. "Dean?" It calls again. I slowly open my eyes, my body feeling weak. I glance over to Sam, "Sam?" I look around the room, realizing. 'That's right, I'm in a dream state.' I try to singal Sam over, but I can't find him. The room seems dimmer than before, or maybe that's just my eyes. My body keeps trying to give out, but the one nice thing about being a monst- I mean hybrid is I can heal myself at will, faster than the average human.

My eyes slowly close, and I open them back in the Impala. "I don't understand. Why you doing this?" Dean asks. Sam sighs, "Because you're still my brother." "Bitch." Dean states. "W-hat are you calling me a bitch for?" Sam asks, confused and kinda mad. "You're supposed to say jerk." Dean explains. "What?" "Never mind." I try not to chuckle at the scene before me.

Dean puts the Impala in gear and we drive off.

The night slowly creeps darker as we continue our journey. I slowly try to fall asleep as to rescue myself from this dreamy world. 'If I rescue myself, maybe I can help Sam rescue Dean and kill the djinn.' I think out a plan.

I fail to fall asleep before we make it near our location. Sam looks down into the bag seating between the passenger and driver seats. He sighs, "What's in the bag?" Sam asks. "Nothin'" Dean lies. "Nothin'?" Sam questions, concerned. "Yeah, nothin'" Dean confirms. "Fine." Sam grabs the bag and begins to open it. "I wouldn't do that." I state. "Oh really?" Sam asks.

He takes out the container of blood. "What the hell is this?" He stares at the blood. "Blood." Dean states simply. Sam starts to get upset, "Yeah, I can see that it's blod, Dean! What the hell is it doing in here?" Sam asks. "You don't wanna know that either." I explain. "No, I-I do really wanna know. I really, really do." Sam explains. "Yeah, well you're gonna find out sooner or later." Dean sighs. "I needed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood." "You needed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood, why?" Sam urges. "Because there's this creature. A Djinn. And I have to hunt it." Dean explains. I face palm, seeing Sam's hidden fear and worry.

"Okay, um... stop the car." Sam orders. "I know how it sounds." Dean tries. "Great. Just... stop the car." Sam states again. "It's the truth, Sam. All right, there are things out there in the dark. There... There are bad things. There are nightmare things. And people have to be saved and if we don't save them, then nobody will." Dean explains. 'Never thought We'd have to explain hunting to a hunter.' I think to myself. "Look, I wanna help you, alright. I-I really, really do, but you're having some kind of psychotic breakdown. So, I.... just-" Sam tries. "I wish." Dean states, continuing to drive.

Sam picks up his phone and starts dialing a number. It was either their mom or Dean's partner. I take Sam's phone and throw it out the window. We all watch it fall to the ground, Sam staring in shock. "What the hell was that? That was my phone!" Sam compliens. "I'm not going to a rubber room, Sammy. And we got work to do." I smile from the reference. "What? I was just trying to help you out, Dean. I don't, I don't want you to get yourself hurt." Sam explains. "What? You protect me?" Dean asks. "Yeah!" Sam confirms. "Oh, that's hilarious." Dean forces a laugh. "Why don't you just sit tight and try not to get us both killed." Dean orders. Then he starts the radio, "Mr. Saturday Night Special" blaring out.

We drive up to the abandoned office, from the real world, a few minutes later. Dean looks over at Sam who's asleep. He picks up our flashlights, tossing one to me, and shines his on Sam. Sam wakes up with a start. "Where are we?" Sam asks. "We;;, we're not in Kansas anymore" He chuckles, I even let out a laugh. Though, when Sam doesn;t respond our smiles die out. "Illinois." Dean states. "And you think something's in there?" Sam asks. "I know it is." Dean explains.

We walk in the building, the same place our real life bodies are held. Suddenly vision start flashing before my eyes. I see myself in third person. I'm in a sort of machine. It's draining me of either my blood or living essence. Though, I look strangely the same as I do now, well not as far as my outfit though. "See? There's nothing here, Dean." Sam snaps me out of my thoughts.

Dean starts walking down the hallway, followed closer by me, then Sam. "Look, Carmen's gotta be worried sick about you, Dean. Come on, let-let's just go." Sam suggests. There's a sound. "Shh!" Dean shushes us. We hear sounds as Sam finally starts to take all this seriously. "What the hell is that?" Sam asks. "Stay behind us and keep your mouth shut." Dean orders. I hand Dean his blade, as I unsheathe mine.

As we move closer we see bodies hanging from the ceiling. Each is being drained of their blood, in hospital-like bags next to each body. "What the hell?" Sam gasps. Dean looks further to the right. We see a woman, hanging like the rest of the bodies. Though, when Dean approaches her he seems to recognize her. Her eyes are open, but she looks close to dead. "It's her." Dean states. We look at her wrists, they're tied, just like the others. She begins to moan and whimper.

"Dean, what's going on?" Sam asks. "Shh!" He grabs Sam, as we hide behind a wall. We see the djinn come out, from behind a wall, and walk up behind the woman. "Where's my dad?" She cries out. "I won't tell..." She begs. She looks at the djinn, "Don't." She worries. She moves her feet away from the djinn. "Where's my dad?" She asks again as the djinn touches her face.

"Sleep." He orders. Some blue flares go over her cheeks as he strokes her. The djinn's eyes glowing bright blue. "Sleep...Sleep." Her head falls forward, eyes still open and her feet relax, falling forward again. The djinn rests his face against her arms, touching her right arm and breathing heavily, eyes closed. He then goes for the blood bag, pulls out one straw and puts it to his mouth, drinking her blood. Sam sees this and gags in disgust, alerting the djinn, who turns around right away; its eyes flash blue as he moves towards us.

We quickly change our hiding spot, standing below some creaky steps. Soon after searching the room, the djinn walks up the steps, leaving us alone. When the door closes Sam begins to breathe heavily. "This is real? You're not crazy?" Sam is scared and confused. "She didn't know where she was. She thought she was with her father." Dean thinks aloud.

We walk over to the woman, "What if that's what the djinn does? It doesn't grant you a wish, it just makes you think it has." Dean states. "Look man. That thing could come back, all right?" Sam worries.

My eyes slowly open, my body trying to force them back closed. "Dean, I-" I stare at the room, realizing I'm back. "Sam? Dean? djinn?" I look around, worried. "Did they leave me?" I question myself. I struggle out of my ropes as Sara runs in. "OMG, When you didn't return we thought you were dead." She helps me down, softly hugging me.

