Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

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--r i 6 1 I 1 0 4 TIM CIIA'rrAINTOOCA TIlIES ClIA'rTATs'00t1A TENN MaNDAY ocrollr--7't 2 I di e01 I 1D62 11)32 Parties Planned For Miss' Kaset And Her Fiance Ur I Parties Planned For Ai And Her ea jott Itss ITaset Fiance or ct CI I Of i 1 i 0 I 1 1 I By DONNA DELONO Last week at was really inland Thursday A grand total of :2 exciting one! Randy eveidniaan freshmen were seen frantically round this past wee caused quite A bit of excitement a irusbing getting -petitions aignee Inoati and amusem*nt when Bryan Hat- aitorint tor rlais prsittent aro well handcuffed her' to a chair Inj3lU Eiseiatein (Ka)pa gig) 104 the Snick Bar She even draggedlAney (Sigma Chi) Dated Kaplab the chair througI1 the lunch line (Independent) Kent Ctverbeck with her (Pike) and Drta Shenk (Lambda Military sponsors were an- Chi) flounced Monday afternoon They Candidates tot' vice president are Anne Austin of Pt Beta ara Bob vey (sigma Chi) 'Jim Ph it Carolyn Davis OI ADM 1101: Ceyer (Lambda CM) 13ob Lanza ble Quinn of ADM Julia Slagle (Kappa Sig) Jim Masters (lade of PM Mu Margaret Wood of pendent) end Tom McHugh IADPI and Chryl Young of Chi (Pike) Congratulations girls! Candidates for secretary by SNEA (Student National clude Delpnine Ainsworth (PI tic4 Auc'elabw) has been baying Phi) Carol Fraser (CM 0) Con its membership drive this week nie McDaniel (ADP Anne Unand will continue all of next week ler (Independent) Jean RAY (ED) Any interested education rnaJors and Tena Scoggin (Phl are urged to sign tip at the table TreaSarer hopefuls ars Bonnie in the lobby of the Student Center Justin (ADP Vicki ICelleY (Chi Ellie DeLong was elected the 0) Sally Ratcliffe (Independent) Alpha Delta Pi pledge delegate to Carol Sanders (Pi Flti) Pattie Panhellenic last 'Monday- night West (Phi MU) and CitrolYn Good luck little Nis! 'i linsky (ED) Last Tuesday evening the ADPI The CM Omega actives gave a Mothers' Club entertained the semiformal dance Friday night at pledge mothers the actives and the Tennis Center The pledgee pledges with a supper it the Sorer- were introduced- and the Silver-it)' house Several pledges under tones provided the music the direction of Judy Weidner The Sigma Chi's also' had a presented quite an entertaining party rrinay EdghL It wets- a sithAlta Asholls Military sponsors were an- Chi) iouriced Monday afternoon They Candidates for vice president ire Anne Austin of Pi Beta ara Bob gry (sigma Chi)iAti it Carolyn Davin of AD Ceyer (Lambda CM) )3ola )14 Quinn Of ADO Julia Biagio (Kappa sigh Jim masters (lade PM Mu Margaret Wood of pendent) and Toni McHugh ADP and Chryl Young of Chi (Pike) ongratulations girls! Candidates for secretary MLA (Student National elude Delphine Ainsworth (Pi Lion Assmintinn) has been baying Phi) Carol Fraser (Chi 0) Con its membership drive this week nie McDaniel (ADM) Anne and will continue all of next week ler (Independent) Jean Rsy (ZD) hay interested education ma'am and Tena Scoggin (Phi are urged to sign up at the table Treasurer hopefuls are BOnnil in the lobby of the Student Center Justin (ADP Vicki (Chi Ellie Detang was elected the 0) Salty Ratcliffe (Independent) Alpha Delta Pi pledge delegate to Carol Sanders (Pi Phl) Pattie Panhellenic last VMon7 night West (Phi Mu) and CltrolYn Cood luck little slat linsky (ED) Last Tuesday evening the ADP! The CM Omega actives gave a Mothers' Club entertained the semiformal dance Friday night at pledge mothers the actives and the Tennis Center The pledges pledges with a supper at the sorer- were introduced and the Silver-it)' house Several pledges under tones provided the music the direction of Judy Weidner The Sigma Chi's also had a presented quite an entertaining party Friday tdriL It was a for the whole chap Thursday A rand tn ere sPen frantically Last we eit itt- tc waszyreaDocaulaV123EL0N 02 :2 rArkely Weidrttatudfre3hmen Ouinn of ADO Ju 111 -10M PM Mu 24targaXat W00d Ofipendent) awl untA L4u-ya Luuu 1 tstifirvo o4ritut 1 ceediestes tor secretary AL9AJtigratUlfsiosanum is am! A pi I I 1 Couple NVill re Honored at Dinners Thursday and Friday Nights Mias Robbie Esset whose wedding tt) Jerome Hersowits of Coral Cables Fla will take place Saturday night at frnal Zion Synagogue will be the guest of honor Thursday at a luncheon to be given by Mesdames Joe Levine Max Levine and Earn Nash at Restaurtrit on that evening the couple will share honors at a dinner planned by Mr end Mrs Simon ILaset at Fehns Restaurant and after the dinner Mr and Mrs Abs Fru- min and Mr and Mrs Jake Fru- Mtn will be hosts at a co*cktail PartY Tble will be held at the Jake Frurnin home On Friday Miss ICaset and Mr liersowits will be complimented 'at a dinner for which hosts will be 1Mr and Mrs Murray Levine and Mrs Bessie Cold at Wimberly' On the day of the wedd' in Mr and Mn Harry Fiera and Mr and Mrs Morris slu*tsky will entertain for the couple with a luncheon at the Ete home Miss Kaset was the 'honoree Friday evening at a cHnner which Mrs Mitchell Bush gave at her home and Mrs Abe Menuldn feted her recently with a luncheon in the Read House Cold Room Mrs Nathan liofferman bas also recently entertained the bride-elect with a luncheon at Wimberly Irm Ed King Shows Film A VS Irocue will be the ruest jf honorthI IThursday at a Itmcheen to belOr uy SaCat111LIWI LefeVilletIAL)rl Mts 1 sA 346 104ba mot 41a411 program pledge party Who but Margaret Wood and ter given at Duff's home on Bill Johnson would appear on Lookout Mountain ampus dressed like real life Guess what! 