Fang of the Wild – (2024)

From: Veltarii Beastmasters

Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.

Magical Properties:

  • Beast’s Fury: The dagger deals an extra 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit, reflecting the venomous nature of the beast from which it was crafted.
  • Quick Strike: Grants the wielder a +1 bonus to initiative rolls, allowing them to react swiftly in combat.

Lore: The Fang of the Wild is a revered weapon, its origins steeped in ancient legends. Forged from the fang of a legendary beast that roamed the deepest, most treacherous forests, this dagger embodies the ferocity and venomous nature of its source. A master blacksmith tempered the fang with powerful enchantments, infusing it with the essence of the beast’s fury. The sleek, razor-sharp blade and the supple leather-wrapped handle ensure a firm grip and lethal precision. The dagger’s faint, pulsating glow signifies its magical origins and connection to the wild.

Use: The Fang of the Wild is ideal for those who value speed, precision, and lethal force. Rogues, assassins, and rangers often seek this dagger for its ability to deliver deadly strikes with added poison damage. The Beast’s Fury enchantment enhances the weapon’s lethality, while the Quick Strike property ensures the wielder can react swiftly in combat. This dagger is particularly effective in hit-and-run tactics, stealth attacks, and situations requiring quick, decisive action.

Tier 1 Stats:

  • Weapon Type: Dagger
  • Damage: 1d4 piercing
  • Additional Damage: 1d6 poison on a successful hit
  • Initiative Bonus: +1


  • Beast’s Fury: The dagger deals an extra 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit, reflecting the venomous nature of the beast from which it was crafted.
  • Quick Strike: Grants the wielder a +1 bonus to initiative rolls, allowing them to react swiftly in combat.


  • Gold: 1200 gold pieces
  • Materials: Requires the fang of a legendary beast, leather for the handle, and the craftsmanship of a master blacksmith and enchanter.

Tags: Weapon, Magical Item, Poison Damage, Initiative Bonus, Stealth, Precision


  • Beast’s Fury:
    • Perceived: When the dagger strikes, the blade emits a brief, sharp hiss, and the target feels a burning sensation from the poison.
    • Description: The enchantment channels the venomous nature of the beast from which the fang was taken. The poison seeps into the wound, causing additional harm beyond the physical cut.
    • Positives:
      • Increases the overall damage dealt, making the dagger highly lethal.
      • The poison damage can bypass some defenses that only protect against physical attacks.
    • Negatives:
      • Some creatures or enemies might have resistance or immunity to poison.
      • Over-reliance on poison damage might be less effective against such opponents.
  • Quick Strike:
    • Perceived: The wielder feels a surge of agility and heightened awareness when gripping the dagger, allowing them to react faster.
    • Description: This enchantment attunes the wielder’s reflexes, making them quicker to act in combat situations. It grants a +1 bonus to initiative rolls, often allowing the wielder to strike first.
    • Positives:
      • Provides a tactical advantage by increasing the chances of acting before opponents.
      • Enhances the wielder’s ability to execute surprise attacks or ambushes.
    • Negatives:
      • The initiative bonus is relatively small and might not always guarantee first strike.
      • The enchantment does not directly enhance combat skills or damage output.

Protective Aura

  • Aura Description:
    • Perceived: The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow that seems to resonate with the wielder’s heartbeat.
    • Description: This aura signifies the magical enchantments within the dagger. It provides a psychological boost to the wielder, enhancing their confidence and readiness.
    • Positives:
      • The glow serves as a constant reminder of the dagger’s power and heritage.
      • Can be intimidating to foes, adding a psychological edge in combat.
    • Negatives:
      • The glow might give away the wielder’s position in stealth scenarios.
      • In areas of strong anti-magic, the aura might be suppressed or weakened.
  • Interaction with Nature:
    • Perceived: Animals and natural elements might seem less disturbed by the presence of the dagger.
    • Description: Reflecting its origin, the dagger harmonizes with the natural world. This could make wildlife less hostile or even indifferent to the wielder.
    • Positives:
      • Easier to navigate through natural environments without disturbing wildlife.
      • Can aid in blending into natural surroundings, enhancing stealth.
    • Negatives:
      • The effect is subtle and might not always be noticeable.
      • In corrupted or unnatural environments, the harmonizing effect might be lessened.