Slowly the cops triggle in surround the inside. I'm helped up by Sara, and walked to the ambulance. My eyes slowly close as I faint from the lack of blood.

I wake up in the hospital, staring at the floor. Sara walks in with my favorite food, from when I was a kid, orange chicken with fried rice. She sets it on the table next to me. "How you feeling?" She asks. I force myself up and give her a big hug. "I love you." I start to cry. "Love you too, bestie." Sara, holds me shaking. "I was so scared." I remember her death.


I push Sara out of the way as I stab the werewolf, watching it fall to the floor. I hear a yell, just as I turn around. I see Sara, held in the arms of a werewolf. I quickly teleport behind it, stabbing it clear in the chest. Though, I was too late.

I look at Sara, she's clutching her stomach. "I don't feel so good." She tells me. I hold her hand, "It's gonna be okay." I promise. She smiles, tears in her eyes, "You were always a good liar." I start to tear up as I watch her stomach start to bleed through her white dress.

"You were supposed to go to the dance without me." I state. She shakes her head, "I would never let you go on a hunt alone." I start to cry. "Don't Leave Me." I beg, pulling her into a hug. I can hear the cop cars pulling up, as the light leaves Sara's eyes. "I can't lose you too." I sob out. "Run. Leave me, I'll always be with you." She forces a smile. I force one back, my mind focusing on nothing but her.

"I love you." I confess. She smiles, kissing me. "I know, I was always waiting for you to say it." I hold her in my arms, letting the cops surround us. "HANDS UP!" A cop yells in the other room, as Sara goes limp in my arms. "NO!" I yell, clutching Sara to my chest as I fall to my knees. "You were supposed to go to college and leave me behind." I sob in her hair.

I see something out of the corner of my eyes. It's Sara's spirit, she looks at me with a smile as I'm cuffed by the cops. Her smile reads, "Make me proud love." I wipe my eyes as I'm pulled out of the room. Her body being taken away to the other door.


"Looks like the tables have turned." I smile, eyes teary and buffy red. "What?" She questions. I take my blade, hidden in my back pocket, and stab myself in the heart. "NO!" She yells, watching me fall into my bed, the light slowly fading from my eyes.

I open my eyes to the abandoned office. Sam runs over, seeing my eyes, untying me. "Thanks." I say, weakly. Sam walks over to Dean in worry. "He's not up yet?" I question, breaking myself out of the djinn's machine. "No." Sam states, sadly."Oh God. Come on." Sa, shakes him. "Hey. Wake up. Wake up, damn it!" He yells.

Dean grunts a little. His eyes begin to focus on Sam. I walk over to the two of them. "Hey. Hey." Sam tries to focus Dean. "Ahh... Auntie Em. There's no place like home." Dean guesses. "Thank God." Sam sighs. "I thought I lost you for a second." He pulls out the tube from Dean's throat. "You almost did." Dean states.

"Oh god." Sam breaths heavy. "Let's get you down." He reaches up and starts to cut through the ropes as Dean winches over the pain and grunts a little. I see two bright blue eyes next to Sam in the shadows, as the djinn comes out. "Sam!" Dean yells. I pull Sam away from Dean, protecting him.

Sam and the djinn start to fight as I try to cut Dean down. The djinn gets the upper hand on Sam, and holds him by the throat. The djinn's hand glows blue as he moves it towards Sam's forward, as Sam tries to struggle away. I push the djinn, quickly grabbing my back up blade. I hold him as Dean thrusts his knife into the back of the djinn, turns it as the blue light goes out of the creature's eyes. It closes its eyes, as its head rolls down, it falls to the ground dead as the knife is plunged out.

Sam breathes heavily, Dean doesn't look too good either, pale and red-rimmed eyes. I teleport them both to the Impala, before returning for the other victims.

I check the girl's pulse, she's alive. I quickly unconnect her and cut the ropes holding her hands. I then teleport to the front of the hospital, carrying her inside. "Please someone help." I call out.

I teleport into the hotel, my body making me fall to the ground from exhaustion. Sam and Dean help me up, "You okay?" They both ask at the same time. I nod slightly, tiredly. "We should get a call in a little bit telling us how the girl is." I explain, sitting on my bed. "I gave them Sam's new phone number, because mine was hacked last week. I still need to renew it." I explain. Sam nods.

Dean gently shakes me awake, while Sam's on the phone. "Hey, Phenix. Wake up." I groan, but still rub my eyes awake. I get up and stretch, then walk over to Sam. "Ok, uh, thank you so much for the update. Ok, bye." Sam hangs up. "That was the hospital. Girl's been stabilized. Good chance she's gonna pull through." I take a deep sigh of relief, "Thanks gods." "That's good." Dean slightly smiles. "Yeah." He pauses slightly.

"How 'bout you? You all right?" Sam asks. Dean clears his throat, "Yeah, I'm all right." He skips a beat. "You should have seen it, Sam. Our lives. You were such a wussy." I chuckle at that. So does Sam, "So we didn't get along then, huh?" Sam asks. "Nah." Dean confirms. "Yeah... I thought it was supposed to be this perfect fantasy." Sam plays up. "It wasn't. It was just a wish. I wished for Mom to live. That Mom never died, we never went hunting and you and me just never uh... you know." Dean explains.

"Yeah. Well, I'm glad we do. And I'm glad you dug yourself out, Dean. Most people wouldn't've had the strength, would have just stayed." Sam smiles. "Yeah... Lucky me. I gotta tell you though, man. You know, you had Jess. Mom was gonna have grandkids..." Dean frowns, staring at the floor. "Yeah, but...Dean... it wasn't real." Sam states. I stare at the floor myself. 'It wasn't real. Sara never survived. Sara never got to go to college. I never got to hug her again.' "I know. But I wanted to stay." Dean looks sad, lost. "I wanted to stay so bad. I mean, ever since Dad... all I c– all I can think about is how much this job's cost us." He pauses, slightly "We've lost so much. We've... sacrificed so much." Dean sniffles. "But people are alive because of you." Dean scuffs. "It's worth it, Dean. It is. It's not fair, and... you know, it hurts like hell, but... it's worth it." Sam urges. Dean looks at his brother, then down again, sadly, pensively.