'rbdt Student Coma westernersrLast Wednesday they ell Is sponsoring the Four Preps dressed up to advertise the Bap- who will be in Chattanooga on tint Student Union Western-Inter Nov 12 The cost for EC student national dinner which was held willbe PAO For who would Thursday night All the like to attend the cost is $150 Mimi students on the CC campus The concert will be held in the were special guests City High School from I to 12 pm Friday night the BM had a Now for the football intramuals hayride up to Dogwood Lodge the Last Sunday afternoon the Sigma First Baptist Church camp on the CMs and Non Frets were tied up lake They roasted hot dogs down at 12 to 12 when the rains camel by the lake The game was firdstied Friday Wednesday was a big day for afternoon at 2:15 pm The Lamb the Lambda Mrs They were pre- da Chic played the AEPrii alio sented with a trophy In chapel for on Friday afternoon The gam having the highest scholastic between the ABM and the Kappa average on campus last semester Sip was not forfeited It was rai- Freshman class officer elec- scheduled because of a religious Hone will be held next Wednesday holiday Times MAW CADETS HOSTS Baylor Sehool gymnasium 'vas Um steno I Sharpe 'Carol Dickson David Stewart Brenton Van Cleave Saturday MOS of an informal donee Left to right am Billy 1 Georg Bagley Toni 11111 Betty Chiso Ira Toby Silberman Times Stall rizoich we ove It you lett lndl twit 04 bar and wel tee but klei es the A Ert you the Gin Put ert IA le DOS It whi fror a 1( bou 'wh( ttor OA per vie foot blrr It 'fan A 'stol plc -tret 1de pre qua for vole3 on ih la too tt tit oar I St I ft I I And Spiaks on Russia Braiued WSCS Be Hostess At Party Today Coffee Is Set for New Prospective Members in Church Parlor Women who have Joined the Womana Society of Christian Service at Brainerd Method' tat Church during the past year and also prospective memtkes' will be guests of the society Wednesday at a coffee from 10 lam to noon in the church' parlor Mrs "Michell and Mrs Bruce Tates are in chug 6( the affair and will be assisted by the following committees: Mrs Roy Lorentz and Mrs John Rich decorations It I I dames Willem Crump Terrell Jr Mitchell and Yates invitations: Mesdames Walter Cox EL Ragsdale flat old co*ker and It James re freshments The guest book will be kept by Mrs Tom Martin and Mrs Terrell and a table displaying appropriate literature will be arranged by Mesdames Butler Fred Thomason and a James Mrs itichard Dktzet WSCS president Mrs William Steele wife of the minister' Mrs Owen Hammer WSCS vice president and Mrs Howard Reeves WSCS treuurer Will alternate at the coffee table Circle leaders and co-leaders will assist in serving Guests will include Mesdames Robert Akers it A11110111 Ruth Anderson Howard Barnette WU Ham Beuley William Bommelje Bonnard Eugene Broome William Brown Betty Bryant Burgess Burris William Butler John Cash Lyle IL Catlin and IC Charlessvorth Mesdames Clingan A Cogburn Ed Collier Thomas col-tom Ornette John Corn-Well Ed Cotter Clyde CoppenhaverLL Clark Paul Cromwell Sr Cullen Floyd Ctilp David Davis Davis A Eakin Drinnon Jr Barney Elkins Faulkenberry Mesdames Fred Flint Vance Freeman Leland Fusselle Caddis Allen Green Betty Griffith A Hale Don Hanco*ck A Harbison Ed Beaten Jack Henry lienson Hop Idris Sr Hopkins Jr James Hopkins Mike Hull Noel Hutsell rg Hyre Ivester Mesdames James Igo Jenkins A Johnston Frank King Emil Xing Harold Jones Gilbert Jones Jordon Kelso "'rank Kinser Kling Cnester Lagod Jack Lone Laubscher George Lerch Russell Lockmiller A Martin I Itastin Jr Mesdames A Matthews John Maynard McClure McCurdy Doyle Mahan A Matecher Earl Mfrues Betty Morgan David Magee Barry Newsome Robert Nichols Noel -R- Nunn Jack Owent Payne Glenn Petty rickle George Overend Mesdames James Phillips Reed Jr George Reed Jr Pr Robertson Rogers Rich- rta Darrell Rutherford Truman Sherrill Horace Smith Smith Smith Joe Solis Mesdames William Stanley Jack Steele William Steele Stokes Ed Strickland Richerd Swett Ben Talley John Thomu A Trundle A Tussey Hoyt Vance Jr Vaughn Hugh Veley Wade George 'Wagner Katherine Wallis James Ward Ralph Wexler Herry Whelchel Frank William' William son Stanley Vitorlen Ethel Wright Fred Wright and Ilrainerc Bc At Par I Coffee Is Prospectiv in Chur Women who Woman's Sock Service at tat Church due and also pros will be guests Wednesda) from 10 orm to parlor Bruce Yates In affair and will I foliowing comm Lorentz and Mrs rations I Crump Te and Yates limit Walter Cos 1 old co*ker and freshments The guest boo Mrs Tom Mart reit and a table priate literature by Mesdames Vi Thomason and 1 Mrs Hichard president Mrs 1 wife of the min Hammer wsa and ltrs Itowar treuurer coffee table Circ leaders will sash Guests will ir Robert Akers Anderson Howe Ham Beuley Bonnard William Brov Burgess liam Butler Catlin and Mesdames I Cogburn Ed Col WON? Well Ed Cotter er Clark Sr Cullen vid Davie kin Drinno kins Taut Mesdames Fr Freeman Lelan Caddis Allen A Hale A Harbison IE Henry He Irina Sr Hc Hopkins klike It Byre I Mesdames Jar Jenkins A lOnit Emil Kin Gilbert Jones 1 Kelso Trani Kline Cheater Lau'bsche Russell Lockmill I ktastin Jr Mesdames 1 A Maynard McCurdy Doylo Me Licher Earl IN gan David Mal some Robert NI -R- Nunn J1 Payne Glenn Georges Overend Mesdames Js Reed Jr Ge Pr Robertson NV rtlith Darr Thin ace Smith Smith Jos Mesdames Jack Steele Will Stokes Ed Str Swett Ben Talle A Trundle Hoyt Vence Jr Hugh Veley Wagner James Ward Its py Whelchel 1 Frank Williams eon Stanley Wes Pred Wright an 3 IS Set for New pective Members Church Parlor who have joined the I Society of Christian at Brainerd Itiethod- ch during tht past year nrcutnoetiv a mointurik2 At ar Epeeist to rho Chattgeoota Thou DALTON Ga '1Rues1a Today" was the film shown by Ed King at a meeting of the Lions Auxiliary Tuesday evening at the Elks Borne Mr Eine who recently made a tour of 11111131a1 along with farm- ere throughout Georgia was by Mrs Wallace Cresson In commenting on the pictures taken in Russia Poland and liungary the speaker stated that Bie Russian meals were excellent but he felt they were made that way to impress the American visitors Mrs Archie Gellman presided It was announced that another PO bad been contributed to the city schools for the milk fund Members were asked to assist 'the Lions Club in their Glaucoma Eye Clinic Besides the guest speaker Mrs King and Miss Martha Weston were guests at the meeting at depart-' at- mu- a 1 Georgia 15th District Planning PTA Council Special to The Chettes000s