  • Cultural Importance:
    • Perceived: The Fang of the Wild is a symbol of mastery over nature and a connection to the legendary beasts.
    • Description: Possessing such a dagger is a mark of honor and respect, often granted to those who have proven their worth in protecting or understanding the natural world.
    • Positives:
      • Signifies high status among hunters, rangers, and druids.
      • The dagger serves as a powerful tool and a symbol of authority and respect.
    • Negatives:
      • The high value and status associated with the dagger might make the wielder a target for thieves or rivals.
      • The responsibility that comes with owning such a revered item might be burdensome.
  • Personal Significance:
    • Perceived: For the wielder, the dagger might carry deep personal meaning, representing their journey and achievements.
    • Description: The dagger could be a gift from a mentor, a reward for a significant accomplishment, or a symbol of their heritage. Each strike with it is a reminder of the wielder’s connection to the wild and their role as a protector.
    • Positives:
      • Provides a source of pride and motivation, encouraging the wielder to uphold their values and responsibilities.
      • The personal connection to the dagger can enhance the wielder’s focus and determination.
    • Negatives:
      • The emotional attachment to the dagger might make it difficult to part with it if necessary.
      • The wielder might feel pressured to live up to the expectations associated with the dagger.


  • Connection to Nature:
    • Perceived: The dagger symbolizes the wielder’s harmony with the natural world and their mastery over its dangers.
    • Description: The fang and the leather handle represent the strength and resilience of nature. The pulsating glow signifies the life force and the primal energy within the dagger.
    • Positives:
      • Enhances the wielder’s role as a guardian of nature, using the dagger to protect and preserve.
      • Serves as a reminder of the importance of balance and harmony in all actions.
    • Negatives:
      • The wielder might feel isolated from those who do not understand or respect this connection.
      • The symbolism might create internal conflict if the wielder’s actions ever go against their values.
  • Strength and Precision:
    • Perceived: The dagger symbolizes the balance of strength and precision required to master close combat.
    • Description: The sleek, razor-sharp blade reflects the wielder’s ability to strike with lethal accuracy. The Beast’s Fury and Quick Strike enchantments signify the power and speed needed to dominate in battle.
    • Positives:
      • The wielder can draw confidence and inspiration from the dagger, knowing it represents their hard-earned abilities.
      • The dagger can serve as a motivational tool, pushing the wielder to continue honing their skills.
    • Negatives:
      • The wielder might feel pressured to constantly prove their abilities to others.
      • There could be a temptation to rely too heavily on the dagger rather than continuing to develop personal skills.

Incorporating these elements into roleplaying can enhance the narrative and emotional depth of the Fang of the Wild, making it a central and meaningful aspect of the wielder’s identity and adventures.