It has been four hours since everything went down. It was midnight when Sam and Dean went to bed. Though, now it was 2am. I check on Sam and Dean, both asleep. Then I take a few things, placing them in a bag. I then disappear into the night.


Enter "Sara". I almost cried during her first flashback... Was this is the first? I'm publishing multiple chapters today. Have fun with the next few chapters too... the end of season two is near :)

Chapter 20: All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1

Chapter Text

"Happy anniversary Sara. If only you were alive to see what I've made of myself. We haven't talked in two years, but I promise things are better. I've met two hunters, Sam and Dean Winchester. They're actually kind and caring to me. They even protect me when needed. They don't care about what I am, they just care about who I am. I think I'm finally turning my life around." I smile, kneeling down at the grave. It reads "SARA HALE. AUGUST 26, 1987 - NOVEMBER 15 2004. LOVING SISTER & DAUGHTER. LOST, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN"

"I just wish the final battle was later. I wish I had you with me through all this. I wish I didn't have to worry anymore. I wish I had gone instead of you. I love you, Sara." I start to cry as I place a bouquet of flowers on her grave next to the locket she always used to wear.

I hear someone walk up behind me, as the sky starts to rumble. "So, you ready for the show?" A voice asks. "I knew you'd come looking for me." I remark, turning to face the yellowed eyed vessel. "You thought right." He grins, creepily. I don't even shutter at the look, being used to the creepiest of rotten demons. "You remember our agreement?" I ask. He nods, "I try my best to keep Sam alive, and you'll lead the armies by his side." Azazel states. I nod my head. "Ready?" He asks. I sigh, "Yeah, lead me to the city and I'll prepare." He grins, teleporting us off.

I sit near the well, waiting for the arrivals to notice me. Suddenly, Sam is teleported unconscious to the town. I run over to him, shaking him awake. "Sam?" I call. He looks up at me, "Phen...Where are we?" He asks me. "I don't know." I lie. He pushes himself up, as I stand as well.

"We have no cell reception." Sam puts his phone back in his pocket. I sigh, staring at the floor, "Greta. Just great." I groan. "Let's look for any others, who might know a way out of here." Sam suggests. I nod, following him around the town.

We walk around the town finding nothing much, except a bunch of run down buildings locked from the outside. Though, our search is interrupted by a creaking noise nearby. Sam grba sa plank of wood and I hold one of my blades, ready to fight. We turn the corner to reveal Andy Gallagher, from an earlier case. Sam brandishes the planks, as Andy jumps back startled. "Andy?" Sam calls confused. "Sam! Phenix! What are you doing here?" Andy asks. "I don't know." Sam states. "What am I doing here?" Andy asks. "I don't know." I state. "Where are we?" Andy asks. "We don't know." I say. "Andy, look, calm down." Sam orders. "I can't calm down! I just woke up in f*cking Frontierland!" Andy declares.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Sam asks, trying to make him forget all his worries right now or solve what's happening. "I'm gonna try to see if I can teleport out." I state, under my breath, to Sam. He nods as I walk away.

I sit down taking a breath, my wings unfold around me making me more on edge. Suddenly, my thoughts are all paused by a sudden scream.

I run to the noise, joined by Andy and Sam. We approach another deserted building with someone, seemingly, trapped inside ebanking on the door for help. I smile to myself, knowing exactly who it was. 'Ava, I locked her in here by my own hand just earlier.' "Hello?" Sam calls the woman. "Help me! Help me, please!" Ava calls out. "Okay, I'm here. We're gonna get you out, all right? Just hold on a second." Sam states. "Please!" She calls out once again. Sam grabs a large rock and smashes the padlock on the door. "All right, one second." Sam says. "Please!" Ava begs.

Sam unlocks the door and Ava Wilson steps out. "Ava?" Sam questions, confused. "Oh my God! Sam!" She sobs, while giving him a giganti hug. Though, she side eyes me a grin. I smile back.

"So, I guess you guys know each other." Andy deduces. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "How did you- I mean, how did you-" Ava tries.

"Ava, have you been here this whole time?" Sam questions. "What whole time? I just woke up in there, like, a half an hour ago." Ava explains. "Well, you've been gone for five months. Me, Phenix, and Dean have been looking for you everywhere." Sam states. I nod in agreement. Truly, I had no clue she was here until yesterday. "Okay, that's impossible, because I saw you two days ago." Ava aruges. "You didn't. I'm sorry." Sam denies. "But... that makes no sense. That's not-" She's rambles confused.

"Oh my god! My fiancée, Brady! If I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out." Ava worries. "Well..." Sam tries.

"Oh!" She notices me and Andy, looking at us confused. "Hi, I'm Phenix." I half smile. "Hey. Andy. Also freaking out." Andy introduces himself. "Okay." She nods, then turns back to Sam. "What's happening?" Ava asks him. "I, uh, uh, I don't really know yet. But I know one thing: I know what the three of us have in common." Ava looks at him confused by "three" when there's four of us. "Yeah I'm not 23, I'm 19." I explain, looking at the floor awkwardly.

Suddenly we hear a man calling from the distance, "Hello? Is anybody there?" "Maybe more than three." Sma states.

We run to the side of another building. The man, Jake Talley, is accompanied by a blonde girl, Lily. "Hey, you guys all right?" Sam asks. "I think so." Jake replies. "I'm Sam." "I'm Jake." "Lily." "Hey, I'm Andy." "I'm Phenix." "Are there any more of you?" Sam asks. "Naw." Jake dismisses. "How did we even get here? A minute ago, I was in San Diego." Lily states. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan." Jake remarks.

"Let me take a wild guess: you two are both 23? We all are. And we all have abilities." Sam explains. "What?" Jake stares amazed. "It started a little over a year ago? You found you could do things? Things you didn't think were possible?" They both nod. "I have visions. I see things before they happen." Sam explains. "Yeah, me too." Ava says. "Yeah, and I can put thoughts into people's heads. Like, make them do stuff. But don't worry, it, I don't think it works on you guys. Oh, but get this –- I've been practicing. Training my brain, like meditation. So now, it's not just thoughts I can beam out, but images, too. Like, anything I want. Bam! People, they see it. This one guy I know – total dick, right? I used it on him: gay p*rn. All hours of the day." He laughs "It was just like... you should have seen the look on his face." We all look at him unamused, at best, disgusted at worst. "Uh...okay." Andy shuts himself up.