rimos SUMMERVILLE Ga The organization of a ChattoOga County PTA Council may be ons result of a 15th District PTA meeting held in Summerville recently 'rho various Mks to the county will vote at their meetings on whether they wish to become a member of such a council Mrs Henry Duke was named temporary chairman Mrs Frank Britt or Atlanta chairman of councils for the state organizations spoke on the need for such a combined group Another key speaker at the area meeting was Mn Cicero Johnson of Atlanta state PTA president She discussed the responsiMlities of leadership in the organization About 125 persons attended the meeting held at the Summerville Elementary School Other" dignitaries attending included Mrs Peaco*ck of Rome a district officer and Mrs Tolbert of Rome assistant dlitrict director who presided Mrs Duke president of the host PTA and Mrs Bone ys principal of Summerville Elementary School extended greetings A Strickland Trion school superiritendent and Ith District director of GEA- extended greetings and spoke briefly on the chargeback and related matters Other features of the program Included the flag ceremony by Girl Scout Troop 4 the PrA prayer by the Rev Roger McDonald and a vocal selection by Miss Martha Green accompanied by Mrs Moorehead Jr another teacher Christiazt Youth' Lue kept the nursery Eleven counties sent delegates Eleven counties sent delegates Mrs Hyden Lectures On Flower Arranging Special to TM Melanoma Vag SUMMERVILLE Ryden presented a program on table arrangements at the recent meeting of the therokee Rose Garden Club at the home ot Mrs Charles Copeland Mrs Frank Prince brougtt several beautiful roses wMcb she bad grown and Mrs Ryden arranged them Miss Mittle Dodd displayed pomegranates and Mrs Billy Allen presented hints on horticulture noting that now the time to plant all spring-blooming bulbs using sand and bonemeal es aids Guests were Mrs Sroul Dempsey of Rome Mrs Clifford West of Cloudland and Mn Rill Bob hanon of Summerville Mrs Archie Bennett was Mrs Copeland's cohostess Brenda Joyce Lawson Bobby Jackson Many Mies Brenda Joyee Lawson daughter of Mr and Mrs Leccard Lawson and Bobby Lamar Jackson son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Jackson were married Sept ST in Rossville Ga by Ray Crowe The bride is the sister of Mrs Nobel Germany Michael and Jerry Lawson She was graduated from Kirkman Technical High School The bridegroom is the brother of Mrs Tommy Cornelius Mrs Charles Chapman of Compton Calif end Ralph and Earl Jackson of atattanoogit A graduate of Central High School he is a pi-vide In the US Army 1 6019 Oven Tonight td 1 Oon age 811 sec en" tall Tea and we' 4 Ix elk ly the see ant Tell the On 1111 mu lea -the 'mu hol tat gin jus tent 'tan 041 trt4 sht tul I 1 I i It riff nooga 1 Tuesday Evening Division of Lutheran a Missionary League 7:30 pm In assemblY hall of First Lutheran Chuciw MO McCall Ave Eilrostsip "Always Abounding" to be shown Wedneiday Third District Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs 10:30 atJVImberly bun fall meeting luncheon at 12:13 pm for reservallons call Mrs Roy Ashley 3820 Pin Oak Terrace Mrs Clint McDade to speak on "Horticulture" board 80 am Thursday Chattanooga High PTA 1:45 pani board meeting "Back to School Night meeting pm classroom visitation Friday Shepherd Hills Club 11 11n with Mrs Douglas Brooks 8 Lytmcrest Zr Mrs Leonard Pickard to give program 011 "Holiday Arrangements" Smith Arthur Greer and Rich- ard Cooper On Friday one group representing the Science Club took a field trip to Erlanger Hospital laboratories while another group went on a cave-exploring expeditiott NORRIS a z-Ackard to give program on "foil- day Arrangements" Smith Arthur Greer and Rich- CITY BRAINERD I EAST RIDGE RED SANK AU CHS students will celebrate Tina Jones escorted by Claude? Oct 19 saw the East Ridge Senior superlatives for the year the arrival of long awaited au- McClure was Hut e196243 have been releued by the tumn at the Harvest Festival crowned the 1962-1Pioneers "top" the Tyner I Roar Staff to re 110 Charles and eMike sponsor ed by the senior chug this 63 football queen during halftime ppe I Harriett Bandy and Bennie Wen- Saturday night Harvest scenes ceremonies of the Brainerd Yee were responsible for the nie have been elated by the lien will be displayed in the decor" Copper Basin football game on East Ridge touchdowns eDuring'iors as popular" Those two time which will characterize the Oct 19 Congratulations to a mosthaletime Mary Harrill wuetonsidered "best alearomid" are fall theme Clothes which have deserving queen Time crowned homecoming queen toriPam Helms and Tommy Goodell "that country look" will be worn Brainerd's footbll a team weenie la a -O Mary beautiful IDiane Grob and Don Cox were by all students who wish to com- 'voted "most likely to succeed" tate in a higholimpled brunette who is a pets for the individual and coupie I rated fourth In the cal ta iwnue Barbara Tipton and Bill ischool press poll last week andi girt lot lyres me Mee are "most dependable" In addition to dancing the eve-fle Cline and Jim Verhey haveierly Elliott was crowned maid of The pith with the "most school fling's entertainment will cited for their outstending honor $pirit" is Chris Illcbard and John folk tunes by the "King 's recently The Reb- The East Ridge cross countryi Dottie Margery Sanders and featuring Bruce Romick Bob Da- team defeated Brainerd on 'rues- Terry Peck are "most athletic" els met Cite on Friday night at! and Chip Alsobrooks and the I day This year's team coached by end the "most attractive" two- els sophom*ore combo featuring Bry- their OWn stadium to take their Mr Foster Be Davis is making some is Betsy Kiser and Tohn on rage Steve Cathell and Mike leth -straight victory I an impressive record as it com- Lyell Ctryner Special faU carnival Ideas The cheerleaders held a bonfire petes with the other teams in this Patty Jackson a Roddy will be exhibited in booths at on Thursday night In prepttration area Thursday members met Veazey were chosen "wittiest In