Izuku Midoriya, Mad Dog of Shizuoka - DarkestKnightEntertainment - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Good Day, Bad Day Chapter Text Chapter 2: "I Will Become a Hero!" Chapter Text Chapter 3: Call with the Mad Dog Chapter Text Chapter 4: Hounds In the Junkyard Chapter Text Chapter 5: Departure Chapter Text Chapter 6: Doubt and Resolve Chapter Text Chapter 7: See you next summer, Little Hero Chapter Text Chapter 8: Majima Saga: Innocence Chapter Text Chapter 9: Majima Saga: Choice Chapter Text Chapter 10: Majima Saga: Sacrifice Chapter Text Chapter 11: Daily Life of Izuku Midorya, Age 8 Chapter Text Chapter 12: Good Days, Gone Chapter Text Chapter 13: Lying and Running Chapter Text Chapter 14: The Game Begins Chapter Text Chapter 15: Invitation and Venue Chapter Text Chapter 16: Penalty Chapter Text Chapter 17: Maul Chapter Text Chapter 18: Smile Chapter Text Chapter 19: Game, Set, Match Chapter Text Chapter 20: Dragon and Pup Chapter Text Chapter 21: Scramble Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Scramble(Part 2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Like A Demon Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: End of The Prologue Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Hectic Morning Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Meeting Your Heroes Chapter Text Chapter 27: Worthy Chapter Text Chapter 28: Succession Chapter Text Chapter 29: Interlude: Buddy Chapter Text Chapter 30: Hero About Town (Part 1) Chapter Text Chapter 31: Hero About Town (Part 2) Chapter Text Chapter 32: Hero About Town (Part 3) Chapter Text Chapter 33: Hero About Town (Final) Chapter Text Chapter 34: Interlude: Enough Chapter Text Chapter 35: Exams and Whatnot Chapter Text Chapter 36: First Day Dickery Chapter Text Chapter 37: Spoiler Alert: Katsuki Bakugo f*cking Dies Chapter Text Chapter 38: "You're My Bitch, Okay?" Chapter Text Chapter 39: Rep Chapter Text Chapter 40: Trust Me Chapter Text Chapter 41: Indomitable Chapter Text Chapter 42: Respite Chapter Text Chapter 43: Back to School Chapter Text Chapter 44: Do Your Best Chapter Text Chapter 45: Be Prepared Chapter Text Chapter 46: Here’s What’s Up- From DKE Summary: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Good Day, Bad Day

Chapter Text

Children's Park, Musutafu

Izuku Midoriya was not having a great day.

No. It would indeed be more accurate to say that he was having a horrible day.

Or even better to say, he was having the worst day of his short four-year-old life. Yes, that seems about right.

Now before anyone writes that statement off as purely childish hyperbole, let's take a few different factors into consideration and add a bit of background.

First, the year is 20XX. 80% of the population has developed a unique ability or trait ubiquitously referred to as a "quirk". These quirks can range from super strength, to flight, to telekinesis, and even the ability to see the future. Yes, quirks truly were the end-all, be-all in such an age.

This brings us to the second factor, not everyone is born with a quirk. As stated before, 80% of the population possesses a quirk.

The other 20% are considered quirkless, including Izuku Midoriya.

It wasn't fun being quirkless. Those with quirks didn't particularly enjoy your company, and more-likely-than-not would use their quirk to set you on fire than piss it out.

Now factor three, public use of quirks is forbidden. As such, someone who would set a quirkless person on fire would be labelled as a villain. Now anyone who's read a comic book before knows that the only way to stop a villain is to employ the help of a hero. Which led to the birth of a major industry called Pro Hero Work. Just about anybody with a strong enough quirk could become a pro hero, but only the best and brightest could hope to be truly successful in such a competitive industry. And only the strongest could hope to top it, as the Symbol of Hope.

Unfortunately, being quirkless automatically disqualified you from this competition, the lack of such a commonly unique trait being seen as disability in the eyes of the majority. In poor young Midoriya's case, his desire to still become a hero made others see him as pitiable and delusional. Evidence of this mindset need not be found further than in the actions of Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku's old "friend" and his most consistent tormentor.

This now rounds out the factors and brings us to our present situation. Katsuki Bakugou was popular, he was alsonotquirkless. Furthest thing from it, in fact.

Bakugou was blessed with a powerful quirk. A quirk that, with enough training and discipline, could see him becoming a top hero, one day.

Alas, on this particular day, the young boy was not acting particularly heroic. He and his friends(read: followers) had been attacking another boy in the park. Most bystanders had simply taken this as a group of young boys playing Heroes and Villains, a game most children were wont to play outside, and went about their business.

Izuku, however, was no such bystander.

After all, what game of Heroes and Villains ended in the "Villian" crying their eyes out while the "Heroes" wailed on them? He'd been on the receiving end of enough of those blows to know just how hard Katsuki and his friends were hitting the boy and he ran in to try to help. After all, what kind of hero would he be if he just ignored someone in trouble?

His actions were indeed heroic, he ran in between the perpetrators and their victim and stood fast. His body was shaking like a leaf and his voice trembled as he told the boys to stop what they were doing, but even still he stood straight and kept his eyes forward.

In a fair world, that would have been the end of it. This was not a fair world.

Instead, the boys redirected their attention from the other boy that they were roughing up and turned their attention to the quirkless punching bag, known as Izuku Midoriya.

And so, here we come to see young Izuku beaten, bruised, and bawling on the ground. The boy he had saved was nowhere to be found, likely having taken off during his savior's beatdown.

Yes, it truly was the worst day of his life.

In another timeline, this would be the point where Izuku Midoriya came to the conclusion that all men are not created equal.

In that other timeline, he would remain quirkless and unacknowledged for another decade.

In that other timeline, he would face hardship after hardship and break himself repeatedly for the sake of others, before he could finally be recognized the world's greatest hero.

Yes, but none of that matters here.

Because in that other timeline, Izuku Midoriya never met Goro Majima.

Goro Majima was having a fine day.

No. It'd be more accurate to say he was having a f*cking great day.

Or even better, he was having one of the best days of his long 40-year-old life.

I suppose it'd be best to provide some context for this great mood that Majima happens to be in.

First, he was Goro Goddamn Majima. Life looked pretty sh*tty for him a while back, he looked pretty sh*tty too as a result. But nowadays, as president of Majima Construction, he was living his best life. His boys did some pretty great work, of course due to his gentle(read: harsh) touch and firm(read: violent) guidance. They had actually just closed an exclusive contract with the Yaoyorozu family for some great metalworking materials so that they could get started on a few "special" projects for U.A. High. Some kind of special "situation training" building and a few news arenas for battle training. Nothing too difficult for his specially trained( learned everything they know on the internet under threat savage beating) boys.

Second, he didn't have to put up with any of the bullsh*t that actually went into building these projects. His boys would go and do it all on their own, only calling him if there was a real emergency. So he had a ton of time to just dick around and have a good time. Nothing better than a bit of time to waste, in his opinion.

Third, he had a family. Not a wife and child. Hell, not even blood-related. But, a family nonetheless.

A kindhearted (if sometimes dense)younger brother, a beautiful sister-in-law, and an adorable little nephew. The lattermost of which he was on his way to grab from the park so they could spend some time together, at the behest of the boy's mother.

It had been a full two years since he had last seen his little Izu-chan, and it was taking all he had to not start sprinting full speed into the park to scoop the young boy into his arms.

He had to stay composed after all. Izu-chan didn't need to see him go Mad Dog out of nowhere.

He was already certain some people would start giving him suspicious, purely by virtue of only having one eye… and no shirt, but that's not important.

No sooner had he arrived at the entrance to the park, did he begin to hear a child sobbing. Clearly they must've quite upset or hurt.

Well, sucked to be them, hopefully their parents took care of that, he had his own toddler to find and look after.

Now, where would Izu-chan be?

Spying with his one eye and attempting to ignore the rudely, loud, sobbing child, he looked for an untameable mop of curly green hair atop a tiny, obviously better behaved, much more appealing child who happened to be related to him.

Well, that's weird. Where're all the other kids?

He hoped he had gotten the right park, he couldn't stand the thought of having to go and explain to Izu-chan that his sh*tty sense of direction had led him to the wrong place and that's why he was late.

(It seemed that, in his excitement, he had forgotten that him picking up Izuku was meant to be a surprise.)

Well, might as well ask that brat over there if he's seen him... and maybe see what's botherin' him.

Walking towards the sobbing he heard, he called out to the child.

"Yo, kid! Can I ask ya somethin' right quick?"

The sobbing quickly stopped as a surprised squeak reached the ears of the nearly middle-aged cyclops.

Great, now I freaked him out. It'll probably take hours to get him talkin'… now.

Before he could even finish the thought, he noticed a few things.

A mop of unruly green hair. Bright green eyes, shimmering with unshed tears. Tear-Stained cheeks with four freckles forming a diamond on each side.

This child… was Izu-chan.

And Goro Majima, for the first time in his life, was going to kill someone.

Chapter 2: "I Will Become a Hero!"

Chapter Text

It took a minute or two, but Majima managed to get his raging bloodlust under control.

Whoever hurt his Izu-chanwouldpay, most likely with their lives, but now was not the time. He had to make sure Izu-chan was okay, after all. The poor thing was trembling, probably out of fear that whoever had hurt him before would be back to hurt him again.

Now, onecouldargue that young Izuku was frightened by the tall, one-eyed man with tattoos and no shirt, but those assertions are ludicrous so shut up and don't mention it again.

sh*t, how do I calm him down?

"Uh… Heya, Izu-chan. How ya been?"

"H-h-how do you know my name!?"

Aw crap, that mighta just scared him more. Alright, just keep pushin' on. Little Izu-chan's gotta remember me.

"It's me. Uncle Goro! Goro-ojisan! GoroGoroGoro-chan! I used ta sing to ya, back when you were still in diapers!" He smiled widely at the child, hoping that that was enough of an explanation.

Izuku stared tearfully at the strange one-eyed man, hoping that he would just leave him alone eventually if he understood that he got the wrong kid.

Majima sighed, realizing that this would take some doing, and got ready to jog his memory in the best way he knew how.

"Alright here we go," he whispered to himself, before continuing loudly with, "From the studio, outta the blue, I bring my singin' to youuu!"

The young boy was startled by the sudden energy of this man, but not uncomfortable anymore. It was almost familiar to him.

"Sunao ni I LOVE YOU! Todokeyou? ᅠ

Kitto YOU LOVE ME! Tsutawaru sa?

Kimi ni niau GLASS no kutsu wo sagaso?"

It took a moment, but as Izuku listened to the man's singing, the mirthful cadence, and cheerful tone, he could remember. There was a man that used to come around with his father and dance around with him and sing to when he would start crying. That man's name was…


"Ha! Remember me now, Izu-chan? Shoulda just led in with that, honestly."

"What are you doing here, Jiji?"

"Coming to spend time with my favorite nephew, of course!"

"Aren't I your only nephew?"

"Yeah, so favorite by default!"

He didn't quite get it, but the cheer in his uncle's voice made Izuku giggle a bit.

All of a sudden, Majima's face became serious. All previous signs of humor, gone completely.

"We need to talk, Izu-chan."

And now, Izuku was nervous again.

"Who was it that hurt you? I want names and addresses."

He gulped.

After explaining exactly, and I meanexactly, what had transpired before his uncle arrived: Izuku, sitting cross-legged in front of Majima, was attempting not to shiver and/or marvel at the pure black aura that the ocularly-challenged man exuded in waves.

Meanwhile, Majima resisted the urge to hunt down and savagely beat several different people of differing relevance to Izuku. Starting with Hisashi, working his way down, and winding right back around to the idiot.

Majima knew why the man had to leave.

Inko-chan knew.

Most close friends of Hisashi knew why he had to leave.

But somehow, the idiot never thought… that his own son, who had just been told that he had been 'afflicted' with his generation's version of a handicap and was likely in a very emotional and unstable state of mind, that he needed to leave on business and that he didn't care that his only son was quirkless.

Now. maybe it slipped his mind, so much was happening after all. And how many people could really say that they had received a chance to work on I-Island as a head researcher in quirk theory and development? Hell, one day they might even make it possible to produce the world's first quirkless heroes or maybe even a way pass on quirks to other people, who f*cking knows? What he does know... is that family comes first.

And in the name of family, he was going to kill Hisashi Midoriya. Just a little bit though, enough for him to learn his lesson. But first…

"Awright, listen up Izu-chan!"

Izuku stood, well sat, at attention at the sound of Majima's voice.

"Ya shouldn't listen ta any of the crap those kids tell ya. The adults too. I'm gonna tell ya a fact of life, kid. Ya listenin'?"

Izuku nodded his head rapidly.

"Good, then listen close. Yer gonna find despair in life, no matter who ya are. Pain, hatred, crushing hopelessness, it's all there. Doubly so for a kid like you."

At this, Izuku began to tear up again slightly, turning his head to the side so that his uncle wouldn't see him start crying again.

He was surprised to feel a gloved hand grab his chin and softly pull his face back up, and all he could see was Goro's Majima's smiling face.

"So remember this, 'Hardship bears character, and pride is born from despair.' So buckle in and put yer foot on that accelerator. Show 'em yer drive, kiddo! Rising from that despair lets ya tower over those fools like a crane over a pile'a trash. Ya wanna be a hero, right? Like, uh… All Might?"

Izuku nodded again.

"Then let's get started. We'll make ya thebestgoddamn hero this world's ever seen. Izuku Midoriya-chan, you've got my word and support as my nephew and my number one hero! You can be a hero!"

Izuku could feel two things at that exact moment. The first, a smile so wide that it would probably make All Might jealous.

And the second, a fresh track of fat tears from his big eyes.

That's what he needed to hear.

Just what he needed.

You can be a hero!

I will be a hero!

And so began the story of the world's most unpredictable hero.

Chapter 3: Call with the Mad Dog

Chapter Text

It was dark out by the time Majima and Izuku arrived back at the Midoriya residence. Inko had given the older man a key, likely expecting something like this.

The young boy of the pair had fallen asleep on Majima's back, the day's events likely having been especially taxing on him. He snored lightly into his uncle's shoulder, the smell of Katsudon heavily present on his breath.

After their little heart-to-heart, Majima felt like Izuku deserved a little treat… and he wanted to maybe make up for getting ready to ignore him earlier(he kept the latter reason to himself).

After telling Izuku he could have as much as he wanted at the nearest Fuji Soba, it didn't take long for the boy to order and scarf down three bowls of Katsudon; it almost reminded him of a certain someone.

And so here they were, at the front door of the Midoriya residence, with a bag of take-out(also from Fuji Soba).

Pulling the key he was given out of his pocket, slightly adjusting Izuku to make sure he wouldn't slide off his back with all his shifting, Majima unlocked the door and opened it.

The man stepped in and closed the door, sliding off his boots before sitting down on the edge of the genkan and setting little Izuku on his lap to do the same for him.

That done, Majima stood with the child in his arms. Softly, so as not to startle the boy he was holding, but loud enough to be heard in the small apartment, he called out, "Tadaima!"

Seconds later, a softer voice called back, "Okaeri!"

A few muffled words, followed by a rush of footsteps soon after, reached his ears. When they stopped, he was greeted by the sight of a beaming Inko Midoriya.

Her hair was the same shade of green as her son's. Far less curly, though. He'd gotten that, and his freckles, from his father. Truth be told, he sometimes found it kinda freaky just how perfect a combination the boy was of his parents. But he would just reason that that was another reason why the boy was so great. He was all the best parts of two of his favorite people in the world(even if he wanted to strangle one of them at the moment) put together!

That aside, Inko came up to the two and gingerly took Izuku from Majima; pulling the man into a quick, one-armed hug as she did so.

"Thought you got lost or something." She let go and quirked her brow, a knowing smile already dancing across her lips.

"Little tyke was hungry. Put away three bowls of Katsudon before he called it a night."

"He always has been a voracious eater."

"Reminds me of a certain someone, actually."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, a little lady I treated a few times. One time, she left me with a 200k bill."

"Wow! She could eat!"

"Yeah, she could. And here's the funniest thing: She looked a lot like you."

"Huh, that is pretty funny. You should introduce us. Maybe over dinner?"

"Ha! Yeah right. My wallet's already cryin'."

The two chuckled briefly before Inko went to put Izuku to bed, pointing Majima to the one room with a light on.

She seemed oddly smug, for some strange reason… Eh, probably just his eye playing tricks on him.

Ohhh, I see.

"Hm? Inko, you back?"

Inko always was a clever girl. Pretty and smart. The perfect balance for Hisashi's idiocy(of the social kind).

That same intelligence made him love her just as much as his little Izu-chan.

And as he looked at the computer in the room to see an active video call with Hisashi Midoriya on the screen, Majima could swear he was beginning to love her just the teensiest bit more.

"Yo, Hi-chan~. How's I-Island?"

"Huh. Niisan, is that you?"

Closing his eye and leaning towards the camera, the cyclops gave the man on the other side of the screen a pleasant smile.

Any normal person who had never met Goro Majima would think nothing of it.

To someone like Hisashi, who had known Goro Majima for a good two decades, he knew exactly what that smile meant. And it filled him with an intense and familiar fear.

"N-niisan? Is e-everything oka-?"

"I'm gonna f*ckin' kill ya~."

"Hiee! Why?! I didn't do anything!"

"That's. The. Problem. Idiot. Ya didn't do anything when you shoulda been the first."


Majima breathed in deeply, he didn't wanna punch the screen and screw up this talk with the dumbass.

"Hi-chan, I'm gonna ask ya a question. I'll beat ya to death real slow if you get it wrong. So… don't. Okay?"

Hisashi, pale as a sheet, nodded quickly.

"Okay, Hi-chan. Answer me this… How many people are in your family."

"N-niisan, where are you going with-" He was cut off by a scalding glare.

"Answer the question."

"Three, there's three!"

"That's right, good job!" He gave Hisashi a quick clap before continuing, "Now… who are they?"

"Um… First, there's you, then Inko, and Dekiru… Oh sh*t."

"Oh sh*t, indeed. Wanna explain why ya didn't tell your son why you had to leave?"

"I… I thought he needed some space."

"Space? Space? You thought he needed… space?"


"I'm gonna use yer goddamn head as a baseball."

"Ah! Why?!"

"Because yer a goddamn moron!"

"I thought if he had some space he'd be more willing to talk about it later!"

"He's f*ckin' four, Hisashi!"

"He's smart for his age!"


"W-well yeah, but-!"

"Ichi, ni, san, FOUR!"

"Would you just-?"

"Hisashi, the more you argue with me, the more pissed off I get. So stop... and listen."

Hisashi, showing that he did have more than a single working brain cell, kept his mouth shut.

"I don't know how the hell ya got it into yer head that leavin' a child alone in an incredibly emotional state was a good idea. And, truth be told, I don't wanna know. I'd probably catch a plane straight to wherever the f*ck I-Island is right now just to kill ya. And ya know that if I wanted to… it'd be done. Ain't any security system on this green earth that'd stop me."

Hisashi stayed quiet, now wasn't the time to try to defend himself. He knew for a fact that his older brother would make good on that threat. Past history or not, the man took Izuku's well-being to a new level. It'd bring a tear to his eye if it weren't the reason why he was currently under the threat of death.

"Now, in yer mind, I bet ya thought, 'Dekiru won't be alone, mama's right there. When he's ready ta talk, he'll tell her, she'll tell me, we'll all talk about it together herp de derp'. That sound about right?"


"Blink once fer yes, twice fer no."


"Yeah, s'what I thought. Never were the brightest when it came ta people. Always a few grains shortuva a rice bowl. Intellectual genius, social dumbass."

Critical Hit to Hisashi Midoriya's pride.

He knew it was true, but it still hurt.

"So that's why I came up with a better plan. You may thank Goro Majima-sama later."

And now he was preening. Great…

"First, you'll be talking with Izu-chan tomorrow. I don't care what you gotta do, cancel or move it, it's less important."

A nod.

"Next, you'll be cutting out at least an hour every week to call and talk with Inko-chan and Izu-chan… and me, if I feel so inclined ta see yer ugly mug."

Another nod.

"Finally, and this is the big one, yer gonna help Izu-chan become a hero."


"Yeah, ya heard that right. Izu-chan's gonna be a hero. Not just any hero, though. He's gonna be the greatest goddamn hero this world's ever seen!"

The conviction in his elder brother's voice shook Hisashi slightly. The last time he had heard him like this was when he was looking after Ma- a dear friend of his.

All he could really do was nod again.

"And no more hare-brained schemes, ya nincompoop."

"O-okay, Niisan."

"Great! Anything ta add, Inko-chan?"

Wait, Inko-chan?

"Nope. You pretty much covered it, Goro-nii."

And there stood Inko, ashtray in hand, smile on her face.

"I'll see you in the morning, dear. Goodnight!"

"G-goodnight, hon."

And the call disconnected.

Chapter 4: Hounds In the Junkyard

Chapter Text

Majima took a moment to let out a breath, most of his anger gone after telling off his well-intentioned, but still foolish, younger brother. He looked at Inko, who had pulled up a chair and sat the ashtray that she was holding on the computer desk.

Well, that's odd.

"Didn't ya quit?"

"I did. This is for you. Figured you'd need it after your… talk."

Ah, that explains it.

Pulling a cigarette out of the pack he had on hand and putting it between his lips, he asked, "Got a light?"

"Yeah, here." She pulled out an Endeavor-themed zippo lighter, put it in front of the unlit cigarette, and flicked.

"Thanks." He closed his eye and took a long drag, while Inko gently set the lighter down next to the ashtray. It was a quiet moment, a nice one on a nice night after a (mostly) nice day.

"So… Endeavor?"

Inko picked the lighter back up, flipping the top and flicking the flint. When she heard the click! and saw the fire from it spring to life, she smiled fondly and explained, "Hisashi and Izuku got it for me last Mother's Day. Izu looked so happy when I flicked it the first couple of times that I didn't have the heart to tell I wouldn't be using it much."

"What made those two get it for ya in the first place?"

"Izu found the one that I got from Mi-chan. His dad told him I was a collector."

"Ah, so that's the rub."

Another beat of silence. Another long drag, another puff. When it was broken again, the cyclops wasn't the culprit.



"He saves everyone with a smile, no matter what trouble they're in…"

"What's up?"

"He's such a cool hero…"

"Did you really mean what you said?"

"Can I…"

"What about?"

"...be a hero, too?"

"About Izu… about him... becoming a hero. Did you really mean it?"

"I'm sorry Izuku! I'm so sorry!"

The look in her eyes was intense. He could see them glint as she bored into his soul. He could see verdant green flames roaring with emotion as she stared him down waiting for his answer. Guilt, fear, sorrow, and… hope.

"Of course! Izu-chan's gonna be so great, All-Might's gonna be askin' for his autograph! Matter'a fact, when he wakes up, I'm gonna ask him to sign one for me!"

Hearing the earnestness in the voice of the older man's voice as he sang her son's praises made Inko release a breath that she didn't even know she was holding.

If Goro Majima said something was happening, it was happening. Didn't matter how anyone felt about it. It was just his way.

That's why, with a weight lifted off of her chest, tears, and a smile largely present on her face, she hugged Majima tightly and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

She didn't need to say what she was so thankful for.

They both already knew.

Hero Training- Day 1

Izuku sat cross-legged on the sandy ground as Majima, sans jacket, stood and addressed him.

"Alright, Izu-chan. Today's yer first day of Hell on Earth, courtesy of myself!"

Izuku was already starting to regret this.

"It'll be hard, you will not like it. But the more you hate it, the more it'll teach ya. You will wanna quit. You may choose to quit, some days."

Regret intensified tenfold.

"But know this. Every single day that you work hard at this training, the closer you are to that dream of yours. Every day that you work yourself to death, the closer you get to living life as a hero!"

Izuku's eyes shimmered as he nodded once with a newfound resolve.

"Alright! So what do I gotta do, Goro-Jiji?"

"Well first… Look around ya! Whaddya See?"

"Umm… Garbage?"

"Exactly! Garbage! Garbage that you're gonna clean up, Izu-chan!"

"... Huh?"

Like father, like son.

"Ya see, it's a man's civic duty to separate his trash! If ya don't, who's gonna be left to take responsibility when we got toxic-ass dioxins floatin' around?!"

Izuku had no idea what dioxins even were, but his uncle seemed so passionate about it that he just let him continue without a word.

"And when a man's slackin' in his civil duties, it's up to a hero to either punish or pick up that slack for him!"


"You see, Izu-chan; this dump here used ta be a pretty bangin' spot for couples. But in the past couple years, some wise-asses decided they were gonna start throwin' trash and crap in the water. When I find 'em there'll be hell to pay, but for now, yer gonna be a friendly neighborhood hero and start gettin' this place cleaned up."

"O-oh, okay."

"Well, go on now, scamp. Smallest pile'a stuff's over thataway." The man in the eyepatch pointed far off into the distance. "Got a truck set up for ya ta toss the crap into, can't miss it. I'll come get ya before it gets too dark. Scream if ya need anything."

"... 'kay."

"Well, on your way, shoo-shoo." Majima smiled toothily and waved a single gloved hand, as Izuku trudged off in the direction that he was shooed away towards.

As the young boy disappeared into the distance to do as he was told, Majima let his hand and smile drop. Nishida and some of the other boys could watch him till it was time to go.

If he was gonna train that boy to be greater than the Number One Hero, he would need to get his sh*t together and start putting in a bit of work. He'd been slacking lately. Everybody was too afraid of getting bit to fight a Mad Dog, so that took a lot of his edge off.

He couldn't find the old man and ol' Kiryu-chan was too busy being a saint or whatever he was doing, so his options for strong opponents were limited after he left Kamurocho.

But if it was for Izu-chan, he'd train his ass off as much he could before he hit a wall.

He'd punch, kick, chop, and slash 'till he could teach it all to the boy that wanted to be a hero.

He could probably also look into some batting cages, he always did like hitting things with bats. Maybe Izu-chan too.

Looking around quickly to make sure he wasn't being watched, he dropped to his hands and started doing push-ups. Start with the basics, work your way up. That worked for him.

And so began years of hellish training for one Izuku Midoriya, age four.

Hero Training: Day 7

Izuku laid, out of breath, on a recently cleared patch of sand.

The only cleared patch of sand, aside from the pathways he had made for him.

He had managed to take a few things off of the smallest trash pile, dumping them in the back of the truck just like his uncle had told him to. The newest addition being a somewhat heavy mini-fridge.

He now wanted to go with Goro-Jiji whenever he found whoever threw some of the bigger trash away on the beach. He would smile at whatever they had coming to them.

That aside, Izuku was curious.

He was sure that he was alone on that part of the beach he was cleaning. No one would answer whenever he would call out, after all. And everyone knows that when someone asks, 'Is anybody there?' you have to answer. It's the rule.

But for some reason, whenever he was too tired to move anything, he would find these weird drinks. He knew that he shouldn't drink anything that he found in the piles (he was four, not stupid), but for some reason, they were always on one of the paths made for him.

And they all had his name written on them! So that meant they were his. Right?

Right! Glad we agree!

But Izuku's question was: Who was leaving these drinks?

They were really sweet and he felt much better after drinking one, especially the ones with the yellow wrapper and the birdie on it, but he had no idea who was leaving them for him and he wanted to say thank you.

So he laid a trap. He was gonna lay down in the middle of where all the pathways connected and then when whoever was leaving the drinks for him came by, he would pop up and say 'Thank you!'.

Foolproof. Perfect Plan.

And so, there he was. Lying in wait and listening out for footsteps.


And waiting.


And waiting.


And wai-

Wait, there it was. The sound of footsteps!

He kept still. Letting them get closer and closer, until…



He jumped up with a huge toothy smile, eyes shut, and waited for the other person's response.

"Um… Kid?"


The boy opened his eyes, looking straight forward to see a sea of red surrounded by grey. Looking up, he saw a man's face.

Cool features, he looked a little younger than his uncle but definitely older than his dad. His eyes, slightly widened in bewilderment still held a sort of authority and strength in them like… a dragon.

Izuku would love to say that he was cool and didn't freak after taking in the sight of this huge man, but things don't always work out the way that people want them to.

And if anyone were to ask if he almost peed when he tearfully cried out, "Jiji!"

He would violently deny it.

Chapter 5: Departure

Chapter Text

Takoba Municipal Beach Park- Mad Dog Training- Day 7

Majima kept his stance low as he circled his opponent, who stood in place unflinchingly. It was just a single scrub, he could take 'em down with his hands tied behind his back. Just get ready and…



Majima immediately disengaged from the combat situation with the training mannequin and took with speed that would make a certain blue hedgehog jealous in the direction that he had heard his nephew crying out from.

What happened? Did he fall off one of the trash piles? Did one of the trash piles fall on him? What the hell are Nishida and the boys doing? Why weren't they there to help? I swear, if Izu-chan's hurt, I'm gonna beat 'em so hard that their grandfather's fathers'll feel it.

Thoughts of vicious assault running rampant through his mind, Majima hardly noticed when he had finally arrived at the spot where the cry had originated. Then he heard another loud cry of 'Jiji!' before feeling a tiny mass slam into his leg and cling on for dear life.

Looking down, he saw the big tearful green eyes of his tiny nephew and he sighed in relief. There wasn't a single scratch on him, this was good. No one had to die. Now came the big question.

"What happened, kiddo? Why'd ya scream?"

Izuku didn't say anything, simply burying his face back into the man's pant leg and pointing behind himself.

Following the direction of his nephew's pointing finger, the cyclops finally took note of the other person present. And as he took in the (visibly bemused) man's features, his eye widened in surprise.


The man's eyes seemed to widen as well, not in surprise but rather recognition as called out,


It took about five minutes to calm Izuku down and convince him that Kiryu wasn't going to eat him.

"I know Kiryu-chan looks scary on the outside, but on the inside, he's a real softie! Soft as a marshmallow!"

It took a bit of light singing on Kiryu's part, to make him a bit more at ease, but they eventually managed to get Izuku back to working on clearing some of the trash away, while the two men got reacquainted near the entrance.

"So Kiryu-chan, what're ya doin' here in Musutafu? Thought ya took yer girl and ran off to run an orphanage or some sh*t?"

"I did. Haruka's class is on a field trip to see U.A. and the surrounding city, so I have some… friends taking care of the place until we get back. So, what are you doing here?"

Majima chuckled and gestured towards Izuku, as the boy struggled to move a car tire from one pile of trash onto the truck that was waiting for him.

"You mean he's…? You know."

"Nah, nothin' like that. He's my brother's kid."

"You have a brother?"

"That's right."

"A brother that has a kid?"

"Yeah, that's the long and short of it."

"Huh, the more you know, I guess."

"Yeah, the more ya know."

A beat of silence passed between the two, filled only by the sounds of Izuku moving trash and throwing it into the bed of the pink truck that Majima had left for him.

f*ck it. He's here, might as well ask.

"Kiryu-chan, I need your help."


"I need your help."

"With... what, exactly?"

"With Izu-chan. I need you to help me make him a hero."

At that, Majima dove into a full explanation about his relationship with Izuku and his family. His talk with the child. The promise he made, all leading into the reason why he and Izuku were on the beach-turned-junkyard.

"So, he's quirkless and wants to be a hero, huh?"


"Never heard of a quirkless hero before."

"Most of the world hasn't. S'why he's gonna be the first."

"Still don't see where you need my help in all of this. You seem to have it all covered."

"That's just it, Kiryu-chan. I don't."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean, is that I ain't got much I can do for him at the moment. I've been losin' my touch lately, ain't many bastards to fight with nowadays. At least, not fairly."

"Sounds like a personal hell for you."

"Yer tellin' me. But that ain't the point. The point is, I need someone strong to put him through his paces. And yer the strongest bastard I know."

"Oh no. Majima, I can't. I'm only here for the week and then I'm heading back to Okinawa with Haruka. That's nowhere near enough time to teach a kid anything about fighting or anything like that."

"Unless… he were to end up in Okinawa for the next couple weeks with ya."

"Majima, you can't actually be suggesting that I take this kid back home with me. What about his parents?"

"His dad's away on business and his ma's probably fine with it, I'll ask her tonight when I take him home."

"...You're actually serious about this."

"Serious as cancer, Kiryu-chan."

"..." Kiryu stared into Majima, his gaze unfaltering.

"..." Majima stared right back, his own stare resolute. He wouldn't back down on this.

"...Fine, if you can get his mom to agree, I'll do it."

Hearing the answer that he was waiting for, Majima's glare melted into a look of pure elation.

"You got it, then! Hiihahahahahahaha! This is gonna be great!"

Kiryu sighed. As much as he would love to say that he was used to Majima's… eccentricities, but even still, he couldn't get a read on the guy. He could only hope that the man's nephew didn't share his proclivities for violence...

"Hey, Kiru-chan! Let's go a couple rounds for old time's sake, yeah?!"

For his own sake.

Day 14- Departure to Okinawa

"I love you, sweetie!"

"Love you too, mom!"

"If there's anything you need, you wanna talk, or anything like that; Kiryu-san has my number, so just ask him. Okay?"

"Okay, mom."

"Oh! And your father said he'd send something for you in the mail, so be on the lookout."

"Okay, mom."

"And-and... oh, my baby's growing up so fast!" Inko kneeled, reached forward quickly, and crushed the tiny child in a tight bear hug. Izuku, who was still riding high on the excitement of taking his first trip outside of Musutafu, hugged her back with just as much force as he could muster(which admittedly was quite a bit for a four-year-old).

"Call me when you get settled in, okay?"


"Be good for Kiryu-san. He's letting you stay with him and 8 other kids, so do your part while you're there."

"Okay, mom!"

"Alright, I'll let you go now. I love you. See you in a few weeks."

"I love you too, mom. Bye!" At that, Izuku turned around and sped off to where Kiryu and a young girl waited at the entrance to the terminal.

Inko waited a few moments for them to all enter the terminal and leave her sight before letting a few errant tears flow down her cheeks.

Wiping them away, she smiled. It would be lonely for a little while, but it would be well worth it.

'Why?', you ask?

Because her baby would be a hero.

Chapter 6: Doubt and Resolve

Chapter Text

On the flight to Okinawa- Late Morning

"We will be arriving at Naha Airport in approximately 30 minutes. Repeat, we will be arriving at Naha Airport in approximately 30 minutes."


Kiryu groaned, the sound of his joints popping while he stretched his back was almost soothing.

He both loved and hated these flights from Tokyo to Okinawa.

Loved them, because they were essentially two hours to sit back and relax.

Hated them, because everything after the first half-hour of nothing happening without a drink or a smoke was about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

But at least those two are enjoying themselves.

He smiled slightly as he looked to his right, seeing Izuku and Haruka chatting happily without a care in the world.

Well, to be more accurate, Izuku was doing most of the chatting while Haruka smiled softly at him and nodded, interjecting every once in a while when the young boy needed help with a word or happened to start muttering rapidly.

Kiryu and Majima had decided to introduce the two, seeing as they would be living together for the better part of a month, and they hit it off.

Izuku absolutely adored Haruka, and Haruka found Izuku absolutely adorable. Whenever their uncles would meet up, the two children would be nigh-inseparable.

Kiryu was glad that Izuku so far was proving to be almost nothing like his uncle, who he was sure would've tried to start at least five different fights with him by now (and likely succeeded, due to the aforementioned boredom. He really should've brought a book with him.).

If he were to be completely honest, he had warmed up to the boy pretty quickly, himself. He was earnest, polite, and genuinely cared about other people. He really hoped the other kids felt that way, as well.

Morning Glory Road- Afternoon

The excitement was fading.

No, it wasn't just fading. It was being violently punched out of his chest, dripping, and hardening into a ball of dread in his stomach with every single step that he took towards the building that he was supposed to stay for the next few weeks.

Holding Haruka's hand as she told him about the kids that he was about to meet, he felt a chill creeping up his spine. It was so weird, he was walking right next to a beach on a sunny day, he shouldn't have chills. He tried to ignore it, he really did, but he just couldn't.

Izuku was smart for his age.

Anyone who had spoken with him for more than ten minutes could say that with certainty. He spoke well, using proper grammar usually, and he picked up on new words and phrases quickly. His uncle was proudly shocked when he heard Izuku utter the words, "[Oh, sh*t!]" in English when he tripped while they were walking home from the junkyard the week before. He had immediately been reprimanded afterward and told to never say it around his mother, but the point had been made. Majima had only said that particular phrase in English twice around the boy.

So yes, Izuku was smart. Smart enough to realize that he was weird. Smart enough to realize that he was weird for being normal.

It had only been a few weeks since he had been diagnosed as quirkless, and he noticed how the other kids wouldn't play with him. He wasn't popular before, not in any sense of the word, but the other kids, at least, still included him in things.

They invited him to tag along when they went to play in the woods, even if he couldn't keep up all that well.

They let him play on the hero side sometimes when they played 'Heroes and Villains', even if he wasn't all that strong.

They didn't just sit back and watch Kacchan when he got a bit rough while playing, and if they couldn't do anything to help, they'd at least ask if he was okay.

But when it came out that he was quirkless, it all changed.

They never asked if he wanted to come into the woods with them when they wanted to play.

The times that they'd let him play 'Heroes and Villains' with them, he'd be the only villain in the game. And then he'd get pummeled.

And when Kacchan got too rough, they didn't try to stop him. They didn't ask if he was okay afterward. They'd ignore him.

Sometimes… they would join in.

Kids are cruel. Not due to any malice in their hearts, it's just how things are. They're cruel until they're taught to be kind. But they're never taught to be kind to something unnatural or freakish.

And Izuku, being as normal as he was in a world of quirks, was the most unnatural, freakish thing those kids had ever come across.

So yes, Izuku was weird. It wasn't fair. It didn't make sense, but it was just the way the world worked.

And so, Izuku was scared.

He knew how the world worked for people like him. He knew that as much as he wished for people to be kind like Haruka-neechan, or funny like Goro-Jiji, or gentle like his mom, that it was just that. A dream.

He wanted to brace for it. Square his shoulders and cover up his face like he did when Kacchan would let off an explosion in front of his eyes.

He wanted to hide. Curl up in a ball somewhere and stay there where no one could find him.

He wanted to run. He knew he wouldn't get far. He never did. But he wanted to try.

He wanted-


He hadn't even realized that he had let go of Haruka-neechan's hand and stopped in his tracks. He could see her looking at him worriedly, the sign next to her head said 'Morning' something.

Looking down at his side, he noticed that his hands were curled into shaking fists and he couldn't figure out why everything looked so warped and wavy.

And then, a few drops of water fell and hit the sandy road.

But why? It wasn't raining.

Ah, that was it. He was crying.

Haruka-neechan probably thought he was a loser now.

A weirdo.

A freak.

He should've stayed home. With mom. With Goro-Jiji.

He was such a-


A firm hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up to see whose it was and found himself staring into warm brown eyes.

"You must be nervous. Don't worry, we all get that way sometimes. Even me."

Izuku highly doubted that Kiryu-san, of all people, broke down into tears at the thought of meeting new people and being seen as a freak, but he kept his mouth shut and let the man speak.

"Everyone in there'll be happy to see you. It's not often that we get new faces around here, especially from Tokyo."

Aren't Kiryu-san and Haruka-neechan from Tokyo, though?

"And definitely not a hero from Musutafu."

"But I'm not a hero. I'm just a quirkless weirdo."

"No. You're Izuku Midoriya. Goro Majima's nephew, and soon-to-be first quirkless hero."



Turning towards where Haruka-neechan's voice came from, Izuku was unprepared for the pleasant sensation of a tender hand and soft cloth on his cheeks.

He could feel her rubbing at the tear tracks on his face. Looking forward again, he saw another pair of kind brown eyes.

"Honestly, I expected you to cry at some point, but I expected it to be after you had some of Uncle Kaz's 'specialty' curry."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! And… All done! There you go, Izu-Kun. All cleaned up." She pulled her hands back and gave him a bright and toothy smile.

"Huh?" He reached up towards his face, feeling his cheeks, which were wet with tears just a moment before, and was shocked to find them completely dry.

"Can't have you meeting the other kids with tears on your cheeks, can we? They might think you don't like them."


"Izuku, it'll be fine. Trust us."

And at that moment, with the honest and kind smiles on both of their faces, he decided that he would.

And thus, with his hand in Haruka-neechan's hand once more and Kiryu-san leading the way, Izuku Midoriya took his first steps into Morning Glory Orphanage.

Morning Glory Orphanage- Afternoon

"Uncle Kaz!"

"Uncle Kaz!"


"Guys! Uncle Kaz and Haruka are home!"

And suddenly, they were confronted by eight children of varying ages and sizes, with at least half trying to speak to Kiryu-san at once.

The one who had called out first, a brown-haired boy in a blue shirt, was about a head taller than Izuku and didn't seem to notice him as he chattered on about some baseball-related news to Kiryu-san.

The second one who had spoken up, a rather tanned and stout boy in a red shirt, attempted to draw Kiryu-san's attention away from the first boy with something about wrestling or wrestler. He didn't notice Izuku either.

The third person, a girl in green with black hair in two braids, happened to look down as she spoke to Haruka and spotted a small head of green locks peeking out from behind the older girl's legs.

"Hm? Who's this, Haruka?"

Izuku tried to hide further behind Haruka-neechan, not feeling quite ready to meet the new people yet, but was gently ushered forward.

"It's okay, Izu-Kun. Ayako's really nice. Go on, introduce yourself. She won't bite."


Ayako, seeing that the young boy was clearly uncomfortable in his current situation, decided that she oughta grease the wheels a little bit. Leaning forward slightly, she smiled and said,

"Hey there, I'm Ayako. What's your name."


"It's nice to meet you, Izuku. Where are you from?"


"Oh, I've heard of that place! That's where that big hero school is, right? What was it called? Umm…"

"U-U.A. High."

"Ah, that's it! Thank you, Izuku-Kun. You're so smart! How old are you?"

"Four. I- I just turned four."

"And you're already speaking so well? You must be some kind of genius!"

"N-no, I'm not..."

At this point, the other seven children had taken note of the young child who had come in with their caretaker and adoptive older sister. They were going to go over and see what was up but were collectively stopped with a hand from the one adult currently present.

He explained that Izuku would be staying with them for the next few weeks as a favor for a friend of his.

He told them that he was pretty shy around new people, so it would be best if they waited for Ayako to finish talking to him.

They listened and watched as Izuku slowly, but surely, detached himself from Haruka's leg.

They observed as he began to speak more and more animatedly, his stutter disappearing as he began to chat excitedly with the older girls.

After a minute or so of that, Kiryu gave the children the okay to go over and introduce themselves while he went inside and made lunch.

They did and began to rush over to where the small boy and the two oldest girls at Morning Glory were talking.

Their hastened arrival startled Izuku slightly, but he had been made comfortable enough to not bolt or hide behind Haruka or Ayako when they came running at the three of them.

He looked at them, swallowed around the slight lump in his throat(he was still, at least, a little nervous), and introduced himself.

Whatever he feared would come afterward, never did. The other kids all just responded in kind.

The brown-haired boy in the blue t-shirt introduced himself as Koji.

The stout boy in the red said his name was Taichi.

A dark-skinned boy in a green polo told him to call him Mitsuo, one could only assume that that was because it was his name.

A bespectacled boy with a bowl-cut and a yellow hoodie quietly said his name was Shiro.

A girl in a long-sleeved pink shirt, a little younger than Haruka and Ayako, told him that her name was Riona.

Next up, a young girl who was seemingly the same age as Riona in a bluish-green polo, said that her name was Eri.

And finally, likely the youngest of the eight, came up and told him that her name was Izumi.

After introductions were finished, they all sat down at a table to the side and fell into a bit of polite conversation, getting to know each other, while Haruka went inside to help Kiryu prepare lunch.

They asked if Izuku played baseball.

If he liked wrestling.

What manga he liked to read.

It was a fun time.

And then, Koji asked, "Hey, if you come from Musutafu and wanna be a hero, you must have a pretty awesome quirk, right? So what is it?"

Izuku could feel his heart drop to his stomach. Here it comes, the moment he was dreading. He was really having fun. He might as well just get it over quickly.

"I… don't have one. I'm quirkless."

Silence overtook the previously loud and rowdy table.

"You're…" Koji.

"Quirkless?" Taichi.

"And you still wanna be a hero?" Mitsuo.

"That's…" Riona.

Here it comes.

"Amazing!" Eri.

"Yeah, that's so cool!" Taichi spoke again.

"Yeah man, that's awesome." Koji chimed in.

"You really are a special one, Izuku-Kun," Ayako added her two cents.

"It's pretty manly. I have to admit. I might end falling for you when you get older if you keep being so cool." Riona added.

They all just kept piling on the praise. Izuku honestly had no idea what to do.

"You… don't think it's dumb?"

"Dumb?" Izumi.

"Why would we think that? " Riona.

"It's pretty amazing. None of us could do that."Shiro.

"Huh, whaddya mean?"

"We're all quirkless. Uncle Kaz and Haruka are too. Most people in Okinawa are. None of us have ever thought about trying to be heroes. So the fact that you are, and you're so much younger than all of us is really amazing." Ayako explained this all with a smile.

Izuku could feel that ball of dread in his stomach pop and float away, while the warm, fuzzy feeling came rushing back in full force. Working its way up from his toes, up his legs, through his stomach, and settling in his chest.

In the end, he didn't know what he was worried about, as he sat and laughed and joked with his new friends. He was going to enjoy his time at Morning Glory. He could feel it.

And as Kiryu and Haruka watched from the door, they both felt the same way. It was gonna be nice having Izuku Midoriya at Morning Glory Orphanage. They would both bet on it.

Chapter 7: See you next summer, Little Hero

Chapter Text

Morning Glory Beach- Early Morning- Day 1: Combat Training

Kiryu and Izuku stood on the beach across from the orphanage, staring each other down from opposite sides of a large circle that they had drawn in the sand a few minutes prior.

The caretaker had woken the boy about a half hour earlier, moving him to the dining room where he fed him some freshly-made miso and a rolled egg omelet, with a side of rice.

He had made more and left it warm in the kitchen for the other kids when breakfast time rolled around.

Now was the time. He had three weeks to get Izuku ready for whatever hell Majima-oniisan would have ready for him back in Musutafu.

Not a ton of time, but he was fine with a challenge. It was pressure that made diamonds, after all.

So first things first.

"Alright Izuku. Your training with me starts today. But before that, I need to know what I have to work with. With me so far?"


"Alright. So, what I want you to do is hit me."

"... What?"

"Hit me. Punch, kick, knee, elbow, headbutt. Doesn't matter what you hit me with or where you hit me, just hit me."

"Um, Kiryu-san… I'm not sure this is a good idea."

"It'll be fine. I've been hit by way worse than a four year old. So, come on. I won't leave the circle and I won't back. You can leave the circle and you have ten minutes to land a hit. If you can, we move on. If you can't, we'll start you on some condition training. Arms, legs, things like that. Okay?"

"Uh, okay."

"Alright, good. Let's get started, then."

Kiryu walked to the side of the circle and set the timer that he had brought out with them for ten minutes, exactly.

That done, he ambled back to his original position, before raising an arm and putting a fist in front of his chin, leaving the other crossed down in front of his waist. It looked simple, but the red aura that burned around the man was anything but.

Even across the circle, Izuku could feel the Heat from the man burning up the cool morning air.

He had felt this kind of Heat before. Under a different context, and with a lot anger mixed in, but he had felt it.

"Clock's ticking, Izuku. You gonna come at me or what?"

No time to think about that, he had to hit Kiryu.

Luckily, his uncle had had an idea that something like this might happen and prepared him accordingly.

A few days before the boy had been to Okinawa, Majima took Izuku to a different part of the Junkbeach as the boy had taken to calling it. This part of the Junkbeach had a full clearing, with a couple of old store mannequins set up on really heavy looking stands. Looking at them, one could see that the damage done to them was recent. Heavy slashes. Denting from something that had to have been from something like a bat, and even just hard imprints from fists.

Majima didn't explain any of that, simply sliding off his jacket and addressing his nephew.

"Alright Izu-chan, here's what's gonna happen. Kiryu-chan's a pretty soft guy when it comes to kids. He won't wanna to hit ya during training, so he'll likely have ya do a test that ya can't pass and then you'll be stuck doin' some sh*t like breathin' exercises and condition trainin'."

At this, he ambled over to one of the less worn mannequins. Likely one that had used to present men's exercise wear, judging from its build. Firm and muscular.

"I want ya to actually learn somethin' while you're there. I can teach ya conditionin' and breathin' and crap like that here. Kiryu-chan's better off teachin' ya how to do some real damage."

Izuku nodded and waited for his instructions. Whenever his uncle started rambling like this, it would always lead to him having to do some weird or roundabout exercise that showed results pretty quickly, oddly enough. They just left him with this strange feeling of… power. Almost like he leveled up. Like in one of those Arakure Quest games that his dad left behind! Man, he loved those games. He wasn't all that good at them yet, but he loved watching his dad play them and come up with strategies and-

Wait, what was he talkin' about again?

Oh right, instructions.

"Alright, Izu-chan. I'm gonna teach ya a few things how to catch him off-guard so pay close attention to what I do."

Izuku leaned forward and kept his body low, right arm crossed in front of him, the other held loosely at his side, just like he'd been shown.

He hadn't the foggiest idea of how he'd gotten the hang of his uncle's fighting style so quickly, but if he were asked to describe what it felt like when he had seen it action, he'd say that it just clicked. He had a vision in his mind of him using it. Poking eyes, kicking guys into rails, and even choking them. He could see it all in his head. He was too small to do most of that, but that didn't mean he couldn't do anything with what he knew.

At the very least, he knew how to throw a hard and quick punch.

His stance solid, he bent his leg slightly... and kicked off into motion with a war cry. He made a beeline straight for Kiryu, fist co*cked back as soon as he was halfway to the man. The man who seemed almost surprised at the young boy's speed.

Not surprised enough to let himself get hit by Izuku's sloppy haymaker, but surprised.

As Kiryu dodged to the side, Izuku stumbled; kicking up dust and desperately trying to keep himself from falling face first into the sand. He sputtered and coughed a bit as some particles floated into his face.


He had missed his shot, he'd been banking on catching the older man off-guard with his speed. A kind of that no child should conceivably possess at age four. And that's exactly what Majima had trained him in. The boy knew he couldn't put all that training to waste, so he quickly regrouped and ran at Kiryu again, another cry past his lips as he raised his fist once more.

He struck at air once, Kiryu having sidestepped his strike again.

It continued like this for some time.





It got to the point where Izuku didn't even want to hit Kiryu for the training anymore, he just wanted to punch the man out of sheer frustration.

He was tired, hungry again, and sick of getting sand in his eyes and mouth. It stung and he needed to wipe his eyes before he started moving again so see where he was going.

Wait. That's it!

He didn't have much time left. If he was gonna make it work, he had to have the perfect timing.

Steeling himself, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



He was ready.

He got low again, right arm raised, left arm loose.

Knees bent again, he watched Kiryu's feet. He wasn't doing anything special, his feet were spread apart slightly for better movement. But looking more closely…

Got it!

Exploding into motion, he charged straight at the man once more, fist raised and co*cked back again.

Kiryu simply began to step to the side once again, but wasn't prepared for the splash of sand that was thrown into his face.


Or the tiny body that launched itself, shoulder first, into his groin.


And as the timer sounded off and he crumpled to the ground in a groaning heap, Kiryu mentally reprimanded himself for underestimating the nephew of one of the most unpredictable people he had ever met.

Minutes later, the two sat across from each other in the circle again; the young Midoriya, oddly smug and Kiryu ignoring the sh*t-eating grin on the child's face for the sake of his own pride.

"Alright, that was pretty good. I can see you've already got a solid foundation. That was your uncle's fighting style, right."

The boy nodded.

"I see. It was rough compared to his, though. You're supposed to be able to chain strikes fluidly with that style. Punches into elbows into kicks into grabs. It's brutal, but elegant. So you shouldn't be throwing wild haymakers like that with it. The sand thing was clever, though. Just what I'd expect from someone who learned from your uncle."

At this, Izuku preened.

"But," his preening stopped, "your form's still really rough and you can't just go rushing at an enemy like that. I wasn't hitting back, but I assume a villain would. I also assume that they'd be going for the kill if you missed and stumbled the way you did earlier. So we'll be working your balance for a while, until you get a handle on that."

Izuku nodded, and they got to work.

Morning Glory Beach- Late Morning- Combat Training: Day 10

Kiryu had Izuku pull himself into a number of different poses and used a number of exercises, all to improve his balance.

Reverse Lunges on an old exercise ball.

Tree Poses on a large piece of driftwood.

Sumo Squats on a very large rock at the coast at low tide.

After a week and some change of that and more, Izuku's balance was improving by leaps and bounds.

He no longer stumbled when he missed and his strikes were far more measured and fluid than before, if not as elegant as his uncle's.

As evidenced by the fact that Kiryu was actually starting to break a sweat while he dodged the boy's strikes, as some of the other children from Morning Glory watched on and cheered.

"Get him, Izuku!" Taichi

"You've got it, Izuku-kun!" Ayako

"Take him down, Ikkun!" Izumi

"Beat him up, Izu-kun!" E tu, Haruka?

Little Turncoats.

Izuku was loving it, though. His strikes got faster and more fluid as the grin on his face got wider, almost scarily so. So much so, that he had to restrain himself from striking back when Izuku lashed out with a kick, being so oddly reminded of a one-eyed friend(?) of his.

He was getting much quicker.

His stamina was getting better. A couple of days ago, he would've been winded at this point. They'd been at it for a little under twenty minutes and he was just starting to sweat.

But, for some reason, he felt that if he didn't end this soon; Izuku would keep pushing until he dropped.

Not just because of the encouragement of the older kids that he had started to look up to, no. That helped, but the child's drive was far more simple than that.

If he looked closer, he could see it. Heat emanating from the boy. Like blue flame shrouding him in an aura of power. He knew what it was doing to the boy, because he had felt it before. He had been feeling it at that moment.

Though where his Heat felt like a roaring flaming that you could feel from miles away, Izuku's felt like the embers of a soon-to-lit campfire. He wasn't quite ready yet, but if he kept improving at a steady pace, he would be.

Quickly stepping around Izuku's next blow, he strolled out of the circle.

"That's enough, Izuku! Let's call it for today."

Izuku, who had seemingly been having the time of his life judging from how quickly his smile dropped when he was told the fight was over, dropped his stance and took a breath.

Haruka walked over and handed some water and a towel, which he accepted with a wide smile.

"Thanks, Neechan!"

"Hey! What about me?"

"What about you, Uncle Kaz?"

Wow, that was cold.

"Kidding. Here you go." She walked back over towards the other kids, who handed her a towel and another bottle of water. She ambled over to him with both in hand and handed them over.

"Thanks." He took a long gulp of water, before drying off slightly with the towel and draping it over his shoulders. That done, he looked over and addressed Izuku.

"Alright Izuku. That was good. Better than at the beginning of last week. You're really starting to get the hang of a more intricate fighting style and I think that you deserve a break. So you've got the rest of the day off. Do whatever you like. Just be ready to get back to work tomorrow, okay?"

"Um, okay. Thanks, Kiryu-san." He never felt comfortable calling the man 'Uncle Kaz' like the other kids did. It wasn't that he thought Kiryu would get angry about it, he had even encouraged the boy to do it once or twice in the week that he had been at Morning Glory.

No, it was more that he had felt like he hadn't quite earned it yet.

He didn't bring that up with any of his new friends though, he knew that they would just say he was being silly.

He wasn't, he had to earn it. He would be better. He had to be-

"-or some Baseball, right Izuku?" He snapped out of his train of thought as Koji addressed him.

"Uh, yeah!" He heard Baseball and just assumed they were talking about playing a game.

"Awesome! Let's go then!" Luckily, he had assumed correctly.

As he followed the other kids inside to grab the bat, mitts, and ball, he let all of his previous thoughts leave his mind. He was supposed to have fun too, after all.

Morning Glory Orphanage- Early Evening- Day 16

It was getting close to time for Izuku to go back home.

He had improved by leaps and bounds in the time that he was at Morning Glory.

His form was good. Still a bit rough, but far less sloppy than it was when he had first used it against Kiryu.

His speed was out of this world for a child and would only continue to get better as he got older.

His strength, once again, was amazing for a child. Unfortunately, unlike his speed, he'd have to put most of his weight behind a punch or a kick for it to be truly effective against a larger opponent. That'd be dangerous in an actual fight, but it wasn't like he'd be fighting against any adults any time soon.

So Kiryu's evaluation of Izuku's progress in the past couple of weeks, would say that it was amazing.

If he didn't know any better, he would say that Izuku was even picking up on his fighting style a little bit.

He could see some of his own jabs and hooks being thrown into the mix whenever Izuku would get particularly heated up during a spar. They were crude with a bit of wasted movement thrown in, most likely due to Izuku putting his weight behind them to add in some force. It was less like a Dragon and more like a street Brawler. Just like he was, years ago.

It wasn't hard to see that Izuku was a precocious child, but this was almost ridiculous. At this rate, by the time he was old enough to attend a hero school he'd probably be a monster.

Thinking about it made the old dragon chuckle around his cigarette.

Well, all the better for him. You can do it, kid. I believe in you.

And as he watched Izuku beam and laugh, inspiration in his eyes, as he watched a wrestling match with Taichi, he felt that that belief was truly well founded.


Stamping out his cigarette and looking to where the voice came from he raised a brow.

"Yeah, Rikiya?"

"We need your help."

Several Days Later- Departure back to Musutafu

Kiryu and Haruka walked alongside Izuku, as he wheeled his little suitcase behind him. It had been half-filled with clothes, a toothbrush, and some comic books when he had arrived in Okinawa. Now, he was leaving with souvenirs from all the people at Morning Glory.

A baseball glove from Mitsuo. It was well worn and slightly(comically) big on his small hand, but he still appreciated the gesture.

Some manga from Koji. It was a shounen manga, heavy on explosive action and friendship. Izuku loved it.

Ayako gave him a book about U.A. and its 'most famous alumni'. It looked slightly used, some of the pages dogeared and the cover somewhat shelf-worn, but she hadn't read it. No, she had gone to a used bookstore earlier in the week and gotten it for him when she saw it. She had used the last of her allowance to buy it and smiled brightly when Izuku slammed into her and hugged her waist. She had said that that reaction made the book worth it for her.

Riona gave him a magazine featuring Pixie-Bob from The Wild, Wild puss*cats on the cover. She said it would "teach him how to talk to girls" when he got older. He didn't get it, he could talk to her just fine, but he went along with it anyway. He wasn't gonna turn down some free hero stuff.

Shiro gave him a book on medical terms, stating that he had read it already. It seemed that he had forgotten that Izuku was four and that a good number of the terms would go over his head, but people older than him have made that same mistake numerous times. He couldn't be blamed.

Eri and Izumi pooled together their allowance and bought him a hand-stitched All-Might doll. He was still holding it. Enough said there.

Taichi gave him a book on wrestling techniques. He said he wasn't a big fan of reading and that Izuku would probably get more use out of it than he would. The gleam in Izuku's eyes as he skimmed the book was enough to make most of the older kids at Morning Glory feel just the teensiest bit sorry for any villains that got on the wrong end of the hero hopeful's righteous anger in the future.

Haruka gave the boy some candy and an amulet. She said that the amulet was supposed to protect him from harm and the candy just tasted really good, it being some of Kiryu's favorite. Izuku loved the candy for the two seconds that he had it. The amulet, the string of which was tied around his neck, made him feel secure.

And Kiryu gave him two more things. One of them was an old lighter. He said it was given to him by an old friend, and he wanted to give it to someone who would actually use it, seeing as he could hardly look at it nowadays. He could give it to his mom or keep it for himself. Just as long as someone found a good use for it.

The second thing was something that Kiryu had made sure to give the boy when he knew that they were both alone.

A magazine.

Not just any magazine, but the mythical shrink-wrapped magazine.

He had seen them before, in vending machines that his mother and Haruka told him to never go near, but never up close.

Kiryu instructed the boy to wait for at least five years before opening that magazine, to never let his mother or anyone else see it, and to not hide it under his bed, saying that it's not as great a hiding place as he'd think it is. He would've asked 'why?' to all of the instructions, if the look on the man's face hadn't been so deathly serious.

Instead, he just nodded solemnly and hid the shrink-wrapped treasure beneath all of the other things in his suitcase, already thinking of potential places to hide it when he got home.

He was sad to leave them.

He almost didn't wanna go. Knowing that while his mom and uncle were back in Tokyo, so was Kacchan.

Just the thought of the other boy made him wanna cry.

But when he started to tear up, the other kids, and even Kiryu, all wrapped him up in a hug and said,

"We'll see you next summer, okay little hero?"

And at that moment, it was all okay.

Chapter 8: Majima Saga: Innocence

Chapter Text

Majima Saga

Chapter I


Sotenbori, Osaka- 198X


What was there to say about it, really?

It was a city. Not all that different from Kamurocho, if he were honest.

It was a city built all around nightlife indulgence.

Want proof? Look no further than the bright heart of the city, Sotenbori.

Wanna have a good time? There's a Soapland right down the street.

Wanna make some quick with a risk? There's a casino by the bridge, knock yourself out.

Wanna feel like someone loves you for an hour? The Odyssey or The Grand, take your pick.

Sex, cash, and booze. That was Sotenbori.

And then, there was Goro Majima.

He wasn't here for pleasure. He was all business.

He didn't have time to screw around, there was work to do.

He knew this. He was completely aware of this.

So why was he in a park arguing with a kid about the importance of putting trash in the trash can?

He just wanted a smoke. Unfortunately, when he reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack, he realized that he had run out cigs.

Grumbling, he threw the empty pack off to the side and was going to continue on with his day, when this curly haired kid called out to him and started lecturing him.

"Whaddya mean, kid? It's just trash."

"And that's the problem, mister! You know where that trash ends up?"


And why should he care?

"In our water! D'ya know how nasty that is?"


"What?! No way that's true!"

"It is! My dad showed me a newspaper once that said our rivers were getting more and more polluted, and I saw that a lotta the cans and bottles and other stuff we throw away was floating around in the water that we get most of our supply from, so it had me thinking..."

Geez, who's kid is this?

"... then I started reading about all of these rainforests that have started shrinking in the past few years and…"

This must be pretty important to him. And if half of what he's sayin' is true, it oughta be pretty important to me too. I'm too damn young for the world to end!

"And so, what I think-"

"Alright kid. You've got me. I'll do my best to keep the streets clean from now on."


He nodded, and the boy beamed.

"Thanks mister!"

"Don't mention, kid. Say, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's Hisashi, mister. What's yours?"

"Goro Majima. Just call me Goro, kid."

"All right, Goro-oniisan."

That was a quick jump from 'Mister' to 'Niisan'.

"All right kid. I gotta get goin'. You take care of yourself."

And so, Goro Majima walked his way out of the park, off to handle business at the Midoriya Family office.

Midoriya Family Office- 5 Minutes Later

The office wasn't all that far from the park.

It also wasn't as big as he was used to family offices being, though seeing as the Midoriya Family wasn't all that big itself, it made sense.

Ringing the bell at the front door, he waited a good minute before a pissy-looking prick came to the door.

"f*ck do ya want?"

Well, what a barrel of monkeys this family is, if this guy's any indicator.

"I'm here to see Musashi Midoriya, on orders from Futoshi Shimano."

The asshole told Majima to wait a minute before he stepped away from the door, likely to ask his boss if he should let the man in.

The bowl-haired man rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall to the side of the door.

He understood protocol and all that sh*t, but he just wanted to get this over with so he could grab some cigs and head back up to Kamurocho. Hi-Lites were cheaper in Sotenbori, after all.

Why the hell did I end up gettin' the short straw?

He had no idea why the hell his boss told him to hop in a taxi and come all the way to Osaka to deliver a message.

To a third string family he hadn't even heard of, nonetheless!

Whatever let's review I got on hand, before Mr. Sunshine lets me in.

As far as he could tell, from the info he got from the locals in town, the Midoriya Family was pretty new in the area. They were a subsidiary of the Sagawa Family, a higher established family Omi Alliance, and Musashi Midoriya answered directly to the Sagawa Family Patriarch.

They allegedly also ran Cabaret Grand in town. It wasn't pulling in big numbers, and the place looked pretty empty from time to time, but they seemed to be staying in the black.

Oddly enough, the most confusing part of the Midoriya Family was its patriarch, Musashi Midoriya.

No matter how much info dug up, he couldn't seem to dig up anything about the man.

He could find all sorts of things about the man's men, like how some were hotheads who would cause trouble at some restaurants in town, before coming back bruised and apologetic the next day.

Or how some would get drunk and hog the mic at the karaoke bar, being drunk and belligerent and all around bad for business. They'd come back a few days later, at most, and drop off a briefcase full of cash with a heartfelt apology for their behavior.

Or even how some would start screwin' around and name-dropping their boss for free sh*t. They'd end up missing, the day after; all the free sh*t they obtained being given back by a different person who apologized for the inconvenience on behalf of Musashi Midoriya.

So yeah, he could info on the man's boys and make assumptions, but he couldn't find a damn thing on Midoriya. It was honestly kinda frustrating.

After all, it was generally accepted that you could find info on pretty much any patriarch if you looked hard enough.

Majima had been fishing for just about anything he could find on the guy, and he reeled in jack sh*t.

How the hell does a patriarch, of all people, end up bein' a ghost in a town he's supposed to be runnin'?

So here he stood, waiting for an audience with a ghost all for the sake of a boss who probably wouldn't even appreciate it. Oh, thejoysof family.

Just as the young yakuza tough finished lamenting his lot in life, the door swung open and out peeked the head of the hardass from before.

"The boss'll see ya. Come in."

If he were expecting the office to be any more impressive on the inside than it was on the out, he supposed he'd feel mighty disappointed.

The inside was just filled with desks and a couple of plush chairs, likely for any guests that they weren't rude enough to make wait outside.

There was a painting on the far wall, but as far as he could see, there wasn't some secret safe hiding hundreds of millions in cash behind it.

If the office looked so ordinary, he could only wonder what the owner looked like.

Maybe the reason why nobody recognized him was because he was hidden by someone who looked more interesting.

Coming to a stop at a door that wasn't anything like the others(a shoji, oddly enough), the hardass doorman knocked lightly.

A soft reply of 'Come in' was heard and the prickly man promptly slid the door open, stepping to the side to allow Majima to step in first.

Uttering a quiet thanks, he stepped into the office for his first meeting with Musashi Midoriya.

Majima didn't quite know what he was expecting when he was told he was going to meet the man known as Musashi Midoriya.

He didn't know whether he was an old geezer who'd been in charge of young bucks like the dickhe*d doorman that had let him in for years, or if he was some promising young prospect that had impressed the right people and been rewarded with a nice new family of his own.

Well, what he got wasn't either of those things.

Instead, what awaited him on the other side of the shoji, was a man in what had to be at least his mid-forties.

He had a mop of black, curly hair with a bit of grey peppered in.

Hard features, the kind that you'd expect from a leader with a few wrinkles and defined laugh lines near his eyes, so he must've smiled a lot.

Four freckles in the shape of a diamond on both cheeks.

His eyes were dark, in color rather than content. Instead of any ill-intent or menace, that a good number of patriarchs that Majima had seen and interacted with held, this man's eyes danced with amusem*nt and, what seemed to be, fondness.

And as he looked to the man's side, taking note of the other occupant in the room who had been chattering on the whole time, he could see why.

There sat a miniature version of Musashi Midoriya. A miniature version of Musashi Midoriya, who Majima had met, not even ten minutes prior.

"Hisashi-kun?" The words were out of his mouth, before he even had a chance to give them a conscious thought.

"Hm? Oh! Hey, Goro-oniisan! See? This is the guy, dad. The one that actually listened to me."

Funny how innocent little interactions panned out like that.

"Hello, Majima-kun. I'm Musashi Midoriya and I've heard that you have a message for me?"

This guy doesn't miss a beat.

"Yes, sir. From my boss, Futoshi Shimano."

Third String or not, this guy was a patriarch. He had to show some respect.

"Let's see it, then."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the envelope that Shimano had given him before shoving him into a taxi bound for Osaka.

Patriarch Midoriya gingerly plucked the envelope from Majima's fingers, eyes roaming and the scanning exterior, before opening it and skimming the contents.

As he reached the bottom, the amusem*nt from before seemed to fade from the man's eyes.

Now, he was all business.

Laying the message face down on the table, he turned his head to address his son, who had been rather quiet after his initial greeting to Majima, with a kind smile.

"Hi-chan, would you mind stepping outside for a bit? I need to speak to Majima-kun about some adult business. It won't take long."

With nary a murmur or complaint, the boy nodded, stood up, and walked his way out of the office. When he closed the door behind him and the two men still left in the room heard his footsteps retreating, Patriarch Midoriya turned his attention onto Majima.

"Tell me, Majima-kun. Did you happen to have any idea about what was in this message that you were told to deliver to me?"

What's he mean? 'Course I didn't.

"No, sir. My job was to deliver the message, not read it."

The older man stared hard at the messenger, while the messenger simply stared back.

He hadn't done anything wrong, so there was nothing that Midoriya could do to intimidate him on that front.

A beat passed, and Midoriya let the hard look fall from his face.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Then, may I ask you another question?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you like children, Majima-kun?"

That's outta the blue.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I mean, are you good with children? Are you okay with being around them and interacting with them?"

"I guess I am. I don't dislike them at least, and I'd say I get along well enough with the kids that I do interact with."

" Good. Then I'd like to ask you for a favor, Majima-kun."

Majima didn't like the sound of that.

Two Years Later

A now one-eyed Goro Majima walked the streets of Sotenbori.

It was still a city. A city built all around indulgence. A city that he now lived in.

He was stuck there. Kicked out of the Shimano Family and on loan to one of the most reprehensible bastards he'd ever had the displeasure of meeting, Tsukasa Sagawa.

Add that onto the fact that his sworn brother was currently in prison and you had what made for a sh*tty time in the life of one Goro Majima.

He was currently on his way back from a long day of work at Cabaret Grand.

And it truly was a long day.

In the past two years, it had gone from firmly in the black to a hard plummet down into the red.

Business was picking back up, but that was only after the new management came by to give the place a shot in the arm.

Namely, him.

As part of his punishment, he was being forced to run the cabaret and bring in some major profits by the end of the year.

It was April already and profits were climbing up into the millions. He just needed to keep a steady pace and he could shoot past that bastard Sagawa's goal.

If he did that, Sagawa promised to speak to Shimano about letting Majima back into the family.

Majima was at least 80 percent sure that the man was full of sh*t, but he had to do it.

If there was even a 1 percent chance that the bastard would honor their deal, he had to take that chance. No matter how much money he had to pour into the place, no matter how sh*tty a place he had to live in. He would make it work. He had to make it work.

For his bro's sake, as well his own.

Turning the corner into the back alley that led to his apartment, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a noise.

It wouldn't be the first time some asshole tried to mug him here, but he wondered what the hell made him seem like such a great target. Was it the ponytail?

"Alright. Whoever's there, come on out. I ain't gonna ask twice."

He had a lot of pent-up aggression saved up from the day he just had, and the next person who pissed him off would be the one who took on the full brunt of it for the sake of everyone around them.

It didn't have to come to that, however.

Quickly, a small figure with curly, dirty, slightly matted down scrambled from behind the corner, an apology already on their lips.

And as Majima looked closer and listened to the voice, he realized that he recognized this figure.

"No way. Hisashi-kun?"

The boy looked up in fear and slight shock, before his eyes gleamed with recognition.


That was just the beginning of a truly strange time for one Goro Majima, age 23.

Chapter 9: Majima Saga: Choice

Chapter Text

Majima Saga

Chapter II


"You want me to do what?"

"I want to look after my son, in the event that something should happen to me."

So he wasn't hearing wrong.

"Why me?"

The older man chuckled at this. It wasn't anything like his previous bout of laughter; a genuine show of merriment.


This laugh was hollow.

Bitter, though not quite angry, just…


"Majima-kun, I've been yakuza since I was fourteen years old. I didn't swear up until three years after, but I'vebeenyakuza since I was fourteen. I was just a punk with nowhere to go, then. Deadbeat dad, trying to make a profit offa gamblin' all around Kansai. Missin' ma, left after my pops racked up the first hundred grand in debt. So it wasn't exactly what most folk would consider a stable environment. Prob'ly didn't help that I had my old man's temper. By the time I was old enough to really think about it, I just figured that since I came from sh*t, I oughta act even sh*ttier."

Midoriya had been speaking with a proper Tokyo dialect before. But as he went further and further down memory lane, he became more and more vulgar.

"Left home at around 11, wandered for a bit. Shoplifted and dumpster dived for a time. Slept in the subway, on rainy nights. Kept to empty parks on clear ones. Getting around unnoticed wasn't hard, 'specially when no one wanted to notice me, y'know? It was a lonely year for me, one of the lonliest in my life."

"..." What could he say to that?

"A little bit after my twelfth birthday, yes I was keeping track while on the move, I ran into a gang. Not a huge operation, but rather sizable. Some of the folks were a little older, others, a little younger than me. We were all punks that ran away from home, though. Came together to form some pseudo-Neverland and wreak havoc on the streets of Osaka. Now, I couldn't give ya a good reason why I thought it'd be a good idea to join up with 'em. But, if I were forced to give an answer, I'd say… I just needed something, anything to look up to. The world's a cruel place, especially for those too young to know just why that is."


"I rolled with that gang for a good six months or so. Beatin' the crap outta people who looked at us funny, shakin' down assholes so we could go eat at fancy places, causin' trouble at fancy places. For the time I did it, being a goddamn nuisance was fun. Way more fun than being ignored. But then, one day, Just before I turned thirteen, I got my ass kicked during a shakedown. Right here in Sotenbori."

His tone was oddly fond.

"Some yakuza in charge of the turf happened to be passing by when I was doin' it. Told me stop and I told him to f*ck off. He said two words to me and I saw red. Just two. You know what they were?"


"'Make me.' Can ya believe it? I sure as hell couldn't, and it got me pissed. So I tried… and failed, miserably. He kicked the crap outta me. Humiliated me. And he hardly broke a sweat."

He could see where this was going now.

"And after that, he didn't kill me or tell me to leave town. No, instead, he said 'Good fight' and offered me a job. Next thing I know, I'm runnin' errands for the newly-minted Sawada Family."

Of course. That's how most folks got their start after all. Not specifically like that, of course, but with similar set-ups. Young men with no places to go and no people who want them. They get brought in by new patriarchs and boom! Loyalty bred. Simple and somewhat morally ambiguous, but effective.

"Worked my ass for about ten years, before Sagawa-han took me aside and told me I was in line to become a patriarch. I just had to do one thing… I had to 'get rid of' one Hideo Midoriya."


"My father, and an ex-Omi man who was sidling up to some Tojo boys in the area. Probably hoping that they'd pay off his debts for him if he gave 'em some Omi exclusive info. He got banished a little while before my ma had me. Asshole was a lieutenant who tried to start his own gamblin' scam and f*cked up royally. Ended up bringin' the law down on his family, and the patriarch ended up footin' the bill. He was out on his ass the day after the sentencing."

The guy sounded like a real piece of work.

"So, I had a choice to make. I had to choose between my asshole dad, who I hadn't seen or thought of in well over a decade, or my patriarch, who had looked after me and seen that I was looked after for just about a decade. It wasn't a hard choice, but a choice nonetheless."

Majima could imagine so.

"So I found out that he was movin' in & around Sotenbori. Figured I'd find him at some bar or another, so I just hopped from one to the next, before I smelled the stench of the prick that I never seemed to forget. The scent of tobacco from a cig brand that I can't remember the name of for the life of me.

"He looked even more pitiful than he did when I left him twelve years earlier. His hair was grayer, eyes sunken, cheeks were hollow and pale, he was a mess. To this day, I still don't know if the lift in my gut that night was some sad*stic glee that he was suffering after the crap he'd been pulling for all those years, or if it was... relief. Relief that I'd be killing a man that was already dead."

Another chuckle.

"Whatever it was, it didn't change what happened next. I approached him, took a seat next to him, and got a drink. It wasn't exactly part of the plan, but I felt like it would make things more… believable. Mighta also needed some courage, iced and in the form of hard liquor. When I was on my third glass, I looked over and saw that he was still nursing the bottom half of his first. It was strange, I could remember him draining whole bottles in the time it took him to get to the bottom of that one glass. But even then, it didn't matter. I had a job to do. I looked closer at his face, pretended to try and place it, but before I could go through with the whole song and dance, he looked at me and I could see the recognition in his eyes. When he asked if it wasmethat he was lookin' at, I jumped on the chance, hugged him, offered him a bed at my place for the night."

If the patriarch's voice was tired before, it was absolutely strained now.

"We got maybe a block before stoppin' for a smoke. It was nice, dark, and secluded. It was almost like the world was tellin' me that that was the place to kill him. The knife in my jacket felt heavy. It felt like it was pushing me into the ground further and further with every step that I took with it. I handed him a cig and lit it for him. I had to kill the man, what could it cost me to, at least, be polite? It was gonna be his last smoke, after all. When I lit my own, we just sat there for a minute."

Strained to wistful, the man's voice swung from emotion to emotion as his story went about its course.

"It was… nice. But I still had a job to do. So, I pulled out the knife. He had his back turned to me, so I figured I could just get him in the back and be done with it then and there. I pulled it back, my knuckles were turnin' white from how hard I was grippin' the damn thing, and I shoved forward. That's when he turned around. And the blade pushed right into his chest."

Midoriya's hands and voice were starting to tremble.

"It's amazing how easy it was. He was surprised, but he didn't struggle. He looked down at my chest and just seemed to accept it. After that, he looked me in the eyes and patted his pocket. Then, he was gone. Just like that."

He clenched his fists tightly.

"I realize now, that when he looked at my chest, he was looking at my badge. He knew what he had done and it seemed that for the first and last time in his life, he was willing to take responsibility for it. I could respect that. And his pocket, the one he patted, he had a photo. It was one of me and my ma, before she left. He took it when we went to the beach for my birthday. I hardly even remembered it at that point, so I could hardly think of why he would still have it, I tried to not let it f*ck with me though."

Fists unclenched.

"Lo' and behold, that night would f*ck with me for a good ten years after that. I could never wash that blood off my hands or get that picture outta my mind. After I did the job, and told Sawada-han, he patted me on the back and told me my instatement was happening at Omi headquarters the next week."


"I would go on to kill a lot more people afterwards, just on instinct at that point. I got so good at it that they started calling the Omi's very own 'God of War'. A stupid f*cking title, I know."

Back came the bitterness. It was more self-deprecating than anything else, this time around.

"Got married to a lovely spitfire of a woman when I was thirty, and she helped me cope a bit. Then, three years later, she died giving birth to a bouncing baby boy. I was grieving, but I couldn't just shut down and go on autopilot like I did before. I had someone countin' on me now. I had to be there for him. For my son. And I've tried to be. He's real bright, y'know. Prob'ly gets it from his ma. I'm doin' my best to turn him into a proper Tokyoite, so he can get outta here, become a doctor or a scientist or something like that. Anything but a yakuza, honestly."

That slightly threw Majima. He knew the kid was smart, but he didn't expect his father to be so against him joining the family business.


"Because it'd be a waste of his talent. And any father, any good one at least, would want his son to at least be a contender, and would hate to see his child's talent wasted. I want him to live better than I did. I want him to have good memories of his father. To be able to go to sleep at night without worrying about the nightmares creeping in and shocking him out of his sleep in a cold sweat. I want him to get married and have kids and not worry about f*cking them up for the rest of their lives because he didn't know what he was doing. I don't want him to join the Yakuza, Majima-kun, because I want him to differ from me as possible."

Okay, that answered that.

"So where do I fit into this?" That was the billion yen question. He had just met the man that day, so why was he being entrusted with what clearly the most important thing to him?

The Midoriya patriarch smiled once again, a kind smile. A genuine one.

He didn't start off on another long tale this time. Instead, he said three words.

"Because you listened."

Sotenbori, Osaka- Cabaret Grand- June

Because I listened, huh?

Majima sat back in his chair. There wasn't much going on in the club downstairs, so he had a rare bit of time to sit back and breathe. He had started to make a bit of a name for himself in the biz in the past few months and that name led people to find Cabaret Grand: "Where the customer is king".

The sh*t was exhausting, but he was making bank, so he couldn't really complain. The Grand made about ten mil the past month. At the rate they were going this next month, they'd likely double it before the 20th.

This was good. It wouldn't be long before they reached 100 mil, and he'd be out of his cage. He'd be able to breathe without assholes watching his every move.

Sawada had people watching him 24/7, making sure he wouldn't just up and skip town one day.

Not like he could, what with his new… roommate. He was almost certain that Sawada knew about him. He couldn't exactly keep him a secret with the, at least, ten people keeping an eye on his place.

He ain't said anything yet, but if I were a bettin' man…

The cyclops took a breath and shook his head. There was no use dwelling on that, he just had to make the money and he'd get both himself and the boy outta Sotenbori.

He made a promise, after all.

Thirty minutes later- Tsuruhashi Fugetsu


"No problem. Come back soon, Majima-han!"

With a box of Okonomiyaki in hand and his wallet even lighter than usual, Majima left the eatery and started to walk back to his apartment. His roommate seemed a bit down lately, hopefully a hefty serving of his favorite food could help a bit.

Another long day at the Grand, but it was over until the next night at least. Now all he had to do was go home and hit the sack. That plan was kiboshed as soon as he turned onto East Shochof*cku and felt his wallet moving up and out of his pocket.

He whipped around, prepared to slug the sh*t outta whoever thought it'd be a good idea to filch his stuff.