"So, you go, "Simon says "give me your wallet", and they do?" Lily looks at Sam, "You have vision? That's great! I'd kill for something like that." I stare at the floor. 'Would you?' "Lily, listen, it's okay-" Sam tries to calm her. "No. It's not. I touch people? Their hearts stop. I can barely leave my house. My life's not exactly improved. So, screw you. I just wanna go home." She angrily rants on. "And what, we don't?" Jake argues back. "You know what, don't talk to me like that, not right-" Sam cuts them off.

"Hey guys, please. Look, whether we like it or not, we're all here, and so we all have to deal with this." Sam explains. "Who brought us here?" Andy asks. I stare at the floor. "It's less of a "who". It's... more of a "what"." Sam states. "What does that mean?" Ava asks. Sam and I both give each other a look. I speak up, finally, breaking the silence, "It's a demon." I state. Lily huffs out a breath of disgust.

*Time Skip*

"So, we're soldiers in a demon war to bring on the Apocalypse?" Jake asks. "When you put it like that-" Sam's cut off. "And, and we've been picked?" "Yes." Sam confirms. "Why us?" "I'm not sure, okay? But look, I just know-" Sam states. "Sam, I'm sorry. Psychics and spoon-bending is one thing, but demons?" Ava apologies, not believing. "Look, I know it sounds crazy, but-" Sam tires. "It doesn't just sound it." Jake interrupts. "I don't really care what you think, okay? If we're all gathered here together, then that means it's starting and we've gotta-" Jake interrupts once again. "The only thing I gotta do is stay away from wackjobs, okay? I've heard enough. I'm better off on my own. FYI, so are you." Jake explains. "Jake, hold on." Sam calls after him. Though, Jake just starts walking away. "Jake!" I call.

Jake ignores us and continues walking, until he is alone in the town. I teleport after him, closing my eyes and whispering a latin spell. A young blonde "girl" appears in the building he's found. She stares at him through the door, then vanishes. This tricks Jake into following her inside, entering the abandoned school room. I smile at the pure idiotice non-hunters have. My eyes glime a inky black, before I turn to walk, "looking for Jake".

"Hello?" Jake calls out to the little girl. The girl's giggling is clear as the demon stays invisible to the human eye. I watch her stand in the corner of the room, awaiting orders. "It's all right. Don't be scared." Jake tries to calm, looking around. "Are you lost?" The demon stays silent. "Hello?" Jake calls out again.

I close my eyes, them turning a deep inky black. "I will not kill." I whisper over and over again. I can hear screeching coming from the chalkboard. The girl starts to laugh again, as I open my eyes again.

I run into the room, staring at the demon with fake worry for Jake. The demon's fingers start to grow long claws as she walks towards jake. "Get back!" Jake orders. I smile to myself. Sam suddenly enters the building, grabbing an iron poker and hitting the girl with it. She dissolves into a cloud of black smoke, which exits the schoolroom. I pretend to have just gotten there as everyone else enters the room. "Just so you know? That was a demon." Sam explains.

"Now, that thing- I'm not sure, but I think it was an Acheri. A demon that disguises itself as a little girl. That still doesn't tell us where we are." Sam turns to the others. Andy looks terrified and lost. "Andy, are you with me or what?" Sam asks. "Give me a minute. I'm still working through, "Demons are real"." Andy is stunned.

We keep walking. In front of one of the buildings is a large, rusty bell hanging from a wooden structure. "I've seen that bell before. I think I know where we are now: Cold Oak, South Dakota. A town so haunted, every single resident fled." Sam states. "Swell. Good to know we're somewhere so historial." Ava sasses, annoyed.

"Why in the world would that demon or whatever put us here?" Lily questions. "I'm wondering the same thing." Sam states. I try not to grin, knowing exactly why. "You know what? It doesn't matter. Clearly, the only sane thing to do here is get the hell out of Dodge." Lily explains. "Wait, hold on. Lily, the only way out is through miles of woods." Sam urges. "Beats hanging out with demons." Lily remarks. "Lily, look, we don't know what's going on yet. I mean, we don't even know how many of them are out there right now." Sam explains to us all, directed at Lily. "Yeah, he's right. We should-" Lily cuts Jake off. "Don't say "we"! I'm not a part of "we". I have nothing in common with any of you." Lily aruges.

"Okay, look, I know-" Sam tries. "You don't know anything!" Lily yells. There's a silence as we all stared at the ground. "I accidentally touched my girlfriend." Lily explains. We all look stunned. "I'm sorry." Sam apologizes. "I'm so sorry." I say. "Whatever. I feel like I'm in a nightmare, and it just keeps getting worse and worse." Lily explains. "I've lost people, too. I have a brother out there right now that could be dead, for all I know. We're all in bad shape. But I'm telling you, the best way out of this is to stick together." Sam worries. I stare at the floor, resisting the urge to tell Sam Dean is fine. "Fine." Lily remarks, annoyed. Sam nods, so we continue looking around the town.

"We're looking for iron, silver, salt... any kind of weapon." Sam explains to the team. "Salt is a weapon?" Jake looks confused. "It's a brave new world." Sam replies. "Well, hopefully there's food in your food, because I'm f*cking starving." Andy complains.

I watch as Lily walks off into the woods, whispering my latin spell under my breath as she disappears to my eyes. I smile to myself, as I continue following the group.

I start searching a house and luckily find my throwing blades, hiding them in my pockets. "You did keep to our deal." I smile to myself.

I find Sam Ava, Jake, and Andy. Sam is holding a knife, Ava looking unwell, Andy is holding two bags, and Jake is standing next to him. "Salt!" Andy declares. "That's great, Andy." Sam smiles. "Now, we all can... where's Lily?" Sam asks. I stare at the floor, my eyes glowing an inky black. 'She's with her girlfriend now.' "Lily?" Ava calls. "Lily!" Sam yells.

We all hear a little girl giggling nearby. The five of us walk outside.

At the top of a water tower, Lily hangs from a noose, dead. "Oh, my God! Sam, she's dead! You said we were chosen for a reason. That is not chosen! That's killed! Okay, we have to get out of here." Ava panics. "Stop." Sam orders. "Yeah, I second that emotion." Andy seconds. "Not sure that's an option." Jake states. "What?" Ava looks worried. "Lily was trying to leave." I explain. "The demon's not gonna let us get away that easily." I finish.