which students may enter the Baylor at East Ridge Members' the clan of '63" Frienediest are for the clash The zootoau learn "rpending spree" be fur will and use special 'of the 1962-63 team are Sammy Dona "greenbacks" which lighted th fire that burned the clay Lawrence Rogers Gray and James Conner Tom Carole a I I and Pat fleshed there For those who wish Dynamos A pep rally and tmske Neal Johnny Hyler Micky lad Owings'are the "most talented of to remember this special night a dance were held at this time dock Terry Gamble Dwight the senior clue photographer Will be on band to Several members of the chorus Brnehs Wayne Gardner ePaul The largest trophy every pre make pictures of students in their and orchestra traveled to Hook Womack Guy Beemere DemeY sented in the state of Tememee country attire All CHS' students yule On Wednesday of last week Toth a Tmy MacDnal nd omod wiu be warded at the fiddle Ten In keeping with International nessee State College open Band are Invited to enjoy this evening of fun and excitement In the old- danudrinvPathrrPatadeekt fewindareheys beer7oreniel Key Club Week the East Ridge IrestivaL Twenty-three bands be gYm Saturday night from It until they during the other high schools in' High School Key Club was in eluding the Red Bank Band will meetings charge of assembly last Tuesday compete for the trophy whicb 1' singing for the teachers' Officers of the newly organised held this week President James Citty opened the costs approximately Sle0 A sec- Girls' Athletic Association are department i Meram by telling its purpose ond place trophy and ratings ol He then Introduced Mr Willard superior excellent and good will president Ellen Steffy vice prese The entire music has been busy this year with the Morgan member of the East also be presented dent Lynn Edging secretary oreanization of a new Music Club Carol Eveton and treasurer Don- Ridge Klwanis who told the his- The festival will be bet natur to be sponsored by Dale etush tut Mahan a a pm iir tory of the Key Club which started da errs I Th si The group plans for a musical place winner vtill perform at the I New members of the Pivot staff in California After this a film produotion in January and also was shown which Presented the MTSC football game that bight are Susan Tabb Lucy cook Susan yin a 'Pa I ef It playing or 0 --be football --a- objectives of the club which Red Bank will use the same shoe Kampmeler Sandra Suit David V5 stands for the very highest ideals that won a superior rating at the Cagliano Cohn Lorti JoEllen This Friday teget musie Mu- This film showed the objectives McElroy Carol Joy Colburn Het- 'I'M-State Festival In Chattanooga dents will anxiously await the ar-th as ey related to our nb resposiile that en Potter Ellen Still Bob Wooten Cake walk make spare as citizens or this great come' m- 1 411" U1 WI' 67 "Irttli es and games are some of the activi and Avis Rhodes Ten new me the Wbeel Club are Dick leeel leenteP- All PMCe1303 ID hers I Per Inn byhaps the announcement of ties offered at the carnival spell depart- the Key Club Sweetheart was the i Wayne Cox Kenton Dick CH ver game will be given to the th cc send by the vocalrauslc depart meet In payment of their urd- most exciting moment she Is Lin erson Johnny Butler Terry Ham meet on 'euesday from until it nith Do senior who ba come di Dorsey a 2 ball been at vA Bank High Also mill' Jimmie Gwin1 Darius Ke-' Ev erYene be sure to support the Red Coats as tall active In class politics Doug Wampler Bill Jones snd out an suPP0 especially there will be wrestling spin thal you might be the wiemer of a 1963 We wis to congratulate thl love wheel talent review dart board Tom Kiningham Ford Fairlane to be given as door ly lett fishing well and as a special at The Aiumettes have recently so Prize- NAM are now being made for raction a country store pat lected Carol Jo Ann The Medical Careers Club spon- the tryouts and casting of the temed after those of yesteryear Sewell Trudy Tennyson Judy ud- sored by Esther Barnwell senior play which will be some An auction in the gym will doge Grissom thida Solomon and Le recently elected officers They are time in Decer-eer AU of the the festivities Funds raised wit ann Adams as new members nevi Cline president Sandy seniors are through the help defray the expenses of Olt Christian Fellowship meaeeee Speetor vice 'president Caroline halls practicb on their vale spring choir tour and pay the mu began last Monday at activity pe- ch secretary and Charles bus acting abilities It promises sic department Indebtedness Mod Guest speaker for the pro- a to be challenging and fun for all Lull tre New members were inductee gram was Mr Rock Freeman The Drama Club will be lead by involved Miss Mary Feezell will ino the Jtmlor opti-Miss Out front Highland Park Baptist ve Landrum president Den be directing the play this year Church A most important and he el' nisergoses vl I president Judy Saturday rdght the Pioneers met during chapel 011 Wednesday Tie formative senior meeting was held pre end' Anna Ground Ground Academy on the Pr6gram WaS with a Pm Tuesday Mrs Mary RoYer the Allman secretary I II eee BGA field eeMs was the first eat- cessions' of new members and i Baker treasurer The sponsor is welcoming speech by Diane Grob guidance counselor Wormed sea- eene I air urday game for the Pioneers ho president lore of the SAT test which will be mrli elressuY' Ye- le two more tan games rem oject of the dramatics is have Diam Mu gave the RIM given Dec 1 the ACT test Nov Pr fire trig in the season Murphy le and Feb 23 and the NnoTo a play produouon e-SIIARON BROCK reading which was followed by i Mrs Madge Lockhart is spore devotional song by Becky Fergu test Dee it Sudee Carson the senlor-ring leering year Mary Davis gave the Bible Club this LAKEvrEw sol the objec chairman announced that the sen- Its officers are Marvin Meroney The month of October has been tives of the club after whici temb tor rings ordered in Seper president resident- Jeanie Stephens vice quite an exciting one with the elec Naney Odum recited