He was surprised to find no unlucky schmuck on the receiving end of his punch.

Instead, he found his wallet floating in mid-air and lazily moving towards a small hooded figure.

The hell?

As Majima got ready to move towards the figure, they seemed to realize that their mark was wise to their antics and let their would-be loot fall before turning around and sprinting into the Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall.

sh*t."Hey, get back here!"

And he took off after them(pocketing his wallet along the way, of course).

Neither the pursuer nor the pursued made it far before the latter was cornered in Ashibata Park.

Majima had arrived just in time to hear athud!and see the figure being surrounded by a few yakuza toughs. Normally, he'd let that be it and go about his day. No real choice to be made there.

"Look, I said I was sorry, so could ya just let me get past?"

"The f*ck you just say to us, brat?"

Unfortunately, his moral compass kicked in when he heard just how young the voice was.

As one of the men raised their hand to strike the kid(?), the one-eyed man called out to them.

"Hey, could younotdo that?"

"Huh, and who the f*ck're you s'pose to be?"

Okay, rude.

"A concerned citizen, one who would rathernotsee you beat on a kid."

"Oh, I get it. You must be volunteering for us to beat on you instead!"

Not exactly, but I'm guessin' they're not gonna take no for an answer.

Settling into a low stance, Majima got ready for the punks to come at him.

"Get him, boys!"

Here we go!

Chapter 10: Majima Saga: Sacrifice

Chapter Text

Majima Saga

Chapter III



Focusing his one eye, Majima swept a quick look across the group charging at him.

The world around him seemed to go grey with only the punks still in vivid color.

He scanned from right to left, checking all around the front of their shirts for any suspicious bumps or bulges.

You see, Majima had a keen eye for certain things in what many would consider "Dangerous Situations".

These certain things would be, guns, knives, the occasional bottle, and so forth.

After almost a decade in the Yakuza, he'd been attacked with so many different types of weapons he'd find odd if someone wasn't trying to stab, shoot, or slash him. It just came with the territory.

Add in the fact that people havef*cking superpowersnow, being able to spot guns and knives through someone's shirt almost seems like calling dice on a kid's playground.

Nothing there, good to go. Now to just pick one to start and work my way around.

One thug, a young man in a green tracksuit, bravely volunteered to be the cyclops's first vic-*ahem*volunteer.

"f*ck you!" He threw a wild punch, throwing most of his weight behind it, just as he reached the man.

He struck air, before something slammed into his ankle and he began to fall fast.



He hit the pavement hard, face first. He wasn't unconscious, but probably wished he was if the pained groan he let out was any indication.

One down, four to go.

Fights against groups are never like the movies.

You hardly ever have assholes in a group try to take you down one-on-one.

It's all a team effort for X amount of people to gang up on, and kick the sh*t out of, one person.

It's an incredibly smart tactic that would be guaranteed to work on nine out of ten people.


Nine out of ten people aren't Goro Majima.

Two more thugs, clad in dark suits and obviously older and bigger than first, ran up to the tuxedoed civilian together, their obvious intent to do harm present in the punches they threw at him.

They didn't put most of their weight behind their punches like the first one did, but being as thick they were only made life simpler for Majima, who simply used his lithe figure to slip through the gap between the two and grab the collar of one.

"The fuunf-?! " His clearly inappropriate exclamation was cut off as he was roughly pulled back into the front vending machine next to him, before receiving a quick strike to his face.

He began falling forward before the steel tip of a boot found its way into the back of his head. The man's eyes rolled back into his head before he fell forward, hitting the ground with a thud.

Three more.

The other three thugs, likelychinpiraif their badges and hotheadedness were anything to go by, were looking rather unsure about whether or not to cut their losses and leave with their pride still intact.

Well that wouldn't be good, the party was just getting started.

Let's see if this gets 'em stirred up.

Looking towards the bigger punk from before, he sneered and said, "Jyama de, debu."

He seemed to take exception to that.

All signs of hesitation left his body as he charged the one-eyed assassin, arms spread out for a grapple.

A grapple that was swiftly evaded, before being countered with a swift chop to the neck.


Turning to the two remaining hooligans with a toothy grin, he asked, "So, who's next?"

Only to be disappointed with the sight of one punk, who had seemingly passed out from fear, and the smell of urine. Taking a closer look, it seemed like this punk was the one who had started the whole debacle. He wore a flashy suit with his badge featured prominently on the lapel of his blazer.

Damn it, talk about a co*ck block. Whatever, let's see if I recognize the family you assholes're from.

If they were Sagawa's, it wasn't likely to be a problem. If they weren't, he'd have some explaining to do.

Plucking the unconscious flashy hooligan's badge from his blazer, he gave it a quick gander.

Huh, would you look at that?

Who would've thought that he'd run into punk from that family that night? It wasn't like they were out in force in Sotenbori anymore.

Whatever, not like they could cause me any trouble right now.

He had more important matters to take care of at that moment.

Important matters that seemed to be attempting to tiptoe away quietly.

"Hold the hell up, kid, and pop-a-squat. We gotta talk."

The kid who Majima had just saved(?) stopped in their tracks and sighed before about-facing and moving over to take a seat on a bench.

Majima just got up and followed them, throwing the badge that he had appropriated over his shoulder.

As the man stepped away, the Midoriya Family emblem glinted in the moonlight.

"So what gave ya the bright idea to try and steal from me, kid?"


"C'mon, I ain't gonna hurt ya or turn ya in. Seems kinda pointless at this point."


"I ain't got all night."

"..ur cl...s."

"Huh? What was that?"

"Your clo…."

"Ya gotta speak up, kid."

"It was your clothes! Okay? Your clothes! The fancy ass butler sh*t ya got goin' on!"

Woah, wasn't expectin' that. Where'd all that attitude come from?

"You mean my tux? Sorry kid, but this is a uniform. Sourced from my boss and the only one I got. sh*t, I haggled these boots from an old shop goin' outta business a couple'a months ago."

With every word that left the cyclops's mouth, the young… lady, from the sound of her voice, seemed to deflate under her hood.

"So... yer not rich, is what you're sayin'?"

Majima reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"Hold out your hand."

She did and Majima upended his wallet and shook it slightly, allowing its contents to fall onto her open palm.

Three 500-yen coins fell out.

"I-is that it?"


"Are you serious?"

"My jokes ain't this bad."

"Aren't ya supposed to be some 'Lord of The Night' or somethin' around here?"

"That's what people call me, I ain't ever said that's what I was."

"Ya can't even buy a tray o' Takoyaki with this. Don't ya run that big fancy club across town? Where's all the cash goin' from that?"

"Back into the club, ya damn brat."

"Tch.Kuso oyaji ga."

"I heard that, little sh*t."


Seeing that this conversation was going nowhere fast, Majima took the initiative.

"Look kid, why're ya out here this late at night? Ain't ya got a place to be gettin' back to? Parents who're worryin'. A granny with a bad heart?"

"No, I don't." And she pulled her legs towards her, curling in on herself.

sh*t, she got a helluva lot less mouthy after that.

"So yer tellin' me that ya ain't got anybody waitin' for ya at home?"



"I'm tellin' ya I ain't got a home. Not here, at least."

Ah, I see.

"So, you ain't got a home here in Osaka. You must be a runaway or somethin' like that."

"Yeah, somethin' like that."

"So… where'd ya run away from?"


"sh*t, that's far! How the hell'd ya end up all the way down here?"

"Black Thunder."

"Beg your pardon?"

"Black Thunder. Abōsōzokugang. They picked me up one night while they were ridin' through Shizuoka. I've been with 'em for a couple months now."

Ah b ōsōzoku, I've heard about em runnin' through Kyoto and such, but I never heard of pickin' up and droppin' off kids.

"Alright, so you were rollin' with abōsōzokugang. That explains how ya got here from Shizuoka to Sotenbori. My next question is, what'd they want with you? Last I heard, they were mostly made up'a teenagers and twenty year olds. You're like, what- ten?"

"I'm twelve! And I'll be thirteen in July. And as for why they took me with 'em..."

She paused, as if thinking about what she should say next.

"My power. My… quirk."

Ah, I see.

"Ya mean that Jedi Force sh*t you were doin' with my wallet?"

"Uh, yeah. That. Doctors called it 'Attraction of Small Objects', though. I showed it off to Yuya-san -he's the leader of Black Thunder-and he said I could come with."

"Huh, okay. So where are they now?"

The girl stared back down.

"I dunno. We got split up after the cops showed up when we rode into town. I've been on my own for about a week, now."

If it's been a week and she hasn't seen 'em, chances that they're still in town are pretty slim. Last I heard, bōsōzoku don't tend to stick around for very long.

He must've made a face, because the girl seemed to pick up on his thought process really quick.

"Yeah, I know they're probably gone already. I'm twelve, not stupid."

"Alright, then what's your plan. Gonna keep trying to pickpocket unsuspecting passersby? No offense, but it doesn't exactly seem to be your strong suit, kid."

"I was doin' just fine filchin' cash from some drunk idiots before you came along. You're just some kinda freak of nature."

Said the kid with telekinesis and no sense of self-awareness. Might as well set her straight before this gets really dangerous.

"Okay, well what happens when they get wise to ya? Realize, just like I did, that there's some brat with a quirk floatin' sh*t right outta their pockets. What happens when they start lookin' around for ya? Askin' questions. Keepin' an eye out. Settin' traps. What then?"

"I don't know! Okay? I don't know! I ain't got a plan for everything that comes. I don't know how I'm gonna keep this movin', I just know that I gotta! So if yer not gonna kill me or call the cops, leave me the hell alone, will ya!"

By the time she got to the end of her tirade, the little lady was trembling in anger.

Wait no, that ain't it. Is she-

The drops of water that fell out of the opening of her hood only confirmed the ponytailed man's suspicions.

"Hey kid. I know it looks bad, but you ain't gotta c-"

" 'It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.' "

"Huh?"The hell'd that come from.

" 'It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop'. It's Confucius."

Okay."Go on."

She reached into her hood, before seemingly wiping away any tears on her face.

"I ain't just gonna sit and wait to die. I wanna live. I'm gonna live as I gotta, I don't care what I gotta do. It doesn't matter how long it takes for me make somethin' of myself. When I do no one's gonna be able to ignore me or leave me behind. You'll see! Everyone will!"

sh*t, that's a lotta conviction. Still, I can't just leave her out on the street. If somethingdidhappen, I'd feel responsible. But what do I do?

After a few moments of thought, Majima's eye lit up as he had his lightbulb moment.

"Alright, kid. That's a good dream. And I wanna help ya."

This seemed to surprise the girl, if the turn of her head at, what had to be, breakneck speed was any indication.

"Really?" The hope in her voice was palpable.

"Yeah. I just need you to answer three questions for me. That sound alright to you?"


"Alright, first question."

The girl sat up at attention.

"What all can your... quirk? Attraction of Small Things is what you called it, right?"

A nod, "Alright what all can it do?"

"Well, like the name says, I can pull small stuff towards me telekinetically. I dunno the exact limit to it, but the heaviest thing I've ever attracted was this book."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a book with the words, "The Analects"written on the cover.

Huh, so I guess that's where the Confucius came from.

After she handed it to him, he lifted it a couple of times, before lightly tossing it in the air and catching it a few times. It wasn't all that light, but it wasn't back-breakingly heavy either.

Handing the book back to the girl, Majima continued saying, "Alright, next question. You want a place to stay?"


"It ain't glamorous and there're probably bigger closets than it, but my apartment's got room for one more. I'm never really there, except for when I get off late at night, so it's not like we'd be in each other's way. And you'd only have my… roommate to deal with and he's not likely to object. So… yeah."

He couldn't see her eyes, but he could feel the apprehension coming off of her in waves.

"I dunno, how do I know ya won't try anything… weird?"

"Cuz I ain't interested in bony brats like yerself. Now, if you're done flatterin' yourself, are ya interested or not?"

"...Tch. Fine,Kuso Oyaji ga."

She didn't even try to hide that one. And I'm not that old, I'm 23!

"So what's your next question?"

"Oh right. Last question... What's your name?"


"Your name. Y'know the thing that people call ya and that ya respond to."

"I know what a name is, ya jerk."

"Cool beans, so what's yours?"

With a sigh, the girl got up and pulled down her hood. Straight green locks flowed down, framing a pretty face. Big green eyes, slightly puffy and red, stared back at him.

"It's Inko. Inko Terasawa. What about you? I never got your name."

Oh right, suppose it'd be kinda difficult for us to live together without her knowin' my name.

With a small smile, perfected after months of customer service work, he said, "Well, Inko-chan, my name is Goro Majima. Whaddya say we show ya to your new home, huh?"

Seeing as Ashibata Park was only a few minutes away from his apartment, it didn't take long for him to have his key in the door as he shouted, "Tadaima!" into his abode. Inko jumped, obviously startled by the man's sudden rise in tone.

As the door creaked open, if one strained their ears as Inko did, one could hear the sound of a very groggy, "Okaeri." coming from inside.

As the pair walked inside, taking their shoes off as they did, the girl could see what Majima meant about the apartment being small. If it were three adults living there, it would probably be a pretty uncomfortable fit. In one corner of the room, there lied what looked to be a fūton. An occupied fūton.

The one-eyed man called out to it.

"Yo, Hi-chan. Wake the hell up. I got someone for ya to meet."

The fūton groaned, "Ugh. Nii-san, it's 2 in the morning. Can't it wait?"

"Hi-chan, wake up before I get the spray bottle again."

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the fūton was no longer occupied.

Instead, there stood a boy. He couldn't have been any older than Inko. He had untamed curly dark hair, likely only made more unkempt by fact that he had just been in bed seconds earlier.

His cheeks were chubby with a set of freckles in a diamond formation on both.

His eyes were big and expressive, if a bit drowsy at that moment.

"Ah good, you're awake. Meet your new roommate."

He jabbed his thumb in Inko's direction, saying, "That's Inko-chan."

Turning his head towards Inko, he pointed in the boy's direction and said, "Inko-chan. That's Hisashi-chan. Get along, you two."

At that, he opened the one window in the room, before taking out a cigarette and putting the end of it in front of Hisashi's face.

"Do ya mind, Hi-chan?"

Rather than answer verbally, Hisashi nodded his and took a breath through the nose and held it.

About three seconds passed before he released that breath, parting his lips ever so slightly. It seemed strange to Inko, who was looking rather confused. But it all made sense when a small stream of fire began to flow from between the boy's lips.

It wasn't for long, the flames fizzled out a few seconds after they appeared and Hisashi was out of breath afterwards.

"You're gettin' better, more control and ya lasted longer too. Keep doing the breathin' exercises in those books I got ya and ya might get up to a full minute soon."

After Hisashi caught his breath and nodded, Majima walked back over to the window.

He brought his, now lit, cigarette to his lips and took a long drag. There was a beat of silence, almost uncomfortable for Inko, being the newcomer and all.

"H-hey, Inko-San."

The silence was broken unexpectedly by Hisashi.

"Huh? Somethin' ya need?"

"Ah, we-well you see. It's-uh. Well-um. I-um. It's just..."

The curly haired boy's face was slightly tinged with red, and he was looking everywhere but her eyes. He was also stumbling over every other word.

It kind of(read: really) annoyed the girl that he was trying to talk to.

"Uh, it's just-"

"Would ya spit out, already!?"

"Ah! I just wanted to say welcome and sorry for my Nii-san being… him."

"Heard that, ya little sh*t!"

The Lord of The Night was promptly ignored.

"So… yeah. Welcome, and I'm sorry."

"O-oh, thanks I guess. Sorry for yellin' at ya."

The corners of the freckled teen's lips lifted into a shaky smile.

"D-don't worry about it. It's nothing that Nii-san doesn't do on a daily basis."

Another moment of silence passed as the two nodded in understanding and a mutual bond of pain was formed. The adult in the room simply pretended not to notice the two ungrateful brats that he was housing.

The silence was broken once again, this time by Inko as she began to giggle into her hand.

Her giggles got louder and louder, until they became full blown laughter. She started to laugh so hard that she was bent over at the waist, tears in her eyes.

Hisashi wasn't much better off, he was almost on the floor. His face was starting to turn red with how much he'd been laughing.

Majima… he just stood at the window and smiled as he took another drag from his cigarette.

It was lively for quite some time after that.

And laughter echoed through the streets of Sotenbori for a good many nights after.

A week later…

Hisashi had a bounce in his step as he walked hand-in-hand with his father.

It was his birthday, one of the few days in the year where his dad could spend more than a few hours with him and he was allowed to put off his studies until the next day.

He grinned toothily at his old man as they made their way to his favorite okonomiyaki restaurant for dinner. They'd eat there and make their way back to the family office to grab his present before heading home for the night.

He wasn't excited to head to the office.

He always had a bad feeling when he saw Hyosuke-san there. His father said that he trusted the man, but he also hadn't seen the way that he looked at Hisashi when the older man wasn't around. Granted, Hyosuke-san's face usually made it look like he had tasted something sour, but there was just something… wrong about the way he looked at the boy.

Something sinister. Hungry, even. It was scary, but he didn't wanna worry his father, who already had a lot on his plate.

That aside, it wasn't like he would have to be there for too long anyway. They were just going to grab his present and go.

His father gave him a gentle smile, the wrinkles near his eyes crinkling as he did.


Hisashi shot up, quick as a bullet, as he clutched his chest.

His breathing was heavy and he could smell smoke in the air.

He could tell that it was mostly from his quirk, him having let out his fire breath in his stressed state.

But he could also smell cigarette smoke, that wasn't from him.

Looking over towards the doorway, he didn't see his guardian(of sorts)'s shoes.

So that only left one person.


Without even looking towards the window his suspicions were confirmed.

Taking a quick breath, he steeled himself and smiled.

Lo and behold, there stood Inko with Goro-niisan's ashtray in hand. In it, among a number of old butts, sat a freshly stubbed cigarette. Hers, if basic logic were to be used.

Inko was a smoker. She'd made that clear on the second night of her stay. Neither of the other two residents really minded, Goro-Niisan only really wanted her to make sure she used her own pack and Hisashi grew up around a ton of smokers, his dad and Goro-niisan being the most prominent examples.

Inko was nice. She could be a bit rough around the edges and swore a lot, but still nice. She had an interest in philosophy and gave him a book to read so they could discuss it.

Inko was pretty. Hisashi was at the age where girls smelled really nice and Inko, cigarette scent aside, smelledandlooked really,reallygood. He might've had a bit of a small crush on her, but he really had no idea where to go from there.

Inko was… staring at him pretty worriedly.

"Is… everything okay, Hisashi-kun?"

"Y-yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Your pillow."


He reached back and felt his pillow, his hand came back slick with sweat.



His father's smile twisted into a pained grimace.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Musashi wrapped his arms around his son. His large frame shielding the boy from any of the other shots coming from behind him.

Hisashi could feel his father tense up every time his back was hit.

His breathing was heavy. He could hear his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest.

Tears werestreaming down his face as he felt arms wrap around him.

Neither Inko nor he said anything.

She didn't ask for an explanation.

He didn't offer one.

They just sat there quietly in that one room apartment, as one of them cried softly.

At that moment, Hisashi had never been more grateful to have someone there to see him cry.

July 5th

"C'mon, Hisashi-kun! Goro-nii's payin', so we might as well go big!"

"O-okay!" Hisashi's face was bright red as he was pulled along by the now thirteen year old Inko while Majima chuckled behind them.

It was her birthday and Majima had offered to take the two kids to dinner at the place of the birthday girl's choosing. He took off early from The Grand and told the floor manager to page if something urgent came up. Otherwise, he was off for the night.

Inko, being Inko, chose Komian, a traditional restaurant for japanese cuisine that happened to be right across the street from Majima's apartment. It was also pretty expensive.

But, he had promised, so they were going.

He could only hope that she would take mercy on his wallet, which happened to fit to burst that night for the occasion.

After hearing the young teen order two of everything on the menu, that hope began to burn like a piece of overcooked tripe.

And as she went back for seconds, his wallet seemed to tremble in fear.

When she ordered one more platter of sushi, he could hear it sob knowing that it would soon be empty once more.

But as he looked at Inko's smiling face as she joked and laughed with a still furiously blushing Hisashi, he felt as though it was well worth it.

200 grand dinner bill be damned.

November 20th

It was starting to get colder out.

A fact that Hisashi and Inko lamented as they walked through Shof*ckucho, looking for a gift to give to their guardian for Christmas the next month.

One might say it was a bit early to worry about Christmas in November, but they couldn't help it. They had been saving up the allowances that Majima had been giving them since August.

His reason for doing so, when they asked, was that The Grand was raking in so much cash on a nightly basis that no one would notice if ¥10,000 went missing every once-in-a-while.

Especially since he was the one that managed the books.

He gave it to them to go out and have a good time at the Sega Hi Tech Land or one of the restaurants near his place, if they felt like it.

It's your money, he said,Do what ya want with it.

They wanted to spend it on him, so there they were.

The only problem was…

"So… ya got any idea what Goro-nii would want, Hisashi-kun?"

"A-ah, I... don't, actually."



So they strolled the streets near the apartment, Hisashi racking his brain and muttering rampantly for anything that his 'Nii-san' had said that he liked before, and Inko with an unlit cigarette hanging from her lips as she stared into store window after store window.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and grabbed Hisashi's wrist as she pointed into a window saying, "Look there!"

Hisashi, forcibly snapped out his thoughts, skidded to a stop and looked towards the shop window that the young lady was pointing at.

"You know… I think that might work."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

And the two fools grinned at each other, before stepping into the shop to make their purchase.


"Woah! That was a big one. Ya gettin' sick there, buddy?"

"No. I'm fine."

Majima sniffled slightly as he reached down and picked up the briefcase filled with that month's payment, sitting it on the table in front of him and sliding it across.

Tsukasa Sagawa opened it, giving the bills inside a quick glance and closed it, seemingly satisfied with what he had seen inside.

"Alright buddy. Everything seems to be in order. I'll be back next month."

He got up to leave, before stopping as though he had remembered something important.

"Almost forgot. Here." He reached into his suit's jacket, pulling out a wooden box.

"It's an early Christmas gift from Brother Shimano. Said it should give ya something to look forward to in about a year or so."


Sagawa shrugged and walked his way out of the office, leaving Majima alone at the table.

Boss sent me a gift, huh?

Reaching out and grabbing the box, he took off the top.

Peering in, he saw… a knife.

A tanto, to be exact.

One that he had seen before.

Just before his left eye was gouged out.

Majima slammed the top back onto the box, grabbing it and shoving it into the inside of his tuxedo jacket.

Two years passed or not, Futoshi Shimano still had a really sick sense of humor.

Hisashi bounded down the street with Inko's and his gift-wrapped present for their Nii-san.

It had been expensive, costing a good 40,000 yen, but well worth it. It fit their guardian's personality and style so perfectly that it must've been fate that they were the ones to see it and buy that night.

They just had to get back to the apartment quickly so that they could hide before the adult in their lives got home.

Unfortunately, they were moving so quickly and paying so little attention to their surroundings that they didn't notice the suit-clad man coming around the corner just before they reached their street.

Hisashi ended up colliding with the man and they both ended up tumbling to the ground.



"Watch where the hell you're goin' brat!"

"S-sorry, mister!"

The older man got up and dusted himself off before giving a scrutinizing look to the boy who had just barreled into him and was now all apologies, suddenly his gaze shifted into one of recognition.


Hisashi was too caught up in apologizing to notice what the man had said.

Inko, who had been off to the side, apologized once more for the boy before pushing him along and disappearing around the corner, scooping their fallen package up along the way.

The man that they had bumped into, Tsubasa Kurosawa, stood there frozen for another moment before turning around and walking away with purpose in his step.

"Hyosuke-aniki's gonna wanna hear about this."

November 30th

"Ah Majima, there you are, take a seat right there."

Majima did as he was told, taking a seat on the pillow across from his boss at the low table in his office.

On the table, there lied a shogi board with the pieces for both sides set up.

"You wanted to see me, boss?"

"I did. You play Shogi, Majima?"

"Sometimes, boss."

"Are ya good?"

"I couldn't say. I haven't played a ton, boss."

"Heh. Good enough for me. I wanna talk to ya, but I'm also in the mood for some Shogi. You'll indulge me, won't ya?"

"Whatever you want, boss."

"That's the spirit! Why don't ya start us off, then?"

He had no reason to refuse, so he picked up a piece and made his first move.


"Hashiru Hashiru! Oretachi

Nagareru Asemo Sono Mamani

Itsuka Tadori Tsuitara

Kimini Uchiake Rarerudarou!"

"Whoo! Sing it, Hi-chan!"

"You're doin' great, Hisashi-kun!"

Man, if only she knew he was singing this song to her.

It was Hisashi's birthday, and rather than drain his caregiver's wallet at an expensive restaurant, the newly thirteen year old boy decided that he wanted to karaoke with his crush and older brother figure.

They were having a good time and Hisashi decided that he wanted to take the first song of the night.

It was a fun night.


"Ya know the fun thing about Shogi, Majima?"

"No boss, what's that?"


"Yoku no neon ni" "Oh, rogue of love!"

"Yogorete iku my heart" "Come take my heart!"

"Youshokugyo no you ni" "Odomeche you ni!"

"Yamiwo oyo gu wa " "Oh, rogue of love"

Yep, kid's got it bad. Don't worry, I'm sure if ya keep this up, she'll notice eventually.


"It's the strategy. Comin' up with a plan, analyzin' your opponent, and comin' up with the win in the end."


"Sunao ni I LOVE YOU! Todokeyou ᅠ

Kitto YOU LOVE ME! Tsutawaru sa? ᅠ

Kimi ni niau GLASS no kutsu wo sagaso?"

"You sound great, Nii-san!"

"Hit those notes, Goro-nii!"


"The most useful piece for all that plannin' and such, would be the pawn, I'd say."

He lifted the pawn that he had captured mere seconds before.

"They're all about chess, over in the west. Funny enough, there's a pawn in that game as well. A lot less versatile than a pawn in shogi. But I digress, the pawn's beauty lies in its simplicity."


The two teens and their live-in cyclops were leaving the karaoke bar.

They had all sung their hearts out and were having a good time, so they were headed to Tsuruhashi Fugetsu for some okonomiyaki.

They were about to round the corner into Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall before they heard footsteps behind them.

This wouldn't be too strange if they weren't so hurried and in such large numbers.

Turning around, the trio saw a crowd of men blocking the way behind them.

In the direction that they had been headed, they heard more footsteps.

Turning his head, Majima could see that that direction was blocked as well.

There was one more way to go, but they'd have to outrun all of those guys. Not quite optimal.


"Yo, been a while, Hisashi-kun!"

Majima could see Hisashi freeze up.

The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.

From the one unblocked path in the park, there walked a man. He was wearing expensive looking clothes, they likely ran him over half a mil, if his eye for the material proved right.

"What's wrong, Hisashi-kun? Don't ya remember me?" He had a smug grin on his face. The ponytailed man wanted to smack itoffhis face.

"H-Hyosuke-san…" The boy was shaking now and his voice trembled with him, Inko grabbed his hand.

"Ah, seems like ya do remember and ya got a little girlfriend too. How cute." He seemed to finally notice Majima standing next to the boy and his grin twisted into a scowl.

"Huh? The f*ck're you?"

A pissy-looking prick came to the door.

"f*ck do ya want?"

"So that's where I know ya from. What do ya want with Hi-chan here?"

"I don't see how that's any of yer business, asshole. So why don't ya make like a tree and get the f*ck outta here?"

"Wow, so original. I can see why ya had to kill your boss to be in charge."

That seemed to shock the man.

"How didja-?" He turned his gaze from Majima to the boy next to him. His scowl deepened considerably.

"Chatty little sh*t, ain't ya? We'll fix that. " He turned his gaze back to Majima. "You. How much do ya know?"

"I know that ya shot a boy's father right in front of him, on his birthday. And ya chased him out of his home after taking over his father's business, and that you're a prick. Am I missin' anything Captain Hyosuke Serizawa?"

"PatriarchHyosuke Serizawa. And yeah, you are. You missed the fact that I saved this f*ckin' family. I did what was best for it. That's not a boy ya got there, it's an asset and a trulyhelpful soldieruses whatever assets he can to come out on top. Even if some people gotta be sacrificed for the good of his army."

"You're goddamn delusional."

"And you're dead. Kill him, boys. Bring me the boy, alive. I don't care what ya do with the girl."

"Right, boss!" They began to encroach.

Majima settled into a fighting stance, telling the teenagers with him to get behind him.

"Fine then. If ya wanna get to hell quicker… step right up!"

Midoriya Family

They were on him in seconds, two of them swinging on both sides.


"Ya see Majima, the bishops here can move diagonally in four directions. As long as there're open spaces for it to occupy or pieces to capture."

He emphasized his point by taking one of his bishops and moving it to the edge of the board.

"See what I mean? Lotta distance in one turn. But, there's still a flaw with the Bishop. Take a look at the space in front of it."

There sat one pawn.


One of the thugs fell forward and hit the ground hard as Majima ducked forward under his punch and kicked him in the back.

The other one attempted to whip back with an elbow, unprepared to come up empty with his swing and more surprised to feel an arm squeezing around his neck. He tried to struggle. He really did, but…


His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he hit the ground with a deadthump!


"Next up's the Lance. It can move straight forward as far as it wants, as long there's space to occupy or piece to capture."

At that, he took one of his lances and slid it across the board, taking a pawn and promoting his own piece.

"Diiie!" Another thug flew straight at him, attempting to dropkick the one-eyed man, but ended up missing completely when Majima side-stepped him. He flew straight past the man and landed next to Inko and Hisashi.


"See ain't that great? Check, by the way."

He grabbed at the latter's ankle, which caused the former to stomp down hard on his wrist.


"Good use of the Gold General."



Good job, kid!

He couldn't verbalize his agreement with his charge's actions, as he was soon grabbed from behind by another punk and another came up towards him with a fist raised.

"Got ya now, asshole!"

He kicked forward, nailing the guy in his stomach and sending him flying, before he dropped down out of the hold he was in, catching himself with his elbow and kicking his assailant in the face with a high kick.

"Ya sure about that?"


"But you see, the pawn can only move one space. Just one, and it can only go forward. It likely won't ever capture the king, but…"


"That's enough!"

Serizawa seemed to have enough of seeing his boys get torn apart.

The smoking gun and the bullet that had just whizzed by Majima's face were pretty big indicators of that.

His face was twisted into a snarl as he aimed the gun back at the cyclops's face and began to squeeze the trigger.

"It can be the perfect distraction leadin' to-"


The gun flew from the Midoriya Family Patriarch's hand and clattered when it hit the ground.

"You're right. Thatisenough, Serizawa-chan."

And there stood Tsukasa Sagawa, Patriarch of the Sagawa Family, Progenitor of the Midoriya Family. Behind him stood at least thirty of his men, armed with bats, knives, bottles and a number of other instruments designed to do harm.

And none of them looked happy.


"Good play, Majima. When'd ya pick up on my plan?"

"I didn't. I just saw an opportunity and took it."

"Heh. A different strategy, but one that fits ya, I'd say."

"You can go, Majima-chan. Me and the boys here have got some… trash to take care of here in the park. You should take the kids and go celebrate the boy's birthday. You're only thirteen once after all."

Majima didn't say a word, nodding and ushering the two teens out over the unconscious bodies of thugs long beaten.

"Hold up a minute, Majima-chan. Here."

He handed him an envelope.

"Consider that an early Christmas present from Mu-chan and I. And tell Hisashi that I said… 'Happy Birthday'."

Majima nodded mutely before walking out of the park and taking the kids back to the apartment, at their behest.

The Midoriya Family was never heard from again in Sotenbori after that night.

December 5th

"Do we really have to do this Nii-san?"

"Yeah, it's for the best. Don't worry, I'll still be with ya. Right here." He pointed at the boy's chest, right at his heart.

"That's some corny sh*t, Goro-nii!"

"Shut it, you! You can just go, no goodbye for you!"

"Yeah? Well, I don't your stupid goodbye! Hmph!"

"Too bad, cuz you're gettin' it anyway. C'mere." He quickly ruffled her before she could get away.

"Dammit, Goro-nii! It's gonna take me hours to get this fixed."

"Serves ya right!"

The young greenette glared at the one-eyed man as he stared back with a sh*t-eating grin.

She eventually caved and wrapped her arms around the man's neck, bringing him into a tight hug.

Majima reciprocated, reaching over to Hisashi and bringing him in close to them to make the hug a group hug.

"Alright, you two better get goin'. The address is written on the paper I gave ya last night. And the first two years of rent's already paid. Ya just gotta get there and do well in school. Got it?"

The two younger people nodded in unison.

"Alright then. Go on now. Shoo. Get outta here. Go on and terrorize Shizuoka for a couple years, ya hooligans."

Inko stuck out her tongue at him and turned to get in the taxi that was waiting for the two.

Hisashi stood for a moment before saying, "Nii-san, when you get home tonight, check under floorboards under the table, okay? We left something there for you. Merry Christmas."

His piece said, Hisashi waved and followed Inko into the taxi.

When the door closed, it pulled off into the distance, further and further until...

They were gone.

Majima was gonna miss those two.

The city felt a little bit less like a cage with them around.

But if they were going to be able to live happy and free from all the bullsh*t he was stuck in, he'd be plenty happy to sacrifice a bit of comfort.

That's just what a Nii-san would do.

Right, bro?

Later that night

Majima moved his table to the side. The floor under it looked normal enough.

Hisashi had said to check under the floorboards, so he reached towards one end and pulled.

Several boards came up together, revealing a compartment that he could've sworn wasn't there when he moved in.

Hope I don't gotta pay to get that repaired.

And in that compartment, was a wrapped bundle.

A gift.

He pulled it out and looked at it fondly for a moment.

Damn kids. I gave ya that money to use for yourselves.

Despite his thoughts, he made short work of the wrapping paper.

What lied beneath it was...

The tackiest jacket he'd ever seen.

Geez, it ain't really my style. You'd have to be blind or crazy to wear somethin' like this in public.

But it was thought that counted, so instead of throwing it in the trash(as most sensible people would), he opened his closet and took out a hanger.

When he closed the closet back, therewithin hung two things.

A shimmering, spangled idol costume.

And a gaudy, golden snakeskin jacket.

Chapter 11: Daily Life of Izuku Midorya, Age 8

Chapter Text

Musutafu, Tokyo- 201X

Inko Midoriya was a sweet woman.

She didn't raise her voice.

She didn't curse.

She didn't smoke.

She hardly ever drank.

She didn't hit people.

She was, all-around, just a sweet lady.

Inko Midoriya was a caring wife.

She started dating her husband after their second year of high school.

Moved from Shizuoka to Tokyo with him before their first year of college.

And married him a year after they graduated, he and her with degrees in Quirk Sciences and Applied Ethics in Hero Society, respectively.

Their relationship only bloomed further when they found out, at age 26, that the better half of the couple was pregnant. And a couple of weeks after they celebrated Inko's 27th birthday, on July 15th, Izuku Midoriya was born.

Inko Midoriya was a loving mother.

From the moment she laid eyes on her son, she knew that she loved him.

His freckled cheeks, just like his father's.

Green tufts of hair, just like her's.

A fine set of lungs, as evidenced by his cries.

Everything about him made her love him, and the feeling only grew as he grew older.

She cheered enough to drown out a full baseball stadium when her son took his first steps.

"There you go, Izu! You're doing it! Just a little bit more!"

She busted her sides laughing at his first word.

"C'mon, Dekiru. Please just say papa."



"It's not funny, Inko!"

And when he cried after being diagnosed as quirkless, she cried with him.

"I'm sorry Izuku! I'm so sorry!"

So yes, Inko Midoriya loved her son. That much was clear to see. Irrefutable, even.

And it was because Inko Midoriya loved her son that she was incredibly worried after he came in, in the state that he did, after a long day out.

"Izu." Her tone betrayed nothing.

"Y-yeah, mom?"

"What happened?" Her tone betrayed nothing, but the glint in her eyes said nothing short of, 'Tell me everything.'

"Well, i-it's a long story-"

"We have time."

Inko's usually comforting smile widened, as she gestured towards an empty seat across from her.

"Pop-a-squat. We need to talk."

Izuku gulped.

Hours earlier, near Tatooin Station…

Izuku Midoriya was having an alright day as he left the convenience store, smile on his face with a water bottle and bento in hand.

School was out.

The sun was shining.

The flowers were blooming.

And, best of all, there was no one crying out for-


Aw, crud.

The shout had come from a nearby alleyway. Not quite dark in the light of noon, but secluded and far enough out of the way that he wouldn't

Now normally, a young boy of eight years wouldn't be put out by the sound of calling out for help.

Startled and curious, maybe. But, not put out.

Well, most eight year old boys weren't Izuku Midoriya.

The child's legs were moving towards the danger long before his actions could register.

He wanted to be a hero and his usual company often led him into strange situations.

Izuku liked to help people, so if he happened to hear someone shouting 'Help!', his instant reaction was to run on over and see if he could.

Most people would call that a lack of 'self-preservation', his uncle and Kiryu-san called it a 'moral compass'.

Whatever that meant.

As he neared the spot that he heard cry come from, he could hear someone saying, "-ut the hell up and empty your wallet before this gets ugly."

Ah, muggers.

In a world of superheroes and supervillains, there are often a good number of petty crimes that slip through the cracks.

Muggings, assaults, sometimes murder. If there wasn't a quirk being used in full view of a hero, it was free game.

Quirkless-on-quirkless crime was making a killing in hero society.

The police would try to keep up, but unless you were in a place with a high concentration of quirkless, villains would take priority.

Villains have the capability of doing more damage than criminals, after all.

So, if no one was going to protect the defenseless, Izuku was going to.

That's just what a hero does.

Reaching the point of the alleyway where he heard the cry for help coming from, Izuku quickly assessed the situation.

There stood two people, both men, one holding the other by his collar with a fist co*cked back and the other quivering in fear.

It was definitely a quirkless-on-quirkless crime. Which made it the perfect time for a little quirkless hero's intervention.

Kiryu-san and Goro-jiji told him that supervillains were completely off-limits until he was older, but in the words of the latter, "Punks and jackasses with knives and guns are fair game. Go wild, champ!"

He'd taken these words to heart, and so he placed his bento off to the side, got low, and readied his fighting stance.

Left arm loose at his side, right arm crossed in front of him. He'd gotten much taller since the first time he'd used this used this style. Almost four years of training and healthy dieting would do that, he supposed. Taller than most of his peers, at over 140 cm, not many people wanted to mess with him at the park anymore.

Didn't really translate well against adults, but that's what the whole "learning to fight" thing came in.

Oh, right! Safety first.

Closing his left eye, Izuku squinted his right and focused on the man's pants pockets and torso. He was searching for any 'suspicious bumps or bulges' as his uncle had called them.

The training for this particular skill was… interesting to stay the least.

"Alright,Izu-chan. What do they got?"

In a cleared area of the Junkbeach, Izuku stood beside his uncle and across from four men wearing yellow hard hats that said 'Majima Construction'.

Majima had told Izuku that they were some of his employees and they would be assisting in his training that day.

The boy didn't really need to hear much more than that, so he closed his left eye and focused on the group of four with his right.

As he swept his gaze from right to left, he called out the following:






"On the money."


"Ye- wait, what? Nishida, what the hell?"

"It's what you gave me, boss!"

The throttling that Nishida would receive soon after would be one that Izuku remembered for many months after the fact.

Snapping out of his thoughts of the year-old memory, the green-haired boy focused back on the situation at hand.

The perpetrator didn't have a weapon of any sort on his person, so Izuku wouldn't have to worry about any nasty surprises in what was sure to be a fight. He could feel the Heat burning through his body, as well. Now all he had to do was grab the mugger's attention.

Clearing his throat, he called out, "Hey! Why dontcha pick on someone your own size?"

Startled, the mugger whipped around, dropping his victim, and searched for the person who had clearly just challenged him. He couldn't seem to find anyone at first, if his confused countenance was anything to go by, but when Izuku cleared his throat he looked down and snorted.

"This is a matter between grown-ups, kid. If ya don't wanna get hurt, get the hell outta here."
At that, he began to turn back to his victim so that he could resume his nefarious scheme-

"Why? Scared you're gonna get laid out? Tch,chinpoko."

That seemed to grab his attention.

"...The hell'd you just say to me, brat?"

Izuku closed his eyes, rising slightly out of his low stance and giving the mugger his most innocent smile with a slight tilt of his head.

"Oh nothing…Chinpo-san."

The criminal was fuming now. He was grinding his teeth and his face was turning red. That was the moment that Izuku knew… he had him.

The man completely forgot about his original victim and turned fully towards the small child that happened to be taunting him.

"Ya got three seconds to say you're sorry, brat, before I kick your little ass."

"I'm sorry...Chinchin-chan."

"Grrrr!Gonna beat your ass! C'mere, ya little sh*t!"


The man ran straight at the green-haired child, winding up a punch and swinging straight at the small boy.


Only to be left dumbfounded when his fist struck nothing but air.

"What are you aiming at?"

"The hell?"

The adult in the situation turned to see the boy that he had failed to assault, not only behind him but staring at him with a sh*t-eating grin.

So he swung again.

And he missed again.





Burabura Suru.


This would continue for over a minute or so, before the poor mugger found himself winded.

[!] Heat Move: Essence of Blindside

And as he bent over at the waist, hands on his knees, in an attempt to catch his breath, he heard a whistle.

Looking up to see where it was from, he was assaulted by the sight of a rapidly approaching small fist and a brief sensation of pain before it all went black for him.

"And good night."

As the criminal fell to the ground in a heap, Izuku turned to the victim of the mugging, who had been frozen in fear from the moment he had been dropped, and walked over to him.

He offered a hand to the man, which was quickly taken, and helped him up.

"Th-thank you. Thank you so much." He bowed repeatedly and thanked his tiny savior over and over again.

Izuku just offered him a big, toothy grin and told him, "Don't mention it, mister. It's what heroes are supposed to do."

That said, he walked away, retrieved his bento and drink, and went about his day.

Izuku wasn't even five full steps out of the alleyway, before he was stopped by someone calling out and saying, "Hey! You, with the green hair! Excuse me! Please wait up!"


Substories 1

Dreamers on the prowl

Turning to address whoever it was that called out him, Izuku was soon confronted with the visage of a what had to be a middle school boy with short brown hair and kind brown eyes.

Izuku's eye for hero merch immediately made the Limited Edition Bronze All Might hoodie that the older boy was wearing.

The boy was also incredibly out of breath.

Izuku offered him his water bottle, before being waved off and putting it away.

It took the brown-haired boy a few moments more to catch his breath before rising up to his full height; he was taller than Izuku, but still pretty lanky.

He offered the younger boy a smile before saying, "That was an amazing fight!"


"Back in that alley there. The way you took that guy down. It was awesome."


"Like, you're just so tiny and unassuming. I never would've guessed that you'd have moves like that!"

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Are you a new hero or something?"

"N-no, I'm not."

"Then are you a…" He looked around and leaned in before whispering, "Vigilante?"

"No, I'm not. "

Technically he wasn't. Under the Rhode Island New State Statute, and many of its international counterparts, Vigilantism is stated as the act of using a quirk to apprehend criminals without a provisional or permanent hero license issued by the Hero Public Safety Commission.

Izuku didn't have a quirk, therefore his crime fighting was legal and completely quirk free.

"Hm, but how did you move like that? You had to have used a quirk, right? Some sort of speed quirk or reflex enhancer?"

"No, just…"

A seven year old Izuku stood across from Kiryu, who held a bundle under his arm, on the sands of Morning Glory Beach.

"Alright Izuku. We're going to work on your evasion today."

"Okay, so what are we doing?"

"Well first, you're gonna wanna tie your shoe. I'd rather you not trip during this."

"Oh. Thanks." The young greenette bent down and began to tie his laces.

As he finished the loop, he heard the sound of something light hitting the sand.

He thought nothing of it until…


He had seen enough zombie movies with his uncle to recognize that sound and his head whipped up.

"K-Kiryu-san, why are you holding a shotgun?"

"For today's training, Izuku, you're going to dodge the bullets that I shoot at you. They're all rubber, so they won't kill you, but they still really hurt. Your objective is to not get hit by a single one. If you do, we do it again until you don't. We start on the count of three. One."

"Kiryu-san, this isn't okay. There has to be a bet-"


"Can we please not do this?"




"...Training. Lots of training."

"Huh. Well, that's pretty cool either way. The way you didn't even hesitate to help that guy was cool too. Didn't ask for a reward either. Are you planning to be a hero?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna be the world's greatest hero! Even greater than All Might!"

"Woah, that's a tall order. Well I'm gonna be a hero too. I hope to see you in the papers sometime. Speaking of, I never got your name."

"Oh, It's Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. What's yours?"

"It's Koichi Haimawari. Pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Haimawari-san. So, if you don't mind me asking…"

"Something on your mind?"

"I-uh just wanted to-um ask what your quirk is?"

"My quirk?"

"Y-yeah. I have this thing for analyzing different quirks, ya see. Um, most people find it kinda weird when I start nerding out, so I try not to…" He began to taper off into mutters near the end.

Koichi seemed to take pity on the younger boy and said, "I don't mind, go right ahead."

The mutters continued.

"Um, Midoriya-san?"



"Ah! I was muttering, wasn't I?"

"Big time."

"Sorry that happens… a lot."

"Don't worry about it. Anyways, ask away."

"Okay, so-uh whatisyour quirk?"

"Well, I've taken to calling it 'Slide and Glide'. I can use it to glide over just about any flat surface in any direction, even backwards. I don't have much control over turns and braking, though."

Izuku's eyes shined as he started scribbling notes into a notebook that he definitely wasn't holding seconds before, "That's so cool! When you say just about any flat surface, does that mean walls and steep inclines and stuff? What about-?" His excited questioning would've continued had he not been interrupted by-


The sound of a phone vibrating came from Koichi's hoodie pocket, so the boy to boy reached in, took it out, and flipped the phone open.

His eyes scanned across the screen and he had broken into a sweat by the time he reached the end of it.

"Uh, sorry Midoriya-san. That was my mom. I just remembered that I'm supposed to be grabbing some vinegar and it's been an hour and I haven't been to the store yet. So, I've gotta go or…" He shuddered here.

"Oh, okay. It was nice meeting you again, Haimawari-san."

"You too. Oh, and before I go, are you planning on trying for the U.A. Entrance Exam next year?"

"Um, no. I'm 8."

"Ah, I see…" He nodded and closed his eyes, before they snapped and he stared in shock.

"Wait, you're what?!"

It was on that day that Koichi Haimawari learned that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Substories 1

Dreamers on the prowl-END

After bidding his new friend farewell, Izuku continued on down the street. He was on his way to the Children's Park to eat his bento and play for a while before he went to the clear more of the Junkbeach for the day.

He was about to turn the corner onto the street, when he recognized a certain someone sitting on a bench and called out a greeting.

"Hey there, Tsukauchi-san!"

The man, who was wearing a green polo over brown slacks, looked over to see the young boy approaching him.

"Oh, Midoriya-kun, hello." The man had been the Midoriya family's neighbor for just over a year and always had a smile and kind word for the young boy.

Which was why Izuku was concerned when he saw the man looking like death. His usually well-kempt hair was completely bedraggled, his clothes askew, skin pale, and eyes bloodshot.

The officer looked like a dead man walking.

"Um, Tsukauchi-san? Are you doing alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, I'm fine Midoriya-kun. Just fine."

You sure don't look fine.Izuku wisely kept that comment to himself.

He still wanted to see if he could help his neighbor though. The man had always been truly kind to him.

"Are you sure? You look like you have something on your mind."

"No, it's really-uh nothing." Looking closely, Izuku could see a silver ring flash around the man's pupils.

Huh, weird.

He could tell that the man wasn't going to tell him what the problem was, unless he got out the big guns. So he tapped the forlorn officer on his shoulder to grab his attention and waited for the man to look at him. When he did, the plan was on.

Blinking several times to prepare himself, he puffed out his cheeks, widened his eyes to almost frightening proportions, and…


"Midoriya-kun, what are you doing?"


"M-Midoriya-kun, you're making me kind of uncomfortable now."


"Alright, alright. If I tell you what's up? Will you stop doing…that?"

Izuku let his eyes go back to normal, before smiling wide and responding with, "Yep! Now spill!"

"Jeez. Kids these days."

Izuku just kept smiling and waited.

Tsukauchi sighed and said, "It's my mother."

Substories 2

The Good Son

"Your mom?"

"Yeah, my mom."

"Is she… sick?"

"What? No! W-well, n-not that I know of..."

"Oh. So what's the problem?"

"I'm single."


"I'm single, 29, and have no friends my age."


"My mom knows this, and she's not pushy about it or anything, but… I can see that little bit of disappointment in her eyes whenever I tell her I don't have a girlfriend yet. But it's not my fault! I'm just so busy studying up for the detective's exam and I haven't had time to get out and..."

This was starting to bum Izuku out a bit. He also didn't really know how he could help at this point, seeing as he was 8.

And a boy.

But Tsukauchi was nowhere close to done with his rant, as he looked down and gripped his hair, "And I swear that I heard her crying one day when I told her that I wasn't planning on having any kids time soon. I mean, c'mon! I can't bring a kid into my bachelor lifestyle! The only kid I know that really even likes me is…"

He turned to look at the boy he was talking to.

And Izuku immediately decided that he didn't like where the situation was headed.

Most Icely Cafe

"Alright, Midoriya-kun. She always arrives right on time. We're here five minutes early, so that's how long we've got to get this down. Remember the story we went over?"

"I still think this is bad."

"Midoriya-kun, I know how you feel about this. I really do. I just need your help this one time, please."

Izuku sighed.

Minutes Earlier...

"Tsukauchi-san, no."

"But why not?"

"Lying is bad. Especially to your mom."

"It's hardly lying, just…"

"Not telling the truth."


"That's lying, Tsukauchi-san!"

"Nhg." The officer looked pained as Izuku stared him down, judgement present in his big green eyes.

"Midoriya-kun. Please. I've never disappointed my mother before. I always scored high on exams in school, I did my best to be a good example for my sister, I even graduated from the police academy at the top of my class. This is the only area where I've ever disappointed her, and that hurts. So please, Midoriya-kun. Please, help me."

The longer that Tsukauchi-san went on, the more Izuku's stare faltered. Yeah, lying to your parents was bad, but disappointing them felt even worse. His own mother had once given him a look that made him feel like another trash that had washed up on the Junkbeach, and all he had done was say a curse that he had heard his uncle say.

He couldn't imagine how that would feel for Tsukauchi-san, who put his all into making his mother happy. That's a good thing.

His uncle and Kiryu-san didn't always do the right thing, but they always did it to help someone, and helping was good. Right?

Lying was bad, but Tsukauchi-san wanted to do it to make his mother happy, and that was good.

He needed Izuku's help for the lie to work, and even if Izuku didn't want to lie, heroes helped people.

Therefore the right thing to do would be…

"Okay. The story is, I'm your adopted son who you've been taking care of for the past month. You took me in because my parents had trouble providing for me, because I have a special condition that means I require more assistance than your average child."

His time with his uncle had left him far quicker on the uptake than anyone would ever reasonably expect him to be.

"That sound about right,dad?"

Far more sardonic, as well.

"Yeah… sss- kiddo." He looked off to the side, awkwardly.

It seemed that Tsukauchi-san was just as uncomfortable with the situation as he was.

The cafe was pretty empty, supposedly because not a ton of people were interested in a little hole-in-the-wall cafe when there was a Smile Burger right down the street.

It was because the cafe was so empty that the dishonest duo heard the bell of the cafe ring when the door opened.

Izuku, being quite the curious child, turned to the door to see who had just entered and was greeted with the sight of an older woman with greying hair tied up in a tight bun. Her face was stern and somewhat familiar, but he couldn't quite place it until he turned to his companion.

He nudged the man sitting next to him, who hadn't stopped staring embarrassedly at a portion of the floor. The man looked up before shooting out of his seat and making a beeline straight towards the woman. With a cry of 'mother' fresh from his lips, he promptly began ushering her towards the table while chattering rapidly in her ear.

Subtle, Tsukauchi-san. Real subtle.

When they reached the table, the older lady(who seemed to have little trouble keeping up with her son's bombardment of words, if her prompt responses were any indication) noticed the young freckled boy sat across from her.

Turning to her son, who was sliding into his seat beside the young boy, she asked, "And who might this be, Masa-chan?"

"Mom, I'm almost thirty years old. Could youpleasenot use the same nickname for me that you made up when I was two?"

The older Tsukauchi smiled and said, "I'm waiting."

The good son, knowing from years of pleading that he would be unable to convince his mother to let that particular issue drop, sighed and turned his attention to the previously asked question.

"Mom, this is Izuku. My s-." He stopped suddenly as if he lost his voice.

He cleared his throat, "Ahem. My suuuh-"



"My s-soo-oor."

This is… really sad.

Izuku was beginning to suffer from second-hand embarrassment and from the look of it, Tsuckauchi-san's mother was beginning to catch onto the farce.

Not like it's all that hard, what with Tsukauchi-san malfunctioning and all.

Deciding to save the lie before it died upon birth, Izuku stepped in quickly.

Tugging on the drowning man's sleeve, he waited for him to turn his way before he made his move.

"Tou-san? Is this my… Obaachan?"

His question caught two people off-guard.

"W-what? M-Masa-chan?"

Tsukauchi-san, it's up to you now. Please don't mess it up.

Part of being a hero was helping others save themselves, wasn't it?

And it seemed like Tsukauchi-san understood that, as well.

Giving the boy a small smile, he put a hand on his shoulder, looked the older woman in the eye and answered, "That's right, Izuku. That's your obaachan."

Addressing his mother now, he said, "Mom, meet Izuku. Your grandson."


"I wanted to introduce you earlier, but he's just gotten used to being around new people and I didn't want to overload him."

It was as if a switch had been flipped.

Tsukauchi-san just went about selling his lie with all of his heart; a far cry from the fumbling he'd displayed mere moments before.

A fond smile on his face, he heaped praise upon praise onto his (fake) son.

All the while, and Izuku did assume that it might've just been the lighting, a silver ring lit up around the man's pupils, occasionally flashing gold.

Minutes later, after receiving food and drink(coffee for the adults, fruit tea for Izuku) Tsukauchi-san excused himself to head to the bathroom, leaving Izuku alone at the table with his 'grandmother'.

The older woman stared at him from across the table.

He stared back.





Tsukauchi-san sure was taking a long time to get back to the table.


"Yes, Obaachan?'

"Thank you."

"Huh? For what?"

"Helping my son with his lie, of course."

Izuku's blood ran cold, if he wasn't making a conscious effort to look ignorant of any wrongdoing, he was sure his eyes would've widened to the size of saucers.

"I've got no idea what you're talking about, Obaachan."

"I think I should tell you a little something about Masa-chan's quirk."

"Tsu- Otou-san's… quirk?"

"Yes, his quirk. It's called 'Judge Eyes'. Anytime he's speaking with someone, he can see what they're saying and determine if they're telling the truth or not by examining their statements. Their tone, word choice, even the speed at which they speak. A rather useful quirk for police work, I'd say."

Rather useful would be a gross understatement. A quirk like that sounded invaluable as a police officer.

"There are several major drawbacks, however."

Of course.

"One, if the person that Masa-chan is speaking to is lying, but either doesn't know that what they're saying is a lie or believes that lie to be true, it will be perceived as a truth by Masa-chan's quirk."

Well, that made sense. Superpower or not, someone can't really say you're lying if even you don't know you are.

"Two, he can only listen and examine the statement of two people at a time. If he were to try and listen to more than that, the statements would become jumbled and he'd be left with a massive headache."

Again, another reasonable weakness. For the life of him, though, he couldn't possibly understand where she was going with this.

"And three, his quirk is always activated. Anytime he hears a statement, his eyes will flash gold for truth or silver for a lie, without his knowledge if he's not focusing… even for his own statements."

Oh then that's… oh.

Of course she figured out they were lying. Ifhenoticed the ring of silver around the man's eyes, even if he didn't know what it meant, it would be impossible for his mothernotto.

If he felt bad for telling the lie before, he felt even for being caught in it.

He opened his mouth, not quite sure if he was about to justify what he did or apologize for being complicit in it.


"But even so, thank you."


"I'm willing to guess that my son did this because he believed that I was disappointed in him. Is that right?"

Izuku nodded.

The mother sighed, "I'm not. Really, I'm not. He and his sister are my world. They've always made me happy, and I'd like to think I've made them happy as well as they grew up, even if I couldn't always be the fun parent. But I won't always be around, and I want them to, one day, feel the same joy that I felt with them. Mako-chan's always been good with people, so I don't worry that she'll settle down one day when she's older, but Masa-chan's always been a bit of a loner."

"Single, 29, and have no friends my age."

Yeah, that sounds about right.

"But… I think that if he made a little friend like you, he'll be completely fine."

The kind older woman smiled and took a sip of her coffee before turning back to Izuku, "And so Izuku-kun, I have two requests, if you'd care to hear them."

Izuku nodded again.

"Well first, I'd very much appreciate it if you'd keep getting along with Masa-chan. He's always been a fine boy, but I feel that he could use a good friend, even if you are quite a bit younger than he is."

A nod. He liked Tsukauchi-san, so as long as the older man would like him around, he'd stay.

"Okay, thank you. And second… could you call me 'Obaachan' one last time?"

As he saw Tsukauchi-san coming back from the bathroom, Izuku gave his 'grandmother' a smile.

"Okay... Obaachan."

Substories 2

The Good Son- END

Minutes after Izuku bid goodbye to both Tsukauchi-san's mother, who had said something about meeting up with some friends in the area, and Tsukauchi-san, who was extremely grateful for Izuku's help, the boy noticed that it was getting a bit too late to go play in the park and still be able to get any significant amount of work done at the Junkbeach.

So, he decided to forgo the former and move onto his 'civic duty' as his uncle would call it. He had called it 'Hero Training' when they were younger, but after Izuku became acquainted with his uncle's right-hand man Nishida, he understood that what he was doing was essentially community service.

Granted, he was alright with that. Nothing wrong with doing something good for the neighborhood and he was getting stronger too, so that was nice.

But Kiryu-san always said to call a spade a spade, so that's what he would do.

But I seem to have gotten off topic, this humble narrator apologizes.


It took a good ten minutes for Izuku to make his way to the Junkbeach and when he got there, he was met with an unexpected sight.


"Yo… Izu-chan!"


There at the entrance of the Junkbeach stood two men.

One was an all too familiar cyclops who had been gone on business for months up to that point. He stood with a sh*t-eating grin, that was also all too familiar.

Izuku ran for his life, his legs burning from the exertion.

He had to get away. Couldn't get caught.

He had to keep running. He couldn't let that thing catch him.


Oh god, it was catching up.

He had to run faster, so he did.

He kicked up sand every time his feet hit the ground, making it all blast up in clouds around him.

That didn't slow his pursuer down at all.

And when he ended up tripping-


"Jiji, no!"

-it was over.

Awful memories associated with his uncle's grin aside, Izuku was happy to see the man.

He'd been gone for months on business in Kamurocho and Izuku was worried that he wouldn't be able to see the man before leaving for Okinawa the next week.

He always loved going back to Morning Glory, but it wouldn't have been the same with his uncle missing and unable to see him off.

But there he was, smile and all. And it seemed he wasn't alone this time.

Behind Majima stood a mountain of a man.

His face was stern and his hair was dark and long, falling to his shoulders.

Had Izuku met this man four years ago, he'd likely be close to bolting at this point.

Though when one considers the company that the two most prevalent male role models in his life happen to keep, it would come as no surprise that Izuku would simply walk up to the (presumably) devious duo.

Self-preservation doth not a good warrior make.

That was said by one of the smartest people he knew.

Well… knew of.

"When'd you get back, Jiji? And where've ya been?"

" 'bout an hour ago, and there was somethin' important that I had to take care of."

"Important enough that ya disappeared for almost half a year, Jiji?"


The grave tone in his, usually jaunty and boisterous, uncle's voice deterred Izuku from pressing the issue any further, so he nodded and watched his uncle perk back up.

Truth be told, he had more important questions to ask, chief among them being the one related to the giant who stood just a few feet away from his ocularly challenged relative.

"Who's this, Jiji?"

"Ah! Glad ya asked."

He turned and gestured towards the massive man with a flourish, saying, "Izu-chan, this is my brother, well my other brother, Taiga Saejima."

With an even more extravagant flourish, the cyclops directed his words towards the colossus who had been quiet throughout the entire interaction between the young boy and his uncle.

"Saejima, this is my amazing nephew, Izuku Midoriya-chan!"

Izuku, despite having been subject to it for a number of years, preened at the praise.

Saejima simply stared back, though a discerning eye would note the slight quirk at the corner of his lips.

To eyes like Izuku's, who had slyly kept them on his uncle's brother the entire time his uncle had been speaking, this was proof enough that this new man was alright.

He just needed to figure out what to call him.

Would Saejima-ojisan work? Nah, too stuffy.

Taiga-jiji, maybe? Mm-mm, too much like Goro-jiji.

Then maybe… Ah, that'll do!

Speaking directly to the ogre-like man, Izuku smiled and said, "Hajimemash*te, Taijiji!"

Saejima blinked.

Majima laughed.

And Izuku, he grinned through it all.

When Majima told him that there was someone he wanted him to meet, Saejima didn't know what to think.

Things had been so hectic and he had been so busy trying to reign in some of the young bucks in his family that they hadn't exactly had a ton of time to catch up.

So when the cyclops approached him earlier that day and asked him to come meet someone in Musutafu, of all places, his interest was piqued.

When they got there and Majima brought him to what looked like a sandy junkyard, the interest sparked.

And when a young boy with green hair and freckles approached the two of them without a hint of fear or apprehension in his eyes, calling Majima 'Jiji', that interest burned with a raging passion.

But even still he remained quiet.

Until the boy called him, 'Taijiji'.

What the hell could say to that?

He had just met the kid and he was already calling him 'uncle'.

He didn't mind it, but it was… weird, to say the least.

Is that just what the kids do these days?

Even weirder still, was the feel he got from the kid.

He looked like a cheerful puppy at first glance, but for what looked to be a 7 year old, he gave off this strange presence that bubbled beneath the surface.

It reminded him of a rabid mutt, snarling in a cage.

This kid just got more and more interesting by the minute.



Well that didn't sound good.

Izuku didn't seem too perturbed, as he sighed and made his way over to where the scream and the succeeding crash had come from.

The two adults with him just gave one another an inquisitive look and followed along.

When Izuku, his two uncles in tow, reached the spot that he had heard the ruckus coming from, he wasn't all that surprised by what he found.

"Hatsume-san, you really need to be more careful."

"Oh, Midoriya-kun! There you are. Think you could give me a hand with some of this scrap here? I can't seem to get a good grip on it."

"That's probably because it's slowly turning you into a Hatsume pancake. Stay still, I'll get you out."

It wasn't very rare for Daiki Hatsume to be found at the Junkbeach, looking for scrap for some invention or another.

It was far less rare to find him buried under a pile of trash that he toppled over through haste and carelessness, much to Izuku's chagrin.

Whatwasrare, however, was the sight of him buried under the pile without a head of pink hair poking out right beside him right beside him.

And so, as Izuku began lifting a mini-fridge off of the man, he asked, "So where's Mei-chan, Hatsume-san? She's not in another section, is she?"

He sure hoped she wasn't, as much he liked the girl, even he would have to admit that she was a walking disaster, if left unchecked.

"Oh, MeiMei? She's sleepin' back at the workshop. I figured that while she was down, I could come out and grab some new materials for my latest little darling. She's gonna be a real beaut', I tell ya."

"Right… and how many times has she exploded, so far?"

"Three times. But hey, fourth time's the charm, right?"

"I think you mean third. Hold on, keep still, I don't want this shifting."

"Yeah, but we already past the third, so fourth it is!"

But four's an unlucky number, isn't it?

"Right, Hatsume-san."

He knew better than to argue with the eccentric man.

Months of experience have conditioned him against that.

And as the man continued to ramble, Izuku managed to get the last large bit of trash(a thick stack of sheet metal) of him.

"Alright, there you go Hatsume-san. Where's your truck? I'll help you carry this stuff there."

He didn't even bother asking what the inventor wanted, he knew the answer.

All of it.

Hatsume started walking in a direction, so Izuku picked up the stack of sheet metal and walked off after him, leaving his somewhat baffled uncles behind, until he came back to retrieve more of the trash.

About half an hour passed before Izuku left with the last of the trash and scrap.

Majima and Saejima, who had sat down and started smoking, heard what sounded like a small explosion ring out from the direction that Izuku had walked off in.

Saejima had been ready to go and see if the child who had been seen walking in the direction was alright, but Majima, being the responsible and attentive adult that he was, stopped him.

"If he needs some help, he'll call for it. Just give him a minute."

Lo and behold, a mere few moments later, Izuku came walking down the path, completely fine.

His clothes were slightly singed and tattered and he was covered in soot, but otherwise he was completely fine.

"Yo, Izu-chan! What happened over there?"

Izuku coughed slightly, exhaling a bit of smoke, before answering in short, breathy bursts, "Hatsume-san. Machine lifted trash. Truck. Then last load, too heavy. Machine overloaded. And boom. I'm okay."

Majima shrugged and replied, "Well, if ya say so." Before taking another drag from his cigarette.

Saejima, long having decided to stop trying to comprehend this child, simply sighed, a puff of cigarette smoke escaping between his lip.

Izuku just layed down (read:collapsed) and tried to catch his breath.

After a few moments of relative silence, broken only by the sound of Izuku's labored breathing, Majima spoke up.

"So Izu-chan. It's gettin' a bit late, but I got a surprise for ya. You mind comin' with me and Saejima here, for a bit?"

Izuku perked up at the words 'surprise for you' and his response was no surprise to either man.

10 Minutes Later- Karaokekan

"Kenka sun wo kekkou ya ga
Moshi uchi no shima ni haitte kitara
Son toki wa kega suru dake ja sumanee ya
Majima no maji rock…
Iku de!

This really is a surprise. I didn't know Goro-jiji made music.

"Go all out, Majima!"
"You're doing great Jiji!"

"Ah, kora erai kimochi ee!"

Definitely a surprise.

"I ain't doin' it."

"C'mon bro. Just one, and ya ain't gotta be especially great at it either."

"You tryin' to start sh*t, Majima?"

"Please, Taijiji?"

Saejima was about to say no once again before he took a close look into pleading, teary green eyes.

Moments later...

"Dame da ne
Dame yo dame na no yo
Anta ga suki de suki sugite
Dore dake tsuyoi osake de mo
Yugamanai omoide ga
Baka mitai…"

Both Izuku and Majima stayed quiet.

They could both hear the emotion in the man's voice, and they weren't going to interject before he could get it all out.

When Saejima finished his song, there were tears in his eyes.

No one felt the need to mention them.

When it was Izuku's turn to pick, he took a few moments to scroll and look through his options.

Zetsubouchou Pride? That sounds cool.

"Artist(s): Judgement Kazzy and Gorogorogoro-chan."


Like A Butterfly? Nah, I don't have a good feeling about that one.

Then how about…

Almost as if it were made for, Izuku felt drawn to this song. So he pressed 'Confirm', picked up the microphone and got into the zone.

"Saenai boku to boku wo kakomu sekai de
Egaite mo tsukande mo mada tookute"

"[I-Z-U-K-U. Sing your song, I-ZU-KU!]"

"Looking red hot, Izuku!"

He sang through the verse, feeling his Heat rise with every word.

And when he hit the chorus, it exploded.

"Saenai boku to boku wo kakomu sekai de
Egaite mo tsukande mo mada tookute"

He could see himself on a fully cleaned Junkbeach, all grown up and muscular with a smile on his face.

"Nani wo suteraba soko ni tadoritsukeru
Nando mo nando mo sakende mite mo"

Villains stood all around him and the people he was protecting.

When they came at him, he took them down, giving the civilians time to get away.

Pretty soon, all of them were beaten. And Izuku stood above them proudly.

Just before the ground opened up beneath him and he was blown away.

And there stood a massive, snarling, sandy-furred, red-eyed pomeranian.

"Boku wa boku de shikanai kara
Yume de arou to genjitsu darou to"

When Izuku got back up and charged at the massive hound it barked and blew him away with a massive blast.

"Chippoke na boku wa kienai hikari wo…"

And the vision started to grow blurry as he fell deep into the water.

Was it over? Was that where his adventure as a hero stopped?

Maybe he couldn't make it.

Maybe the doctor. The kids at school. Kacchan…

Maybe they were all right.

Maybe he should just-

A hand found its way to his back.

Then another.

And another.

And he felt more and more.

And he could hear a myriad of voices, all of them so easy to recognize.














Their voices mixed. High, low, young, old.

But as different as their voices were, their words all rang the same.

"Don't give up! Keep pushing on! You can be a hero!"

And then… theypushed.

"...Soredemo sagashi tsuzukeiteru"

He could feel himself rushing towards the surface.




Until he broke through and flew.

He could feel all the hope that his family had in him.

And it was with that hope, that he charged right back at the colossal pomeranian.

"Donna ni tokute mo tadoritsukeru
Shiramu sora wo mite koko ni kizamitsukeru"

It barked another blast at him, he charged straight through it.

"Nando mo nando mo sakenda mite mo
Boku wa boku de shikanai kara"

It swiped a massive paw at him, which was swiftly avoided, before Izuku jumped and sprung off of it.

"Yume de arou to genjitsu darou to
Kitto koete yukeru"

He flew straight past the monstrous pooch's head and went up into the clouds before he came back down, fist co*cked behind him.

"Korondatee ii"

The big blonde dog wasn't prepared for this attack, so when Izuku came down hard on his snout, it let out a big yelp and a whimper before going down.


"Naitatte ii"

When the dust cleared Izuku stood above his defeated foe.

Looking all around he saw men, women, and children, all clapping and cheering for him.

Looking forward he could see all the people who supported him.

"Itsuka sono subete ga hana ni naru kara!"

With a big bright smile, he raised a fist to the sky and loudly proclaimed, "I AM HERE!"

And the song was over. He was sweating and panting, having put his soul into his singing, but he still had the biggest smile plastered onto his face.

Soon after Izuku finished his song, the lady at the front desk called to inform the trio that their time was nearly up and asked them to return the microphones.

As Saejima put the microphones back into the box that they were brought in, Izuku thanked Majima for his surprise.

"Huh, whaddya mean? I haven't given ya the surprise yet."


"Yeah, that ain't the surprise. This is." And he held out a bag that Izuku didn't notice that he had, before then

"Happy Late Birthday, Izu-chan. Go on, open your gift."

With his initial surprise gone, Izuku opened the bag and took out the contents.

He was greeted with the sight of a green varsity jacket, with a Hannya mask on the back.

It had red kanji written all around the mask that said, "Bring on the fights!"

"So how d'ya like it? Special-order material that'll make sure it grows with ya. That jacket's gonna last for a while, kiddo."

Izuku began to tear up slightly, but even still he smiled wide and said, "I love it, Jiji. I love it."

Present- Midoriya Household, Kitchen Table

As Izuku finished his story, he looked towards his mother, who had been listening attentively the whole time.

She stared him down a bit longer before sighing.

"Alright Izu, eat and get out of those clothes. I'll go run you a bath."

As Izuku nodded and set upon his dinner, Inko walked to the bathroom to start his bath.

As worried as she was, her baby was going to be a hero.

She would have to accept that.

And she would, as this would turn out to be just an average day in the life of Izuku Midoriya, the most unpredictable hero the world would ever see.

Chapter 12: Good Days, Gone

Chapter Text

Kamurocho, Tokyo- 199X

Goro Majima wasn't having the best of days.

It wasn't awful, mind you. Just not great.

Though that wasn't all that unusual for him.

It took some time for him to end back up in Kamurocho, but like most of the trash that got thrown out, there he was, back on the street.

Though unlike most trash, when he walked through the streets, people parted and made way for him to come through.

He wasn't all that put out by it. If anyone had a problem with him being back, they could kiss his leather-clad ass.

To show how not put out by it he happened to be, Majima began humming a jaunty tune.

His snakeskin jacket glinted and shined in the streetlights. It was hardly designer, like most of the crap he saw most punks wearing out when they went out to hit the town, but he hardly gave a sh*t.

It was loud, tacky, and outta place.

Just where he was at the moment.

If Mirei was there, she'd probably tell him to at least put a shirt on under it.

At that thought, his humming ceased, and he walked with a lot less swagger in his step.


He'd tried not to think about her since the divorce.

Really, he had.

But every once in a while, there'd be that one intrusive thought just pushing to the front of his mind.

Far more frequently than that she'd be in magazines, a bright smile plastered on her face.

And if that weren't enough, he'd hear people talk about her everywhere he went.

"The next big idol."

"She's just so talented!"

"Hey, have you heard about Mi-chan's performance at the Tokyo Dome? It's gonna be amazing! I've already got my tickets booked!"

He had no right to be upset.

He was doing well enough back in Kamurocho, there wasn't a single person who didn't know about 'The Mad Dog of Shimano' and the Majima Family was going strong.

Mirei was following her dreams. Who was he to get in the way of that?

Though, as much as he thought that, it didn't make the reality of it hurt any less.

He missed her.

He's the one that left, and he had no right to miss her, but he did.

He wanted to see her.

Talk to her

Laugh with her.

Sing with her.

See her smile again, just at him.

He wanted to do all of those things, but he couldn't.

Because he left because he-


He could hear the sound of leather being wrung against even more leather.

Looking down, he could see his hand balled into tightened fists.

Loosening his grip and closing his eye, he took a deep breath and started walking again.

f*ck it, I need somethin' stiff.

And so, he walked off to go find some very hard alcohol.


Before being stopped in his tracks at the sound of a familiar voice.

Musutafu, Tokyo- 201X

Izuku Midoriya was having a strange day.

Not a bad kind of strange, just... pretty weird.

It had all been normal until school let out for the day.

And then, several peculiar things occurred in sequence.

First, he'd witnessed this strange foreign guy ranting and raving about 'The perfect shot'.

That was something he found interesting, but felt like he shouldn't get too deeply involved in, so he discreetly listened for a few more moments as the man talked about opportunities for things called 'Revelations' popping up all around Japan. The man was very clearly disturbed(or maybe that's just how foreigners were) but some of the things he said did resonate with the boy, who decided that he'd keep what the guy said in mind.

Next, he found himself accosted by some cooking show host that he had seen his mother watching on TV once or twice.

It wasn't odd to see a few famous figures wandering around Musutafu, given the fact that U.A.( a school for heroes in training, staffed by pro heroes) wasn't all that far from the city.

Though most of those famous figures were heroes like Vlad King, Lunch Rush, or even Hound Dog.

What made the host's presence so peculiar to him was the fact that he was so… normal.

Normal meaning quirkless in that sense.

It was so strange for Izuku to think of meeting so many quirkless people like him on his walks through Musutafu.

Granted, the dozen quirkless people that he'd met in the full decade that he had been alive paled in comparison to the several dozen quirked people he had met, but in a quirked society, one could hardly expect to find half as many non-superhumans without lookingreallyhard.

Izuku's oddly frequent encounters with the less abundantly present members of society aside, the host(Kawa-something, he couldn't quite remember) asked Izuku to find and refer him to some local eateries, if he knew any, so they could be featured on the man's travelling cooking show.

Why he would ask an actual child for help, no one could say.

But Izuku, having been most of the local eateries in Musutafu with his uncle and neighbor(while keeping up a lie that had long been uncovered), was able to help and referred Kawasomething-san to the Most Icely Cafe, referencing their signature 'Carboniced Coffee'.

Sweet with a tinge of roguish bitterness, for the outlaw in everyone.

With a smile on his face and Izuku's recommendation in mind, Kawasomething-san and went off in the direction of Most Icely, while Izuku went about his day.

Which brings us to the strangest event of the boy's day so far, at the Children's Park.

"Hello, Musutafu! My name is Pop✰Step! I'm a new idol and I hope you enjoy the show that I'm about to put on for you!"

The 'idol' stood between two speakers in the center of the park, dressed in a cutesy black devil girl ensemble, complete with bat wings, knee high boots, and a rather short miniskirt.

The third item in the ensemble caught Izuku's the most, as it revealed an… interesting part of her body to the boy.


Especially after he read the magazine that Kiryu-san had given him all those years ago.

I need to thank him when I see him next.

His slight nosebleed and wobbly smile would likely make the man proud, seeing as it meant that the boy had finally become a man…

In the strange twisted way that only the old dragon could see.

That aside, when the lecherous thoughts passed and Izuku tuned back into reality to hear the idol's performance, he was impressed.

Her singing was beautiful and her dancing was nothing to sneeze at.

Her overall performance, however, seemed to be… lacking something.

Yes, her singing was fine. On key and on beat with the music playing from the speakers.

Her dancing looked nice, too. Her steps were certain and looked, for all intents and purposes, to be professional. But it seemed… that that was also the problem.

Her steps looked professional, but there was hardly any passion or flair to it. It just all seemed to be so by-the-book. Very briefly, it would seem like she was trying to say something through her movements, but it never quite reached.

And it seemed he wasn't the only one who noticed.

Most of the crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle lost interest in the rather standard idol routine and went about their days.

Soon enough, Izuku was one of the only people left loitering in the park, apart from some very young children and a few pearl-clutching mothers.

Pop✰Step finished with a distinct lack of enthusiasm compared to the bouncing excitement she had when she started.

And as she got ready to start taking down the speakers dejectedly, Izuku approached her.

"Um, excuse me. PopStep-san?"

"It's Pop✰Ste- Wait. Huh?" She stopped her automatic answer and whipped around, eyes landing on the green-haired child that had appeared in front of her.

Substories 3

A Pop, Step, and a Leap Away

"Oh! How can I help you?" The dejectedness in her form and voice seemed to disappear at the sight of the young boy, and her exuberance from before seemed to come rushing back in full force.

"I just wanted to talk about your show."

"Is that so? What did you think, little guy?" Her expectant smile was incredibly wide.

"It was… kinda bland."

"Huh?" The idol's face froze.

"D-don't get me wrong. It wasn't bad, your singing and footwork was great, but it was also pretty standard. I've seen a lot of other idols doing the same movements you did. They were professional, but even professional gets stale after a while, y'know?"

With every word that spilled from between the boy's lips, the Pop✰Step recoiled as if struck.

By the time Izuku got to his point, the idol looked almost like she had been trampled by herd of horses.

"...So, I wanna help."

Pop✰Step perked back up slightly at that.



"Help how?"

"Well, I wanna help put a little more umm-'Oomph' in your dancing. Something to keep people's interest. You're really good, but that didn't keep the attention. You need some more flair."

"Um, that's all well and good, but what can you really teach me? I've been dancing for years, you're- what? Nine?"

"I'm ten, and I can teach you loads of stuff! I know how to dance too."

"Uh huh. Sure, kid."All of the warmth that the idol exuded was gone, replaced with a somewhat snide and cold demeanor.

It ticked Izuku off a little bit, but he knew how to get her to listen to him.

"Well, what do ya say to a dance battle, then?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"A dance battle. They're pretty big in Sotenbori, but they're picking up here in Tokyo, as well. If you think I can't teach you anything, beat me in one. I'll clean up for ya and leave you alone after."

"And if I lose?"

"You let me help you with your dancing. No complaints."

"Right, kid. So I feel I should let you know, when you're taking down the speakers, you go speaker first, then stand, then base."

Izuku smirked, "Alrighty then. Then let's pick a song and start."

Pop✰Step pulled out a remote and pressed a button, the speakers started playing and the game was on.

"Izu-chan, put on the skates."

"Jiji, I really don't get how this'll help me be a better fighter."

"Because I say it will! Now put on the skates."

"AH! Okay, I'm doing it."

Izuku pulled the line skates onto his feet and stood shakily.

Majima gave him a quick glance over.

As soon as he saw that Izuku was stable, he said, "Alright, now dance!"

"... I'm sorry?"

"I said… DANCE!"


Majima sighed, "Look Izu-chan, either ya dance or ya run. Pick one in three, two, one-"

"SocanyashowmeafewstepsJiji?" This question was incredibly rushed.

"Heh, just watch and learn, kid."

As Izuku watched Pop✰Step panting on the ground, he smiled. He figured he would need to thank his uncle for the lessons, when he saw the man for New Years.

Kneeling down and offering the tired idol a hand, Izuku grinned and asked, "So, why don't we go talk on one of those benches?"

Taking his hand, Pop✰Step gasped, "Where- did you- learn to dance- like that?"

With a cheeky little grin, he answered, "Takoba Municipal. Maybe ya heard of it."

Moments later, the two sat on a park bench.

"Okay Pop✰Step-san. Let's talk about your performance."

The idol nodded.

"Like I said before, your dancing and singing are really professional. But, even still, professional doesn't mean fun. And if you're not having fun, how can ya expect anyone else to?"

"Well… I guess you're right. But what's your secret trick to dancing the way you do?"

A sigh. "Didn't ya hear a word I just said? I have fun while I'm doin' it."

"Yeah, but I can't just let loose and have fun, I'm an idol. I have to be a professi-"

"Pop✰Step-san, why did you become an idol?"


"Why- did you- become- an idol?"

"Because… I wanted to make people smile."


"I love idols. I always have. When I was younger, I put on shows in Naruhata to give the people something to look forward to when they walked by. I always had such a good time, that I decided that I wanted to make a career out of it. So I practiced and practiced and practiced. And here we are. This was meant to be my big breakout performance into the public eye, but here I am, unnoticed and pouring my heart out to a kid who just kicked my butt. How pathetic is that?"

"... I don't think it's pathetic at all."


"I think, as an idol, what you want to do is amazing."