"We've gotta gear up for the next attack." Sam adds. "Oh, gear up?" Ava asks. "Yeah." Sam confirms. "Okay, well, I'm not a soldier. I can't do that!" Ava states. "Well, if you wanna stay alive, you're gonna have to. Let's go." Sam orders. "I'll get her down." Jake says, directed about Lily.

"You know, I was just thinking about how much Dean would help right now. I'd give my arm for a working phone." Sam sighs. "You know, you may not need one. I've never tried it long-distance before, but do you have anything of Dean's on you?" Andy plans. "Like, something he touched?" He clears up. Sam searches his pockets, worrying me. 'Dean's not supposed to come here. He could endanger Sam's chance of winning.' I worry. "Uh... I've got a receipt. Would that work?" Sam asks. I take the opportunity to teleport to the Impala.

I open the door to the rumble of... "The Roadhouse?!" I gasp looking around. I see Dean and Bobby, standing beside the rumble. I walk over to them in disbelief. "What did you do?" I ask, eyes burning red with anger. "Where's Jo, Ellen, and Ash?" I ask. They stare at me, Dean immediately hugging me. "Phenix, you're okay." Dean sighs in relief. I push him back,

"What happened here?" I ask, my eyes deepening. "We don't know. When we got here it was burned to the ground and Ash-" Dean trails off. "Ash?" I ask, my voice turning more worried. "We believe Ash knew something, so he was killed." Bobby finishes for Dean. My eyes turn a deepened blue, tears forming at my eyes. "Ash is-" I pause, unable to say it. If I said it, I would have to acknowledge it as real. "And Ellen? Jo?" Dean shirts sadly. "We don't know." Dean explains. I wipe my eyes, remembering the task at hand.

"What the hell did Ash know? We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she's even alive." I cut Dean off. "She has to be alive." I state. Dean's look softens for a minute in my direction, then he continues on. "We've got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam." My eyes blaze red for a moment. 'He doesn't seem to care that Ash is dead at all. Just that he can't find his brother.' "We'll find him." Bobby confirms.

Suddenly, Dean clutches his head in pain. "Dean?" Bobby calls worried. I stare at Dean worried. Dean groans and doubles over. "What was that?" Bobby asks. "I don't know. A headache?" Dean tries to answer. "You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby questions. "No. Must be the stress." He chuckles. "I could have sworn I saw something." Dean states. I smile, 'Sam's plan is working.' "What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?" Bobby questions Dean. "What? No!" Dean disbelieves. "I'm just saying." Bobby explains. "Come on, I'm not some psychic." Dean disspells.

Dean doubles back again, falling against the car in pain. "Dean?!" I call. "Dean!" Bobby calls out. "Are you with us?" He asks. "Yeah, I think so. I saw Sam. I saw him, Bobby." Dean explains. I smile, slightly, covering my mouth. "It was a vision." Bobby concludes. "Yeah. I don't know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels." Dean sighs. "What else did you see?" Bobby asks. "Uh... There was a bell." Dean continues. "What kind of bell?" Bobby asks. I sigh to myself, knowing I didn't take the time to soak in my surroundings so I could teleport us all back. Best I could do was try to teleport myself, but I wouldn't be able to focus perfectly on one part of the city. "Like a big bell with some kind of engraving on it, I don't know." Dean states, getting mentally drained. "Engraving?" Bobby double checks. "Yeah." Dean confirms. "Was it a tree? Like, an oak tree?" Bobby asks, seemingly knowing something. "Yeah, exactly." Dean nods. "I know where Sam is." He remarks. We all seem slightly less on edge after that.


I curl my body into a ball as the morning sun stretches into the room. My parents were gone on a hunt and I was left by lonesome, at the age of only 7, for the next week, during the day. My parents would return at night but would eat dinner, then go to bed. Mostly ignoring my existence. It was as if I was as worthless as dirt to them. Which was normally how they acted during hunts.

I forced myself out of bed, walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I sported a short sleeve tank top, with jeans, and tennis shoes. I look at the blade left in the sink, blood still straining the sink from the previous night.

I quickly placed my hoodie on, afterwards drying my hair. After I dried my hair I brushed my teeth, brushed and combed my hair, put a light face of makeup on (which consisted of mascara, some blush, and light eyeshadow), then walked back out into my room.


"Phen. Phenix. Wake up. We're here." I slowly open my eyes seeing Dean, outside the impala shaking me awake. My wings were covering my bed in an attempt to keep the cold out. Though, the feathers couldn't hide the amount of scars, that if you look hard in the moonlight you could see, littering my body. I stretch out of the car, placing my shoes on quickly, while grabbing my hunting bag. My wings fold behind me, disappearing into the astral as I get out.

Dean and Bobby grab a few guns and knives from the trunk as I wait leaning on one of the many trees. "Let's go." Dean orders us as we continue our trip on foot.

"Sam!" Dean yells as we hear Sam and Jake's voices. We run out of the woods, finding the village as it shines in the light of our flashlights. It had begun to rain halfway into our walk and was starting to pick up as we approached the two. "Dean!" Sam sighs in relief and happiness. Suddenly, Jake wakes up, grabs the knife and- I try to teleport in front of Sam, but it's too late. Jake has stabbed Sam right through his back, twisting the knife, killing him.

Sam gasping falls to his knees, as Jake runs away chased by Bobby. I hold Sam up, hoping, wishing he'd be okay. Though, I knew it was unlikely. Dean slides to the ground in front of Sam, grabbing at Sam's clothing, trying to keep him conscious. I slide to the side, out of the way. "No, Sam!" Dean cries out. Sam falls forward onto Dean's shoulder. Tears start forming in my eyes as they turn a deep aqua. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sam. Sam! Hey! Hey, hey. Come here. Let me look at you."

Deaa places a hand on the wound, covering his entire palm with blood. "Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy? Sam!" Dean holds Sam, looking at him, Sam's head is wobbling. 'He's losing Sam.' I look at the ground. "Hey, listen to me. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You'll be good as new. Huh? I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take you care of you. I've got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother?" Dean tries to force a smile as he touches his brother's face. I didn't even notice how badly I was taking this. My legs barely able to keep me up as I started to panic from worry and grief. "Sam? Sam! Sam! Sammy!" Dean tries to get a response from his brother. Sam;s eyes slide shut, his entire body slumping forward. My legs fall out behind me as I kneel next to Sam. "No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, God. Oh, God." Dean starts to panic. With tears streaming down his face, Dean rocks Sam in his arms as he slowly dies. "Sam!" Dean yells to the heavens. I cry on Dean's shoulder as I realize just how close I'd become to these hunters.