Perception of Activation for the Fang of the Wild

  • Sight
    • Perceived: The blade emits a faint, pulsating glow that intensifies when the dagger is in use.
    • Description: The glow is subtle and rhythmic, creating a visual indication of the dagger’s magical properties. The light emanates from the blade, casting eerie shadows that move with the wielder’s actions.
    • Positives:
      • The glow serves as a visual confirmation that the dagger’s enchantments are active.
      • It adds to the weapon’s menacing and mystical appearance.
    • Negatives:
      • The glow might give away the wielder’s position in stealth scenarios.
      • In dark environments, the light could attract unwanted attention.
  • Sound
    • Perceived: When swung or used, the dagger produces a soft, almost inaudible hiss, similar to the sound of a venomous snake.
    • Description: This hiss is the auditory manifestation of the Beast’s Fury enchantment, reflecting the venomous nature of the beast from which the fang was taken.
    • Positives:
      • The sound can be intimidating to foes, adding a psychological edge in combat.
      • It enhances the weapon’s aura of danger and lethality.
    • Negatives:
      • The hiss, though soft, might be detectable in very quiet environments.
      • The sound could be distracting or unsettling for allies who are not used to it.
  • Smell
    • Perceived: A faint, earthy scent reminiscent of the deep forest emanates from the dagger, particularly when it is drawn or used.
    • Description: The scent is subtle but distinct, evoking the wild origins of the weapon and its connection to nature.
    • Positives:
      • The smell can be invigorating and help the wielder feel more attuned to the natural world.
      • It adds to the immersive experience of wielding a weapon forged from a legendary beast.
    • Negatives:
      • The scent might attract animals or creatures drawn to natural smells.
      • In urban or artificial environments, the smell might stand out, drawing unwanted attention.
  • Touch
    • Perceived: The handle of the dagger feels warm and slightly tingling when the enchantments are active.
    • Description: The warmth and tingling sensation are the physical manifestations of the magical energy coursing through the dagger. It provides a reassuring grip and enhances the wielder’s connection to the weapon.
    • Positives:
      • The sensation can boost morale and provide a sense of well-being and readiness.
      • Enhances the wielder’s dexterity and grip, making it easier to wield the dagger effectively.
    • Negatives:
      • The sensation might be distracting or unsettling for those not used to it.
      • Prolonged activation could cause mild discomfort or numbness in the hands.
  • Taste
    • Perceived: While not directly associated with taste, the wielder might experience a faint, metallic taste when the dagger is drawn or used.
    • Description: The taste is subtle and fleeting, adding to the sensory experience of the dagger’s activation.
    • Positives:
      • The taste can serve as a unique indicator of the dagger’s activation.
      • It complements the other sensory effects, enhancing the overall experience.
    • Negatives:
      • The metallic taste might be unexpected or distracting if the wielder is not accustomed to it.
      • It is a minor effect and may not provide significant practical benefits.
  • Extra-sensory Perceptions
    • Magic Resonance
      • Perceived: A subtle vibration or pulse, felt more in the mind than in the body, signifies the dagger’s magical activation.
      • Description: The vibration feels like a steady heartbeat, resonating with the wielder’s own pulse and enhancing their connection to the dagger’s power.
      • Positives:
        • Enhances the wielder’s awareness of magical energies, providing a sense of harmony and focus.
        • Can be calming and reassuring, reinforcing the bond between the wielder and the weapon.
      • Negatives:
        • The resonance might be overwhelming or distracting to those unaccustomed to sensing magical energies.
        • It could potentially draw the attention of other magic-sensitive beings.
    • Spiritual Connection
      • Perceived: The wielder might experience a profound sense of connection to the spirits of the wild and the legendary beast from which the fang was taken.
      • Description: This connection manifests as a deep sense of peace and unity, as if the wielder is guided and protected by unseen forces. It can be accompanied by fleeting visions of ancient forests and powerful creatures.
      • Positives:
        • Provides a strong sense of purpose and motivation, enhancing the wielder’s resolve and determination.
        • Can offer insights or intuitive guidance in challenging situations.
      • Negatives:
        • The intensity of the connection might be overwhelming, causing emotional or spiritual strain.
        • The wielder might feel an increased sense of responsibility or burden, which could be psychologically taxing.

These perceptions enhance the roleplaying experience by adding depth and richness to the Fang of the Wild, making it more than just a weapon but a living, breathing part of the natural world and the wielder’s journey.