He had Pop✰Step's undivided attention now.

Good, because what he was about to say would be important.

"Whether you're a hero or an idol, you're saving people. But while a hero saves people's lives, an idol saves their hearts. And they get to have a great time while doing it, all with a smile. And for that, Pop✰Step-san, I really admire you and other idols. For working hard and having fun."

Izuku closed his eyes with a smile. He'd said his piece, he'd just need to hope that Pop✰Step got his meaning.

When he heard movement to the side of him, he knew what was coming next.

He could hear the footsteps of someone walking in front of him, and stopping.

Opening his eyes, he could see Pop✰Step standing in front of him and leaning down towards him with a smile.

"So why don't we get to work then, Midori-sensei?"

"Alright! So before we get back to dancing, I've gotta ask, what's your quirk?"

"My quirk?"

"Yeah, so you can incorporate it into your routine. Is it lasers? Firework-popping? Floating?"

"Uh no. Nothing that fantastic. My quirk is called 'Leap'. It basically allows me to leap really high and not take damage when I fall."


"Um, Midori-sensei?"





That snapped the green haired boy out of his semi-trance, and he put down a notebook, which he definitely wasn't holding before.

"Ahem.Sorry, I… do that sometimes."


"But anyway, your quirk is perfect. Do you have any idea how many acrobatics moves you can apply to that? Flips, tumbles, springs. The possibilities are endless!"

Saying that, he showed his notebook to the idol and watched her face slowly light at what she saw.

"So, whaddya think ? Can ya do it… Pop✰Step-san?"

The idol grinned and said, "Let's do it, Midori-sensei!"

"Hello again, Musutafu! Once more, my name is Pop✰Step! I'm a new idol and I hope you enjoy this next show that I'm putting on for you!"

Okay, Pop✰Step-san you've got this, just remember why you're performing.

The music began to blast from the speakers and the show was on.

People gathered once more…

And were enraptured.

The idol had seemed to receive a breath of life.

No, not a breath. A full-on gust.

Her by-the-book movements rang with personality and fervor.

And through them, the rapidly forming crowd could hear exactly what she was telling them.


Just watch me and smile.

And when the song came to its conclusion, she gave them a reason to.

A step, turn, and spin, before suddenly… she leaped.

In the air, she spun, flipped, and rolled, before coming back down and landing on one knee with a flourish.

And the crowd went wild.

Izuku, however, was hit with a flash of inspiration.

He had an idea.

A breakthrough.

A… Revelation, if you would.

And as he scribbled furiously in his journal he could see it all in his mind's eye.

He couldn't leap as high as Pop✰Step, no that'd be impossible without a quirk.

But if he could leap over a charging enemy, he might get a quick and easy chance at a counterattack.

It was all hypothetical, of course. But he would call this Revelation of hisEssence of Hurdling.

With a nod, he put his notebook away and turned back towards the stage to see Pop✰Step taking down the speakers and equipment.

This time, helped by a group of, what looked to be, adoring fans.

Remember why you do what you do Pop✰Step and you'll astound everytime.

And the young greenette walked away.

Substories 3

A Pop, Step, and a Leap Away-END

After Izuku left the Children's park, he knew he had to get home.

It was almost time for a certain broadcast thatcouldn'tmiss, under any circ*mstances.

So he began rushing home, dodging cars, people, and even stray cats.

"Hey, stop right there, ya little sh*t!"

Ah, crap.

Izuku skidded to a halt as three men, no older than 20 stood in his way.

"Hey there, Chinpoko-chan, Oshiri-chan, Kōgan-chan."

The three adults, mean-looking and red-faced stared daggers at the boy.

The trio had been fighting with the boy for the past two years.

Well, saying 'fighting' would be giving them a bit too much credit.

It'd be a bit more accurate to say that they'd been getting by Izuku for the past two years.

They would seemingly prowl Musutafu every week, looking for the boy and confront him whenever they found him.

It was unlikely for the three to be together most times that they went looking, seeing as they were most likely the 'divide and conquer' method of searching.

But of course they'd all be together when I'm in a hurry.

"Listen guys, I'd be glad to fight ya any other day. But, I need to get going. So please move."

That was clearly not the right thing to say, if the purpling of Chinpoko-chan's face was any indication.

"Let's get him, boys!"

Oh boy, here we go.


Okay, I'm strapped for time, so I shouldn't drag this out. It'll take too long to tire 'em all out, so I'll have to take 'em down with one or two strikes each.

He got low and centered into his fighting stance.

First up is Oshiri-chan. He always comes at me with a charging hook.


Like clockwork.

While dodging the older man's reckless attack, Izuku delivered a quick, hard strike to his solar plexus, knocking the air out his lungs.

When he bent over in an attempt to catch his breath, Izuku pirouetted and viciously jabbed his elbow into the man's temple.

Oshiri-chan went down like a bag of bricks.

Next up is Kōgan-chan. He's likely sending a high round at my head. I should duck.


After evading the kick, Izuku scrambled toward the man's other leg, using his head to ram his knee at full force.

Seeing as his other leg was still off the ground, Kōgan-chan was hardly what most would balanced, so it was a surprise to no one but himself when the ground suddenly came rushing to meet him.

Even more surprising was the fist that rushed towards his face before it all went black.

And now, Chinpoko-chan. Oh, there he is, coming in with… a tackle?!

Well, that's new! Let's meet him halfway.

And so, Izuku got to his feet and rushed at the charging man, feeling the Heat all the while.

[!] Heat Move: Essence of Hurdling

As soon Chinpoko-chan sprung into what would've been a beautiful spear tackle, Izuku leapt into the over him, kicking the back of the man's head and moving into a mid-air tumble, before adjusting and falling to the ground with a graceful landing.

Chinpoko-chan hit the pavement hard with a groan, while Izuku ran off shouting, "Alright guys, good fight, see you next week!"

And he was off, while the trio of beaten men that he left behind moaned in pain.


"Okaeri, Izuku. Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah mom. The show didn't start already, did it?"

"No, not yet. It won't be on for another ten minutes, so take off your jacket, wash your, and eat your dinner."

"Right." Slightly winded, but incredibly relieved, Izuku took a breath and slid off the stajun that his uncle gave him.

Stajun. That's what his mom called it. Apparently it was pretty cool to have one when she was a kid.

He just liked it because his Jiji gave it to him.

And the mask on the back looked just like his tattoo.

After putting his stajun away and eating dinner, Izuku sat on the couch with his mom, waiting for the broadcast to start.

"Remember to finish packing your bag tomorrow. We're leaving on Sunday."

"Alright, mom."

"And don't forget to pack more than just your manga. You need clean undies and shirts too."

"Okay, mom."

"And don't forget to charge your phone. I was in Shizuoka with your father long enough to know how easy it is to get separated, especially around Sunpu."

"Got it, mo- Oh! It's starting!"

Onscreen, a man in a gray suit with glasses was lowered by a platform towards two stages.

"How are you doing, everybody?! It's showtime! I'm your host, Dolce Kamiya!"

He pointed and spoke with a bountiful supply of energy.

"Princess League 201X has finally reached its climax- - the finals begin now!"

The audience erupted into cheer. Izuku was getting pretty close to doing the same.

Kamiya quickly explained the rules to those in the audience, but Izuku tuned out during that portion, it wasn't all that interesting to him.

He already got the gist of it. The two contestants in the league would battle it out live in a concert battle, to win over the crowd. This would go on for three rounds.

The contestant that curried enough favor with the crowd by the end of their performance, would win that round.

Whoever won the final round, would win the League for that year.

Izuku didn't really care about all that, though.

He was just waiting for the man to announce the contestants.

"Let me introduce you to the two top contenders! Starting with this contestant team!"

A camera panned to one of the darkened stages, revealing a pair of silhouettes standing back-to-back.

"Dancing in perfect unison and singing in perfect harmony is this duo's claim to fame! Their popularity has been soaring right out of the gate! With a string of Princess League wins under their belt, it's the super idol unit.., T-Set!"

A light illuminated the stage, showing the silhouettes to be two pretty brunettes, who struck a pose at the sound of being announced.

The crowd cheered and the camera went to the other stage, where only one silhouette stood.

"And the talented newcomer who suddenly burst forward to beat out all other challengers! Can this rough-hewn diamond realize her dreams here in the Princess League? Haruka Sawamura!"

The crowd cheered here as well, and to the amusem*nt of his mother, so did Izuku.

With introductions out of the way, the show was on. And Izuku was blown away.

The next morning, Izuku spoke on the phone, while he packed his bag for the trip he and his mom would be taking, the day after. As he packed, his Present Mic radio played music and the occasional news story behind him on his desk.

"I know, Haruka-neechan was amazing! I didn't doubt that she'd win for a second."

Ayako spoke with a laugh from the other side of the call, "We didn't either. By the way, did you get your letter ready for that magazine interview yet?"

"Um, yeah. I've got it right…" He took a moment to walk over to his desk and look, "here, on my desk. I'll send it tomorrow when we pass the post office."

"-ain, our top story is the Sapporo shooting incident early yesterday morning."


"Hokkaido Police have determined… The victim was a senior member of Kanto's organized crime syndicate, The Tojo Clan."

Tojo Clan? Crime syndicate?

"He's been identified as Goro Majima. Given the victim's status as a member of the largest quirkless crime syndicate in Kanto-"

Izuku tuned everything out after that point, and his phone fell to the floor as one thought beat out every other and bounced against his skull.

Jiji… was shot?

Chapter 13: Lying and Running

Chapter Text

Bantam-Kamurocho, Tokyo- 199X

"I've gotta say. When I heard you were back in Tokyo and decided to come looking for you, I didn't think I'd find you right on the street."

"... I didn't think ya'd come looking for me. Where'd ya hear I was back in town anyway?"

"You're kidding, right? Goro Majima, The Mad Dog of Shimano is back in town. What? You think people don'ttalkabout sh*t like that?"

"Wow, with that Tokyo accent of yours I almost thought you grew up or something. Glad to see the dirty-mouthed brat I sent up to Shizuoka's still kickin'."

"Oh, shut it. Don't try and change the subject." A retort said with no real bite behind it, just a chuckle and theclick!of a fancy silver lighter, before the smell of a cigarette filled his nostrils. AHuffy, if the sweet scent were any indicator.

"I'd ask if you wanted one, but… I'm pretty sure you don't want menthols."

"Yer right about that." That mint sh*t just didn't suit him.

Puff.And the smell, even though she turned away before her exhale, filled his nostrils again.

"So, how are you doing after… you know?"

Ah, I see.

"I'm doin' fine."

"Okay, with less bullsh*t now."

"Really, I'm… doin' just fine. It wasn't gonna last anyway. Dumb to think that it would."

"Well, glad to see how smart you think I am."

"That ain't what I meant, and you know it."

"How can I, Goro-nii, if you don't talk about it?"

"Dammit Inko! I don't need ta talk about it! Alright?"

"I'm just saying it might help ya move on, even if just a little bit. 'The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'"

"Quoting Confucius at me again?"

"Lao Tzu, actually."

"Well if the journey begins with a single step, why don't I start by steppin' on outta here?"

"Goro-nii! It's not your fault. Not completely, anyway."


"I heard the rest of the story from Mi-chan. You shouldn't have… well, y'know. But, she doesn't blame you for it. So you shouldn't either."

"Catch ya later, Inko-chan."

And with that, Goro Majima put some cash on the bar's counter to pay the tab and walked out of the bar.

While Inko Terasawa looked on, worry written across her face.

Midoriya Residence-Musutafu, Tokyo- 201X

Inko walked to Izuku's bedroom door, tray in hand.

It was still closed. Most likely locked, as well.

Knock! Knock!

"Izuku, I made your favorite." She kept her voice soft and quiet.


No answer. She hadn't expected any different, but she'd hoped.

"I'll leave it out here. Just put the tray back out when you're done."

Putting the tray down in front of the door, Inko stepped away and walked over to her room. She had work to do and seeing as their trip to Shizuoka was postponed until Izuku was feeling better, there wasn't anything stopping her from getting it done.

Especially since she needed a distraction, as well.

Though, if she had stuck around for a few moments longer, she might've seen the door behind her open to reveal a bedraggled, puffy-eyed Izuku Midoriya.

He grabbed the tray with nary a word and retreated back into the dark room.

It had been over a week since he'd heard that radio broadcast.

He'd looked up the incident on multiple news sites since and the stories all added up.

Goro Majima was shot and killed in Sapporo, Hokkaido over a week ago and if he hadn't happened to be near his radio at the time that he was, he likely wouldn't have heard for a while.

Tojo Clan.

Crime Syndicate.

Goro Majima, Patriarch of the Majima Family.

What did it all mean?

His uncle could be scary sometimes, but he wasn't a criminal.

The Tojo Clan.

He'd looked them up as well, they were a huge mass of yakuza families, but quirkless.

The only family said to be able to rival them was The Omi Alliance in Kansai.

But, his Jiji… he wasn't a criminal. He wasn't yakuza. He wasn't a criminal. He wasn't a bad guy.

He took him out to the batting cages and taught him how to hit home runs.

He walked him home from school, whenever he was in town during the semester.

He gave him his stajun, which he wore every day during Winter and Fall.

He couldn't be a bad guy

He couldn't be a criminal.

He couldn't be yakuza.


That's right, Goro-jiji wasn't dead.

He'd walk right through the door and say it was all a big mean prank.

They'd laugh and go to Fuji Soba and Karaokekan again.

Taijiji could come too, if he was back from wherever he disappeared to for the past two years.

And then, he and Kiryu-san could talk about Haruka-neechan's performance.


He wasn't crying, there was nothing to cry about.

Everything was fine. He was fine. His eyes just hurt because he'd been up to long.

He hadn't been telling himself the same few lies every day.

That'd be silly.

And with that, Izuku layed back on his bed, his tray of Katsudon and Miso untouched on his desk.

Two Days Later…

Ding Dong!

They had a visitor.

Even from his place under covers, Izuku understood that much of the situation.

It wasn't a package, his mom didn't close the door soon enough for that.

Wasn't a repairman, he didn't hear boots when the outsider walked in.

No, he heard heels clacking as they walked through the doorway.

It wasn't long before he heard two voices in the living room.

Both female. One, his mom. The other, he didn't know.

Couldn't be Aunt Mitsuki. She was out of town.

Not Mei-chan, she wouldn't wear heels.

So who was in their house?

Especially at… 10 at night?

I should go see.

And so, for the first time in over a week, Izuku opened his door and walked out of his bedroom.

"This is a really nice place you have here, Ko-chan."

"Thank you."

"Could I offer you a smoke? You likedHuffy,right? I've just opened a new pack an-"

"I actually quit a long time ago, so no thanks."



"So, is Hisashi-kun still overseas, or-?"

"What are you doing here, Mirei?"

"Oh, I was in the area and thought I'd drop in."

"Again, with less of the crap this time."

"...Heh, you've always been sharp."

"And you've always been bad at keeping secrets. Why are you here?"

"Talking to you, of course."

"Park, stop playing games and tell me why you're in my apartment, trying to reconnect with me like a deadbeat parent."

"I just… wanted to see how you were holding up after the news."

"I'm doing fine."

"That luggage under your eyes says otherwise."

"That's because of-"


"Izuku! I didn't hear you come in."

Izuku didn't respond right away, instead turning towards the newcomer in the room and drinking in what he saw.

The woman was fair-skinned, pretty too. Her hair was short and dark, parted to the side. It was stylish and functional, from what little he knew about hair styling and function.

Looking closer at her face, he noticed that she didn't look that much older than his mom. A little more tired though.

Her clothes were fancy, but the only things of note were a simple brooch with a cracked green jewel and a brace on her right wrist.

She looked familiar, he couldn't remember from where, though,

Turning to his mom, Izuku asked, "Who's this?"

Taken aback slightly by her son's question(and presence, considering the circ*mstances) Inko hesitated slightly when answering his question, "O-oh, um this is Mirei Park, an old friend of mine."

Turning to Mirei, Inko said, "Mirei, this is Izuku. My son."

Mirei's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but not enough to notice if you weren't looking for it.

And as quickly as her surprise had appeared, it was gone.

But Izuku noticed, and he was intrigued.

Mirei turned to Izuku and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku-kun."

Izuku nodded and bowed slightly, not a word from between his lips.

A beat of silence, tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

And it all passed when Izuku turned around… and walked back to his room.

This left two remaining adults staring at the spot where he had just left.

When they heard theclick!of a door closing and locking, only then did the two women look at each other to resume their conversation.

"Inko, I-"

"We'll talk about it in the morning."

"Inko, I-we need to talk about this-"

"In the morning. I just- I can't deal with this now, so in the morning, please."

Mirei, who clearly hadn't expected the conversation to end so abruptly, sighed and nodded.

Inko lifted herself out of her seat and said, "You can stay here tonight, if you want. Guest room's right next to Izuku's. Just look for the door with the All Might sign on it."

"Thank you, Inko."

"You're welcome… Mi-chan."

Later that night…

Izuku awoke to the sound of shifting in the room next to his.

It was followed by the sound of a door opening and closing softly.

It wasn't his mom, her room was down the hall and her door was always open.

Maybe that Mirei lady stayed the night?

But it was only four in the morning. Where was she going?

Bathroom? No, the door didn't open, he would've heard it.

Her footsteps were quiet, but he was straining his ears to hear them easily enough.

They sounded like they were headed for… thegenkan?

Mirei slipped her heels onto her feet, slung her purse onto her shoulder, and quietly slinked out the door.

Several blocks away, she called a cab, told the dispatcher where she was, and stood on a curb while she waited for it to arrive.

She needed to get back to Dyna Chair. She had work to do.

Horie was likely holding the fort, just fine, and Haruka was most likely learning a lot from Christina, but she needed to be there and not in Inko Midoriya's guest room.

She couldn't stay there. She was so bold around her employees. So cold to the world.

But against Inko, all of that seemed to fall apart.

It only makes sense, he had the same effect and they've always gotten along well.

The thought made her smile wryly.

She wanted to talk to Inko about him, the letter she got from him, the one sitting right in her purse, but she wouldn't know how to bring it up.

She tried breaking the ice, complimenting her old friend's (admittedly) nice apartment.

Offering the cigarettes that they had both loved when they were younger.

Inko saw straight through her.

And then her son… that cute curly-haired child of her's.

It was too much.

Mirei acted like she had moved on from the past, but even then, seeing that child reminded her of all that she had given up.

Everything that deprived herself of in pursuit of a dream that fell apart anyway.

Too late to go back now, I made my choice.


Mirei whipped around instinctively at the sound of a twig snapping behind her, pepper spray in hand.

It wouldn't do much against most villains, but seeing as she wasn't dead already, it would give her a chance to run somewhere.

It was also… completely pointless, because as she looked down, she saw a head of curly green hair atop a small figure wearing a green stajun and pajama bottoms.

"Oh, Izuku-kun" She put her arm down and slipped the canister of pepper spray back up her sleeve, "What are you doing out here?"

"Following you."

Kids just say the darndest things.

Shrugging that off like it wasn't one the creepiest things she had heard in years, Mirei responded, "Ah. Well, you should get back inside now. You shouldn't be out this late."

"Neither should you."

Wow, can't beat that logic, can I?

"Why areyouout here, Park-san?"

"I... just needed to get some air."

"Is it easier to get air in a taxi? I've never been in one, so I wouldn't know."

So he heard that. He's a sneaky one.

"Alright, Izuku-kun, you caught me. I'm going back to Osaka."



"You had something you wanted to talk about with my mom, right? Why are you leaving before you can do that?"

He heard that too?

"It's a complicated issue, to say the least."

"Seems pretty simple to me."


"You're scared."

"...I beg your pardon?"

"You're scared and running away."

"And what do I have to be scared of?"

"I dunno. I just met you. What doyouthink you have to be scared of?"

That stalled Mirei for a second.

Whatdidshe have to be afraid of?

She was just here to talk to Inko. Inko was her friend.


Maybe that's what she was so afraid of.

That the friendship she had with Inko was another thing of the past.

Another thing she left behind.

And the proof of it was the child standing right in front of her.

If Haruka was the daughter she'd never had, then Izuku was the son she could never have.

The perfect blend of his mother and father. with just a little bit of a certain someone mixed in.

She wanted that. But because of a mistake that she made years ago, she could never have that.

And she had absolutely no one to blame, but herself.

She could feel herself tremble ever so slightly, but she wouldn't cry.

She had run out of tears to cry, years ago.

She wouldn't cry.

She couldn't cry.


The thoughts all came to a screeching halt when Mirei felt arms wrapping around her waist and a small, warm figure pressing against her in the cold night.

And the next words she heard, "It's okay to be scared, it's okay to run. I do that too. But what's important is that we know that we can't be scared forever. RIght, Mirei-baba?"

And Mirei was incredibly confused.

"Mirei… Baba?"

She felt Izuku nod, "You were married to Jiji, right? I saw a picture of you two. Someone else was in it, but you two looked close."

She could only remember one picture like that, and that was taken years ago.

Where could a ten-year-old have found it?

When she asked, she was given the answer, "It fell out of Jiji's wallet when we went to Fuji Soba, once. I asked who it was, and he said it was a really 'special girl'. I asked my mom what 'special girl' meant, and she told me it meant wife."

So, he kept it.

The thought made her smile while she reached down to hug and grip Izuku back gently, with her good hand.

And as she heard a car coming around the corner, turning her head and confirming that it was a taxi, she said to Izuku, "Thank you, Izuku."

The young boy said, "No problem, Baba. Can you tell Jiji that I said, 'Hi' if you see him?"

And she didn't have the heart to tell him 'no'.

When the taxi pulled up to the pair's spot near the curb and she got in, Mirei could only think one thing.

Maybe I'll bring Izuku to Haruka's debut. I think he might like that. Inko too. Hell, I might as well bring them both.

After Izuku saw off his aunt, he decided to go back to his room and wait for his Jiji again.

He turned around and began walking back home.

He made it a block before being stopped by a man who stood in his path.

He was tall. He wore a sharp black suit with black pinstripes, with a shiny pin on the lapel, and fancy steel-tipped dress shoes, not too unlike his uncle's boots.

He had long dark hair that covered one of his and spattering of freckles on both of his cheeks.

The strangest thing about the man though was the vicious grin he wore on his face.

It made Izuku feel tense, he didn't like it.

"Hello there. You're Izuku Midoriya, correct?"

"Who are you?"

"That's not something you should worry about. Now, my question."

"Answer mine first. And tell me what you want."

The man sighed, "Fine. People call me 'Yamikumo', but you, dear Midoriya-chan can call me Mikumo Akatani. Seeing as we'll be spending a lot of time together for the foreseeable future."

Izuku's fist clenched. "And whaddya mean by that?"

"What I mean, dear boy, you'll be coming with me. But, by all means, do resist. I'd love to see how a boy trained by the 'Mad Dog of Shimano' fares in a fight."

I see, he's picking a fight.

After a week of no action, Izuku was ready for a scrap. And if this weirdo Akatani was willing to give him one, who was he to refuse?

So he got low and settled into his fighting stance, while Akatani grinned and started walking towards him.

"Looks like the pup's got some bite. Let's see if it's enough."

And the fight was on.

Chapter 14: The Game Begins

Chapter Text

Strange Man

Akatani didn't waste time, quickly closing the distance between himself and Izuku.

This startled the boy, who lashed out with a quick punch, that was swiftly evaded.

"Sloppy, Midoriya-chan."

"Shut up."

He attempted to make some distance, jumping away from the man, but that idea was shot when Akatani reached forward and grabbed the boy by the collar of his jacket, dragging him closer and lifting him.

He smiled before saying, " Strike one" and tossing the boy into the wall to the side of him.


Izuku's back hit the brick wall so hard that he bounced off of it slightly, with the air knocked out completely out of his lungs.

When he hit the ground, he didn't even have time to breathe.

Instead, he was forced to roll to the side in order to avoid the axe kick that cracked the pavement where his head was.

Holy crap!

"Hahaha! Strike two, Midoriya-chan! Start doing better!"

This guy's really... annoying.

"What do you want from me?"


He had to duck incredibly quickly to avoid the round that sliced through the air above his head.

He hadn't felt danger like this before.

The man was skilled, quick. Nothing like the thugs he'd been fighting before.

No, this man reminded him of Kiryu-san or his uncle.

He couldn't even take time to think, he was running fully on instinct.

He could feel the Heat in his body rising with every strike he dodged, but it wasn't enough.

Maybe I could tire him out? No, this guy's definitely got more skill than Chinpoko-chan and the others.


Could I distract him? With what?

He dodged a punch coming towards his face.


It hit the wall behind him, smashing the area that it hit and spreading spider web cracks all around it.

My god…

"C'mon, Midoriya-chan. Considering who trained you, I expected a better fight than this."


"I definitely expected a better fight… after all, I'm the one who shot Goro Majima."

He... what?

"You… shot Jiji?"

Akatani grinned, "That's right. I'm the man... who shot your uncle."

He raised his hands in a mocking shrug.

"Now, what are you going to do about it?"

Izuku saw red.

This man shot his uncle.

He's the one who shot Jiji.

Thismonsterwas going to pay.

In a rage, a crimson haze flooding his sight, Izuku charged straight at the man, poised and coiled for an attack.

Eyes straight ahead he co*cked his fist back and punched forward.

Akatani dodged to the side.


And was hit by the spinning elbow that lodged itself into his side immediately after.

If he was put off by that, he didn't show it.

No, instead, the grin on his face got wider.


"Nowthat'sthe spirit! Show me more, Midoriya-chan!"

With that smile and those words, there seemed to be a wave of… foulness that permeated the air.

He took a step away and reached for the boy's neck slowly.

And Izuku... couldn't move. His body was trembling all over. He shook like a thin branch in the gusts of a harsh storm.

Is this his quirk?

He'd never felt like this before.

He'd been afraid before, but that fear wasn't like this.

No, this fear…

It was the fear of death.

I- I don't wanna die. Kiryu-san, Jiji, Mom, Dad, help… please.

Izuku couldn't even scream out for help, all he could do was tremble and stare as the man's gloved hands reached closer and closer, until…


Hands mere centimeters from Izuku's throat, Akatani rolled his eyes and pulled away.

Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a phone, he said to Izuku, "Just a second, Midoriya-chan. I have to take this."

Izuku couldn't respond even if he wanted to.

Akatani flipped his phone open, greeting the person on the other side, "Moshi Moshi.What's that? You're already done?Kuso…I was just starting to have some fun. Fine, I'll be right around. Hm?" He turned his eyes to Izuku, who still stood frozen in fear, and a conspiratorial smile curled upon his face while he lifted his finger in a shushing gesture, "No. I haven't caught the kid. Apparently, some of our intel was off. Yeah, I ran into a little punk. I took care of him, but he's not quite who we're looking for."


"Are you doubting me? Oh, you're not? Sure as hell sounds like you are. Listen, be in the damn car and ready to go when I get there. Otherwise, we'll have a little more than just words on our hands. Bye."


Huffing and turning to Izuku with an exasperated grin, Akatani said, "Lackeys these days, am I right?"


"Okay, Midoriya-chan, so here's the deal. I was supposed to have you come with me and we were going to take a little trip. That was the plan. I'm changing that plan, because I was having such a great time before we were interrupted. So, we're gonna play a little game now. Yay!"

He gave a little clap with his cheer.

"Here's how the game's going to work.I"he pointed to himself here, "am going to take something of yours.With me so far?"


"Good. Soyouare going to find me. Do it quick enough, we'll have a rematch, and you'll get it back no problem. Well… that's under the assumption that you find it quick enough. Now, the game starts as soon as I leave, can't have you seeing my hiding place, after all. But don't worry, before I go, I'll give you a hint. Listen closely now. A-hem,Meet me at the place where the shogun rests under Hollyhock and Tamaryu."

Shogun? Hollyhock? Tamaryu? What does any of that have to do with anything?

Akatani got up and began to walk away, "So, you've got your clue and your time limit's two days. I'll be taking my leave. Make sure to count to a hundred before you come looking for me.Ja ne, Midoriya-chan."

He turned a corner and he was gone.

And as soon he was, Izuku fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

He wanted to puke.

He wanted to cry.

To cry and puke.

He'd never fought someone with a quirk before.

He hadn't felt helpless in years.

He'd certainly never felt helplessness like that. Kacchan had never been terrifying like that.

He didn't know how long he stayed like that. Only that he needed to get moving.


He forced down bile while pulling himself to his feet.

Home. Mom.

He had to get home.

Had to tell his mom about that man.

Had to go somewhere where things made sense again.

With his destination and thoughts all bouncing around in his mind, Izuku began to stumble back home.

Minutes later…

Izuku stopped in front of his apartment building.

There were police cars with red, flashing lights outside. People looking and trying to see what was going on, while being shooed away by the officers on the scene.

Izuku ignored them. He ignored the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as well.

He walked forward, past the officers and onlookers and towards the stairs.

As he began to walk up, one of the officers on the scene noticed the young boy and moved to stop him, rushing forward and reaching out to grab him.

"Hey, stop right there!"


When he pulled back, he was surprised to find no one there and the boy already halfway up the stairs.

Izuku just kept moving along.

Up the stairs.

Past Tsukauchi-san's apartment.

Past Dojima-san's.

And right to his.

There stood several police officers and men in suits. One of them was one he recognized.

It was Tsukauchi-san.

He was talking with the other men in suits and it seemed pretty grim.

But why are they here?

More importantly to him…

Where's mom?

He walked in through the door and looked around.

The place was a mess.

Things thrown around, broken, and…

Is that blood?

In several different places Izuku could see it.

Crimson red sanguine, dripping from the counter.

On the wall, falling from a knife embedded in it.

Pooled on the ground, with strands of… long, green hair…

Oh my god…

Izuku could feel the bile creeping up again, he covered his mouth.

He felt someone pulling him back. He let them.

His vision was swimming.

His ears were ringing.

He wasn't in the apartment anymore.

Tsukauchi-san was in front of him.

He was saying something, but Izuku couldn't hear what it was over the ringing.

He opened his mouth, likely to ask him it was he said.

All that came out was vomit.

And then...


Chapter 15: Invitation and Venue

Chapter Text

Musutafu Police Station

"Whether going ahead or staying behind, it is all the same; I am unable to take you with me, so it seems that this is where we must part."

-Lord Tokugawa's Death Poem

Okay that's nice, but where were you buried, Shogun-sama? And what does it have to do with Hollyhock and Tamaryu? I have only five hours left.

Izuku flipped through his biography on Tokugawa Ieyasu.

It was lucky that he had been reading up on the man before the trip he and his mom were supposed to take.

It was luckier still that he managed to get Tsukauchi-san to pilfer it from his room, along with a change of clothes.

The man was a detective now and, until they could get a hold of someone to take care of him, his guardian.

That was fine with him. The detective had managed to get the boy set up in an old interrogation that wasn't being used anymore and was bringing him food as well.

Speaking of food and Tsukauchi-san…


"Midoriya-kun, I've brought you some lunch. It's… not much, but it's better than nothing."


Izuku heard the sounds of the man coming closer setting something down on the table in front of him.

He didn't have to look away from his reading to know that the man had gone to Smile Burger.

He'd recognize the scent of a Small Might Meal anywhere.

Uttering a quiet 'Thanks' and pulling a burger from the bag, Izuku dogeared the page he was reading before closing the book and asking Tsukauchi a question that he'd been asking for a day and a half.

"Have you found her yet?"

Tsukauchi sat across from the boy and set the small stack of files that he'd been holding down on the table before answering, "Not yet. We've identified a few people from eyewitness reports and have warrants for their arrest. If anyone sees them, we'll know immediately."

"What about Akatani? Whoishe?"

Tsukauchi pulled what looked to be the thickest file that he had from the stack and slid it across the table to Izuku, who opened it up and began to skim the first page.

"Mikumo Akatani, age 23. Patriarch of the Yamikumo Clan, a subsidiary of the Omi Alliance. Apparently they're made up of old members of another family called the Go-Ryu Clan, but that's hardly important now. Whatisimportant, is that he shouldn't even be here in Musutafu."

"He said… he was here for me."

"Yes, you told us that, but we don't know why, exactly."

"Are there any heroes on the lookout?"

Tsukauchi looked at him, eyes awash with pity.

"Ah, well. We're trying, and we 've gotten a few locals on the line. A lot of the heroes wanted to help, but they're also incredibly busy."

Izuku watched the man's eyes flash silver at the final statement.

His stomach turned.

Is that really how things were?

Musutafu wasn't all that dangerous.

A villain would attack here and there, but overall, it was mostly quirkless crime on the streets.

U.A. was literally right up the hill. A short train ride or a taxi away.

But this is how it goes. Not all men are created equal and those that are lesser get thrown away.

He'd learned that at age 4, but he'd never been truly able to apply it until that point.

The point where it all sat right in his face.

After the news that his uncle was shot, Izuku sat by the radio for hours upon hours.

He waited for something more.

More news on what happened.

He flipped from station to station just waiting.

But just like his uncle, no news came.

The world just moved on.

No heroes on the case.

Didn't seem like the police cared, not really.

It was just a quick broadcast and then… nothing.

And so, he waited. Waited for an uncle who was never going to come.

Not all men are created equal and those that are lesser need to work twice as hard as the norm.

So he would.

He wrapped the half-eaten burger in his hand, and put it down on the table before picking his book back up and opening it to the page that he had dogeared. He never noticed the worried look on Tsukauchi's face.

"350 years after the Shogun's death, a flower bed in the shape of his crest was made using Tamaryu and white and brown gravel at his castle in Sunpou (See image at bottom of page). It is a common misconception that this is where the Shogun was buried when, in fact, his resting place is-"

Izuku skipped the rest of the text, gaze shooting straight towards the bottom of the page.

Bed of Tamaryu and… the Shogun's crest, the Hollyhock.

"Meet me at the place where the Shogun rests under Hollyhock and Tamryu."

That's not where he was buried, but people think it is, so that where he 'rests'.

So that means-

Tearing that page out of the book and closing it, Izuku slid his chair back and stood up.

"Tsukauchi-san, I need to go to the bathroom."

The detective looked up from a file that he'd been skimming.

"Oh, sure. It's just down the hall. Just give me a sec, I'll take yo-"


Tsukauchi jumped slightly at the boy's rise in volume.

Izuku composed himself and quickly explained himself, saying, "I'd rather go alone. I can find it myself."

At that, he turned and walked towards the door.

He muttered a soft 'Thank you' before opening it and heading off down the hall.

Never noticing the perturbed frown on Tsukauchi's face.

The bathroom was just at the end of the hall and, in it, a window in the corner-most stall.

That was good. At the very least, he wouldn't have to try his chances walking out the front door.

Okay, up and out, right?

Walking to the stall and closing the door, Izuku looked up towards the window.

Yep, up and out.

A quick climb atop the toilet and then a hop and Izuku was on the window sill.

He pushed the window open and was quickly greeted with the sight of iron bars.

Of course.

He could feel frustration and panic building. He needed to get out. He needed to get out soon. If he didn't Tsukauchi was going to come looking.

He grabbed onto two of the bars and started shaking them.

C'mon, come loose.

When he felt that that wasn't working, he shook harder. He could feel the Heat in his body building.


And a moment later, he was still holding the bars.

But they no longer connected to wall.

And the bits of the wall that they had been connected to were slowly crumbling onto the asphalt below.

He dropped the bars and clambered out the window after them, falling to the ground with a softthud!in a crouch.

Okay. First, home. Then I'm coming, mom.

Sneaking in and out of the apartment was easy enough.

He was only there for two things and they were both in his room.

Now he just needed to hop on a train, closest station was Tatooin, and make his way to-

"Hey, brat!"

Dammit, not now.

He started walking faster.

"Don't ignore me, ya little prick!"

And faster still.

He heard a frustrated growl and three sets of hurried footsteps behind him.


He quickly ducked under the fist that came flying at the back of his head.

He knew exactly who it belonged to and felt no remorse when he swung around and lodged his fist into their stomach.

Kōgan-chan fell with a pained groan and the wind knocked out of him.

He stared down Oshiri-chan and Chinpoko-chan, who stopped in their tracks.

Oshiri-chan looked towards his leader, who looked back at him, before he came charging at Izuku with a fury in his eyes.

Chinpoko-chan stayed rooted to his spot.

When Oshiri-chan got close, he threw a punch which Izuku moved to avoid-


Before catching a kick to his side and flying off to the side.

A feint?


He hit his head after he fell. Blood filled half of his vision as it spilled from his split crown.

"I-I got him…"

Oshiri-chan couldn't seem to believe his eyes.

While he was seemingly stunned, Izuku picked himself and rushed at him with unbelievable speed.


It took a moment for Oshiri-chan to realize that his nose was broken as it began to bleed, and he fell back, too shocked to scream or even groan.

Izuku turned to Chinpoko-chan, who seemed rooted to the spot that he had been standing in that entire, and advanced.

Chinpoko-chan looked like he wanted to run or scream or do anything that would get the boy away from him.

But he couldn't do anything but stare.

Good. Then listen close. I'll only say this once.

He leaned in really close and whispered in the man's ear, before he got up...

And walked away.

Leaving three men, one groaning on his back, another bleeding on his ass, and the last wide-eyed with a dark stain at the front of his pants.

On his way to Tatooin Station, Izuku was stopped once more.

This time by another familiar face.

"Hello, Midoriya-kun."


"Tsukauchi-san. What are you doing here?"

"That's my line. I was worried when you didn't come back from the bathroom, so I went to check on you. Imagine my shock when I saw the window open and the bars taken off of it."

"Tsukauchi-san please list-"

"No, Midoriya-kun, you listen to me. I know you're worried about mom. And I know you're frustrated-"


Tsukauchi raised a hand and Izuku stopped talking.

"But, you should have told me."


"Midoriya-kun, you're a good kid. A really good kid. You help just anybody who asks, and you almost never ask anything in return. And your mother's always been good to me. If you would've asked, I would've helped. Why do you think I set you up in that interrogation room? I wouldn't pull those strings for just anybody, you know. So please, Midoriya-kun. Talk to me. I want to help."

Izuku looked the man in the eyes and saw them flash gold.

He nodded and pulled the page from the book out of his pocket, showing it to the man.

"Alright, so I think I found where they went. Akatani said something about meeting him at the place where the Shogun rested under Hollyhock and Tamaryu. I kept thinking it was the place where he was buried, but that's not it. It's the place where people think he's buried. With his crest, the Hollyhock, made out of Tamaryu."

Tsukauchi's eyes widened.

"So that means..."

Izuku nodded, his gaze steely, "That's right, Akatani took my mother to Ieyasu Tokugawa's castle. And I'll be going to get her back."

"You mean-"

"That's right. I'm going to Shizuoka. And I want you to come with me, Tsukauchi-san."

Chapter 16: Penalty

Chapter Text


"I'm sorry that I couldn't do more about that cut, Midoriya-kun."

"Don't worry about it, it's not bleeding anymore, so it's fine."

Tap! Tap!

Izuku ran his fingers along the gauze on his forehead.

Before they got on the road to get to Shizuoka, Tsukauchi was adamant that Izuku at least let him clean and bandage the cut he had gotten from his earlier scuffle.

Izuku felt fine and wanted to get going immediately, but the detective wouldn't budge.

It didn't take long for him to cave.

It took even less time for Tsukauchi to get the boy mended and on the road.

And there they were, an hour away from Shizuoka.

An hour away from mom.

It would be great news if they weren't stuck in traffic with Tsukuchi incessantly tapping his finger on the steering wheel. They had just over two hours left.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

It would've been faster by train.

We should've gone by train.

Why didn't we go by train?


Tsukauchi snapped him out of his thoughts.


"Why'd you go back to your apartment?"


"You knew where you had to go, and I know for a fact that you knew how to get there from the precinct. So why'd you head back to your apartment? You know, the active crime scene."

Didn't feel all that active.

It was almost embarrassingly easy for him to slip in and out. The few cops on the scene didn't notice a thing.

Okay, that's a lie, he did end up getting grabbed by an officer who happened to notice him on his way out.

He elbowed the guy in the nads and ran, before the word could get out.

It would probably be a bad idea to mention that to Tsukauchi-san though.

"I had to go grab a couple of things before I took off."

"And those things were...?" He started to tap his finger even more quickly on the steering wheel.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Izuku sighed, opening his stajun and pulling two items out of the inner pocket.

Seeing that it would be a while before the congested traffic on the highway began to flow again, Tsukauchi stopped tapping on the steering wheel to see what Izuku had pulled out.

"Okay, an amulet and an old lighter. What do you need those for, exactly?"

Pocketing the items once more and buttoning his stajun again, Izuku scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, I don't exactly need them. Something just didn't feel right about leaving them behind. Some really important people gave them to me. I feel safer having them than not."

At the end of his explanation he patted the pocket where he put the amulet and lighter, smiling softly as he did it.

Tsukauchi didn't broach the subject any further, simply nodding and turning back to the still congested traffic ahead.

"Ne, Tsukauchi-san?" Tsukauchi turned his gaze towards Izuku to see the boy fidgeting slightly.

"Something wrong? If it's the bathroom, I'm afraid you'll have to hold it." He gestured to the road ahead.

"N-no, I just wanna ask if I could take another look at that file on Akatani?"

"Oh yeah, sure."

It was lucky that he had the presence of mind to throw the Yamikumo Clan files in the backseat of the car before he went to cut off Izuku at the station.

He handed the thick file to Izuku, receiving a thanks from him, before turning back towards the road.

The still heavily congested road.


"What the hell is this traffic? Is there a thirty car pile-up down there or something?"

Izuku ignored his neighbor's grooming frustration in favor of reading the file in his hands.

"Mikumo "Yamikumo" Akatani, Age 23. Patriarch of The Omi Alliance's Yamikumo Clan. Indicted for several different charges of assault, fraud, public intoxication, kidnapping, obstruction of justice, and…"

"Murder." Izuku felt his blood run cold.

Tsukauchi quickly moved to reassure the boy, "Don't worry Midoriya-kun. I'm sure she's fine. The boys at the lab indicated that none of the blood on the scene was her's. And her fingerprints were the only set on that knife."

"Thanks, Tsukauchi-san." He began to read again.

"All charges but the assault charge were dropped."

He was only ten, but his mom had kept up with enough court cases for him to understand that getting even one of those charges dropped was a big deal.

Who was his lawyer, Ryūchi Naruhodo?

All that aside, there was something he needed to know.

He flipped one page, skimmed that and repeated the process when he saw that it wasn't what he was he was looking for. He continued on with this for about ten more pages, but he still couldn't find what he was looking for.

Where's his…?

"Ne, Tsukauchi-san?"

"Yes, Midoriya-kun?"


Izuku could swear that the detective's finger was starting to smoke at the speed that he was tapping it against the steering wheel.

"I can't find his Quirk Registration Form. Did the record guys forget it?"

"Quirk Registration Fo…?" His voice tapered off as he seemed to understand the question he was asked.

"Midoriya-kun, maybe you should check the first page again. Really take a look at the bottom of it."

The bottom?

Flipping back to the first page of the file, Izuku's gaze shot to the bottom.

There, he saw a box with words "Noted Proficiencies And Behaviors" typed just above it.

It read, "Akatani shows lack of empathy for most human beings, often mocking and belittling those that he assaults. Though, as shown from his disposition during his detainment and succeeding trial, he is a well-spoken individual, capable of taking control of a situation with a few well placed words and a smile. Physically, he has been shown to be adept in hand-to-hand combat, skilled enough to defeat a well known vigilante while being quirkless."

Izuku didn't even feel the need to read anything after that.

Quirkless. He's quirkless? But, there's no way he's quirkless. No way at all.

And as he came to grips with the thought of someone so monstrous being quirkless, traffic began to move again.

They had an hour and thirty minutes before the day was over.

Shizuoka Chou Police Station

"Why are we here?"

"Because we're out of my jurisdiction and The Yamikumo Clan is a few hundred men strong."

"We're wasting time. We only have thirty minutes left and we're here, we need to-!"

"We need some backup before walking into what I'm almost sure is a trap."


"Midoriya-kun, you're ten. Admittedly it would be shocking that you made it this far without someone with you, but I'd imagine that a nutcase like Akatani would jump at the chance for some easy pickings, and if I lost you and your mother on my watch…"


"Please, just trust m-"


The sound came from Izuku's pocket.


Izuku pulled his phone out of his pocket, looking at the caller ID as he did, and his eyes widened.

He showed it to Tsukauchi and his eyes widened as well.

Because on the little LED display, it read, "Mom."

Tsukauchi quickly got control of the situation, "Answer it."


"Answer it, I'm going inside to grab an officer."

"Why can't I come inside with you?"

"Because if that's who I think it is, we won't wanna make it obvious that we're at a police station."

Izuku didn't question the man any further, simply flipping the phone and pressing the answer button.

"Moshi Moshi."

"Midoriya-chan! How are you doing?"


"Aw, so cold. I figured I'd give you a call. Time's just about up, after all."

"You got your facts wrong. The shogun wasn't laid to rest under Hollyhock and Tamaryu."

"Bah! You understood my meaning at least. The spirit of the shogun lies here at least. So, I assume you've made it into Shizuoka okay?"


"Glad to hear it! For that much, you deserve a reward. So, if you'll just wait a moment, I have someone here who'd very much like to speak to you. Someone who I'd imagine that you very much want to speak to, as well."

There was a bit of noise from the other side of the line. Footsteps, a door opening, two voices speaking to each other, before it suddenly settled and there was a new voice speaking to him.

A far more familiar voice.



"Izuku. Izuku, is that you? Is that really you?"

"Mom, it's me. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Where are you? Are you safe? Please tell me you're safe."

"I'm safe. I'm with Tsukauchi-san. He's inside, grabbing a police officer. We'll be there soon."

"What do you mean you'll be here so-"

She was quickly cut off, as the sound of the phone switching hands was heard.

"Midoriya-chan. I am shocked and hurt, right now."

"Put her back on."

"You know, I don't think I will."

"Give the phone back to my mother, Akatani!"

"I don't think you're in any position to be making demands of me, Midoriya."

The playful lilt to his tone had disappeared completely.

"This game was between you and I. The rules were clearly laid out before you and there no mention, I repeat,no mentionof you getting outside in this game."

"..." Even if he wanted to speak, he couldn't. The words kept getting caught in his throat

"So… it seems, I'll have to incur a penalty."

Izuku didn't like the sound of that.


He recognized that sound.

He'd heard it in his training with both his uncle and Kiryu.

He didn't like the fact that he was hearing it then.

"Midoriya-san, I'm sorry about this. But I'm afraid that you're son's broken the rules of our game, so I have to punish him. Please don't take this personally."

"What are you-"


Izuku could feel his heart drop into his stomach.

No. This can't be happening.

"This is what happens when you don't follow the rules. A hero hopeful should know better."


"I'm not so cruel as to leave you out in the cold without a consolation, so I'll say this. If you get here quick enough, you might be able to bring her body back with you. Feel free to bring your friends, I'll be bringing mine."

And the line went dead.

And Tsukauchi, with a local officer in tow, arrived back at the car to see Izuku holding the phone to his ear, tears streaming down his face, and a single word on his lips.


Chapter 17: Maul

Chapter Text


"A hero hopeful should know better."


"This is what happens when you don't follow the rules."


"What are you-"


"This is what happens-"

"follow the rules."







"follow the rules."


"This is what happens-"


Izuku's head snapped up, looking into the worried eyes of Tsukauchi.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

Tsukauchi hesitated for a moment, he opened his mouth to say something, before snapping it shut again.

He shook his head and cleared his throat before saying, "The police down here in Shizuoka are getting a team put together. Luckily, your phone had been auto-recording your conversation with Akatani. That was more than evidence to move on him."


Izuku twitched.

"We also have a few local heroes on their way. There's not a ton, since the crime rate is so low here in Shizuoka, but it's something. It should take a few hours or so before they're in position."

"A few hours?"

"Yeah, a few hours."

"Tsukauchi-san, we're less than ten minutes away from the bastard."

"The bastard and who-knows-how-many members of his family, Midoriya-kun."

"What if he gets away?"

"We won't let that happen."

"If it does?"

"It won't, trust me."

"Last time I did that, it got my mom killed."

Tsukauchi flinched slightly.

Izuku stared on.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya-kun."

"'Sorry' won't bring her back."

"And rushing straight into danger will?"

"..." Izuku's glare was smoldering. Tsukauchi's was steely.

The staredown was only broken by the sound of someone clearing their throat off to the side.

The pair turned their heads to see the officer that Tsukauchi had initially brought out to help.

"Excuse me, um, Tsukauchi-san?"


"We need to see you inside the station for a moment. A few things came up with the… operation."

"Ah, I'll be right there."

He turned back to Izuku with a look that said, in no uncertain terms, "We'll continue this later."


"what happens when-"


"follow the rules."

"should know better."

"follow the rules."


"What happens when you-"






Fine, I won't.

And so Izuku hopped out of the car and began to leave the lot.

He didn't get more than several steps before being stopped by a hand on his shoulder.


"You won't stop me, Tsukauchi."

"Not planning to. Get in the car."

Izuku turned around and looked in the man's eyes, seeing a flash of gold.

He was back in the car in seconds.

"What made you change your mind?"

Tsukauchi took a moment to answer.

"I'm sorry."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I- I bungled that situation. I don't know what I was thinking. I could've done- I should've done things differently."


Izuku took a breath.

"Tsukauchi-san, what made you change your mind about waiting?"

The detective sighed.

"Midoriya-kun, if we were to wait, we'd be waiting forever."


"According to the officers here, it's a bit of a delicate subject. Not only are there more Yamikumo Clan members than there are officers here, they're also holed up in Sunpu Castle, a place filled with civilians. What if they take hostages?"

"..." He hadn't thought of that.

"There's a lot of protocol that needs to be followed for an operation as big as that. And that's ignoring the fact that we wanna get heroes on the scene too. Paperwork, tactical planning, coordination with prefectural headquarters. It would take days, most likely. We don't have days. I'd go so far as to say that we don't even have hours. So, I figure that the easiest way to do this… No 'easiest' is a bit misleading. The quickest way to do this is just the two of us going in and fighting our way through."

"Won't they just shoot on sight?"

Tsukauchi shook his head.

"Not likely. Well, if it were just me, then definitely. But with you there, they'd probably keep their hands off of whatever guns they've got."

"What makes you say that?"

"Tell me, Midoriya-kun. What did Akatani say to you the night that he fought you?"

"That... I would be coming with him."

"Not that he wanted you dead or anything like that?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Then that's it."

"I'm not following."

"If he wanted you dead, he would've done it then and there. He wanted you for something. And I feel like this little 'game' of his might've been something off the cuff."

"Apparently some of our intel was off."


"I was supposed to have you come with me and we were gonna take a little trip."

"You know, Tsukauchi-san…"

"But you can call me Mikumo Akatani. Seeing as we'll be spending a lot of time together for the foreseeable future."

"I think you might be right."

They turned another corner, Izuku hardly even noticed the time passing, before seeing their target.

Sunpu Castle.

They were there.

Izuku and Tsukachi stopped a ways down the street from the castle.

Well castle park would be more accurate. The place was an attraction for tourists and locals alike.

That was hardly important though.

Whatwasimportant was the group of men in black who stood near the Higashi Gomon, only parting for a black car to pass through and over the bridge.

Izuku stared through the windows, Akatani wasn't there.


"Midoriya-kun, are you ready?"


"Alright, let's see if we can get in through one of the other entrances and surprise them."

"No, we go in straight through the Higashi."

"...I had a feeling you'd say that."

"I don't hear a 'no'."

"Would you listen if you did?"

"Probably not."

"Well, there you go. I'm trusting you, Midoriya-kun. Let's go get them."

Despite the situation, Izuku found the corner of his lips twitching upward.

"Yeah, let's."

Tsukauchi shrugged off his overcoat and suit jacket, leaving only his vest on and the two were off towards the gate.

As they walked, Tsukauchi rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off a strong pair of forearms.

"We need to figure out where Akatani is."

"Well I figure those guys know."

"Why don't we ask, then?"

"Sure they'll answer?"

"Maybe if we ask really nicely."

"Alright. I'll follow your lead, Midoriya-kun."

They weren't far from the men in black when Izuku called out to them.

"I assume you're with Akatani?"

The men didn't say anything, not to the approaching pair at least. Instead, they whispered to each other and pointed, coming to an agreement about something, if their nods were any indication.

"I'll take that as a yes. Here another question for ya: Where is he?" The pair didn't stop their approach.

Tsukauchi spoke up, "If ya speak up now, we won't beat ya into a coma."

Nice bluff, Tsukauchi-san! Nice Kansai accent too.

The men at the gate clearly didn't appreciate his bluff… or accent, for that matter.

Several of them began to charge the duo, with the others hanging back.

"Don't kill the kid!"

"Let's do this, Tsukachi-san!"

"You've got it, Midoriya-kun!"

The pair charged right back across the two, meeting at the middle of the bridge.

Izuku found himself standing in front of one of them, one that wasn't much taller than he, and took the initiative.

He jumped up and…


The guy was rattled after receiving a devastating hook to the chin.

Yamikumo Clan




Off to the side, it seemed that Tsukauchi had handled two of the members that charged him with one lying on the bridge and the other splashing around in the moat.

That left one more, a heavyset one who he was grappling with. Grappling with and losing the grapple.

Let's give him a hand.

[!]Cooperative Heat Move: Essence of Foul Play

With a speed that he was only vaguely aware was unnatural without a quirk, Izuku was across the bridge and swinging from the heavyset man's neck.


"Get the hell offa me, brat!"

He tried shaking Izuku off of him, but the boy just held on tighter.

"Get offa m-ack!"


Izuku's knee ended up in the man's right rib cage, likely breaking something if the noise were any indicator.

Thwack! Crack!

And Tsukauchi drove his elbow into the man's nose, definitely breaking it.

"Thanks, Midoriya-kun!"

"Don't mention it." He turned towards the group at the gate, "Now, who's next?"

And the group charged.

Tsukauchi took a grounded stance with his arms in front of his face and torso.

Izuku just took his usual stance, left arm loose at his side, right arm crossed in front of him.

Izuku was vaguely aware of a few bystanders a ways away from them, gawking at the sight that they just had witnessed. But that didn't matter.

They were ready to rock.

Chapter 18: Smile

Chapter Text


As the last thug fell, Izuku and Tsukauchi stepped through the gate.

"Okay, now we actually need to find Akatani."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's in the tower."


Izuku pointed up towards the tower on the other side of the castle.

"Huh, neat. How d'ya figure he's there?"

"He's a narcissistic asshole and that's probably the most important building in the park."

"Good detective work, and diction. Points off for the expletive, though."

"Let's go."

They made it several steps before being confronted by ten more Yamikumo members.

And the thunderous sound of score more behind them.

Izuku turned to Tsukauchi, "Split up and meet at the tower?"

"Split up and meet at the tower."

And they both proceeded to run in opposite directions.

"Don't get shot!"

"You either!"

And the two groups of Yamikumo members, split into 5 members each, took off after the two.

Izuku ran onto a path, his five pursuers hot on his heels.

Okay, that's the Higashi Gomon Square over there. I should-

"Over there! Get him!"

Go left!

He veered left and kept up the speed. All that time he spent running away from his uncle was really paying off that moment.

Okay, that's the Ninomaru bridge over there, I should be going past the Engraved Stones pretty soon.

It was darker out, but he could see the wall with the engravings in it with his discerning eye.

If I keep on the path I should end up right in front of the tower.

"Stop there, brat!"

Izuku took a hard right onto the path towards the Sunken Garden.

He could feel himself sink slightly, as he got further onto the wet and muddy ground.

He could hear the sound of footsteps behind him, rumbling like rolling thunder.

And in front…

"We've got ya now!"

Fine, if that's how ya wanna play it…

He skidded to a stop and looked around. There were over thirty of them. They stood at his flank, where they'd just been snapping at his heels, and in his path, walling off his way forward.

But the tower was so close too. Akatani was right there. He couldn't let him get away. He wouldn't.

There were only two words that he could think of to strengthen his resolve.

Two words that he had heard from his Jiji time and time again during most of the awful situations that he found himself in.

f*ck it.

He took his stance once more and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Whoever wants to die first, step right up!"

And they took that challenge.

One set upon him in an attempt to grab him.

An attempt that was swiftly evaded and countered with an even swifter punch to the gut.

He didn't have time to catch his breath, as two more tried their luck at restraining the boy. Launching themselves at him in an attempt to catch him off guard.

Izuku ran to meet them.

[!] Heat Move: Essence of Hurdling

He jumped up and kicked off the back of one of the pair, sending him to the ground hard, with his partner stumbling over him and falling as well.

And Izuku landed quickly with a roll, getting ready to get back up and keep fighting.


Before his head snapped up after taking a savage kick to the chin, which lifted him a foot off the ground.

He would've tried to recover, but before he could, a fist plowed into his cheek, snapping his head to the side.

And he flew.

No. It'd be more accurate to say that hecutthrough the air for several feet until he hit the ground hard, rolling a few times for good measure before he settled on his stomach near a mikan tree.

He could feel something seeping down his forehead.

Moments later, his eye stung and the left half of his vision filled with red. His cut must've opened up again.

His head was throbbing, and he felt warm and cold at the same time.

He could hear voices drifting in and out.

"W- -ould -et -im to the boss."

"-at c- looks -retty -ad."

"-ou -kay Suzuki? C'm- I- get ya a -rink."


He looked up to see the tower again. It was so close.

Akatani was just so close.

His vision was starting to fade and blur and swim and mix.

The red half of his vision could see the past the tower, towards the moon. It was such a pretty shade of crimson.

It was almost comforting. The throbbing was clearing slightly.

He could feel himself drifting ever so softly away on a wave of nothingness.

Maybe it wouldn't so bad to just lie down for a littl-


He snapped out of his thoughts quickly. He knew that voice.


He knew that one too. His eyes searched wildly for both, everything coming back into perfect clarity.

"Izu-chan." "Izu."

Where are you?

"Over here, Izu-chan!" "Look here, Izu!"

Where? WHERE?

He was starting to lose the clarity, his vision beginning to swim again.

Where are you?

He needed to find them, needed to see them.

Needed to-

His eyes stopped their frantic search as he stared straight ahead.

Mere meters away, he saw them.

Mere meters away, they stood smiling.

Mere meters away, Izuku could see his mom and Jiji.

His mom looked almost radiant in the moonlight. Her green locks, the same shade as his, swayed slightly as she breathed. She had an almost otherworldly glow to her.

His uncle. He stood there with the same wide smile that he always had when he saw him. He waved, his jacket shimmering with his own glow in the night.

He reached forward, gripping the ground in front of him, and pulled his body after.

He reached forward again with his other hand and repeated the process.

And he did it again.

And again.

And again.

He could feel the wet grass and mud sticking to his pants, but he didn't care.

He pulled again and again and again, until he was halfway there.

And then, they turned and pointed.

His eyes followed where they were pointing to only to find…

The tower.

And when he turned back to where his mother and uncle stood, they were gone.

"A hero hopeful should know better."

"- my number one hero!"

"Even greater than All Might!"

"-soon-to-be first quirkless hero."

"-little hero-"

"-saves everyone with a smile-"

Tower. Gotta get to the tower. Gotta get to Akatani.


He felt a hand reaching towards him.

"Where do ya think you're goin', bra-"Crack!"Ah!"

The Yamikumo grunt found his three of his fingers twisted the wrong way, gripped in the hand of the still prone child.

He attempted to wrench them free, "Lemme go- AHHH!"

Only to find himself in more pain as the grip around his dislocated fingers tightened.


The sound was strange.


It was high pitched.


It was coming from the boy on the ground as he shook.

He rose slowly, shoulders still shaking, taking time to plant his unoccupied hand on the ground below him.

He gave a slight push and rose to his knees, facing away from the men standing behind him.

From there, he took to one knee. He still shook with laughter.

He still held on tightly to the man's fingers, while the man in question was almost in tears.

He twisted further before letting go and the thug fell forward, cradling his now broken fingers.

Izuku stared at him for a moment, before turning away to look at the score of men behind him.

He stood tall in the pale moonlight, his green jacket, like most of his front, caked in mud.

He stared at them, one eye open, an emerald glinting amidst more mud and blood.

And one thing that they couldn't but notice was plastered across his muddy, bloodied face…

Was a big, bright smile.

Chapter 19: Game, Set, Match

Chapter Text

Izuku had a smile wide enough to split his face.

He could feel his skin crawling as the heat in his body rose.

He could see the Yamikumo members staring at him, eyes wide. So many of them towered over him before, but now, as he watched them start to tremble at the sight of him, he felt like a giant.

In the back of his mind Izuku, wondered if this was what Akatani felt that night that he kidnapped his mother.

Akatani. Need to get to Akatani.

He scanned the crowd of yakuza again before he let his eye(the one that he bled into was clenched shut) rest on one of the men directly in front of him. They all stood behind and seemed to defer to him, he was probably a lieutenant or something similar. He'd read about them while he was looking into his uncle's murder.

"Ne, Yamikumo-chan. I've got a question for ya."

The captain that he had singled out, snapped to attention, "W-what is it?"

"How many of you…" His bloody grin grew wider here and he could feel the skin crawling feeling only increase by second,"are willin' to die for yer boss?"

He could see a lot of their faces pale. That was good, he needed fear for this to work.

He took a step forward.

They took a step back.

He took another step forward.

They took another step back.

Let's make this work.

He stared them down again, letting the smile drop from his face.

He opened his mouth and spoke plainly, "Jyama de,Nikubukuro."

As firm a grip as he seemed to have on them before saying that line, it disappeared and the feeling of his skin crawling ceased as well.

They charged him altogether and he charged them right back.

He ran at the lieutenant, who led the group in their charge, and was struck by a flash of on-the-fly inspiration.

Only got one shot, let's make it work.

He continued his run and waited until he was just a few feet away from the leader of the pack before dropping into a sliding tackle and sliding through the legs of the pack leader.

He could feel it, the Heat was coursing through him at full force. He could do it.

[!]Climax Heat Move: Essence of Crowd Control

He popped up quickly, right in front of a yakuza that was still running.

Before he could react to the boy's sudden appearance in front of him, Izuku scrambled up the man's body and delivered a vicious headbutt to the bridge of his nose.


"AH! f*ck!"

He pulled back and did it again.


He quickly kicked off of the man, springing backwards and flying into the lieutenant, who was positioned in front of his first victim.

Arm hooked around the man's neck, he began to swing around, legs flying and striking anyone within reach.





After hitting a few more people, he used all of his momentum to bring down his human swingpost with a-



It's a good thing that he watched so much wrestling with Taichi, some of those American wrestlers were so acrobatic.

He had taken down half a dozen yakuza with that one move.

That had stopped all of the others advancing in their tracks.

He could feel it again. That feeling of his skin crawling, it came back in full force with a bit of extra kick.

And if he could feel it, he was sure that they could too.

He looked at them again, and there it was.

That hesitance in their eyes, hesitance that sat by just the tiniest bit of fear.

Good, I can't waste anymore time.

Planting one foot on the back of the yakuza that he just slammed, Izuku turned his attention to the remaining, but now stock-still yakuza in front of him.

When he spoke, he spoke clearly to all of them, "Yamikumo-gumi!"

He could see them tense.

"Look and listen closely! This guy's a lieutenant, ain't he?"

They all remained silent.


They all jumped and nodded so quickly in affirmation that a battalion of bobbleheads would be jealous.

"So if I could do this tohimso quickly…" He grinned again and sweeped his gaze across the men as a number of them gulped audibly, "Just imagine what I could do toyou."

And that was the nail in the coffin.

The remaining kicked up dust as they ran, not even looking back to entertain the thought of retrieving their fallen comrades.

And with that, Izuku could advance to the tower.

It was a short walk to the tower from the Sunken Garden. However short it was, though, the feeling of his skin crawling, that foulness, wouldn't go away.

It dogged him with every step that he took.

The Heat had died down a little bit, as well. While it had been a roaring inferno mere moments before, it dimmed to something a little less than a candle light.

The tower was right there, just a few steps in front of him. Tsukauchi wasn't there, but he could hardly go and search around the entire park.

Akatani was so close. He was going to get to Akatani and end this.

Catch up, Tsukauchi-san. Please.

He walked to the doors of the tower and pushed.


And inside… there was nothing. No suits of armor or exhibits, not even a stone floor. There was nothing. Nothing but the echoing sound of his quarry's voice.

"My answer is no." He sounded serious, deathly so.

A beat of silence. Izuku began to encroach upon the area that he heard the voice from.

"Why? Because it's a ridiculous notion. I don't think you realize how intrinsic they are to the society we live in."

Another beat. He was close now. There was a wall with an empty doorway, the room on the other side was where Akatani's voice was coming from.

"Listen to me closely now. I've done a lot of sh*t in the past six years, none of it that I'm proud of, nothing that I'd ever let know if she were still around. But if you think you're gonna intimidate me into joining your little coup, you've got another thing coming,Kyoudai."


He hadn't heard that word before, he had to look it up later.

"Shove it, Chisaki."



Why did he feel the faintest hint of dread when he heard that name?

"You can come out now, Midoriya-chan. I'd thank you for letting me finish my conversation if I didn't know you were eavesdropping for half of it."

The jig was up, so Izuku stepped through the doorway to face the murderous bastard himself.

And he looked… annoyed.

Mikumo Akatani, for all intents and purposes, looked pissed.

He leaned against the wall on the far side of the empty room.

His eyes were shut, his eyebrow twitching.

His mouth was turned down in a discontented frown.

His arms were crossed, with one gloved hand gripping his sleeve and clenching harshly on the expensive looking fabric.

All in a second, that all seemed to disappear. Akatani's grin returned to its vicious form upon his face, his posture straightened and his arms returned to his sides, hands in pockets, as pushed off of the wall that he was leaning against.

"You're not looking too good. Trip and fall on the way here?"

"One of your 'friends' knocked me down in the garden."

"Oh, my deepest apologies. Is there anything I could make up for that."

"You could just drop dead."

"Oh, so much venom. And here I thought we had something special." He turned, wiped away an invisible tear, and sobbed.

Izuku's fists clenched, "You murdered my mother."

Akatani ceased his faux crying and gave Izuku a condescending stare.

He put a hand back in his pocket before running a hand through his hair and asking, "Midoriya-chan, are you really still caught on that? It's more your fault for breaking the rules. I don't see how you're angry at anyone but yourself."

"I didn't break any rules, you bastard! You didn't say anything about bringing in the police."

"Hmph. You got me, then. You're right, Midoriya-chan. I was planning to shoot your mother the whole time. Do you wanna know why?"

"Tell me."

"To show you that youcan'tbe a hero."

Izuku saw red.

He charged Akatani, appearing across the room in seconds, arm in motion for a quick straight.


A quick straight that was quickly caught in Akatani's hand.

Mikumo Akatani

Patriarch of The Yamikumo Clan

"Not bad, but you're gonna have to try harder than that Midorya-chan."

He pushed back, and Izuku jumped back and took his stance.

Akatani reached for his shoulder and grabbed his suit jacket.

He took one good pull and his torso was completely bare, showing off an incredibly cut physique.

After that, he entered his fighting stance.

A simple, grounded stance that he could sense a fair amount of power in.

One fist by his chin, the other by his bicep, hips square with Izuku's.

"If you're feeling brave, come at me,Little Hero."

Izuku took that challenge.

Within seconds, he had Akatani in striking range again and was lashing out with an elbow.


Blocked again, this time by a knee and he ducked down and forward quickly to avoid the roundhouse kick that came his way just after.


He dodged by a hair's breadth.

"Look at you. I guess handicapability runs in the family." He gestured with his left eye, the one that Izuku had clenched shut.

"Shut up and die, you scumbag."

He turned and kicked at the man, heel first.


Only to find his leg firmly in the grasp of his opponent.

He came around with a kick from the other leg.


That leg was caught as well.

Akatani grinned, "Up, up, and away-you-GO!"



Izuku hit the ground hard and was soon dragged and thrown into the air.

Looking down, he could see Akatani winding up for a punch.

Izuku could feel a smirk coming on.


[!]Improvised Heat Move: Essence of Hokorikumo

He clenched the dirt that he had grasped in his hand while he was dragged and waited until he began to fall.

Wait for it…

Akatani winded up a bit more.

Wait for it…

He watched Akatani's muscles tense in anticipation.


He was close now, he could feel the Heat in his stomach. Akatani's fist was coming for him, straight towards his stomach.


He twisted his body and threw the dirt directly into Akatni's eyes.

"Ack! sh*t!"

"Eat this, asshole!"

And while still twisting his body, he used his legs in a spinning kick, catching Akatani across his jaw, sending him flying.



Unfortunately for Izuku, he couldn't celebrate the strike he had just gotten on his opponent-


-as he hit the ground hard on his side.


He writhed for a few moments.

Can't stop here, Akatani's right there.

He forced himself through the pain and got up, looking towards Akatani to see him doing the same.

And all of the sudden, he could feel that same feeling of foulness from two nights before. The same foulness that he felt crawling across his skin earlier.

Akatani stared him down, that same vicious grin on his dirt-covered face from two nights before.

Izuku stared back blankly and he felt his skin crawl again.

"Is that supposed to scare me?"

Akatani's grin shrank slightly, becoming far less vicious as a result. It almost seemed… kind.

"Alright, what say we end this, Midoriya-chan?"

Izuku nodded and felt the foulness recede once again, with his Heat rising as well, "Yeah, let's do that, Akatani."

They squared off once more, hips squared, legs bent and ready to kick off. Izuku could feel it again.

He could Feel The Heat.


And in a flash, they were in the middle of the room again, Izuku's fist buried into Akatani's stomach, while the latter coughed blood and spittle and fell to the side.

And the fight was over.

Not for Izuku though, as he mounted Akatani's chest and began pummeling the man's face.





He kept hitting him.

"Happy Late Birthday, Izu-chan. Go on, open your gift."

He started hitting harder.






"I love you, sweetie!"

He started hitting faster.


"- my number one hero!"

"Even greater than All Might!"


And the entire time that he did it, Akatani didn't even lift a finger to defend himself.

He just laid down and took it.

Until eventually, Izuku just stopped.

He stopped, looked Akatani in his eyes, past the blood and swelling that he inflicted, and asked one thing.


Akatani grinned again, coughing a bit more blood, before answering, "Because, you were weak."


A wheezy chuckle here, "Midoriya-chan. You just don't understand how weak you are on the world's scale. You don't get to be stronger than All Might, just because 'you really want it'. I'd know that better than anyone."

"What do you mean?"

"Because…" He coughed again "I wanted to be a hero, too."

Izuku's blood ran cold.

"You… what?"

"That's right, I wanted to be a hero. Just like you."

"No, no, nonononono…"

"Yeah, got as far as the U.A. Entrance Exam … and then I flopped."


"The Hero Course doesn't want quirkless brats, no matter how hard they work, or how much they wanna help. They want kids with flashy quirks to make headlines when they grow up."

Shut up…

He could feel his skin crawl again.

"We're nothing but scum on the side of their shoes. Not even footnotes in the grand annals of history."

Stop it…

His skin was writhing at this point.

"And you couldn't even protect your mother from a two-bit thug like me. How are you gonna become a hero that can saveeveryone?"


He felt the Heat again burning through his writhing skin and he co*cked back his fist for one more devastating punch.

"Midoriya-kun, no!"

He could feel someone grab his fist before he could bring it down on Akatani's face and turned to see… a very sweaty and dirty Tsukauchi.

"Midoriya-kun, he's had enough."

"Tsukauchi-san, you know what he's done."

"I do, and he'll pay for it. In prison."

"That's not enough!"


Izuku stared hard at the detective.

"I don't care if you never trust me on anything ever again, but please, trust when I say this. If you kill him now, you'll be killing a part of yourself that you can never get back."

With this, Tsukauchi loosened his grip on Izuku's fist.

And Izuku turned his gaze back onto Akatani.

He raised his fist again, his skin still burning and writhing all the while.

And brought it down hard-

Right next to Akatani's face.

"Where's my mother's body?"

Akatani smirked, "I knew I had a good feeling about-"


"Don't. Test. Me."

"Alright, you won the game. So here's your prize. Your mother is in Tokyo."


"Just before you got here. I sent her on her way to Tokyo. Depending on which entrance you came in from, you might've actually seen her leaving."

-Group of men in black who stood near the Higashi Gomon, only parting for a black car to pass through and over the bridge.

Izuku stared through the windows, Akatani wasn't there.

"Which part of Tokyo?"

"The dazzling city of red lights that's seen more chaos and triumph than this whole island nation."

"Stop waxing poetic, and tell us."

"She's in Kamurocho, dear boy. Kamurocho."

Izuku turned to Tsukauchi.

His pupils were ringed with gold.

Izuku got off of Akatani and let Tsukauchi turn the yakuza onto his stomach, cuffing him immediately.

Akatani had one more thing to ask, however, "Ne, Detective-san?"

"What is it?"

"Would you mind checking the gun in my jacket? There's something you might find interesting in there."

"You realize you're asking a police officer to tamper with evidence, right?"

"I'm already under arrest, and I doubt that you're here legally, so…"

"This better not be a trick."

"Trust me, if I wanted to trick you, we wouldn't be talking here right now."

With a sigh, Tsukauchi walked over to Akatani's abandoned jacket and shirt and pulled a semi-automatic pistol from it.

Akatani smiled and said, "Check the magazine."

He did so and pulled out one of the bullets.

He took a look at it before his eyes widened.

"These are-!"

Akatani's smile widened further, "That's right. Rubber bullets."

And when his eyes turned on Izuku, they took on a softer edge as he said, "I'm not hero material, kid. But looking at you, I think I've found someone who might be."

Three hours later…

Back on the road, Izuku ran his fingers over new gauze on his forehead.

After the whole debacle at Sunpu, Shizuoka Law Enforcement arrived and arrested Akatani and most of the Yamikumo Clan on the scene.

Akatani didn't put up a fight, and when he came across one of his family members who were, he just stared them down until they stopped and complied.

He said nothing. Not a single word to anyone. And whenever he looked at Izuku, he just smiled and nodded.

After the police took away the Yamikumo Clan, they took Izuku's and Tsukauchi's statements, patching them up as they did so.

And so, three hours later, they were back on their way to Tokyo.

Tsukauchi had got in contact with an old friend of his from the Police Academy, Tanimura-san or something similar, and had gotten information about a place called New Serena. It would apparently be the best place for the two of them to start finding information about his mother's whereabouts.

But first.

"Ne, Midoriya-kun?"


"You doing alright?"

"... Yeah, I'm fine."

"Judge Eyes says differently."



"I know."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Okay, I'm here whenever you do."






"So, what's up?"

"It's just… I almost killed him, Tsukauchi-san."


"Yeah. I almost killed him and became just like him. I-I- almost, I almost…" His breathing was heavy and he was starting to tear up.

And then, he felt a firm hand land on his shoulder. He turned to see Tsukauchi with his eyes still on the road with a firm grip on his shoulder.

"It's fine, let it all out."

And he did. For a good five minutes, he cried his eyes out while Tsukauchi remained silent and supportive.

And when he finally composed himself after those five minutes, Tsukauchi spoke.

"You're not like Akatani."


"You're nothing like Akatani. You're a kind young boy who has helped every that he could in Musutafu for the past six years with no wish for a reward. You're not a monster, just because of what you might've done after being put under pressure that would've broken most people. You know what you are?"


"You're Izuku Midoriya. Little Hero of Musutafu, future number one hero of the world, and... my friend."

Tsukauchi's words actually blew Izuku away. He'd never heard someone speak about him like that before. It felt… nice.

"Tsukauchi-san… Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

He noticed that they were slowing down, and he could see a huge red glow right in front of them.

They made it.

They had made it back to Tokyo.

They made it to Kamurocho.

Terms to know-

Hokorikumo- Dust Cloud

Kyoudai- Sworn Brother

Chapter 20: Dragon and Pup

Chapter Text

Tenkaichi Street, Kamurocho

Izuku hissed slightly as his body creaked with every step he took.

The adrenaline from his brawl with the Yamikumo Clan had worn off long ago, and despite feeling worn and tired during the whole ride from Shizuoka to Tokyo, he couldn't drift off and allow himself to sleep.

He actually hadn't slept since the whole situation had begun with Akatani. He was too busy trying to decipher the clue the man had given him. And then after that, he was far too wired to sleep on the way to get his mother back from Akatani.

Pain aside, he could still say that Kamurocho was… interesting, to say the least.

Flashing neon lights everywhere.

Barkers drumming up business for one hostess club or another.

Salarymen looking for a place to drink away their paycheck.

A few couples stumbling about and looking just a bit too deeply into one another's eyes.

His mom had told him about a short period in the 80s called the "Bubble", where she said cash flowed like water, and looking at Kamurocho now, he could almost imagine that the bubble never popped.

"Okay, so Tanimura-san told me that New Serena is a bar here on Tenkaichi Street and that we should speak with the Mama there, Mariko-san. We'll regroup there and then get around to canvasing the city. According to Akatani, we should start at the Millenium Tower and work our way around. Apparently most of Japan's yakuza are huge fans of the place."


"Now let's see if we can find New Serena…"

"You mean the New Serena right across the street from Stardust?"

"I'm sorry?"

Izuku pointed at the little sign that said, "New Serena"across from one of the brighter buildings on the street.

"Wow, I amofftoday. Do I need glasses or contacts? Maybe Lasik? This is getting embarrassing. What do you think, Midoriya-ku-? Midoriya-kun?"

Izuku was already halfway down the street when Tsukauchi turned to him.

"He-hey, wait up!"

And the detective ran after the boy.


The detective and child duo stepped off the elevator and walked over to the door at the end of the hallway.

The sign on the door readclosed, but they weren't there for any of the actual services that the bar should provide, so it was promptly ignored.

Semi-remembering years of etiquette that had been drilled into him by his mother, he knocked twice and opened the door.

"Excuse me, but we're looking for…" He trailed off as soon as he looked toward the bar counter and saw a familiar sight slumped over it.

White shoes, gray suit, and the popped collar of a red shirt.

He'd recognize that sight from anywhere. The man in front of him was-


The man turned back to look at the boy in the doorway, recognition flashing in his eyes.


"Izuku?" That voice sounded familiar too. It came from his right so turned his to see-


His head was shaved and he hadn't seen the man in two years, but he was still a mountain of a man with a very distinctive voice, so Izuku remembered his uncle's brother well enough from the few days that he had spent with the man.

"Okay, so who's this now?" Izuku didn't recognize that voice, but it came directly from Taijiji's side, so he just turned his head to see who it was.

He was greeted with sight of a man wearing a maroon pinstripe jacket, a black shirt, and dark gray slacks.

Before Izuku could respond to the stranger, he heard a gasp behind him.

It was clearly from Tsukauchi, seeing as he had come in after Izuku, and the detective was pointing at the only other man wearing a trench coat, who sat next to Taijiji.


"Um, Tsukauchi-san?"

"Y-you- You're- Y-..."

"Tsukauchi-san, you're malfunctioning. I thought I was the one with a concussion."


"Okay, you're yelling now."

"I'm sorry, it's just… he's my hero. He's the whole whole reason why I'm in Division Four. I wanted to be just like after I finished my time as a beat cop. The guy's a legend."

"Well, thank you. I'm happy to hear that."

"Makoto Date just said 'thank you' to me!" Tsukauchi's squee both intrigued and disturbed Izuku.

Regardless, he had damage control to run, "Just… give him a minute, this is a big moment for him."

Five Minutes Later…

It took some time, but eventually Tsukauchi managed to compose himself and the group(sans Kiryu, who still sat slumped over at the bar) moved to an alcove off to the side.

"So Midoriya-kun, you're telling me that you've met both Kazuma Kiryu, The Dragon of Dojima, and Taiga '18 Counts' Saejima?"


"You've known the former for over half a decade, and you met the latter just before he went back to prison two years ago? "

"Didn't know about the prison part, but yes."Gold.

"Alright, last thing. You've never met Makoto Date in your life?"

"Aside from hearing about him in passing from Kiryu-san, I never knew he existed."

Tsukauchi's eyes flashed gold one more time and he sighed in relief.

"Okay, good. Now I don't have to shoot you."


"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean that. It was a joke."Silver.

Choosing to ignore the homicidal thoughts of his friend, Izuku turned towards Akiyama, the man in the maroon jacket.

"So what were you saying before we interrupted, Akiyama-san?"

Akiyama, proving himself to be incredibly used to strange people and situations, proceeded to explain the situation as he had been doing before the duo interrupted.

He explained that the entire debacle involving Majima's shooting and the multiple situations that had to do with Saejima's daring escape from prison to Sapporo to Kamurocho, and even Kiryu's return were kicked off by one man.

"The Omi Alliance's Seventh Chairman, Tsubasa Kurosawa."

"Omi Alliance?"

"Sound familiar to you, kid?"

Tsukauchi chimed in here, "We just took down an Omi family down in Shizuoka. The Yamikumo Clan."

"Never heard of it. How about you, Saejima?"

The escaped convict shook his head in the negative.

"Not me."

"They were an offshoot of the Go-Ryu Clan."

Date brows shot into his hairline.

"The Go-Ryu Clan? I thought we wiped out most of them years ago."

"Apparently not. The leader and a few of his guys ended up kidnapping Midoriya-kun's mother a couple of days ago. They took her to Shizuoka and we just got back from there."

"That's horrible. Did you get her back?"

Izuku answered, "No, but the leader told us that she was here in Kamurocho, so we're here to get her back."

"Wait, so when you say that you took down a family in Shizuoka, do you mean that you brought the police in and had them make arrests?"

"Of course… after we fought our way through them and Izuku kicked the crap out of one of their lieutenants and their patriarch."

"Wait- he didwhat?"