the Glen will arrive Dec 15 and the next President Lynn Stephens seem tion of officers and preparing for Code The symbols of the clul order will be taken In 'January terse and Sam Gray th trettrer tbe coming mons were explained iby Diane York School was dismissed Thursday Other be are Carol Lon! Officers for the FHA for this After Candles were presented so that city teachers might engage Don Long Mombee 8Pene year Include Dianne Ezell presi- each member by Hants Beard in special in-service training pro- Samples Susan Halburnt Val- dent Carols King Vice president Linda Smith Linda Russell Sale grams and Friday for the annual torte Levelsb Jim Lawson David Judith 'Eaves secretary and Alexander Cecina Roberson an convention of the East Tennessee Terre Pet Powell Jo Ann Rodle Jeanne Westbrook treasurer Nancy the theme "Light' Teachers Association in Knoxville era and Lucy Campbell Beta Club officers for 196243 In- was explained by Dianne Dun Counselors from the Tennessee The Key' club sponsored a elude Carole Campbell president and Diane Grob The prograr Department of Emploprient Be- hayride on Oct 20 to teloudland Linda Bryant vice president was closed with the club's than Bee Ire curity gave manipulative tests Members are making plans to Wanda Thrower secretary Red song Sung 7 rgus on Tuesday and Wednesday to sen- sponsor an open holm after the Elaine Ivey treasurer di Sally Alexander aney Gras an ce Rogers and Emet Bar me tors Interested In a job Irnmedi- game this week Library Club newly elected ately after graduation An inter- All parents are urged to join the are Shirley Smith prese Junior Li club members -wil One II eat cheek list was completed by PTA as the membership drive is dent Danny Turner vice presi each student for the purpose of now going on dent Linda Dalton secretary e'ash with the Junior Sertorte club in a football game afte learning tat lob he is best suited The best Is always saved for the Joy Mears treasurer and Hillard for These counselors will return last so some say The four-day Coleman parliamentarian scnoot on NOV 13 The price admission will be 10 cents an later to counsel with each student weekend was great wasn't It stu- Jurdor Co-Ed-HeY officers In all be proceeds will divided be concerning his job dents? -ANN NORMAN elude Darrell Long president tweet the two participating club Great enthusiasm was displayed Jeanne Westbrook vice president for use in service i pro ectsh in three different pep meetings and Beverly Chawkin "The Veil Susan Bailey secretary! Judith Jtmlor Lions have added Ranee last week Early risers met at 7:43 ot Modesty by Gwen Malmquest Eaves treasurer Jeanne Roue Jaekson to the club a in Wednesday to cheer in the and Teresa CoMson "Tokyo Ca- chaplain and Janice Hutcheson The FBLA elected its new mere auditorium and the whole student pers" by Carol Ann Schmitt and reporter bers at a recent meeting The body met between fifth and sixth Francis McAfee "Way Out" by Pep Club offieers are Leona are Janey Gray Lydia Hall Jan periods for a short pep meeting Bonnie Greenough and Jan Mason Shadrick president Margaret Denton Kay Loftin Betty Bud A third pep meeting was held at and "Cupid's Caprice" by Kathy Phillips ylce president Kathy or Glenda White Mary MeAlle CBS before the Brainerd game on Whitson And Diantha McBride Lehman secretary and Elsie teir Patsy Velvet Jean Lane Friday The fourth-period dances and Overturf treasurer anne William Betty Davidsot Our best wishes were extended leaders include ''Night Riders" by The Key Club elected David Diane Eady Mary Ledford Just to the CiLe etarching Band as they Laverne Powell and Delores Dan- Hutton preeldent Robert Sieving ell Connor Linda Snyder Lind er left Saturday to participate in an lel "Military" by Sandra Sewell vice president Ralph Davault Watts Jane Whitaker Julia Vim Open competition marching eon- and Mary Ann Waters "Pagan secretary tied Mark Walden art' Diane Bowman earth test with RedBank's band at Mid- Pageantry" by Ginger Lansfordereasurer The club leans to hold Bole Wanda Ward Sylvia enario die Tennessee State College In and Priscilla Clayton Harlem la car wash Saturday and mom- Nancy Cathy and Elaine Hilliart Murfreesboro Globetrotters" by blaney Barneyibers hope to raise money throogh Officers of the 196243 Futur Creative dances in both dramat and Cathleen Grady "Moderrethe coming year by carrying out Teachers of Anterice Club err lc and light categories will be pre Blues Dance" by Linde Kelly and such projects' installed test Thursday Mrs Et sented by sophom*ore junior and Judy Evans and "Night and Dar Co-Ed-Hi-Y leaders will nice Taylor who was in char senior girls In the first second by Susan Tabb and Carol Joy Col- be David Hutton president Mar a i- et the ceremony formally Induct fourth and fifth period gym burn- Canipbell vice president Glenda ed Ely Edremore president classes These dances will be The filth -period dances and Lewis secretary and Danny Shoe- Nancy odtma first vine greektent judged today In the individual leaders lire 'Dote of Dolls'' by maker treasurer Janet Barker second vice pees classes The finalists will compete LUCY Cook end Anna Calicterly Lakeview Is very proud to an- dent Linda eienderson secr tomorrow for prizes In the two "Lonely Twilight" by Julie Phil- flounce the organization of the Fel- tary mike Butter treasurer an categories Ups and Karen Lovell and 4Dry lownhIP of Christian Athletes ThiS David Carter theplatn Itr! The first period dances and Bones" by Olin Richeeon and rat group is being set tip under the leery Jane Blanchard was It leaders include "Westsble Gang" Brewer supervision of Mr George Gray stalled as sponsor by Sue Perry end Lynn Crowder A Halloween party was given and Mr Charles Pruett The pr Jim Arledge Yogi rrtedertet "no Ritual? by Ada Marsh and gaturday by the Anchne Club for pose orthts club is to encourage Son and Bobby Seeders have bee Cynthia Parke "Severe Come- the Girls' Club in Highland Park high morals and thilStiatt thi e----es elect ee be the HeY se delegate Eleven" by Judy Carter and Bev