Crafting Recipe: Fang of the Wild

  • Materials Needed
    • Fang of a Legendary Beast
      • 1 fang from a legendary forest beast, such as a Dire Wolf or Ancient Bear
    • Leather
      • 2 strips of supple leather, preferably from a naturally tough and flexible source like a Forest Stag or Giant Serpent
    • Enchanted Metal
      • 1 small ingot of enchanted steel for the blade reinforcement
    • Poison Essence
      • 1 vial of venom from a highly poisonous creature, such as a Giant Spider or Venomous Snake
    • Binding Agents
      • Resin from the Eldertree
      • Threads of Spider Silk
  • Tools Required
    • Blacksmith’s Forge and Anvil
    • Leatherworking Kit
    • Enchanter’s Needle and Thread
    • Alchemist’s Kit (for handling venom)
    • Druidic Inscription Tools
    • Herbalist’s Mortar and Pestle
    • Enchanting Circle (a magically attuned workspace)
  • Skill Requirements
    • Proficiency in Nature or Herbalism
    • Proficiency in Blacksmithing
    • Basic Knowledge in Druidic Magic
    • Enchanting Skill (Intermediate Level)
    • Alchemy Skill (for handling venom)
  • Crafting Steps
    • Preparation of Materials:
      • Acquire the fang from a legendary beast, ensuring it is clean and intact.
      • Collect leather from a durable source, treating it with Eldertree resin to enhance its strength and flexibility.
      • Obtain a small ingot of enchanted steel and prepare it for forging.
    • Forging the Blade:
      • Heat the fang and enchanted steel in the blacksmith’s forge until they are malleable.
      • Carefully forge the steel around the fang, reinforcing the natural curve and sharpness of the fang while maintaining its integrity.
      • Quench the blade in a mixture of herbal essence and water from a sacred spring to lock in the enchantments.
    • Leatherworking:
      • Use the Leatherworking Kit to shape and prepare the leather strips for the handle.
      • Wrap the handle of the dagger with the leather strips, securing them tightly with threads of Spider Silk for a firm grip.
      • Treat the wrapped handle with Eldertree resin to ensure durability and comfort.
    • Poison Infusion:
      • Using the Alchemist’s Kit, carefully extract and refine the venom from the poisonous creature.
      • Apply the venom to the blade, ensuring it is absorbed into the metal and fang. This step should be performed in a controlled environment to prevent accidental exposure.
    • Inscribing Enchantments:
      • Use the Druidic Inscription Tools to etch runes and symbols into the blade and handle. These inscriptions should follow ancient patterns, invoking the spirits of the wild.
      • Mix powdered Starlight with essence of Glowcap Mushrooms to create a luminescent ink for the inscriptions. Apply this ink to the runes, allowing them to absorb the magical essence.
    • Final Enchantment:
      • Place the assembled dagger within the Enchanting Circle. Perform a druidic ritual to activate the dagger’s magical properties. This ritual should involve chanting ancient incantations, burning sacred herbs, and channeling natural energies through the fang and enchanted metal.
      • Allow the dagger to absorb the ambient magical energies within the circle for several hours, ensuring a strong and lasting enchantment.
    • Finishing Touches:
      • Inspect the dagger for any imperfections or weak points. Make necessary adjustments or reinforcements.
      • Polish the blade and handle, treating them with a final layer of Eldertree resin to preserve their enchantments and natural appearance.

Upon completion, the Fang of the Wild should possess its signature enhancements for poison damage and increased initiative, ready to serve its wielder in the wild and in combat.

Tale of the Fang of the Wild

In days of ancient yore, when forests were vast and untamed, lived a beast of great power. This beast, with fangs of sharpness and poison, was feared by all creatures of the wood. Many brave hunters sought to vanquish it, but all met with doom.

There was one hunter, named Elarion, known for courage and wisdom. Elarion, hearing of the beast’s terror, ventured into the deep forest. Guided by stars and whispers of the wind, he sought the beast for many days and nights.

One night, under a moon full and bright, Elarion encountered the beast. They fought fiercely, and Elarion, with skill and cunning, managed to best the beast. He took a fang, largest and most fearsome, from the beast as a trophy.

Elarion, wise in ways of forest magic, brought the fang to a master blacksmith. Together, they forged a dagger from the fang, tempering it with enchantments and venom. The dagger, named Fang of the Wild, glowed with a light faint and pulsing, much like the heartbeat of the forest.

With the dagger, Elarion became a protector of the woods, swift and deadly. The dagger granted him speed of striking and the power of poison, making him a force of nature. Stories of his deeds spread far and wide, and many came to respect the dagger and its wielder.

Generations passed, and the tale of Elarion and the Fang of the Wild became legend. The dagger, passed from hand to hand, retained its power and its glow. Many sought it, not for power alone, but for the connection to the wild it represented.

The moral of the story: True strength lies not just in power but in harmony with nature. Respect the wild, and it will grant you its strength.