Akiyama seemed shocked.

"I'm sorry, that kid right there took out a lieutenant and a patriarch?"

Date did as well.

"Huh, figures. Anyone who went through Majima's trainin'd a special kind of weird."

Saejima, however, was quite unflapped.

"Look, that's enough about me. What's with this picture, Akiyama-san?"

He gestured to picture on the table, one that he had before.

It was a picture of his uncle with his arms slung over the shoulders of two people.

One was a man that he didn't recognize.

The other was a woman that he had seen just a couple nights before.


He had heard on the radio that she was putting together a debut concert for Haruka at the Japan Dome, but he hadn't heard from the woman herself since a couple nights before.

"Right, well in the middle it's Goro Majima. To the right, that's Natsuki Katsuya, President of Osaka Talent and Patriarch of Osaka Enterprises. And to the left, it's-"

"Mirei-baba, my uncle's wife."

"Well ex-wife, but yeah. And 'Mirei-baba'?"

"I saw this picture fall out of my uncle's wallet once. My mom told me that the girl in it was Jiji's wife, so 'baba'."

"Alright, then. Moving on, these three had ended up realizing what Kurosawa was planning and worked to protect each other, and it ended up working. For the most part."

Izuku shifted his position slightly. He was still hurting, but he could bear it. He needed to hear this.

Akiyama reached into his jacket, pulling out an envelope and sitting it on the table.

"Most of the situation down in Osaka revolved around this. It's a letter from Majima-san to Park-san. As it turns out, it ended up sparking some issues between Osaka Enterprises and Dyna Chair, where Haruka-chan is signed."

"Why?" Izuku asked.

"Well, if you look close, you'll see that the postmark shows that it was sentafterMajima-san was supposedly killed in Sapporo."

Really? But Mirei-baba didn't say anything when she visited mom.

"Not only that, but the letter indicated Majima-san's whereabouts. When the people at Osaka Enterprises learned this, they figured Majima-san was still alive. So they figured that getting a hold of the letter would help him pin down his location."

Well, that makes sense. But, wouldn't Mirei-baba keep it on her? Maybe in her purse? She had it with her when she visited.

"This led to a ransacking at Dyna Chair. No one was hurt, but Park-san ended up going to ground. She gave a key to the safe in her office to Haruka-chan, left some instructions for the employees, and disappeared until the end of the Princess League. Now she's here in Kamurocho with Haruka and T-Set, getting them ready for their debut as Dream Line. And she left this letter with me."

"That's… a lot."

Akiyama chuckled, "That's not even the end of it, kid."

"Wait, so does this mean that Jiji's still alive?"

"No, I don't think so, unfortunately."

That's still hard to hear, but fine.

"If he were alive, he would have come after Kurosawa last night."

But lemme guess, he didn't-

"- he didn't show. It's likely he was already..." He eyed Izuku for a moment, before choosing the next word to say, "gone by the time Park-san received the letter."

"Then how did Majima get the letter over to this Park woman?" Date asked.

"Katsuya. That's what Park-san told me when I asked her earlier. She figures that Majima-san had left the letter with him from the start, and I agree. But something still bothered me."

"What's that?"

"How on earth would the people at Osaka Enterprises know about the letter. It just didn't add up."

"Someone from Dyna Chair coulda leaked it." Saejima suggested.

"No, that's not possible. Park-san had kept it in her safe, and then took it with her after going into hiding."

Probably when she came to visit mom.

"None of her employees even knew she had it."

So how? More importantly, why didn't she show it to mom? That was probably why she was there in the first place.

"-was Katsuya-san and Park-san themselves that leaked the info about Majima-san's letter."

"But why?"

Izuku had an idea why. He'd gone fishing with Kiryu-san in Okinawa a few times, and he remembered putting smaller fish on the line to attract bigger ones.

"To see who would take the bait."

"That's right, kid. They leaked word that Majima-san might be alive, even after he was supposedly killed, to set a trap. They wanted to find out who was behind it all. And whaddya know? They bought it: hook, line, and sinker."

Then that must mean…

"-Osaka Enterprises captain working under Katsuya. Along with Kurosawa, who posed as a detective to get me all riled up and keep Haruka-chan from leaving Osaka."

"Then that must mean that he was the one after Jiji's letter."

They talked about a man Daigo afterwards, Izuku didn't understand, so he leaned over to Tsukauchi and asked who that was.

"Ah. Well, if I remember correctly, Daigo Dojima is the most recent chairman of the Tojo Clan. He runs all the families in it and he apparently went missing in f*ckuoka when this whole mess started."

Okay, so he's Jiji's and Taijiji's boss. Wait. Dojima?

He was instantly reminded of one of his other neighbors, an older woman named Yayoi Dojima. She had moved into the apartment on the other side of Tsukauchi's, a year ago. She was actually quite nice and a friend of his mom, but the events and revelations of the past few weeks made him wonder.

Is she a part of this too?

He quickly shook his head free of those thoughts, he had to focus. He would worry about that later.

Tuning back into the conversation at hand, he balked at what he heard next.

"The concert at the Dome's in danger?"


"Yeah, that's the main thing I wanted to talk to you about. Haruka-chan is about to perform her major debut concert at the Japan Dome. But we think there's some serious trouble brewing."

"I thought the concert got cancelled."

"Nope. Like I said earlier, Park-san's with T-Set and Haruka-chan, getting them ready for their debut as Dream Line. Only thing is, she and Katsuya pulled some strings to get the date changed from today to tomorrow. And now, Haruka-chan'll be performing with her former rivals from Osaka Talent. As was the plan all along, apparently."

"Wait a minute, weren't T-Set set to do their debut in Haruka's place today?" Date asked.

"Yep. But, the plan was always to get them all together. They're likely practicing their big debut song as we speak."

Saejima asked, "So what's this threat to the concert all about?"

Akiyama, who seemed to have all the answers, replied, "Both Park-sanandKatsuya realized that Kurosawa was targeting Haruka-chan's original concert. So they made the conscious decision to stop it from happeningandget Dream Line off the ground."

"Wait, but I don't get it. Why would this Kurosawa guy go after Haruka-neechan?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure she's the backup plan. If he can't finish off Kiryu-san, then threatening Haruka-chan's the next best thing."

"Now that ya mention it, Kurosawa did say somethin'. He said Kiryu-san better watch out for Haruka."

Izuku already didn't like Kurosawa, considering the fact that he was already sure that his mother's kidnapping was the man's fault. But every word that came out of the mouths of the men around him, made him start to hate the man even more.

"But holding a concert at the Dome was something Park-san and Katsuya had wanted for so long. So, while I couldn't get any more details while I was with Park-san, I think they changed the day, hoping that would dodge the threat to Haruka-chan. Things definitely didn't go to plan though."

That confused Izuku. "How do you mean, Akiyama-san?"

"Right, you just got here. Well, to put things shortly, I imagine that he wanted to end things with Kurosawa last night. But Kurosawa got away. And even if we wanted to cancel the concert, Park-san's refusing."

"So then what's the plan now?" Tsukauchi asked, after remaining silent for the longest time.

"We have to stop Kurosawa's men from getting into the concert tomorrow. Failing that, our only option is to beg Park-san to either postpone the concert or cancel it."

"Cancel it, huh?"

"It's a concert at the Japan Dome. You're talking tens of thousands of people going in and out."

"I agree with Date-san. Even if we stopped Kurosawa from getting in, there's no feasible way of weeding out all of his men."

"Up until today, I was all for helping Haruka-chan get her chance in the spotlight and allowing Park-san to fulfill her dream. But with Kurosawa mucking things up, we haven't got much choice."

Izuku took this chance to speak, "Then let's make a choice. We can't let this concert be cancelled."


"I agree." The voice came from the counter.


Kiryu had been slumped over the counter since Izuku and Tsukauchi walked, but now he was sitting upright, and getting up to walk towards the group.

"How are you still walking?" Date asked incredulously.

Kiryu ignored the question, "Izuku's right. You can't cancel the concert, no matter what."

"Did you hear all of that?"

"I got the gist."

"Then, surely you understand how risky it is to go ahead with it."

"I do."

"Then, why?"

"Because even if Haruka heard what was going on, she'd still choose to go on that stage."

"Yeah, Haruka-neechan's always been the most likely to put her neck on the line for us."

"You knew that before you came to talk with us, didn't you? And you also know that I'm the only one that could convince both her and Park to pull out."

Akiyama rubbed the back of his head with a tired chuckle, "You got me there. Haruka-chan would go on with the concert even if she knew the risk, especially with Park-san still completely on board. But if you told them to drop it, maybe even you took the kid here with you, they'd listen."

Both Izuku and Kiryu remained silent.

"Are you willing to put her up on that stage knowing that her life is at stake?"

Kiryu kept his silence and walked out the back door. Izuku waited a moment before following him.

Izuku looked at Kiryu across the roof of New Serena.

The man leaned on the railing and stared down onto the street below, a cigarette hanging between his lips as he tried to light it.

Kiryu had always been an ideal for him to look up to, a pillar of strength parallel to his uncle for him to draw his own strength from.

But looking as he was now, Izuku could see Kiryu for what he really was.

A man.

A tired old man.

A tired old man that needed someone to lean on, just as others needed to lean on him.

And Izuku, he was willing to do that. More than willing to do that.


Kiryu didn't even turn around, "What do you need Izuku?"

The boy approached slowly, "I just wanted to make sure you're doing alright."

"I'm doing fine, you should get back inside."

"So should you."

"Heh, can't argue with that logic."

This wasn't getting him anywhere, he needed to be more direct.

"Kiryu-san, we can go through with the plan. We can't let that concert get cancelled, no matter what."

"Izuku, you keep saying 'we', but I don't think you understand. You're not going with us, no matter what plan we make."

This was first he was hearing of it.

"What? Yes, I am."

"No, you're not. I couldn't ask for you to do something dangerous."

"Then you're not asking, I'm offering. I wanna do this for Haruka-neechan, Mirei-baba, even Jiji."

"And what about your mother? You still need to look for her."

"I'm pretty sure that that Kurosawa guy has her. If we take care of him, we can save Haruka-neechan and my mom, all in one."

"You. Are not.Going." He stared Izuku down.

"Yes. I. Am." Izuku stared right back.

And they stared in silence, the only sounds made being those of the streets below.

Eventually, Kiryu broke the silence.

"Fine, prove that you're ready."


"You have ten minutes. Ten minutes to land a hit on me. Punch, kick, knee, elbow, headbutt. Doesn't matter what you hit me with or where you hit me, just hit me. We have this entire rooftop and I won't leave the rooftop. You won't either. Same as six years ago, only this time… I'll be hitting back."

The man took his fighting stance, raising an arm and putting a fist in front of his chin, leaving the other crossed down in front of his waist. After all these years it still looked simple, but the red aura that burned around the man was anything but.

Izuku couldn't back down though. This was his benchmark, his way of seeing if he had really made progress since his uncle had found him crying in the park, all those years ago.

"Fine then" He took his own fighting stance leaning forward and keeping his body low, right arm crossed in front of him, the other held loosely at his side "Let's do this!"

And so, Izuku was set to fight a Dragon.

Kazuma Kiryu

Dragon of Dojima

Chapter 21: Scramble


Part 1 of 2

Chapter Text

Kazuma Kiryu

Dragon of Dojima

Within seconds, Kiryu was upon the boy, fist swinging straight towards his temple.

Izuku ducked under it quickly, moving in for an attempt at a counter attack, only to catch a kick to the cheek.


He flew back, hitting the ground hard, while Kiryu moved out of his range once more.

His already aching body screamed out in protest, but he refused to give in.

"Is that all you've got, Izuku?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Your age catching up with you, old man?"

He brought himself back up to his feet, he could feel his crying joints and weeping muscles telling him to stop, but he couldn't.

The Heat was back again. He could feel it rising in the pit of his stomach, but even more so he could feel an even greater Heat from someone else.

It came right across him, on that very rooftop.

It came from Kiryu.

He had seen that aura of his before, but he never truly felt it like he felt his own.

His Heat often felt to him like a warm stove sending a tingle through his whole body.

Safe, secure, and strong all at once.

Kiryu's Heat, however, was on an entirely different level.

It burned like a raging inferno. It stifled the air and made him sweat the longer he focused on it.

He's really strong. Can I really…?

He shook his head to clear those thoughts before he could even finish them.

Kiryu was on another level, but he knew that already. He couldn't let that stop him. He had to win this.

He steeled himself and came at Kiryu again, fist aimed at the man's stomach.


He flew back again, spittle flying from his mouth, as Kiryu pulled his fist back from the straight he had delivered to the boy's torso.

Izuku could feel bile rising up in his throat. He forced it back down and stood up again, rushing his opponent again.


Swatted again.

He got back up and charged again.




And Again.


It continued like this for a while.




Kiryu would knock him down and Izuku would keep getting back up.

By the time five minutes had passed, Izuku stood with shaky legs and stumbled with every step that he took.

If his body was begging to stop before, it was practically screaming at that point.

Even taking too deep a breath hurt.

"It's over, Izuku."

"No, no it's not."

"Izuku, you can hardly even stand. The challenge is over."

Izuku's feet began to drag halfway scraping across the concrete.

Shffff! Shfffff!

"No, it's not. I'm still standin'... and I've got four more minutes… 's not over till I hit ya or time runs out."

Shffff! Shfffff!

"You don't know when to quit, do you?"

Izuku grinned, the fatigue that he felt only showing on his body, never his face, "Ya never taught me how."

Kiryu sighed, but if you looked closely, you'd be able to spot the tiniest twitch at the corners of his lips.

And when Izuku finally reached the man, he could feel his Heat die out. That was fine.

I can hardly stand, my legs feel like jelly and concrete all at the same time. I've only got one shot at this, I need to make it work. I just need one hit.

Kiryu's aura, his red Heat, burned hotter and brighter than it had moments before and a particularly persistent bead of sweat rolled from Izuku's forehead.

From his crown, to his temple, down his cheek, until it stuck to the tip of his chin.

It stayed there for a few seconds.

3…He kept his eyes on Kiryu, he was still in his stance.

2…He balled his hand into a fist.

1…His muscles tensed.


His balled fist flew forward-


-striking nothing but air as Kiryu sidestepped him, and moved to counterattack and likely end the challenge right there.



He likely would have succeeded if he hadn't been thrown back by the explosive counter-punch that Izuku launched into his chest. He anchored his feet and skidded to a stop before he could possibly stumble, while Izuku silently celebrated.

Gotcha!He then started to fall.Oh dear.

He caught himself on the rail at the edge of the roof.


He hit the chilled metal hard. It was definitely going to bruise, but he wasn't on the ground, so he would accept both of his victories while he tried to ignore his body'sscreechingreprimands.

And as Izuku tried to not only celebrate his triumph, but regain feeling in his legs, he heard footsteps approaching. Seeing as there was only one other person on the roof with him, he figured out who it was quickly enough.

"Where'd you learn the Tiger Drop, kid?"

"Oh, so that's what it's called…"Has anyone actually used to drop a tiger? I mean, it definitely hits hard enough."Well, anyway, you used it on me earlier, so I just… copied what you did. "

He heard Kiryu chuckle, but he ignored that in favor of trying to push himself upright.

Damn legs, work!

After a few more seconds of struggling, he felt himself being turned and sat down. When he looked to see why Kiryu was manhandling him, his vision filled with the sight of a small bottle with a black label decorated with an image of a blue star.

"Staminan Spark?"

"Drink it, it'll make you feel better."

That sounds incredibly suspicious. Then again, this is Kiryu-san so… Bottoms up!

He twisted the cap and chugged the sweet drink with a taste that seemed... almost familiar.

And as he felt it slide down his throat, he suddenly felt energized and all the feeling in his legs returned.

Whoa! I've gotta get more of these.

As he picked himself up off the ground, grasping the railing for support, he heard the sound of a flint being flicked repeatedly.

Click! Click! Click!Click!Click!

Kiryu grumbled under his breath as his lighter sparked and sparked, but stubbornly refused to light his cigarette.


He looked down to see a smaller hand holding a familiar old zippo that he distinctly remembered parting with, over half a decade earlier.

He chuckled again as he took it from the boy and lit his cigarette, "Still holding onto this old thing?"

"It was a gift from you, so I've been taking care of it. Even if I don't use it for much."

"Well that's good of you." His cigarette lit, he attempted to hand the lighter back to Izuku, only to be stopped when the small boy's hand pushed it back.

"You can keep it if you want. You know, since the one you've got is… Well, you know."

Kiryu pushed back and pressed the lighter into Izuku's hand.

"It's yours. I gave it to you, and I'm not taking it back. Just keep it, I won't be asking for it."

Izuku looked at Kiryu, who just leaned over the railing and enjoyed his smoke.

He put the lighter back inside of his stajun and joined the old dragon, leaning on the railing just to his side.

And once more, on the rooftop of New Serena, there was silence.

A silence that was soon broken by the older male of the pair.

"So, now that you're calm, do you want to tell me what it was that was bothering you?"


"You've walked into the bar as stiff as a board, and I could tell that it wasn't just because of your pain. So, c'mon. What's your problem?"

Of course. He's been dealing with the guys at Morning Glory for forever. Course he'd notice that something was wrong with me.

Seeing that there was no use lying or pretending that nothing, Izuku just sighed.

"Alright. Have I told you about Kacchan?"

"You've mentioned him before."

"Right. Well, we were friends for a while before he got his quirk. Well, not really friends, I kinda just followed him around, and he let me. Our moms wanted us to be friends though, And Kacchan tried. Well, okay, he didn't really try. He was always kinda really cruel and mean and put me down and tellyouthetruthIdon'treallyknowIwantedtobehisfriendsobadlylikemymomwouldn'tcareshewasfriendswithhismombutevenshecouldadmitthathewasabitmucandmuttermuttermuttermutter..."

Kiryu, having dealt with Izuku before after he'd gone into one of his fits, simply put his fingers in front of the boy's forehead and…


"Ow. Sorry Kiryu-san. What was I saying, again?"

"You were friends with Kacchan before he got his quirk."

"Right. So, before he got his quirk, he was still a jerk, but a much less violent jerk. He showed me the kanji in my name and then rearranged them to turn it into Deku."


"Yup. It's got a few other meanings too. 'Good For Nothing', 'Wooden Doll', 'Puppet'."

There was a bitter edge to his tone, as the final word spilled from the boy's lips.

Kiryu stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"He played me. I'm supposed to be so smart and Akatani played me. He got me all the way to Shizuoka, made me think he killed my mom, and if I had gone to get him by myself, like I was planning to do, he would've taken me."


"He strung me along like a puppet. Everyone says that I'm sof*ckingsmart and he still played me. And when I actually beat him, he almost made me- I almost- I-" His breathing became heavy.

Kiryu didn't say anything, he just gave the young greenette time to compose himself.

It took a while, but Izuku eventually managed to compose himself and continue what he was saying.

"What kind of hero falls for that? All Might wouldn't. Best Jeanist wouldn't. You wouldn't. And I know Jiji wouldn't."

The boy was breathing heavily again and he was gripping hard enough onto the railing that the metal began to twist.

Kiryu decided that it was time for him to cut in. He put a hand on Izuku's shoulder and squeezed slightly.

"I was twelve when I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It was on Christmas Eve, and in the orphanage that I grew up in, there was this older guy who used to come in and visit us kids there. We never knew when he was gonna pop up. Well, we never knew with the exception of one day: Christmas Eve. He always came to visit on Christmas Eve, it was one of the few things we orphans could count on."

The look in his eyes was somewhat fond; that fondness only served to make the melancholy beneath it more pronounced.

"Then one year, when I was twelve, he didn't show. I was worried, so that night, I snuck out here to Kamurocho to see what the problem was. I saw him right there, getting into a car right across the street from where we're standing."

He pointed to the front of an office building across the street.

"I saw him, he saw me, and he told me to go home. I didn't. Instead, I followed the car he was in to where it was going, and when I found him again, he was at gunpoint. I thought he was in danger so I rushed in to save him. He wasn't and I ended hurting both the old man and someone who I'd end getting close to, years later."


"Fast-forward about eight years or so. I ended up joining the Yakuza to try and follow in the old man's footsteps, to see if maybe I could live a more fulfilling life as a Yakuza. Then one day, I ended up the smack dab in the middle of a full-on political war between the three lieutenants in the family I joined. I ended up having to leave the Yakuza for a while, go straight, and try to figure things out. I made some friends around town, went on a few dates, I even ended up running a real estate firm for a while. It was a fine life while it lasted. It was too bad, honestly, that that's not what my life was intended to be."

"What do you mean?"

"There was still a war going on in the family I left, Izuku. And the old man that I ended joining the Yakuza to emulate, he was in danger because of it. I wasn't going to let that stand. So with some help from a few friends, associates, my bro… I ended up pushing back. It was hard, a lot of people, good people, ended up dying. It wasn't fair. It was even worse when I found out the person behind it all was playing me like a fiddle the whole time."

So that's why…

"I know how you're feeling right now, Izuku. It's normal to feel that way. It'd be shocking if you didn't. Majima wasn't perfect. Neither are any of those heroes of yours. I'm definitely not. And that's because, under the shine that we have in your eyes, we're just people too. We can be tricked or hurt or fall into despair, just like anyone else. But keep this in mind, alright? 'Pride is received from despair. Accepting that despair allows you to tower over the fools who doubt you, like a crane over landfills.'"

Did he really just-?

"Kiryu-san, did you really just quote your own song at me?"

The older male turned his away from the young hero hopeful, "...No idea what you're talking about."

"Sure, ya don't…" A sh*t-eating plastered itself across the boy's face, "Judgement Kazzy."

"Cut that out."

"I dunno, maybe I'll start callin' ya that now."

"Or you could not."

"I think I will."

"I try to cheer you up and you use that as an opportunity to make fun of myveryshort music career and myonecollaboration project with your uncle?"

"'The gods cannot help those who do not seize opportunity.'"


"It's Confucius. My mom quotes his stuff all the time to win arguments."

"Does that actually work?"

"More than you'd think it would."

"Huh, neat. Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand, don't call me that. Especially around the kids at Morning Glory. They don't know about that chapter of my life, and if I have it my way, they never will."

"Alright, it was a joke anyway, Kiryu-san."

That made the corner of Kiryu's lips quirk down just a little bit.

"You know, you could just call me 'Uncle Kaz'. I've been telling you that you could for six years, now."

"Yeah, and…"I still haven't earned it"I'll make ya a deal."

Kiryu raised an eyebrow, "Oh, what is it?"

"As soon as we save Haruka-neechan and my mom, I'll call you 'Uncle Kaz' as much you want. I'll call you 'Uncle Kaz' so much that you get sick of it!"

Kiryu looked the boy in his eyes. As usual when he did this with Izuku, he saw nothing but earnestness.

"Alright, you've got it. Now let's get back inside, I think I hear your detective friend yelling again."

"Yeah, we should probably get on that."

And with that, the two walked back down the stairs to New Serena, the younger of the pair with a far lighter load on his heart.

Several Hours Later…

Izuku sat quietly at the counter of New Serena.

He was tired, but still couldn't sleep.

After he and Kiryu came down from the roof, they met Akiyama's friend, Tatsuo Shinada.

He was a nightlife writer in Nagoya, and a former baseball player who received a lifetime ban after being accused of stealing hand signals for a home run.

He was also the one that had told Akiyama about the plot to target the Japan Dome, after trying to borrow over 300 million yen to get Haruka's concert cancelled.

After introductions were finished between him and the other men in the room(and after Tsukauchi finished his second fanboy session of the night) they made a plan.

Shinada said that if anyone wanted to take a shot at Haruka with a rifle, they'd do it from the outfield stands. It was the only place with a clear view on the home plate, which was where the stage happened to be set up.

That narrowed down the area even further, making it so that the only viable spot would be next to the batter's eye screen.

So the plan was set. They'd head out to the Dome just before the concert started and work their way in from there.

Date and Tsukauchi would scan the crowd, and look for anyone suspicious among them, while Kiryu and Akiyama would head into the crowd and keep an eye out there.

Meanwhile, Shinada and Saejima would hide out in the outfield stands and wait for the sniper, and Izuku would sneak his way backstage and keep an be on the lookout there.

He knew both Park and Haruka personally, so if he got caught, he could explain his way out of it.

New Serena's Mama, 'Mariko-san' as she told Izuku to call her, said that everyone was free to make themselves at home.

And after the plan was set, everyone went about their business.

This led to Izuku having nothing to do until it was time to go, which wouldn't be for at least another twelve hours.

His phone was dead. It had been since he and Tsukauchi left Shizuoka. Akiyama did the kind thing and offered to charge it for him upstairs in his office, which he accepted.

Kiryu trusted the man well enough, and he trusted Kiryu's judgement.

Tsukauchi had left with Date to go make some arrangements at the station, so he wouldn't be back for a while.

Saejima and Kiryu went to go pick up some supplies from Kotobuki Drugs, and they'd been gone for hours.

Shinada went… somewhere. He wasn't quite sure what the man went off to do, he just took off, saying something about needing to stock up on gear.

Akiyama was asleep on the couch in the corner behind Izuku.

The only one that was present in the room(and conscious), besides Izuku, was Mariko.

She had been kind enough to give him a glass of juice and let him watch the TV in the bar while she cleaned.

"So, Izuku-kun, can I ask you something? "

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I told you, it's 'Mariko-san'. 'Ma'am' makes me sound far older than I am."

"Right, sorry Mariko-san. What did you wanna ask?"

"I just wanted to know how you know Kiryu-san."

"Ah, well it's because he knew my uncle. Goro-Jiji."


"Ah! Sorry. Goro Majima. I call him 'Jiji' because when I was really little, I couldn't say 'Ojisan'. Even after I could, 'Jiji' just stuck. So, Goro-jiji."

"Ah, well that's cute. And your uncle introduced you to Kiryu-san?"

"Not exactly. Haruka-neechan was on a class trip to see U.A. High School in Musutafu. They toured Musutafu for a while and Kiryu took a short break to take a smoke break. I was cleaning up garbage on a beach there and we ran into each other. I was scared of him when we met, but my uncle told me he was nice. He asked him to train me and Kiryu-san said 'yes'. So I've been training with him in Okinawa every summer for the past five years."

"Well, isn't that quite a story?" She giggled slightly.

This made Izuku smile.

"Well, thank you for sharing that with me, Izuku. I've got some errands to run, but there's juice and snacks here behind the counter, so help yourself."

"Alright, thank you Mariko-san."

"Don't mention it."

She walked out the back door, and there was silence again.

Aside from the TV show playing on the television, something called Truth Man or something similar, and Akiyama's snoring.

This is gonna be a long day.

Eleven Hours Later…

"Here's your phone, Izuku-kun."

"Thanks, Akiyama-san."

He checked his phone and balked at the number of missed calls and texts from his father. He'd have to call the man back on the way to the dome, but at the moment, he just sent him text to let him know that he was fine.

"Alright, should we head on over to the Japan Dome?"


The backdoor slammed open suddenly and Mariko ran in, out of breath.

"We've got a problem!"

"What is it, Mariko-san?"

"The TV. Turn on the TV!"

Akiyama did as she asked and everyone in the room watched as a new bulletin appeared on the screen.

"Breaking News: just after 5:00 PM today, the Tokyo Metropolitan issued this announcement. The Millenium Tower has been seized by an unidentified group. They have taken a hostage- Goro Majima, a high ranking member of a criminal organization known as the Tojo Clan. He is being held on the top floor. I repeat, just after 5:00 PM today..."

The rest went on to be ignored as Saejima said exactly what Izuku was thinking.

"What the f*ck?"

Chapter 22: Scramble(Part 2)


Part 2 of 2. It all ends next time. I hope to see you there.

Chapter Text

Izuku could hardly believe what he was hearing.

First, his uncle was dead. He refused to believe that.

Then, forced to face facts after a long week and a very long two days, he accepted it.

And after that, after all of that, his uncle was not only alive, but inKamurocho?

What the actual fu-

Vrrrrr! Vrrrrr!

His phone was buzzing.

That didn't matter. He had a more important matter to think about.

Vrrrrr! Vrrrrr!

How is he-?


Why is he-?


Just what is going on?


And who the hell is calling me, right now!?

He shoved his hand into pocket, yanking out the offending device and glaring at the Caller ID.

Inko Midoriya.

He answered immediately.


"Ah, finally."

He knew that voice, he knew it so well at this point that it disturbed him.

"Akatani. How are you calling me from my mother's cellphone when you're supposed to be in jail?"

"Yeah, I escaped, but listen-"


"I escaped early this morning, but that's not important, listen up-"

"That sounds incredibly important! What do you mean,you escaped?Howdid you escape? Most importantly, why the hell are you calling me after escapi-"

"Midoriya, shut the hell up for a minute and listen! We can talk about my amazing escape and flight to Kamurocho later."

"You're in Kamurocho?"

"Yes, and I've got some info and a warning for ya. Is your detective friend there?"

He had no real reason to be obstinate at this point, Akatani had already lost to him once and he didn't even have backup that time. He had Kiryu and Saejima to back him up now, so if Akatani tried something, the guy was screwed.

"No, not now, but I'm with some friends."

"You trust them with you and your mother's life?"

"More than anyone in this world." No hesitation.

"Alright, then listen close. The chairman knew I was gonna give up the gig. He had most of my boys ready to gut me after I got locked up. I got out and managed to make my way here."


"You probably just saw the news, right? Well, that's the Omi for sure. I've got a couple of assholes here that were looking for ya earlier. They've got something to say."

He heard some struggling from the other end of the line, a few grunts and thuds, before it ultimately devolved into whimpering and slight sobbing.

"Now tell himexactlywhat you told me. Or else I break another one… Got it?"

"Y-yes, sir. N-Nanadaime-sama told us that we should keep on the lookout for a green haired boy wearing a green stajun. If we saw him, we were supposed to take him t-to the Millenium Tower immediately."

"And who'satthe Millenium Tower?"

"N-Nanadaime-sama a-and some woman."

"Come on, don't be stingy with the details. What's the woman look like?"

"Y-y-young, green hair, p-pink sweater."

"Cardigan, but close enough. You get all that, Midoriya-chan?"

"Yeah, I got it."

"Good, I've got some more business to take care of, but I'm pretty sure you and your friends have got that situation with your mom handled. Ja ne!"

"Wait, don't hang up! I've still got ques-"Beep!"Tions. That friggin' guy…"

He put his phone back in his pocket and looked around him, all of the adults in the room were looking at him like he'd grown a second head.

He took a breath and cleared his mind before saying, clearly and concisely, "We have to get to the Millenium Tower. Now."

Moments Later…

Nakamichi Street, Kamurocho

After relaying all he had learned from his conversation with Akatani to the men in the room, Izuku was happy to see that all of them were ready to go.

He walked with the other five men down Nakamichi Street, he could hear police sirens at the base of the tower.

It would've been nice to have Date or Tsukauchi with the group, to see if they could maybe talk their way past the police line, but things didn't work out that way.

Truth be told, he wasn't exactly sure what the plan was when they got to the tower. He just knew that his mother and his uncle were there and he was going to get them both back.

They arrived on West Taihei Boulevard, to the sight of a crowd being held back from the tower by a police line.

They needed to get past that, but Izuku had no idea how.


The sextet turned back to see a black car tearing down the street, plowing through a few people, and heading straight towards them.

Wait. Heading straight towards us?

The group of males quickly moved out the way as the car rounded the corner and screeched to a rubber burning stop.

From the next street over, they could see an identical car doing the same.

Izuku had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

A feeling that only grew worse as four men in black emerged from the two vehicles, with what looked to be… submachine guns in hand.

Akiyama seemed to assess the situation quicker than Izuku, shouting for everyone to run just before the four men let loose a hail of bullets.


Izuku ran for cover behind a cop car, sliding behind it just as Kiryu and Akiyama rolled over the trunk and hood respectively.

He didn't have a clue where Saejima or Shinada ended up, but he could hardly peek out his head to try and check.


He heard a bullet whiz by his ear in the rumpus, and felt a strong hand pull him closer towards the back door of the car.

He looked to see Kiryu peeking above the trunk intently, in the spot that Izuku had previously occupied, while Akiyama kept Izuku's head down through the barrage.

Thank you, both of you.

The fusillade continued a few more seconds before it stopped, and Kiryu and Akiyama sprang into action.

They leaped over the car, taking out two of the gunmen upon landing and when the two remaining assailants attempted to fire on them, Akiyama hit the one closest to him. The man in black snapped to the side, finger firmly on the trigger.


And that was that.

Izuku stood from where he had taken, seeing Saejima and Shinada do the same, and walked over Kiryu and Akiyama.

There was ringing in his ears, but aside from that, he was fine.

Through the ringing he could hear screaming, he didn't like it.

He took a moment to shake it off, before listening to what the men around him were saying.

"-trying to make this look like the Majima Family's work."

They're what!?

"That's why they took Majima hostage. Now the Majima Family looks like they resorted to violence to rescue they're patriarch."

"But that's stupid. Nishida and the guys wouldn't do that!"

They were always so nice. They were ones that used to bring him stuff at the Junkbeach whenever he got tired and they never even asked for a 'thank you'. They helped him with his training, his homework, they even danced with him on roller skates during his balance training.

They wouldn't do this. They'd never do this.

"We know that, but no one else does."

And suddenly there was the sound of footsteps from all over.

All around them, footsteps.

And looking about he could see why.

They were surrounded. There had to have been at least a hundred men there.

And none of them looked very friendly.

Akiyama spoke again, "What's our move? Majima-san and Haruka-chan are in danger. Hell, the whole town's at risk! Taking them on here would be playing right into their hands."

"Not much choice but to split up." Kiryu said.

"Then I got a request. Let me and Izuku go after Majima and his ma."



"Now that I know that my bro's alive. I'm gonna go punch him in the face and I feel like Izuku feels the same."

Well, he's not wrong.

"What about Haruka-chan?"

Shinada answered this time, "I'll handle it. I think that's the play."


"Yeah. Kiryu-san would stick out like a sore thumb."

Once again, not wrong.

"I know the layout of the stadium and the bad guys won't recognize me."

"But one wrong step, and you could end up dead. I couldn't let you go alone."

"Didn't you just say we don't have much choice!? I owe it to Dojima-kun for giving my dream back. I had given it up completely, but he protected it like it was his own. For that, I'll do whatever I can to help. Even if it means giving my life."


"Let me handle it. I'll make sure Haruka-chan comes to no harm. So Kiryu-san, Akiyama-san, it's up to you to protect the town Dojima-kun put his life on the line for. You've gotta save the Tojo Clan. Please." He bowed deeply.

Kiryu didn't hesitate, "We will."

As they finished their discussion, they once more took note of the hoard of men that now surrounded them.

"Izuku, Saejima, Shinada. Akiyama and I will hold the line here. You all can get where you need to go from through the sewer tunnels."

"Got it."

"Let's do this."

"You got it… Uncle Kaz."

And the fight was on.

Omi Alliance

Chapter 23: Like A Demon


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Shizuoka Prefectural General Hospital- July 15th, 200X

Majima bolted out of the taxi that he arrived at his destination in.

Rushing through the door, he made beeline for the front desk, startling the receptionist there.

“Inko Midoriya checked in here. What room’s she in?”

“U-um, I’m afraid I can’t give you that information.”

“And why the hell not!? Yer mouth’s workin’, ain’t it?”

“U-um, i-it j-just um- well, you see-”

The cyclops glared.

“Eek!” The woman trembled.

This continued for a few moments before it was interrupted by a call of, “Niisan, over here!”

Majima looked over towards the elevator to see Hisashi waving at him.

With nought but a glance back at the receptionist to glower at her once more, he ran to the elevator and quickly stepped in.

The receptionist just slumped down into her chair, face a rather unhealthy shade of pale.

Inside the elevator, Majima was a bit less tense.

Hisashi wasn’t fidgeting like he had been in the months leading up to the day, so clearly, nothing had gone wrong.

As great as that was, it didn’t make the silent ride of anticipation too much better, so Majima opened up the conversation.

“So, how’s she doing?”

“Much better now. She’s the one who told me to come down and see if you were here. Good thing I did. That poor lady looked like she was about to cry.”

“Serves her right. She wouldn’t tell me what room to go to. Honestly, who does she think she is? Ya know what we call people that, Hi-chan?”

“A hospital receptionist that’s doing her job while following the law?”

“A narc. That’s right, Hi-chan.”

The freckled man opened his mouth, seemingly to protest, before thinking better of it and snapping his mouth shut.

The silence continued for another beat, before being broken by Hisashi this time.

“I’m really glad you made it, Niisan.”

“Are ya kiddin’? Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” The man in the snakeskin jacket grinned.


They were there.

Majima could feel a genuine smile creep across his face as he walked out of the elevator, following behind his younger brother.

Halfway down the corridor, however, he felt his grin drop.

His one dark eye met the bright and sharp red eyes of his ashen haired nemesis.

Mitsuki Tengan.

Though, judging from the man at her side and the band on her finger, it was actually Mitsuki Bakugo.


It wasn’t that he didn’t think of the possibility of being there. She was Inko’s best friend, after all.

It was just that the thought of being in the same room as her made his stomach turn like a washing machine left on a spin cycle.

Of course, he wasn’t the only who let his distaste be known through their locking of eyes.

Mitsuki was hardly one to let her opinion go unknown, least of all, her opinions on the bowl-cut man that she had found herself engaged in a glaring contest with.

Her husband Masuru, on the other hand, sighed and readjusted the cooing blonde child in his arms, offering a nod of acknowledgement to the similarly exasperated Hisashi.

The freckled man sighed and asked, “Can you two just… not ? For today, at least. Just don’t .”

The two opposing parties ceased their clash of wills and came to a quick consensus.

No blood would be spilled on such a joyous day.

But next time, I ain’t lettin’ ya off so easy.

And with that, the conflict was resolved and the quartet(plus one) walked into the hospital room of one Inko Midoriya.

One Inko Midoriya who was currently cradling the newest member of the Midoriya family.

A small babe of a mere few hours at the most. Wide green eyes like his mother’s, chubby freckled cheeks reminiscent of his father’s, and a shock of curly green hair.

He thought the kid was cute, so did the ‘she-devil’ and her husband.

Hisashi was on an entirely different level from all of them, though.

Within an instant, barely even the blink of an eye, the new father was at wife’s side, fussing over both her and the curiously staring infant.

It made the oldest man in the room smile, as one thought ran through his head.

He grew up nice, Midoriya-han. He grew up real nice.

And then, he heard the faintest of chuckles. Not from anywhere in particular, and certainly not from anyone in the crowd he was with. It felt almost familiar, though.

Shaking himself out of his brief distraction, he turned back to the new parents, who were looking at him expectantly.

“Huh?” He’d clearly missed what they asked him.

That didn’t seem to bother Inko at all, as she asked her question again, “Do you wanna hold him, Goro-nii?”

Hold him? As in the kid?

“A-ah, I’m good.”

“C’mon, Niisan. Just for a minute.”

“I ain’t sure that I should…”

“Please, Goro-nii?”

The look that he received not only from the pleading parents, but from the curious infant as well, was more than enough to cancel out any protests that he had in mind.

He leaned down towards the young mother, scooping up the baby in her arms and ignoring the snickers from his blonde mortal enemy.

“Alright, give him here. I hold him like this, right?”

“Yeah, just shift him a bit, he’s oddly active for having just been born. He’s likely to try and wriggle out the door over there if you let him.”

Heeding the greenette’s instruction, Majima adjusted the small baby in his hands so that he was nestled into his chest and just… looked at him.

The little thing looked so soft.

Fragile, almost.

It was something he almost had.

Something we coulda- He stopped that thought before it could even get off the ground.

Happy day. It was a happy day.

Whatever he could’ve had didn’t matter. What mattered, was what he held in his hands right at that moment.

What’d they say they were namin’ him, again?

It was right on the tip of his tongue…

Ah, that’s right!

“Izuku-chan.” As if he knew he was being addressed, the newborn stared directly at the eyepatched man’s face. Not focused on any one thing, but certainly focused on him.

Izu-chan, I want ya listen real close. As long as I’m alive, no one’s gonna hurt you. I promise.

West Taihei Boulevard, Kamurocho, Tokyo-201X


Izuku’s knuckles were starting to hurt.

That had to have been the twelfth Omi Alliance member that he had just knocked out.

And looking towards the rest of his companions, he was still far behind.

Saejima had picked up one of Kurosawa’s men at some point and was swinging him around like a ragdoll, knocking down anyone that came too close to him. It was a thing of beauty. To Izuku, at least.

Shinada had disarmed a pipe-wielding yakuza, and was wielding that same pipe with the dangerous elegance that Izuku had only seen in samurai films. In the back of his mind, he could feel a spark of inspiration, almost like the inspiration that he had felt at Pop✰Step’s show. He decided to follow up on that later.

Akiyama was quick and dangerous. Kicks a flurry amongst the group of mooks surrounding him. He resolved to ask the moneylender for some pointers when all of the fighting was over and done with. His resolve was strengthened when he saw the man kick a particularly beefy yakuza into the air, before jumping up after him and bringing him down hard with a dolphin kick. He’d definitely need to learn that.

Greatest among them was Kiryu. The dragon sped from man to man. It hardly even looked like he was stepping. The blink of an eye, and he was just there knocking out the next guy. And after that, he could feel an even greater Heat than he had felt when he fought the man. At that moment, Izuku counted all of his blessings. Kiryu had definitely held back just a bit when they fought atop New Serena. If he hadn’t, Izuku had no doubt that he’d’ve been left comatose afterwards.

Seeing the rest of his party doing their best, pushed the boy to go past his best. He could feel the Heat envelop him again and knew exactly what to do next.

Running into a particularly thick group of yakuza with a burst of speed, he put his plan into action.

[!]Climax Heat Move: Essence of Crowd Destruction



Burying his fist into one man’s stomach, he quickly pulled back and ducked under the strike of another assailant, sliding through his legs and jabbing him in the crotch as he did.

After that man went down, he moved on to the next, springing up and attaching himself to a particularly portly man’s neck.

Leaning into his ear, Izuku whispered, “Go ahead. Struggle.”


He tried grabbing at the small child, who simply swung to the man’s front and gripped his lapels.

sh*t-eating grin in place, the greenette sang, “Guess ya missed~” and the man began to froth at the mouth.

He wound up and brought his fist down hard to smash the little pest on his chest.


All the while not realizing that the same little pest had already scampered back to his back.


With all the wind knocked out of his human jungle gym, Izuku kicked off, sending the big man to the ground with a hard Thud!

He hooked an arm around the neck of his next and final target, a tall and lanky fellow, and used his momentum to start swinging and kicking every poor schmuck that happened to be too close.









Several kicks and one slam later, Izuku stood amongst a considerably less congested portion of Taihei Boulevard.

Unfortunately, less congested didn’t mean clear, there was still over a score of men surrounding him and even more around his friends.

They needed to get away, but Izuku had no idea what he could do aside from…

He had taken down half a dozen yakuza with that one move.

That had stopped all of the others advancing in their tracks.

He could feel it again. That feeling of his skin crawling, it came back in full force with a bit of extra kick.

And if he could feel it, he was sure that they could too.

He looked at them again, and there it was.

That hesitance in their eyes, hesitance that sat by just the tiniest bit of fear.

Izuku wanted to kick himself. Of course, why didn’t he think of that earlier?

Whatever, I just need to do it now.

Focusing on the men around, he could feel his skin start to crawl, the feeling was disgusting as always, but it was necessary.

C’mon, get scared.

He could see some of the men hesitating, but it wasn’t enough.


He pushed even further, his skin was writhing at this point, and saw even more of them stop in their tracks, but even still, it wasn’t enough.

Is this really how it is? Fine, let’s go.

He could feel the sensation begin to recede and took up his stance again, ready to continue fighting, when he heard a noise.



And suddenly, a lot of the Omi members in the crowd directly went flying as yet another car came barrelling through the crowd… directly at him.

Oh… shi-!


He dived out of the way as the vehicle skidded to stop right next to him.

From it, stepped four men in black suits, and one of them had a very familiar face.


The Lieutenant that he had singled out and made an example of in Shizuoka stared back at him. Not with malice or even discomfort. On the contrary, it seemed to be a stare of… grudging respect.

“It’s Yamamoto, kid. Listen, you should get going. The boss told us to take care of the trash in the streets, apparently you’ve got a steaming pile’a sh*t to take care of on top of that tower.”

The boss… Akatani?

Yamamoto shooed the boy, “Go on now, off you go. One Yamikumo clan member’s worth ten of these bastards. Let’s see how they do against twelve of us.”


Screeech! Screeech!


And right on time, two more cars came careening through the other portions of the crowd, slamming into any unfortunate yakuza without the chance to move out of the way.

And from those two cars, out stepped four men each. All of them presumably Yamikumo clan.

But none of them were Akatani. He voiced his observation to Yamamoto.

“The boss is busy with somethin’ at the moment. You just get to where ya need to go.”

Seeing as almost nothing about the man made sense to Izuku at this point, he took it for what it was and found Saejima and Shinada.

“Shinada-san, Taijiji! Now’s our chance, we gotta go!”


“Got it!”

In his peripheral, he could see Kiryu and Akiyama had come to the same conclusion as he, as they took off down another street.

Good, now we’re coming for you. Mom, Jiji, just wait. We’ll be right there!

And so, the trio, headed by Saejima took off towards the sewers.

Fuji Soba- Musutafu, Tokyo-200X


“Careful there, Izu-chan. Last thing I want is to have to explain to your mother that you choked on a stray noodle.”

“Er errying too mush eji. Um fun.”

“Swallow, kid. Yer gettin’ noodles everywhere.”


“Yer worrying too much, Jiji. I’m just fine.”

“Right, should I call the ambulance now or later?”

This made the six year old greenette giggle.

The cyclops smiled before saying, “Alright, c’mon, pack that up to go. I got somethin’ to show ya.”

Izuku tilted his to the side, inquisitively.

Yaomajima Batting Center


“Ooh. That was awesome, Jiji!”

“Aw, that was nothin’. Shoulda seen me when I was younger. Home runs aplenty.”

Majima’s grin only widened at the sound of his nephew’s praise.

The batting center was a great investment. It was a good pastime for both high schoolers and families(quirked and quirkless, alike), making it a big hit after school and over break. Truly, a brilliant business decision.

The Yaoyorozu Conglomerate seemed to agree, seeing as they only agreed to give Majima Construction the material for it under the condition that they be allowed to co-opt the name.

Apparently the Yaoyorozu Patriarch had even brought his granddaughter there on the day it opened.

Fun times for all.

“Alright, Izu-chan. Your turn.” At this, he turned the bat, presenting the handle to his nephew.


“C’mon, take the bat, hit the ball, home run.”

“But…” Whatever protest he had prepared died on his lips as soon as he saw his uncle’s smile.

“Okay.” He grabbed the proffered bat, hardly taking note of the weight due to years of moving heavy trash from the Junkbeach.

He squared his hips, stood in the batter’s box and waited.

The machine pitched, he swung…

[!] Heat Move: Essence of Fence Swinging



“HOME RUN!” Izuku dropped the dented bat that he appropriated from one of Kurosawa’s men, and looked over towards Saejima and Shinada, who happened to be taking care of their own assailants .

The trio had been attacked just after entering the sewers, but they had managed to fend them off and stand at the crossroads. One way leading to the Japan Dome, the other to the Millenium Tower.

Shinada spoke first, “Guess this is where we part ways.”

Izuku responded, “Yeah, stay safe out there, Shinada-san.”

“You too, kid. And when this is over, think about joining a baseball team in school. That’s a nice swing you’ve got.”

He grinned, “I’ll think about it.”

And with that, they were off.

It was a mad dash to get to the top of the tower, but when they made it, it was all worth it.

Right at the center of the rooftop’s helipad, stood Tsubasa Kurosawa.

He wasn’t a very imposing man, in his dark overcoat with his graying hair, and Izuku really just wanted to punch him, elder abuse be damned.

Though as he began walking forward to do so, he felt Saejima held him.

Looking up at the mountain of a man, he saw him shake his head.


“I figured you’d show up.” The chairman spoke up. Surprise, surprise, Izuku hated his voice as well.

“You guys are painfully predictable. Almost shocking.” He looked down towards Izuku, “ Granted, I expected you would have been captured hours ago. You Midoriyas always have had a penchant for mucking things up, though.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t know? I would’ve thought that your father would’ve clued you in about this. Foolish as his father was, the man was always honest at least.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” He really wanted to slug the man.

“To think, Omi’s God of War would have an inept if ‘gifted’ son, who would then go on to have a clueless, useless son of his own.”

That’s enough!

Before Saejima could stop him, Izuku was halfway towards the man insulting his family, body coiled to strike.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

He stopped his approach upon hearing four identical, and very familiar sounds.

Behind Kurosawa stood several men, each armed with a pistol.


Kurosawa didn’t even look surprised, “Oh? Where’d all of that bravado go?”

Crap. Calm down.

Saejima took this moment to speak up, “That’s enough, Kurosawa! Where’s Majima at? And the kid’s mom?”

Kurosawa waved off two of the gunmen who stepped off the helipad for a moment.

When they returned, they returned with two familiar figures: one, a man in a tacky snakeskin jacket with an eyepatch, and the other, a woman with green hair, wearing a pink cardigan.

“Mom! Jiji!”

Inko had her eyes closed and a slight bruise on her forehead, but overall, she looked unharmed with ropes tied around her wrists.

Majima however, seemed to have taken the worst of it, his face bloodied, beaten, and bruised. Unlike Inko, Kurosawa and his men had taken the utmost precaution in keeping him restrained. Instead of tying a rope around his wrists, they had wrapped a heavy chain around his arms and body, keeping it together with a heavy padlock.

The man grunted as he pushed and fell to his knees.

“Izu-chan, bro…”

“Majima!” “Jiji!” The two began to run towards their respective brother and uncle-


Only to stop in their tracks as one of the men fired a shot at their feet.

“Dammit, I messed up you two. I’m sorry… that I let it get this far.”

Izuku turned to glare at Kurosawa, not trusting his words at that moment.

Saejima spoke up for him, “Kurosawa! What the hell’s this about? Start talkin’!”

Kurosawa smirked, “All in good time.” He began to approach Majima, pulling a key from his coat “The best part’s still to come.”

He sauntered past a still glaring Izuku and up to the kneeling Majima, bending down and inserting the key into the padlock.



The lock hit the ground, chains following soon after. Majima’s head hung low, arms limp at his side.

“What’re you playing at?”

Saejima was promptly ignored by the chairman, who whispered something that Izuku couldn’t quite make out.

Kurosawa then called out to one of his men, who had put down his gun and held a rather familiar knife, offering it to the older man.

He took it and dropped it in front of him.

“Okay. Start the show.”

The show? What’s the show?

Majima grabbed the knife, standing on wobbly legs and shambling towards Izuku and Saejima.

Izuku took a few steps back, backing into Saejima. His uncle had his frightening moments, but this was a bit much.


“Move out of the way, Izuku.”

“Majima… Hey… What’re ya doin?”

“Sorry, brother. Seems that you and I gotta try to kill each other.”

Izuku’s eyes widened.


Saejima appeared to be of the same mind.

“What the hell?”

“I couldn’t do it. She means more to Kiryu-san than life itself. And these guys...” he looked between Izuku and Inko “These guys are my world. I couldn’t just let it happen.”

“You’re not makin’ a goddamn lick of sense!”

“No, I think he is. It’s Haruka-neechan. Right?”

Kurosawa spoke up, now holding a smartphone out to the trio across from him, “Wow, maybe you’re something a bit less than useless. No quirk, but at least you have brains.”

Bite me, ya old dick.

Unaware of the venom that Izuku spat at him with his mind, Kurosawa tossed the phone to Saejima, who caught it and positioned it so that Izuku could see the screen as well.

And on the screen, Izuku’s suspicions were further confirmed.

A live recording of Haruka's concert, being streamed from the outfield stands, right next to the batter’s eye screen.

“What the hell’s goin’ on!?”

“When I give the signal, that girl gets shot. You should be able to work out the rest.”


Kurosawa addressed Majima, “If you want to save Haruka Sawamura and your ‘little brother’s’ family, kill your sworn brother.” Looking at Saejima, “If Majima wins, I give the signal for these men to shoot. You can both head on up to heaven together. As a bonus the boy and his mother get to see tomorrow.”

What is wrong with you?

Kurosawa continued, “But if you win, Saejima, I’ll let the girl live.”

What? “What?”

“Then you get to spend the rest of your life behind bars for the kidnapping and triple homicide of Goro Majima, Inko Midoriya, and Izuku Midoriya . In retaliation for the foremost kicking you out of the Tojo Clan.”

Saejima said nothing.

“What? I thought you’d enjoy rotting in a cell.”

“You twisted f*ck.”

More than twisted, he’s filth. Akatani’s got nothing on him.

Majima stared silently, hand gripping his knife intently.

“Bro… we really doin’ this?”

“We don’t, my world dies right here. And her dream dies in front of 50,000 people. You and I kick the bucket, though- the world goes on, hardly anyone bats an eye. The choice ain’t that hard.”


Majima turned his sight to Izuku.

“Jiji, you’re a f*ckin’ idiot.”

His eye widened.

“‘Hardly anyone bats an eye’? ‘The world goes on’? Jiji, when you ‘died’, my world stopped. I sat in my room crying for a week, I felt too sick to eat some days. Are you stupid?”


“I want in.”


Izuku turned and addressed Kurosawa, “I’m fighting too.”

The man snorted derisively, “Do what you like. Just understand what’s happening after.”

“Right.” He turned back to Majima, “You heard him, Jiji. Right now, all I wanna do… is kick your ass.”

The cyclops looked like he wanted to say something, but thought better of it. Shaking his head, he grasped the shoulder of his jacket, in a similar manner to Akatani, and pulled.

With one motion, his jacket was off.

And Izuku finally saw his uncle’s tattoos in full.


He’d seen his uncle’s tattoos before, but this was the first time that he actually looked at them.

Black swirls, whirling with flowers, and twin snakes wrapping about his arms and legs.

He couldn’t see the man’s back, but he knew exactly what was there.

The Hannya. The same symbol on the back of his stajun.

He knew what it meant, and now he could finally apply to the man that stood in front of him.

The complexity of human emotion. He had felt it earlier, after he almost killed Akatani.

He could see it stirring in uncle’s eye.

“Fine then, Izuku. Show me what ya got. Consider this your final exam from me.”

Izuku nodded, taking note of all of his injuries.

Saejima, however, was the one to speak up, “How ya gonna fight us all banged up like that?”

Majima kept silent.

“Ya won’t last five minutes. We ain’t even on the same playing field. Heard ya say so yerself You ain’t what ya used to be. Way you are now, the kid could prolly take you with his hands tied behind his back. ”

“You’re right about that.”

“Then what’re ya doin’!?”

“Two years ago, I couldn’t fight you.”


“That’s because… ya were too damn weak, brother!”


“Huh? The hell?”

“It’s true, I saw all I needed at that battin’ center. I saw ya’d gone soft as a broke-open clam. Made me wanna cry.”

Taijiji? Soft? Sure ya have the right guy?

“But I knew what I hadta do. ‘Cause in our world, it’s all over when ya go soft. That’s why I gave ya an easy out. That expulsion letter, brother… It wasn’t Morinaga or Aoyama who wrote it... It was me. Sent it out while I was headin’ out to Sapporo!”

“Bro… how could ya?”

“I really didn’t want ya dragged into this. Never wanted any of ya dragged into this, if I’m bein’ honest. I never thought that legend about you killin’ eighteen men would make ya such a target, but here we are.”

“Yeah, here we are.”

“So, get yer shirt off, an’ prove yourself worthy of the myth! Show me you haven’t lost it, old friend. Show me yer fangs.”

And after that came the rasp of a blade against its sheath, as Majima drew his dagger, decorated with demonfire.

In response, Saejima grabbed the shoulder of his coat and pulled it and his shirt off in one simple motion.

From the corner of his vision, Izuku could see Kurosawa grin.

Majima spoke up again, “We ain’t got a choice. Bear with me, you two. Would ya?”

“Dumbass” Saejima responded “If you were the kinda guy who’d just let her and these folks die… I’da killed your sorry ass anyway.”

“And I’d help. Hate to say it Kurosawa, but I owe ya one.”

For the first time in the encounter, the unflappable older man seemed surprised.


“I’ve done a lotta growing these past few days, if it weren’t for you being a complete dickhe*d, it would’ve taken years.”

“Yeah, and thanks to you, I get another real crack at my sworn brother. If he’d died before I proved myself… I’d carry that regret to my grave. So let’s go brother. Izuku.”


“You got it.”

Tonight, I’m not gonna fight like Izuku Midoriya...

“One last rush of blood through our veins.”

Tonight, I’m gonna fight…

“Let’s show ‘em how it’s done!”

Majima charged. Izuku struck out at him but was swiftly evaded, as the man jumped into the air coming down at Saejima with a cleaving motion.

Tonight- I’m gonna fight...

Saejima grabbed Majima’s arm and spun the man around, letting him go and watching him land on his feet and slide.

That didn’t stop him though, he was quickly back upon the mountain of man in a flash, never noticing the small figure quickly approaching from the other direction as he slashed at his sworn brother again.


Only to catch a small fist straight to the cheek and be sent sliding back several feet.

And Izuku pulled his fist back and slipped into his fighting stance.

Tonight- I’m gonna fight… Like a demon!

Goro Majima


“Don’t mention it. Let’s do this!”

After the brief exchange, Majima was back upon the two, lashing out with his dagger and feet in quick combo.

Izuku dodged a spinning high kick, and tried to counter by kicking the man’s other leg, only to miss as Majima pirouetted and kicked him away.


He was lifted a few inches off of the ground, but managed to stay upright, digging his heels in and sliding back when he landed.

While he was in the air, though, Majima had gone back to attack Saejima again, thrusting his blade at his sworn brother.

Saejima evaded, but Majima kept up his pursuit, moving forward still, but spinning and tossing the knife into the air, catching it after completing the spin and thrusting once again.

Saejima evaded still, deftly avoiding the sweeping kick that the eyepatch-wearing yakuza lashed with soon after, with the knife in the air once again.

Another catch, another thrust that was swiftly avoided, followed by a roundhouse kick that Saejima ducked under, and concluding with two more thrusts, the second of which saw the blade knocked out of Majima’s hand, though he quickly caught it again.

It was a macabre dance between the two, one that Izuku found himself fascinated by.

One that he desperately wanted to cut in on.

He began running at the two with the speed and abandon of a wolf on the trail.

Majima had just begun another savage combination with his blade, slashing and lashing out with his off-hand in tandem.

Saejima backstepped, moving closer to the railing at the edge of the helipad, and then sidestepped another slash.

Majima came flying past, right into the railing. Not losing a step, he jumped onto the railing and sprang off of it, coming down with a twirling slash.

Only to be caught by Saejima, who used the opportunity to slam the man’s head into the railing.


After ringing his knife-swinging brother’s bell, Saejima spun him around and tossed him towards a still rapidly approaching Izuku, who used the opportunity and forward momentum he had accumulated to strike his uncle with a dropkick to the stomach.


To his credit, Majima didn’t make a sound, aside the harsh Thud! that his body made after hitting the ground. He laid there still for a moment, while Izuku took to a knee to catch his breath.

Is it over?

It wasn’t.

Majima quickly rose to his feet again, knife still firmly gripped in hand.

And then, he multiplied.

Izuku hardly blinked, and suddenly several shadowy dopplegangers of his uncle had appeared.


They all then took to the offensive, striking in tandem at Izuku and Saejima.

The fu-!?

Schwing! Woosh!

He quickly dodged from a strike that came a bit too close to his right eye.


The attacks didn’t stop there, he then had to avoid a shadowy boot to his torso, falling back and scrambling away.

Eventually, he found himself back-to-back with Saejima, who seemed less perturbed by the appearance of actual shadow clones of their opponent.

“Taijiji, what’s going on!?”


“Calm down, Izuku. These ain’t real. They’re just afterimages. Majima made ‘em usin’ pure speed.”

He’s that fast?

“So, what do we do now?” Whoosh! “These things hit like they’re real!”

“Yeah, well we just need to find Majima and slow him down.”

“How? That’s impossible! We’re hardly even on the same footing now!”

Wait, that’s it! Same footing!

“Taijiji! I’ve got a plan, we can end this right now.”

Schwing!Schwing! Whoosh!

“Well, I’d be glad to hear it!”

“We need to throw off his footing! Do ya have somethin’ that can do that?”

With a brief look in the man’s direction, Izuku could see a realization spark in his eyes.

“Yeah. Now that ya mention it, I do. Hop on!”

Izuku didn’t need to be told twice, quickly jumping onto the massive man’s back and wrapping his arms around his neck.

[!!!] Cooperative Climax Heat Move: Essence of Shock and Awe

Raising a fist high into the air, Saejima wound up for a huge punch, Izuku could feel all of the tension in the man’s body. The raw power built up in his muscles. The smoldering Heat that permeated the air. It made him sweat, but it felt great.

He could see the dopplegangers moving in tandem, all of them closing in, poised to strike.

And once they got close, Saejima brought his fist down. Hard.


And all of the doppelgangers disappeared leaving only the one, true Goro Majima to fly into the air.

“Izuku, NOW!”


He stood on Saejima’s back and locked his vision onto his uncle.

Bending his knees, he felt the Heat rise in his body.

It was intense, more intense than ever before. So intense, that he could actually see blue flame surrounding him.

Blue flame, with small flecks of green.

It motivated him, and from Saejima’s back, he sprung.

Fist co*cked back, he rapidly approached Majima who was still suspended in the air, ready to fall.

They locked eyes, and Izuku gave him the widest smile that he had given in weeks.


His fist met the man’s cheek and Izuku watched him spin in the air, knife spiralling off into another direction, before they both hit the ground with a slam.

“Ngh!” “Unf!”

Izuku sat up and took a knee again, catching his breath and watching Majima groan and do the same.

Majima spoke up, “That was well fought, you two. ‘Specially you Izuku. Yer definitely not that sobbin’ brat I found at the park six years ago. He’s pretty great, ain’t he Saejima?”

“Yeah, kids are weird like that, take your eyes off of ‘em for a second and they end up growin’ up without ya.”

“You guys are makin’ me blush. You two are pretty awesome too.”

Kurosawa spoke up for the first time the fight began, impatient and enraged, “What? That all you got to offer!? It ain’t over yet!”

The fighting trio just looked over at the man.

“Keep fighting, or Haruka Sawamura and Inko Midoriya get a bullet each!”

They continued staring.

“Damn it!” Kurosawa pulled out a phone and quickly dialed a number, impatiently listening for a few moments to the tone, before pulling it away and asking, “What? Why isn’t he answering?”

Izuku responded with the snideness that the man regarded him with earlier, “C’mon, you’d think that if you were smart enough to pull all this off, you’d at least have the brains to understand what was goin’ on under your nose.”

At this, Saejima slid the smartphone that Kurosawa had given him back to the man in question.

After picking it up and watching what was on the screen, Kurosawa’s face twisted into a snarl.


Izuku could feel a smirk on his face.

“Who the hell is this!? He failed me?”

Sometimes you just suck, old man.

“Damn it!” He threw the smartphone down and stomped on it.

Pulling out his own gun from his jacket, Kurosawa pointed it at the youngest of the trio.

“Fine, change of plans. You all get to die right now. Starting with the damned Midoriya.”


And the gun clattered uselessly after being shot out of his hand.

The force of it knocked the old man over, and they all looked to see who fired the shot.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.”

And to the side, just at the stairs of the helipad, there stood three men.

The first one, the one who had fired the shot, he didn’t recognize.

The second looked familiar, he supported the first man as he slung the man’s arm over his shoulder, but he couldn’t quite place him.

And the third, the one who had spoken up, was someone he now knew disturbingly well.

It seemed that Kurosawa also knew the man, seeing as he had just tried to have him murdered.

“Akatani, what are you doing here?”

The men that Kurosawa had brought with him trained their guns on the newly arrived trio.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

And were taken down by several well aimed shots to the torso.

Akatani gave Kurosawa his regularly infuriating grin, “Just handin’ in my resignation.” He looked over to Inko, then Izuku, and his smile took on a genuinely gentler edge, “And makin’ sure all my affairs are in order, ‘fore I do my time.”

He’s planning to go back?

That didn’t matter to him, there was something more important to care of.

His mother was still unconscious behind the gunmen. He had to untie her and wake her up.

So he stood on shaky legs, waving off the concerned looks of Saejima and Majima, before he began shambling his way over to his mother.

The men spoke in the background, but he ignored them, there was still something important for him to do.

But halfway there, he noticed something.

One of the gunmen was still breathing.

Not only that, he was still moving.

In his hands, his gun.


He was aiming at something.

Not at him, it was too far to his right.

He was aiming past him.

Aiming right at-

“NO!” He ran at the man, as quick he possibly could while his legs were still wobbly-


And he felt an impact as the bullet struck him, tearing through his stajun, hitting him in the ribs.

He fell back and hit his head.

And it went all black for Izuku Midoriya, after taking the fatal bullet meant for Mikumo Akatani.


I'd like to thank everyone, who's made it this far.
Everyone who's left Kudos, bookmarks, or comments have made my day on more than one occasion.
If I'm being completely honest, you guys are my heroes.
And I hope to see you all when I post the prequel/companion to this story: Rise of Yamikumo.
Once again, thank you all.

Chapter 24: End of The Prologue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Residence- Musutafu, Tokyo- 200X

"I don't get it."

Majima smiled at the five year old sat across the couch from him and paused the movie that they were watching.

"What don't you get, Izu-chan?"

"Well, why did Hiro-san jump in front of him? Wasn't he the bad guy?"

"Ah, that. Well, it's complicated, but I think because it was the right thing to do."

"Whaddya mean? He's the bad guy, and he hurt a lot of people. Wouldn't the right thing be to let him die?"

Majima sighed fondly, muttering under his breath about 'kids' and 'black and white'.

"Yeah, but you saw how he was doing the right thing at the end, right?"


"Well, if he could do the right thing there, who's to say he couldn't do the right thing again?"

It wasn't Majima who spoke up this time. The voice was decidedly female and came from behind them, in the doorway of the living room.

Izuku turned his head and beamed, "Mom!"


She was dressed in her usual attire, a cardigan and skirt combo, with the added addition of a pair of reading glasses. Under her arm, she held a folder, likely filled with student's papers that needed grading.



The older greenette smiled and walked over to the couch, lifting up the small boy and taking his spot, before plopping him down on her lap and giving the top of his head a light peck.

Izuku leaned back into her and got comfortable, as she sat her folder on the arm of the couch and ran her fingers through his hair.

"What did you mean mom? About the bad guy doing the right thing again? Wouldn't that make him, I dunno, not the bad guy?"

"Well, think about it this way. Do you think people are born bad?"


"Well, then how did they become bad?"

"Well, in the movie, people did bad things to the bad guy and he got really mad and sad and started doing bad things to other people."

"So, what if something good happens to him? Maybe he could be good."

"I didn't think about that. But, why did Hiro-san have to jump in front of him? His mom and his grandpa are waiting for him. Doesn't he wanna get back to them?"

"Well, yes. But, it was the right thing to do. A hero saves people. And at that moment, he saw someone who needed saving, so he saved him."


Izuku squeezed his eyes shut, putting a hand to his chin and puffing out his chubby, freckled cheeks, straining his mind and thinking really hard about what his mother said.

The overwhelming cuteness of it made Inko wish that she had chosen to take her phone out of her purse, which sat on the shelf near the genkan, when she came in. But the sight of Majima holding out his own phone and giving her a thumbs up made her smile.

New wallpaper GET!

She really needed to stop watching Izuku play Hisashi's old games.

Izuku finished up his brief period of concentrated thinking and nodded firmly.

"Okay, I think I get it. If a hero can't help someone who really needs it, how can he save everyone? Right?"

"That's right, Izu. Good job!"

Leave it to the Hero Ethics professor to explain the themes behind a kid's movie, and have it actually stick.

"Wow, well when I'm a hero, I'll be the kind of hero that saves everyone! Just you wait!"

He started laughing in a manner similar to a famous blonde superhero, his mother and uncle joining in, filling the apartment with laughter.

All the while, the Arakure Quest movie sat paused and forgotten in the background.

?- 201X

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Izuku's eyes opened to bright, blinding light.

Ah! Too bright. Way too bright.

He squeezed them shut again and waited for a few more moments to open them, listening to the beeping sound once again.

Where was he?

He felt something in his arm. It didn't hurt, but he knew it was there. Almost like someone was constantly pinching him.

He smelled the overwhelming scent of pine and bleach, the aroma of flowers, and a dash of antiseptic.

Okay, let's see where I am now.

Cracking open his eyes, bit-by-bit, he looked up to the ceiling.

Plain white, not quite as bright as before.

Turning his head to his left, he saw a heart rate monitor and an IV drip, the tube leading into his arm.

The latter certainly explained the pinching feeling in his arm.

He didn't know what would happen if he took that out, so he left it alone.

To his immediate right, he saw a side table next to his head. He couldn't see what was on it.

Further away, next to the wall, was an empty chair.

Ok, so he was left alone.

Izuku took a breath and his brain went into overdrive.

Okay, let's review.

I was on a rooftop, I had just fought Jiji with Taijiji. We won and then Kurosawa pulled a gun on us.

"Fine, change of plans. You all get to die right now. Starting with the damned Midoriya."

And then...


He fired…

The boy blinked.

Wait no, that's not right…


The gun was shot out of his hand and he fell.

"Yeah, I don't think so."

Akatani, he showed up just in time to shoot the gun out of Kurosawa's hand…

Izuku thought a little harder, realizing that that wasn't quite right.

No, Akatani showed up, but he didn't fire that shot.


"Yeah, I don't think so."

Akatani was there for sure, but he showed up with two other people, one leaning on the other and one of them fired the shot.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, he shot the guys that Kurosawa brought with him.

They started talking after that, but I didn't pay attention to what they said. I was walking over to my mom.

And while I was doing that, I saw one of guys who got shot… aiming at…



I ran at him to stop him and-



His breathing hitched and his heart raced as he remembered what happened after that.

He was shot.

He took the shot for Akatani, right in his lung.

According to the book he got from Shiro all those years ago, he should've choked on his blood and died.

Yet, here he was.

Maybe this is-


And suddenly, in the doorway in front of him, stood an out-of-breath Inko Midoriya.

They locked eyes and within the matter of half an instant, holding the younger greenette tightly and peppering the young boy's face with kisses before he could he even react.

Izuku, for his part, just held her back tightly and let her do what she was doing.

And if he cried just a little bit, that was nobody's business but his own.

It took a few minutes(realistically over half an hour) but the reunited mother and son were finally calm again.

"Mom, how am I still alive?"


"I got shot. Didn't I? I should be dead."

"Hon, don't say that."

"It's the truth. So how?"

Inko sighed, reaching into one of the pockets of her skirt and pulling out a small, familiar object and pressing into Izuku's hand.

"My lighter?"

"Yep, it was inside the inner pocket of your jacket. When you got hit, it took the bullet for you."

"Good thing I went home to get it, then."

"Yeah, real good thing."


Inko reached back into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone, checking the message that she had just received and typing out a reply.

Wait. Her cellphone?


She didn't even look up from her phone.

"Yes, Izu?"

"You got your phone back?"

"I did."

"I thought Akatani took it?"

"He did, but when I woke up, it was back in my pocket."

She finished her reply and snapped her phone shut, slipping it back into her pocket.

"Speaking of Akatani, where is he? And Jiji, and Taijiji? They were pretty hurt too."

Inko hesitated for a moment, before clearing her throat and answering him.

"Well, Goro-nii's out for the moment. He had to make a few statements to the police and they're grilling him at the station currently."

Well, he seems like he's okay at least.

"Saejima-san and Akatani-kun, however-"I'm sorry. Akatani-kun?"-turned themselves in to the police."

Well Taijiji, I understand, he did kinda break outta prison to get here, but Akatani?

"Huh, well then. Did Akatani say anything before they took him?"

"He did actually, he said to make sure you checked your phone. I'll give it to you in a bit, your uncle has it. You should get some rest, though."

Okay, guess I'll be doing that later.

"Okay, one more thing though."

Inko smiled again, "Yes?"

"Why am I here?"

Smile gone. "Pardon?"

"Well, I didn't get shot, right? My lighter did. I feel fine, so why am I in the hospital?"

Concern. "Izuku, baby, you have three minor concussions."

"Really, where'd the third one come from?"

"That's the one that landed you in that bed!"

Three Days Later…

"So, you're pleading guilty?"

"That's right."


"Feel like it."

"Stop being a dick."

"Alright, alright. Guess it couldn't hurt to tell ya."

Izuku couldn't see him, but he was sure the man had a sh*t-eating grin on his face on the other end of the line.

"I wanted to make a change in my life. The Omi ain't quite been a barrel of monkeys it was years ago, with my oyaji around. I've been lookin' to leave for awhile now. Take my boys and just get the hell outta the yakuza, live a life with them and the girl I love."

His voice was decidedly sobered.

"This was the perfect opportunity, and I'm sorry ya had to get caught up in it."

"What do you mean? Weren't you told to kidnap the two of us?"

"I was. But I was also told to take you both straight to Kamurocho."

Really?"Well, why didn't you?"Not that I'm complaining.

"It was a social experiment."


"You reminded me of this dumb kid I knew a long time ago. That kid wanted to be a hero too. He lived in almost the same circ*mstances as you, had all of the same choices, picked the wrong answer every time."

"What happened to him?"

The line went quiet for a moment.

"...He died."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, don't be. It was a long time ago anyway. Thanks for carin' though."

Akatani's voice seemed genuine, it felt nice.

"I wanted to see how you, someone so much like that kid, handled all the pressure. See if you'd crumble like he did. To see if you could really become a hero in this world."

"To show you that youcan'tbe a hero."

"And congratulations, you passed! And it's because of that, that I'm doing this."

"What do you mean?"

"The world's moving on, kid. It's time the Yamikumo Clan does too. This is just the first step. I held onto the Yakuza because I was stuck in a past where I was just a bit happier than I am now. Well, I've decided that I'm doing that anymore. I've recently heard from a wise man that we should move forward, without looking behind. So that's what I'm gonna do."

"...That's 'Senbonzakura'."

"Yeah, I've been really into Vocaloid lately, I really think it's gonna take off. Worldwide tours, arenas sold out, that kinda stuff."

"Right…" He liked Vocaloid well enough, he didn't quite think it would become a global phenomenon like Akatani was so sure of.

"Right, my time's almost up, but that brings me to my next point. Before I came to help ya, I ended up transferring half of the stocks that I owned to you. They'reyourresponsibiltynowokaygottabye!"

"Wait, what?! Akatani, hold up-!"

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Well, crap.


The door slid open, and there stood Akiyama and Tsukauchi, the latter with a laptop under his arm.

They both nodded at the boy and pulled a chair up to his bed, which he had been instructed by his mother not to leave, unless he had to go to the bathroom.

"Yo, what's up guys?"

Tsukauchi was the first to answer, "Well, we're just here to see how you're doing. And well, in my case, I've got a few things to talk to you about before I get going."

"Yeah, I guess things would be buzzing in Division Four after all of that."

"Yeah… that's one of things I need to talk to you about."

"Huh? Everything alright?"

"Well, yeah, it's just that... I'm being transferred out of Division Four. Effective immediately."

"WHAT!? Why!?"

"Well, in the span of two days, my charge has left my custody, assaulted a police officer, found himself back in my custody only to not be returned to the station but spirited away to Shizuoka, where he then proceeded to fight a whole yakuza family under my watch. If that weren't enough, the straw that broke the camel's back was when the chief heard that not only was I back in Tokyo, I was in Kamurocho and my charge was currently in the hospital with several concussions. Truth be told, I should've been facing immediate dismissal and possible jail time, but Date-san put in a good word for me."

"I'm… sorry, Tsukauchi-san. Really, I should've never-."

"Don't even finish that sentence, Midoriya-kun. It was my choice, and if someone gave me a chance to go back and change it, I'd do it all again." His eyes flashed gold.

A lifetime ago, Izuku would've bursted into tears after hearing such a heartfelt statement. But as he was then, tired and content, he offered Tsukauchi a simple 'thanks' and a smile.

"Oh, right! There's something else you need to see. Have you been on Yootube since you got in?"

"Mm-mm. I don't have my computer here and my phone doesn't play video. I can play a mean game of Snake, though."

Tsukauchi set the laptop on Izuku's lap, there was already a video queued up.

"Right, well take a look at this, will ya?"

He pressed 'Play' and the video began. And he recognized exactly where it was filmed.

"Stop there, brat!"

"We've got you now!"

"Holy sh*t, those are actual yakuza chasing that kid?"

"Are you even sure that's a kid, man? You saw him on that bridge! Maybe he's just another really short yakuza?"

"I dunno, man…"

"Whoever wants to die first, step right up!"

"Okay, maybe they recruit really young."

And there stood a small figure surrounded by over thirty men.

Moments later, he had taken down two of them before being knocked away.

"Woah! We should probably get outta here. This fight seems like it's over."



And there the figure stood, cackling, covered in mud and blood and illuminated by the moonlight.

All with a big, toothy smile smile on his face.

The rest of the video was standard fare. He threatened the Yamikumo Clan members, they attacked him, he kicked some of their asses, threatened them again, and they ran.

And the video cut there.

Izuku turned to Tsukauchi, "People were there? They saw me? Us?"

"Just a couple punks with a smartphone. No one's ID'd us, but you've been making waves."

He clicked into another tab and Izuku was bombarded with memes, speculation threads, and short clips all taken from the video he'd just watched.

And among them all, one thing remained predominant.

"Mad Dog of Shizuoka?"

"Well, yeah, the way you fought in that video was insane. Almost like a 'Mad Dog'. It was ferocious. And a lot of people saw the statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the background and everyone knows about the castle park in Shizuoka. So the name's kind of stuck."

"Well, I don't mind that. I kinda like it."

Mad Dog of Shizuoka, sounds like a videogame boss or something.

Tsukauchi stood up, grabbing his laptop as he did, "Well, I should get going. They moved me to the Vigilante Division in Naruhata and apparently they're a bit short on hands, dealing with this guy called, The Hauler or something. Apparently he's got a crew with him. Oh, and so you're not caught off guard, my boss is coming in to see you and touch base."

He walked over to the door and slid it open.

"Take care of yourself, Midoriya-kun."


The man turned his head.

"Call me Izuku. That's what friends do, y'know?" Izuku gave him a wide, toothy smile.

Tsukauchi was taken aback for a moment, but then he smiled back, just as wide, "Yeah, you're right. So, take care of yourself, Izuku-kun."

"And you too, Masa-chan."

Tsukauchi twitched, but he just let it slide.

And with the slide of the door once more, Tsukauchi was gone, leaving only Akiyama and Izuku in the room.

Oh, right!

Izuku turned to the moneylender with a smile full of dubious intent. The latter raised an eyebrow.

"Ne, Akiyama-san…"


"You're good with money, right?"

"Well, it's kinda my business, so I'd like to think so."

The dubious intent increased dramatically.

"So how good would you say you are at… Day Trading?"

"Well, I'm pretty good there too. Why? You've got some stocks you want me to manage?"

"Well, yeah."

"Well, that's not exactly a service Sky Finance provides, but you're a good kid. I'm certain we could come to an agreement." He said this with a grin.

And Izuku grinned back.

And it was after that day, that Sky Finance hired its first, only, and youngest part-timer.

The Next Day…


"Goro, you really shouldn't be sneaking this stuff in for him."

"Now yer sayin' that, Mi-chan, but I wonder where that box of Doryaki in the trash came from."

"Hm, so do I."

Mirei and Majima sat chatting by Izuku's bedside while the ten-year old inhaled the bowl of Katsudon that his uncle had brought him.

He'd had nothing but hospital food up until then, so when his aunt and uncle had shown up with Doryaki and Katsudon, respectively, he was in heaven.

Just as he finished his meal, his mother slid the door open, laptop in hand.

She smiled at the chatting, joking couple and set the laptop down on her son's lap.

On the screen, smiling at the boy and waving, was Hisashi Midoriya.

Izuku's grin grew exponentially.

Minutes Later...

"I see... Kurosawa, huh? Yeah, he was a slimy condescending ass back then too. No love lost between us."

Izuku had just finished telling him about the adventure he had just had, with Inko, Majima, and Mirei(who Hisashi had been incredibly surprised to see) chiming in to fill in the gaps.

"Yeah... Dad?"

"What is it, Dekiru?"

"I think it's time you told me about Grandpa Musashi."

Hisashi froze, eyes wide, and the other three room occupants shifted uncomfortably.

"W-what was that, Dekiru?"

"It's time you told me about Grandpa. Every time I would ask, you would clam up. You know Kurosawa, he definitely knew you, and I'm in the dark about it. Now I find out from some old bastard who wanted me dead that he was a yakuza and you're refusing to tell me anything and it's stupid and unfair-"

"Izuku, that's enough!" Inko chided.

Izuku stared on.

Hisashi kept his silence. After a few more beats of silence, he spoke up.



"It's fine, Inko. He's right. It's not fair for me to keep this from him. Nii-san."

"Yeah, Hi-chan?"

"I'm gonna need you to fill in some of the gaps, I know your memory isn't the best, but would ya mind helping me out?"

"Of course."

Hisashi took a deep breath before slapping his cheeks and breathing out.

"Okay, so around twenty-someodd years ago, I was playing in a park near my dad's office when I happened to see this one guy with a bowl-cut littering there. So I went over to him to give him a piece of my mind…"

Many Minutes Later…

"... about a week later, he sent us off to Shizuoka. We went to school there, made some friends, graduated and moved to Tokyo for college. About eight years later, you were born. Ten years after that, here we are."