Judge Ailey Graham will be the on tbe athletic field and in the 19e2 BanItItOrl County He' erly Cantrell "Walk on the Wildeguest speaker at assembly today echool and to encourage the bco'si-erriHey council side'' by Judy Pattentot end Phyl- in recognition of Frances Willard to be Active church members The following people were we its Mathis 'Theme From Ben Ca- Day Lakeview now has a 5-1-1 rec- coined into Science Club men sey" by Sherry Johnson and Carol A PTA meeting will be held ord The Warriors tied with Itur- berSh10: Susm Hammond Uzi Hardy 'Way Clue' by Cheryl De- Thurselay night at 730 Parents of ray County with a score of 04 heth Hood Sylvia Newman Bur Share and Anita Pressman and CH students will have the Upper- Both Offense and defense of the lee Miller Marcia AblAtnath) The Sailor Dance'' by Mary Law- tunity to visit the classrooms and two teams were at their best Judy O'Kelley tt Thome ley and Judy Foster teachers of their ehildren Parents The Lakeview Warriors met Carol enoceley Carolyn Bull The second-period dances and win tot be required to follow their with the Summerville Indians Fee Margaret Standifer Veld Cony leaders are 4'cowboys nut Cove chndrenes schedelet In Silty ter- day at Stallings Field Judy lisle Diane York Glend at Sunset" by Ansley SIlller tam order -10AN101 wart rvy Keller Harold Crowe Jirtim Diam Murphy gave the Bible 113' bnirleY iingSDY l'ile Year have lY ---7 111--iwo' -more games remain- president iroject of the dramatics greup Is i ey pmduation trig In the season reading which was followed by a Vrs Madge Lockhart is spon --SIIARuN ottOCK devotional song by Becky oring the Bible Club this year LAKEvrEw son Mary Davis gave the objects officers are Marvin Meroney tives of the club after which 'rhe month of October has been a )resident Jeanie Stephens vice quite an exciting one with the elec Nancy Odum recited the Girl's resident Lynn Stephens seers- tion of officers and preparing for Code The srnhola of the club ary and Sam Gray treuttrer the coming months were explained by Diane York )ther members are Carol Lon! Officers for the PHA for this Atter eandles were presented to )on Lent J- Montle ePenc year Include Dianne Esill presi- each member by Hants Beard lamples Susan Halburnt Val- dent Carole EIng Vice president Linda Smith Linda Russell Sally erie Lewish Jim Lawson David Judith 'Eaves secretary and Alexander Cecilia Roberson ant! rerry Pat Powell Jo Ann Rode- Jeanne Westbrook treasurer Nanc Odum the them' ght' wag lain 4 bv irs and Lucy Campbell Beta Club officers for 1062-63 In- 0 The Key' Club sponsored a elude Carole Campbell president an 1 ane ucopt The program tayride on Oct 20 to Cloudland Linda Bryant vice president: was closed with he club I thane son sun Bec ott' are making plans secretary to Wanda Thrower atd 17 Fe tponsor an open houa after the Elaine Ivey 'treasurer Sally Alexander aney rgue Gray game this week Library Club newly elected of Candice Ilegere end Bonnie An parents are urged to join the are Shirley Smith presi Junior PTA as the membership drive la dent Danny Turner vice presi- Lions elut members will clash with the Junior Sertoma easy going on' dent Linda Dalton secretary club in a football game after The'best Is always saved for the Joy Mears treasurer and Hillard school on Nov 13 The price of last so some say The four-day Coleman parliamentariart admission will be 10 cents and weekend was great wasn't it stu- Jurdor Co-Ed-HI-Y officers In all proceeds will be divided --ANN NORMAN dude Darrell Long president tween the two participaung clubs Jeanne Westbrook vice president nse in service projects The and Beverly Veil Susan Bailey Judith tary! lerb -------0'---eti-- Jtmlor Lions have added Randy cif Modesty by Gwen Malmquist Eaves treasurer Jeanne icosz Jackson to the doh and Teresa Collison "Tokyo Ca- chaplain and Janice Hutcheson The FBLA elected its new mempers" by Carol Ann Schmitt and reporter ben at a recent meeting They Francis McAfee "Way Out" by Pep Club officers are Leona are Janey Gray Lydia Hall Jane Bonnie Greenough and Jan Mason Shadrick president Margaret Denton Kay Loftin Betty ''Cupid's Caprice" by Ratty Phillips yke pre Cathy sident er Glenda White Mary Whitson And Diantha isicliride Lehman Secretary and Elsie ter Patsy tiriver Jean Lane The fourth period dances and Overturf treasurer nee William Betty Davidson leaders include ''Night Riders" by The Key Club elected David Diane Eadyp Mary Ledford Juan Laverne Powell and Delores Dan- Hutton preoldent Robert Sieving eu connor Linda Snyder Linda lel "Military" by Sandra Sewell vice president Ralph Davault Watts Jane Whitaker Julia a nd Mary Ann Waters "Pagan secretary and Mark Walden yard Diane Bowman Martha Pageantry" by Ginger Lansford treasurer The club plans to hold Bolt Wanda Ward Sylvia Snarks and Priscilla Clayton "Harlem a car wash Saturday and mem- Nanev Cathy and Elaine Globetrotters" by Newry Barney! bers hope to raise money through officers or the 196263 suture and Cathleen Grady "Modern'the coming year by tarrying out Teachers of America Club wre Blues Dance" by Linda Kelly and 'such projects' installed last Thursday Mrs Eu Judy Evans and "Night and Dar Co-Ed-III-Y leaders will met Taylor who was in charge by Susan Tabb and Carol Joy Co! be David Hutton president Mar a i- ui we ceremony formally Caripbell vice president Glenda ed KIT Edsemon president: The fifth period (latices and Lewis secretary and Danny Shoe- Nancy Odtrm first vice president: leader ere 'Tote of Dona' by maker treasurer Janet Bariter stewed vice laity Cook and Anna CalkinX Lakeview is very proud to an- dent: Linda 'Henderson Here "Lonely Twilight" by JULY rn11- flounce the organization of the Pd tary: mike Biluer treasurer and itps and Karen Lovell and 4Dry lowship of Christian Athletes TWO David Carter thttplatn Mrs Bones" by Olin Richeson and rat group Is being set tip under the miry Jane Blanchard was In Brewer supervision of Mr Georg Cray stalled as sponsor A Halloween party was given and Mr Charles Pruett The pur Jim Arledge Yogi