Suggested conversions to other systems:

Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Dagger
    • Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 poison
    • Skills: Fighting (Brawl) or Fighting (Knife)
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Deals an additional 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +10% bonus to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Activation: Beast’s Fury is always active. Quick Strike provides a passive bonus to Initiative.
    • Duration: Permanent while wielded.
    • Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 poison
    • Skills: Fighting (Brawl) or Fighting (Knife)
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +10% to Initiative rolls

Blades in the Dark

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Item Slots: 1 (light load)
    • Weapon Type: Dagger
    • Damage: 1d6 (close range)
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds +1d to damage rolls due to poison.
      • Quick Strike: Grants +1d to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Activation: Beast’s Fury is always active. Quick Strike is a passive bonus.
    • Duration: Permanent while wielded.
    • Load: Light (1 slot)
    • Damage: 1d6 (close range)
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d to damage rolls
      • Quick Strike: +1d to Initiative rolls

Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Dagger (Magic Weapon)
    • Damage: 1d4 piercing + 1d6 poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Deals an additional 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Activation: Beast’s Fury is always active. Quick Strike provides a passive bonus.
    • Duration: Permanent while wielded.
    • Damage: 1d4 piercing + 1d6 poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +1 to Initiative rolls


Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Dagger
    • Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants +1 to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Activation: Beast’s Fury is always active. Quick Strike provides a passive bonus.
    • Duration: Permanent while wielded.
    • Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +1 to Initiative rolls

Fate Core

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Aspect: Fang of the Wild
    • Skills:
      • Beast’s Fury: Grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls when using the dagger due to its venomous nature.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Invocation: Players can invoke the “Fang of the Wild” aspect for a +2 bonus or re-roll on relevant attack rolls and initiative.
    • Compel: The dagger’s magical nature might attract unwanted attention or cause distractions.
    • Aspect: Fang of the Wild
    • Skills:
      • Beast’s Fury: +2 to attack rolls
      • Quick Strike: +2 to initiative rolls
      • Invocation: +2 bonus or re-roll
      • Compel: Unwanted attention due to the dagger’s glow

Numenera & Cypher System

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Level: 5
    • Damage: 6 points
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Provides an additional 6 points of poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants an asset on initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 6 points of poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing an asset on initiative rolls.
    • Level: 5
    • Damage: 6 points
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: Asset on initiative rolls

Pathfinder (2nd Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Dagger (Magic Weapon)
    • Damage: 1d4 piercing + 1d6 poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Deals an additional 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +1 item bonus to initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 1d6 poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing a +1 item bonus to initiative rolls.
    • Damage: 1d4 piercing + 1d6 poison
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +1 item bonus to initiative rolls

Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Dagger (Magic Weapon)
    • Damage: Str+d4
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds +1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 1d6 poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.
    • Damage: Str+d4 + 1d6 poison
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +2 to initiative rolls

Shadowrun (6th Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Melee Weapon
    • Damage: 4P
    • Accuracy: 6
    • AP (Armor Penetration): -2
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds +2 dice to damage tests, dealing an additional 2P poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 2P poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls.
    • Damage: 4P
    • Accuracy: 6
    • AP: -2
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +2 dice to damage tests, +2P poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +1 to Initiative rolls


Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Advanced Melee Weapon
    • Damage: 1d4 P + 1d6 poison
    • Critical: 19-20 (extra 1d6 poison)
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +2 insight bonus to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 1d6 poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing a +2 insight bonus to Initiative rolls.
    • Damage: 1d4 P + 1d6 poison
    • Critical: 19-20 (extra 1d6 poison)
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d6 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +2 insight bonus to Initiative rolls


Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Blade
    • Damage: 2D + 2D poison
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds 2D poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants DM+1 to Initiative rolls.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 2D poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing DM+1 to Initiative rolls.
    • Damage: 2D + 2D poison
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +2D poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: DM+1 to Initiative rolls

Warhammer (Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition)

Fang of the Wild

  • Description: This curved dagger is forged from the fang of a legendary beast, tempered with magical enchantments. The blade is sleek and razor-sharp, with a handle wrapped in supple leather for a firm grip. The dagger has a faint, pulsating glow.
  • Stat Block:
    • Weapon Type: Melee Weapon (Dagger)
    • Damage: SB+4 (Strength Bonus + 4)
    • Range: 1
    • Special Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: Adds +1d10 poison damage on a successful hit.
      • Quick Strike: Grants a +10 bonus to Initiative tests.
  • Game Mechanics:
    • Beast’s Fury Activation: Always active, providing an additional 1d10 poison damage.
    • Quick Strike Activation: Always active, providing a +10 bonus to Initiative tests.
    • Damage: SB+4
    • Range: 1
    • Abilities:
      • Beast’s Fury: +1d10 poison damage on hit
      • Quick Strike: +10 to Initiative tests
Fang of the Wild – (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.