"That's… a lot."


"Aren't we supposed to be the normal family?"

"You've met your uncle, where exactly does 'normal' factor in?"

"Good point."

"Hey, what the hell, you two?"

"You've gotta admit Goro, they've got a point."

"Yeah, and that jacket isn't doing you any favors, Goro-nii."

"Yougot me this!"

"Well yeah, but-"


Whatever Inko had been about to retort with was soon cut off by the sound of a knock at the door.

"Pardon the intrusionwoof!"



And in walked a dog wearing a suit.

Okay, that's slightly diminishing.

It would be more appropriate to say that a bipedal dog man walked into the room.

In the world of quirks, this was normal, Izuku however…

Seriously. Woof?

The dog man bowed and spoke, "Once again, pardon the intrusion. My name is Kenji Tsuragamae, I'm currently Musutafu's chief of police, but I'll be making the move to Hosu soon."

He's transferring too?

"I've come to apologize on behalf of my subordinate, Tsukauchi."

"That's really not necessary, Tsuragamae-san." Inko responded.

"No, it is. If I may be perfectly candidarf!,I'd like to say that young Midoriya-kun did a wonderful job when faced with the odds that he faced, both here and in Shizuoka."

Wow, thanks, but did you actually say arf? Are you a dog man or a man dog? Why has there never been a comic series about this?

"-great feat, especially for a quirkless child."

"Ah, actually, about that Tsuragamae-san…"

"Hm, did I say something wrong?"

"Well, not quite, it's just… I think I may have awakened my quirk."

And the shock was present throughout the whole room, if the resounding 'HUH?' were any indication.

Locking eyes with his on-screen father, he sent the man a few hands signals.

Fingers in an 'L' shape.

Thumb over index, middle, and ring finger with pinky up.

Finally, thumb curled under all other fingers.

Luckily, Hisashi had taken JSL as an undergrad.

He was actually the one that taught Izuku, stating that sometimes heroes would have to talk to people who either couldn't talk or hear.

Hisashi just nodded.

"Excuse me, Tsuragamae-san?"

The chief snapped to attention and Izuku turned the screen so that it faced the dog man.

"Hi there. I'm Hisashi Midoriya, Izuku's father, and I'm actually the head researcher here on I-Island for Quirk Theory and Development, as it so happens, I may actually have a working theory on why my son's quirk is appearing so late."

Tsuragamae's eyes perked up, Izuku guessed that that was a sign of the chief displaying interest.

"Please, I'd be glad to hear itwoof!"

"Gladly, so my theory is-"

Izuku tuned out here, as his father went into a ten minute explanation about the properties of the 'Quirk gene' and adrenaline, high stress activation, and even the possibilities of the threat of a near death experience triggering something something something.

Izuku was just glad that Tsukauchi wasn't around, while he and his father lied like dogs.

No pun intended.

After Hisashi finished his (totally bogus) theory, Tsuragamae remained quiet for a moment, tapping his foot on the tile floor.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

"Well, it certainly seems plausible and you all wouldn't have any reason to lie about this…"

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

"Well then, I suppose that I can get the paperwork filled out and have you registered. It's the least I could do after my department failed you."

Okay, feeling slightly guilty now. Too deep now, though. This lie goes to the grave.

Tsuragamae was already halfway out the door when he turned back.

"Ah, before I go. Do you have a name for it? Based on what it does?"

A name, huh? What would be a good-

Izuku grinned as the perfect name came to mind.

"Yeah." He looked the dog man right in the eyes, "I wanna call it… 'Heat'."

A few minutes after Tsuragamae left, Hisashi hung up, and Izuku listened as Mirei spoke to Majima.

"Alright, so I'm going to catch the first train back and say goodbye to Yuki-chan and everyone at Dyna-Chair. After that, when I get back to Musutafu, I remember the way to the building, but I wouldn't mind having a certain someone… meet me at the station and show me the way."

"Wait, you're coming visit us again, Baba?"

Mirei giggled, "Not quite. Seeing as Haruka's debut was the final show that I decided to manage, I've suddenly found myself with quite a bit of free time on my hands. So, I figure that a change of scenery would be nice. Especially if it moves me closer to my old friend" she smiled at Inko, who smiled back and nodded, "my spoilable nephew" she teasingly pinched Izuku's cheek, "and my darling husband." Majima looked at her with an indecipherable look in his eye, though if forced to describe it, Izuku would say it reminded him of the way that his dad looked at his mom.

As happy as he was to hear the news, there was still something on his mind.

"Hey, guys?"

They all turned to face him.

"Where's Kiryu-san and Haruka-neechan?"

They all looked at each other and hesitated.

His uncle was the one who spoke up, "Ya may wanna lay back for this one, Izu-chan…"

Izuku didn't like the sound of that.

Three Years Later…

Ryukyu Boulevard, Okinawa-Afternoon

"Dakara [please], [GET UP MY BABY]"

A thirteen year old Izuku sighed as he walked down the street.

The music on his phone blared through his earbuds, as made his way to Ryukyu Station on the cold day.

The plane ride over felt longer than it ever had before.

The taxi ride to Ryukyu even longer.

It might've been because no one was there to meet him, unlike before.

Alternatively, it could've been because he was there for a different reason than he was usually.

Maybe it was just the fact that it was winter, early January made most things seem to drag.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed again.

He had already known it was too long.

Even in the ponytail that he had it in, it reached down to his mid-back and bounced.

According to his mom, his uncle had worn his hair in the same style. Izuku just wasn't sure if it fit him personally.


Oh, a message. I had my phone off during the ride here, so I should probably check and see if someone messaged me then too.

Pulling his phone out of the pocket of his stajun, now complete with bullet-hole, he tapped out of his music app and checked his messenger app.

Oh, one from Mom and Mirei-baba. They asked if I got here okay. I'll just send a quick 'yeah'.

Got one here from Mei-chan. She wants me to bring back some scrap from one of the shops in the mall. Alright, guess I can do that.

Oh hey, Akiyama-san sent me my pay. 'Try and have a good time', he says. Yeah, I can try, Akiyama-san.

"[Excuse me, young man?]"

Huh?He took his eyes off of his phone and turned around.

He was met with the sight of a foreigner, a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes.


"[Can you tell me how to get to the station?]"

Okay, that was definitely English. Mine isn't the best, but this should be pretty simple.

"Ahem. [The station is just down this road, I am on my way there now. Follow me, please.]"

Okay, that should be passable. English is my second best subject in school, so I couldn't have been that bad.

The foreigner's eyes lit up, "[Thank You!]"

Okay. I did good.

"[You are welcome.]"

Izuku gestured for the man to follow him, and continued down the street.

It didn't take too long, and soon as they reached the station, the foreigner cheered and reached into his pocket, pulling out a 10,000 Yen note and attempting to hand it to Izuku, who quickly attempted to refuse.

"[I want you to have this.]"

"Ah! I can't accept this, I was just doing the right thing!" In his panic, Izuku had forgotten to speak English.

"[Please, take it, I have to catch this next train. Bye now!]" With that, he pressed the note into Izuku's hand and took off, hopping onto a train just before its doors closed.

Izuku looked down at the note in his hand, and pocketed with a sigh.

Man, foreigners are weird. But, helping 'em's what we do. Right, Kiryu-san?

Morning Glory Orphanage-Evening

It's almost amazing how this place, despite being bulldozed, rebuilt, and standing for over half a decade after that, still looks exactly the same as it did when I was four.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

Except for this little guy of course.

Approaching quickly from a small doghouse to the left of the yard, came a small Shiba Inu.

Izuku crouched down as it approached, grounding himself and waiting for impact.



As soon as the dog slammed into his body, Izuku grabbed him and was soon assaulted by a flurry of wet kisses.

"Ahaha, it's good to see you too, Mame."

Izuku had met the dog years ago, when he was just a pup.

They had met during Izuku's second visit to Okinawa. He had come back to find a rebuilt Morning Glory, Kiryu with a healing stab wound, and Izumi playing with a little pup.

They had hit it off immediately.

"Mame? What's wrong? What are you barking at?"

In the doorway of Morning Glory, there stood a teenage girl wearing a red hoodie and jeans, with her hair styled into a ponytail, a much shorter one than Izuku's own.

And when she noticed the freckled, ponytailed boy holding her dog in the yard, she froze.

Izuku smiled, "How ya been, Izumi-chan?"

No other words needed be said after that.

Izumi ran straight at the boy and caught him in a bone crushing hug. Luckily, he had put Mame down and stood up before she reached him.

She squeezed his back, grabbing fistfuls of his jacket, and rubbed her face into his chest.

Wow, she's shorter than me now.

"Izumi, everything alright out here?"

And again at the door, stood a glasses-wearing boy in a short-sleeved plaid hoodie, a pig-tailed girl in a green striped shirt, and another, older girl in a long-sleeved pink and white shirt.

And they too froze at the sight of the person that Izumi was hugging.

"Hey guys."

And he was soon set upon by Eri, Shiro, and Riona.

Soon after that, the greenette found himself caught in a crushing group hug courtesy of his longtime friends from Morning Glory Orphanage.

Riona was the first to speak up, "Where have you been for the past three years? We missed you!"

Izuku didn't have a chance to answer as Shiro quickly asked his own question, "Yeah, and why couldn't you pick up the phone? We've all tried calling a hundred times each."

Izuku was again stopped from answering, this time by Eri, "What're you even doing here? I'm not complaining, but you'd usually show up during the summer."

Izuku waited to answer, looking down at Izumi, who had decided to stop rubbing her face into his jacket and lay there quietly.

"Alright, so in order: I'm sorry guys, I missed you too. I started a summer job three years ago and I've been busy working there during my summers. Next, I actually got a new phone a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I kept forgetting to tell you guys the new number, so that's entirely my fault. And the third, I just wanted to visit you guys before winter break ended, I'll only be here for a day or two."

They seemed content after that, and so they stood there in silence for a moment.

Until Izuku broke it, "So… as happy as I am to see you guys, Idoalso wanna get outta the cold. So could we maybe head inside?"

After entering the building, Izuku soon found himself trapped in a headlock.

"Ngh! Hello to you too, Taichi."

The aspiring wrestler had only gotten bigger and stronger in the three years that he hadn't seen the boy.

"Hey there, stranger. You gettin' soft there, Izuku? When you were younger, you could've broken outta this no problem."

"Yeah, I still can. I'm justlettin' ya hold me like this. It's not polite to toss your host afterall."

"Heh, right. Good to see you haven't changedthatmuch, Izuku."

Taichi let the younger boy go and they walked further in, where Izuku soon found Koji and Mitsuo.

The former was reading a manga, while the latter was tossing a baseball up and down.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them looked older, Izuku would've sworn that he'd never left.

And the minute they noticed him, they were on him just like everyone before them.

But before they could get the chance to grill him, yet another familiar face appeared out of the kitchen.

"Alright, guys. Dinner's almost done, do you mind-"

And again, this person was stopped at the sight of Izuku.


"Yo, Ayako-neechan."

Her reaction compared to everyone else's was the most restrained.

She didn't come running at him, simply walking over and wrapping her arms around him.

And squeezing very hard.

He could hear her say, under her breath, "He's actually here."

He just wrapped his arms around her and squeezed back gently, saying without words, 'I'm actually here.'

After a moment of silence, she released him from the embrace, and led him by the arm to the door of the bedroom that all of the kids shared.

She stood back when they arrived at the door, and nodded at Izuku.

Izuku took that as a sign to go in.

Knock! Knock!

"Pardon the intrusion."


And when he opened the door, he saw two people, one of them holding a small bundle.

The other, he recognized instantly. White hoodie, red shirt, black hair tied in a ponytail. The last time he had actually seen her was when she was on TV, performing for hundreds of thousands of people at the Japan Dome.

And from the looks of it, she seemed to recognize him as well.


"Hey, Haruka-neechan. Been a while, huh?"

Haruka got up from her spot and walked over to Izuku, soon finding herself wrapped in a tight embrace.

"Don't disappear like that again, neechan. You had Mirei-baba, and Mom, and Akiyama-san, and Mariko-san, and-and me… we were all worried…"

He could feel Haruka return his hug, laying a hand on his head and running her fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry, Izuku. It won't happen again."

That was enough for him. He just stayed there for a few more moments before letting go.

And when he did, he looked behind Haruka to see that the figure behind Haruka was a man. A good looking guy, with dark, slicked back hair and a slim build, who was staring at the pair with slight confusion.

"Neechan, who's this?"

"Oh, right! I forgot to introduce you two." She kept her eyes on Izuku, gesturing behind her, "Izu-kun, this is Yuta-kun." Turning to face Yuta, she gestured back towards Izuku, "Yuta-kun, this is Izuku."

The bundle in Yuta's arms began to squirm.

"Oh! And how could I forget him?" Haruka walked over and retrieved the bundle from the dark haired man, bringing it over to Izuku.

"This is Haruto. My son."

I'm sorry, your what?

"My son, Izu-kun. With Yuta."

Oh, he had said that out loud. He hadn't done that in a while.

More importantly, SON?

Izuku was careful not to verbalize what he was thinking. Simply giving Haruka a smile and an 'excuse me', before walking over to Yuta and crouching in front of him.

He didn't say anything; just looked him dead in the eyes and stared.


"Um, can I help you?"


"H-Haruka, what's going on?"


"..." The man was sweating bullets.

Izuku simply closed and nodded, saying one word.


He then proceeded to fawn over the baby in Haruka's arms.

Leaving Yuta to ponder what the hell just happened to him until everyone was called for dinner.

Morning Glory Orphanage- Nighttime

After dinner, while everyone washed up and went to bed, Izuku and Haruka sat on the steps outside.

"So, Izu-kun. Are you doing okay?"

"I'm doin' fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well, if you've been speaking to Akiyama-san or even your uncle, then…"

"Yeah, I know what happened to Kiryu-san."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."


And they sat in silence for a while, staring up at the stars. Izuku sighed.

"That's really unfair."

"I didn't do a thing."

The grenette pouted.

Haruka smiled back.

Sighing again, Izuku said, "I came here… for closure."

Haruka kept quiet.

"I almost couldn't believe he was gone, y'know? All the things I wanted him to teach me, everything that we would do, it's all gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't wanna believe it. In a way, I still don't. I keep expecting him to come walkin' down that street, cigarette in his mouth." He could feel his nails digging into his palms, feeling blood roll down his nails. He hadn't even noticed that he had balled his fists, let alone balled them so tightly.

Haruka didn't say anything for a moment, simply grabbing his hands and unballing his fists, before reaching into her pocket and retrieving a handkerchief.

She wiped the blood off of his hands and blew on the little cuts on his palms.

That done, she put handkerchief back in her pocket and stood up, Izuku's hand still in her's.

It wasn't a long walk, the room that she was bringing Izuku to was right there after all.

"This is…"

"Go on. It's not locked."

Izuku reached out a hand to the door, stopping just before he touched it.

He tried to move his hand forward, but it didn't move.

He tried again. No result.

Again. Nothing.

Instead, it just stayed halted a few inches away from the door, trembling.

And then, he could feel a soft palm and slender fingers wrap around his wrist.

He didn't need to look to see who it was.

His hand was moving forward then, touching the door, grasping it, and pushing it to the side.


And there they were.

Kiryu's room.

Izuku had never been in. Haruka gave him a gentle shove, and he stepped in for the first time.

It would be hard to describe the room.

The best description that Izuku could give would be, 'Kiryu-san in room form'.

It was small, but there was so much in it.

So many odds and ends accumulated from a lifetime of adventure.

So many different books and magazines.

So many pictures and mementos, including a stack of what looked to be Hostess Business Cards.

And three pictures stood out the most.

One, a woman in a business suit with her hair styled into a messy updo smiling at the camera. Haruka's gaze lingered on this picture longer than it did the others.

Two, a group photo of everyone at Morning Glory, including Izuku and Mame. The last time he could remember everyone being together.

And three, a picture of a seven year old Izuku holding onto a fish that was half his size. The first time Kiryu had taken him fishing, he caught a Mahi-mahi. That was that night's dinner. Kiryu looked so proud...

Izuku could feel himself tearing up, he blinked the tears away and instead walked over to something else that he had found interesting.

An old, beaten up bat.

There was nothing really special about it, but compared to everything else in the room which was so well kept, the bat seemed incredibly out-of-place.

"Uncle Kaz got that from Majima-san."


"Yeah, when he stalked him for a month. Uncle Kaz beat him again, and he left that behind. I actually heard him say it was the best part of his year. You can take it if you want."

"I… don't know if I should."

"You should, it's technically yours anyway. Uncle Kaz said he was gonna give it to you when you came for the summer, along with a few books that I'll be packing for you."

"Oh, um, okay."

He stood in silence.

Everywhere he looked, he could see him. He could smell his cigarette smoke. Hear him humming an old rock song.

And he stood in that room, he finally understood. He was never coming back.

Kiryu-san, his Uncle Kaz, was never coming back.

He felt the tears prick his eyes. He couldn't blink them away this time.

He felt arms wrapping around him again and heard a soft voice in his ear.

"Uncle Kaz always said that a kid who walked through that door up front was part of this family. So the minute you walked through that door nine years ago, you became the youngest member of our family. And a family… is always there to catch you when you think you'll fall. So come on, just let yourself fall. I'm here. I'll catch you."

And at that moment, Izuku fell. He felt the tears streaming down his face, as his body wracked with sobs and he cried into the night.

Two Days Later…

"Are you sure you have to go so soon, Izuku-kun?"

"Yeah, I've gotta catch my flight or else I won't make it back to Tokyo for the start of the semester."

"Honestly, it feels like yesterday that you were just four years old and hiding behind Haruka's leg. How is it that you're already in Middle School?"

"Careful, Ayako-neechan. You're almost sounding like a mom there. We've already got one of those in this house."

"Hmph. Alright, I'll let you go, but don't you wanna see Haruto walk first?"

"Ngh! Damn, I do. Alright, I can spare a minute or two."

Izuku adjusted his bag, his new-old baseball bat hung on the side, and walked after Ayako to where all of the other residents of Morning Glory were watching Haruto take his first steps.


Correction: Where all of the other residents of Morning Glory were watching Haruto fall and encouraging him to try again.

Izuku stood next to Yuta, who was crouched down with a video camera, saying, "C'mon, just one more time. You can do it."

The baby rose back on wobbly feet.

"C'mon, Haru-chan!"

"Come to us, Haruto!"

Izuku and Yuta, respectively, egged the child on .

"You can do it, Haruto!" Haruka called out to the boy.

He stood straight, took a step…


And fell again.

"Ah! So close." Koji said.

Izuku kneeled down, "C'mon, Haru-chan! Don't give up there. Your Uncle Izu believes in you!"

Haruto stood again, and took another step.

"All right!"

"That's it, Haruto!"

And then, Haruto turned his head and saw something outside. He reached towards it with a smile and a gurgle, and Izuku and Haruka looked to see what it was.

But there was nothing.

Just the wall and the oceanline behind it.

Izuku looked for a little longer, before he felt a small weight bump into him.

Looking down, he saw a smiling Haruto and was enamored.

Ryukyu Airport- An Hour Later...

Izuku knew that this visit would be his last for a long while.

He had gotten what came for, though.

He had gotten his closure.

But something still felt wrong.

It wasn't just closure he wanted.

He wanted to say 'goodbye'.

He wanted to say 'thank you'.

He wanted to keep his promise.

He wanted to-


At this moment, he saw the familiar back of a tall man wearing white shoes and a grey suit, with the popped collar of a red shirt peeking out.

It could only be-


The man's back was quickly receding, moving into a crowd.

Izuku gave chase, he wouldn't let him get away.


The man kept his pace, weaving through the crowd with ease.

It took everything that Izuku had to follow him through.


Please, don't go yet. There's something I still need to say!

The man was about to enter a terminal.

Please, don't go. Please, come back. Please-


The man stopped long enough for Izuku to catch up.

He skidded to a stop just a few feet behind him.

The man turned around and Izuku felt his heart stop.

Itwashim. It was Kiryu. In the flesh.

All of a sudden, his heart hurt all over again.

But that didn't stop him from saying what he needed to say.

"Thank you, Uncle Kaz. Thank you."

He bowed deeply, feeling the weight of the books and the bat on his back.

He stayed in that position, waiting for the man across from him to say something. Anything.

Izuku then felt a strong hand grip his shoulder, it was a familiar feeling and he knew exactly whose it was.


The greenette looked up at the dragon, the man was smiling.

"If you wanna thank me. Become the world's greatest hero, like I know you can. And have a good time doing it."

Izuku could feel his eyes tearing up again, but he fought through it with an unsteady smile, "I will, I promise."

Two Days Later…

Aldera Junior High- Musutafu, Japan

Izuku walked down the sidewalk with his earbuds in again, the drums of the song he was starting helped him think.

He wanted to do what Kiryu said, but he didn't know exactly how to do that.

Have fun while trying to be a hero?

It almost seemed like an oxymoron.

Then again, there were heroes like Miruko and Ms. Joke, who very clearly loved doing what they do.

One person who always seemed like a hero to him, while also fun, was his uncle.

Maybe… that's my place to start.

But even if he started acting like his uncle, he'd still feel like there was a missing piece...


He had bumped into someone.

Rolling eyes fall...

"Ah, my bad."

"Watch where you're going, Ponytail!"

Okay, apparently this asshole's gonna be pissy.

"I said 'my bad'."

"Yeah? Well that ain't- wait a minute… Deku?"

As Izuku whipped around, he took note of the aggressor's ash blonde hair and red eyes.

He only knew two people with features like that, and only one of them was male.

Ruling dies out...

The ponytailed greenette could feel the final piece of the puzzle clicking into place as he looked the blonde right in the eye with a straight face.


He grinned toothily.




I'll be taking a short break from Mad Dog of Shizuoka.
Stay tuned for Rise of Yamikumo though.
You've all been great.
Darkest Knight Entertainment, out.

Chapter 25: Hectic Morning


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Musutafu, Tokyo-201X

08:15 am

"[WOW, Breakin' the law, Breaking the world!] Kowase…"

The old rock song played and echoed off the walls of the small apartment, a long-haired boy humming along as he tied his curly green locks back.

Looking in the mirror as he finished, he buttoned up his shirt and pulled on the jacket of his gakuran.

"Hey there, good lookin'. What's cookin'?"

Giving himself a quick once-over with a co*cky grin, he nodded and turned, grabbing his phone, pausing his song, and leaving the bathroom.

Walking into the living room, his eyes plastered to his device's screen, he muttered while grabbing a yellow backpack and a wrapped bento off of the counter.

'Murderer strikes again in Kamurocho! Another Kansai Yakuza found with eyes gouged out in Red Light District.'

"sh*t, there's another one now? And this one's goin' after yakuza. Geez. First, the 'Hero Killer' and now this guy. Can't these jackasses just play video games?"

Stepping out towards the genkan and slipping on a pair of oversized red boots, he looked down at another notification that had popped up on his phone with aboo-boop!

He gave it one glance and popped up.

Tatooin Station, huh? No time to waste, I smell an opportunity!

Grabbing a dinged-up bat from beside the doorway, he turned the knob and swung the door open, speeding down the hallway and bounding down the stairs.

When he reached the last two steps, he jumped and hit the ground running, taking off towards Musutafu Station.

Tatooin Station, Musutafu

When he arrived, there was already a huge crowd of people on the scene gawking at the very thing he had come to see.

There he is...

Boom! Crash!

An actual...

Standing at over fifteen meters high stood a humanoid figure.

"Damn, what led to this?"

"Apparently the guy snatched a purse, got cornered, and panicked."

"Really, a quirk like that and he's just a purse-snatcher? Laaame."

A criminal, if the chatter around the greenette were to be believed.

Well 'criminal' isn't quite the correct term for one such as he.

Yes, the proper term for someone who would abuse their quirk so blatantly is-


The greenette's eyes sparkled as he pulled a notebook out from… somewhere and began to furiously scribble upon the pages.

"How long is this gonna take? I'm meeting my mom for breakfast today."

"Hello, sir? Yes, I'm going to be a bit late. There's a villain attack right outside the station today..."

"Oh, look mom! The heroes are here!"

Ah yes, and then you have the antithesis of a supervillain…

A superhero.

The boy lifted his head from his notes, taking note of the new arrivals.

An incredibly bulky one, wearing thick wrist-guards and a headband decorated with caution patterns called out.

"Everybody get back! The situation's under control."

"It's Death Arms, 'The Punching Hero'!"

Huh, neat. And he's not yellin' at me this time. Next.

He already had notes on Death Arms, so that couldn't be the opportunity that he was looking for.

Next, a barricade rail made entirely of water, with 'X'-shaped warning symbols appeared in front of the now buzzing crowd, courtesy of another hero dressed as a firefighter, with a white mask on his face.

"Like Death Arms said, please stay behind the line. We'll get this taken care of as soon as possible."

"It's Backdraft, 'The Rescue Specialist'!"

Alright. Still not what I'm lookin' for, but it's good to see him in the flesh again. Next!

The observer began moving through the crowd to get a closer look, barely taking note of a shadow that passed over him before having his eardrums ruptured with a combined cry of, "You can do it, Kamui!"

Okay. First, ow. And second, Kamui? As in... Woods? Nowthat'swhat I'd call interestin'.

As he pushed closer up towards the front, he saw something that kicked his senses into high gear.

A man covered in wood wearing a dark blue bodysuit extended a long branch from his arm and used it to swing up onto the train platform, dodging a swipe from the gigantic villain.


The greenette grinned.

This'll be good.

"Oh, well if it isn't the little hero himself."

Hearing a familiar voice, the ponytailed teen turned, seeing a bald older man with star-shaped stalks protruding from his face.

"Oh, what's up Old Man Hoshizora? Shouldn't you be at the shop?"

"Yeah, I should, but I stepped out to grab some vinegar for the chirashi and I got caught up out here. How about you? I thought you'd be front and center at somethin' like this."

"Ehehe. Yeah, see, I would, but I think they've got this handled."

Not to mention the scolding I got from ol' Death Arms there the last time I helped.

"The hell do you think you're doing!?"

The greenette felt his eye twitch as he turned back towards the fight at hand.

"Petty theft, illegal quirk usage, and disruption of traffic during rush hour. You are the pinnacle of evil!"

I wouldn't go that far, but go off, I guess.

"And so,thisis your punishment…" Kamui Woods' arm began to expand and extend, soon becoming a tangle of roots and branches.

The teenager grinned, "Here it come, 'Absolute Preemptive Confinement-"

"Lacquered Chain Prison!" The tangled roots and branches shot out towards the gigantified villain, spreading out and-

"Canyon Cannon!"

-breaking as a colossal figure, clad in purple and orange spandex, drop kicked the terrified evildoer.


The villain was out for the count after that devastating blow, while the figure who struck him, a blonde woman with impressive… 'assets', bent down to grab the unconscious ne'er-do-well, speaking as she did so.

"Today is the day of my debut. My name is Mt. Lady. A pleasure to make your ass-quaintance."

And so, a large group of men (the occasional woman mixed in) with cameras sidled in front of the green-haired teen chanting, 'Money shot. Money Shot. Money Shot.'

All while a dejected Kamui Woods stood

Meanwhile, behind the group of perv-ahem,amateur photographers...

Holy sh*t… That's Rad!

The greenette's hand glided across the page, scribbling and sketching hastily as he focused on what he was seeing in his mind's eye.

If I'm fightin', I can make an asshole flinch away with a feint or even just some dust. They'll lose sight of me for even just half a sec, and then, BOOM! Fight's over.

Yeah. Matter of fact, that sounds like somethin' I already know, but better. I'd even call it… extreme.

That's it! I'll call this move…

"...Essence of Blindside: Kiwami."

"Huh? What was that, boy?"

It occurred to the teen that he had said that last bit out loud.

Thought I got a handle on that. "Nothing, Jiisan. Just thinkin' out loud."

The older man chuckled, "About your hero stuff, right? Well, keep on, kid. I gotta get back to the shop, road's clearing up and the missus is probably cursing me as we speak."

Well, it ain't exactly your fault, not like ya asked for a purse snatcher to freak out on this street.

"Stop by later, why dontcha? We'd love to have ya."

"Yeah, I'll stop by after I hit the cages. See ya, Hoshizora-jii."

"You too, kid."

And with that, the two parted ways, the teen looking down and smiling at his phone.

Another revelation thanks to Troublr. Now what time is it?

08:29 am

Well sh*t.

And anybody who had stuck around to see what the commotion was, would be left tumbling by the blustering gust left in the wake of the speeding teen.

Aldera Junior High School- Classroom

08:43 am










An out of breath teenager stood in the doorway, hand held high as he rested the other on his knee, attempting to catch his breath.

"Midoriya, you're late."

"Actually… sensei… I'm two… minutes… early."

"I was in the middle of roll call when you arrived."

"I was... caught at the site of… a villain attack… until a few minutes ago."

"Are you hurt?"

"No, hungry though."

A few students around the class chuckled. A red-eyed, blonde-haired student just glared hard at his green-haired classmate.

The teacher, seeing that a reprimand would just go in and out of his pupil's ear, just sighed.

"Just take your seat, Midoriya. You're here."

The non-tardy student beamed, "Thought you'd see it my way, sensei."

He bounded over to his desk and plopped down into the seat unceremoniously. His yellow backpack followed soon after.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and earbuds, popping the latter into his ears and pressing play, while his sensei just continued with roll call.

"Furiagero, nigirikobushi wo oretachi wa..."

Sou sa oretachi ga…


And thus began another day in the life of one Izuku Midoriya, age 14.


Hey, folks! I'm back. Both this and Rise of Yamikumo will be receiving weekly updates. I'll be alternating between the two until the latter is finished.

Until then, it's good to be back.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Chapter 26: Meeting Your Heroes

Chapter Text

Aldera Junior High School- Classroom

8:50 A.M.

"Alright kids, since you're third years now, it's time for you to buckle and start thinking about your futures. Now, I'm going to give out these future plan handouts and…"

The attentive class sat politely and quiet, attention locked.

The blonde teacher sighed.

"Who am I kidding? You all wanna be heroes, right?"

Within seconds, the quiet attentiveness of the class was broken, transmuting into a cacophony of screeching teenagers eager to show off just what made them special.

In response, the sensei named Subarashii sighed once and dropped the stack of 'future plans' forms into the wastebasket next to his podium.

"Yes, yes, your quirks are all quite wonderful, but please stop using them in the classroom. In full view of your teacher, nonetheless."

"Oi, teach!"

Subarashii took a deep breath and turned to address the student who had called out to him.

"Yes, Bakugo-kun?"

With his feet propped up onto his desk, and his chair leaning on its back legs, Katsuki Bakugo said his piece.

"Don't lump me in with all these rejects, I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with them."

With a single sentence, he drew outrage from his peers.

"Uncalled for, Katsuki!"

"Where do you get off!?"

"I'll show you a reject!"

"Yeah, yeah, you extras should just shut up already!"

Subarashii, who had at some point began to slump over the podium, said, "Oh, that's right, you want to go to U.A. High, don't you, Bakugo-kun?"

And the classroom exploded into murmurs.

"U.A.? That national school?"

"It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!"

"Their acceptance rate's always really low, too!"

"That's exactly why you guys are all just extras!"

With everyone's attention now locked onto him, Bakugo jumped onto his desk.

"I aced the mock exam! Out of all the faceless drones in this dump, I'm the only one who has the chance of getting into U.A. So watch! I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name'll be inscribed on the list of top earners!"


"Bravo, Kacchan! Bravo! Inspired performance! Though personally, I do feel that you coulda spiced it up with an explosion or two for effect, I'll give ya a solid 8!"

"f*ckin' Deku…"

Two words, both said with enough venom to poison almost anyone they were aimed at.

Though the target of those words simply smiled back as he stood up from his own desk.

"What's the problem, Kacchan? I swear I would've given it at least a 9 if you had added some poppin'. Oh! And if it were more than just half true."

Bakugo's teeth grinded together as he forced out his next few words.

"What do you mean, Deku?"

The rest of the class shifted their eyes to the greenette, who was still smiling.

"Well, I aced the mock test too. And hey, it ain't like these folks can't get into U.A. I mean, look at Yubiwa. Those fingers look perfect for hero work."

The mentioned student blushed at the recognition while the ponytailed boy continued.

"Then you've Moeka-chan, her hand isliterallyfire. Kumogiri can turn his body into rock. Aoi-chan's hair whips around. Damn Kacchan, now that I think about it, just about everyone in this room has a shot at U.A."

The boy's smile widened slightly, as the glint in his eye became sharper and more malicious.

"Even me."


Within seconds, Izuku's desk was destroyed by an explosion, courtesy of Bakugo who had invaded the boy's personal space, mouth pulled into a nasty snarl.

Izuku's grin grew wider and more vicious.

"You wanna go? Cause I'm ready when you are,Kacchan."


"Midoriya! Bakugo! That's enough! Anymore outbursts like that and I'll have you both suspended for a week."

Subarashii's tone was sharp, a far cry from the almost lethargic drawl a few minutes before then.

It was a tone reserved specially for Izuku and Bakugo, the two most volatile elements in his classroom. A tone that the two boys knew all too well from the year that they had spent in the man's class.

It defused the situation immediately, Midoriya's smile becoming pleasant again, as he sat back down in his chair.

Bakugo grumbled and stomped back to his own desk.

Subarashii sighed again, his tone losing its edge.

"We're starting off with independent study today, class. Turn to page 240 in your books and read up to 260. Midoriya, go get a new desk."

"Hai, Sensei!"

"Everyone else, just read and don't bother me until everyone's done."


With that, the class began to do what they were told while Subarashii pulled up a chair and sat slumped over at the podium.

It was only the first day of classes and he had already reaffirmed a fundamental truth that he'd known since he had started teaching.

To be Subaru Subarashii was suffering.

3:15 P.M.

Ding-Dong, Bing-Bong

As everyone filtered out of the classroom, Izuku stayed back and waited.

He promised at lunch to help some of his kouhai clean the koi pond in the courtyard, but he wasn't gonna head there on his own.

Not to mention- "Oi, Deku!"

He had company.

Baring his teeth for his widest smile that day, Izuku turned and faced his ashen haired classmate.

"Yes, Kacchan? Oh, hey Yubiwa, Komouri."

The two boys behind Bakugo quietly returned the greeting while their leader stared hard at the seated boy.

"The hell do you think you're pullin'?"

"No idea whatcha mean."

"You tryin' to embarrass me, nerd? What was that earlier? What? You think we're equals now that you've got a sh*tty quirk of your own?"

"Kacchan, of course not." The boy seemed shocked at the implication, "You've still got a ways to go before you're on my level. Try eating a bowl ofMightiesevery once in a while. They're a heroic part of a balanced breakfast after all."

In the blink of an eye, Izuku was yanked out of his chair, his gakuran gripped and scrunched up in Bakugo's fists.

"Am I a f*ckin' joke to you?"

"Well, you do make me laugh a lot." Bakugo gripped harder.

"Shut up, you damned nerd. Where do you get off? Huh!?" He shook the greenette, hands beginning to smoke as he did so.

"Hm. C'mon, Kacchan. What's the matter? I'm just havin' some fun. Why're you so angry?"

The ponytailed teen tilted his head to the side with a pout, before snapping it back up in realization.

"Oh, I see! It must be because you're atthatage, right?"

One hand left Izuku's gakuran curled into a fist that co*cked back before swinging towards the boy's face…

And stopping just short of Izuku's right eye.

And the nearly empty classroom was filled with tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"K-Katsuki, I think that's enough man." Yubiwa nervously spoke up first.

"Y-yeah, let's just go." Koumori was next, just as nervous as his friend.

Bakugo stared Izuku down once more, before dropping him back into his seat, turning, and tramping out the door.

Yubiwa and Koumori offered Izuku a quick bow and a hasty apology before taking off after their friend.

Izuku, now left alone in the deserted classroom, sighed and straightened out his clothes.

He was so close. So close to getting the reaction he wanted from Kacchan.

He'd been pushing the guy's buttons for a year at every chance he got since he saw him at the gate that day.

You didn't have to be a genius to know that Katsuki Bakugo's temper was on a hair trigger and anything that didn't go his way could set him off.

Izuku knew that better than anyone and had been continuously trampling on the boy's pride to get him to fight him, but somethingalwaysgot in the way.

Confronting him at lunch, the cafeteria caught fire.

Taunting him at the gate, 'Hey! Time for an emergency assembly!'

Pissing him off after class, the guy stops himself!

What's a guy gotta do to start some sh*t around here?

And one could argue that Izuku could just pick a fight with someone else, surely there would besomeonewilling to indulge his violent tendencies.

Well, that person should feel bad because they'd be wrong.

After garnering a bit of a reputation as the guy that's got a bone to pick with Katsuki Bakugo, a few boys in Izuku's year thought that they could rough him up a bit, get into the popular second year's good graces.

All of them were found bruised, beaten, and faces covered in various kanji, all of which said 'penis' in some way, shape, or form.

After that, people in his year just left Izuku alone.

And Izuku began to chase after Bakugo even more doggedly.

So what do I try next time? Maybe I should ask Auntie Mitsu for some of his baby pictures. I could copy 'em, blow 'em up, and hang 'em on the bulletin board. Ooh or maybe-!


"Um, senpai?" A shy voice called into the room. Its owner was a young, rather unremarkable boy.

"Hm? Oh. Yo, Sato-kun. You guys ready?"

"Yes. Everyone else is getting started right now. They sent me to come get you."

The greenette jumped to his feet, "Alright, let's get 'er done."

Twenty Minutes Later…

"Aaaannnnd done!"

"Thanks again, Midoriya-senpai!"

"Don't mention it, guys. What kind a senpai would I be if I didn't lend my kouhai a hand every once in a while? Anyway, I gotta get goin'. Ja ne."

His underclassmen all chorused a goodbye as he took off.

He'd lost some time after helping them, so he decided to take a shortcut beneath an overpass.

Okay, I'll put a pin in the baby pictures idea, but maybe I could just do it the old-fashioned way, I'll just walk up, slap him with a glove, and challenge him to a duel.

"Wait, no! I wanthimto throw the first punch, the point's lost if I hit him first."

Okay, maybe I can…

The greenette was so far deep into his planning that he didn't notice the clattering and clanging of the manhole cover behind him.

Nor did he notice the sound of sludge creeping out of the uncovered hole, before forming into a humanoid shape.

"sh*t. I didn't expect that guy to be here. I gotta find some cover quick." The sludge man looked forward and saw a green haired boy mumbling to himself.

"A medium-sized invisibility cloak. Better than nothing."

He creeped forward to take a position behind the boy.

"Or maybe … with some whipped cream and mags..."


"Nah, he ain't the type for it, then maybe…"


"A clown? Hm, if I remember correctly…"

Until he was right behind the kid.

He coiled his mud like body like a viper andlunged.

Only to keep flying forward as the teenager stepped to the side at the last second.

"Oi, do you mind? I'm tryin' to think here."

"The hell?"

He lunged again.

Missed again.

"Stop dodging!"

"Stop attacking."

Another lunge.

One last miss.

"Just let me inside you!"

A pause, accompanied by a disgusted stare.

"Today was just going too well, wasn't it? Of course I'd run into one here."

The sludge man was confused, "One ofwhat, exactly?"

"As if you even need to ask, ya f*ckin' pervert. HELP! RAAAAAAA-"


"No need to worry... Why? Because I am here!"

Wait a minute, that's-

The greenette turned around and nearlysqueedin joy.

Because standing right behind him, in a tight t-shirt and green cargo pants, was-

"ALL MIGHT!" The sludge manactuallysqueed for an entirely different reason than Izuku.

"You thought you'd get away and assault this young man, did you? Well, not today, villain!"

"GET AWAY!" Forming a tendril with his sludgy body, the sludge man struck at All Might, but was evaded, and he hit the bottom of the overpass instead.


"Nice try, but it's my turn now! TEXAS…"

Here it comes!The one spectator had stars in his eyes.


With a powerful straight, the fight was over. Wind pressure blew from the strike, blasting the villain apart and All Might, now armed with two empty soda bottles, caught and contained the villain before any part of him could hit the ground.


With the situation contained, the blonde hero turned back to the starstruck civilian behind him.

"Thanks for your help, young man. If it weren't for you, this fiend might've continued to give me the runaround."

"N-no problem, All Might."

"Are you hurt?"

"N-nope, not at all."

"Good to hear! You never know what a desperate ne'er do well like this may do."

He glared at the eye in one of the bottles.

"Ahem.Well anyway, I've got to get this fella to the police station. So, as the kids say, [later, dude]!"

At this, he pocketed the bottled villain, walked past Izuku, and bent his legs.

"O-oi, wait! I've got a question for ya!"

"I cannot. If there's something you have to ask me, forward it to my agency!"

Dammit, I can't let him get away without askin' him. I guess I'll hafta-

Ignorant to the thoughts of the greenette behind him, All Might took to the skies with one big leap.

When he was a few hundred meters into the air, he noticed an odd weight on the back of his leg.

Looking back to see what it was, he was greeted with the sight of a teenager whose face was being hit with wind resistance of over 200 newtons of force.

A struggle ensued.

Random Rooftop- Musutafu, Tokyo

"That was incredibly dangerous young man."

"Yeah… but… like I said, I hafta to ask ya somethin'."

"And like I said, you could forward it to my agency. I do my utmost best to answer as many fan letters as I can."

"Yeah… but this is a question... I need to ask ya... in person."

The out-of-breath student stood tall, finally catching his breath, and stared directly into the eyes of his hero.

"Tell me. Can someone without a quirk become a hero?"

"Someone without a quirk?"

"Yeah, someone like…" He was likely never gonna see the man again, no real harm in saying the truth, "me."


The muscly hero suddenly gripped his chest, and steam emitted from his body.

"All Might!" Izuku started towards his hero.

"Stay back, Young man!"

A hand that was far smaller than the hulking fist he had seen seconds ago was held out towards him.

"All… Might?"

When the steam cleared, a skeletal man stared back at Izuku.

The green haired boy could only say one thing.

"[Oh. My. God]"

Hiya! Been a while. Glad to be back.

So let's ignore my extended absence and talk about how you guys feel about the chapter. I figured it would be boring and unrealistic to stick to regular canon with this Izuku so here we are.

Tell me whatcha think. See you in two years.

Chapter 27: Worthy

Chapter Text

Tatooin Shopping District- Musutafu, Tokyo

3:55 P. M.

Katsuki Bakugo was angry.

This was not new.

Nor was the reason behind his anger.

You see, Katsuki Bakugo was a genius.

He could read perfectly at age four, cook a simple breakfast at age 7, and consistently outclassed his peers in both athletics and academics from ages 8 all the way to 13.

He was special, he knew this. He had been told every day since he could understand Japanese that he was special.

It wasn't just lip service. For all of the boy's life, it was fact.

Irrefutable, immutable, and intrinsic.

He was the hero of the tale.

A man larger than life, destined for greatness.

The human condition pushed to its very best, nothing could stand in his way.

And then came Deku.

Defenseless Izuku.

The worthless punching bag.

The weak, quirkless crybaby.

Bakugo hadn't seen the boy in over ten years.

In fact, the last time hehadseen the green-haired loser, he was shaking in his boots trying to defendanotherloser from him and his friends.

Katsuki thought he was pathetic.

Then over ten years later, in the second term of his first year in junior high, there he was.

With a long stupid ponytail and a big stupid grin, there he was.

"Yo… Kacchan!"



Just the thought of it made Katsuki's blood boil.

f*ckin' Deku…

From that moment on, Izuku Midoriya had once more become a persistent thorn in his side.

Heckling him at the school gates.

Jeering at him during lunch.

Taunting him after class.

And always with that same f*cking nickname.

"Yo… Kacchan!"

"Bravo, Kacchan!"

"What's the problem, Kacchan?"




"Katsuki! What's the problem, man?"

Katsuki threw the remains of his exploded juice can over his shoulder.

"f*ckin' Deku."

"Katsuki... what's the problem between you guys, man?"


"You guys have been at each other's throats since the second half of first year. I mean, I know he's different than he was when we were kids, but… where all this vitriol come from?"

"It's all Deku's f*ckin' fault! He just doesn't know his damn place!"

As he exploded at one of his companions, he kicked a bottle lying in his path, sending it flying off in a random direction.

Yubiwa, who had been the one to speak in the first place, raised his hands in the universal gesture of surrender.

"Alright, my bad, forget I said anything."

Sato, a stand-in for the afternoon, because Koumori had to run some errands spoke up next to alleviate some of the tension.

"Whaddya say we go to the arcade for a change of pace? Katsuki, you'll come too right?"

Katsuki took a moment to compose himself, taking a quick deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Bastard almost got to me again.


Yuvbiwa grinned, "Then let's go to the one across from the station. Plenty of prey around there."

"You're terrible."

And Katsuki's irritation spiked once more.

"Are you two stupid!? If we get caught, it'll go on my record!"

The two made to respond but suddenly stopped, staring over the blonde's shoulder with wide, terrified eyes.

"H-hey, look!"

It was only then that Katsuki noticed the shadow that loomed over him.

And as he turned, he felt the cold hand of fear clench inside his chest.

"Hey, kid. That's a nice quirk ya got there. Mind if I borrow it?"

He was vaguely aware of the sounds of his companions running off before darkness overtook him.

Random Rooftop- Musutafu, Tokyo

"[Oh. My. God.]"

"I know that this must be shocking for you. But please, list-"

"So… it's happening."

The oddly skeletal man seemed confused.


He was ignored by the now hyperventilating greenette in front of him.

"Oh sh*t. Oh my god. She's actually done it."


"But how? I destroyed that damn thing. Got her working on something else. And how did it affect All Might first? And why now of all times? Wait, no. Can't think about that now, gotta contain the infection."

He grabbed his bat from the side of his bag, raised it over his head, and...


...rushed at the skeletal husk of his hero.

"Wait! No! Stop!"

Two minutes later, the pair stood across from each other once more, the younger of the two having put down his bat and the older wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his lips with a tissue.

"You sure you're okay All Might? That was a lot of blood you coughed up."

"I'm fine, young man. Thank you for offering me this pack of pocket tissues."

"No problem, and… sorry for trying to bash your head in because I thought you were a zombie."

"Let's just move past that."

"Right… anyway, back to my question. Can someone without a quirk be like you? A hero who saves everyone with a fearless smile? Whose presence at the scene makes everyone feel safe? Can someone like me become a symbol of peace like you?"

"...A fearless smile, huh?" The shrunken hero looked down for a moment, seemingly to think something over.

When he looked back up, it was with a deathly serious expression.

"Young man, what I'm about to tell you and show you are top secret. I need your word that no matter how we end up leaving this conversation, none of what is said here will end up on the internet."

Izuku stared directly into the hero's eyes.

"No matter what you say to me, it won't leave this roof. You have my word, All Might."

The hero looked down once more, taking a deep breath and grabbing the hem of the t-shirt that hung loose on him.

One more deep breath in and another out, with a slow and deliberate tug the shirt came up, unveiling a large scar covering most of the left side of his chest.

Izuku could feel himself grimace.

All Might gave him a wry smile.

"Pretty gross, right? It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago. Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I lost my whole stomach. This form that you see before you is the result of repeated surgeries and their aftereffects. Right now, I can only work as a hero for three hours a day. "

"No way… but h-how? Who coulda…?"

Izuku racked his brain.

Five years ago. Five years ago… What was going on five years ago?

Incident after incident ran through his mind.

News articles.

There was Naruhata Vigilantes, but All Might wasn't involved in any fights with them, so no.

Trending topics.

Shizuoka comes to mind, but I know for a fact that All Might wasn't involved with any part of that sh*tshow. So definitely not.

Major brawls.

What about... ? Ah that's it!

"Was it your fight with Toxic Chainsaw?"

"You're well-informed. But a punk like that couldn't do this kind of damage to me."

All Might clenched his fist as he looked below at passing cars and people flitting about on the sidewalks.

"It was a fight that I asked not to be made public."

He unclenched his fist and looked the young man in the eye, once more.

"'I will save people with a smile.' 'The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil.' When I smile, it's not fearless. It's a mask to reassure the people who depend on me and trick the fear inside of me."

"I- I don't wanna die. Kiryu-san, Jiji, Mom, Dad, help… please."

I understand that.

"Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, 'You can become a hero even without power.'"

"-you can't be a hero."

You too, huh?

Izuku closed his eyes and took a breath.

"I see."

All Might stood up and started walking towards the roof access entrance.

"If you really want to help others, consider becoming a police officer. I know that people make fun of them because they usually only contain villains after heroes capture them, but it's a profession that truly makes difference."

Opening the door, he said one last thing.

"It's not bad to dream. But you still have to consider what's realistic, young man."

And with that, he was gone and Izuku was alone.

Izuku walked over to the railing at the edge of the roof and just leaned over it, reaching into his gakuran.

When he pulled his hand out, it held an old, beaten up zippo lighter with a big dent in its side.

He flipped the top on and off with his thumb as he spoke to himself.

"So, add another to the list. It ain't gonna stop me, but damn if it doesn't sting just a bit."


Watching the flame, he thought about what he just learned.

So, even the greatest hero in the world gets scared, huh?

It wasn't like he thought that was impossible before, but even still, when you brought up 'scared' and 'All Might' in the same, you usually wouldn't use it to describe the hero.

But was it just me, or did he seem… angry?

Not anger directed towards Izuku, really, but just angry in general.

Izuku recognized the man's tone.

After all…

"He strung me along like a puppet. Everyone says that I'm so f*cking smart and he still played me..."

He'd held that same tone against himself, just five years before.

Izuku shook his head and sighed.

"I'll give him another minute before heading down."

It'd be pretty awkward to have to walk past the man that, in different circ*mstances, had essentially given him what could be considered a sobering, dream-crushing speech and thenleft him on a rooftop unattended.

Yeah, no joke, that was kind of a dick move.


Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts by an explosion off in the distance.

Wait a minute, that's near Tatooin Station.

He checked his phone.

Nothing on Troublr. sh*t, maybe I should go check it out. If the heroes have it handled, I'll leave it at that.

And though he thought such, in the pit of his stomach, Izuku felt that that wouldnotbe the case.

Tatooin Shopping District- Musutafu, Tokyo

Minutes Later…


Izuku ran towards the commotion as quickly he could, stopping when he reached the edge of a crowd that had gathered.

The situation looked pretty drastic already.

The shopping district was engulfed in a sea of flames.

They grew ever higher, swallowing stands and storefronts.


Another explosion rocked the area.

People in the crowd were panicking, so he listened in on what they were saying as he pushed his way to the front.

"What's going on!?"

"A villain! He took somebody hostage and is going crazy right now!"

A villain took a hostage?

He was getting closer to the front now.

He could feel the heat of the flames on his face.

There were heroes there. He recognized Death Arms, Backdraft, and Kamui Woods. The latter two heroes engaging in rescue operations.

And bounding towards them, if the rumbling from the huge, crashing footsteps meant anything, was Mt. Lady.

"Mt. Lady, she's here!"

The gigantic hero stopped in her tracks.

"I can't get through! I need at least two lanes free!"

sh*t! Who the hell's the cause for all this!?

Izuku kept pushing his way forward until he finally reached the front, laying eyes on-


The sludge villain from earlier? But how? Didn't All Might-?

A flash of his midair struggle with All Might hit the boy like a truck.

For the briefest of moments, in his peripheral, he'd seen something fly right past his face.

All Might had put the bottles that the villain was in in his pockets.

Did he have those when he left?

He thought back to when he saw the man leaving the rooftop that they had landed and talked on. He didn't remember seeing those bottles at all.


Because they weren't there.

So that meant…

I did this. This is my fault…

If he hadn't grabbed onto All Might, they wouldn't have tussled and the villain wouldn't have fallen and gotten loose.

"You Midoriyas alwayshavehad a pension for mucking things up."

I'm the reason why someone was taken hostage.

"This is what happens when you don't follow the rules."




He looked forward when he heard another explosion, followed by a yell.

He knew that voice. He had heard it not even an hour before then.

He looked forward and saw ashen blonde hair and, looking closer, pleading bright red eyes.

There was no mistake, the hostage was-

His body was moving before his brain had the chance to catch up.

"The hell are you doin'!? Get back here!"

Death Arms tried to reach out to the boy who had run in but was swiftly evaded.

Alright, Izuku, think! The bastard's not too fast- duck!


He slid under a slimy tendril, before springing up getting back on the move.

If he's slimy like that, body shots won't work. I'll have to find a point that'll actually hurt him. Like… his eyes! And his teeth!

If he caught him unaware and moved in quick, he could effectively blindside the villain.

After that, he would just have to pull Kacchan and leave the rest to the pros.

He only had one shot.

If he screwed up, he died.

So I'll hafta give this everything I've got. Let's f*ckin' go!

[!]Scrapper Style Heat Move: Essence of Blindside: Kiwami

Still in motion, Izuku pulled his bat from where it hung on his backpack.

"Oi, Pervert!"


The villain recoiled violently as the wide end of a bat found itself lodge into one of his eyes.

"You little sh*t, I'm gonna kill y-AGH!"


The malfeasant howled in pain as Izuku jumped and delivered a hard jab to one of his front teeth, breaking it.

Not wasting a second after he hit the ground, the greenette reached for where the captured boy protruded, grabbed a handful of gakuran with both hands, andyanked.


Bakugo greedily sucked in air as he was partly freed from his living imprisonment, before glaring at the one who did so.

"The hell are you doin' here!?"

"Stopping you from getting molested by a sewer monster pervert, now shut up and struggle some more so we can get out!"

"I don't need your help, I've got it under control, Deku! Get outta here before you get yourself killed!"

"Now you say that, but the fact that this disgusting bastard was just in your mouth a few seconds ago leads me to believe that you're not telling me the whole truth."

"Just shut up and go!"


"Why are you going so far for me right now!?"

"Because you looked like you needed help, you asshole! And that's what a hero does!"

"The hell're yo-?"


A huge mass of sludge approached from above, Izuku knew he wouldn't be able to dodge it in time.

I guess this is game over. I'm sorry mom, dad, Jiji, Kiryu-san… This is the end for me.

I just wish I could have saved even one person.

He closed his eyes and awaited impact.


"I really am pathetic."


Izuku opened his eyes, only to bear witness to an empowered All Might, taking the full brunt of the attack from the enraged villain, some of the slime wrapped around his broad arm as he shielded the two boys.

"Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!"

The hero wrenched his arm free and co*cked it back.

Izuku could see blood spraying frond the blond pro's mouth as spoke next.

"Pros are always risking their lives!"

Izuku could feel something wrap around the hand that he was holding onto Bakugo with.

The sludge villain, though he had already been beaten by the man before him, raised one more large mass of sludge and began to bring it down in an attempt to crush the below him/



With a downward punch, All Might struck the villain, blasting him apart once more while Izuku felt himself being blown back by the shock wave created by the impact.

In All Might's grip, he felt like a flag being tossed about in a raging tempest.

So this is power…

When everything had calmed down and Izuku was put back down onto the ground, he felt something wet hit his face.

He reached up and wiped it off, before feeling another.

And another.

And even more, soon after that.

Looking up, he saw the cause.

It was raining.

All Might had changed the weather with one punch.

Yeah... this is power.

"What were you thinking!? You could have been killed!"

Izuku was being yelled at.

This was to be expected after the stunt he had just pulled.

And it made sense that it was Death Arms who would be doing it.


The man had already told the ponytailed student about how dangerous it was to interfere in pro hero work.

Multiple times, in fact.

Though, while Izuku believed that the man was justified and well within his rights to criticize him all those other times, something rubbed him the wrong way for this particular incident.

He didn't expect or even really want praise, but hearing pro heroes off to the side praising Bakugo for being brave and offering him internships at their agencies, just… irked him slightly.

And so, while he was being scolded, he got up and just walked away, grabbing his bat from where it had fallen as he did.

"Wha-? Hey! Get back here!"

Izuku just kept walking, he didn't feel like heading to the batting cages or Old Man Hoshizora's shop.

He needed to go somewhere to clear his head, and he knew just the place to do so.

He could smell it before he saw it.

What used to be an unbearable stench was now replaced by a relaxing ocean mist.

He rounded the corner, and there he was.

The Junkbeach.

Or, as would be more appropriate to call it in its current state, Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

Izuku had finished cleaning the place a year earlier.

It was a great accomplishment for him, one that even made it into the newspaper.

When he had come around just a week before third year began, he saw that the place was buzzing.

Couples and families all coming together to enjoy the water and the sand under their feet.

All of them completely unaware that he was the one who had made that possible.

Even if didn't get any credit for it, it made him happy.

That's what being a hero is all about.

He sat down and looked at the waves.

No one was there. It was just him.

Just the sound of crashing waves and gulls along the pier.

I need to apologize to All Might when I get the chance.

He would've done so earlier, but before he could even say a word, All Might was swarmed by reporters, while he and Bakugo were pulled to the side by the other pro heroes.

It was a pretty late thought, but Izuku regretted not asking for the man's autograph.

If I see him again and he doesn't hate me for ruining his day and making him do extra work, I'll-

"Young man!"


Izuku jumped several into the air as he was startled.

Running up behind him like a man possessed was All Might.

"Okay, I guess All Might is here!"

"I'm glad I caught you."

"All Might, are you sure you should still be in that form? What about your time limit?"

"Not even a worry. After what just happened, I feel GRE-ACK!"

"Holy sh*t, that's a lotta blood! That can't be healthy."

All Might waved a hand flippantly.

"It's fine, young man. You wouldn't happen to have any more of those pocket tissues, would you?"

"Y-yeah, here ya go."

"Thanks. Now, I have something to say to you."

And here it comes…

"All Might, I-"

"I'm sorry, young man."


"I told you earlier that you couldn't be a hero without power. That pros are always risking their lives. And then, not even an hour later, there you were. Putting your life on the line to save someone else's, while I stood there feeling powerless and sorry for myself. And for that, I'd like to say I'm sorry."

All Might…

"Not only that, but I'd like to make a correction and to ask a question."


The shrunken hero grinned.

"Alright, then first my question. What is your name?"

My name?

Izuku was confused.

Why would All Might need to ask his name? Didn't he…?

And then it occurred to him, he had never introduced himself to the hero.

He almost smacked himself.

"Izuku Midoriya. Sorry for not telling you earlier."

"Midoriya... The name almost sounds familiar…"

The depowered pro shook his head, there was still something he had to say.

"Anyway, Young Midoriya. The correction I'd like to make is my mistake from earlier."

"It's not bad to dream. But you still have to consider what's realistic, young man."

"I could see in the way that you moved that you weren't thinking when you ran at that villain. You know, top heroes have stories about them from their school days. Their stories usually have one thing in common: Their bodies moved before they even had a chance to think."

"NO!" He ran at the man, as quick he possibly could while his legs were still wobbly-


There was no mistake, the hostage was-

His body was moving before his brain had the chance to catch up.

"That was true for you, too, wasn't it?"

Izuku couldn't trust himself to speak, he was almost stunned. Though he still had the presence of mind to nod.

"I'm not hero material, kid. But looking at you, I think I've found someone who might be."


"You're Izuku Midoriya. Little Hero of Musutafu, future number one hero of the world, and... my friend."


"You're Izuku Midoriya. Goro Majima's nephew, and soon-to-be the world's first quirkless hero."

Uncle Kaz.

"Izuku Midoriya-chan, you've got my word and support as my nephew and my number one hero!"


He could feel himself tear up slightly.

In another time, in another life he might have burst into tears, wracked by sobs, but as he was at the moment, he could only blink the tears in his eyes away and look back at All Might.

"Izuku Midoriya, I believe... that youcanbecome a hero."

And Izuku could feel the widest smile spread across his face.

"Thank you, All Might."

"And so…"

Wait, there's more?

The man pointed at Izuku.

"I say you are worthy to inherit my power."

One blink and a quiet stare.


Pretty standard stuff, but it's necessary.

Chapter 28: Succession

Chapter Text

Izuku Midoriya's reality was breaking.

He'd seen and heard a lot of strange things in his fourteen years of life, but even then, in a world of superpowers with loose butclearly establishedrules, what he was hearing from the strange skeletal man in front of him just shat completely on his worldview.

"One person cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on. It is the crystallization of power that spins together with the voices of those who need help with a courageous heart."

"But… that literally breaks the rule of Quirk Inheritance, Quirk development- sh*t, Quirk Theory in general. Why would you wanna give somethin' so great to a punk like me?"

"... I've been searching for a successor. One with the wish to do good and the heart to follow through. After seeing you today, I've decided thatyouare that person."

The depowered hero put his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Izuku Midoriya, you're a strange young man with a foul mouth and a lofty dream, but at that moment that you ran in to save your friend, you were more heroic than anyone on that scene. You are a hero worthy of this power!"


All Might removed his hand and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Well, if that's what you want, of course."

"All Might…"

The number one hero's words ran through his mind over and over.

"I… I would be glad to inherit your power."

"Really, that's great! Let's-"

"But you'd be better off finding another successor."


"All Might, I want you to look around right now. What do you see?"

"A beach."

The boy smiled.

"Yeah, a beach. Now tell me, do you remember what used to be here?"

"...A beach, no?"

"Well yes, but also no. A little over a decade or so ago, people decided to start throwing trash and scrap and a right mix of other assorted sh*t into the water, and because of the currents, it all washed up on this part of the coast. This place was more like a junkyard on top of sand than it was a beach."

He chuckled a bit.

"A veritable Junkbeach."

All Might didn't seem to get the joke, so Izuku cleared his throat and continued.

"Anyway, about nine or ten years ago, a strange man with an eyepatch brought a confused four-year-old here and ranted and raved about how it's a man's 'civic duty' to separate his trash, and when a man's slackin' in those duties, it's up to a hero either punish him or pick up the slack for him. He then subjected that four years old to about a decade of hellish training, where he'd pick up varying sizes of trash, be chased around by the eyepatched man as he'd scream relentlessly, and be forced to learn how to dance, both on and off roller skates."

"Alright, now dance!"

"... I'm sorry?"

"I said… DANCE!"

"It wasn't all bad, of course. As time went on, the beach started clearing up bit-by-bit. Eventually, that kid ended up meeting some friends. The first being an old dragon."

"Um… kid?"


"The kid screamed when they first met, but they ended up becoming friends, practically family."

"Thank you, Uncle Kaz. Thank you."

"A couple years later, the kid found a very strange man digging through one of the trash heaps."

"Um… Mister? What are you doing?"


"Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

"Why I'm just fine, young men. Now would you three oddly in-sync triplets mind going and grabbing my daughter? She should be deeper into one of the further heaps."


"There she is."

"He had his daughter with him and she was just as strange as him. She and the kid became good friends."

"Well, if you wanna be a hero, you're gonna need some support items. Don't worry, my babies can help with that!"


"Fast forward about seven years and the kid finds some of the people who were throwing trash into the water, trash that ended up washing up here. He politely asked them to stop."

"I better not catch you doing this again, or you'll get more than broken noses."

"Yes, sir! Please just stop!"

"And if I find more garbage washed up on that damn beach… IT'S YOUR ASS!"


"After that, clean-up here on this beach sped up exponentially. Likely because those same people began to watch out for other people attempting to litter and stopped them whenever they could."

The young man smiled fondly.

"And about a year ago, that same kid decided to come back after finishing up the clean-up and he saw a beautiful sight."

The boy's smile widened.

"Families splashing in the water, a couple sharing an ice cone, little 'heroes' with beach towels for capes picking up the occasion can or wrapper. It was strange. For over a decade, it was a deserted trashy wasteland where you couldn't even see the sea past the heaps of garbage. But then, at that moment, the place was finally what the sign called it. The Takoba Municipal Beach Park."

"Young Midoriya… are you trying to tell me…?'

"That the kid who restored this place is standing right in front of you? Heh, guess I am."

The smug mirth in the boy's tone was so subtle, it looped right back around to being in your face.

"And that's why, All Might, I think you'd be better off finding a different successor."

"..." The boy's tone grew serious and so too had All Might's expression as he listened intently.

"I've got eleven months until the U.A. Entrance Exam. I'm quirkless and I can't do half the things you can, but the Entrance Exam is where I plan to show the pro heroes just what kind of hero Izuku Midoriya is. And when I ace it, I plan to show the world the same thing. Like I said, I'm honored that you would considermeof all people to be your successor, but I can't lie and tell you that I'm not curious to see just how far I can take this."

Izuku clenched his fist.

"With all these people at my back, supporting me, I wanna support them too. Keep my head held high, and show them that I can make it all the way to the finish line. I've been entrusted with all the hopes of everyone who cares about me, and I don't wanna break that trust. This is the path that I'm walking, and I won't change that."

Izuku looked All Might in the eye.

"That said, All Might, I'm not the best choice of a successor, I know that for a fact. But if you somehow can't find a candidate better than me by next year, I'll gladly take on the torch and tell the world thatIam here."

A beat of silence.

And then another.

And another, as All Might looked back at the boy who had rejected his offer.

The silence went on for so long Izuku was slightly worried that he'd offended the man.

And then...




"A-All Might?"


The pro hero burst out laughing.

Huge guffaws echoed across the empty beach, all coming from the hunched over blonde, while a baffled Izuku watched on.

Am I missing something?

The laughing went on for a while longer, while Izuku's confusion only continued to grow.

"Um… All Might?"

"I-I'm sorry, Young Midoriya, you just… said something so hilarious at the end there."

"Something… funny?"

Confused still, the greenette watched the laughing man compose himself and stand back up again, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Whew! That was a good laugh. Oh, my stomach would hurt if I still had one."

"Yeah… that's nice, glad I could say something... funny? What was that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Young Midoriya. After all you've said and done, did you really think that I'd decide you weren't worthy?"

"Um, yeah…?"


"Ow! Why'd you hit me?"

"You hit idiots. It's how they learn. It's what my predecessor taught me and what I'm teachingmysuccessor."

"Whoever said that just wanted to hit people!" Then the tail end of what the skeletal man said to him registered. "Successor?"

"That's right. Successor. It's what you are now."


"No buts, I'm set on it."

"I gave you a year to pick someone else."

"I don't want anyone else, I want you."

"That sounds awful out of context."

"Good thing wehavecontext, then."

"You're really set on this?"

"Absolutely. I won't force this power on you, especially since there are things that you want to do on your own, but there's no one else that I want to give this to."

The freckled teen sighed, "Fine, All Might, but you can still back out if you find someone better."

The bony man grinned again, "Fat chance, young man, fat chance. Oh, and it's Yagi."


"My name when I'm this form. It's Toshinori Yagi. Since we're gonna be spending a lot of time together for the next year or so, it's best that you remember it."

Toshinori Yagi… Okay, I've got it.

Izuku closed his eyes and gave his new mentor a big, toothy smile.

"Alright... Yagi-sensei."

A short chapter to help transition into the next phase before I take a short, maybe week-long break.

I hope you enjoyed. If you did, tell me why in a comment. If you didn't, tell me why in a comment.

See you all next chapter.

Chapter 29: Interlude: Buddy

Chapter Text

Takoba Municipal Beach Park- July 16, 200X

Izuku was bored.

After celebrating his seventh birthday the day before, Izuku had figured that he should get back to working at the Junkbeach.

Every time he left them alone for too long, he felt like the mountains of scrap and trash only grew to loom larger and more imposing.

He'd clear a pile of sheet metal and come back to find a pile of CRTs and retro PC parts.

It was annoying, to say the least.

He waved at Nishida as the man brought in the dump truck for the day.

After his uncle had started using some of the Majima Kensetsu members to help train him, Izuku had gotten pretty close to the crew, they all seemed to share this strange bond after being subjected to the strange force of nature that was Goro Majima.

After setting down his bento near the truck, Izuku set out amongst the junky wasteland to get to work.

An Hour Later…

I hate coming in this deep.

A lot of the smellier trash was located at the heart of the Junkbeach, likely because it had been sitting there the longest while the garbage around it grew thicker.

It's almost like trash royalty.

He wished that he could just go back home and play video games, and truthfully he could've, nobody would've stopped him from just calling it quits and leaving that day.

But he didn't. Heroes didn't leave a job half-finished, and if he wanted to be the world's greatest hero, he'd have to give it 110%.

All Might wouldn't give up, neither would Jiji or Kiryu-san, so I won't either!

With puffed cheeks and a fist that he thrusted towards the sky, he let out a cry towards the heavens, "You hear that, World!? I'll be the greatest hero there ever was! And I'll start showing that by cleaning up this beach!"

"Right on, little man! You've got my support!"

"Thank you, random gu-" Wait, what?

Izuku turned his head to the side, and took note of a peculiar sight.

A man with dark hair and a heavy-looking pair of goggles, they seemed almost steampunkish in design, and clad in coveralls stood hunched above one of the larger heaps of scrap, pulling at something.

He… probably shouldn't be up there.

He called out to the man, "Um, excuse me! What are you doing?"

He was ignored, so he tried catching the man's attention once again, in hopes of getting him down before someone got hurt.

"Excuse me, sir. You should probably get do-"

"Just a little bit more… and… THERE!"

With one hard yank, the man pulled a… gramophone out of the heap.

Hand on his hip and toothy grin plastered across his face, the man raised the antique over his head triumphantly.

And then the heap collapsed.


The gramophone flew and landed on the sandy path, relatively unharmed.

The stranger, however, fell straight down and hit his head hard on an old TV.

The greenette ran over and knelt down next to the likely concussed man.

"Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

"Why I'm just fine, young men. Now would you three oddly in-sync triplets mind going and grabbing my daughter? She should be deeper into one of the further heaps."


"There she is."

Izuku looked over to where the sound came from.

If there's a girl there, she'll probably need help, this guy doesn't look too hurt, but I don't know if I should just leave him here.


The boy heard footsteps approaching rapidly and looked to Nishida rushing towards him.

As soon as he saw him, the decision was made.

Jumping back to his feet, he ran past Nishida, telling him to bring the man to the truck and ran off in the direction of the second crash.

When he arrived, he found the toppled pile of scrap, but no girl.

"Hey! Is there anyone here?!"

No response.


He got down and started digging through the rubbish.

"Please, if you're down there, say something!"

He pushed a rotting bookshelf off the pile and was midway through picking up an old engine block when he heard shifting off to his side.


He heard more shifting, so he abandoned the engine block and moved towards the shifting and started to move the things around there.

After moving a sheaf of sheet metal, he was greeted with the sight of a grinning disembodied head.

He stared.

It stared.

He blinked.

It said one word.


He definitely didn't scream in terror for a full minute.

Five Minutes Later…

After Izuku calmed down and dug the girl out of the garbage, he brought her back to the entrance, where Nishida stood with the girl's father.

And the father-daughter pair stood across from the greenette, the foremost individual still holding on tight to the gramophone he'd retrieved.

"Sorry for the trouble kiddo, but when we found this treasure trove, we just had to come in. And just look! This is just what I need to complete my next little darling."

At that, he began to hug the antique to his chest, rubbing his cheek against its horn.


It seemed like Izuku's life was just defined by his series of interactions with weird individuals.

"Well, either way, you two shouldn't be digging through this place by yourselves. I'm only really here because I wanted to get a jump on my hero traini-"

"You wanna be a hero?"

He was now staring into wide yellow eyes, the crosshairs in them locked onto his soul.

P-personal space?


The pink-haired girl grinned and grabbed the greenette by his shoulders.

"Well, if you wanna be a hero, you're gonna need some support items. Don't worry, my babies can help with that!"


The pinkette wrapped an arm around the greenette's shoulders and pulled him in close. She put out a hand towards the bright sun as Izuku blushed heavily.

"My inventions! Soon to be well-received all around the world! And with heroes like you using them, Mei Hatsume will be a household name, just like my dad told me!"

Confused and embarrassed as he was, Izuku couldn't help but get caught up in the girl's conviction. She was really hyper and had no sense of personal space, it seemed, but she had heart, and it seemed to be in the right place.

So with a grin, he shrugged off her arm and stood with his hands on his hips, he looked Mei Hatsume directly in the eyes.

"Well, fine. But if you're gonna be makin' inventions for Izuku Midoriya, you better bring your A-Game. Got it?"

A beat of silence.

Followed by the giggles of two seven-year-olds that echoed across the beach.


Izuku's eyes fluttered open as he heard the all too familiar sound of an explosion.

His vision was filled with an all too familiar 'Ora Ora Ora'.

Lightly jerking his head to the side caused the manga he was reading to hit the floor with a satisfyingslap!

Sitting up on the couch, he arched his back and stretched, relishing in the sound of his joints popping.

Must've fallen asleep. But she'll be coming up pretty soon.

Hatsume Family Residence-April 18th, 201X

He had been waiting for about an hour, it wasn't quite a stretch for him to believe that he'd drifted off at some point while he laid back and readJump.

At least they gave me my own key, I'd really rather not be stuck outside today.

He'd received an awful thrashing during his spar Yagi-sensei that day (Despite being so skinny in his true form, the man still packed a wallop).

It was just a good thing that the hero didn't mind if he took off a little early during their training session for the day. Even if it had only been two weeks since their mentor-student relationship had started, they'd both understood the need for accommodation on both sides.

And he absolutely needed to make time for that day.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of heavy boots tramping up the stairs.

The smell of smoke and oil getting ever so closer.

Izuku got up and got into position next to the door.





"Happy Birthday, MeiMei!"

The ash-covered pinkette blinked.

"Huh, Izu? When'd you get here?"

"'Bout an hour ago, not important. Come over here for a sec."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and her to the living room, where a small chocolate cake sat on the table.

Izuku knew that even though it was her birthday, Mei would likely spend most of it cooped inside the workshop.

She'd done it before, much to her friend's chagrin, but he wouldn't let her do it that year.

There was only one thing that could stop Mei Hatsume from going back down to that workshop to tinker with her 'babies'.


Ten Minutes Later…

That's almost impressive.

Izuku might've only sprung for a small cake, but to see his friend put it all away by herself was like watching a mini calamity as it wreaked havoc upon a tiny moussey island.

Where does it all go? Is she even chewing?

It hardly even seemed like the dessert was being eaten, more like sucked up into the cold, uncaring vacuum named Mei Hatsume.

Shaking his head and ignoring the possibility of his friend being an unnamed eldritch horror, Izuku decided to make conversation.

"So what exploded this time?"

"Baby 12032."

"Huh. Still haven't gotten that one down?"

"Yeah, it's been oddly finicky."

"Isn't it a toaster?"

"Awireless, flyingtoaster."


The girl continued to demolish the cake.

Okay, well, now's as a good time as any.

"Hey, Mei."

"Sup, Izu?"

"Remember when we met?"

"You mean when you screamed like a girl?"

"Yeah, then. But remember what happened after that? What you said?"

"Well, if you wanna be a hero, you're gonna need some support items. Don't worry, my babies can help with that!"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Well, ya know how we're starting at U.A. next year and my quirk would work best with support, and that I still need to design a costume?"


She grinned and leaned forward.

"You're really gonna make me say it?"

She nodded slowly.

Izuku sighed.

Here goes.

"Mei… will you make... babies... with me?"

Within seconds, his vision was dominated by yellow, and black crosshairs aimed directly at his soul.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Hope you enjoyed this short baby right here.

The next chapter will be up soon.

Also, I want to thank everyone who's read this far. I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate the fact that you folks take time to read this.

Chapter 30: Hero About Town (Part 1)

Chapter Text

Takoba Municipal Beach Park-December 24th, 201X

“It seems you’ve had quite an eventful year, Young Midoriya.”

Izuku dodged a quick strike aimed at his cheek, quickly closing the distance and sending two fingers towards his opponent’s eyes.

He was evaded and kneed in the side.


His opponent turned so that the boy was behind him, grabbed his arm and a handful of his jacket, his faithful green stajun, and executed a perfect shoulder toss.


For most, the technique would send them sprawling across the sand. Most people weren’t Izuku Midoriya.

After being thrown, Izuku righted himself in mid-air to land on his feet. He slid back and took up his fighting stance... before promptly plopping down onto his behind, his legs shaky and weak after a whole hour of continuous sparring.

“Yeah, what can I say? I’m an eventful guy.”

“That makes no sense.”

You make no sense.”

“Very mature.”

“I’m a child. What’s your excuse?”

“I’m rather mature, thank you very much.”

“Ok, Mr. ‘I use my own voice for my ringtone, but I’m totally not a narcissist, I swear, Young Midoriya!’”

“Will you let that go? That was months ago!”

“Hmph! Not on your life, sensei.”

Toshinori sighed and plopped down next to his pupil. They’d been at it for long enough.

He was starting to feel tired too, especially since he had already used up his three hours of “All Might Time”.

Villainy only seemed to increase around the holidays, reaching its peak on Christmas Eve, and as All Might, mixed up in interviews and holiday specials, he had to work at 200% just to keep up with the hullabaloo, he hardly had enough time to eat his bento that day.

Even so, his final training session of the year was something he was looking forward to.

The young man he had been training was already gifted when they began in April, and he’d only improved by leaps and bounds since then.

Izuku was no genius, but he was impressive by his own merits.

Speed, reflexes, cunning tactics( even if some of them bordered on brutal and vicious on occasion), a heroic spirit, and a kind heart.

He was a full package.

An amazing one-of-a-kind marvel mold, to be shaped into something amazing.

One that Toshinori had almost let pass him by.

He chose to rectify that by putting 1000% into mentoring the boy… and maybe trying to convince him to take One-For-All just a bit earlier.

It never worked, but it was always worth a shot.

That aside, “So, why don’t you tell me all about what happened this year? I’m interested after hearing a few things at the station. Most specifically something having to do with a baby, a kidnapping ring, and a… chicken cult?”

“Ah, well that’s a pretty long story. But I guess I should start off by saying that I was minding my own business that day...”

The depowered hero snorted.

“I really was! Anyway, I was minding my own business on a normal day in Kamurocho…”

Kamurocho, Tokyo- May 1st

Izuku Midoriya walked through the Champion District in Kamurocho.

He hadn’t been there before and he hadn’t planned on going any time in the future, but he had work to do.

Being Shun Akiyama’s part-time gofer took the greenette all around Kamurocho, whether it be to the luxurious Kamurocho Hills to check in on an old client or to the old Pocket Race Stadium to “have fun like a kid should”, where he was needed he went.

It was the first day of the month, Collections Day.

Even though Akiyama said that he could take the week off for Golden Week, Izuku didn’t feel like taking a break. Yagi-sensei was busy appearing as All Might for all of the holidays that week and that didn’t leave too much time in his schedule.

They would continue the week after and All Might would continue teaching Izuku what exactly inheriting his quirk would entail, but even still, Izuku wanted to keep busy until then.

And keeping busy that day meant going to a bar called “Earth Angel” and helping the mama there, while Akiyama went around on collections.

Easy work. He’d helped at Akiyama’s club, Elise, before and that was hectic, so a small bar in the middle of the day would be a pretty simple gig.

One issue, though.

Izuku was lost.

Would be great if this place wasn’t a maze.

He’d gotten turned around three different times, running into a puking daytime drinker, a smoking and stressed salaryman, and a jogging old lady, who gave him some candies and sent him on his way.

Shellac, Drama Queen… Ah! Earth Angel, finally.

Knock! Knock!

A light, yet husky voice called from inside, “We’re closed.”

“I’m here from Sky Finance. Akiyama-san sent me to help out.”

“Oh! Come in then, the door’s unlocked.” The door creaked slightly as he opened it. “Akiyama-san said you’d be-”


The okama behind the bar stopped what she said completely, as she dropped the glass she was cleaning and stared at Izuku.

“U-um, Miss?”

She stepped around the counter and stared intently at the ponytailed boy.

“Inko… chan?”


“Wh-what? How do you know my mom?”

“Your… mom?” The okama mama’s eyes widened before they welled up with tears.

She smiled a big watery smile and said, to herself more than anything, “She’s okay, oh thank god, she’s okay.”

“Um, excuse me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, young man” She blinked her tears away, but the smile stayed right where it was, “It’s just, I used to know your mother and I’ve been worried… oh, please come in, have a seat, let’s talk.”

Around half an hour later…

“So little Inko’s a professor now?”


“Huh, who would’ve thought that filching that book on philosophy would do so much for her? And to think that she’s been less than an hour away from here too.”

Yeah, it’s almost like some hack author for a story decided to cut out an entire series of interactions that should have occurred four years ago, because he wanted to rush into the next arc.

Earth Angel’s Mama, Ako as she told Izuku to call her, had composed herself after a few more minutes of sputtering and staring at Izuku in disbelief.

After she shot off a quick text, she put Izuku to work, having him carry crates from the back, mop the floor, and wash dishes, all the while grilling him on what his mother had been up to for the past 30 years since she had seen her.

Or at least as much he could tell her, seeing as he was only 14 himself.

“Just take that last crate to the back and I’ll let you off for today, honey.”



“You really need to grease these hinges, Ako.”

“I’ll get around to it.”

“You said that the last time I was here and that was two weeks ago.”

“Well if it means so much to you, why don’t you grease them, Yuya?”

Yuya? Why does that sound familiar?

“Because that’s what you want me to do, and I refuse to enable you. Anyway, what was so important that I needed to rush here on my… day… off…?”

The black-haired man's words slowed and then stopped completely as he took note of the green-haired teen who had just walked in from the back room.

“Uh… yo?”


“Not exactly.”

Twenty Minutes Later…

“And now here I am, talking to you.”

“That’s… a lot.”

“You’re tellin’ me.”

“To think you two were here five years ago at the heart of that mess at the Millenium Tower, no less.”

“Yeah, and to think that you knew Uncle Kaz and Haruka, too. Really is a small world we live in.”

“Ain’t that the truth?”

A brief period of silence loomed over the bar’s three occupants.

It was only accompanied by the sound of Ako sweeping the floor.