I'm not one to become close to anyone, especially hunters. Though, for once I had found people I could see as a sort of 'family'. But here I was losing them.

Chapter 21: All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2

Chapter Text


"Well who would want a son like you? You should be glad we even feed you at all. Complaining about being hungry all the time. You've gotten us kicked out of hundreds of restaurants. Be thankful they didn't shoot you down already." My mother yells out. I sit on the floor, trying to zone her out as Simmers sits in my lap. My mother couldn't see Simmers, as the cat was only just killed a few weeks ago. Simmers had no idea how to appear to humans, let alone what had happened to them.


I open my eyes slightly, the wood brushing against my wings roughly. "Morning." I fake a smile over to Dean. He doesn't reply. I slowly push myself up, frowning at the floor. I stare down at my wings, the cuts glistening in the morning sun. I was partly glad Dean wasn't in his right mind, because if he was he would have been worried to hell and back about them. Though, I was mostly worried. Dean has been keeping an eye on Sam (well his dead body) all night and Bobby and I just wished he could bury his brother at least. I mean Dean was a mess and not in a good way.

Bobby arrives back at the house, walking in with a bucket of fried chicken. My wings disappear as he enters. "Dean? Phen? Brought you this back." He forces a smile over to us. "No, thanks. I'm fine." Dean responds. I just stare at the floor not saying anything. "You should eat something." He says to us both, but more directed at Dean. "I said I'm fine." Dean says louder and seemingly annoyed. He takes a swig from a bottle of whiskey, his tenth since I've awoken.

"Dean... I hate to bring this up, I really-" I teleport out of the room to my bedroom. I sit on my bed, staring at the ceiling. 'Sam is really dead. Dean is a mental and physical wreck. The end of the world is coming. And I'm supposed to pick a side?!' I worry my head off, starting to teleport all around my room. It didn't hurt me as much as normal from the amount of human blood I had to consume to help Azazel the first day. Summoning a demon in a latin spell wasn't easy. Though, I'd left his side when I found Dean and Bobby... right?

Simmers jumps into my lap after a teleport back. By the time I got back it was already night time. I was honestly worried it had been more than just twelve hours. Though, my worry subsided when I saw Sam. His chest was moving? "I must be seeing things." I remark aloud. "You died? Right?" I ask Sam's, seemingly dead, body. I check his pulse and sure enough, he's alive.

I curl my wings around my bed and I force myself to sleep on the floor for the night. "I'm sure Dean will have an explanation for all of this tomorrow." I convince myself.

I wake up to Dean nudging me with a stick. "Really?" I look up at him. He smiles, slightly. Though, I can see worry behind his eyes as if he was hiding something. I turn to Sam, "Sam, you're-" Dean gives me a look. "Finally awake." I smile, giving him a gentle hug. He hugs back with a slight smile. "How long was I out?" Sam asks, glancing at both of us confused. "Just through the night." Dean explains, quickly. "Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." I change the subject.

I sit at the table, drinking from my flask. Sam and Dean are eating something. It looks good, but I'm not in a hungry mood. Sam is retelling everything that happened that day. "And that's when you guys showed up." Sam finishes. "That's awful. Poor Andy." Dean sighs. "The demon said he only wanted one of us to walk out alive." Sam explains. "He told you that?" Dean questions. "Yep." Sam scoffs. "He appeared in a dream." Sam explains. "He tell you anything else?" I ask. "No. No." Sam shakes his head. "That was it. Nothing else." Sam rambles. "You know, what I don't get is if the demon only wanted one of us, then how did Jake and I both get away?" Sam questions us. "Well, I mean, they left you for dead. I'm sure they thought it was over." Dean lies, eating a large bite of pizza, turning away.

"So now that Yellow Eyes has Jake, what's he gonna do with him?" Dean questions. "I don't know. But whatever it is, we got to stop him." Sam's determined. "Well, hold on. You need to get your rest. We got time." Dean urges. "No, we don't." Sam remarks. "Sam, oceans aren't boiling, okay? Frogs aren't raining from the sky. Let's get you your strength back first." Dean tries.

"Well did you call the roadhouse?" My eyes start to shimmer blue, as I look towards the floor. "They know anything?" Sam asks. "Yeah." Dean looks away. "Dean...Phen? What is it?" Sam questions us. "The roadhouse it-" I pause, unable to say it. "The roadhouse burned to the ground. Ash is dead. Probably Ellen- a lot of other hunters, too." Dean explains, sitting back down. Sam starts to tear up, "Demons?" Sam inquires. "Yeah, we think so. We think because Ash found something." Dean confirms. "What did he find?" Sam urges.


"Give me a minute, I have to make a call." Sam says. I nod, organizing my thoughts. "Nice to hear from you again too, Ellen." Sam smiles. I look at him in amazement. "Ellen?" I ask. "I haven't heard from her in ages." I smile. "Okay, I'll put you on speaker." "Phenix, how are you?" Ellen chimes. I smile. "I'm doing well, how bout yourself?" "Doin well. What you doing with the Winchester brothers?" She asks. I sigh, "Me and a hunter Gordon Walker were-" She cuts me off. "Don't, he's dangerous to everyone and everything around him. It's better if you just leave the case to him." She explains, shocking me. I'd been working with him for two weeks and nothing, why worry?

After chatting with Ellen and Sam some more, Sam heads off to his motel, telling me the location so I could stay if Gordon turns rapid or something. I thank him, packing my stuff leaving once the sun dawns.


When I zone back into the present we're in the Impala on our way to Bobby's place.

Dean gives Bobby's door a good knock. Bobby opens the door and looks at Sam with astonishment. "Hey, Bobby." Dean looks at Bobby and looks away again almost immediately. I just stare at the floor, awkwardly. "Hey, Bobby." Sam greets none the wiser. "Sam. It's good to... see you up and around." Bobby fakes a slight smile. "Yeah... thanks for patching me up." Sam pats Bobby on the shoulder and walks past him into the house. "Don't mention it." Dean and I follow Sam inside. Bobby looks at Dean and I hard, vibrating with unspoken emotion. I just sit on the couch.

"Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means." Bobby explains. My head suddenly starts to burn, getting me a rush of panic. "What is it?" Sam asks Bobby. "Demonic omens... like a frickin' tidal wave. Cattle deaths. Lightning storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." He points to Wyoming on the map. "All around here, except for one place... Southern Wyoming." I think for a minute, realizing exactly why. Though, I can't tell the others or I'd have to explain how I knew.

"Wyoming?" Dean questions. "Yeah. That one area's totally clean- spotless. It's almost as if..." Bobby cuts himself off. "What?" Sam questions. "The demons are surrounding it." Bobby says. "But you don't know why?" Dean inquires. "No, and by this point my eyes are swimming. Sam, would you take a look at it? Maybe you could catch something I couldn't." Bobby thinks. "Yeah, sure." Sam agrees. "Come on, Dean. I got some more books in the trunk. Help me lug 'em in." Bobby orders. "Yeah." Dean agrees, leaving with Bobby.

"What's up with them?" Sam asks, though I don't even notice the question. My ears are repeating a buzzing sound, which is becoming louder as I try to ignore it. When I realize what Sam said, I just shrug. "I don-" My voice pauses for a second. "I don't know." I say quickly, in a quieter voice than usual. It makes me worry Sam heard, but if he did he just ignored it or wasn't gonna bring it up.

I look out the window as Sam checks out the map. It's then when I realize who's outside with Dean and Bobby. "Ellen?" I breathe out. Sam turns to me, "What?" He questions. I just point outside to the three hunters.

I teleport outside running up to Ellen. "Omg! You're alive." The tears clear in my eyes as I wrap my arms around her. She just hugs me back.

Bobby pours Ellen a shot of holy water from a flask, pushing it towards her. Bobby and Ellen are sitting at the table. While Sam, Dean, and I are standing nearby. "Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asks. "Just a belt of Holy Water. Shouldn't hurt." Bobby remarks. She lifts the shot glass and swallows the whole thing. "Whiskey now, if you don't mind." She orders. "Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Dean bombards her with questions. I give him a look and he leaves it at two. "I wasn't supposed to." 'You can thank god for that' I roll my eyes mentally. "I was supposed to be in there with everyone else." Ellen scoffs, "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck." She explains, drinking a whiskey.

Ellen exhales sharply, "Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice." Tears started forming in my eyes, remembering what I saw with Dean, Bobby, and Sam. She sighs, "He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes." Ellen explains. "Sorry, Ellen." Sam apologizes, the pain clear in his eyes.

Ellen starts to tear up as she continues, "A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live." She pauses, "Lucky me." She scoffs.

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby asks. "A hidden safe we keep in the basem*nt." Ellen clarifies. "Demons get what was in it?" "No." She pulls out a map from her pocket, unfolding it and setting it down on the table. It has several black lines and X's on it. "Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean points to the lines. 'Hell's Gate' I try to hide the shock of its reality.

I sit on the floor, practicing my levitating with a small switchblade. Dean stands to my right by Bobby who's sitting at a table, reading, Ellen standing reading his same book. Sam is sitting next to me half reading, half watching my power. "I don't believe it." Bobby sets his book on the table, surprising me, making me drop my blade. It clashes to the ground with a thud, luckily not getting anyway. "What? You got something?" Sam asks. "A lot more than that. Each of these X's" He points to the marks on the map. "Is an abandoned frontier church - a;; mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Bobby explains. I stare at the switchblade, levitating it back to my hand.

"Samuel Colt - the demon-killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Dean looks at Bobby, confused. "Yep." Bobby confirms. "And there's more. He built private railway lines." He points to the black lines on the map. "Connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." He connects the points on the map until the shape of a star is made. 'The biggest devil's trap?' "Tell me that's not what I think it is." Dean declares. "It's a Devil's Trap. A 100-square mile Devil's Trap." Sam deduces. "That's brilliant. Iron lines Demons can't cross." Dean smiles.

"I've never heard of anything that massive." Ellen exclaims. "No one has." Bobby confirms. "And after all these years none of the lines aren broken? I mean, it still works?" Dean questions. 'Definitely.' "Definitely." Sam states. "How do you know?" Dean's skepticism is clear. "All those omens Bobby found. I mean the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in." Sam explains himself. "Yeah, well... they're trying." Bobby remarks.

"Why What's inside?" I question. "That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle." Dean deciphers. "Well what's so important about a cemetery or... What's Colt trying to protect?" Sam questions. "Well, unless..." Dean pauses. "Unless what?" Bobby questions. "What if Colt wasn't trying to keep the demons out? What if he was trying to keep something in?" Dean clues. "Now that's a comforting thought." Ellen lies. "Yeah, you think?" "Could they do it, Bobby? Get inside?" I ask. "This thing's so powerful, you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full-blood demon gets across." Bobby states. "No." Sam pauses for a slight second. "But I know who could."

I sit behind a large tomb, levitating one of my throwing blades, as I hold a gun. It's nighttime by now as we'd gotten here by midnight. Dean is behind a large tomb, gun in hand, and Sam is just standing out and about. Bobby and Ellen in the shadows behind him.

Jake walks into the graveyard strip near us. "Howdy, Jake." Sam geets. Bobby, Ellen, and Sam appear from the shadows, guns raised. "Wait... you were dead. I killed you." Jake exclaims.


I'm supposed to be dead... Why am I not dead? I stare at the three people before me. I wake up to a voice calling me. "Why am I alive?" I ask, eyes glowing blue. "You lost your will to live over night?" They ask. "You had a lot of sass yesterday." They reveal my blade in their hand. "Either you find a newbie hunter or you're the son of Everly and James Winter." They explain. I sigh, "I have no right to call myself their son." I explain, sitting myself up.


Unknown's view:

I open my eyes trying not to worry about the sudden change in scenery. "Wait... you were dead. I killed you." Someone states. I can tell Phenix is in a flashback as soon as I hear those words. 'Is that why I was brought here?' I question. Though, no one answers my thoughts. 'He must be Jake, the one who killed Sam.' I realize, appearing out of the shadows. "Yeah? Well next time, finish the job." Sam states. 'He did though.' I disregard my thoughts and continue to keep my protective "hunter" mindset. "I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Sam glaces at Dean, who lowers his eyes briefly. "You can't be alive. You can't be." Jake remarks.

"Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Bobby calms. "And if I don't?" Jake questions. "Wait and see." Sam smirks. "What, you a tough guy all of a sudden? What are you gonna do- kill me?" Jake asks. "It's a thought." Sam grins. "You had your chance. You couldn't" Jake says. "I won't make that mistake twice." Sam bares.

Jake begins to laugh. "What are you smiling at, you bitch?" Dean's voice full of rage. 'Surprised he's not mad, Phenix is what he believes he is.' "Hey Lady, do me a favor. Put that gun to your head." Jake orders, as Ellen shakily points her gun at her temple. "See that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn." Jake smiles, creepily. "Let her go." Sam orders. "Shoot him." Ellen's voice trembles. 'He's gonna pay for that.' My eyes flash an inky black. "You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off." He pauses for a moment.

"Everybody, put your guns down. Except you, sweetheart." He smiles at Ellen. Sam, Dean, and Bobby drop their guns to the floor. "You too." He looks at me. I sigh in defeat, placing my gun on the grass before me. "Okay. Thank you." He thanks.

Jake turns around and pulls the Colt out of his pocket. While he is inserting it into the crypt, Dean and Bobby grab Ellen before she can shoot herself just as Sam shoots Jake four times in the back. I leviate my knives back to my side. Jake falls onto the ground, as Sam and I walk over to him. "Please....don't. Please." Jake begs. I stare at the figure on the floor, my eyes glowing red as a knife plunges into his heart.

Ellen and Bobby walk past us, with Bobby staring at me. 'He hurt Sam, why be upset with me?' I question. Sam just wipes the blood splatter on his face as we all look over the crypt. Two separate engravings on the crypt spin in different directions, then stop. "Oh no." Bobby stares at the gate. All of us stare at the gate. "Bobby, what is it?" Ellen asks. "It's hell." Bobby remarks. Dean pulls the Colt from the Crypt. "Take cover- now!" Bobby yells us an order. I take cover under a grave, watching as ghosts, spirits, demons, alike escape from Hell's Gate. I just stare at the gate, as Phenix reappears.


Phenix's view:

Black demonic smoke pours from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke haring off in different directions. We are all hidden behind different tombstones watching the events unfold. "What the hell just happened?" Dean exclaims. "That's a devil's gate. A damn door to hell." Ellen's annoyance is clear.

The railway iron from the map is bent in two and a pair of legs crossing, while a black demon smoke trail goes out the other way."Come on! We gotta shut that gate!" Ellen yells. Dean checks the Colt for bullets. "If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe..." He starts planning something. Thunder crashes as the Yellow Eyed Demon appears behind Dean. He flings the Colt out of Dean's hand and into his own. Dean looks astonished.

We all struggle to close the crypt door. Sam looks over and seems worried. I glance over seeing Dean down, the yellow eyed demon smiling at Sam. "Dean!" Sam exclaims in panic. Sam runs over to his brother, as Ellen, Bobby, and I continue to close the door.

I glance my eyes over again seeing THE John Winchester's ghost grabbing the demon from behind. The body the demon possessed falls to the ground, gun still in hand, while John and the cloud of smoke that was the demon wrestle. The demon pushes him to the ground and enters the body once more. When he stands up, Daean is pointing the Colt at him, and shoots him in the heart. The demon then falls to the ground, dead.

We finally close the gate doors, turning to see John. Dean stands up and faces his dad. John walks forward, and smiles at Dean, putting his hand on Dean's shoulder. Both are tearu, and Sam approaches; Dean and John both look at Sam. John and Sam nod at each other. With another look at Dean, John steps back and disappears into white light. Sam and Dean just smiling at each other, confused and relieved it's over.

I stand by the Impala trying to remember what had happened while I blacked out, mid-flashback. Sam and Dean are a few feet away chatting.

They start to walk back, as Dean tosses me the keys. I start the car, when Ellen starts to walk over. "You know, when Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." Dean, stopping, shuts the door to stand next to Sam and hear him. Sam scoffs, "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me." Sam states. "Glad he was wrong." Dean fakes a smile. "I don't think he was, Dean." Sam looks at Dean for a beat. I just try to zone them out.

Unknown's View:

"What happened? After I was stabbed?" Sam questions. "I already told you." Dean says. "Not everything." Sam corrects. "Sam, we just killed the demon. Can we celebrate for a minute?" Dean begs of his brother. "Did I die?" Sam asks. "Oh, come on." Dean exclaims. "Did you sell your soul for me, like Dad did for you?" Sam questions. "Oh, come on! No!" Dean lies. Sam continues to look at his brother, stare at him. "Tell me the truth." Dean sniffs. "Dean, tell me the truth." Sam orders. "Sam..." Dean chuckles, avoiding the order.

"How long do you get?" Sam's voice breaks. "One year." Sam nods, tears in his eyes. "I got one year." Dean confirms. "You shouldn't've done that. How could you do that?" Sam's upset. "Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job." Dean exclaims, clearly confused at Sam's tone.

"And what do you think my job is?" Sam exclaims. I just get into the car, starting to organize my throwing blades. "What?" Dean questions Sam's words. "You've saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change." Sam rambles. "Yeah." Dean just says to end the argument.


Phenix's view:

Ellen approaches the car, with a frown. She quickly wipes it off her face as the brothers notice her. I open the door, getting out to greet her. "Well... Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead. But a lot more got through that gate." Ellen explains. "How many you think?" Dean questions. "Hundred. Maybe two hundred. It's an army. He's unleashed an army." Ellen states. "Hope to hell you boys are ready. 'Cause the war has just began." Bobby appears next to Ellen. "Well, then..." Dean smiles.

I watch as Dean throws the Colt in the trunk. "We got work to do." I just continue staring at the gun. Sam smiles over at his brother, trying to hide her clear pained expression.

Chapter 22: Special Chapter

Chapter Text

HEY!!!! Guess what?! I just sent all the last chapters of this book to publish. Likely I'll start to publish the second book very soon after they all publish...

Now the Special Note... I start school August 26th, so I'll likely not be publishing as quickly or as often. Though, I'll try my best to update as soon as possible. Love y'all. Your fanfic write :)

I'm thinking of making a book off this book with more descriptions on other characters I've added. It might include Phenix's flashbacks, more about unknown (Though no spoilers unless other chapters are posted and you don't read them), more about Sara, and other added plotlines :)

Antichrist Hunting (Supernatural Fanfic) - Ashy7707 (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.