IcriederiChgaturday by the Anchor Club for pose orihis club IS to encourage itOtt and Bobby Sanders have been the Girls' Club In Highland Park high morals and thriatian th les iiklattlatt htl MA WLY oh itakinfrostem 'honor lg Chris Richard and John The East Ridge cross country Donica Marger) Sanders and 6 team defeated Brainerd on Tiles- Terry Peck are "most athletic" 7 day This year's team coached by and the "most attractive two" Mr Foster Davis is making some is Betsy Kiser and John 1 an impressive record as it com- Lyell re petes with the other teams in this Patty Jackson a Boddy os area Thursday members met Veazey were chosen "wittiest in Baylor at East Ridge Members'the class of '63" Friendliest are of the 1962-63 team are tiammY Dona Gray and James Conner le Clay 1 Lawrence Rogers Tom Carole Waller and Pat te Neal Johnny Hyler Micky had Owingsare the 4most talented of dock Terry Gamble Dwight the senior class" is Brock Wayne Gardner Paul The largest trophy every pre- a- Womack Guy Beemeri Danny sented in the state of Teinemea Tommy I a 1i ds A sk "1141 will be awarded at the Middle Ten- is In keeping with International nesse State College Open Band re Key Club Week the East Ridge IrestivaL Twenty-three bands In- in High School Key Club Wall in cluding the Red Bank Band will charge of assembly last Tuesday compete for the trophy which 1- President James Citty opened the costs approximately SL0 A sec- Program by telling its PurPolle- and place trophy and ratings of n'' He then introduced Mr Willard superior excellent and good will 1a Morgan member of the East also be presented Ridge Kiwants who told the his- The festival will be bet tory of the Key Club which started a' in California After this a film day at MTSC at 1 pm The first "l- place winner vtill perform at the so was shown which presented a MTSC football game that night In objectives of the club which Red Bank will use the same show Thstainsdstit the veryed re objectives jetedtealstves that won a superior rating at the 'I'M-State Festival bt Chattanooga ir- as they related to our responsibill- cake walk make that spare oe ties as citizens of thil groat cowl- and games are some of the activiits try Perhaps the announcement of ties offered at the carnival aim sored rim the Key Club Sweetheart was the by the vocal' music li- most azelthlt moment- She Is 1-gu meet on Tuesday from tmtil 10 le di Dorsey a senior who bas been nm at Red Bank High Also thr ere will be wrestling spin that as especially active in class politics 03 We wish to congratulate this love- wheel talent review dart hoard rir ly slit fishing well and IS a special Plans are now being made for traction a country store pet temed after those of yesteryear1 n- the tryouts and casting of the II senior play which will be some An aucuon in the gym will close re time in Decer''nr All of the the festivities unds ntised will ly seniors are i through the help defray the expenses of the le halls practich 1 on their var spring char tour and pay the es bus acting abilities It promises sic department indebtedness to be challenging and fun for all New members were 'inducted I involved Miss Mary Teasel will into the Jimior Optl-Miss Club be directing the play this year pd chapel chivitaest Wednesday lIbe ty Saturday rdght the Pioneers met ned with a pm is Battle Ground Academy I) th cessions' of new members and Is BGA field ams was the first Bat- com weling speech by Diane Grob iv urdaY game for the Pioneers who nkoitttr ucto 111vo UP I FlUbt1 1411U111611 Officers of the 196263 Future the coming by carrying out Teachers America aub wre such Projects' installed last Thursday Mrs nor Co-VI-111-Y leaders' will nice Taylo who wu in there be David Hutton president Marie of the ceremony formally Canipbell Vico president Glenda ed Kay Edgemon president Lewis secretary and Danny Shoo- Nancy Odum first vice presidemt maker trauurer Janet Ilarker second vice lulled as sPoluinr' Lakeview is very proud to an- dent Linda itendersen seem flounce the organisation of the FI Ilike Butler treasurer: and lowthip of Christian Athletes Thist carter ihaplain group Mary Jetv Elanchard Was rnd Mr les rriltt Td ltert 9 the Grow pup- Jim pose of -this club la to encourage Arledge Yogi gen and Bonny Sgoiders have been high morals and Christian ethics elected by the Hi-Y es delegateR on the athletic field and in the to the in Hamilton County school And to encourage tile Council to be ActIve church members The following people were welLakeview now has a 5-1-1 rec- comNi into Science Club memord The Warriors tied with Uur- bershio: Hammond Klizaray County with a sort of 0-0 both Hood Sylvia Newman Bon Offense and defense of the me 14111er Marcia Abernathy two teams were at their best Judy O'Kelley Thomas The Lakevjew Warriors met Carol rioclileY Carolyn Thal with the Summerville Indians Margaret Stanclifer Mold Conn day at Stalling' Field 3utly Halo 1)lano York Glenda IVY Kelle5P Harold Crows Jimmy CITY' I RRAINERD I EAST RIDGE RED SANK given Dec 2 the ACT test NOV FLyfvb vim 11i4AA0L61- 5Lvuy 10 ing in de season Inane murpny gave In Bible 10 and Feb 23 and the NROTC a play pmduotion devotional Kong by Becky reading which was followed by a ---SIIARON BROCK test Dee I Mrs Madge Lockhart is spon- Bible Club the this year vrw son Mary Davis gave LAKEE the twee of the club after which Judee Carson the senior ring moving Its officers are Marvin Meroney The month of October has been chairman announced that the sen A m- co VIVMMItlatit Ithis MA Stionhan tto a A Irtris swip 4u414 utentull mows VtdbWrok mus uwar vnamaimi VT ta Au 1 ftetaloAlAZi Haltom crowt jimmy ovemans 0176 '1 Social oths lb ItArn AND ans THOMAS Lii GAIL011 GARNER JR announce the birth of a daughter Sunday in Maury County Hospital in Columbia Tenn Mrs Gamer is the former Miss Caroline Chobot of octa 1(41 AND omLort announce the ter Sunday in Hospital in 0 Mrs Garner Is Caroline Chot Paper-thin French pancakes may be spread with apricot pre-' serves then folded over twice find dusted with confectioners' sugar delectable dessert