Izuku was starting to feel a bit awkward and so he got ready to make conversation.

“So… you like ja-?”

Sunao ni I LOVE YOU! Todokeyou?

Kitto YOU LOVE ME! Tsutawaru sa?

Kimi ni niau GLASS no kutsu wo sagas-

Oh, thank god.

Upon hearing his ringtone, Izuku shoved his hand into his pocket and pressed the answer button on the screen, shooting a sheepish look towards Yuya and Ako, and was ushered to the backroom by the woman in the bar.

He didn’t even need to see the caller ID to know who it was, there was only one man who could’ve had such perfect timing.

“Yo. What’s up, chief?”

Izuku was leaving the Champion District.

Akiyama had told him that if he was finished with whatever Ako had him doing, he should head back to the office for lunch, oh, and to pick up some Kalbi Deluxe Bentos from Kanrai for lunch.

On the moneylender’s dime, of course.

He always loved getting lunch in Kamurocho, especially when someone else was paying for it.

Too bad I’m f*cking LOST AGAIN!

He had gotten turned around once more in the maze of iniquity.

He usually wasn’t so bad at navigating, but everything in the Champion’s District looked the same to him.

Maybe I should ask Ako-san or Yuya-san to show me the way out. Well, I’d have to see if I can find the bar agai-

Wahhh ! Wahhh !

The grenette was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of a shrill cry coming from… somewhere.

His ponytail whipped around as he searched his surroundings for the source of the sound before his gaze landed on a pair of buildings just to his left.

He’d heard the sound before, he heard it a lot when he had stayed in Okinawa for a few days several years ago.

He walked up to a narrow nook between the two buildings, the bottom of which was covered by cardboard, newspaper bundles, and other trash, and kneeled down.

There’s no way… right?

He peeled away the final layer and was greeted with the sight of a wriggling infant, swathed in blankets.

Nani ?”

He reached in and grabbed the bundled child, which ceased its cries in favor of staring at the newcomer, and stared dumbfounded.

Someone actually left a baby here.

He lightly prodded the part of the blanket where the baby’s stomach should be and recoiled slightly when the tiny bundle giggled and squirmed, before beginning to gurgle and reach for the teen’s hair.

As the tiny tot pulled on his ponytail(which had, at some point, ended up resting on his shoulder) Izuku muttered.

“Honestly, who would drop a kid here? I mean, it coulda been worse. I’ve heard about ‘coin-locker babies’ and that sucks, but a ‘bar-nook baby’ doesn’t sound all that much better...”

He felt a sharp tug pull his head down and to the side.


His attention was suddenly pulled down towards the little bundle of joy in his arms.

“Right, I should probably see if I can get you to a police sta-”

“Munancho, young man!”

Izuku jumped almost five feet in the air, “AHH!”

He whipped around to see two strange men in white robes staring and smiling at him.

Substories 4

A Cult Classic

Wahhhh! Wahhhh!”

“Ah, crap. Sorry, little guy. Shhhhhh. Shhhhh. It’s okay. It’s okay. Here ya go.” He rocked the crying baby and rubbed soothing circles into its back( a little trick he had learned when watching over Haruto), eventually calming it down enough to be able to look back at the strange, still smiling, men.

The hell did that guy just say to me?

“Um, ‘Moon Nacho’ to you too.” One of the men twitched, “Can I help you?”

One of the men, the taller of the two, stepped forward, “Why yes, young man, you can.”

His smile grew even wider, and Izuku’s stomach churned slightly.

“You see, we belong to the Order of Munan Chohept Onast. And we have- ”

Sounds familiar. Don’t remember why, though.

“-and so, we would ask that you hand us that child in your arms, so that we may be on our way.”

Izuku blinked.


“The child. We would like you to hand it to us so that we may return it to its mother.”

They wanted him to hand over the kid?

His stomach began to churn again. Something deep in his heart of hearts was screaming at him to not do that.

Izuku shifted the child, who had started to drift off to sleep, into a position that allowed him to snuggle it to his chest with one arm while he slid his off hand into his pocket, pinching a small pellet and rolling it about slightly before giving his response.

“Right… I’d really rather not do that.”

“Oh? And why not, might I ask?”

“Oh, well you see, I want to get this little guy to a police station so that they can handle it. If you guys wanna come along, that’d be fine. I’m sure they’d be glad to help you get the kid back to its mom.”

He noticed the tall man twitch once more, and saw his friend stiffen behind him, their smiles growing a bit tighter.

It was subtle. If you weren’t looking for it, it didn’t happen.

But for Izuku, who at this point had closed his left eye and focused subtly on both men with his right, they might as well have been stomping their feet and blowing steam out of their ears.

The taller man started, “Young man, I assure you-”

“Yeah, I’m gonna stop ya right there. Ya see, you can assure all ya want. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m bringin’ this kid to the cops.” He pulled his hand from his pocket, putting his pinkie in his ear and picking at imaginary wax. “Like I said, you can come with if ya want. If yer tellin’ the truth, I’m sure the kind folks on the force’d be much obliged to have you give ‘em a hand in findin’ this kid’s mom.”

At this point, he’d gone full Kansai. The accent always seemed to slip out when things got as tense as they did.


He could hear the harsh scrape of teeth grinding, he pulled his finger from his ear and kept his hand held up, tilting his head to the side slightly as flashed the men a smile of his own.

“Though judgin’ by the look on yer faces, I’m willing to bet ten billion yen that the line you were gonna feed me was a crock’a sh*t. So tell me,”


“You… little -”



With a flick of his wrist, a bright flash blinded the two men right in front of Izuku, who had taken off into a sprint, child held close to his chest.

He turned the corner and saw…

The way out was right there? Dammit!

Deciding to slap himself later for getting lost and caught up in something incredibly shady, Izuku ran down the alleyway and found himself on North Senryo Street.

Back on familiar territory, he knew exactly where he needed to go, and he didn’t stop until he got there.

New Serena- Several Minutes Later

“And that’s why we’re here.”


“...So should I order you a grey suit now or later?”

“I couldn’t ask you to do that, Mariko-san. Just put it on Chief’s tab, he’s got enough to cover it.”

“Could you not talk about me like I’m not here?’

“Oh, Chief! You were so useless in the corner there that I hardly even noticed you.” “Burp!”

“Whoa! That was a big one, little guy. Guess you’re not hungry anymore, huh?”

The full and sleepy baby did not respond.

“Okay look, I’m not gonna say I’m not useless when it comes to kids, but you’ve gotta level with me here. You came tearing in like a bat outta hell. You can’t just chest pass a baby at me and then expect to just go along with it. That’s a lot of responsibility.”

“I just told you to hold him while I went to grab some diapers…”

“You barreled into the office, shoved him into my hands saying, ‘Here, hold this!’, and then ran off quicker than you came in. I hardly even had enough time to realize I was holding a screaming infant before Mariko-san came up to see what the commotion was.”

“... So anyways-”

“You’re really just gonna ignore the fact that you’re in the wrong?”

“Those guys, the Order of Munan Chotast, they sound familiar to either of you?”

Akiyama sighed, “If I remember correctly, the Order of Munan Chohept Onast , was a cult back in the 80s in Osaka. They’ve been moving around for years since, but apparently, the police busted a huge sect in Onomichi a few years back.”

“Oh yeah, that’s why the name sounded so familiar. It was all over the news around then. What was that headline again? Um… Oh! ‘ Cruel Cult Cons Senior Citizens!’

“Yeah, but I guess they missed a few if they’re cropping up around here. Wonder what they could want with that kid though…”

Izuku looked down at the baby that was fighting off sleep in his arms.

“Yeah, they were pretty insistent. I get the feeling that if I hadn’t used that Flash Seed that Mei gave me, things woulda gotten physical. I would’ve won if it did, of course, but I’d rather not get into a scrap with this little guy in my arms. Regardless, I wanna know just what they had planned for him. And what they did with his mom. Thought he mighta just been abandoned, but after seein’ those two freaks, I’m almost certain it’s a lot deeper than that.”

The moneylender hummed.

“Well, I guess what we need now is information. And in Kamurocho, there’s one place where you can get just about all the information you need.”

Izuku was confused for a moment before he understood where his boss was taking this line of thought.

“You don’t mean…”

Akiyama nodded and grinned, “That’s right. We’ve gotta pay a visit to the Florist of Sai.”

Baby Number 12473: Flash Pellet- A marble-sized gadget that emits a loud crack and a bright flash when it hits a surface with enough force.

Chapter 31: Hero About Town (Part 2)

Chapter Text

Purgatory- May 1st- Afternoon

"Holy sh*t. This place is Heaven!"

"Purgatory, actually."

Ignoring his boss's lame joke, Izuku took in everything that Purgatory had to offer with a gleam in his eye.

Unlike the modern urban glitz of the city up above, Purgatory's luster seemed like a love letter to the pleasure districts of yore.

Paper lanterns lined the ceiling, cool colors of Heliotrope and Ultramarine pulsing and fading and giving the impression of a smoky night sky.

Beautiful women cooed and beckoned from the buildings to the side of the long, branching bridge.

Izuku's grin grew dopey as he recalled a few kimono shoots from the shrink-wrapped treasure he'd been given so long ago, and his eyes began to glaze over as he began subbing out some of the women from the photos and replacing them with the women in his immediate vicinity, not once losing pace with his employer.



"Ow! Why, Chief?!"

"You're drooling and we need to focus."

"You coulda just said somethin'."

"Like what, 'Red Rocket'?"

"Or maybe just a 'Hey, we're here.'"

"Hey, we're here."

"Yeah, like tha-"


To his credit, Izuku had only one thing to say after quite painfully crashing into the large ornate doors leading to The Florist's office.

"Oh hey, wearehere."

"That's odd, I would've thought that a place like that would've been shut down by now."

"Purgatory's kind of a historic place in Kamurocho. Trying to shut it down would be like trying to tear down Sunpu Castle in Shizuoka, at least to people in the know."

"I feel like Bleach Japan might have some words to say with you about that."

"Yeah, sure. And the minute I start giving a damn about what those self-righteous thumbsuckers have to say, feel free to have me committed."

"Whatisyour issue with them?"

"If I told you all of them, we'd be here till next Christmas. Now anyway, back to the story..."

Purgatory, Florist's Den- May 1st- Afternoon

Izuku didn't know what he was expecting from the man named the Florist.

Really, he didn't.

It was such a vague name.

Not much to glean from a word that literally just meant, 'One in the business of raising or selling flowers and ornamental plants.'

So, it's not that expectations were low, he quite simply didn't have any.

And yet, he still found himself slightly disappointed when he came face-to-face with a balding, gray haired man in a robe and slippers.

Still, he was there to ask the man for a favor, so his disappointment took an immediate backseat to his desire for information.

So he listened attentively to the exchange between the two older men, eyes flicking between them when they spoke as if he were watching a tennis rally.

"So what brings you here?"

"I'm calling in my favor."

"Ioweyoua favor?"

"That you do."

"And how do you figure that?"

"On account of Takashi-kun. Tell me, how's he doing?"

"Tch, still a cheeky bastard."

"And you're still stingy as ever. I'm willing to bet that if I didn't come here with that nifty piece of leverage on hand, you'd've thrown the kid and I into the coliseum before we could blink."


"Not my fault that it gets boring down here."

"Ever consider investing in NexFlix?"

"Hmph, just tell me what you're here for. We're square after this."

"Alright, you're up Izuku."

"Right." He turned to the information broker and walked closer to the desk that he sat behind. For all of Izuku's disappointment earlier, he was warming up to the man rather quickly after that exchange.

"I need to know if we can get footage from the Champion's District, anything to do with creeps in white robes or a woman carrying and hiding a baby. Can you find that?"

"Of course. Who the hell do you think I am?"

That's cool. I like it. I'm stealing that.

The Florist laid one hand on his desk, kept it there for a moment, and Izuku had to keep himself from jumping when the ground began to sink.

His surprise seemingly went unnoticed, likely unshared if Akiyama's lack of surprise were any indication.

Nonchalance seemed to be the name of the man's game as he spoke to the elder man.

"Still running with handprint security?"

"Of course. It's never been broke, so why would I fix it? Though I've added voice recognition, facial recognition, key phrase locking, and weight sensors just in case."

The moneylender whistled.

"Overkill much?"

"Never hurts to be prepared, especially nowadays."

"Guess you're right about that."

The Florist didn't respond, he didn't need to. The elevator had reached its destination.

"Okay, now hold on. I've been meaning ask, but whoisThe Florist, really?"

"From what I've been told, he's an ex-cop turned information broker. He used to deliver info on bouquet cards, so people took callin' him 'The Florist'. He helped out one of my uncles a lot back in the day, though I only heard about that after the fact."

"Sounds like an interesting guy."

"He is. Now do me a favor and keep quiet, or we'll never get through this damned story. We've still got two to go after this."

"Alright, alright. Go on."

"There's your 'creeps in white robes', though I'm guessing this isn't the footage you're looking for."

"Well as pretty I am, I'm definitely not a woman, so…"

"Well, it never hurts to ask nowadays. Assuming's considered pretty offensive."

"Hm, think we could go back about thirty minutes or so? The kid couldn't've been there for more'n an hour."

"You've got it."

Below The Florist's office lied a surveillance room the likes that Izuku had never seen before.

An entire wall lined with expensive-looking monitors, each of them showing a place that Izuku had seen before, along a few police scanners, and a number of digital maps of Kamurocho.

If they somehow couldn't find the baby's mother among all that footage, Izuku would've admitted that it was likely a lost cause.

Fortunately, that wasn't the case.

"Look, right there."

On one of the screens, there walked a woman with long dark hair clutching a small bundle close to her chest.

She looked around nervously before kneeling down and moving something around just out of frame.

When she stood up again, she looked behind her and began running, this time, with nothing in her arms.

The Florist stopped the footage there.

"So that's our Hanako Yamada*, huh?"

"I guess so. Any chance these things have facial recognition software?"

"Of course they do. What do you take me for, a caveman?"

"Alright, alright. What are we waiting for? Let's have it, then."

"Well, that's the problem."


"It should've kicked in by now. Whether it be on the police database or a social media site, it should've recognized her face and matched up with at leastonepicture. But that hasn't happened. So, fact of the matter is-"

Akiyama cut in, "We've got a ghost on our hands. She doesn't look Japanese, not from this distance at least. Maybe an illegal immigrant?"

Well sh*t. We've got a face with no name and likely a baby with no records. But wait-

"What happened after she went off screen?"


"Even people in Kamurocho are likely to say something if they see someone being carried off in broad daylight, and I was at Earth Angel with the Mama at that point, so I likely would've heard a gunshot or a commotion if there was one. So she must've been taken where no one could see herandwithout too much a struggle."

"That's a lot to glean from a few seconds of footage."

"I read a lot of crime manga."


It took some doing, but after looking through several different feeds and speeding them up, they finally found three figures in white robes.

Two men, one woman.

"Well look at that, Edogawa-kun. You were right."

"Well, with a keen eye for detail, one truth always prevails."

"Hm. Looks like we've got a ping. Guy on the left is Juzo Suzuki, apparently, he was picked up a couple times a few years ago for gang activity. Little league stuff, fighting and vandalism, but he's apparently been squeaky clean since then."

"Aside from kidnapping and involvement in a creepy murder cult, you mean."

"Pretty much."

"He wasn't one of the guys I saw there, the guy to his right though..."

"Keiichi Tanaka. Squeaky clean record, though apparently, someone put out a missing person's report for him in Ijincho just the other month."


No doubt about it, that's the smiley bastard from the Champion's District.

"And filtering the search for him specifically through the other cameras' feeds after his confrontation with you, his last known location is…"

Izuku blinked.

"That abandoned soapland on East Taihei?"

"Yeah. Going back a bit, you can see a lot more of those guys in white robes walking into this one building too. I'm willing to bet five million yen that that's where they've made base."

"Huh. Well, I'm not the mood to make any sucker bets, but I do have a plan."

"You do?"

"I do, Chief. And I'm gonna needyourhelp for it to go smoothly."

"Oh boy, here we go."

Some time later…

Izuku hoisted himself through a slightly open window, landing on the linoleum on the other side with a softThud!

He looked side-to-side, noting that he had landed in some kind of dimly lit storeroom, before speaking into his earpiece.

"Oi, chief. I'm in. You made contact yet?"

"Just about to. You're sure that they'll let me in if I say this gibberish?"

"Weeelll, 'sure' is a bit of a relative term."

"If this doesn't work, you're on your own."

"It'll work… probably… I think. Anyway, I'm gonna see what I can find, so it's radio silent from here on out."

"Right, I'll see if I can make my way to you if I get in. Out."

Alright… now-


Off in the distance, he people chanting something. He strained his ears, to get a better listen.

"Shooreh Pippi! Shooreh Pippi! Shooreh Pippi!"

The fu-?


He stopped that thought immediately, ducking behind a nearby stack of miscellaneous rubbish for cover.

He kept his body and breathing low, watching as another man in white robes trudged in.

The man was hardly important, if he needed to, Izuku could've taken him out with no problem.

Whatwasimportant, was the secret wall passage that he revealed.

Well, that's interesting.

He quickly pulled out his phone, shooting his boss an incredibly quick and concise text, and followed.

Okay, this is going way too smooth right now.

Indeed it was, he had tailed the man through the secret passageway and followed him all the way down to a below-ground subcomplex.

Truth be told, the boy was impressed. He never would've thought that such an unassuming building could hold such an imposing secret.

Now if only it weren't being used for creepy sh*t.

It all seemed better kept than the place outside, so it must have been a new edition.

The floors and walls were pristine and it definitelysmelledbetter than the rank-ass storeroom he had climbed into.

It was all hallways and corners with at least five doors to a wall.

He could hear people moving about and speaking in the rooms around him, but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

He had stopped shadowing the man he had followed in a while ago, but he still had no idea where to start.

So he did the most sensible thing he could think of.

Pick a door and start rummaging.

He realized that it would take him more than a few tries to find what he was looking for, but what was the worst that could happen?

With that foolish thought in mind, he reached for the nearest door handle, turned it(surprisingly, it was unlocked), and stepped into the room.

Well… sh*t.

All before coming face-to-face with several mean-looking men in black, who all blinked at the greenette's sudden appearance.

And four parties stood staring at each other for a minute.

Realizing that his cover was likely blown and he was probably stuck in enemy territory with back-up, he used his wits to come up with a cunning plan.

Raising his hand and wiggling his fingers, he said, "Munaaaaaancho~" and pulled the door shut.

3, 2, 1…


Well, it was a good plan in theory.

Now the next chapter will be the end of this substory and then we'll finally get to the next two, which are much shorter, I swear.

Thank you all for being so patient with me, I appreciate you all.

*Hanako Yamada- Japanese equivalent of Jane Doe.

Chapter 32: Hero About Town (Part 3)

Chapter Text

Creepy Cult Weirdos

The door that he had just closed bursted open, slamming against the wall to its side with a harshBANG!

And from it, piled out the three men he had just attempted to 'fool'.

Well fine, if this is how it's gonna be.

Izuku assumed a fighting stance, left arm loose, right arm crossed, knees bent, one eye already closed.

Damn, how long's it been?

Petty quirkless crime was going down in Kamurocho and Musutafu, and there was never enough room for him to fit in a fight against a villain.

It was just too damn hard to find a satisfying brawl.

Izuku licked his lips.

But I'm thinkin' that changes now.

The only people in the corridor that he was in were the three men he'd encountered, but that was sure to change, and despite the situation, he couldn't wait for it.

Even still, he had to find that woman, the brawl could wait until then.

So to his utter dismay, he'd have to finish quickly.

No guns. One in the back's got a knife in his pocket.

He could feel his body heating up, in the corner of his eye, he saw blue flame flicker.

How long has it been?

He opened his eye, feeling his skin crawl, and already knew what he was going to do.

And with four words, he filled that corridor with dread.

"Let's have some fun."

[!]Scrapper Style Heat Move: Essence of Brutal Opening

Within seconds, he was in front of the foremost man, two fingers driving forward into his eyes before he could react.

He recoiled in pain, but before he could cry out, Izuku drove his open hand into the man's neck, clenching hard and quickly stopping the sound from whence it would originate.

A quick pull of the shirt and an even quicker kick to the ankle sent him sprawling.

One down.

In an instant, Izuku was onto the next man, arms spread wide and moving in quick to clap over his opponent's ears.


Discombobulated, the man was left wide open to a swift knee to the stomach, sending him to his knees, bile rising up from his throat and hitting the otherwise sanitized floor.

A quick stomp to the back of his head was enough to stop the stomach troubles.


The third man was more prepared than his compatriots, blocking his body from the front, though he wasn't prepared for a voice to whisper, "What do we have here?" as a knife was waved in his face.

He hardly had enough time to register the hand that covered his mouth before feeling two shooting pains in his torso: one upon entry of the knife, the other upon exit.

His scream was muffled, though he wasn't hurting for too long. The fist to his temple made sure of that.

"Just missed your lung, buddy. Won't kill ya, but don't breathe too hard. Won't be good for ya."

And that's three. And nobody's coming yet, let's get these guys outta sight.

One-by-one, he dragged the three unfortunate men back into the room.

When they were all settled in a nice cozy corner, he took the time to actually scan the room.

Desk with some papers, card table with some chairs, crates over there, door on that side of the room. Where's it lead to, I wonder?

He started his investigation at the desk. At a glance, he could tell that they were shipping documents, but he couldn't read a single word of them. They weren't written in Japanese and the only foreign language hecouldread to an extent was English.

Come to think of it, that word that guy said. 'Chimipza'. That wasn't Japanese, either. I think it sounded… Korean?

He shook his head.

Think about that later, let's move on.

There was nothing of note at the card table, just some scattered playing cards and some metal folding chairs. While the Full House/Four-of-a-kind showdown he had interrupted would've beenrivetingunder different circ*mstances, he had some boxes to snoop through.

They were simple wooden shipping crates, the kind you'd see loaded into containers at the harbor.

I'm sure nobody'll mind if I take a little looksie…

He took the knife that he had acquired earlier and slid it into the space between the lid and the crate proper.

With one swift motion, the lid was up so he pushed it to the side and peered in.

The hell?

He reached into the box and pulled out a sheathed katana, one among many from what he could see.

This is a Sakura Storm. sh*t, so's that one there. And there too. The hell's going on? Are the other crates like this?

He quickly began to apply the same procedure to the next crate, cursing as the knife broke while doing so.

Not one to cry over spilled milk, he threw the handle of the now useless tool to the side and peered into the now-opened crate, affirming his suspicions.

sh*t, this definitely runs pretty deep. Way deeper than I coulda thought.

He looked at the men in black that he had piled in the corner.

Combat boots, fitted cargos, knives and vests. Seems almost like mercenary wear. Well, that's if Yakuza Sunset's at least half accurate with their depiction of pseudo-military criminal organizations. There's definitely some bad sh*t goin' on here.

Putting a pin in that thought, he turned back to the crates full of weapons and pulled out his phone.

I should take some pictures, hopefully the cops can use 'em when I get the hell outta here.

A few snapshots later, there was only one place left for him to check.

He walked over to the door he had taken note of earlier.

He jostled the handle a few times, feeling it go all the way up and all the way down with every movement of his hand.

Okay, so let's see what's behind door number two.

He pushed down the hand and inched the door open carefully, offhandedly observing its weight as 'pretty damn heavy' as he peered through the crack.

sh*t, it's dark. And is that… crying?

Indeed, from the darkness behind the door, all the boy heard was soft sobbing.

If that doesn't warrant investigation, I don't know what does.

He pulled his phone back and turned on the flashlight.

The room wasn't too big, it was about the size of a school supply closet, it was cold though.

Geez, feels like this room's in the middle of its own private winter.

He saw something shift in the corner of his eye, he whipped his light right over and what he saw made him sick to his stomach.

Curled into a ball, shaking and trying to appear as small as possible, was a figure dressed in dirty white robes.

sh*t, there's no way… right?

He switched to his gallery.

He'd taken a picture of the woman's face in the footage before he and Akiyama left Purgatory to identify her quickly if he needed to.

He approached slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements.

When he reached them, his heart sank.

The face matched perfectly, but up close and in person, she looked so much younger.

She couldn't have been any older than nineteen, and even then, that was iffy.

She had bruises on her face, they looked fresh.

She hadn't made a single sound since he had entered the room. Hadn't even looked at him.

This is messed up. Who would do this to somebody?

It hardly took any time for his mind to come up with an answer.


He wanted so badly to go right back out and kick the ass of everyone in the complex, but he couldn't exactly do that then. He had to get her out there.

"Hey, miss?"

She went stock still. There was a full beat of silence before a small voice, one he had to strain his ears to hear, spoke out.

"Zebal... narl hatchge mara… (Please.. don't hurt me…)"

Wait, that's… Korean? I see. In that case...

He cleared his throat and began

"Nanen nurl hatchge anhuelgoha.(I am not here to hurt you.)"

For the first time since he entered, the woman turned to look at him, she had a black eye.

"Nunen na yonerl gusahanda?(You speak my language?)"

A little bit, thanks to Mirei-baba.

He smiled. Nothing toothy, just a quick upturn of the lips. Enough to show that he wasn't trying to be threatening.

"Jalhazi. (Not well.)"

He noticed her eyes flicker from his eyes to his smile, it's a good thing that he had both his flashlight and screen on so that they could see each other, the light streaming from the doorway wasn't really enough.

She didn't say anything, so Izuku spoke again.

"Dangsin irmeun muotipnikka?(What is your name?)"


Izuku smiled a little wider.

"Dangxineul mannanen guti johda, Cho-Hee. Na irmeun Izuku.(It is nice to be meeting you, Cho-Hee. My name is Izuku.)"

Another beat of silence, though after this one he heard something that made him feel a little better.

Cho-Hee was giggling.

Good, she's feeling a little better. Now to get on topic.

"Cho-Hee, nanen dangsin adleul chajassspnida.(Cho-Hee, I found your son.)"

The woman tensed up immediately. Izuku had a feeling she'd be on guard, but he was willing to push on anyway.

"Gnen chinguwa hamkke. Mulri yeogieser. (He is with a friend. Away from here.)"

"...Gnen agernhapnikka?(Is he safe?)"

Izuku nodded. Cho-Hee looked down again, before looking Izuku dead in the eyes.

There was a fire in her eyes that wasn't there mere moments before.

And when she spoke again, it was with iron in her voice.

"Gege narl derioga ra.(Take me to him.)"

And from Izuku's lips spilled a vow clad in steel.

"Nanen Gutida.(I will.)"

The two left the small room behind them.

Apparently Cho-Hee had escaped the first time via a secret exit into the sewers.

It was likely guarded after her previous escape, but Izuku wasn't worried.

He planned to fightsomeoneby the time he left anyway.

"Na due mermuler ra. Ggerteun pocklioc adeul su issspnida.(Stay behind me. It might get violent.)"

Cho-Hee nodded, and as if on cue, the door to the room opened and in walked three more men in black, three men who immediately noticed the other three unconscious men in the corner and rushed over in an attempt to rouse them.

Huh, and who says you can't have your cake and eat it too?

Crack! Crack!

He popped his knuckles, drawing the trio's attention.

His skin was crawling again, the blue flame flickered to life once more.

He smiled again, it wasn't friendly this time.

He entered his stance and addressed the trio.

"Oi, assholes. I'm takin' this lady with me, and I'm not letting ya stop me. That said, I'm pretty pissed off right now, so if any of you wanna die,baro dange(step right up.)"

The trio didn't seem to understand him until his final words, but they still seemed to take what he said personally.

"Uriga nul jukilgoha!(We'll kill you!)"

Izuku's grin was vicious as he stood his ground and shouted, "That's the spirit!"


Two of them came at Izuku straight away, one lagging slightly behind the other, while the third dashed toward the still open crates.

Okay, let's have some fun.

The first to reach him, tall and slim, aimed a roundhouse kick at his head.

Izuku ducked, spun, and countered, driving his heel into his assailant's stomach, sending the man flying.

The second man, bald, slim, but not quite as tall as the airborne man, barely managed to dodge as his comrade cut through the air before hitting the wall with a harshSLAM!,leaving spiderweb cracks in the wall behind him.

The shorter attacker stopped dead in his tracks for a moment, staring back wide-eyed, as if to process what he'd just witnessed.

Izuku sneered at him and tsked, eyes firmly locked on the man's bald head.

"Jeot gateun nom.(You look like a penis.)"

That seemed to snap him out of it. Seeing as he was charging at Izuku within seconds.

"Jukeun su!(Die!)"

He lashed out at the greenette with a hammerfist which was swiftly avoided while Izuku circled around his enemy.

[!]Scrapper Style Heat Move: Essence of Breaking

The teen tapped his opponent on the shoulder, attempting to draw his attention.

He received a turn backfist for his efforts.


One which he caught with both hands. His smile held venom.

He stepped and turned, pulling his victim's arm over his shoulder as he did, and with one hard tug-


Izuku pushed the man away, listening quietly as he fell, cradling a broken arm and screaming profanities at him.

"Aghhhh!Sshi bang sae! Sshi saeg g-!"


A kick to his face was enough to stop that nonsense.

Izuku didn't have time to revel in his victory, though, as he was quickly forced to dodge to the side, lest he be bisected in a flurry of sakura petals, courtesy of the final man in the trio.


He dodged another strike.


And another. He had moved to the entrance at this point. He looked back at the doorway where Cho-Hee was and noticed that she wasn't there.

Did she head back into the room?

He dodged another slash and contained a wince as the blade barely missed his eye.

He saw the man readying another slash and was getting ready to dodge before-



Thud! Clatter!

His assailant stopped dead and fell over as the blade he was holding clattered off harmlessly to the side.

And just where the man stood, there was Cho-Hee holding a metal folding chair with a head-sized dent on the seat.

She dropped the chair, walked over to Izuku, and asked, "Neo gwaenchanh ni?(Are you okay?)"

Izuku looked down at the unconscious assailant and nodded, offering the woman the kind smile and a quick 'thanks'.

He walked over to the abandoned blade, kicking its previous wielder's head on the way, and picked up, turning the blade and inspecting it.

I always wanted to use one of these, but the Tiger & Dragon never had one in stock. It can't hurt to take just one… right?

He looked back the additions to the unconscious people in the room.

Eh, f*ck it.

And from that day, Izuku's room gained a permanent fixture in the form of aSakura Storm.

"Then after that, we ran, I kicked some more ass, we ran some more, I kicked some more ass, we made it to the sewer entrance, I kicked some more ass there, and Chief met up with us outside after kicking some major . The chicken cult's… well that's really not even part of my story there. If this were a manga, that'd be a separate omake entirely for Chief."

"Huh, okay then. And Cho-Hee? How did she end up in that situation? Not even mentioning those men in black. I never heard about them at the station."

Izuku sighed, "Yeah, Cho-Hee. Well, apparently she immigrated here from Korea when she was about sixteen. She was looking for her family and wound up in Kamurocho where her cousin had apparently been a short while ago, I think she said his name was… Yeonsu Kim or somethin' like that."

"And these men in black found her and took advantage of that, right?"

"Right. Those guys, as I found out later, were part of the now mostly defunct Japanese cell of the Jingweon Mafia. Apparently they were pretty big in Kamurocho back in the 80s before the Tojo Clan… took care of them and they went under the grid. Came back about twelve years ago and woulda started a war if the Tojo Clan wouldn't've driven 'em out again."

"I never knew. How did you find this out?"

"A friend of Chief's told me. He was pretty heavily involved in what happened back then. Him and someone else I knew."

"I see. But if they were driven out again, what were they doing back?"

"Simple. They were a rogue cell. Apparently the old Jingweon were fanatics, they wanted to accomplish their mission and avenge their comrades no matter how long it took. Unfortunately for them, too much of the new generation had found lives outside of the cycle. Though they were picking up steam again because of that damned cult."


"Anyway, they found Cho-Hee a couple years ago, took her in, and offered her up to the f*cker leading the cult. She was just relieved to find people who spoke the same language as her in this country. About a year and a half later, she ends up pregnant. Almost a year after that, there our paths cross."

"A shame what happened to that girl."

"Yeah. But we took her to a friend of Chief's in Community Safety, he got her somewhere safe. Matter'a fact, I got a letter from her earlier this month. My aunt had to read it to me, because my Korean's still sh*t, but from the sounds of it, she and Izuku-chan are doing pretty good."


"Yeah, she hadn't named her son by the time I'd found him. Apparently, she thought 'Izuku' was a pretty nice name, even if it wasn't traditionally Korean."

"Well, at least that story had a happy ending."

"Hm, yeah, I guess you're right."

Substories 4

A Cult Classic-Complete

"Oh right, I almost forgot. You told me you had two more stories to tell me?"

"Right, and these two are a bit more light than this first one. Let's see, which one first?"

Aldera Junior High School-Classroom-June 23rd, 201X

3:15 P.M.

Ding-Dong, Bing-Bong!

Izuku yawned and stretched, looking over at a certain desk in the classroom, only to tsk when he found it empty.

Damn, too slow again.

Kacchan had been ignoring and avoiding him since April, ever since the sludge villain incident.

Izuku was beginning to take it personally.

Confronting him at lunch, the blonde finished his food and walked away.

Taunting him at the gates, barely a nod of acknowledgment before he just walked away to change out his shoes.

He couldn't even piss the guy off after class anymore!

And though he had taken to a bit of light stalking in the past year to help concoct some of his more… audacious schemes, he couldn't exactly follow the blonde home.

Well, he could, but that wouldn't really do anything to improve the situation.

He was incensed, quite irate, very much aggravated.

But his vengeance would come.

It would be sweet.

It would be cold.

His eyes narrowed.

I will not be ignored, Kacchan.

"Um, Midoriya-kun?"

Izuku was snapped violently out of his musings by a small shy voice behind him.

To his credit, his startled recoil was imperceptible to most normal people.

"Oh shi-! Ahem, uh, sup, Aoi-chan?"

His verbal reaction, however, was hard to miss.

Though Aoi, to her credit, didn't miss a beat.

"Oh, um, n-nothing. Um, c-could you come with me for a sec? I-I need to ask you something."

Well, that doesn't sound suspicious at all.

He looked down at the trembling red-faced girl in front of him. She noticed his gaze and squirmed where she stood.

Yep, definitely not suspicious at all.

"Sure, lead the way."

Aldera Junior High School-Rooftop

Several Minutes Later…

Did we really need to come up here?

Aoi had led Izuku up to the school's rooftop with nary a word after her initial request.


Should I say something?

The blue-haired girl continued to stare at the ground.

She's not even looking at me.

Aoi's eyes darted from the ground to Izuku's face and back down to the ground again, her hair squirming all the while.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

"So, Aoi-chan..." That was as far as he got.

"Eep!" The girl's hair jumped in several different directions as if trying to escape from him.

How? How did I startle you? We're literally the only people here!

Luckily, after years of dealing with the antics of many, many strange people, Izuku knew how to keep his exasperation and confusion down in favor of getting to the heart of a matter.

He cleared his throat and began anew.

"So Aoi-chan, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Izuku's confusion only rose as the girl in front of him reddened from head-to-toe.

"Ah! Well, you see- It's just- Um-Well-I guess-Just-"

Is she okay?

He could see her skin flush an even deeper shade of red.

Maybe she's overheating, it is pretty hot out here.


This is gettin' kinda sad.

"Um, Aoi-cha-?"


The harsh clap of flesh hitting flesh resounded across the empty rooftop as Aoi turned away from Izuku, slapped her cheeks, and took a deep breath in.

The ponytailed boy watched her hold it and let it out, giving her cheeks one more firm slap before turning to face him.

Her face still a deep dark red, Aoi turned to Izuku and shouted at the top of her lungs,


Substories 5

Be My Boyfriend 2: Romantic Boogaloo

Silence stifled the air on the rooftop.

The two figures atop it remained still for over a minute before the silence was broken by the sound of birds squawking overhead.

Izuku blinked, snapped out of his daze as he quite eloquently stated his response to such a heartfelt and passionate request.


Hero Analysis and Notes for the Future:

Fighting Style(s): Scrapper(Inspired by Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima)- My go-to style for most fights. Well-rounded and easy to use. Most moves outside of the ones I learned from Jiji and Uncle Kaz were taken from Yakuza Sunset or thought up on the spot.

Heat usually burns blue when I use it.

I left a whole ass section of the chapter out last time. My bad, guys.

Chapter 33: Hero About Town (Final)

Chapter Text

Wilson Tokyo Hotel-Shinjuku, Tokyo- June 24th, 201X

Jeez, this place is ritzy. Good thing I'm a guest, I'd never be able to afford to come here otherwise. Not on my dime, anyway.

He could almost smell the money in the air, all the people around him practically reeked of it.

Most of them were older men, grey hairs, thinning hairlines, billfolds bulging from their pockets.

He was out of place.

The suit he was wearing was the most expensive thing in his wardrobe.

His hair, even after an extensive combing, was still untamable in his usual ponytail.

And in his pocket, a trio of Higuchi Ichiyō lay neatly folded inside of an All Might wallet.

The glasses he wore felt almost tacky on face. They were vanity specs, purely cosmetic.

He wasn't sure where he was supposed to be at that moment, but he figured his first course of action should be to find the one he was there for in the first place.

"I-If you don't see me when you walk in, just walk up to Reception a-and ask them where the lounge is. That's where we'll be."

"Yes, the lounge on this floor, down the corridor to my right. First set of double doors to your left."

He thanked the woman behind the desk and walked over to the hall she'd indicated.

"Your name'll be on the guest list, I'll make sure of it. They'll let you through without a problem… I think."

"Midoriya… Midoriya… Midori- ah! Here you are, please step right in, sir."

"Oh! And I may not be able to find you right away, but don't worry, just e-enjoy yourself. I'll make my way to you as soon as possible."

There were quite a few people in the lounge, all of them bedazzled and dressed to the nines. He fiddled with his tie as he stood in one of the less densely populated areas of the room. His aunt had helped him tie it, the knot always came out too big when he did it.

"A glass of Cider, sir?" A man in a catering outfit held a tray of tall glasses, all filled with fizzy, clear liquid. Izuku blinked and looked around, before realizing that the man was talking to him.

"Oh-uh, yes. Thank you." He delicately plucked a glass from the tray, giving the caterer a quick nod before retreating quickly to a wall, sipping lightly and feeling the light citrus pop and dance about his taste buds.

One deep breath in.

One deep breath out.

Get it together, Izuku. You're here for a reason.

He would've smacked his cheeks for good measure if not for the glass in his hand.

Or the fact that he was in public.

Alright, first thing's first: finish this glass.

He quite liked Mitsuya Cider.

The sh*t slapped.

With his glass drained and mind clear, it was time to initiate the next phase of his operation.

Let's start shmoozin'!

He scanned the room, searching for prospective victims.

Gray hair, dark kimono, stern look, he sat a bit further from where most of the attendees were, not interacting with anyone. He just sat there, judging.

Too old, that guy's had money for a while, he'd smell the middle-class on me before I even took a step. Hmmm, how about…?

Younger man, light brown hair, stark white suit, and incredibly pompous look on his face. He seemed almost like a host.

No. I'd probably punch him. Off the table. Alright, third time's the charm. Maybe...

Chatting with someone just out of Izuku's sight, was an older guy, middle-aged, blue hair with streaks of grey, easygoing smile while he chatted, and an expensive navy blue suit all pulled together with a… cat tie?

Well I guess I've found my winner. Alright Midoriya, put your game face on!

He walked briskly and with purpose.

A few people stood in his way, but years of running around Kamurocho have made weaving through tight groups like that all too easy.

He still winced when he remembered the chaos of the Dragon Quest release the year before.

So many elbows. So much pain...

Despite his grim remembrance of such savagery, he remained steadfast in his approach up until he was right to the side of the man who, now that he looked closer, seemed rather familiar.

Meh, probably just imagining it. Game face, kid! You gotta see this through.

"Excuse me, sir."

The man who had turned from his chat to address the greenette quirked his brow, seemingly in interest, "Yes?"

Despite the interest, Izuku could see the man slightly tense. He seemed wary of this newcomer.

It was understandable, but-

Well, that just won't do.

He gave the man his most charming smile, he watched the tension ease slightly.

There's the chink, now to just aim for the weak point.

He had the man's attention, he had a bit of trust, now he just needed to take control of the conversation with a killing opener.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I happened to see you from across the room and justhadto come over and say that that tie isPurrrfect."

And he preened.


And remained preening.


He was growing concerned. Did he mess up? Were his pawesome puns purrsona non grata?

Well, he didn't know! Aoi hadn't filled him on that little tidbit. Matter of fact, all shedidsay was-

"Please just avoid my dad until I'm with you. He'll be wearing this cat tie that-"


"cat tie... cat tie... cat tie…"The man also had blue hair, even if it was greying slightly. He only knew one person with hair that particular shade of blue...

It took all of his strength to keep his hands at his side, so as not to slap himself across the face.

So not only did he accidentally offend a man at a party in honor of Aoi's father, but the man he offended at a party in honor of Aoi's father was Aoi's father.

We Midoriyas really do have our own special ways of mucking things up.

So Izuku got ready to prostrate himself and apologize profusely before he heard something.



"Hah! Hahahaha!"

The man was laughing, rather boisterously.

"Um, sir?"

"Hahaha!" They were drawing attention. That wasn't great. Though the man had tears in his eyes and didn't show any signs of stopping soon.

"Um, sir?"

"Ahaha! Ah, I'm sorry my boy. That was honestly so bad, it was refreshing. I haven't had a laugh like that in a nice long while."

Well, okay then. Recovery time, I guess.

"Oh! Well, glad to be of assistance."

The mood seemed lively now. Mission accomplished, then.

"Excuse me, Aoi-san." The person who Izuku had taken his girlfriend's father's attention from, a young man around Izuku's age who had clearly come from money, attempted to grab the man's attention once more.

"Oh yes, Sugimura-kun. I'll get to you in a moment, if you wouldn't mind ."

He was promptly dismissed.

The blue-haired man addressed Izuku this time.

"So, young man. Now that you've caught my attention, I must ask, who are you?"

Well, that was simple, this was easy.

"My name is-"

"Midoriya-kun?" Well that was a familiar voice. The older bluenette turned towards his daughter with a gentle smile.

"Oh, Chisato. There you are. You know this boy?"

The younger Aoi, clad in an elegant sea green ball gown, was a stunning shade of red.

"U-um, y-yes, this is my b-b-boooyo-fri-uh…"

"Your 'boyofriya'?"

"My booooyfffffffff-"

"'Boyf'? Is that some new slang I'm not aware of?"

Why does this seem so familiar?

"Frieeen-" Aoi seemed to be struggling… and flushing a rather deep shade of red, far deeper than she had been mere moments before. Izuku decided that action needed to be taken lest the poor girl burst into flames of… embarrassment?

He moved to the blushing girl's side, lacing his fingers with hers, and flashed her father another charming grin.

The plan had long gone off the rails, the best he could do at this point was crash it into the station and apologize later.

So he squeezed the younger Aoi's hand slightly and let his words roll off his tongue smoothly.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, sir. I'm Chisa's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you."

A beat of silence.

He could feel an unbelieving stare burning into his temple.

He saw the older Aoi blink once, then twice, and then, almost imperceptible to the untrained eye, he… shrugged.

"Well, this is a surprise. Even so, it's a pleasure to meet you, Midoriya-kun. As you've surely surmised by now, I'm Chisato's father. Thank you for attending this party tonight." He put out a hand, which Izuku shook with his off hand. In the back of his mind, he noted that the despite the man's cool nature, he was tense again.

And Chisato Aoi stood off to the side, utterly baffled.

"That would make two of us. How did we even get to this point, Young Midoriya? You've skipped over a lot of details."

"Just wait. I'm tellin' the story this way, cuz it's more interestin' like this. It'll all come together soon."

"Yes, I understand. But Young Midoriya… hand-holding… Before marriage, even!"

"We do what we need to to succeed, now back to what I was saying…"

The evening passed by without incident for the most part.

After introductions were over and done with, Aoi-san excused himself to work around the room and mingle with his guests, while Chisato introduced her boyfriend to other guests about the room. And Izuku learned a lot that night.

He met Sugimura, the guy who Aoi-san had been speaking to before Izuku interrupted. He was a brunette in a white suit, Izuku had spotted him across the room before, his face seemed even more pompous (read: punchable) up close. He sneered at Izuku as they spoke.

"Yes, pleasure. Fine joke you made earlier." He then turned and leered at Chisato, "Ah, Aoi-chan, it's been a while. I hear you'll be attending Shuiichin Academy next year. Would you like for me to tell you a bit about it?"

Chisato seemed rather tense at the offer.

Almost uncomfortable.

Izuku squeezed her hand and closer to her, shifting their positions so that she stood behind him slightly.

He felt her squeeze back and saw her face, which had lost some of its color from earlier, flush again slightly.

He felt his lips curl up and quickly schooled his features to offer the snobbish prick kind gentleman and responded.

"That sounds lovely, Sugimura-san. I'm quite interested in Shuiichin, myself. I've heard the student council there is… interesting, to say the least."

It was clear that his interjection caught the brunette off-guard, "Um, well, my invitation was directed towards, Aoi-cha-"

"Yes, and as a fellow studentandher significant other, I've invited myself. Is that a problem?"

He could feel his skin begin to crawl. Just a little bit of course, and he looked the older young man in the eye as he did so.

His smile was like a predator's, inviting his prey to rest between his jaws. He could see Sugimura begin to sweat.

The pompous asshole amicable fellow cleared his throat, "On second thought, I need to speak with a few of my father's partners about some… important matters. Have a f-fine evening Midoriya-san, Aoi-c-s-san." And with that, he scurried off with nary a word from either of the other two parties.

A shame, really. Izukuwasinterested in Shuiichin Academy; it was his second choice if UA didn't go to plan.

The look of awe and slight admiration from Chisato was enough of a reward for him though.

"A quick question, Young Midoriya."

"Hm? Sup?"

"That feeling you mentioned. That feeling of your skin crawling, you mentioned it before, when you fought those Mafia members. What exactlyisit?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"When you mentioned it during the fight, I had thought it might've been a sort of 'battle sense' you had, relating to this "Heat" of yours and warning you of imminent danger. But in your interaction with Sugimura, therewasno danger, so if what I thought was correct, that sense of yours had no reason to appear."

"Heh. Yeah, well, I guess you were sorta right. It relates to danger, just not in the way that you'd think."


"Yeah. So basically that feeling of mine is 'Killing Intent'. The name sounds foreboding, but don't worry, it's not too bad. It's this sort of… social psychology, where during a tense situation, you focus malintent on someone, and they hyperfocus not only on whatcha say, but on how ya say it and your body language while yer sayin' it. Basically, durin' that situation with Sugimura, there was noactualdanger present, but I made him perceive it with my Killing Intent. The feeling's a bit overwhelming for folks that ain't used to it, but I only gave him a taste of it, unlike those Jingweon scumbags."

"I see. And what if you were to be met with someone who held more 'Killing Intent' than you?"

"Well it ain't exactly quantifiable, but it'd depend on the situation. Half the effect of Killing Intent is the victim's mental state. If I wasn't in my right mind, chances are it wouldn't affect me much. But if I were healthy, I'd likely freak for a sec, before I got it under control. Case-by-case there really ain't a constant for that sorta thing."

"I see, well thank you for explaining. That was… enlightening."

"Don't mention it. Now, where was I…?"

He met Yaoyorozu-san, the current head of the Yaoyorozu Conglomerate. A kindly man with dark hair and steely grey eyes. He offered him an amiable smile and a patient tone as he spoke with him.

"A pleasure to meet you, Yaoyorozu-san. I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"The pleasure is all mine, Midoriya-kun. I must admit, I was surprised to hear that young Chisato had started dating already. I've known her since she was in diapers. Every day I feel like these children are growing far too quickly."

"My mother says the same thing every year. Do you have any children of your own, Yaoyorozu-san?"

"I do, my daughter. She's actually the same age as you and Chisato. It's unfortunate that she couldn't be here tonight due to her studies, but I suppose it can't be helped. Speaking of, she sends you her warm wishes, Chisato-chan. She appreciates the charm you sent for her recommendation exams."

Chisato nodded with a smile and they moved on to the next guest.

As they moved, however, Izuku had a question.

He leaned close to her ear, which, like most of her face that night, burned a deep shade of scarlet as his breath hit it and asked, "Recommendation exams?"

To her credit, Chisato's voice remained almost level (naught but a minor tremble) as she answered, "For U.A. The Yaoyorozu family's been deeply tied to pro hero work, among other industries, for generations now. So she was pretty much a shoe-in for the Recommendation Exam."

Ah, I see. Toshi-sensei mentioned that before. If you receive outstanding references from a pro or two, you've got a chance to take a special entrance exam. If I weren't set on beating Kacchan in the standard one, I could probably just ask Toshi-sensei. Hm, Yaoyorozu… I'll keep an eye out, she sounds interesting.

Next up was a suave looking man, wearing an ascot over a rather trendy suit. He introduced himself as Nick Ogata and offered Izuku a handshake with a smile. The greenette decided that he liked him instantly.

Izuku received a business card, and an interesting new friend.

Most of the night after that passed without incident, until Aoi-san asked Izuku outside for a talk.

Chisato seemed worried, giving her boyfriend's hand a firm squeeze for the first time that night.

Izuku squeezed back and gave her a smile, a small and kind one, before unlacing his fingers from hers and following the older man outside into the warm night air.

They walked out the back door and stood across from each other on either side of it.

Silence, aside from the noisy hum of the city around the two.

A silence broken by the elder of the two.

"Midoriya-kun, might I ask you something?"

That's what I was waiting for.

"Of course, sir." Another smile. As much as he smiled regularly, his face was starting to hurt.

Another brief silence. Another silence broken by the blue-haired man.

"Midoriya-Kun, how much did my daughter pay you to be here tonight?"

And Izuku, for the first time that night, was speechless. He could feel his smile drop.

"Pardon?" It was all he could think to say.

The father continued, "Whether you're a paid actor or someone from school that she's paying to be here, please, if you just go-"


"I can pay you double whatever she promised for you to leave without a fuss, so-"

"Sir." His voice was firm now, tinged with steel. Aoi-san stopped talking and listened.

"I understand your concern. Really, I do. You and Chisa, you're clearly well-off, and I know for a fact that there are people who are looking to take advantage. Your suspicion is justified, but what you just said to me was out of line."

He could see the emotions flickering across the man's face:

Defensive to confused.

Confused to understanding.

Understanding to guilty.

Izuku saw it all. He pressed on.

"Implying that shepaidme to be here like I'm some sort of rental boyfriend- that she'dneeda rental boyfriend to bring to a party… I won't lie, sir. That kinda pisses me off."

The scene of a red-faced girl on a sunny afternoon, eyes clenched tightly shut as she called out to him with the utmost sincerity, it played over in his mind again and again, like a video on loop.


To hear that and to think about what was just said to him,reallyrubbed him the wrong way in theworstkind of way.

Even so, he'd learned that just punching his problems wouldn't do much to help in the long run.

Even if he was angry, he was at the party as Chisato's guest, and even if it was done in private, slugging Chisato's father would reflect on her rather poorly to say the least.

And so, he pushed one last time, polite smile firmly in place.

"So sir, if you want me to leave, I'll do just that. Keep your money, I'd feel dirty walking out of here with that in my pocket."

He turned, beginning his stride towards the they had previously exited from.

He still had to say goodbye to Chisato.

Though as he reached out to open the door and step inside, he heard something behind him.

The sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

He turned to see what it was and was greeted with a strange sight.

The sight of Aoi-san in a perfect dogeza.



"Midoriya-kun… No, Midoriya-san… Please… ACCEPT MY HUMBLEST APOLOGIES!"

I repeat. HUH?

The older man wasn't done there, "I completely misjudged you. I saw that smile of yours and wrote you off as another sycophant looking to use my daughter's innocence and lack of social skills-"Geez, tell me how ya really feel, pops."To squeeze some favor from me. But I've not met a single person quite willing to dress me down the way you just did, especially for my daughter's sake. And the passion in your eyes as you did so… I'd never seen it. It seemed almost like you were holding back your entire being from knocking my lights out!"

Well, he's not wrong.

Still, the sight of such a proud businessman bowing so deeply to him was… strange.

"R-right, I… forgive you Aoi-san. It wasn't reallymethat I was offended for anyway."

The humbled father did not move.

"Um… Aoi-san."

The prostated man shook slightly, slowly rising until…


Oh dear.

Izuku slowly pulled out his phone.

Silence, once again broken by the older male of the two.


"Y-yeah, Aoi-san?"

"I appear to have… broken something. If you wouldn't mind…"

"I've got 1-1-9 on the line right now."

"Thank you."

Substories 5

Be My Boyfriend 2: Romantic Boogaloo


"After that, Aoi-san had to be carted out of his own party by emergency services. Got his card before the paramedics carted him off though. We went for brunch the next week, talked about his business expansion into Yokohama, he also gave me a spot into the closed beta for an app his company's developing."

"Oh, well that's nice. And what about the younger Aoi? This is the first I'm hearing about you being in a relationship."

"Broke up the next day. Turns out hospitalizing your girl's dad isn't the best way to make a relationship flourish."

"Oh, that's… not so nice."

"Nah, it's cool. That was the plan anyway. The unfortunate hospitalization just made it easier."

"Okay, now you've lost me.'

"Chisato-chan and I were only dating that night. At most of the parties she goes to, there are assholes like Sugimura, usually a bit older than her but scummy enough to use her to get closer to her dad. This was the last big function her father had planned for the year, so it was pretty obvious the snakes would be in full force this time. She came up with the boyfriend bit to…deterthem from such behavior. A few of 'em were pretty bold, but my overwhelming charm and possible penchant for incredible violence stopped that sh*t right in tracks."

The hero hopeful seemed almost proud of the fear that he inspired in people, if the grin on his face were anything to go by.

"Huh, well, that makes sense. But there's one thing that just isn't clicking for me."

"And what's that?"

"Why you?"


"Why did she pick you out of everyone in your class?"

And the grin dropped, falling into a thin line on the boy's face as he looked up into the darkening sky.

"W-why you?"

"I mean, yeah. There's a ton of other guys that'd be willin' to help ya out with this, you're friends with a few of 'em, so why me?"

The blue-haired girl looked down, flushed once more. She had been fine mere moments before when she explained her plight to the boy sitting at the edge of the roof, sipping at a bottle of Staminan X as he watched the koi swirl in their courtyard pond below.

"Well-it's because… because I- I-" She struggled to get the words out.

Izuku took another sip of his syrupy sweet drink, turning his gaze to the girl behind him.

He knew what she was trying to say, she seemed so earnest too.

Eyes clenched shut.

Fists at her sides, squeezing tightly.

"I l-like-"

He knew exactly what she wanted to say.

Which is why…


He was by her side in an instant, left hand on her shoulder, right hand holding his empty bottle.

"I'd be glad to be your boyfriend tomorrow."

...he stopped her.

"Hm. I wonder why…"

He spoke too low for the blonde across from him to hear what he said exactly.

"What was that, Young Midoriya?"

The greenette shook his head, another smile spreading across his face as if it belonged there, as if it were there the whole time.

"Nothing, Toshi-sensei. But, hey, I noticed somethin' a while back."

Toshinori ignored the deflection, "What's that, Young Midoriya?"

"Ya ever notice we've got all these different ways of saying [I love you] in Japanese, but we hardly ever use 'em. I mean, we've got 'shuki', 'suki da yo', 'daisuki da yo'.And that's not all, there's a ton of other ways, my favorite's 'tsuki ga kirei desu ne?'There's a lotta romance in it, don't ya think?"

"I never figured you for a romantic, Young Midoriya."

"Cuz I'm not. Not sure if I'll ever be. And if I am, can't imagine hero life clashes too well with relationships."

Toshinori wanted to refute him, but the boy wasn't wrong. A romantic life was hard to manage, even with another hero, and if the boy wanted to be number one like him, it'd be near impossible.

"You're not wrong there."

Izuku's smile shifted again, slightly bitter this time.


Izuku was hardly big on dating anyway. He'd had a crush on exactly one person in his life and the kids at Morning Glory didn't let him live it down for a full year when it got out.

At least Ayako-nee was good-natured about it, even if she didn't feel the same way.

And since then, especially after another experience against a villain, he'd realized that he couldn't just rope a civilian into his lifestyle and hope for the best.

And heroes… well, it would probably be a bit easier on the protection front, but on the social front that was a no-go.

He couldn't even begin to fathom the mountain of problems that would come from dating another hero, especially if he reached the number one spot in rankings.

But who knows, maybe if he found the right person…

...or maybe if he just bit the bullet and asked Mei out. Her dad had been hinting at it pretty hard lately.

Does Mei even know what sexual attraction is, though? And she doesn't, do I really wanna teach her?

He decided he'd put a pin in that for later.

Toshinori watched as the boy exited his thoughtful state, he'd seen this quite a bit in the eight months they'd been training together.

The boy would fall deep into thought(sometimes muttering, sometimes not) and he would just... sit there.

It intrigued the hero. This boy who was loud and proud and oh so excitable a good ninety percent of the time, just sitting there and thinking.

It showed a side of the boy that he doubted most other people saw.

Something genuine behind that 'Mad Dog' persona of his.

He was honored to be trusted with it.

Izuku looked at the sky again. It was getting dark out.

He turned back towards the blonde skeleton across from him.

No words need be said, the next story was the last for the day.

Izuku took a breath, cleared his and began with, "So about a month ago, I got a call from Chief to come into the office..."

Sky Finance-Kamurocho, Tokyo- November 17, 201X

12:30 P.M.

"I'm sorry, you want me to dowhat?"

The moneylender didn't even hesitate, "I want you to dress up as a maid."

Substories 8


"I quit."

"No you don't."

"You can't stop me."

"I just did."

"I feel like this is a major breach of my rights."

"Send your complaints to HR."

"Very funny."

"Aren't I?"

The greenette sighed, looking over towards Mariko-san and the mystery woman on the other side of the office. The latter was a stranger to him, short brown hair and dark brown eyes, but something about her seemed almost familiar.

They both looked rather pleasantly amused at the situation, Izuku envied them.

Oddly enough, Hana, the chief's secretary, seemed to be out again. Maybe for her lunch break.

Turning back to his employer, he sighed, before moving over to the couch and plopping down hard on it. When he was settled, he asked the one question on his mind at that moment.


"Why, what?"

"Why do you need me to dress up as a maid, Chief?"

"For our new client, of course. One Rio Suzuki. Who wants to open a maid cafe in Musutafu of all places. A pachinko buddy of mine happens to run the only maid cafe here in Kamurocho, figured he wouldn't mind if I used it for a test.

Huh, I almost forgot that Chief has as many weird friends as I do. Guess it just comes with the territory.

"I wanna see how she handles running things, after all, if you can't handle things on the managerial level, how could you handle being at the top? But I also don't want to look over her shoulder."

All good points, reasoning's sound, only one issue though.

"Why's it gotta be me?"

That gave the older man a brief moment of pause.

"Well… who else would it be?"


"..." No words need be said.

"Alright, you make a good point. But still, I don't wanna be a maid and you don't pay me nearly enough to pretend that I do."

And with that, the moneylender grinned. Izuku immediately decided he didn't like where this was going.

From the man's pocket, a key was procured. A key that he used to unlock and open a drawer behind his desk.

And from that drawer, a holy item was retrieved.

Izuku watched as it glowed warmly with divine light.


'sh*t-eating' would best describe Akiyama's grin at this point.

"That's right. So tell me, this worth the price?"

Izuku lamented his weakness, he would've punched the man if not for the holy relic in his hand.

Instead, all he could do… was nod in agreement.

And Akiyama set Mariko-san and the other woman, Saya, he called her, to work.

Half an hour.

Thirty minutes.

1800 seconds.

That's how long it took for the two women to Izuku into someone else completely.

Someone far more... feminine.

Saya, a hairdresser as he learned later, took his hair out of his ponytail, letting it flow down to his waist freely. She didn't do much to the curly verdant mane laid out before her, but Izuku had to admit, the bunny hair clip she gave him to complement the halo of hair that now framed his face was rather cute.

Mariko-san was up next on the make-up front.

A bit of foundation to hide his freckles. A bit of blush atop that to add some more color.

She went easy on the eyeliner, said something about his lash base being big enough.

Whatever that meant, he didn't know, nor did he care to find out.

She topped it off with a bit of lip gloss. Why Izuku couldn't have applied that himself, he had no idea, but he didn't really question it.

When he looked in the mirror, he felt almost like he was looking at a younger sister of his, rather than himself.

Though, the effect was ruined a bit by his clothes.

His battered old stajun, as much as he loved it, contrasted heavily with his new feminine looks.

That was where Akiyama came in. He handed the boy a package and herded him into the back room.

"Don't worry, there should be some instructions for how to put everything on in there. Now chop-chop! Your shift starts at two."

And on the other side of the door, he heard the sound of Mariko-san and Saya making their exits.

In the dimly lit room, he saw a mirror and sighed, before opening the package and getting down to putting on its contents with one thought on his mind.

This better not awaken anything in me.

1:12 P.M.

The ensemble was oddly comfortable.

Easy to move in, exceptionally breathable.

The shoes had a small heel at the back, but he hardly noticed.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't really want to be seen in any part of the frilly get-up, he'd wager that he could probably pop into a brawl and absolutely slaughter any opposition.

Hypothetically, of course.

Akiyama was napping when he walked out, directions to get to the cafe he'd be working at for the day. As much he would've loved to smother the man in his sleep, he still had use for him.

So he grabbed the directions, punched them into his navigation app, and he was off.

There were a few stares, he didn't blame them.

Despite his reservations, he was still pretty damn cute.

And so, he preened until he reached his destination. Theonemaid cafe in Kamurocho.

'Maid in Heaven', huh? Well, it's an odd place for it, but it looks nice enough.

There was an outdoor dining area for the warmer weather, the sign was elegant, especially in comparison to the gaudy and (at times) tacky Kamurocho, and there were even a few ladies in maid outfits handing out flyers up and down the street.

The place would've been perfect in Akihabara, which had been completely moe-fied in the past eight years, but in Kamurocho, it seemed a littletoocutesy.

Though, who was he to judge? He loved visiting that little cat cafe on Senryo in his off time, and lord knew that that joint was out of place.

Even so, he'd get nothing out of standing outside and staring at the place, he was supposed to be working after all.

So with a deep breath and proud gait, he began his foray into the world of maidhood.

"Ah, so you're the one that Akiyama-san sent. I never thought he'd send me a cutie like you! Hah!"

Smile. Just smile. You're a maid right now. Professionalism is key.

If he punched the manager for an innocuous comment like that, what would he do to the customers?

"T-thank you, Owner-san." It was almost concerning how feminine his voice sounded, puberty should've made it way deeper. He was a man, dammit! Not at that moment. But, most of the time!

"So polite too! I can tell that you're gonna be popular here! You sure you can't work more than a day?"

"Very sure. Sorry, but my schedule's really hectic most of the time. I'm here today because I owe Akiyama-san a very big debt,"And he holds the holy relic"and he told me that if I helped out here today, it'd be paid off."

"And responsible too. Heh, I almost feel like I'm robbing you today, with how much you'll be making for us."

"O-oh, not at all, sir. Just happy to be of service."

"Just so modest. What was your name again, little miss?"

sh*t. A name? Uh…

"Oh, it's-'

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ah geez. Sorry this must be our temporary floor manager. This'll just take a moment. Ahem, come in! "

The door slowly inched open, and through the crack it created, in came a slip of a woman.

Not really much to look at, she was quite plain honestly, in the nicest way possible.

Brown hair, unremarkable face, dark eyes, it felt like you could just look out onto the street and find ten more of her in any direction.

He held these thoughts but wisely kept them to himself as the cafe owner addressed the new arrival.

"Ah, hello there… Sasaki-san?"

"Suzuki, Owner-san."

"Right! Suzuki. So, Akiyama-san told me you'd be our manager for today. He really talked you up, so I'm expecting great things from you."

Wow Chief, way to lay on the pressure. I almost feel bad for the lady.

"Right, sir! I won't let you down!" The room's other two occupants flinched at the sudden rise in volume.

My friggin' ears!

"R-right, I wouldn't really mind if you let your volume down a bit, though."

The plain woman blushed a pretty pink at that, "S-sorry, I've been known to get a bit loud from time to time. I didn't mean to startle you or anything."

The owner cleared his and waved her off, saying, "Oh, I wasn't startled at all. I was just speaking out for the sake of this young miss here. You gave her quite a fright, it seems."

Bullsh*t, you jumped too.

The woman finally seemed to notice the other lifeform occupying space in the vicinity.

"Oh! Hello, I'm Rio Suzuki. I'll be the acting floor manager today. It's nice to meet you, miss…?"

She then trailed off, causing the greenette to mentally flail about once more as he struggled to come up with a half-decent pseudonym.

sh*t, um, Izaya? No, that's crap. Izanami! No, that's worse. Uh… how about…

When he looked in the mirror, he felt almost like he was looking at a younger sister of his, rather than himself.

Sister? Izu...OF COURSE!

"Izumi. My name is… Izumi Terasawa. I'll be in your care, Suzuki-san!"

At this, the newly christened Izumi grinned at her current superior.


For the sake of clarity, for as long as he assumes this persona, Izuku Midoriya shall be henceforth referred to as Izumi Terasawa. Pronouns will be changed to reflect this.

Thank you for your patience.

The brunette seemed to be taken aback by the new maid's sunny disposition, but she seemed to get over quick enough, offering a small shy smile and a nod.

Plain or not, Izumi liked her already.

And then the owner ruined the two girl's moment of peace.

"So, what say we get you two ladies set up?"

Three Hours Later…

4:48 P.M.

"[Bye-bye, Master!] Hope to see you again soon!"

"B-Bye-bye, Izumi-chan. I'll request you when I come back."

Please don't, you'll just disappoint yourself.

Izumi let out a sigh as she returned to the back of the cafe to take her break.

The owner was right when he said that she'd be popular. Half of the 'masters' that she served in the past several hours had been absolutely smitten with her.

The other half was kinda creepy, but she shut that down with just atinydrop of killing intent.

Sometimes customer service was just so easy.

She wondered what therealtest was. Despite it being pretty busy that day, there wasn't really much that Suzuki-san would need to do. And as cool as he was, Akiyama wasn't the type to just give away cash, especially the amount that someone would need to start a business.

So what's the angle?

She passed by the manager's office and heard voices coming from the cracked door. She didn't recognize one of them, but the other was clearly Suzuki-san. She sounded… stressed.

Not usually one to eavesdrop, but all too curious about Sky Finance's newest client, she leaned in and kept an ear close to the opening in the doorway.

"-really sorry for calling you all the way out here, I know you've gotta be pretty busy especially with the end of term coming up andhimcoming home soon."

The voice that she didn't recognize spoke up next, saying, "It's no problem Rio, I just pushed half of my work on Shota anyway, so I'm hardly overbooked. Besides, we've been friends since Junior High, of course I'd come running if you called… Especially since you were on the verge of tears when you did."

Oh, that doesn't sound great. I didn't think she'd be under this kinda pressure.

"Y-yeah. Sorry."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I still remember how great of a friend you were to me when I was in a bad way. There's no way I wouldn't repay the favor now that you need me."

"T-thanks, Nemuri."

Nemuri… huh. Pretty name.

"Don't mention it. Now, since that's out of the way, why don't you tell me how you got here? You went to get a loan for your cafe, but you ended up managing someone else's? What's up with that?"

That, my dear stranger, is the essence of Sky Finance. Don't ask why, I don't understand why either.

"Ah well, Akiyama-san, the owner of Sky finance, he doesn't really check your credit when you apply for a loan. Instead he gives you a test, and if you pass it, you get your loan without any interestorcollateral."


"Why are you staring at me like that?"



"Rio, that sounds incredibly shady."

Yeah, she's not wrong.

"W-well, what choice do I have. My credit's awful! I went to the bank, and they laughed me out of the building! I didn't even get the chance to show them my business model…"

"You could come to me for help if you need it. You know I wouldn't mind."

"You're on a teacher's salary!"

"I have a lingerie and perfume line."

"That's stillyourmoney…"

"That I'm offering to you."

"That I'm going to have to refuse.'


Silence for a beat.

"...Because this is something that I have to do on my own."

"Why, Rio? Why?"

More silence. Straining her ears, Izumi could hear the sound of a deep breath being taken, before the manager in the room began to speak.

"Nemuri, do you remember my cousin Yuki?"

"Yeah, in Sotenbori, what about her?"

"You know she just turned 50 this year?"

"Where are you going with this, Rio?"

"She just turned 50, doesn't look a day over 20. She never had a husband either, but when you look at everything she's done, she doesn't really need one, does she?"

Her tone was an odd one. Obvious admiration, with just a dash of… bitterness.


"Top hostess of the number one cabaret club in Sotenbori at 21. Legendary hostess in Sotenbori from ages 22 to 38.Ownerof the new top cabaret club in thecountryat 39. She's lived a life. A life that I've heard about extensively from my parents whenever my uncle called them up about it. 'Yuki-chan did this', 'Yuki-chan did that' , 'Hey, Rio, why can't you hang the moon and stars, like Yuki-chan can?'"

Yeesh, that sucks.

"I know I'm pretty plain, Nemuri. You could point outside and probably ten people like me. My bad credit's just as about the only interesting thing about me. I'm 30 and single, with an undergraduate degree in business and obsession with moe and maid culture. Where do I even stand next to you and my cousin who have already done so much more than I could dream of doing. Hell, your ex-con boyfriend's got more to bring to the table than me, and I used to look down onhim. What do I even-eep!"

Izumi heard the sound and got ready to bust in before she heard the unknown woman, Nemuri, begin to speak.

"Rio… I'm sorry. I never knew you felt like this. You've been holding onto this for so long and I never noticed. Listen, I'm your friend and I want to help, but I understand how important this is to you now. So, I'll back off for now, but I think I'll stick around for a while. It's been a while since I've been to a place like this, and some of those girls out there are so cute!"

"Nemuri… Thank you." A sniffle, and then sound of a throat clearing, "And uh, enjoy yourself. All of the girls here are great. Especially this new girl, Izumi-chan! She's so cute! And she speaks english too, she's been showing it off to some of the customers and they just eat it up!"

Right, sounds like my cue to le-

She heard footsteps rapidly approaching from the front of the cafe and turned to see one of the other maids, Mi…. something or other rushing towards the manager's office.

She barreled past the greenette with a quick 'sorry' off her tongue and barged straight into the office and peeking in, the young Terasawa watched the two occupants scramble to move apart at the appearance of the new arrival.

"Huh? Misa-chan? What's the problem? What's the rush?"

"Trouble, Suzuki-san! Up front! Guys harassing Chika. Help, please!"

"What?! Lead the way, Misa-chan!"

And with that, the maid and the brunette were rushing to the outside of the cafe.

From the room, Izumi noticed a rather pretty woman with long purple hair and blue eyes wearing a fine pinstriped suit and skirt combo step out.

Though, if this humble narrator were to be honest, it wasn't her eyes that the greenette drawn to at first.

Though sake for sake of brevity and tact, we shall simply summarize item(s) of interest in a single term.


And within seconds the woman, Nemuri, as the young maid realized, as the young maid soon realized was gone. Following after the duo who had just departed.

Clearing her head, she figured that she should do the same and followed swiftly after.

"C'mon baby, just take a walk with us. Give us some real good…service."

"Let me go and leave me alone!"

"Hey now, that ain't any way for a maid to talk. Especially when my buddy here's been so nice to you."


"It's just poor manners, my feelings are hurt. How 'bout you… kiss 'em better?"

"Hey! Leave her alone, you scumbags!"

If anyone were to say mere hours ago that a tiny unintrusive slip of a woman would would stand up to a group of young thuggish looking men in defense of a maid, Izumi would ask what color the mushrooms they ate were and then proceed to call them an ambulance before they died from poisoning.

But if they said it would happen to Kamurocho, she'd just be forced to nod her head and say 'good day'.

Stranger things have happened.

Nemuri stayed backed, reaching into her purse for… something, while Suzuki-san, defying all sense of logic and reason, marched right up to the group of men harassing the maid and snatched the girl away from them, putting herself between the girl and the punks in one swift motion.

It was bold, especially for someone who had recently been crying about their lot in life.

It was almost admirable.

The thugs harassing the maid, understandably, did not agree with the sentiment, their leader getting in the brunette's with a sneer.

"Huh? Who the hell are you, bitch?"

Izumi could see the woman shake, but still, she stood her ground.

"I'm the manager here. A-And I want you to leave these girls alone!"

Right on, Suzuki!

The green-haired maid moved a bit closer to where the altercation was occurring, standing in the middle of the outdoor dining area and laying her hand on one of the many chairs.

Hm, metal. Nice.

"And what'll you do if I don't…Hag?"

The punk leader seemed almost amused by the diminutive woman's demand. His friends laughed behind him.


Oh, damn!

The petite manager smacked the punk across his face. The laughter stopped right then, the leader no longer seemed amused.

"Y-you, bitch!"

He was certainlynotamused, this was made especially clear as he raised a hand to strike the woman who dared strike him.


A fist that never had a chance to fall as a chair flew in from the dining area and sent him flying, likely unconscious, into a wall across the street with a harshslam!and a concerningcrack!

There was no movement from anyone after that. It seemed like everyone was just trying to process what they'd just witnessed.

A flying chair.

A flying chair that flew into somebody's temple and sent them flying.

A flying chair from the direction of the cafe's outdoor dining area…

Where one green-haired maid stood and was approaching from, dragging another chair behind her by one of its legs.

This seemed to shock a few people out of their stupor.

One of them was Suzuki-san.


The greenette grinned at the woman, "You did a great job, Suzuki-san. But for now, I think you should let me handle this. It's a maid's job to take out garbage after all. And a lady's civic duty to keep it off the street."

That drew attention from the aforementioned garbage.

The conscious ones, at least.

"H-Hey, ya little psycho. Who do you think you're callin' trash?! Don't you know who we are?!"

The young maid was nonplussed, "I don't. I also don't particularly care to find out. But I assume you're going to tell me anyway."

"Y-you bet we are, ya little bitch! We're Keihin Gang, under Kenta Kasai, y'hear?!"


Fury. White-hot in its intensity burned across the men's faces as the young lass had the nerve toyawnat them, one eye closed while the other lazily scanned the lot of them.

"That's it! You're gonna get it, ya little skan*! Don't think we'll hold back on ya just you're f*ckin' kid, we'd kill ya for less!"

Izumi yawned again, slightly widening her stance. In the corner of her eye, she could see yellow flame flicker to life around her.

She stepped forward, raising her off-hand in front of her, palm facing up, index and middle fingers pointed up towards the sky.

She twitched them back slightly, leaving no room for interpretation in what she was saying.

Bring it on.

The new leader screamed out and rushed forward, ready to clock the middle school girl making fun of him.

And the fight was on.

Keihin Gang

She nimbly dodged to the side, sweeping the back of the chair into the current punk leader's ankle.

All of the forward momentum he'd built charging at her sent him sprawling at the point of impact.

He rolled a few times, yelping in pain with each impact, before stopping and laying sprawled a few feet away from the maid who'd tripped him.

The maid who was by his side in the blink of an eye, chair raised high above her head.

The man's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen, he stretched out a hand as if making a feeble attempt to try and stop her, but, well the chair was already in motion, and it was pretty heavy.


He was rendered unconscious by the third blow at least.

Izumi could hear somebody coming up behind her, it couldn't be anyone friendly, so she swung the chair as hard as she possibly could while spinning around, and-



At least two broken ribs. Maybe more, if I keep swinging.

Before she could though, she was forced to turn the chair and thrust it, legs first, into another mook that was rapidly approaching. She let go and it went flying, sending the rubbish in its way flying as well.

It was a sight to behold, a grown man taken completely off his feet by an ornate cafe chair coming at him like a rocket. He cut through the air and when he landed, he skidded across the concrete, the chair landing upright and scraping overtop him as he did.

Damn, I'm good!

Post-violence celebrations were soon halted as the maid felt a harsh pull on her hair and stumbled back in the arms of the punk-ass she hadn't knocked out before.

She saw another clod rushing at her, hoping to capitalize the chance and take her down while she was restrained.

Izumi almost felt insulted.

These f*ckers are really taking me lightly.

The Heat in her body flared, as she felt her eye twitch.

[!] Armsmaster Style Heat Move: Essence of Retribution

She slammed her head back into her captor's nose, listening to the satisfyingCRACK!as his nose yielded to the impact.

Feeling his hold loosen as his friend drew closer, she waited for the right moment to slip away.

When he got close enough to strike her, winding up for what was sure to be a knockout punch, she slipped out and dodged to the side, right as the man's fist impacted his friend's chest.



"Oh sh*t, sorry br- EEK!"

His sympathy for his friend's pain was soon forgotten, as a heel-clad foot introduced itself to his groin.

The two wounded men fell together in a heap, groaning from two different types of pain, but in pain all the same.

Izumi sneered at them, before walking back over to where Suzuki-san and Nemuri stood, both wide-eyed and slack-jawed at what they'd just witnessed.

It was understandable, as far as they knew, she was just a sweet young girl that happened to be working for the day as a maid.

So why would she be such a proficient street fighter?

Of course, she couldn't tell them that she was actually a fifteen-year-old boy, who happened to dismantle a yakuza family five years ago, that likely wouldn't be received well.

So instead, she thought up the most succinct and reasonable explanation possible. And as an added benefit, it was even close to the truth!

So she drew closer to the two women, but as she opened her mouth to say something, she was interrupted by the sound of someone behind her, screaming bloody murder.

She turned and saw the first thug she knocked out(the one she threw the first chair at) standing, oddly enough.

Despite the situation, she gave the guy a bit of mental applause, he was a trooper.

Though when he came rushing at her with the chair that she'd thrown at him, she had to rescind.

She took up her wide stance again, she didn't have a weapon anymore, but she could make do with her hand.

[!!] Cooperative Heat Move: Essence of Punishment



Turning back to look at the ladies behind her, the rookie maid was forced to catch an object that she found tossed her way.

When she looked in her hand, she found a… whip?

No, not just a whip, she'd seen it a… special type of movie before. It was something called a… flogger?

Who the hell would throw a flogger at me?

Of course due to the nature of the situation, which included a chair that was on a collision course with her skull, the maid chose to ignore the absurdity of someone throwing a whip at her and put it to good use.

She ducked under the heavy object being swung at her and repositioned herself behind her assailant.

She pulled back the flogger…


...and brought it down hard against the man's buttocks.


Despite the situation, or possibly even because of it, Izumi couldn't help but say aloud,

"Ara Ara…"

And she could feel thefearin the air become palpable, as the thug dropped the chair he was holding and try to make a break for it.


She cracked the whip at his ankle and watched as he tripped and tumbled.

When he lay flat on his back, she looked him in the eyes, seeing terror overtake him.

She licked her lips before walking over to him and leaning close to his ear.

She could feel her skin begin to writhe.

She whispered so that only he could hear.

"Now listen up, you pig in human clothing. I'm only going to say this once."

A pause, to see if he would interrupt more than any need to gather her thoughts.

Seeing that he would keep quiet as she spoke, she continued, "I don't care what f*ckin' gang you're in, Kamurocho belongs to the people. Back in the day, the Tojo Clan would've kicked your ass and sent you back to whatever hole you scumbags crawled out of, but even if they can't do that right now, I can andwilldo worse. So I'm gonna tell you exactly what you're gonna do when I let you up. Okay? "


"...Nod your head if you understand, pissant."

A very stiff nod followed.

"Now, when I let you up, you're gonna grab your sh*t-stirring friends, walk over to Suzuki-san, the brunette that slapped you, and you're gonna apologize for being total wastes of skin in front of our cafe. And none of that 'I'm very sorry' bullsh*t. Hands and knees, head bowed. I wanna see a full dogeza, sh*tbird. Capisce?"

Another nod.

"Good, and after that, you're gonna take your loser friends, and get outta my sight. Don't let me catch you doing this again, or next time…"

She whispered even, leaning even closer. When she leaned back, the sheer terror in the punk's face was almost perfect for a horror movie poster.

Izumi's face however, was as cute as ever.


"Um… A-alright, just don't do it again?"

The sight of several battered men kneeling and begging a confused Suzuki-san, was one that warmed Izumi's heart.

While that situation unfolded though, she was approached by a certain purple-haired bombshell.

The older woman offered the maid a smile, "Hey there."

For the first time that day, she was tongue tied, yes she'd met a lot of pretty women in her fifteen years, but so few were as effortlessly good-looking as the one speaking to her at that moment. Not only that, but for some strange reason, she looked so familiar.

Nemuri didn't seem to notice the young greenette's struggle for coherency, opting instead to speak to

"So listen, I'm gonna need that back." She pointed at Izumi's hand.

Need… what?

It was then Izumi looked down and noticed that she was still holding the flogger.

This belongs to… her? Wait a minute…

Purple hair, blue eyes, incredibly voluptuous, flogger…

This woman was-


The off-duty pro hero grinned sheepishly.

"Yep, that's me. But it's Kayama when I'm not in costume. Nemuri Kayama."

Holy sh*t, I just used Midnight's whip. Oh! Right.

She quickly relinquished the weapon to the purple-haired woman,who accepted it and swiftly concealed it in her purse.

"Thank you. What you did there was impressive."

Eh, not really. Beatin' the sh*t outta some schmoes is kinda just a regular pastime in Kamurocho. Well, far less so now, what with the police being way more active, but that's beside the point.

"Oh, you think so?"

"I do! The way you moved, especially in that dress, was incredible. I know someheroesthat would have trouble moving the way you did, even in their costumes."

That's some real high praise.

Izumi preened just a bit. Though as much as she enjoyed meeting yet another pro hero that saw her in a positive light, she still had business to take care of elsewhere.

"Thank you again. Um, if you don't mind, could you tell Suzuki-san that I'm clocking out now? I have to go take care of something personal that just came up."

"Oh, um, no problem. Is it anything you'd need a hero for?"

"No, no, not at all. Just some family issues."

The hero stared down the young girl, as if trying to find any untruths behind her words.

After a full minute, she seemed satisfied with what she saw and sent the young maiden on her way.

And on her way she went…

Straight to the Matsugane Family Office.

Sky Finance- Kamurocho, Tokyo

6:27 P.M.

"Anyway, I went there and they said they'd take care of the problem."

"Wow kid, way to take initiative."

"Pfft, don't gimme that. You knew exactly what you were doin' when you sent me there, jackass."

"Nonsense. Like I told you, I just wanted somebody to supervise Suzuki-san's test. How could I have known that the Keihin Gang's been causing trouble in that area and that my pachinko buddy's employees have been getting harassed around there too?"

Hmmph, cheeky bastard.

"Whatever. So what about Suzuki-san? Did she pass the test?"

"With flying colors. Not that many people willing to go to bat for their employees like she did, poor lady was shaking like a leaf when she did it too, so extra marks there."

Well, at least least that worked out. After her little outburst in the office, his heart genuinely bled for the woman. So he was happy that she was on path to being a bit more happy with her lot in life.

That's a great note to end the day on.

So with that in mind, he took the divine item in one hand, sliding it into his stajun pocket, clutched the paper bag in his other, and began his departure.

"Wait, Izuku."

He halted his approach to the door, when he heard his employer out to him.

He turned back and raised a brow.

"What's up?"

The president of Sky Finance stared into the boy, amusem*nt dancing in his eyes.

And he asked one question that made the young teen's blood freeze.

"Where's the dress, Izuku?"



"f*ck you."

And like that, he was through the door and gone, hearing only the beginnings of a full blown guffaw from the man left behind in the loan office.

Izuku soon departed. Maid outfit neatly folded in a paper bag, while a pristine condition Dragon Quest III cartridge sat snug in his pocket.

He didn't notice until later that the latter had the word 'Ichi' written atop it in marker.

Substories 8


Transgressed With Finesse!

Takoba Municipal Beach Park-December 24th, 201X

6:20 P.M.


"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I f*ckin' killed it though."

"I'm sure you did, Young Midoriya. I'm sure you did."

"Yeah, well, anyway. That's pretty much the last interesting thing that happened to me this year. It all feels so long ago now…"

"That's just how time feels. You get used to it."

"Sure, thanks… Old man."

"In the spirit of the holiday, I'll let you have that one."


A brief, comfortable silence between student and mentor.

A silence broken by the latter. Who stood up and offered a hand to his companion.

"It's getting late, you should head home."

Izuku took it.


The greenette seemed almost hesitant, like he had something to say.

"I'll see you later, Young Midoriya."

And the blonde began to walk off.

The green-haired boy seemed to make his decision then.

"Toshi-sensei, hold up!"

Toshinori halted, turning back to see what his pupil needed.

When he did, he saw a strange sight.

The boy seemed almost... shy.

He was twiddling his thumbs and refusing to meet the man's eyes as he spoke.

"So… look. My mom, my aunt, and I are gonna be watching Yakuza Sunset Kiwami tonight after dinner. And well, you're totally free to turn the offer down, I won't be offended. But I remember that you like Yakuza Sunset and you said that you haven't watched the Kiwamis yet, and well, we've got plenty of space on the couch so, if you're not busy, maybe you could…?"

"I could…?"

Izuku took a deep breath, "Maybe you could come to dinner and watch it with us…? If you're not busy, of course! If you are, I totally understand."

Toshinori thought for a moment.

It had been years since he'd spent Christmas Eve with anybody.

He'd feel pretty bad for intruding on someone else's holiday, especially in his pretty dour-looking true form.

As it turns out, coughing up comical amounts of blood is a pretty efficient mood killer, especially around the holidays.

But, as he looked at the young man in front of him and saw the earnest hope in his gaze, something in just wouldn't let him refuse.

"I'd be glad to come, Young Midoriya."

And the boy's face lit up like Christmas came early.

And Toshinori Yagi felt like a million bucks.

Hero Analysis and Notes for the Future:

Fighting Style(s): Armsmaster(Inspired by Taiga Saejima and Tatsuo Shinada/ partial credit to Death Arms)- Sometimes my fists just ain't enough. Sometimes a bat works just as well. Or swords, nunchaku, tonfa, etcetera. And if I can't find one of those, whatever else is on hand works too! Improvisation is key!

Heat burns yellow when I use it.

Author's Edit: By the way, since I broached the topic in this chapter with the mention of relationships, feel free to recommend a pairing you'd like to see if you want to see one.

And if it's not too much, tell mewhyyou'd like to see that particular pairing. You don't have to, I'm just curious.

Chapter 34: Interlude: Enough

Chapter Text

Midoriya Family Residence-Musutafu, Tokyo-December 27th, 201X

Inko Midoriya loved her son.

It was a simple fact that could never be brought into question.

The perfect blend of both her and her husband with a sharp wit and a brave spirit to match.

Every time she looked at him, her chest swelled with pride, especially after everything that had happened five years ago.

Granted, she was a bit concerned when he started bringing home dangerous and sometimes strange weapons and chugging down those syrupy sweet drinks from the Staminan series(which had astonishingly not been discontinued yet), but she got over it pretty quick.

She loved her son, after all, and as long as he didn't get himself hurt, she was okay with letting him have some hobbies, strange as they may be.

He was growing up well, so helpful to people around Musutafu and Kamurocho, and from what she heard, he never really asked for much, if anything, from the people he helped.

He had a bit of a swearing problem and his teacher had told her about his frequent spats with Mitsuki's son, which would worry most other parents, but one must take into account that she had, once upon a time, run away from an orphanage, joined up with a biker gang, started living with an ex/probationary yakuza and his ward(the traumatized son of a deceased yakuza patriarch), and had also developed a bad habit for swearingandsmoking.

So yeah, when she thought about it, it wasn't really that bad.

Whatwasbad, however…


"Oh dear, I know that sigh. What's wrong, Inko?"

The question snapped the doting mother out of her thoughts, bringing her back into the present moment, the scent of milk tea and cinnamon filling her nostrils.

"It's nothing, Mirei. Really."

'No, it's not nothing. That's your 'Izuku has a problem' sigh. What happened? Is it Mitsuki's son again?"

"If it is, I'll set him straight. The brat's head's only gotten bigger since he started junior high."

"No Mirei, Mitsuki, it's not Katsuki."

"Then what is it, Inko-san?"

The question came from the oldest woman in the group, Yayoi Dojima.

She was a widow who had moved into the apartment complex a little over nine years before.

Izuku, being the little ball of sunshine that he was, endeared himself to her and she, in turn, kept an eye on him whenever Inko or Majima couldn't.

For some odd reason, the older woman's eye twitched whenever the latter was brought up.

Regardless, she was a dear friend of Inko's and a great deal of help when it came to her concerns about raising her wayward, but beloved child acting almost like the mother that she'd never had growing up.

Which was why, even if she wasn't the type to burden other people with her issues, when the older woman shot her a concerned stare, she couldn't even resist.

She sighed once more, before beginning.

"It's not exactly a problem with Izuku, per se. It's more an issue on my end."

The other women waited patiently as their host collected her thoughts.

"I-I suppose that… I feel like we aren't all that close anymore. I'm always coming home a bit late and leaving early. He's coming home a bit later nowadays, whether he's out with his friend Yagi-san or workshopping ideas with Mei-chan or finding himself wrapped up in something strange, it just feels like we're worlds apart now. I miss him. And it feels like he's growing up so fast, and I just-"

She'd been picking the pace as she talked, speaking at almost top speed by the time she stopped herself. She took another deep breath, blinking away tears that sprouted at the corners of her eyes.

She hardly cried as much as she used to, but she still had her moments.

One more breath, and she steeled herself to finish saying what she had to say.

"I just… wanna be there to see it. To seehimand bewithhim while he's growing. Like my parents couldn't. But he's so independent now that I just feel like I'd be smothering him."

And there it was, the true heart of the issue.

When she was younger, she used to spend a lot of time with Izuku.

When she was still getting settled and looking for a university to begin her professorship at, they'd spend a ton of time together, playing 'Hero and Damsel' or whatever other game they came up with. This happened even more when Hisashi ended up moving out to I-Island and Majima disappeared for Tojo business again.

Though after he started flying off to Okinawa for his summers, and she started teaching Hero Sociology, the time they spent together shrank ever so slightly.

Then he started wandering about town, finding himself caught in all sorts of strange and wacky situations, she ended up teaching philosophy courses as well, that time together shrank just a bit more.

Fast forward to the incident in Kamurocho five years ago, and his visit to Okinawa three years after, that time shrank to near nonexistence.

She was tired of it.

The movie marathon that they'd had on Christmas Eve was the most time they'd spent together in months and even then, she'd hardly seen her son in the three days since then!

Something needed to change before he started high school or she would actually lose her mind.

Or her son.

Neither choice was acceptable.

And from the hard looks in her friends' eyes, they believed so as well.

"So you wanna get closer to him, yeah?" Mitsuki began.

Inko nodded.

"Well, try gettin' into his hobbies. He likes video games, right? Well, see if Hisashi left his old console here and give it a whirl. Blow the kid's mind with your knowledge of retro games and sh*t. He'll be eatin' outta the palm of your hand in no time."

December 28th

1:20 P.M.

"Okay… All the cables are in the right place, I've got a working controller… I think. And the cartridge is in. All that's left is to start the game."

She pressed the button on her console labeled 'POWER' and watched with anticipation as the screen in front of her lit up and the words on the screen flashed to say 'ARAKURE QUEST III'.

She had chosen this one specifically because she remembered how much fun Izuku had when he'd played it as a child.

(She also vaguely remembered poking fun at Hisashi for being so invested in it when they were teenagers, but that was so long ago.)

This was it. All she had to do was press 'START' and she'd be just one step closer to being able to bond with her son.

She had at least five hours before Izuku came home, she would get as far as she could into the game in that time and then discuss it with him over dinner.

A foolproof plan, one where absolutely nothing could go wrong.

I'm honestly kind of ashamed that I didn't think of it myself.

She chuckled to herself and pressed the 'START' button.

Two Hours Later…

Two rings was all it took to reach Hisashi.

"Hey hon, what's up?"

Her loving husband. Even being as many miles away from her as he was, for as long as he was at that, he still did his best to be there for both her and their son.

Which was good, she really needed some support.

"Help me."


Okay, maybe she needed to give him a bit more to go on.

"Arakure Quest, Hisashi.How do I play it?"

"Youwanna play Arakure Quest?"



Ah yes, Hisashi. Herassholehusband who was absolutelyno helpduring her current situation.

He's lucky he's cute… and many nautical miles away.

He gave a few more barely contained snickers before continuing on with the conversation at hand.

"Alright, sorry, sorry, just remembered something funny. Back to your problem, though. It's been years, so my memory's a bit spotty, but I remember enough to help a beginner. So which one are you playing, One or Two?"


"...I'm sorry. What was that you said? I seem to have misheard you."

"I'm playing Arakure Quest 3." She enunciated each word slowly.

A deep intake of breath followed by a slow exhale.

Oh, dear.

She knew that sigh. She'd heard it time and time while Hisashi was preparing his thesis. And even more so when the time came for him to defend it.

If she wasn't so oddly sure that she loved the man, she probably would've strangled him at some point (the fact that she had recently decided to go cold turkey on cigarettes,andhad her own thesis to worry about, likely didn't help the situation).

Though she had no idea what her husband's stress sigh had to do with avideo gameof all things, she figured if she waited patiently, she'd get an answer.

She figured correctly.

"Inko… out of all the games in that box, you picked the absoluteworstone to pick up for a casual experience."


"Ara-Q3 is the game that destroyed the Arakure Quest series. Before it came out near the end of the 80s, the first two games were considered a worthy opponent for Dragon Quest, and the hype for the third was so great, that on release day, people of all ages were actually stealing copies from each other just so they could have it if they missed the line."

Okay, that's a really great story, hon. What does that have to do with the situation at hand, though?

"And then came the issue…the game was sh*t!"

Woah, that was out of left field.

Hisashineverswore. It was strange, especially when you considered the fact he lived with two incredibly foul-mouthed individuals in his adolescence, and amongstyakuzaduring prepubescence, but that's just how it was with him.

She could count the number of times she'd heard him spouting foul language on one hand, all of them in front of a TV, with a… controller in his hand…


So that was a wash.

She'd never thought video games could be so complicated.

But then Hisashi had gotten into 'system RNG' and 'sh*tty mob spawn/variation' and 'crit chance', she suddenly realized just how out of her depth she was. And that was only the beginning of his 90-minute rant.

Video games just weren't her thing.

But that was fine. Her first plan failed, but she still had a back-up.

I'll get it next time.

She pumped a fist while a fire raged in her eyes.

Only to quickly compose herself as she heard the door open.

"Tadaima!" Her son called, it made her smile.


Next time.

"The video game idea is a pretty good one, but I don't think that it'll work out the way you expect, so just in case, I have a suggestion..."

Inko was always glad for Mirei's input.

"You both like to read, right? I helped you two put together that bookshelf last year. Well, if that's the case, why don't you just borrow one of his books, read it, and then discuss it with him?"

December 29th

5:00 P.M.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Izu, are you in here?"

No answer.

Good, she'd been banking on him being gone for this.

She opened the door and stepped inside.

She never really walked into her son's room anymore, partly due to the fact that he was a teenage boy and she didn't even want tothinkabout what he did in there, but also due to lack of time.

So while she could've moved straight to his bookshelf and picked out a book, as she had planned, she instead chose to take in the sight of her son's lair for the first time in a while.

The walls used to be pretty plain when Izuku was younger but over the years dozens of posters of theYakuza Sunsetseries, heroes (most predominantly All Might and Miruko), and a vast array of weaponry including, but not limited to: a polearm, nunchucks, a light-beam staff, and (his most recent addition) a katana.

His computer sat off to the side. It had been the family computer when Izuku was little, but after she got her laptop, she couldn't find much use for it and let Izuku take it for himself when he was six.

"Can I really have it?"

"Of course you can, sweetheart. It's all yours!"

The memory of the stars in his eyes made her heart swell.

Deciding that she'd observed enough, for the time being, she finally turned her attention to her primary objective.

Izuku's bookshelf was a thing to behold.

She and Mirei had bought and built it for him a year ago.

Six shelves with two drawers at the bottom, and Izuku was making good use of all of them.

The top three shelves were filled end-to-end, with a number of different manga.

Shounen to crime to seinen, with the occasional shoujo colored the shelves like a miniature rainbow. It was almost cute.

The bottom three shelves were an entirely different story.

A good number of thick, well-worn books lined them. A few were bookmarked with index sticky notes.

Among them were a few titles that Inko recognized:

'The Art of War by Sun Tzu'sat with a few colorful notes sticking from its pages.

'Candide by Voltaire'had even more, despite being so much thinner than the previous.

'Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky'was the most annotated of all the books on his shelves.

The book that caught her eye most was one with no annotations or notes, the least colorful volume on the shelf.

'Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche'

"Mom, what's evil?"

A sharp intake of breath as she whipped around to look behind her.

A boy with green hair, no older than thirteen, stared back at her.

He had a book tucked under his arm.

He was getting so tall, he'd likely tower over her by the time he left Junior High.

She smiled back at him softly, it wasn't the first time he'd asked her a question like that out of the blue.

"Evil is doing something morally wrong even when you know you shouldn't. Well, that's what the dictionary says anyway."

He frowned at her- no, not at her, he just… frowned.

His eyes were red, he'd just heard the news about Kiryu-san a week ago.

He didn't leave his room for three days after he heard. Didn't speak for twice that.

His eyes flicked down to his book and then back to her and he opened his mouth to say something, likely to ask another question, before seemingly thinking better of it, turning on his with a muttered thanks, and leaving the room.

Inko blinked. She'd been alone this whole time.

It was so strange, but that book made her realize something.

The way Izuku had been acting before he'd gone to Okinawa, he was distant for a bit.

Not cold, just reserved. She had been so focused on getting things ready for her next semester, and he had started to become so independent by then that she thought he'd just come to her if he wanted to talk about anything.

Looking back on it, she could have done more. Kiryu was important to him.

Just as important as Goro, now that she thought about it. And when they thoughthe'ddied, Izuku was a wreck.

Andwhatdid she do then?


Just like when his dream was shattered all that time ago.

"Can I…be a hero, too?"

What would she have done if Goro hadn't been in the picture?

You already know.

Yeah, she did.

But that's why she was here now, to avoid that.

She ignored the books on the bottom three shelves, she didn't want to mess with any of his notes, and she wanted whatever conversation they made to be a bit lighter than the nihilistic themes presented by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

She reached for the top shelf and grabbed a manga directly from the end. She looked up and saw that he had a lot of manga by the same name. Must've been pretty long-running. She also remembered him talking about them, something about the work of an enemy stand or was it Stand?

He seems to like this series. Alright.

One Hour Later...

I can't get into this.

The art was nice, the story was alright too, she just couldn't get into it for some reason.

So the blonde one's the adoptive brother and he's a complete prick. The main character's pretty nice, wish he'd be more assertive. But what about those Stand things that Izuku's always making jokes about? I thought they were important.

She eventually decided that this plan was a wash as well, returning the volume to its place on the shelf and not a second too soon, for as soon as she entered the living room again, she heard the front door unlock and open.



Alright, tomorrow. Tomorrow for sure.

"Ladies. I'm going to have to weigh in here."

The three younger women turned to Yayoi, who had been rather quiet for the majority of the spitballing session.

The older sipped her tea, before leveling a matronly look on the Midoriya in the room.

Inko sat straight and paid the old widow the attention she was owed.

December 30th

6:56 P.M.

Inko sat on the couch, one of her shows playing in front of her. It was one of Izuku's favorites too, especially since it was based on his favorite movie series.

Yakuza Sunset 0.

They never got to watch it together, but they both liked it enough to rate it five stars on NexFlix.

They both liked it enough for it to be the next plan.

The older woman looked her right in the eye and said, "There's no need for all this surreptition. Just talk to the boy. As long as I've known him, Izuku's been a reasonable boy. I'm certain that if you just said that you just wanted to spend some time with him, he'd drop everything just to be with you for a while."

7:00 P.M.

She heard the door unlock and open.

"Tadaima." His voice was quieter than usual, he must've been tired.

"Okaeri." She kept her voice down, watching from the corner of her eye as he made his way into the living room and plopped down next to her on the couch.

They didn't say much after that. As much she wanted to say, she felt comfortable just sitting there and watching TV with him.

She felt something fall into her shoulder. She knew exactly what it was.

She reached her hand up and slowly, gently, ran her hands through her son's soft, green locks.

This is nice.

For a few minutes, the TV playing was the only sound in the living room.

"Hey, Mom." Izuku's voice was so soft that she wouldn't have heard it if he hadn't been on her shoulder.


"I know that you're busy, but do you think that, before school starts up again, you could teach me how to cook?"

Well, that's random. But also rather convenient.

"Of course, hun. We'll start tomorrow."

Izuku yawned, "Thanks, Mom."

"No problem."

And silence again.

Eventually, she heard his breathing steady and she listened close as he began to snore lightly.

She carefully laid him down on the couch, getting up to go grab him a blanket.

In the back of her head, she thought that even if she couldn't be by his side as much as she used to be, being able to do this every once in a while would be enough.

The first out of five stories to be updated in the next week or so.

Also, a few announcements to make and a question to ask.

First off, this story is officially a year old(On FFN)! Who would've ever thought that we'd get this far when I posted that first chapter last year in June (Once again, on FFN). This leads me to the next announcement.

I'll be releasing a short crossover piece that'll turn into a full story down the line, it'll sorta work like a pilot (Proof of concept, basic plot details, and things subject to change before the full release.) A prize for anyone who can figure out what it is. (Your one clue: Jackpot.)

Stay tuned folks.

Chapter 35: Exams and Whatnot

Chapter Text

U.A. High School Entrance- Musutafu, Tokyo- February 26th, 201X

Ochako Uraraka was having an alright morning.

Woke up, had a minuscule breakfast, showered in not-quite-hot-not-quite-cold water, and almost got incredibly lost while attempting to find the right line, but that didn't matter.

Whatdidmatter, however, was that she was finally there.

U.A. High School.

The most prestigious hero's academy in the nation, if not the world, known for producing some of the best pro heroes in the industry.

The place where, if she could manage to graduate, she could finally begin paying back her debt.

Though before she could evenbeginto think about that, she had to pass the entrance exam.

I made it this far, I can't stop now.

So, with that thought in mind, she took her first step past the entryway and was greeted with her first strange sight at such a reputable institution.

"Kacchan! Wait up!"

"f*ck off and leave me be, ya damned freak!"

A green-haired boy with a ponytail bounded after another boy with ashen hair, who seemed to be doing all he could to escape his pursuer without full-on sprinting.

They both wore the same uniform, and they clearly knew each other if they spoke to each other like that.

"So mean! And after you've been avoiding me for so long."

"And you still haven't caught the hint!"

"That's right!"

The ashen-haired one growled and kept walking, somehow even more briskly than before and gaining quite a bit of distance as well.

The greenette made to continue his pursuit, but an uneven inch of ground seemed to impede that effort, and the boy began to pitch forward violently, arms moving forward to hopefully break his fall.

Ochako rushed forward, reaching out to touch the young man's back before he could fall-



Only to blush a pretty pink as her open hand hit a little harder and a little lower than she'd anticipated.

The green-haired boy ceased his flailing as he noticed that he was now at least a few inches off of the ground.

He looked around before noticing the flushed brunette to his side.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "So I'm guessing this is your doing?"

He seemed rather calm for someone suspended in mid-air.

Ochako nodded slowly, before realizing the person she was nodding at was still parallel to the ground.

She helped him float upright before pulling him down and releasing the effect of her quirk.

"Sorry about that. Using my quirk on you, I mean."

Not even mentioning the other bit before that.

If a transgression occurred but nobody acknowledged it, did it ever really occur at all.

The green-haired boy, freckle-faced as he could now see up close, gave her a cheeky grin and waved off her apology.

"Eh, it's no biggie. I'd rather not break my nose just before the exam, so...ookini."

The last word gave her cause for pause. It wasn't anything too strange, just unexpected.


Up until that one word, the boy had been speaking exclusively using Kanto-ben, even when he was suspended in mid-air.

So why at the end, did he say 'ookini'instead of 'arigatou'?

She didn't usually think so hard about a 'thank you', but it was kinda just a weird thing to hear a boy from Tokyo just switch between Kanto-ben and Kansai-ben on the fly like that.

She opened her mouth to voice her observation, but to her amazement, the boy had disappeared.

She blinked. He was still gone.

And so, within the span of a mere 90 seconds, Ochako Uraraka's morning went from 'alright' to 'downright perplexing'.

90 Minutes Later...

"-EVERYBODY SAY 'HEY!'" The exuberant man at the front called out to the many rows of schoolchildren before him.


Only one called back.

"[E-Excellent]! That's what I'm talking about!"

It didn't seem to bother him too much. In fact, it seemed to bolster him, as his already showy gestures became even more exaggerated.

"Right! Now I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

Once again, one response.

Red eyes rolled in their sockets, "Shut the hell up, Deku."

"Ah lighten up, Kacchan. This is pretty hype. 'Specially after that written exam. I mean, that's Present Mic down there."

The green-haired pup was promptly ignored.

Pouting slightly, he turned his attention back to the explanation being given at the front.

"After the presentation, you'll head to your assigned battle center, okay?"

Complete silence.

"So in other words, they don't want people from the same school teaming up with one another."

The young Midoriya looked down at his exam ticket:

Examinee No.: 2234

Test Location: Battle Center B

His eyes shifted over to his classmate's ticket:

Examinee No.: 2233

Test Location: Battle Center A

"Huh, look at that. You're right. I'm right after you but in the next Battle Center over."

The slip of paper was quickly snatched from his sight.

"Don't look. I'll kill you."

I feel like there's 'b-baka' missing from that statement.

The ashen-haired teentsked, "Damn, now I can't crush you."

"That's a cute way of saying you'll miss me."

Aside from a quiet growl, the greenette jackass's comment went ignored.

"-ur goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!"

Makes sense, wouldn't want a buncha hormonally imbalanced psycho teens setting each other on fire on school grounds… or anywhere, I guess.

A voice called out from a few rows in front of him, addressing the hero explaining the exam.

"May I ask a question?"

Present Mic didn't skip a beat, "[Okay]."

As the blonde hero pointed into the seats, a spotlight illuminated the examinee.

There was a student in glasses wearing a tan uniform that Izuku didn't recognize, standing tall and proud with his hand raised to the high heavens(or at least the high ceiling).

Lowering his hand, the bespectacled lad, presented the handout that everyone had been given upon entering the auditorium.

He proceeded to go off about some error or another, which Izuku decided to tune out in favor of daydreaming on account of not giving two wet sh*ts.

"-cause we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes. In addition," at this he turned and pointed directly at our slightly checked out protagonist, "You there, with the ponytail-"

That snapped Izuku out of his daydream, as he turned his attention to the stranger who was quite obviously verbally accosting him.

He looked around him, before turning back to the accusatory finger being aimed at him.

co*cking his head slightly to the side, he pointed at himself and said, "Moi?"

"Yes, you! You've been calling out and whispering back there this whole time."

"Have I?"

"You have. It's distracting. If you're here to play around, I suggest you leave immediately."

Most normal people would be a bit sheepish, having been so blatantly and aggressively called out in public. They might even apologize for their behavior.

Unfortunately for the bespectacled young man, the stranger he had chosen to accost that day… was not a normal person.

Yes, unfortunately for him, the person who had just landed himself on the sh*t list of…

Was Izuku Midoriya.

"Ah, I see. Well, I would kindly suggest that you [kiss my ass]."

Izuku could hear Present Mic choke on his own spit at the front.

The stern glasses-wearing examinee looked confused, "Apologies, but what was it that you just said?"

"I said I would suggest that we listen to what Present Mic has to say, he didn't seem to be finished with his explanation."

The young stickler accepted the answer and turned back toward the front, allowing the pro to recover from his near death experience with his own saliva.

"Ahem.Right, so as I was going to say Examinee Number 7111-"

Izuku tuned out once more.

The handout had most of the information they needed anyway, Present Mic might've been able to elaborate a bit more, but the test seemed pretty straightforward.

"Junk the bots, don't get junked. For every bot you junk, you get one, two, or three points, depending on the type."

He played video games, it wasn't that hard a concept to grasp.

He didn't have enough time to start daydreaming, as Present Mic finished up his explanation.

"Finally, I'll give you listeners a present- our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.'"

The hero was always smiling, but it seemed to grow just a bit wider as he looked out among the many young students who stared back at him in silent anticipation.

"Go beyond. Plus Ultra!"

Izuku smiled.

I like it.

"Now, everyone, good luck suffering!"

Ten Minutes Later…

U.A. Practical Exam- Gate to Battle Center B

Today's the day. Ten years and ten months, all leadin' up to this. Hope you're watchin', Toshi-sensei.

He'd changed out of his warm gakuran, his mom had given him one of his dad's old tracksuits.

Light blue and slightly baggy on his frame, it made him realize that his dad was kind of built when he was his age. He would have loved to have used his own, but laundry day came at an unfortunate time, so it couldn't be helped.

The air buzzed with nervous anticipation. Izuku couldfeelhow tense everyone around him was, even if they didn't show it.

There was even a bit of unease bubbling in his stomach.

Ignoring that, he took stock of his fellow test-takers. They didn't look all that impressive to him, all things considered. Sure, they had equipment to go with their quirks and the like, but that didn't mean they were anything too special.

Though maybe his perception of impressiveness was a bit skewed, considering his company for the past ten months.

Speakin' of, I should ask Kaito-san how that 'Captain Cop' gig is coming along when I see him next.

It'd been too long since he'd dropped by Yagami's office, especially since he was busy with exam prep and the detective was busy with trial proceedings.

I hope he's eating right at least, I'll drop in and pop a few plates in his fridge when I've got the time.

He scanned the crowd of students before coming across a familiar face.

Oh hey, it's that girl.

She'd changed into her own tracksuit, a sleek black number with a bit of white and pink to accent.

She had her back to him, but he'd recognize that brunette bob anywhere.

After all, there were no two people in the world who had the same haircutandhair color.

[?] Let it be known, Izuku has never met twins in his life before.

He was kind of rude to her earlier, running off the way he did after she helped him. But Kacchan was getting away fast, he needed to be faster.

I should go wish her luck. Least I could do.

He'd barely taken two steps toward her before he felt someone grasp his shoulder.

"If you like your hand fully fingered, I suggest you get it off my shoulder."

"How uncouth! Do you really think you should be here with such a vulgar attitude?"

Oh f*ck, it's you.

He hadn't seen the four-eyed wonder who attempted to shame him at the Exam Orientation, so he thought he was safe.

Apparently, though, he was cursed, so safety was a lie.

He turned his head to look back at the serial accoster with his least strained smile.

"I thought it was my best feature, honestly."

"Hmph, and I suppose you wish to apply that 'best feature' in throwing off that girl while she's trying to concentrate?"

Do you have nothing better to do than harass me?

"Wouldn't dream of it, pal."

"Then what are you doing here? Are you just taking this exam for fun? Or maybe just to interfere with everyone by distracting them with your tomfoolery?"

If I just slug him right here, will I get in trouble? Probably, most likely, yes.

He listened to the whispers around him:

"Isn't that the guy that almost tripped outside the school?"

"Yeah, the one that got called out at orientation."

"You think he's just here to dick around?"

"If he is, that means we've got one rival to worry about."

His eyebrow twitched.

But would I enjoy it? Probably, most likely, yes.

Unfortunately, his plans for violence were stopped dead in their tracks upon the sound of Present Mic's voice ringing out and saying, "Okay, start!"

And Izuku took off like a bat out of hell.

Years of training taught him one thing and one thing only:

Never hesitate.

A six-year-old Izuku ran as fast as his little legs could take him.

"Run Izuku, RUN!"

"Jiji, you're scaring me!"

"You think a villain's gonna stop because you'rescared?! RUN!"

A nine-year-old Izuku stood panting on the sands of Morning Glory Beach.

"Kiryu-san, please. Can wepleasestop?"


"You think a villain's going to stop just because you ask nicely? Fat chance."



A twelve-year-old Izuku followed his boss to the stairs that lead up to the roof of the Yoshida Batting Center.

"So, Chief, what's on the docket today?"

"You're gonna be training with a friend today. Called in a few favors and he promised to give you a lesson in small arms fire. So why don't you head on up? I wanna have a smoke real quick, and Saigo's not a fan."

The boy shrugged and headed up like his boss asked, looking around once he reached the top.

Empty, not a sign of life.

He turned his head to ask Akiyama if his friend was either invisible or a ghost, when suddenly-


He dived out of the way as a hail of bullets flew past his previous position.

A man with an obvious wig appeared out of nowhere, toting a submachine gun.

"Hm. Good reflexes, but your spatial awareness and reconnoitering could use some work. Not to worry though, we've got time."

"What. The. Fu-"


It occurred to him that maybe the male role models in his left a little something to be desired when it came to regard for his immediate safety and mental health.

But that was a problem he'd need to deal with at a later date because, at that moment, a more immediate problem made itself manifest.

Bot Squad

Just as he rounded a corner, he came face-to-face with what had to be a one-pointer.

It wasn't too imposing, maybe the size of a pickup with a big red 'eye' on the nose of its narrow head.

Target acquired.

It rushed him and was upon him in an instant.

"DIE!" It cried, its voice so obviously processed.

He felt his blood burn.

Could see the blue flame licking corners of his vision.

His muscles tensed, he gritted his teeth behind his lips.

He was in his stance already; arm in front of his chest, knees bent slightly, fist clenched tightly on his other arm while it hung loosely at his side.

The bot got closer, he co*cked that arm back…

And quickly brought it forward, straight into its eye.


He broke it, his arm invaded the bot's head up to the elbow.

And the bot itself just stopped moving.

Well, guess that's one point for me.

He pulled his arm out of the downed automaton's eye socket and shook it slightly.

He was bleeding, that glass had scraped up his hand pretty badly.

Got the sleeve pretty bad too, dammit.

He tore a bit of the fabric from his savaged sleeve and wrapped it around his cuts.

Okay, hafta use somethin' other than my hands to bring these things down.

He had a support item, of course, courtesy of his personal pink-haired support gremlin.

But I wanna save that for later. Even if we stress-tested it, I'd rather not risk blowin' myself up right at the start of the test.

So that left one option:


He was in a vast city environment, lots of loose odds & ends just begging to be thrown around, and he hadjustthe style to capitalize on that.

He heard footsteps coming up from behind him, the other examinees most likely.

To his front, more robots, anda lotof things to throw.

He grinned.

Let's get wild!

Nemuri Kayama had been a teacher at U.A. High School for quite a while. Around a decade, she'd say.

She'd seen a number of entrance exams, none of them ever exactly the same.

But this was the first one where she'd been told beforehand to look out for a particular student.

And by the most unlikely person as well...

Earlier that day…

She awoke to a half-empty bed and the smell of coffee spreading through her apartment.

She didn't open her eyes, but she knew that once she deigned to do so, her eyes would be assaulted by the glare of the morning sun aggressively beaming through her windows.

So she waited. Not long, mind you. But long enough.

Just until she heard the door to her bedroom open, and footsteps rounded the bed, stopping exactly where the glare would shine through.

And a voice, A man's spoke, "Time to wake up, Miss Midnight."

Her eyes fluttered open, and she was greeted with a steaming cup of coffee followed by a soft smile.


She smiled back, sitting up and taking the cup gingerly between her fingers.

"Hey, yourself."

"And here I thought you weren't a morning person. Half expected a pillow to the face."

"I'm not. But there's a magically prepared cup of coffee sitting in my hands right now, so I feel like I could take on the world right now. Or at the very least stomach a conversation with my boyfriend."

"Riiight. So I've gotta get to work soon, but I had something to tell you before I left."

"Oh? What's that?"


"It's about that entrance exam today. You're going, right?"

"Yeah, I'm one of the judges this year. Why?"

"Well, I've got a word of advice."

Well, this was certainly different. He hated talking about U.A.

The Entrance Exam especially.

So her interest was piqued. She took another sip of coffee and gestured for him to go on.

"Green hair, green eyes, freckles. Keep an eye out for a kid that looks like that."


"Oh right, and his name is-"

"Izuku Midoriya, what is it about you that's got Mikumo so interested?"

"Hm? You say something, Midnight?"

To her side, she noticed her tired coworker glance at her through his messy hair.

"Nothing, Shota. Say, you got your eye on any students in particular?"

Eraserhead sighed, whether it was due to the use of his actual name or the fact that his question was very obviously avoided.

Despite that, he still indulged her, "Examinee Number 2234." He moved his head in the direction of one of the many monitors.

On it was the image of a green-haired student swinging a mailbox into a Venator bot(a three-pointer) with a savage grin on his face.

Green hair, green eyes, freckles… that's-

"Izuku Midoriya, right?"

Eraserhead nodded, "According to his file, he's coming from Aldera. Great grades, but a history of butting heads with one Katsuki Bakugo, Examinee Number 2233."

He brought her attention to another monitor, this one showed an ashen-haired student blasting away two Imperial bots(two points) with an explosion from his palm.

"Just like Midoriya, he's an excellent student, but he can't seem to stop scrapping with the former. Apparently, it's never escalated fully to violence though."

I see, but what's got Mikumo so invested in this kid?

"Mind handing me that file?"

The disheveled hero raised an eyebrow, but surrendered the folder to her regardless.

"Thanks." She flipped it open and began to read.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

D.O.B: 07-15-200X

All standard stuff, she skipped past that and flipped to the copy of his Quirk Registration Form.

Name of Quirk: Heat

Known Effects: Increases activity in the Hypothalamus, triggering the release of massive amounts of adrenaline, effectively super-powering the subject for as long the effect lasts.

Doctor's Note: Subject was thought to be capable of activating and deactivating the quirk, though recent tests have shown that it remains always active to some extent.

There was more, but she'd read enough.

The kid's quirk was rather interesting, but that still didn't explain exactly how and why Mikumo knew he'd be taking this particular exam.

And not only, but the way the kid moved. It was… oddly familiar, though she couldn't quite place where she'd seen it last.

"I dunno, I kinda like the kid, Shota!"

"That's just because he's willing to enable you, Mic."

She ignored her co-workers and focused on the freckled boy as he pulled another out the path of a rampaging Victory(One-pointer).

Well, Izuku Midoriya. I hope you pass, someone seems to have high hopes for you.


The two-pointer's hard metal shell caved as Izuku slammed the stop sign that he'd acquired into it.

All right, that's about fifty for me. But these guys need to watch out, this is the third guy who almost got conked over the head by one of these things.

He turned to the student who he had pulled out of the way, "Hey, you alright?"

The blonde, who was clutching his stomach and sparkling, gave him a weak smile and a 'Oui' with a quick word of thanks.

"Don't mention it, just be a bit more careful."

He left the sign lodged in the two-pointer, it had served its purpose well… and it was stuck quite deeply into the machine anyhow, so...

He ran to the end of the street and saw a few familiar faces.

The ass-slapping brunette from earlier ran past several bots, touching them as she did. They floated up into the air until she brought the tips of her fingers together and said, "Release!"

He noticed that she seemed to be strained while she did it, he made a mental note of that.

"That's twenty-eight points…!"

Izuku whistled.

Okay, Ass-Slapper's puttin' in work.

He left her to her business and moved on.

A little further onward, he saw Mr. Stick-In-The-Mud destroy a two-pointer with a divekick.

"Forty-five points!"

Forty-five? Damn, much as I'd hate to admit it, four-eyes got moves.

It was popping off, but time was running short and at the rate things were going, there would be barely any students with enough points to pass, assuming that they were going off a regular grading point system.

So what's the play?


His answer came crashing through like a bull in a china shop.

A huge robot, one that dwarfed the buildings around them, had appeared out of nowhere.


Nemuri was intrigued.

The Executor(Zero-pointer) was a little more than just an obstacle. It was a signal.

The signal of the true test that began when it came down to the wire.

To present the students who would show grace under fire and those who would crumble under the pressure.

Most students would run away, find smaller villain bots to pick off.

Others, they'd freeze in their tracks and end up failing usually.

But Izuku Midoriya, what was he doing?

He was running towards the Executor.

He had less than two minutes left, and he was wasting time on a gimmick, an obstacle.

Wait, no… that's not true.

There was someone there!

Stuck with her leg trapped under the rubble there was a girl. Examinee Number 8457, Ochako Uraraka.

The Executor was closing, but Midoriya had reached her.

They were exchanging words, but there was no sound accompanying it.

When they were done, he lifted up the rubble that trapped her leg and helped her to her feet.

More words exchanged, the Executor got even closer.

All of the sudden, the green-haired boy grabbed the brunette's hand and pressed it to his chest.

She blinked, and the next thing she knew, he was in the air and floating with-

"Is- is that a fish in his hand?"

Okay Izuku, stay calm. Mei told me how to use this thing and she promised me it was safe, so I just have to aim the eye and I'm free.

Izuku was on the verge of sh*tting his pants.

He was used to heights. He flew back and forth between Tokyo and Okinawa enough to get used to it. However,onthose flights, he never really had to worry about the lack of matter between him and the cold, uncaring earth beneath him.

Ass-Slapper assured him that he wouldn't fall, but they'd just met and she sexually harassed him upon their first, so forgive his skepticism.

And as he fumbled with his and Mei's newest baby, 'Mortar Marlin' as they'd taken to calling it, he remembered all the other times that his best friend had assured him that her inventions were safe.

"Don't worry, this baby'll help ya get through that manga waaaaay faster."

His beloved first volume of Stardust Crusaders was torn to shreds and scorched after Mei's 'Reader Buddy' baby, overloaded and exploded.

The big bastard was getting closer.

Okay, Marlin. You and me, buddy. Please don't blow up.

He held it under his arm, took aim right at the big red target in the middle of the bot's 'face', and pulled the trigger-


He felt his body cut through the air, but hesawa big, scorched hole where its 'eye' had been while it fell fast and away from him.

Huh, well look at that Mei, it worked.

In the back of his mind, he could almost hear her say, "And you didn't even blow up."

He felt the Marlin begin to slip from his fingers, while he sat suspended in the air. Apparently, his hair tie had come loose at some point too. His luscious locks were hanging loose, not that he really cared.

And all he could think was,Now… How do I get down from here?

"Shouta, you saw that right?"

"Yeah, Mic. I saw that."

What- what even?

It wasn't every day that you saw a zero-pointer taken down by aFish Cannon.

But after seeing all of that, Nemuri had come to a realization.

That strange style of fighting, that movement, she'd seen it before. Months ago and only once, but it was impressive enough to leave a lasting impression.

Nemuri Kayama was now fully invested in Izuku Midoriya.

One Week Later…

I'm not nervous at all.

"You shouldn't lie to yourself, Izuku."

Since when was Mirei-baba a mind reader?

"She's not, hun."

Since when was mom a mind reader?

"Neither of us are, you're thinking out loud."

Oh, right. Sorry auntie.


His letter hadn't arrived yet and he was nervous about what would happen when it did.

He knew he'd scored pretty well on the written test, but was unsure about the practical.

He'd gotten fifty villain points, but wasted the last of his time suspended in the air after taking down the zero-pointer.

He didn't know what that meant for him going forward.

Luckily the other students had banded together to bring him down close to the ground before Ass-Slapper (he'd never gotten her name) released the effect of her quirk on him.

After that a healing kiss and some gummies from U.A.'s lovely nurse, Recovery Girl, and he was sent on his way.

He came home early that day and fell dead to sleep as soon as his head hit his pillow.

He hadn't heard from Toshi-sensei in days. That made him a bit nervous, as the old hero made a habit of keeping in contact.

He's probably just busy, it'll be fine.

And then his brain decided to flip him the big finger and say, 'But what if it's not?'

And it all spiraled down from there.

At one point, his mother had decided to step out for a moment.


"Izuku! It's here! It's here!It's here!It's here!It's here!It's here!It's here!"

And when she frantically returned, it was with an envelope decorated with the U.A. emblem upon it.

She handed it to him, he took a breath.



"I AM HERE! As a projection…"

Within minutes, sounds of celebration could be heard all around the neighborhood, originating from the Midoriya Residence.

So I'm back again.

Thank you guys for putting up with me and my lies, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

By the way, is it weird to wake up some mornings and wonder 'Is the story popular enough for fan art yet?"

Just wondering.

Chapter 36: First Day Dickery

Chapter Text

Midoriya Family Residence- Musutafu, Tokyo- April 10th, 201X

5:55 A.M.

He couldn't sleep.

It wasn't exactly something new. He could count on all his fingers and toes the number of times he'd woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.

Even then, he'd still be short a few nights.

That aside, this night was different. No nightmares, he hadn't even been to sleep.

No, he couldn't sleep because he was sof*ckingexcited!

Hegot into U.A.

Little Dekugot into U.A High.

Even though the only one willing to call him that out loud was Kacchan, he still felt the need to stress that, especially when the blond bastard was around.

It still brought a smile to his face whenever he thought about the day that Subarashii-sensei called them both to the faculty office after they got their exam results back.

Aldera Junior High School- Faculty Office

"Well, I almost couldn't believe it when the announcement came in, but you two did it. This is unprecedented, actually. We've never had two students in the same year pass the U.A. entrance exam, let alone take the top two spots!" Subaru Subarashii genuinely smiled for the first time in his ten years of teaching.

Bakugo huffed slightly, clenching a tight fist at his side, but otherwise staying completely silent.

Izuku's grin could best be described as sh*t-eating , "So, do we get some sorta prize? A plaque on the koi pond? Maybe twin busts right outside the cafeteria?"

Subarashii's smile didn't break for a second, "Nope, just our congratulations! Now, get out."

Kacchan was so mad.

The memory sparked joy. As did the memories of him tracking down and reminding the blonde bomber boy just who it was that took the number one spot over and over and over again.

He chuckled.

Good times.

So yes, he was excited, but he really should have been to sleep that night.

Though if he was going to be awake, he needed to do something. He turned to look at his clock. Though as he did, something fell in front of his eyes, lightly brushing the bridge of his nose.

His hair was loose again, it was getting in his eyes as was its wont whenever it wasn't tied back.

He brushed it back and took a proper look at his clock.

6:01 A.M.

It was too early to head to Kamurocho and he didn't feel like going on a run. His mother was at the Bakugou residence, having been invited the night before.

His hair fell into his face again. He sighed.

f*ck it.

And he plodded off to the bathroom in search of a pair of scissors.

Shouta Aizawa's Apartment- April 10th, 201X

8:17 A.M.

The smell of coffee wafting in from his kitchen was a pleasant surprise when he awoke that morning, the loud voice that accompanied it, however, far less so.

"[Good morning], Shouta!"

"It's morning. 'Good', however, remains to be seen."

"C'mon, man! Where's the energy, man? First day's tomorrow!"

"You're tippin' that scale, Hizashi."

"Jeez, you're even more down than usual. Who crapped in your coffee this morning?"

"Our boss."

"Hm? Whaddya mean?"

He gestured to the stack of paperwork at his desk, courtesy of his not-mouse, not-bear, not-dog employer.

"Ah, 1-A's Support Request Forms, right?"

"Yep. He told me to look over them, veto the unacceptable options, and send them into Majima by tonight."

The blonde hero handed his friend a steaming cup of black coffee and walked over to the stack of forms and began leafing through them.

He seemed to be looking for one form in particular though.

"Hey, Shouta."



"Where's that green haired kid's form?"

"She's right at the top."

"No, the other one."

"She's not in my class."

"No, the one with the freckles. The cool one."

"He didn't send one."


The exuberant blond blinked before turning to his eternally unperturbed companion.

"What do youmeanhe didn't send one?Everyonesends a Support Form Request!"

"Clearly not."

The Voice Hero put a hand to his forehead, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Sheesh, what's going on this year? First that argument at faculty meeting, Kayama's been grinning about something she won't tell me about, and theonecool kid outta this batch of new arrivals is acting strange!"

"Acting strange? You're one to talk."

Though the man wasn't exactly wrong.

There were a number of peculiarities that year.

Midnight was grinning ear-to-ear after the practical exam, and refused to explain when pressed.

They had a 'special guest' in the form of a walking skeleton, known as Toshinori Yagi. The deflated form of the number one hero.

Though for the most part, whenever Aizawa looked over, the man seemed to be staring at one examinee in particular.

A certain green haired, fish-cannon wielding examinee.

The examinee who was also the part of the reason why he and Kan got into it during the class selection conference.

Several Days Ago…

"No, this is unacceptable!"

"You're being dramatic, Kan."

"And you're being unreasonable, Aizawa!"

He sighed for what had to be the hundredth time in thirty minutes.

"I'd argue that I'm being more than reasonable. I'm absolutely fine letting you take Setsuna Tokage, Juzo Honenuki, and Inasa Yoarashi-"

Principal Nezu chimed in from the head of the conference table,"Inasa Yoarashi has declined acceptance to U.A. High School."

"...Right, my point still stands."

"No. No, it doesn't. You get two recommended studentsandseveral of the highest scoring students from the regular exam. And for what? So you can expel them all on their first day?"

"No, that would be highly illogical."

The tired teacher's colleague waited for the other shoe to drop.

"Depending on their performance, I'll likely only end up expelling half of them."

Ther hero course's other homeroom professor seemed more incredulous than anything after hearing colleague's retort.

"D-does no one else hear this? Doesno one elsehave a problem with what he's saying?"

He was met with silence.


"Well, I certainly don't." Again, the principal's voice chimed from the head of the table.

Kan's wide eyes shot to the smiling chimera.


"Kan-kun, please. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"But, sir-"

The principal said nothing but continued to smile, the air grew more oppressive.

Within moments, Sekijiro Kan was cowed and the meeting continued on with no further issue.

Nezu, however, did call Aizawa in later to inform him that he'd be responsible for handling all of his students' Support Request Forms, rather than allowing Power Loader to do so.

He had one word to say in response to that.


As unreasonable as Kan had assumed he was being, his decision was based completely in logic.

After reading the dossiers for two highest scorers, he'd found out that they were both applying from Aldera Junior High.

He immediately sent out a request for both boys' school records.

It was all the normal things; Report card copies, physical exam results, and disciplinary records.

The first two were rather unimportant, the boys' grades were both pretty high, physical exam results were above average, but their disciplinary records, they littered with minor infractions, all of which involved the other.

A myriad of heated altercations, all dating back to the first day of school in their second year.

According to most of their homeroom teacher's reports, Midoriya would always be the one to instigate, but Bakugo would always rise to the bait.

The confrontations never escalated to anything physical, as far as the reports indicated, but that was likely due to the fact that their homeroom teacher was willing to crack the whip whenever it seemed like things were getting out of hand.

All that aside, it was obvious that U.A. had at least two problem children on their hands.

Well, depending on how they fared on his Quirk Apprehension Test, maybe not even that many.


Sky Finance- Kamrucho, Tokyo

12:15 P.M.

"So tomorrow's the big day, huh?"

"Yeah, chief."

"That the reason behind the new 'do?"

"In a way. New school, new me, y'know?"

"Yeah, I guess. Shame though, I was gettin' used to the ponytail."

Izuku swept back his now neck-length hair, while he spoke to Akiyama from across the table.

It had been a pain cutting that morning and it was the first time he'd done it himself, but he didn't think it turned out too bad.

He'd been intending to cut his hair for a while, but he just couldn't find the drive.

He'd been in a funk for so long, all without realizing it. There was just a lot going down in his life.

First, Uncle Kaz got thrown in prison, then Jiji and Taijiji were stuck in legal hell for several years, then Uncle Kaz got released and faked his death , and most recently Taijiji and Jiji disappeared all while Kansai yakuza have been moving in at a steady rate.

Now that he thought about it, his life really was a cluster of f*ck, and that was all without even considering the fact that he had the greatest hero in the world on speed-dial andsaid greatest hero wanted him to be the successor to a great power that would change the world of quirks as everyone knew it.

I really need to book a spa day or something.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"Hey, you still with me?"

"Yeah, chief. Sorry, just thinkin'."

"Oh jeez, don't hurt yourself."

"Haha, eat several dicks."

"Hey now, at least be nice to your boss on your last day."

"Yeah, soon as my boss starts-" He had started to respond before he fully comprehended what was said, "Wait, last day?"

The moneylender gave him a smile. Not a smirk or a grin that his soon-to-be former part-timer would revel in smacking off of his face, but a truly kind and gentle smile.

"Yep, after today, you'll no longer be working here at Sky Finance. Omedetou!" He clapped a few times for good measure.

Izuku wasn't amused, he just had one thing to ask, "Why?"

"Hm. Why, indeed?" The Lifeline of Kamurocho stood up from the couch he'd been sitting on and walked behind his desk, "Tell me Izuku, how long's it been since you've heard from your uncle?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow.Where did that come from.

"About a year, at least, I think."

"Mm. And tell me, how long have those Kansai Yakuza been piling in?"

"About… a year, I think."

sh*t, why didn't I think about that?

It was pretty obvious when he thought about it.

Two legendary figures in the Tojo Clan leave Kamurocho in the hands of several small-time families, while the police start cracking down on organized crime, next thing you know, the Kyorei Clan's moved in KJ Art on Senryo Avenue and a load of other pests start tramping around right after them.

Man, I must be slipping if simple plans like that slip right past me.

"Guessing you just had a lightbulb moment?"

"Yeah, you could say that. But I still don't get why I'm fired."

"You're not 'fired'. Just think of it as your contract expiring and it's not being renewed."


Akiyama sighed, "So smart, yet so simple."

"Do you want me to punch you?"

Akiyama ignored the blatant threat on his person, "Because you have a life to live, Izuku."


"Izuku, you're fifteen and you're just about to start high school. Trust me, you're way more put together than a lot of other kids your age, hell, maybe even some adults. But still, you'restilla kid. So be a kid for a while. Play with your friends, go to the movies, get a girlfriend or a boyfriend- I won't judge. Just forget about all this betrayal and backstabbing and gang warfare and stuff. Go to school, don't worry about work. Enjoy your life."

And as much Izuku wanted to rebuff everything the man was saying at the start, by the end, he'd just been assailed with so much unadulterated sincerity that he just couldn't find the words.

All he could really do was look forward and nod.

And Akiyama smiled before leaning down and opening a drawer behind his desk, pulling out a small box and a slip of paper.

He started walking back to the table with both in hand, "So while you're no longer gonna be our part-timer, I want to know you're always welcome here, as a friend."

And he put both the paper and the box down on the table.

Izuku grabbed and opened up the box, and was met with the dark face of a gold watch. It looked a wee bit battered, meaning it was used, but it was otherwise well maintained.

"I was gonna grab something from Le Marche, but I figured that would work just as well."

Ah, these old men. Can't stop pawning their stuff off on me.

He still took it out of the box and fastened it to his left wrist.

Next up was the sheet of paper. He scanned it's content and found that it was-

"A bank statement?"

"Yup. Youdoremember why you started working here five years ago, right."

"So how good would you say you are at… Day Trading?"

"Well, I'm pretty good there too. Why? You've got some stocks you want me to manage?"

"Well, yeah."

"Well, that's not exactly a service Sky Finance provides, but you're a good kid. I'm certain we could come to an agreement."

"Holy sh*t, this is it?"

"Heh, yep. It's been five years, and I've been moving it around all this time, so even after I've taken out my fee and the necessary tax, you've still got a hefty chunk of change there."

Izuku looked down at the current balance and his eyes almost popped out of his skull.

"Holy sh*t, that's a lotta zeros!"

Akiyama laughed, "Yeah, thought you'd say that!"

"T-thanks, chief." It was a genuine 'thank you', Izuku really did appreciate what the man did for him.

"Don't mention it, kid. Now, how about we head out to lunch? Hana's on her way to Kanrai and I'm sure she'd love to congratulate you over some yakiniku."

"You had me at 'Hana'. Let's go!"

And as he bounded out the door, smile on his face with Akiyama chuckling behind him, Izuku felt in his heart that tomorrow would be a good day.

U.A. High School- Class 1-A- April 11th, 201X

8:44 A.M.

Today sucks. I hate it.

Izuku was not having a good day, so far he'd argued with his mother and aunt about the tie to his uniform and his willingness to wear it.

"I'm not gonna. I hate it!"

"Just wear it for the first day!"


"Izuku, please!"

An argument that he unfortunately lost.

The damned thing felt like it was choking him all the way from the apartment to the classroom.

Though that was just where it started, the trying times truly began when he opened the incredibly large door to his assigned classroom.

"Remove your feet from that desk!" A stern glasses-wearing student yelled at a reclining student.

"Bite me, specs!"A red-eyed, blonde-haired student bit back at the bespectacled boy.

God, are you punishing me.

Normally he'd be fine with the former and amused by the latter, but that morning was not a good morning for him.

The tie around his neck was going to make him hurt somebody, and 'somebody' was likely going to be the first person who stepped to him that morning.

I could probably strangle someone with this thing if I really wanted to.

"Deku, the f*ck are you doin' here!?"

"Ah, it's you!"

Ah, the first two takers.

The stickler was across the room in seconds.

"Hello, I don't believe we had properly introduced ourselves when we last met. I'm Tenya Iida, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Okay, he's being polite Izuku. Don't hurt him… yet.

"Hey, pleasure to meet ya. I'm-"

"Hey! It's Kansai-Ben boy!"

Izuku whipped around.

Who the fu-

"Oh hey, it's Ass-Slapper."

The brunette who accidentally smacked his buttocks before the entrance exam blinked.

"Wha? Wait, nonononono. I didn't mean- Uh well, I guess I did mean to, but-"

A lethargic voice cut her off before she could continue to fail to explain herself.

"If you're here to make friends or fool around, I'd suggest you head home."

Izuku looked to see a man in an obnoxiously yellow sleeping bag taking a long slurp from a drink packet.

The greenette knelt down in front of him and said, "Excuse me, sir. I'm afraid you can't stay here. I'm certain there's a shelter or hotel that doesn't charge much. I can give you some cash for one, if you'd like."

The obvious homeless man stared back at him with nary a speck of emotion on his face.

"Are you insinuating that I'm homeless?'

"Are you implying that you're not?"

The apparently not homeless man unzipped the sleeping bag and stood up, holding up several athletics uniforms.

When he spoke again, he spoke to the whole class, "Put these on and go out onto the field."

And without elaborating, he walked off.

Five Minutes Later…

And that's how Izuku found himself in the middle of a circle with a ball in his hand.

Of course, there were a few things skipped, like a quirk assessment test, an innocuous little comment about having fun, oh and of course the threat of expulsion for lowest scoring student on the test, but those details were hardly important.

Whatwasimportant, however, was his score on the ball throw.

It would pretty much set the tone for the rest of his assessment, so he had to get it right.

He took a breath and could see yellow flame lick at the edge of his vision. He was in the zone.

He gripped the ball, feeling its weight in his hand. Not too heavy, but hedidlift and hoist car engines and CRTs in his free time for more than half a decade, so maybe his sample size was a bit off.

Either way, he took the ball, brought up his leg in a pitcher's stance, reeled his arm back, and brought it forward, chucking the ball as hard as he could…

Straight at Kacchan, who had been observing from the sidelines with the rest of their peers.

"What the fu-!"


And the ball disappeared far into the sky.

Izuku turned to the not homeless man, who had earlier introduced himself as Shouta Aizawa, Class 1-A's homeroom teacher, whose eyes he could've sworn were red just as he did.

The man simply blinked and held up a device that said "705.6 Meters".

Izuku grinned, Kacchan fumed, and thus the tone was set.

Shouta Aizawa was intrigued.

He didn't end up expelling anyone that day, there was no need, everyone there had at least some iota of potential.

But one student, in particular, caught his eye that day.

Izuku Midoriya. The number one scorer on the U.A. Entrance Exam.

He remembered his quirk well enough from the file he had on him.

'Heat' is what it was called. It basically overloaded his body with adrenaline, allowing him to perform superhuman feats for a time. If you looked closely enough, you could see a flame-like aura, emanating from the user. A basic emitter quirk.

So why?He wondered,Why couldn't I erase it?

He looked at the green-haired young man, who had been one of the top five scorers during the assessment, as he chatted away with Ochako Uraraka and Tenya Iida.

Izuku Midoriya, you've just become far more intriguing.

"So your name'snotAss-Slapper?"

"No! It's Ochako Uraraka."

"But can I call you Ass-Slapper?"


"Where did you even get that vulgar name for her, Midoriya?"

"Ah, well, the morning of the Entrance Exam-"

"Please don't tell him!"

And thus, Izuku made his first two friends at U.A. High.


By the way, folks on my Discord knew exactly when this was gonna release.

Feel free to join: https://discord. gg/N3647pckVW

Chapter 37: Spoiler Alert: Katsuki Bakugo f*cking Dies

Chapter Text

Hatsume Family Residence- April 11th, 201X

"So anyway, she just up and left it, so I rode it here and figured I'd just give it to you. Happy Early Birthday, Mei."

"Thanks, Izu!"

The pink-haired gremlin offered her gratitude but made no move to even look at her green-haired friend or his motorized offering as she tinkered with something on the desk.

He peeked over her shoulder and saw what she was working on, he grinned.

"So this is it?"

She didn't turn away from her work, but Izuku could see her million watt smile as she answered him with a, "Yep. Babies 12490, 12497, and 12502 are all ready for action, and Ipromisethat none of them will explode!"

"Pinkie promise, threat of a thousand needles if you lie?"

"A thousandexplodingneedles."

And it's just in time, too.

People could say what they wanted to about Mei(within reason, of course. More than a few people have lost teeth due to certain… comments), but no one could ever say that she didn't come through whenever it came down to it.

"Mei, I could kiss you right now… though that would probably make our friendship weird, so I won't."

The eccentric gadgeteer's hands halted for a moment.

She then dropped the tools she was working with, pushed up her goggles and turned toward Izuku before tilting her head to the side.

Izuku raised an eyebrow. This was out of character for his friend.

She seemed to mull over something for a moment before shrugging, and then standing up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to an unprepared Izuku's.

She kept them pressed for maybe ten seconds, ten seconds filled with panic, confusion, and a mess of other emotions for her green-haired bestie before she pulled away.

She smacked her lips before humming in what the now tomato red Izuku took as approval, and turning back to her bench, putting her goggles back on, and getting right back to work.

All while Izuku's mind worked in overdrive trying figure out what actualf*ckhad just happened.


Truly riveting.

And at the entrance to the workshop, Daiki Hatsume covered his mouth as his eyes welled up with tears of joy and Chiaki Hatsume beamed a smile nearly identical to her daughter's.

They turned to each other in unison, before saying, as low as possible so as not to disturb the two below, "They grow up so fast."

U.A. High School- Class 1-A- April 12th, 201X

1:30 P.M.

When the threat of immediate expulsion wasn't on the table, attending U.A. was kinda boring.

They had normal classes like Art and English in the morning. They were taught by heroes, so that was cool, but they were still Art and English classes.

At around 12, classes broke for lunch and he made a new friend.

An hour ago…

He'd been on his way to the cafeteria after telling Occhan(as she'd thus allowed him to call her after their long talk yesterday) and Iida to go on ahead after he'd been held back by Midnight.

The talk they'd had after that had been… interesting.

"So how are you doing,Izumi-Chan?"

"...Please don't call me that here."

With multiple promises of explaining later, he was given a number to call and a gentle push towards the door.

And thus he began his trek towards the cafeteria.

His trek was abruptly interrupted by the sight of a nervous foreign looking girl with horns and… hooves.

Now, Izuku could've just kept on walking and ignored her, but he decided that that would be far too out of character and instead walked over to the girl.

"Yo, you alright there?"

She whipped toward him with a start, and boy did he feel bad upon seeing her deer-in-the-headlights impression.

Right, maybe I should have approached her differently.

Shedideventually respond in very heavily accented Japanese, "U-uh, h-hai."

It was such a simple response, but Izuku noticed how much she was struggling. And thus he began to feel bad again.

Let's just switch gears.

"[Are you sure?]"

The girl's eyes widened as she flinched back slightly in surprise.

It took her a moment to respond, but when she did, it was in a tone of something akin to disbelief.

"[W-Wait, you're speaking english right now?]"

"[I sure would hope so, otherwise we'rebothsurprised right now.]"

He really couldn't thank his father enough for sending that English workbook to Morning Glory all those years ago, and he couldn't thank Haruka enough for giving him some of her old textbooks from high school on his last visit to Okinawa.

He wasn't fluent, but he was pretty damn good, though a bit awkward with his phrasing at times.

The only person at that moment who was more grateful than him was the previously timid blonde girl who was chattering to him excitedly in her native tongue.

"[Oh thank god, I'm actually so incredibly lost right now and most of my class went on without and I can't really read the signs well, my kanji's kinda terrible, so many of them just blend together an-]"

"[Okay, okay! Breathe, breath! You're going a bit too fast for me.]"

The horned foreigner stopped her bout of verbal diarrhea as she began to blush.


He waved it off, "[Don't worry 'bout it. Now, my name is Mido-ahem- Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you.]"

He bowed slightly with a smile, causing the girl to respond in kind.

"[I'm Pony Tsunatori! It's nice to meetcha, Izuku!]"

And after that, he walked with her to the cafeteria and sent her off to sit with a few of her classmates. They seemed like a pretty fun bunch and greeted Pony warmly, from what he could.

It made him smile. From what he could tell, she was a nice, but quite timid, girl so to see that she made some friends to make her time in Japan bearable. So with a light heart and a smile on his face, he walked over to the table that Occhan and Iida were sitting at.

Though as he walked away, he had this strange feeling that somebody was watching him…

He just chalked it up good ol' new school paranoia.

Why it only occurred in the cafeteria on his second day and not his classroom on the first, he had no idea, but he didn't make the rules for paranoia.

All that aside, Izuku was excited for his next class.

All the boring core classes were in the morning, but the afternoon was where the fun started.

Foundational Hero Studies.

He couldn't wait for the extensive lectures on saving kittens from trees, helping little old ladies across the street, and de-escalating violent armed robberies.

Now if only their teacher wasn't late.

For real, class had officially started ten minutes earlier but their teacher(who had not yet been announced) was nowhere to be seen.

Izuku, like most of the rest of the class excluding Iida, had pulled out his phone and was scrolling through social media.

He'd been on Seddit, Yootube, and Go-chan and found nothing interesting.

Chatter was pretty interesting, though.

Mad Dog of Shizuoka, now trending?

Apparently, along with efforts to preserve and improve Sunpu Castle Park, a statue was erected of a vicious cackling dog guarding the Sunken Garden next to a mikan tree.

Izuku had mixed feelings about the situation.

It'd been years since the incident in Shizuoka, but a part of him still felt like he'd never left the castle.

It all played back in his mind every night when he tried to sleep, like a film reel prepped to loop the few scenes for a few hours every time he tried to rest.

It was the reason why only slept a few hours every night and looked for reasons to stay up until he absolutelyhadto sleep.

He remembered waking his mother up the first few times it had happened.

He'd learned to be far quieter since then.

As awful as he felt remembering his night there, there was another feeling on the other hand.

A strange twisted one beneath all of the discomfort.

He'd felt it when Uncle Kaz praised him after he caught that Mahi-Mahi.

He felt it when he saw all of the people playing at Takoba Beach Park after he finished cleaning it.

And most recently, when his acceptance letter came in the mail.

Ah, that's right, it was-


"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a normal person!"

Oh hey, look at that! It's the guy who's been ghostin' me for the past month and a half.

Indeed, walking in through the door like a normal person was All Might, the man who had been actively ignoring all of Izuku's calls, texts, and mails since Christmas.

So rather than be excited by the man's appearance, like his peers, he fixed the man with his most neutral stare.

And when the man began to sweat while explaining the activities for the day, he knew he had won, and would likely be receiving an apology text that day.

Though his Silver Age costume… A bold choice, not many people our age would remember it. But it pays off. Definitely one of his better costumes.

"-so because I have literallyzerointerest in lecturing you about the do's and don'ts about heroism from behind a desk on your first day, we're starting with my favorite unit… COMBAT TRAINING!"

And just like that, any ill will he had for the man disappeared into the ether.

From the uproar of his classmates, it was clear that they felt the same way, though to a much less… baleful extent.

"And with Combat Training, you have THESE!"The man was clearly hamming, but Izuku was down for it, as All Might flourished and a mass of numbered lockers rose from the floor.

"Hero costumes made as specified to your quirk registration and the support requests that you were asked to send in! Now get changed and meet me at Ground Beta!"

Early morning…

A defeated Mirei stared blankly at Izuku as he unfastened the first two buttons of his uniform's shirt, slipping the bright red tie into his pocket.

"Are you seriously not going to wear the tie?"

"You only said I had to wear it for the first day." He slipped on his blazer, making no move to button it.

"I know, but you just look so… sloppy. And something just seems off."

The boy looked down at himself. His shirt was tucked, his pants were ironed, and his regular hi-tops were clean.

He looked at his aunt, slightly confused.

She sighed and reached into her purse, "Your uncle sent this a while ago. I don't know where from, but he left a note. It's to congratulate you on getting into U.A., but I was only supposed to give it to you after your first day. Just in case, and I quote, 'U.A. turns out to be a total sh*thole that ain't worth my Izu-chan's time'."

She pulled her hand out of her purse and with it came a long, wrapped rectangular box.

Izuku stared at the now open box that he'd packed alongside his costume while a few more of his classmates filed out of the locker room,.

He smiled as a small gold chain gleamed back.

Thanks Jiji, Baba.

U.A. High School- Ground Beta

Toshinori Yagi's first official day at U.A. was going well so far.

His class seemed to like him so far, he had plenty of time to spend with them in his All Might form due to the lack of mischief that he had to take care of during his commute.

There was a minor hiccup with his understandably irate successor (he really hadn't meant to disappear on the young man for over a month, it just happened), but that issue seemed to smooth itself out with his announcement of Combat Training.

He was still going to send him a text later that day to be sure.

Angry teenagers aside, he was glad to see the crowd of non-angry teenagers emerging from the entrance in their new costumes.

It was always nice to see a new hero during their debut, but to see them in training warmed Toshinori's heart.

Though, looking through the crowd as they came to a stop in front of the tunnel, he noticed something.

One of them was missing.

The green-haired freckled one who he had spent 9 months personally training.

He was about to ask the other students if they had seen him, when he saw a figure casually strolling out behind the rest of the class.

Green hair, freckles, it wasn't hard to figure out who this lad was.

What really gave the veteran hero pause was the young man's outfit.

Are you trying to look like a hero or a punk?

The young Midoriya's choice of attire would've been a surprise to him, no matter what it was, seeing as he hadn't sent in a support request form, but nothing he could've seen on that form could've prepared him for that moment.

Green hair slicked back, a grey leather blazer atop an emerald green dress shirt, matched with a pair of leather gloves, grey leather slacks, and a pair of red wing-tipped, steel-toed boots.

He looks like a thug.

His pupil's fashion choices were something they'd have to talk about later, but for now, he had a class to teach.

"Alright! You all lookso cool! Now let me explain the rules for this Battle Trial!"

"Whoa, Dekkun! You look awesome!"

"Thanks, Occhan! You look great, too!"

They were walking up to draw lots for their pairs.

Izuku liked this method, it was fair and easy. And there was really only one person that he didn't want to pair up with.

He looked over at Kacchan who had already received his lot alongside Iida.

He was scowling like usual. That was a decent sign.

Izuku grabbed his lot alongside his ass-slapping pal and read it.

"Oh, I got D team."

Next to him, Occhan said, "I'm on A team."

Izuku could see both Iida and Kacchan perk up upon hearing that.

Izuku lifted his lot up to the irritable blonde first.

He was pointedly ignored, so he decided to try his luck with the now armored stickler.

He received a nod in response.

He smiled.

Several minutes later, he and Iida found themselves at the top of a building prepping for a simulated battle against Kacchan and Occhan.

They had five minutes, a fake bomb to protect, and a plan to make.

"Yo, Ii-chan."

The armored lad turned to his teammate, "Is there something you need, Midoriya-kun?"

"Yeah, well not exactly. I got something thatweneed."

"And thatis?"

"Huddle up, we ain't got much time, so I gotta be quick."

This was a fight that Izuku's been waiting for for a long time, he certainly wasn't going to squander it.

The whole point of this exercise is to be villains, right?

Izuku wasn't a villain, but for Kacchan, he was willing to be an absolute menace.

Five Minutes Later…

Katsuki Bakugo was excited. His day so far had been boring.

Absolutely boring. Hero Art History and English.

If he wanted to stick with boring sh*t like that, he would've just tested into f*cking Seiryo and been done with it.

Nah, Combat Training was much more his speed, and his opponent-oh, it almost felt as if it was fated to wind up this way, one way or another.

He grinned toothily.

"Yo… Kacchan!"

He really couldn't wait to wipe that smug smile off his f*ckin' face.

He turned to his… teammate and said, "Follow my lead, Cheeks."

The round-faced girl blinked, looking around before pointing at herself.

Katsuki sighed, this was why all the better heroes worked alone.

"Yes, you. Follow my lead, try not to get in the way, and if you see Deku… his ass is mine."

The brunette extra opened her mouth to say something before being interrupted by All Might explaining that the prep time for the villain team was up.

Without waiting for a response, Katsuki Bakugo entered the building.

He was ready for action.

The first several floors were dark and deserted.

They found the stairs rather easily on each as well.

Cheeks seemed nervous, Katsuki didn't know why.

At worst, she'd have to find and touch the bomb, maybe fight Specs.

He was gonna be the one to take down Deku.

It was rather obvious who was going to be doing all the heavy lifting.

Third floor, they were just about to round a corner when Katsuki heard something.


The laugh was unfamiliar, but the voice was one that made his blood boil.

"Occhan~ Kacchan~ Yōkoso!"

The voice was suddenly in their ears, Katsuki whipped around, explosive palm lashing out…


And meeting air.

"How rude! I welcome you into my base and the first thing you do is attack me? If I weren't so kind, I would sue."

He turned around again, and there was Deku, with his stupid f*cking slicked back hair and dumb smile, leaning on a wall.

His previous statement was clearly directed at the furious blonde, though just after, he turned to the only brunette in the room and addressed her.

"Yo, Occhan. Good to see ya. So look, much as I'd love to sit here and hang with ya, I'm gonna hafta let you go. Ya got an appointment to keep." He pushed off the wall and pointed up.

"Ii-chan should be waiting for ya, up towards the roof. Why dontcha head on up? I'm sure he's gettin' lonely up there."

His tone was casual, nothing different than it had been five minutes before, but Katsuki could feel something under it.

This strange undercurrent of… something.

He could see Cheeks hesitating, she probably didn't wanna leave her teammate behind, he had to shut that sh*t down quick.

"Cheeks, head on up."


"Head up. I'll take care of Deku."

"Bakugo, this is clearly a trap."

"You think I don't know that?!"

"Then why are you-?!"

"Because it's obviously a trap made for me!"

"That has be the most arrogant, self-centere-"

"Ahem! You guysdoknow that you're on a time limit, right? We can talk about Kacchan's self-centeredness another time. You need to get upstairs."

The brunette opened her mouth, likely to argue more, before shaking her head and simply running past the green-haired villain and up the stairs.

The greenette watched her go, before turning back to his ashen haired opponent.

His smile wasn't as kind as it was a minute ago.

Katsuki remembered he'd seen this smile before.

The boy's smile widened slightly, as the glint in his eye became sharper and more malicious.

Izuku's grin grew wider and more vicious.

"You wanna go?Cause I'm ready when you are, Kacchan."

Oh, he was ready. And so he charged forward with one thought in mind.

Kick Deku's Ass

He led in with a big right swing, missing the mark as his green opponent dodged and kneed him in the side and kicked him away.


"Sloppy, Kacchan." His tone was teasing, it just served to piss off the young Bakugo even more.

Putting his hands behind him, he could feel his palms heat up as dual explosions propelled him forward.

He shot forward like a bullet, knee aimed directly at the greenette's face.

For the first time in the encounter, Katsuki grinned victoriously.

Gotcha, you bastard!

It was only a moment later that his smile disappeared as he realized that he did not, in fact, 'have him' as a hand wrapped around his neck and introduced his back to the ground… harshly.


Air knocked out of his lungs, he gasped in a desperate attempt to regain it.

His back was screaming at him, looking down, he could see that it cracked underneath him.

His eyes wide, he stared at Deku, who had removed his hand from the boy's throat and was standing straight once more.

As Katsuki stared at him, he stared back and the look in his eyes was almost… disappointed?

Katsuki felt like his blood had caught fire.

Deku? Disappointed? Disappointed in him?

He had no f*ckin' right, no-

"Y'know, Kacchan. I think you have a strange… misconception about our relationship. More specifically, where we stand in our relationship. You believe that there's this gap between us, one that's widened since we were kids."

Katsuki growled, "The hell're you-"

"Shh. I'm talking right now."

You fu-

"You see, Kacchan. You're right. That gap is real. And it's been widening since we were four. You're oddly perceptive when it comes to sh*t like that, but I wonder…"

He trailed off, looking up for a moment, observing the cracks in the ceiling before looking back down at the blonde.

"Do you realize what side of that gap you're on? And if you don't ," Deku's grin was vicious enough to make Katsuki's skin crawl, "why don't I show you?"

The next few moments passed by in a blur for Katsuki.

He could vaguely recall shooting up from his position on the ground and then a bright flash alongside a loud crack.

He was forced back down to the floor right after.

Something landed right on top of him, straddling his torso. and then something dark came at his face.

He dodged and it lodged in the floor next to his head.

And then the floor gave way.

They were back on the second floor, back in the dark.

Moments later, Deku was gone and Katsuki was alone in the dark.

He was furious.


No answer.

"Deku! Come out, you f*cking coward!"

Silence, and then, from the darkness.

"Midnight shadow, Kirisaku-"


He ran towards the voice, it was Deku's. Incessantly annoying, which undoubtedly made it his.

"-kishimu HIGHWAY CITY-"

Footsteps sounded, as the voice faded in from a different direction.

"-sumuku omae no, ROUGE iro no urei-"

As he went to pursue the voice in the other direction heard more footsteps as it sounded from yet another direction.

"-KNIFE no you na-"

"-tsustumikonda, MY SWEET BABE-"

"-you na, PASUTO ya FUTURE-"

The voice and the footsteps just kept coming from one place after another, and Katsuki was stuck just trying to figure out where it was all coming from.

And then the dark just exploded into a cacophony of sound.

"-ichi-oku, ni-oku, hyaku-oku no kisu wo abisete yaru-BABY-ude -aite omae wo nido to hanashi wa shinai-MACHINE GUN KISS de JUST FALL IN LOVE!"

And as Katsuki was about ready to tear his hair out in frustration, he suddenly felt an arm wrap around his neck, and before he could begin to struggle, he heard a-


And it all went black for him.

The lads on the Discord got to open this present a week early.

Join the Party!


Chapter 38: "You're My Bitch, Okay?"

Chapter Text

U.A. High School- Ground Beta Observation Room

Toshinori Yagi had a bit of a crisis on his hands.

'What's the crisis', you ask?

Oh, well y'know; it was his first day, he was a bit nervous about his reception to the class and-oh!


The class was rather shaken.

Understandably so.

He was quite sure that none of them had ever seen a murder and it was likely quite disturbing for them to see one of their peers so quickly and effortlessly end the life of another one of their peers.

Good god, he hadreallyscrewed the pooch on this one.

When he rigged the team selections at the start, he'd expected to witness a heated exchange of wills between two passionate, yet still friendly, rivals.

What he actually saw was a full-on thrashing.

A beatdown with no breaks hurtling fast towards its neck-snapping conclusion.

He needed to end the match, de-escalate the situation before things got even more out of hand.

He moved to spring into action, when suddenly-

"Yo, Sensei."

Toshinori stopped dead in his tracks, turning back to the monitors.

There, on one of the screens, was his murderous successor staring straight up into a camera.

He'd spoken through loud enough for his classmates to hear him, as evidenced by their jump at the sudden sound of his voice, though Toshinori could hear him loud and clear through the headset he was wearing.

"Young Midoriya… what have you done?"

The cold-blooded greenette sighed.

"Alright, before you jump to any conclusions, let me say this: I didn't kill anybody."

Toshinori was silent for a moment.

He had no words.

After all, it had been so long since someone had the audacity to tell him such a bold-faced lie to his face.

Well, not exactly to his face, but the principle was the same.

"Young Midoriya… stay where you are. I'm terminating the match and then-"

"Wait, what? No! You can't do that!"

"I can and I am, you just murdered-"

"I didn'tmurderanyone!"

"You're standing over Young Bakugou's de-"


He- he just- he just… kicked a dead body?

Good god,reallydropped the ball on this one.

He had completely burned his bridge with Mirai by not only not choosing the successor that the man had lined up, he then further spurned his sidekick by picking an unknown young man based on two conversations and a failed rescue attempt.

And then that young man happened to be a psychopath…

I'm sorry, Master.


"OI! Wake up, you asshole!"

He's still kicking the body…

At this point, at least half of the class looked sick or faint.

"Young Midoriya, please-"


Toshinori was interrupted by a pained grunt unlike any he'd heard from his baneful charge in the past year that they'd trained together.

A quick look at the other monitors confirmed that neither Young Uraraka or Young Iida had cause to make such a sound and the other students around him hadn't let out a peep since they saw… what they saw.

So, using simple deduction, that only left one person.

And looking back at the screen, Toshinori could scarcely believe his eyes.

Izuku watched as Kacchan writhed in pain on the concrete floor.

He knew Kacchan wasn't dead.

He learned that hold directly from Goro-jiji years ago and Goro-jiji never killed anybody.

Now he just needed to get upstairs.

Turning his gaze up to the camera in the corner, he addressed his mentor through the earpiece he'd received at the beginning of the exercise.

"See? Not dead. Incapacitated."

"Young Midoriya, how did you-?"

Izuku cut off the blond pro again, appropriating the capture tape from his downed adversary's pocket and beginning to wrap it around the boy's wrists and feet.

"Look, don't think about the how. Can I go now? Kinda on a schedule here."

A beat of silence.


The greenette finished taping the ashen-haired boy's ankles together, tapping against them to test the firmness of his handiwork.

"I- uh, well, I suppos-"

"Awesome. Thanks. Bye!"

He was up in an instant, and, in an instant more, he was hauling ass up towards the roof.

Ochako was somewhat peeved as she trekked up whathad to bethe final set of stairs leading to the rooftop.

The building for the exercise didn't seem all that tall from the outside, but rushing through the winding hallways in search of the stairs on each floor was something of a cause for fatigue.

Then there was the fact that Bakugou was… not a very good teammate to say the least.

Ordering her around, falling for obvious traps, calling her 'Cheeks'.

The last one bothered her slightly more than the others because she wasn't quite certain which pair of cheeks he was referring to.

And then there was the fact that Dekkun was taking the exercise far more seriously than she was expecting.

That wasn't exactly an issue, it was just a point of observation.

She wished he could've been on her team instead, maybe they could've fought Bakugou together.

… Or not, seeing as they seemed to have this whole childhood frenemy thing going on. Those were conflicts you didn't get involved in.

It probably still would've been a cool fight to see. Two strong, stubborn guys like that facing off.

She reached the top of the stairs and pushed it open, blinded by the light from the outside.