especially it a little brandy is' added to the preserves I Paper-thin French pancakes i may be oprea with apricot pre-' it serves then folded over twice Chattanooga es I I I I I 111 11 1 II it I III 11 1 I I I i 1 1 1 I 111 11 IIA 41 1 JI ii IIiit I I I I i I I 11 i I I 1 3 (CIINITE OF New 9' Refrigerator Nevi Admiral Range 5Pc Dinette Complete Living Room Complete Cedroom tIsiitLEIL LIL-1411 Lir WI 1P111110111111111P 114i1111t Pafrigarator Now Admiral slaosibm 5Pc Dinetto Co'mpitta Living Room Corn lets 2 eroom II I -T I 4 I I II Fern- 1 Berk- be-dents? Ruck-and MeAllis- Di- Vine- Induct-burn presi- En- induct- pled- -riederich- In- Fergu- brittg in that old family picture to be copied into a A CtISTtlAS GIFT I brittg in that Oki family picture to be copied into a CfrISTIIAS 011414 tt At I GIFT I Uttl 1111MAIUKt Dr' and Mrs Marshall Gaynor Howell Jr are now living I in Grand Forks ND where Dr Howell is stationed with the US Air Force Mn Howell has been the guest of his par- 1 enta Mr and Mrs Marshall Gaynor Howell in Brainerd for the put month Emmet Harding formerly of Lookout Mountain now of Sarasota Fla is ill in a hospi tal there Mins Phyllis Smith daughter of Dr and Mrs Stewart Smith has pledged Pi Beta Phi at Vanderbilt University Dr Howard Gault Don Rainey and Dr David Dzik re- turned home Saturday after spending the week fishing in Detain Fla Mr a Mrs Thomaa Dicken are here from New Haven Conn where he is a stu- dent at Yale Divinity School for a yimit with Mrs Dicken's parents Mr and MrsJohn McFarland on Hickory Valley Road Mrs Bennett Scott le a patient at Woman'S Hospital Mrs' Leslie tindetwood has returnedto her home in Gads den ollowing a visit with her ester Mra Jeff Hester and Mr Hester Mrs Carol Tallent Of Sale Creek is a patient at Woman's Hospital Mrs Beals Harker of town Ohio and Mrs John Kel- ley of Los Angeles are visiting Mr and Mrs Jeffy Johnson Walter Bennett is at Woman's Hospital Mrs Charles Crouch Mrs Sam Alsobrook and John Job ron Jr have been called to Oil ver Creek Miss for the funeral of their father John Job i i I I 5 i Dr' and Mr nor Howell Jr in Grand Forks Howell is sta 1114 Air Fon has been the ents Mr anti Gaynor Howell the put rnont) Emmet of Lookout Sarasota Fla tal there Mins Phyllis of Dr and 1 Smith has pie at Vanderbilt Dr Howard RalneyandDi turned home spending the Destin Fla Mr a 1 Dicken are Haven Conn dent at Tele fors 'lett WI parents Mr McFarland or Road Mrs Bennet tient at Won't Mrs Leslie returned to h( den following Mater Mrs Je Hester Mrs Carol Creek is a pa HompitaL Mrs' Bess 11 town Ohlo at ley of Los Ar Mr and Mrs Mrs Walter at Woman's Mrs Char) Sato Alsobroo ron Jr have 1 vex' Creek 214' neral of their IIAEPTC: $5C3 Fcr laRK5lAN I The classes at KTILS have been busy as bees this put week I The fielder class now breathing i easily since Its carnival is Over' is poor sponsoring a Christmu card sale Members will be sell-lug and taking orders tor tive cards wrappings corsages' and pre-tied bows The sale will continue until the Christmas boll-days A cashmere sweater will be presented to the student With the highest number of sales A class meeting was held last week tor the purpose of discussing the annual tinier class magazine: drive The magazine drive is held for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the junioNienlor prom held in the spring Mr Joel Money former Kirkman faculty' member' and sponsor of the Junior class who is now Associated with Educational Reader Service Inc spoke to the group during the class' meeting and gave them varieus selling tips I I The sophom*ores recently held itheir primary elections for class officers The names of the candJH tintes will be announced later 1 Along the line of latest fads' around Kirkman It the wearing of pins with the name of the 'school sweethearts Intl personal names printed in gold with black background' These pins may be acquired from mernbeni of the sophom*ore class Members ot the sophom*ore class recentiy placed their second order of the year for the teensge books through their various English classes i Kirkman's Space Age Speech Club is enjoying various activities one of which is the recording of their Own voices which they have been making in an effort to determine their speaking emirs and correct therm For their part ini open bOuse Which will bebeld soon this club plans to make re- cording of certain readings and play them back to the A array oi excitement was 1 Fee re To rico Column Two I land-1- 1-4371-1 I with black pins rimy be alters ot the i 1 1 F00 rip rim Column Two I Charming remembranca et times past a miniature hand-painted in oft and let In lovely frame shown made from a precious old picture or a new one taken irk Our studio at no extra charge Charming remembrance et times past a miniature hand-painted in oils and let in lovely frame shown made from a precious old picture or a new one taken Otir Studio at no extra -HOMEFURNISHINGS fit litsrkri 2113-2379 HOMEFURNISHINGS illsrkri ti34379 1 SPECIAL! CE1'ZISTIIAS rve I Al 5P LII At! it I 4 1 Worry of iTEETZ 1 1 -pla STlg or I tantet be Smboriateast 1 by loess Wee teeth slipping pint or logoil6- tufa lau 011 or 'anvil- Ots4 Sprinkle PAISTEIrlit on your 1 plates This piessana ponder lives ra remarkable sense of added cornice nci security by holding please Winn" firmly No all ranly googly pasty teats or feelles It's siksilhe (non-sent) Oet TAB rkEni og any drug counter WerrY Cf tr1 cbp- r-- arl km me in a I frflt xi a 1 0 111-Y rly 1313 Cone in before the Chestnuts rush 'and If your picture is in poor 00111iittnns the additional charges for restoration are tow priced too! Tour original picture unharmed Lovemana rhstolunex stecri4rakony 265-3511 211 1313 Clirlost- Et your ritlittons 11 for sale )11ginal Eni quick spesdily Ivryfive eating term al) thn coAlms Ing pads CA14 boll 1-d5c El-) Flu- 1 1 i Eniott qu tltt ick ti and trietdily romtots tchmg 7 0 corm with thin toshlow 1 It los Pr Scholl's Cott but it tro 9r-- 1 1 dk i 1 4 0 a.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.