Like a Bam! Pow! Shing! Ka-cra-

"I've got you now, hero!"




Before her eyes could even adjust to the light, she felt something impact her chest and then felt herself falling back into the darkness of the stairwell.

Had she been prepared, she likely could've used her quirk on herself to halt her descent, but she hadn't been, and so one thought came to mind as she felt herself plummet down toward the previous floor.

Well, guess I'll die.

Her eyes closed and she felt her back hit something firm, her legs lifted as something slid under her knees and she shifted seemingly in mid-air.

"[Nice Catch]! Looks like I got here in time."

Ochako opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was green.

Dekkun looked down at her with a smile.

"So, I'm gonna assume that you surrender. That alright with you, Occhan?"

All Ochako could do was nod.

Over the speakers, All Might announced that the exercise was over.

The Villains won.

Tenya Iida was conflicted.

On one hand, he was glad that he and Midoriya won their match.

On the other hand, the way that their classmates were looking at them was rather concerning.

He had absolutely no idea what occurred when Midoriya went down to confront the hero team.

He was just following the plan Midoriya laid out.

"Are you certain that this is the best idea,Midoriya?"

The young Iida had just finished concealing the 'weapon' on the second floor of the building. It took some time, but due to a great show of strength on Midoriya's part (and a great sacrifice on the ceiling's part), it was surrounded by enough rubble to seem like just another piece of refuse.

The greenette attached one of his strange cube-like gadgets to a corner of the room.

He'd been doing so during the entire trip to this particular room.

Apparently, the instruments were somewhat integral to the plan. He supposed he would see how when the plan was enacted.

"Course, Ii-chan! It'sall about hero psychology."

The green-haired boy's voice was projected from several different places, all at varying volumes.

The boy in question tsked before continuing at his normal volume, walking over to Tenya as he did so.

"Anyway, it'll buff out." He patted the bespectacled boy's shoulder and gave him a smile, "Now, you should get up to the roof. We've got about a minute left before showtime."

After that, he waited for maybe 3 minutes.

He spent it getting into character, much like his teammate so obviously had.

And then rooftop access opened up, so he enacted phase two of the plan.

"As soon as that door opens, don't even check to see who it is. Just run at it and kick the person in the door almost as hard as you can."

"Almost as hard?"

"Ii-chan… you have engines for calves."

He did as he was told and moments later, he listened as All Might-Sensei announced the Villain team's victory.

And so then he stood in front of the rest of his class after the fact, the class that seemed somewhat awkward after the return of the quartet.

Midoriya had taken Uraraka to see Recovery Girl, he apologized and offered to bring her himself but the pair waved him off.

Bakugou was standing off angrily to the side, rolling his neck.

"Tell me, class. Who wouldyousay was the best in this match?"

There was a murmur amongst the class from at least several of the other sixteen people gathered in the room.

Only one stepped forward, a girl with black hair and sharp, dark eyes.

"It would have to be Midoriya."

"Hoh? And what would make you say that, Young Yaoyorozu?"

Momo Yaoyorozu, one of the recommended students from what Tenya remembered, cleared her throat before jumping into an explanation.

"From the moment he saw the weapon to the moment he appeared behind the hero team, Midoriya was in control of the situation. He proposed to move the weapon down to the second floor as soon as he took a quick look at the floor plan. He mentioned something about 'Hero Psychology'. I think he was referring to hero media."

"Hero media? What's that gotta do with anything?"

A girl with pink skin and hairs, thin horns, and yellow eyes was the one to ask that question.

"I think she's talkin' about movies and comic books and stuff, Ashido."

A boy with spiky red hair was the one who answered her, Tenya remembered that he had introduced himself (rather loudly) as Eijiro Kirishima.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm referring to. Thank you, Kirishima. In hero media, there's an incredibly dramatized view of crime-fighting. Most stories end with a villain monologuing at the top of their headquarters, with a ticking time-bomb at their back. This is very rarely the case in real-life situations, but the bias still remains. A bias that lent itself well to the simulation, seeing as both Uraraka and Bakugou walked right past it on their way up."

"Wait, but what about when Midoriya punched himself and Bakugou through the floor? What if Bakugou had gone into the room he hid the bomb in?"

It took everyone a moment to find the girl who had spoken out, seeing as her voice had come from the direction of the floating pair of gloves in the room. Tenya believed her name was Hagakure.

"I think Midoriya-chan planned for that too-kero."

The girl who answered that had long green hair and wide eyes. Her name was Tsuyu Asui.

"Yes, I believe so too, Asui. Midoriya shadowed the hero team from the second floor and only made his presence known at a specific time. Not even for a surprise attack, at that. He was baiting Bakugou, who took the challenge with no hesitation, and then convinced Uraraka to go find Iida, who was waiting to ambush her. Then he traded blows with Bakugou, riling him up all the while, before dropping them both to the darker floor below. After that, he slipped away into the dark and left an angry Bakugou to chase after his voice-"

It was at this point that Tenya spoke up.

"Using the gadgets he'd set up while we were hiding the weapon."

"Exactly, Iida. After that it was all a matter of incapacitating Bakugou and running up to the top floor to catch Uraraka. He'd planned a total victory the moment he saw the floor plans."

He'd planned that far ahead? Midoriya… what are you?

"Exactly correct, Young Yaoyorozu. He'd sized up the situation and came up with a plan to deal with the heroes in question. Most organized villain groups would do the same; think of heroes who are in the area at the time and develop countermeasures to beat them. Even controlled demolition of their headquarters isn't out of the question. An excellent display of villainy!"

Is that really something a hero should be saying?

"To be completely honest, the plan wouldn't've gone nearly as well without Ii-chan."

Everyone turned their head toward the greenette standing in the doorway. In the corner of his eye, Tenya saw Bakugou tense up slightly.

"Young Midoriya, you're back."

"Yeah, Occhan's fine by the way. Recovery Girl said she had a few bruised ribs, so she's resting up in the Nurse's Office. She'll be back by the end of class."

"Right, thank you. So what was it you were saying before?"

"Ii-chan was the most important part of the plan. Without him, there would've been no one to split the heroes' attention with. If they had chosen to fight me together and got that capture tape around me, I woulda been screwed. But because of Ii-chan, Occhan was forced to make a decision. Get in between me and Kacchan and risk running down the clock while my partner sat comfortably-"

"Or go to where the weapon is and hopefully end the match as soon as possible even if it meant leaving behind her teammate and fighting Young Iida."

"Exactly. Ii-chan managed to get up to the rooftop in record time on account of being so quick. So I had to work extra hard to make sure his effort wasn't wasted. If I'm bein' honest, I couldn't have asked for a better teammate."

"Well, would you look at that? An excellent show of teamwork as well! Great work, D Team. Now, I suppose we should move on to the next round."

As the blonde pro sent off the next two teams, Tenya watched as Midoriya was flocked by some of the class, chatting lightly with them.

He moved to join in, taking two steps forward.

After a moment of thought, though, he stopped and walked to the monitor where the other members of the class were watching the preparations for the next match.

Midoriya, I'm not quite at your level yet, but one day- one day, I'll be deserving of the praise you just gave me.

With that thought, and a brief look towards Midoriya as he formally introduced himself to several of their classmates, he focused his attention entirely on the monitor in front of him.

U.A. High School Entrance- Afternoon

3:17 P.M.

f*cking Deku.

Katsuki was fuming. He was robbed and humiliated. Not only that, it was byf*cking Dekuof all people.

With his stupid f*cking smile, his stupid f*cking tricks, and-

"Yo, Kacchan."

Speak of the goddamn devil.

The greenette stood leaned against the wall next to the gate, his smile wasn't beaming like it usually was, but it still made Katsuki wanna rip it off his f*cking face.

"Hell doyouwant?"

"Straight to the point, huh? Y'know, your pillow talk could really use some work. I thought we shared a pretty intimate moment back there, my body pressed close to yours, arms wrapped around you real ti-"

"What.The f*ck.Do you want?"

Katsuki's fists clenched. It felt like he was about to pop a blood vessel.

Deku raised his hands in a playful show of surrender, pushing off the wall, smile still present on his face.

"Alright, alright. You ain't in the mood. Quite frankly, neither am I. But we all got our parts to play, don't we?"

All humor left the boy's face as he said this.

Katsuki was sick of Deku's bullsh*t.

So goddamn sick.

"Answer the fu-"

Katsuki felt all of the air leave his lungs, words caught in his throat as he felt his skin begin to writhe.

Deku walked to Katsuki and spoke low, just low enough that the ashen-haired lad had to struggle to hear what he said next as he leaned in close.

"I'm. Talking.Listen."

A brief pause, as if he were waiting for the red-eyed boy to speak up again.

When the moment passed with no interruption, he continued, the discomforting feeling that Katsuki felt in his skin lessening just a bit.

"Look Kacchan, I'm gonna be completely honest with you. What happened back there? Total f*ckin' embarrassment. Honestly, it made me cringe, dude. You fell for the bait and then had thegallto get your ass kicked? You didn't land a single hit on me, man."


He didn't know when Deku had grabbed his throat, or when he had picked him up.

Hedidknow that his back hurt after Deku slammed him against the wall, though.

The greenette continued, his eyes covered by his hair.

"Listen with your ears, not your mouth. It's that bad habit of yours that got you into that situation in the first place. Keep it up and it's gonna get ya killed. Hell, if I squeeze just a little harder right now, I could end your hero career before it even starts."

At this, De- Izuku started to tighten his one-handed grip on the blonde's neck.

Katsuki tried to reach up, grab the arm attached to the hand on his throat, tried to activate his quirk, willed the sweat on his palms to react and combust.

But his body wouldn't listen. And Izuku just kept on squeezing.

I- am I gonna die?

Just as things seemed their bleakest, Katsuki felt the grip around his throat loosen, before leaving completely and he fell on his ass onto the hard pavement.

"But I ain't. Cuz ya see, I don't want ya dead, Kacchan. Quite the opposite, really. I wanna see you succeed."


What the hell was this psycho saying?

"I'm looking for a challenge, Kacchan. A good one. A consistent one. And I picked you for that challenge. For better or worse, I picked you. And so, I'm gonna take responsibility."

Izuku squatted down so that he was on Katsuki's level.

What does that even…?

"I'm gonna make you a worthy opponent. Someone who can keep up with me. You're gonna be seeing me arounda lotmore. Because as of this moment, Kacchan…"

The greenette pushed his hair up out of his eyes, putting his hand on Katsuki's shoulder, smile on his face once more.

"…You're my bitch, okay?"

It was at this moment that Katsuki realized that any sense of normalcy in his life that he might've had… was gone forever.

Hey, been a while. Gonna be another while.

But check out my guy, Lifeofriles, in the meantime. His story 'Spin The Wheel, Izuku Midoriya' is some top-shelf stuff.

Alright, guys, I'm off to Remnant, see you later.

Chapter 39: Rep

Chapter Text

"You tryin' to embarrass me, nerd? What was that earlier? What? You think we're equals now that you've got a sh*tty quirk of your own?"

Izuku was not having this sh*t, at this exact moment, he had lost all patience and decided that provoking Kacchan to prove to him the folly of his ways was not worth the headache of all the contrived scheming and constant needling.

So, in one fell swoop, he had risen from his chair and grabbed the seething ashen-haired lad by his neck, while his two lackeys looked on in shock.

Kacchan wasn't much better from the looks of it.

Izuku looked at his red-eyed peer and began to speak.

"You are a worthless, bitch-ass motherf*cker. Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant. I'm just gonna stomp you and you're gonna keep coming back, imma seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back. Why? Cause you smellin' the syrup. You worthless bitch-ass motherf*cker."

Komouri and Yubiwa were still standing, shocked at the violence- the utter savagery- that was being committed in front of them.

Kacchan was slowly turning blue.

Izuku kept on keeping on.

"You gon' stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my shadow, sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to be under me, blowing the dick daily."

It was almost time, he had built the built combo loop, just one more chain to put the last nail in the coffin.

"Your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose-"

The boys in the back got ready for Izuku's final wind-up…

"You should kill yourself, NOW."

Lightning crashed outside the window, and Izuku dropped a now limp Kacchan to the floor, before walking over to the classroom door.

He put his hand on it and paused, before turning his head and taking one more shot.

"Give somebody else a piece of that oxygen, and ozone layer, that's covered up so that we can breathe inside this blue trash bubble. Somebody who actually deserves it."


And with that, he was gone.

He walked through the hall with a pep in his step, a co*ck to his walk, if you would.

He had no f*cks left to give, he was bussin', he was bitchin', he was-


Well, indeed he was, but that kinda killed his vibe.

He turned around to see a rather pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes, from her direction he could smell… cherry?

She seemed almost familiar, but he couldn't quite place her.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly communicating his wish for her to explain exactly why she had so rudely halted his victorious procession.

Due to his perfect nonverbal communication skills, the girl was then able to deal her business with him posthaste.

"You dropped this."

She held out a glimmering golden crown.

Ah, how kind of her.

He gingerly plucked it from her hand.


She nodded.

Alright, now for the big questions.

"Now, if you don't mind me asking, who are-"

"[-gonna give you an assisted suicide. Let's pick out a rope together-]"

Izuku groaned as the sound of a rambling foreigner made its way into his ears.

His eyes fluttered open as he sat up in his chair.

There was a line of drool from his mouth to his desk and he felt a chill on the back of his neck.

"[-gonna force feed you. Pry your eyes open. Probably dont need to do that cause you're already on my dick daily. We're-]"

He wiped the drool away and plucked his earbuds out, before turning his chair around.

His window sat slightly ajar.

He must've forgotten to close it before he drifted off.

He turned to take a look at the time on his computer.

8:26 P.M.

His mom had texted him earlier to say that she'd be coming home a bit late, after some drinks with her colleagues.

He supposed she wouldn't be back until after ten.

He had already ordered Pizza-La, eaten some of said Pizza-La( So cheesy, so delicious!), and then started watching streams on Yootube.

He needed to take a shower and try to get to bed.

So, he rose from his chair, walked over and closed the window, and then walked back to his computer.

Halfway back to the computer, though, he stopped in his tracks and sniffed.

His room never smelled bad, but he knew the smells in it.

The oil from his blade-cleaning kits, the fragrance from his freshly washed laundry, the lotion next to his computer, the usual things.

But something, something there was new. Familiar to him, but new to his room.

It smelled like… cherries?

That's definitely new.

He looked around.

Nothing was disturbed, everything in its proper place.


[?] Izuku rolls for investigation.

Izuku shrugged.

He must've been imagining things.

With that, he turned off his computer and walked out of the room.

I really need to stop watching E-Rank Deity.

From outside the greenette's closed window, a pair of blue eyes stared into the vacated space.

Their owner was a rather pretty girl with black hair.

She'd been so delighted to finally visit her darling at his home.

He looked so cute when he was sleeping.

She wished could've stayed a bit longer, but when he started to stir, she got nervous and she ran.

No matter, though.

She'd be back.

After all, she needed to find out who the f*ck this Kacchan bitch was and what she was doing toherboyfriend.

U.A. High School Entrance- Morning

"Excuse me, young man! Could we ask you a few questions, please?"

"Only if you grow a few brain cells on top of it."

"E-excuse me?"

With not a word more, the greenette sleepily trudged his way past the many members of the media and walked through the gates of his illustrious academy.

U.A. High School- Class 1-A- April 13th, 20XX

Izuku couldn't remember a time where he'd felt more lethargic than when he sat in Homeroom and listened to Hobo-Sensei give the morning announcements.

"-To end off the reviews, Uraraka-"

The bright-eyed brunette perked up at the sound of her name.

"Yes, Sensei?"

"You kept your cool as best you could, but you lost focus. If that happened in the field you would've died. Don't do that."

Uraraka's cheeks pinkened a smidge as she responded with a barely audible affirmation.

Giving no indication that he heard, the bleary-eyed teacher turned his gaze onto the one person in the room sitting ramrod straight in his chair.


In a way that Izuku hadn't thought possible, the bespectacled moralist somehow sat even straighter.

"You followed the plan that Midoriya laid out down to the letter, but you should ask more questions, and not yell out when you have the element of surprise."

A stiff, yet still somehow enthusiastic nod was the answer he received.

The shaggy teacher then turned his gaze unto the class's sorest loser (in Izuku's humble, unbiased opinion), his eyes now having taken on an edge of what could be surmised as an exhortation.

Izuku could feel the admonishment coming from a mile away. He was certain Kacchan could too.

To his credit, the surly hothead met the gaze head-on.

"Bakugou, what you did was theheightof idiocy."

The normally dry teacher's tone had become absolutely frigid.

It was slight, but Izuku could see his red-eyed peer falter slightly.

Just slightly, almost imperceptible to anyone who wasn't looking for it.

Unfortunately for Kacchan, there were at least two people who were.

The underground hero's next words were spoken with steel in his tone.

"You fell for an obvious trap, split away from your partner, gave in to childish provocation, and on top of all that,youlost."

Jeez, Hobo-Sensei's telling it like it is.

He could hear a couple of snigg*rs spread about the class, a quick glare from the dark-haired man silenced the peanut gallery swiftly.

"If this hadn't been an exercise, you would've gotten not only you and your partner killed, but an entire district in Tokyo may very well have been wiped off the map. All for yourego."

There were no more laughs to be had, contained or otherwise.

The mood had steadily deteriorated, and at least several students seemed visibly uncomfortable.

"Donotlet it happen again."

This time there was a brief tick of silence before the ashen blonde responded with a stiff nod.

With that, Aizawa turned his gaze to the last member of the battle trial's first group.


Izuku gave the man his full attention, along with a smile.

"You came up with a creative plan, but you should've ironed out the specifics more with your partner. And that hold of yours could use more work, the last words the public should hear in regards to a hero are 'broken' and 'neck'. Those words combined either lead to a memorial or a lawsuit."

Well, Izuku understood that much.

Heroes were icons, beacons of peace and justice and hope. Not exterminators.

People would probably freak out if they saw All Might covered in a ton of blood that wasn't his own.

The greenette knew that he would've, once upon a time.

But as long he didn't kill anyone, he'd be fine.

"Got it, Hobo-Sensei!"

Someway, somehow, the look in the man's eyes seemed even more tired.

How strange, it almost reminded him of Subarashii-Sensei.

"Right, anyway, you all need to pick a Class Representative. I don't care how you do it, I don't care who gets picked, just get it done by the bell and leave me alone."

With that, the man became a yellow caterpillar and fell out of sight.

I wonder if he keeps that sleeping bag under the podium.

That thought, much like the mystery of where he kept his many notebooks and pocket tissues, would remain a mystery that Izuku left unsolved.

Class Representative.

In a normal classroom, students would likely end up feeling that they were simply taking on extra responsibilities on top their daily course.

In the Hero Course, however, it provided micro-level management experience, which was vital for hero hopefuls who wished to run their own hero companies in the future.

The Class Representative position was highly coveted, so it was only natural that just about everyone in the classroom decided to put their hat in the ring for the chance to take it.

"I wanna be Class Rep!" The red-haired boy, Kirishima, if Izuku remembered correctly, cried out.

"I'll be the leader!" Chimed the pink girl… Ashido, that was her name.

"I want to do it!" That was a girl with plug-like earphone jacks hanging from her earlobes.

A number of other students kept chiming, all in an attempt to speak over each other and proclaim their desire for the position.

In the corner of his vision, he could see a certain glasses-wearing student standing up from his desk.

Had it been a simpler time, and he, a simpler man, Izuku would have suggested that the class fight it out and the last man standing would take it.

However, seeing as he wasn't wearing a grey suit, snakeskin jacket, or green parka, the freckled young man decided to contribute to the discussion in a more meaningful way.

"Oi! Why don't we just vote for it?"

His words cut through the cacophony of rowdy teenagers, drawing all of the attention toward himself.

His peers all stared at him for a moment, before a boy, one with short gold hair, spoke up.

"Vote for it?"

Izuku grinned toothily, the picture of boyish innocence.

"Yeah, vote. We're not gettin' anywhere just shoutin' 'I wanna do it! I wanna do it!', so we might as well put it to a vote."

"Exactly my thoughts, Midoriya! This is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It isnotjust for anybody who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. And that trust is best given through democratic process."

Ah, Ii-chan, right on time with a heavy-handed, long-winded explanation that I can piggyback off of.

"He's right, the fairest and best-received officials're the ones the people pick themselves. So, why don't we get some papers we'll write in for whoever we want to take the position? Most votes gets Rep, second-most gets Vice."

There was a beat of silence, a silence that was then quickly broken by Izuku himself.

"Oh!" He brought a fist down on his open palm as if in realization, "For fairness and expediency's sake, no self votes."

And your next line will be, 'Huh, why not, Midoriya?'

"Huh? Why not, Midoriya?", asked a puzzled Kirishima.

The rest of the class murmured and looked on.

"To prevent a stalemate, of course."

The one that answered Kirishima wasnotIzuku.

Izuku turned towards the back of the class and gave the sharp-eyed girl a grateful smile.

"Exactly! Thanks, Yaoyorozu-san!"

He received a polite nod in response and continued, "It's like Yaoyorozu-san said, if we all vote for ourselves, we'll have a twenty-way tie. And for what? So we can do it again and probably haveanothertie?"

Looking around, he could see that the vast majority of the class agreed with him.

Even Kacchan seemed to… as he malded in the seat right next to him.

"So with that said, I think we oughta pick someone based on the good they can do for the class as a whole, ya know?"

His words made sense, they were hitting.

That just left the kicker.

He ripped a scrap of paper from the notebook on his desk and grabbed a pencil.

"So, as a show of good faith, here's who I'm voting for."

He jotted down his vote, capping it with a flourish, and strutted up to the front of the class.

When he reached the front, he held up the paper for the whole class to see.

Five Minutes Later…

"Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception."

Izuku had never thought much of that quote, but as he stood at the front of the class, next to Yaoyorozu, it made him think that Sophocles might've been a genius.

Outside of him, nineteen other people voted.

Two of those votes were thrown out due to… reasons (Izuku's gaze shifted between Kacchan and the strange grape-headed boy that sat next to Yaoyorozu), and someone just didn't vote ( it then shifted over to the bored-looking boy with bi-colored hair), but even then, that left sixteen people to vote for either him or the girl next to him.

The total count was:

緑谷 (Midoriya)- 9

八百万 (Yaoyorozu)- 7

A close count, but a count that ended in his favour nonetheless.

He gave a polite bow to everyone still in their seats, before turning to his Vice Representative and offering a hand for her to shake, which she took.

Her hand was calloused, and her grip, remarkably firm.


"Lookin' forward to working with you Vice Rep."

Her smile was small, contained, but Izuku had no doubt that it was genuine.

After that short exchange, homeroom ended soon after.

Several Hours Later…

"You guys go on ahead, I've got a stop to make."

"Oh, alright. Should we save you a seat, Dekkun?"

"Nah, I might be a while, and I brought lunch from home anyway."

"Alright Midoriya, we'll see you back in class, then."

"See ya, Ii-chan, Occhan!"

With that, the trio split. The pair headed for the cafeteria

He'd dropped by the faculty office that morning, so Toshi-Sensei had received his bento already, the number one hero having snuck past the crowds in his true form not long after Izuku arrived.

Izuku had started making bentos for the man just after Christmas, having noticed that man had a bad habit of skipping meals due to his busy schedule.

Rolled Omelets, rice, pickled plums, and occasionally some hot miso soup in a thermos were a basic lunch that he'd make for the old hero when he could.

Sometimes he'd switch it up, though, slip in some hamburger or maybe some meatballs.

He was sure Toshi-Sensei appreciated it, Izuku always found the bento boxes he'd given him empty on the window sill early in the morning, washed out with care.

Though that was only one person that Izuku had to remind to feed themselves, the other one was-


-currently shirking lunch in favor of utilizing the new facilities that she had access to.

He made his way towards the area of the school where he heard the sound originate from: U.A.'s Development Studio.

When he got there, he noticed that it was mostly devoid of people, 'mostly' meaning 'devoid of all people except for a man covered in soot with an excavator claw on his head, who had plastered himself to the wall opposite the studio entrance'.

Izuku, who had vaguely recognized the man as Power Loader and offered him a nod of acknowledgment, walked over to the door.

Taking a deep breath and listening closely to the sounds of tinkering behind, he counted1… 2… 3!and slid it open quickly.

He was quickly assaulted with the rushing stench of smoke and oil.

Had it been nine or ten years earlier, the smell might've made him balk, possibly retch.

However, Izuku had grown up around the Hatsume Family, a bit of smoke and oil might as well have been a strangely scented candle to him.

Stepping in and closing the door behind him, the green-haired lad made his way towards the corner of the studio where the last person left was doing some… inventor thing or another, he didn't know.

He supported his friend's passion even though he wouldn't dare say that he understood the intricate parts that didn't involve him.

Though there she was, goggles down over her face as she took a wrench to the guts of her quarry.

She was covered in soot.

Izuku grabbed a stool and moved it next to the pink-haired girl, who hadn't given any indication that she'd even noticed his presence.

He sat atop the stool and deliberately unwrapped his bento, taking care not to make too much noise.

Mei was silent, but from where he was, Izuku could see her lips moving.

The lips that she, not even three days ago, had pressed to his.

Her very soft, very full, incredibl-

"Huh? Zu? What are you doing here?"

Izuku violently pushed down those thoughts to the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind. He grabbed a rolled omelet from his bento.

"Came to see if you were feeding yourself alongside your babies. Turns out you weren't. Here, open up."

She obliges, and Izuku slips the omelet into her waiting mouth, which she gratefully accepted and chewed.

This was normal.

There was many a time where Izuku would come sit in the Hatsume's workshop at home and feed his friend when she couldn't be torn from her inventions.

It was a little embarrassing at first, but he got over it quick enough.

Eventually, it just became a fun little thing for him to do for his friend…

… A fun little thing that she'd neverkissedhim for.

Okay, we're gonna talk about it.

"Oi, Mei."


"Why did you-"


What the f*ck?

"There has been a level 3 security breach. All students, please evacuate outdoors promptly."

A security breach? AtU.A.of all places?

Just my f*ckin' luck.

Izuku looked down at Mei, who didn't seem like she had even heard the announcement.

The question still on his lips, but with his friend's safety on his mind, he chose to put a pin in his former thought with a sigh, before standing up and bodily hefting the gadgeteer over his shoulder, making his way toward the exit, despite the girl's protests.

Several Hours Later…

Izuku sat across from Yaoyorozu, with a bit of a sour attitude.

The security breach had been a false alarm.

Apparently, some reporters got past the U.A. barrier and caused a panic.

That was a good thing.

That the security breach was a false alarm.

What wasnota good thing, was that he never got to finish his talk with Mei, so now he was still confused and had no easy way of resolving that confusion.

He sighed again.

"Is everything alright, Midoriya-Kun?"

sh*t, shouldn't bring down the mood.

He gave his worried-looking Vice Rep a smile.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just that false alarm earlier today."

Yaoyorozu nodded in understanding, "It was absolutely riotous in the cafeteria today. Luckily, Iida-Kun saw that the alarm was just triggered by the reporters and managed to inform everyone, but I'm still somewhat shaken myself. To think that U.A. of all places would be breached…"

She began to look somewhat uncomfortably off to the side.

Ah sh*t, the vibe is continuing to deteriorate. Damage control. NOW!

Izuku gave her another smile, this one with more teeth and sunshine, and said "Hey, it could've been a lot worse, but it wasn't. No point thinking about what it mighta been, that's just an easy way to wreck your health."

f*ck, I'm a hypocrite.

That was something he did every night.

The words seemed to do the trick, though.

Yaoyorozu returned his smile with one of her own.

It was nice, pretty.

He liked her smile.

"You're right. Nothing left to do now but move forward. Thank you, Midoriya-Kun."

"Feel free to just call me Izuku. All my friends do."

"Oh? And are we friends?"

"Well, we're going to be spending a lot of time together, so I hope we could be."

"Well, in that case, I hope so too, Izuku-Kun."

"Thanks, Mochi."


"Yeah, cuz you're sweet. like Mochi!"

And because of two jiggly, mochi-like accessories on her person, but Izuku wasn't foolish enough to mention his second reason.

"You are just-"

"Handsome, charming, lovely?"


"That was my next guess, I swear!"

"Oh, stop it!" Despite her protests, she was trying and failing to stifle her laughter.

"Look! You're even turning pink like Sakura Mochi!"

"Oh, hush you!"

That day, in a deserted classroom after school, Izuku made a new friend while filing paperwork for a school trip later that week.

Chapter 40: Trust Me

Chapter Text

New Message from {Toshi-Sensei}

T: We need to talk.

You: Okay

You: The beach?

T: I'll be there in ten minutes.

You: Give me fifteen.

April 15th, 201X- Takoba Municpal Beach Park

Toshinori Yagi had another crisis on his hands.

So, good news, his successordidn'tmurder anyone.

Bad news, if he kept on the way he was keeping on, it was only a matter of time before he did.

The strength that One-For-All afforded its wielder was immense, it wasnotsomething to be toyed with.

Young Midoriya's creativity was laudable, but his brutality was something that would get him in trouble with the mediaorthe HPSC one day.

That needed to be nipped in the bud.

He sat on the sand in his true form, watching the surf break upon the shoreline.

There weren't a ton of people on the beach, just a few couples basking the moonlight and some little families taking little walks.

Toshinori liked coming to Takoba.

It kept him closer to the ground, while the world saw fit to elevate him so much higher.

The Symbol of Peace smiled softly, reveling in the brief moment of respite.

He quickly schooled his features as he heard someone plop down on the sands next to him.

"Yo, Sensei."

He didn't even need to see who it was, he recognized the voice.

"Young Midoriya."

"You wanted to see me?"

"I did."

"Okay, I think I know why, but why don't you make your case first? Just so we're clear."

A reasonable response.

"Right. I don't want to spend the rest of the night here, so I'll come out and say it. You need to tone down your… viciousness when you fight."

There was a beat of silence.

Toshinori pressed on.

"It's for your own good. You can't go around snapping necks. Heroes are meant to be protectors- icons that give them hope. Make them feel secure. That the people in charge will protect them, no matter what. That's why we don't go around killing-" he swallowed to keep himself from choking on his hypocrisy "-any of the villains we capture. Because once you cross that line-"

"I'm just gonna stop you right there."


For the first time since the young man had arrived, Toshinori looked at him.

Green eyes bore straight into him.

They were unimpressed.

It wasn't like the old pro was absolutely used to seeing the young man treat everything he said as gospel, that just wasn't how things worked in their relationship.

What hewasused to was Izuku at least offering him the chance to finish his long explanations and then offering up his own perspective and when he did, it was with something of a bright and excitable gleam in his eye, almost like a small pup presented with a bright rubber ball.

Thiswas not that Izuku.

This Izuku looked at him like Toshinori had just told him that the sky was pink and the grass was blue.

It was a look that he was certain the young Midoriya reserved only for those he deemed to be truly idiotic.

The young greenette opened his mouth and Toshinori prepared for the verbal lashing the boy was sure to heap upon him-

"I think I understand where you're coming from, but I also think you're being a bit unfair in your judgment."

- and was thusly stunned into silence by the young man coming at him with a statement completely out of left field.

"You're sending mixed signals. Despite me declining multiple times and offering you just as many times to help you find someone more suitable for it, you wanna trust me with an incredible power that, if it were discovered the population at large, could absolutely redefine the way people look at quirks and, on a purely physical level, would make me pseudo-capable of flight and allow me to change the weather with a single punch. Yet, on the flip side, you indicate that you don't trust me enough with my own strength to not kill one of my classmates during a training exercise. It's kinda f*ckin' me up, Sensei."

The young man's tone was congenial, but it brooked no argument.

He was clear, and his points were certainly laid out to inform, yet the wording made Toshinori want to admonishhimselfmore than anything.

"You don't owe meanytrust, you only met me a little less than a year ago, but if we're going to be going forward from here, I just ask that you do me the courtesy of keeping the trust youdohave in me consistent."

Toshinori didn't have anything to say to that.

Izuku pushed up off of the sands, dusting himself off as he did so.

"I think I'll let you sit with that a while. Aizawa-sensei saddled me with the paperwork for the field trip tomorrow and I might've left a couple of forms unfinished to come here. Honestly, he dumped all this crap on us yesterday and said to get it done by tonight. 'Delegating', he called it. The old hobo just didn't wanna do his job!"

He started to walk off then, having started to rant to himself halfway through his stride.

Toshinori was just left to try and piece together exactly where he screwed up what was meant to be an incredibly simple talk.

How could one boy be so incredibly unpredictable?

U.A. High School- Class 1-A- April 16th, 201X

12:50 P.M.

Kyouka Jirou didn't know how to feel about the Class Rep.

He seemed… chill.

Weird, but chill.

Like, he was smart.

His plan during the Battle Trial showed that off well enough.

He was easy enough to get along with.

That's why he got the Class Rep position.

So yeah, Izuku Midoriya was chill.

In some kind of a smart class clown kinda way.

Case-in-point, his demeanor as he stood at the front of the class and explained what they would be doing for the Hero Studies Period.

"So, today's the field trip, guys. We'll be going to Universal Studios Ja-"

"You know for a fact that that's not what USJ stands for, Midoriya."

"What are you talking about, Sensei? Before you interrupted me, I was clearly saying: Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

Everyone in the room knew that that was bullsh*t.

But who would have the heart to chime in with an objection while Midoriya offered his biggest sh*t-eating grin to their currently sleeping bag-bound teacher?

Not a single person with a heart, that's who.

"So yeah, anyway, we've got three teachers today for basic training. All Might, Hobo-sensei, and… someone I was told not to talk about before we get there."

A guy behind her, one with a really plain face, spoke up after that.

"So what are we actually supposed to bedoingtoday, Class Rep? Or, can you not tell us that?"

The greenette looked at the yellow slug creature on the ground behind him, as if asking permission.

A moment later, "Nah, I can tell you guys. It's rescue training. You know, rockslides, avalanches, little old ladies stuck in trees. sh*t like that."

Kyouka raised an eye at the third object on the list, trying to figure if Midoriya was just joking or if U.A. reallywasthat weird.

She thought on that for less than ten seconds before deciding that it wasn't worth wasting brainpower.

Her classmates were buzzing with excitement.

Between their chattering, she heard the classroom door open and close.

"Anyway, hurry up and get changed, or don't. The paper says it's up to you since some costumes may make doing your jobs more difficult. Hobo-sensei-"

The Class Rep looked down at his feet, the yellow slug creature from before had disappeared.

"-will meet us at the bus stop. I'ma head out. Follow me when you're ready."

And with that, he grabbed his costume case and walked out of the classroom.

Everyone followed soon after.

Yup, definitely weird.

And now, he was sitting right next to her.

She didn't notice before, but he had some height on her.

A good 176cm compared to her 154, he was hardly a monolith, but he did hulk somewhat as he sat right next to her.

And while she might've said that he was amicable, she couldn't help but think of the horrid crackof Bakugou's neck after the boy had grabbed him from behind.

"What about you, Kyo-chan?"


She jumped slightly as the boy next to her,why does his costume look like he just walked off the set for Yakuza Sunset 8?,looked at her expectantly.

"Whaddya mean?" She had totally spaced.

"That breach yesterday. I was over in the support building, so I missed the brunt of it, but according to Ii-chan and Occhan, it was just some reporters. But that's kinda weird, ain't it? Wouldn't takin' down the gate be like some kinda supervillain feat?"

She… honestly didn't think about that.

After lunch, she was just happy enough that there was no immediate danger to her that she chose not to focus on the implications behind the U.A. Barrier failing.

Right, just gonna file that away to the 'Night Terror' section of her brain.

"You- uh, you good?"

Oh right, Midoriya was waiting for an answer.

"Didn't think about it."

She was okay to keep her existential dread to herself, thank you very much.

"Fair enough."

And Midoriya was cool enough to respect that.

A man of boundaries, point in his favor.

Though, wait a minute-


"Yeah, I'm not too big on formalities. You don't mind the nickname, do ya? I can think up a new one if you do."

Kind of aggressively friendly, she couldn't quite decide if that was a point for or against him.

"Nah, it's cool. You don't mind if I give you a nickname too then. Huh, Green?"

"Green? A bit basic, but I can dig it. Makes me feel dangerous."

"Heh, dork."

"Hey now, them's fightin' words, Kyo-Chan."

That got a genuine chuckle out of her. Point for.

She noticed him looking at her ear.

More specifically, her earlobe.

She was ready to add a point against him the minute he opened his mouth.

"So, you a fan of music?"

Oh, that was actually a pretty good misdirect. Two points.

"Yeah, mostly oldies though. Deep Dope, Yokomichi Silvers, Takaya Kuroda and Goodfellas."

"sh*t, you listen to Goodfellas? I grew up with the riff toJudgementin my dreams when I was growin' up, man."

"For real? Oh wait, I almost completely forgot, that was MachineGun Kiss you were singing the other day, right?"

"Hell yeah, their cover for it came out the night before. It was stuck in my head."

"Man of culture, I like that."

The conversation became lively for pretty much the rest of the trip.

Kyouka Jirou knew what she thought of the Class Rep after that.

He haddamngood taste in music.

Unforeseen Simulation Joint

Izuku was kind of excited.

A field trip early in the school was dope on its own.

A field trip in the first few weeks of school to do superhero sh*t, that was sublime.

A field trip in the first few weeks of school to do superhero sh*t within which he found a new friend with good musical taste, now that was amazing.

"You look pretty pleased, Dekkun."

"I'm always pretty pleased, Occhan. Especially when you're around."

He could see his friend's cheeks flush a slightly darker shade of pink.

Yuya-san was right. Thisis kinda fun.

He should try 'flirting' more. It was well worth the reward.

"R-right. Ahem- so, um."

She was fumbling. It was pretty great.

Even so, she was his friend, so he threw her a bone.

"Hey, look, it's the construction company's logo."

He pointed to a small spot on the right side of the entrance.


As he had said, there was a little gold plaque marked with the emblem of Majima Construction.

Nishida-san had told him about it once, it was another reason why he was so excited for the trip.

He got to fight in a building one of his uncles helped build.

It was awesome.

Uraraka followed his finger to the point that he was pointing to and, for the briefest of moments, Izuku could've sworn he saw her expression darken.

But it was gone so quickly that Izuku almost thought that he imagined it.

That was probably something to follow up on at another time, Izuku thought as the third sensei that he was not allowed to mention introduced herself to the class.

It was shaping up to be a pretty good day.

Some time later…


He was sweating.

It was f*cking hot.

"Mochi, Kyo-chan, you two okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." "I'm fine."

How did this happen?

Was this really happening?

Why was this happening?

How the f*ck could it be happening?

How did villains end up at the USJ?

"Good, you both in fighting condition?"

There was no time to worry about why things were happening.


Kyo-chan answered for him.

"Because we've got company."

She musta heard them.

They were all around. Surrounding them.

'How many were there?', he wondered.


Maybe thirty?

He felt something thumping in his chest.

Was that his heart?

Was he afraid?

A bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead.


He knew this feeling.

It wasn't fear.

He knew fear, this was not it.

He felt it when he fought his uncle on the Millennium Tower all those years ago.

He felt it when fought those creeps beneath Shangri-La, the year before.

When he fought Kacchan, days ago.

This wasn't fear.

This is-

"Mochi, ya got fighting experience?"

"Yes. I do, I practiceBukijutsu."

Weapons. Weapons are good here.

"Good, you eat lunch today?"

"Of course, what do you need?"

She caught on quick, as expected of his Vice Rep.

"A bat'll do for now."

With moments, there was an aluminum bat in his hands.

"'Preciate it. Kyo-chan."


"Fighting experience?"


Made sense. Not everyone was brought up punching out street punks.

"That's fine, you're about to get a lot here. Three tips, don't let anyone get behind you, make sure you stick close to Mochi-"

They were closing in. It was almost time. His tongue flicked out over his dry lips.

"What's the third tip?"

He gave her a little grin.

"Trust me, and I'll watch your back. Just like I'm trusting you to watch mine."

He looked forward and walked up slightly.

Time was up. They were surrounded.

On his side alone, he could see maybe fifteen, likely closer to twenty, of them.

The situation looked pretty dire.

Even so, Izuku couldn't help the big toothy smile that spread and spread andspreadacross his face.

He pointed his bat straight forward as if he was issuing a challenge.

The next words that left his mouth came to him on instinct.

"Anyone who wants to die first… step on up!"


Next chapter's the end of this arc. Then MDOS is going on break until late fall/early winter.

Chapter 41: Indomitable

Chapter Text

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

Case Number: 201674

Date of Incident: 16th April, 201X

Reporting Officer: Tamakawa Sansa

Prepared By: Tsukachi Naomasa

Incident: Incursion at Unforseen Simulation Joint(U.A. High School)

Detail of event:

"Thirteen-sensei was just telling us what we'd be doing. About halfway through, Dekkun (Note: Izuku Midoriya) looked at his phone and started looking antsy."

Unforeseen Simulation Joint

You: Heard you weren't feeling well, Sensei. Three hours really fly by, huh? I wasn't able to make lunch today, but be sure to eat. I'll punch you in the stomach if you don't.

{Message Not Sent}

Izuku frowned as he saw the notification pop up on his phone.

In the upper right corner of his screen, he saw the words[No Signal]flashing.

He didn't know why, but he felt his stomach drop slightly.

He lightly nudged Occhan's shoulder, drawing her attention as covertly as possible.


"Hey, sorry to ask, but would ya mind I borrowed your phone real quick? An emergency came up and mine is on the fritz."

He lied as easily as he breathed. Was that a bad thing?

Occhan, sweet and helpful and friendly, the first friend Izuku had made at U.A., hesitated for only the briefest of moments before tapping the bottom of one of her armbands, retrieving an obviously old, but still well-maintained flip phone.

Huh. Nostalgic.

He gave her a grateful smile and a short word of thanks before flipping it open.

[No Signal]

His stomach dropped even further.

He swallowed slightly around a lump that appeared in his throat.

He handed his friend her phone back, some half-hearted excuse about a poor signal and a sheepish apology about bothering her for something unimportant danced on his tongue, but never made their way past his lips as he noticed something.

A lotof somethings, not too far away from them.

His stomach was in his boots at this point.

His heart was beating fast pounding a mile a minute like a rampant drumline in a marching band.

The last time he felt like this, he was curled behind a police car that was being pelted by gunfire.

He had areallybad feeling about what was going on.

That feeling only got worse when he noticed that Aizawa-sensei had tensed up.

"Is this like the Entrance Exam, where the lesson's already started?", he heard Kirishima ask.


People were moving, getting ready to spring into action.


"Don't move!"

His classmates all halted in their tracks.

That was the loudest any one of them had heard their homeroom teacher speak.

"Those are villains."

What the f*ck?

" The one that seemed to be the leader was slim with light blue hair. When he spoke, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Though, the part that stood out most were the… hands all over his body. He was flanked by this other guy made out of shadows or smoke or something, and this… giant, freakish mass of muscle with a beak and bulging eyes."

"Thirteen and Eraserhead, huh? Could've sworn that All Might was supposed to be here too. Wasn't that what the schedule said?"


The Class Rep looked at his homeroom teacher.

He was vaguely aware that the manwasin fact a pro hero(as was pretty much all of the staff at U.A.), but for him to be the underground hero: Eraserhead… it almost made Izuku wanna show him a bit more respect.


Izuku could hear Aizawa-sensei click his tongue.

"I see, so these scumbags were the ones who broke in, then."

Wait, what?

Broke in?

What did he mean by break-in?

"That breach yesterday. I was over in the support building, so I missed the brunt of it, but according to Ii-chan and Occhan, it was just some reporters. But that's kinda weird, ain't it? Wouldn't takin' down the gate be like some kinda supervillain feat?"


He was just chatting sh*t earlier, but to think that he was actually on the mark?

It was ridiculous, that just made it all the more real to him.

"And to think that I went through the trouble of putting together this big welcoming party just for him. Such an inconsiderate hero."

The hell is he on about?

There were villains. A lot of them. All spreading from where they had appeared.

"Hm… Hey, brats."

The man who had spoken up wasn't finished talking, it seemed, as he pointed one dry and crusty-looking finger at the lot of them.

"Tell me, how many of you do you think will have to die before the Symbol of Peace bothers showing up?"

" The villains all dispersed, moving towards each of the rescue zones. None of us were too sure about what was going on, I think. None of us but Midoriya-san, it seemed. He had sidled up to me with everyone else too focused on the situation to notice. He slid his phone to me and he whispered-"

"Ii-chan, stay calm, stay quiet, and listen. There's no reception here- meaning there's likely someone with an quirk or they're using ECM jamming- and we're completely outnumbered. You're the fastest one here and the one I trust the most to get this done. When I say, 'Go!', I want you to haul ass toward the exit and call the third number on the 'T' section of my contact list. Whether you get an answer or not, keep running and get help from the people at U.A. You got that?"



The greenette could see his friend swallow.

He was nervous.

That was understandable.

This was a situation that they were supposed to be training to be prepared to be caught up in.

It was honestly inconceivable that such a thing could happen within the first week of their first term.

Any reasonable person would sh*t themselves after the shock finished settling in.

Izuku wasn't sure if he was still in shock or just unreasonable.

Either way, Izuku would rather his friend be nervous and alive instead of terrified, and then dead.

"Ii-chan! Do you understand?"

The greenette could see the bespectacled boy steel himself.

"Alright, I understand. But what if they try to stop me?"

"You letmeworry about that. Just get to the door as soon I say 'Go'."

There was worry in Ii-chan's eyes.

Worry that was quickly smothered by determination.

That's the spirit, Ii-chan.

That only left his part.

He looked back at the villains.

Mr. Hands, the smokey bastard, and… what else could he call it but 'Magician's Black'?

He could also see Eraserhead getting ready to spring into action.

Thirteen-sensei was told to evacuate the class.

That included him.

Were he a normal person, he'd be fine to let that be.

Unfortunately, he wasnota normal person.

He was Izuku Midoriya.

"We were all getting outta there. Thirteen-sensei was leading us away. I don't know when it happened, but at one point, Midoriya was with us, and the next thing we knew, he was fighting. Some of the villains were trying to cut us off but, Midoriya- I mean, the way he moved, it was just so… manly."

"It's a bit difficult to keep track of what happened after that. After Izuku-kun fought off the thugs in front of us, that smoke villain was the next one to cut us off. Thirteen-sensei tried to use her quirk to contain him, but-"

" Things got out of hand. Well, even more out of hand then just us being stuck in the middle of an invasion during school hours. Green ( Note: Izuku Midoriya ) jumped at the fog guy and screamed 'Go!' and then Iida took off like a bat out of hell. The fog guy tried to catch him, but Iida was long out the door by the time he could react. After that, we got split up."

" We got split up. I ended up in the Windstorm zone with Dye Job (Note: Eijiro Kirishima ) and Scar ( Note: Shoto Todoroki )."

" I got warped to the Mountain zone with Tokoyami-chan and Aoyama-chan- kero."

" Kaminari-kun, Mineta, and I were sent to the Flood zone. It… took them a minute to notice me."

" When we were warped, I was shifted to the Conflagration Zone with Izuku-kun and Jirou-chan . We didn't have much time to catch our breath before we had defend ourselves from villains waiting to ambush us."

[!] Armsmaster Style Heat Move: Essence of Riot Control

Izuku lashed out viciously, the bat in his hands a silver streak-



-the broad end found itself planted in the stomach of a villain with flaming hands.

The man hunched over slightly, Izuku used that opportunity to vault over him, shifting the bat into a backhanded grip.

When he landed behind the man, using some of the moment from his vault, he swung with all his might-


He could see the jaw of the villain that he struck snap crookedly to one side as it was forcibly dislocated.

He drove his right foot to the side as hard as he could-


His kick found purchase, but he wasn't done. Bat in hand, he drove his arm forward, flipping the weapon as he did so-


The salamander villain he had just struck went flying, maw shut so tight he couldn't even cry out in pain.

He looked around.

He had already taken out at least seven villains on his end.


Make that eight.

Looking over, he could see that Kyo-chan and Mochi were doing just fine, having dispatched at least nine of the ne'er-do-wells on their own.

There were certainly more than twenty of them at the start of the fight.

Izuku only counted eleven at that moment.

Five of them were still attacking Mochi and Kyo-chan, the latter of which was putting in some work with the baton that the Vice Rep had made for her.

The other six surrounded him in a loose circle.

None of them were moving, just watching him.

They were waiting for him to make a move.

Despite the situation-

No, perhaps because of it, Izuku could feel the ends of his lips curling upward.


The sound rose from his throat unbidden.

Itwas strange.


It was high-pitched.

It wasonly growing more uncontrollable as Izuku could feel his shoulders begin to quake.


There were tears in his eyes. He reached up with a gloved hand and wiped them away, along with some sweat that had accumulated on his face, before sliding that hand into his pocket.

He rested his bat on his shoulder as he slowly recovered from his… outburst.

There was still abig, bright smileplastered across his face.

He could feel his skin begin to crawl.

His body felt even hotter.

In his pocket, he feltone, two, three, four, five-five little pellets.

His Flash Pellets.

He was almost out.

Mei was supposed to be making more.

"Take a gander at Baby Number 12473: The Flash Pellet."

"...What does it do?"



"Throw 'em against something hard enough and you'll get that. Don't let them get too hot, though. If they do, you might as well just use them as marbles."

This was probably the worst place for him to be with them.

They could withstand a maximum heat of 1700 degrees celsius for about ten minutes(according to the control test he'd done using one of Aldera Middle's Bunsen Burners.)

That was if they were directly exposed to flame.

At minimum, the fires of the Conflagration Zone was probably 300 degrees above that.

At most, the heat surrounding him was only 50 degrees.

They could last for about twenty minutes at that heat.

He only hoped that they didn't heat up even faster when encased in the leather casket that was his pocket.

He looked at the villains around him again, they hadn't moved an inch.

He smiled wider, his skin hot, slick, writhing.

He pointed the bat at them again, sweeping it left and right as he spoke.

"If you wanna run, I won't stop ya. As you are now, all I see in front of me are dead men walkin'."

His words, dripping with naught but the most intentional malice, had an effect on the miscreants around him.

As intended, it induced a reaction.

Not fear, nor hesitation-

Just white-hot rage.

As firm a grip as he seemed to have on them before saying that line, it disappeared and thefeeling of his skin crawling ceased as well.

They charged him altogether,hestayed rooted right where he was.

When the lot of them entered arm's reach, his ripped his hand from his pocket and threw down the pellets in it as hard as hard as he could-


The crack was deafening.

The flash, blinding.

Together they were the perfect setup for his next trick.

Before the pellets could hit the ground, he had already ripped off his jacket, using it to shield his eyes from the flash and he held it in his off-hand while he charged forward and slammed the bat directly into the knee of the unfortunate villain at his twelve.


Izuku was rather sure knees weren't meant to bend that way.

He swung the bat into a villain to his right.


Direct hit to the temple.

He felt movement to his left.

He used his jacket like a whip, lashing out and wrapping it around the outstretched arm of a villain.

He felt a burst of heat from inside of the wrap.

[!]Improvised Heat Move: Essence of Crowd Breaking

Dropping the bat, he grabbed the villain's arm with two hands over the jacket.

He twisted-


-then he pulled.


From there, that villain was no longer a living, breathing person in Izuku's eyes.

He was a screaming mace.

"The fight had cooled down around Yaomomo (Note: Momo Yaoyorozu) and me. We looked over and got ready to help Green, but then we… noticed that he didn't need help."

"Izuku-kun had grabbed one villain by the arm and was using him like a weapon, just bludgeoning the other villains. His side got pretty quiet after that. And from there, he just said that we should get back to the entrance and regroup with Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen-sensei."

"Things were looking bad. That smoke villain- Kurogiri, that's what the leader called him- he'd taken out Thirteen, and I was reaching my limit. I had already taken out most of the small-fry though. It was just leader and that… thing left. It seemed that he'd figured out my quirk, I didn't think that it would matter, but then all of sudden, the hand villain went flying."


Izuku always found it satisfying to kick someone in the face.

Even more so when the person he kicked was a complete and total asshole.

So when he saw the blue-haired jackhole that had likely orchestrated the whole affair that was ruining his field trip -and had already completely ruined a perfectly good jacket- go flying, Izuku's mood had skyrocketed.


He grinned, but didn't look away from the downed malefactor or his two companions.

"Yo, Hobo-sensei. Hope you don't mind me cuttin' in. I finished my assignment early and wanted to come grab some extra credit."

"What are you doing here? Go get he-"

"Ii-chan's already on that. All Might should be busting down the door any minute now."

Izuku heard a groan from the piece of sh*t on the ground across from him.

"Who thehellare you?"

Izuku grinned wider and offered the sh*tstain a slight bow.

"Well, haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto."

"f*ck you."

Izuku wrinkled his nose.

"Gross. Sorry, but you're not my type. I prefer my dates to be a bit more moisturized and a lot less… handsy."

"You'll die screaming." The sh*thead growled.


In his peripheral, he saw his sensei standing tall.

He hadn't thought it possible, but the man seemed even more tired than he usually did.


"Stop playing around and let's get this mopped up, so I can work out your punishment."

I come to help, and that's the thanks I get?

Izuku sighed but still took up his stance; left arm loose, right arm crossed, knees bent, "Alright. Let's kick his ass, Sensei!"

Villain's (sh*tty) Boss

"Most of us stayed back, but we saw a lot of what was going on from where we were. Dekkun and Aizawa-sensei started fighting the leader and it looked like something straight out of the news. The villain wasn't getting too many hits in, but he was dodging a lot of what they were throwing at him."

"f*cking heroes. Can't help picking on the little guy, can you? Especially in the name of 'Justice'."

Izuku's standing round went wide as the bullsh*t-spewing villain ducked under it and attempted to grab the ankle his planted foot.

Izuku stonewalled that attempted f*ckery by forcing that foot off of the ground just as the bastard's hand came to wrap around it.

He forced his body into a motion that was half-cartwheel, half-Daruma Roll to reposition himself, before coming down with an axe kick.

"You've got some nerve coming after my friends and acting likeyou'rethe victim. Gotta say, it's f*ckwits like you that piss me off the most!"

His axe kick was evaded, unfortunately, but Aizawa-sensei's double leg dropkick wasn't.


"Focus, Midoriya!"

"I am!"

He used the opportunity that the Pro Hero had given him to charge forward and get behind the villain.


He delivered a hard side kick to the bastard's back, sending him flying towards the homeroom teacher.

In an instant, the man had the villain wrapped up in his scarf.

"Last hit, Midoriya!"

Izuku could feel his smile start to crack his face.

It was another toothy one.

And as heflewforward, fist co*cked back for a fierce left, it only got wider.

"Coming right up, Sensei!"

He got closer and closer and closer, the blue flame dancing at the edges of his vision, until-



When his fist came forward, it made contact with something.

Not what he was he was aiming for.

Not the face of scumbag who he and Aizawa-sensei had on the ropes just moments before.

No, it was palm of the beak-faced freak that had been stood near the mist villain seconds before.

He barely had time to register what the f*ck had just happened before he heard two words-

"Smash him."

And his whole world erupted into pain.



"O-d -im -own, -mu."

White as far as the eye could see.

A void of white.

What had happened?

Where was he?

Why was he so tired?

"-ant -o- to se- -hat -our -ail-re led to."

"Izuku, wake up!"

Wake up?

"-idoriya, -et up! Ple-!"

But he was awake, wasn't he?

He wouldn't be so tired if he was asleep.

"You need to wake up!"

Was he awake?

Why was everything so loud?

"If you don't get up, you're going to die, my boy!"



Why was he going to die?

"Gotta get up."

He recognized that voice.

"Can't die here. If I do, everyone else will too."

He recognized because heard it every day.

"Come on, I gotta wake up."

He heard it every day, because…

"Just gotta open my eyes."

It was his.

There was something special about Heat.

He knew that for a while now.

It made him faster, stronger, all-around just better.

He was certain that if he didn't have Heat- his styles- his fighting skills, in general, would've suffered for it.

His styles were what made him so dangerous.

When he was using them, he thought about the world in a way that he wasn't capable of normally.

And his body did what was needed to keep up.

As was the case with one aspect of his Scrapper style.

His resolve.

His unconquerable will to never give in.

[!!] Resolve of The Scrapper: Indomitable

As long as he had Heat.

As long as there was still breath in his lungs.

As long there were still people to protect or an enemy to fight, he wouldneverstay down.

There was something on his face.

"Ever the hero, aren't you, Eraserhead?"

He heard athudand acracknot too far from where he was.

Izuku looked straight forward through one lidded eye. He couldn't open the other for some reason.

That 'something' on his face was a hand.

A dry, crusty one.

It slowly lifted off of his face.

What Izuku did then wasn't planned in the slightest.

It was instinct more than anything.

Really, his body just moved on its own.

Within moments, Izuku had the pinky finger of that dry hand clenched between his teeth and he was biting downhard.

"ARGHHH!What thef*ck!?"

The owner's gut reaction was to pull away.

Izuku's gut reaction to his gut reaction was to bite down harder.


In the corner of his eye, Izuku could see another hand reaching for him.

He couldn't feel his left arm at all, but his right hand came up and grabbed the encroaching hand by the wrist.

His teeth bit down harder, he tasted metal in his mouth.





Izuku held fast.



Izuku refused.


Something in his torso cracked.


He acquiesced, but he took something with him as he did.

He rolled away, bouncing slightly on the concrete as he was forced away from the villain who had just lost a finger.

He only stopped when his back hit something hard.

The scream that he heard after was ear-piercing.


And the bastard charged him.

"I don't think you will."

That voice, he recognized it.


"Especially not while we're here."


"[Are you okay], Eraserhead?"

Present Mic.

"Children, get out of here! It's time for us to do our jobs now!"


Someone picked him up. Their arms were soft.

"I've got you, Midoriya-kun. Just get some rest for now."

Mid… night?

He smelled something sweet.

And then everything went dark again.

According to the heroes on scene, the leader and 'Kurogiri' fled soon after they arrived on the scene.

The only persons reported injured were Anan Kurose (Thirteen), Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), and Izuku Midoriya. Only Anan Kurose and Izuku Midoriya required more than on-field care.

Anan Kurose woke after receiving care and was discharged soon after.

Izuku Midoriya has not yet regained consciousness.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Izuku's eyes opened to bright, blinding light.

It made him squint, but he didn't close them.

It wasfamiliar.

He felt something in his arm. It didn't hurt, but he knew it was there. Almost like someone was constantly pinching him.

Deja vu.

He smelled the overwhelming scent of pine and bleach, the aroma of flowers, and a dash of antiseptic.

Not liking where this is going.

Turning his head to his left, he saw a heart rate monitor and an IV drip, the tube leading into his arm.

Yep, this is definitely familiar.

He lost.

He wasn't dead, so clearly, the heroes won.

But still, another really big event in his life landed him in the hospital.

He only had one thing to say to that.


"'f*ck', indeed, Izuku-kun."

Izuku's eyes went wide.

That was a voice that he hadn't in a long time, but one that he'd never forget.

He could feel himself start to smile.

"I thought you'd scold me again. You didn't like it when I cursed back then."

A chuckle from his right.

"It's been five years. If you were ever gonna stop, you'd've done so long before now."

"True enough."

A beat of silence.

"Still though, in those five years, I thought you'd pick up better sleeping habits. Seriously, in bed when I leave. In bed when I come back. I don't think I've ever met a lazier hero."

That made Izuku laugh.

A throaty chitter from somewhere in his chest.

He turned his head to the right and met the eyes of an old friend.

"I'm happy to see you too, Masa-chan."

Those eyes flashed gold.

I'm happy to finally have this arc done. I'm sorry to the people who didn't get what they were looking for, but I'm gonna keep on this course full steam ahead. sh*t's about to get wild after this.

Chapter 42: Respite

Chapter Text

April 19th, 201X

"Shiawase nara ii no sa kamawanee sa

Kurushimi yo, nikush-"

Too sad.


"Ayashiku madowasete

Yokujou mo aijou-"

Too slow.


"Moyase, moyashi tsukuse

(Yeah! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

Gomi mitee na kurorekishi-"

Too fast!

"Izu-kun, are you still there?"

Izuku stopped fiddling with his computer and turned back to his phone on the desk.

"Yeah. Just taking care of something. What were you saying, Neechan?"

"Just asking if you were really alright. Mirei-san said that your injuries were really bad when she went to visit you in the hospital last week."

"Ehhh, they looked worse than they actually were. Don't even have any scars. My arm got it the worst if I'm bein' honest, and I'm gettin' my cast off when I go back to school on Monday."

He'd gotten really good at this whole lying thing since he was a kid.

He found that the optimal lie was one that was at least forty percent true.

His arm did in fact receive the worst of the absolute thrashing that he'd received from the freakish villain at the USJ, seeing as it was the point that he was being flung around and slammed from.

But in bringing that to the forefront, he minimized the very real concern that could stem from the fact that when he was rushed to the hospital, he had several dislocated ribs, a concussion, a fractured eye socket, and a pinky lodged in his mouth.

All superfluous information, really.

"Yeah, but you were attacked on a field trip. At what should be one of the most protected places in Japan, too! I've already told you that if there's anything you wanna talk about, you can call me. It's no good bottling stuff up."

Well, I guess if there's anyone who'd know about that…

Izuku smiled, it was a bit wry.

"Yeah, I know. And I'm not. I just understand that it's already happened and the only thing I can do is move on. I don't want people halting whatever they've got going on in their lives to fret over me."

It was bad enough that when his dad heard about the USJ Incident, he was halfway onto a plane back to the mainland before Izuku stopped him.

Then his mom took several days off from teaching to keep an eye on him at the hospital.

Mirei-baba had been watching him since Wednesday to make sure that he wasn't straining himself despite his doctor telling him to take it easy.

And Dojima-san had been popping in intermittently to stare him down at the door, pat his head, nod, and then leave again.

Honestly, it wasjusta near death experience. We've all had a couple before.

There was a bit of silence from the other end of the line.

Had he not heard Haruto gurgling in the background on the other end of the line, he would've thought that the line had disconnected.

He considered saying something to break the silence that had fallen upon the two of them, but Haruka beat him to the punch.

"Izuku, you're incredibly important to all of us. You're so independent that you don't really need to lean on us often, but we're still gonna worry when you get hurt. Because to us, you're worth it."

Izuku stayed silent.

"So don't worry about us stopping whatever it is that we've got going on for you. We want you to be okay. Just like you want for us. Or are we still going to pretend that the hundred million yen that appeared in everyone's accounts earlier this month just appeared out of thin air?"

Izuku whistled innocently.

He heard a sigh from the other end of the line.

"I hear that you act a lot like Majima-san nowadays, but you take after Uncle Kaz too. In some of the bestand worst ways."

He heard athudand then crying from the other end of the line.

"Oh! I'll call back later, Izu-kun. Haruto just tripped."

"Later, Neechan."

The call disconnected.

Izuku leaned back in his chair and sighed.

Haru-chan with the save, I'll send him something extra nice for Christmas this year.

He had a feeling that the conversation was about to take a real depressing turn and he wasn't equipped for that.

He just wanted to sit in his room, vibe, and have a pleasant conversation with his big sister.

Not feel guilty about not being able to tell one of the most important people in his life that one of the most important people in both of their lives wasn't actually dead.

It made his broken arm ache in its cast.

He shook his head and turned back to his computer.


-Sonna hero ni naru tame no uta

Saraba kakagero peace sign

Korogatte iku story wo!

He smiled as he opened up Seddit in a new tab.

Juuuust right.

New post in /s MyHeroAcaMedia

u/UA_RAT Posted:

Have you all heard?

Apparently, U.A. is going to hold their Sports Festival a bit early this year.

Some people took pictures of them setting up things for the events this year.

The website for tickets and vendor sign-ups also went up randomly too.

I'll drop some pics and screenshots at the bottom of the post, but tell me what you guys think.

u/AromaticPanda Commented:

If it is, I' m here for it. Last year was gas, man.

u/HeckinQuack Commented:


u/CaptainGuiltyStar Commented:

Do any of the students have mecha quirks?

u/UA_RAT {OP} Replied:

I am not sure. But one sweats nitroglycerin to create explosions and another hyperadrenalizes himself to do wacky martial arts.

u/CaptainGuiltyStar replied:


Izuku looked at the screenshots and pictures the OP sent.

The pictures were definitely taken on U.A. Grounds, but had it been Izuku was still a bit skeptical.

The screenshots were real, the U.A. website had distinctive tells that made it possible to tell it apart from some of the fake phishing sites that popped up every once in a while.

AndUA_RATwas one of the most reliable posters on the HeroAcaMedia Subseddit.

Almost every U.A. related post he made in regards to events or the like, such as the Sports Festival or the Cultural Festival, typically occurred soon after he leaked the info.

People theorized that it was a member of the U.A. Staff, but seeing as no scandal popped up andUA_RATstill got some things wrong, that theory was passed around, but not given any real thought.


A message?

He opened up his phone.

New message from {Toshi-sensei}

T: Young Midoriya, I'm sorry that I've not been able to get back to you, but I remember that you said that you wanted to talk to me about something.

You: Yeah, I did. But it can wait. I want to think about things a bit more. I'll get back in touch when school starts next week.

It took a bit of time for the man to respond. Enough time for Izuku to go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water.

T: Understood. I hope you feel better soon.

Izuku smiled.

You: Thanks, sensei.

Izuku sat back down at his computer, ready to get back to lurking-

Ding Dong!

-and sighed as the doorbell rang while he was home alone.

I just sat down.

He didn't know if his luck was just terrible or the person outside had a Quirk that caused other people minor inconveniences.

Either way, he couldn't just let the person at their door sit out there, it would be rude.

So, somewhat begrudgingly, he made his way across the apartment to the front door.

Ding Dong!

His hand was on the knob when the bell rang again.

"Hold on, I'm here. I'm-"

Only to come face-to-face with a rather pretty woman with long purple hair and blue eyes.


"Come now,Izumi-chan.I told you already, it's 'Kayama-san' when I'm like this."

Izuku's day had taken a turn for the strange.

"Then you wanna pull the wand upward towards the tip of your eyelashes- oh! Make sure you get every part. You don't wanna clump."

If you were to ask Izuku Midoriya to explain step-by-step how he had ended up on his living room floor, being taught how to apply make-up by his Hero Art History teacher on a quiet day off from school, he wouldn't know how.

He remembered opening the door for her.

Remembered her handing him a folder filled with some handouts for the class.

Remembered the oddly benign bag that she held in her off hand…


He hadn't offered the woman an explanation as to why he had been in Kamurocho dressed as a maid, maybe he should've expected her to come knocking.

Well, it wasn't like she was doing anything too unpleasant. He'd live with a little makeover.

And I'll probably learn more than I would from some Yootube tutorial.

"And, we're done!"

The older woman procured a small mirror from her person and held it in front of his face.

Izumi-chan looks as beautiful as ever.

Bright, wide eyes and fair, unblemished skin to match.

Without his long hair, his lady persona seemed a bit more tomboyish.

To some, that would detract some of the extra allure from the long, wild locks.

But to Izuku, it made him feel… nice.

His hair had only gotten that long because he'd stopped getting it cut.

He just didn't have the motivation until he got into U.A.

It was a fresh start, one that nearly got cut short due to the events on his class' field trip.

Along with the lives of all of his new friends.

If the blue-haired guy were just a bit less incompetent, Izuku had no doubt that he wouldn't be sitting where he was.

"Smash him."

Those words had kept him up the past couple nights.

Whenever hedidmanage to get to sleep, they'd wake him up in a cold sweat.

He'd kept it from his mom and aunt, but… it bothered him.

He didn't know why Kayama-sensei had shown up at his door with the intention of dolling him up, but it was… nice.

He appreciated it.

A nice little day of respite before he went back to raising hell.

The woman laid a hand on his head with a smile, he leaned into the touch.

His sensei was weird, but he didn't mind it.

The greenette learned a lot over the next thirty minutes before his teacher had to leave.

And that night, he rested a little easier than he had been in the days preceding.

A week later, an exciting announcement came from U.A. 's Principal Nedzu.

"The U.A. Sports Festival will be held in the second week of May!"

We're back! Sorta. Kinda. Okay, look MDOS isn't back fully. But we will be. With weekly updates too! But the time is not now.

That said, I hope you enjoyed this little rest chapter. We'll be kicking into high gear from here. Feel free to do the engagement thing, review if you want, and check any of the other stories that I've started, you might like one or two. And that's it for me. Later.

Chapter 43: Back to School

Chapter Text

April 17th, 201X

Momo Yaoyorozu was concerned.

The students of Class 1-A had been allowed a full week off from classwork.

Normally, this would be a godsend for any schoolchild, especially since the first week of classes had only just ended.

But for Momo, it left a terrible taste in her mouth.

"Will Izuku-kun be alright?"

"We won't know until Recovery Girl and the doctors at the hospital have cleared him. For now, just get some rest, Yaoyorozu-chan."

Her friend was hurt.

Her first friend at U.A. was hurtbadly.

He wasn't dead, thank goodness.

Apparently, he had regained consciousness a day-and-a-half after receiving treatment, and he'd been discharged a day later.

So that left Momo at an impasse.

She had failed to exchange numbers with him and while, with her assets, finding his home would be child's play, it would also be a major invasion of privacy.

But even so, she reallyreallywanted to know where he stood.

The whole class had been given a week off to 'recuperate' from the villain attack.

She knew exactly what that meant.

[?] Recuperation-The state of recovering from illness or exertion.

The only student that would need to recover from anything physical was The Class Representative.

For everyone else, they werereallygiven a week tocontemplate.

Sit down and really think through whether or not they wanted to continue their schooling at U.A.

It was the move that made the most sense.

Within a single week, their school had been infiltrated, sensitive information had been stolen, and their lives were put in danger.

Yes, one could certainly say that if someone wished to become a hero, a bit of danger was to be expected, par for the course.

That argument didn't hold water when one considered the fact that even provisionally licensed heroes had at least a year of hero training before being thrown into a life-or-death situation.

The majority of the class may have come out of the attack on the USJ with mostly superficial wounds, certainly better than some of the villains that Midnight had apprehended, but even then, there was still that… sobering feeling that hung in the air as they were escorted back to the campus.

The officers on scene asked everyone questions, and from the campus, parents were called and rides home were escorted and that feeling still hung in the air.

Jirou had asked for her number and she was glad to give it, if only to briefly take their minds off the situation.

When she got home, there was a feast of all of her favorite foods laid out on the table.

Sweet, salty, spicy, savory, no particular theme or anything like that, just foods that she liked.

She dug in, only aware of how absolutely famished she was when she had a plate put in front of her.

And when she finished eating and bathed, she collapsed into her bed, the exhaustion of the day having finally caught up with her.

And several days later, she was left to wonder who was going to return when classes began the next week.

Jirou had already told her that she intended to return, having discussed with her parents the day before.

She was certain that Iida-san would as well, seeing as his family had likely already made sure that he understood the dangers firsthand long before U.A.

Todoroki-san seemed pretty likely, he didn't seem particularly shaken in regards to the situation.

Bakugou was… loud as ever in the aftermath of the situation so she didn't doubt that he'd be back.

The rest of the class, however, was something of a mixed bag.

In the week that she'd been attending, she'd attempted to get to know as many of her classmates as possible, but only managed to formally introduce herself to a handful.

She didn't know where most of the people outside of that handful stood, but she hoped that she got the chance to introduce herself to them the next week.

Though, as much as she hated to say it, there was one classmate that she wouldn't mind seeing gone.

The ball-headed boy who sat in front of her in class.

She had barely traded more than four words with him, but the way that she had seen him look at her made her skin crawl.

She didn't know what was on his mind, but she was almost entirely certain that it wasn't anything heroic.

But even so, looping around to the issue at hand, she reallyreallywanted to know where Izuku-kun stood on the matter of staying or going.

On one hand, it would be entirely understandable if he chose not continue schooling at U.A, seeing as he and Thirteen-sensei were the ones who were most immediately affected by the attack.

On the other hand, the less sensible and selfless part of her brain said that it really didn't want him to leave.

It wanted to have more lively after-class conversations over the humdrum of delegated paperwork.

Wanted to cringe more at the dreadful wordplay that he'd come up with to more easily remember the key details of whatever particular document he was signing.

Wanted to blush more at the playful flirting that she didn't quite know how to reciprocate.

Wanted to-

Knock! Knock!


She was snatched away from her flurry of thoughts by the soft rap of knuckles at the double doors of her room.


"Aoi-sama has come for a visit, are you quite fine to receive any visitors?"

Chisato's here?

She hadn't heard from her friend since the month before her entrance exam, what a sudden visit.


"Oh, please send her in."

"At once."

Her father had practically begged for to take at least a short break from the excessive amount of studying and training that she had thrown herself into to better train her quirk anyway, so at that moment, she had nothing entirely pressing to occupy her thoughts other than the thought of what her classmates' next moves would be.

Knock! Knock!


Tap! Tap!

The strange quirky knock on her door made the ravenette smile.

"Come in, Chisato."

The doorsburstopen and a blue blur was through them and across the room at sonic speed.


As she found herself in the strong embrace of a girl with lovely blue hair, Momo wondered if her friend didn't actually have a latent speed quirk that had activated recently.

Returning the embrace with a firm, but gentle clutch of her own, she decided that it didn't matter at that moment.

"We are simply a call away should you need anything more, Yaoyorozu-sama, Aoi-sama."

"This is more than enough, thank you."

The servant, having delivered a tray of assorted sweets and tea, bowed and made his leave.

"Y'know, I sometimes forget just how rich you are, and whenever that happens, I'm reminded immediately."

"Hm? How do you mean? I like to think that I live a relatively normal lifestyle, heroic aspirations notwithstanding."

Chisato smiled and shook her head, as she took up a macaron.

"Ah, never change, Momo. Never change."

This was not the first time that the two girls had had this conversation, it would surely not be the last.

As it was, Momo had gotten used to shrugging off the strange things that her friend sometimes said and moving on to a different topic.

"So what brings you here, Chisato?"

Chisato, who had taken a huge bite of the snack in her hand, gave her a smile with puffed-out cheeks before swallowing.

"I just wanted to see my friend since it's been a while. That… and I heard about what happened a few days ago."

Ah, of course.

"I didn't hear until today, but yeah, the principal at U.A. released a statement. It's a scary thought honestly, I could feel my heart almost beat out of my chest when I heard about the one student in critical condition. They didn't release any names, so I didn't know if it was you or what, you know."

The girl was starting to speak at a mile-a-minute.

Momo let her talk, she could keep up, and she could feel that Chisato needed to get all of this out, lest she explode.

"So um, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm glad that I came here today and that you're not hurt or dead or in a vegetative state or anything like that."

At that moment, Chisato seemed so small that Momo didn't know what to do other than hug her again.

"I'm glad that I'm not hurt, dead, or in a vegetative state either, Chisato. Thanks for coming to see me."

For a moment, all was silent as the two girls sat, comfortable in each other's company.

"But, um, Momo?"

The silence was broken by the blue-haired girl.

"What's up?"

"Is the kid in your class who got hurt alright?"

Momo smiled.

Chisato hadn't even met Izuku-kun and she was asking after him.

My friends are good people.

"Yeah. Izuku-kun's fine, Chisato."

The reaction that she received from the girl in her arms was… unexpected, to say the least.

She went stiff and slowly pulled back before looking her in the eye and asking one question.

"Did you just sayIzuku?"

And at that moment, as Momo Yaoyorozu nodded her head, she was confused.

Hatsume Family Residence-April 21st, 201X

Twist! Twist! Twist!

Twist the bolt tight, don't let it get loose.

Click! Snap! Clack!

Keep the joints springy, they can't get loose.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Lay the metal down, make the layers thick.

This was her workshop.

This was her room.

She'd been in her room for days.

Working nonstop.

Her eyes were tired.

Her arms were sore.

She was covered in dirt and sweat and grease.

Was it her birthday a few days ago?

She couldn't remember.

It didn't matter, she needed to work.

She needed to get more babies finished so she could get them to him.

He needed more babies.

He'd be safer if she had more babies to give him.

She didn't have enough for him last time, he needed more.


As many as she could possibly make and then even more.

"Mei… will you make... babies... with me?"


"Came to see if you were feeding yourself alongside your babies. Turns out you weren't. Here, open up."


"Well, fine. But if you're gonna be makin' inventions for Izuku Midoriya, you better bring your A-Game. Got it?"



She needed to produce.

She needed to make more.

She needed to make more for him, so that he didn't die.

She was his best friend.

He was her only friend.

She needed to keep him.

She needed to-

"You need some rest, MeiMei."

Her hand twitched.


She didn't stop working.

"Mei, you need to rest."

Her hands quaked.

She steadied them and kept working.


"Mei, please. Come on. Let's go upstairs."

A hand grabbed hers.

It was familiar to her.

She looked to her side.

Green eyes and freckles.

Warmth, different from the heat of the machines in front of her, washed over her.

The hand released hers, grabbing the tool in her hand and laying it down on a workbench.

Then, that same hand pushed her goggles up and then moved to rest itself on the small of her back.

And from there, Mei found herself being gently guided up the stairs from the workshop, into her home proper.

She didn't remember closing her eyes, but when she opened them the next morning, she felt more refreshed than she had in a week.

U.A. High School- Class 1-A- April 24th, 201X

Returning to class on Monday was a quiet affair for Class 1-A.

It was understandable, really, seeing that the lot of them had been subject to a somewhat sobering situation.

And it was likely that a few of their classmates wouldn't be returning.

The one who arrived earliest was Tenya Iida, followed soon after by Momo Yaoyorozu.

Next came Yuga Aoyama, followed by Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima.

After them came Tooru Hagakure, Denki Kaminari, Minoru Mineta , and Tsuyu Asui, followed closely by Fumikage Todoroki, Hanta Sero, and Ochako Uraraka.

More and more of the twenty students filed in, some in groups, others solo.

And as they all filled the room, the majority of them broke off into smaller groups, partaking in quiet conversation.

All until a certain somebody that none of them expected them to see slid open the door and slid in.

"What the- Midoriya, you're here!?"

"'Course, I am. We've got class, don't we?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"Ah, don't worry about it, Kiri-chan! Hey, wanna sign my cast? Limited time opportunity, you'll only get the chance today."

"Huh? Well, I mean, alri-"

The redhead was quickly shoved aside by the pink girl to his side.

"I wanna sign!"

"That's the spirit, Mina-chi!"

"H-hey, don't leave me out. He offered me first!"

"Hey, I wanna sign too, Green!"

"Hold on, lemme find a marker, Dekkun!"

"Everybody calm down, just form a nice, orderly line and everyone will get their chance!"

"If you wanna socialize, do it later. Homeroom is my time."

When the freckled greenette turned around, he gasped.

"[Oh my god]! Hobo-sensei, you're upright today!"

Aizawa didn't respond, simply breathing in and holding that breath for a full ten seconds.

When he released it, he simply said, "Midoriya, go see All Might. The rest of you: sit down."

The class at large was cowed, but the young Midoriya simply smiled and offered back a, "Yessir!"

Minutes Later…

"Thanks for agreeing to meet with me so early, sensei."

"Don't mention it, young man. I figured that the least I could do was spare you a bit of time after what happened."

"Stop puffin' your chest out at me, there's only so much time you've got in that form to be wastin' it on a talk between the two of us."

Cough! Cough!

The pro hero deflated, literally and metaphorically. He graciously accepted the pack of pocket tissues offered to him by the greenette in front of him with a quick thanks.

"Right, so what did you want to talk about?"

"Quick to get to business, huh?"

"You've still got classes to attend."

"It's just homeroom."

"Young Midoriya…"

The greenette sighed, but put up his hands.

"Alright, alright. I guess I should start by askin'… Toshi-sensei, how long has it been since we first met?"

The scrawny blonde blinked.


"How long has it been since the day that we met?"

"Um… a little over a year, I think. Why?"

"Do you remember the deal that I made with you on the day that we met?"

"The deal? The deal, the deal, the- oh…"

"That said, All Might, I'm not the best choice of a successor, I know that for a fact. But if you somehow can't find a candidate better than me by next year, I'll gladly take on the torch and tell the world thatIam here."

The greenette smiled, it was cheeky as always, but Toshinori could see something… complicated swirling in the young man's eyes.

"I see you remembered. Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about our deal. Don't worry I still intend to fulfill it, I'd just like to make a slight alteration to it."

Toshinori raised an eyebrow.

"And that alteration is?"

"I fully intend to accept One-For-All, and even accept the title of 'Successor' from you fully, however-"

Izuku stood up from his seat with a small grunt, reaching forward with his uncovered hand and clenching fist.

"-I'll only accept itafterI win the Sports Festival this year. And not a second before."

He looked his friend and mentor directly in the eyes.

"That sound okay to you?"

That friend and mentor looked back at and said,

"Of course."

The boy is back in town and will be here every week until this arc is over. Alongside my other projects, of course.

Chapter 44: Do Your Best

Chapter Text

"Midoriya, are you sure you're alright?"

"Ah, don't worry about me, Ii-chan. I'll be in fightin' shape long before the Sport Festival gets here. I'm getting the cast off today!"

"That isn't what I meant."

"I know!"

In all honesty, Ochako wasn't at all sure about what went on Izuku Midoriya's head.

The guy was strong, that much was certain, seeing as he could punch through concrete with minimal effort.

He was smart, that much was also certain, seeing as he could think up plans in mere moments and execute them to the letter.

And he was also personable, considering the sheer number of people that he had befriended in his first week.

Including, but not limited to-

"[Holy crap! Izuku, are you alright?!]"

-a blonde, foreign student that Ochako didn't know who had beelined straight toward the green-haired boy, while speaking in English.

The greenette, however, took the new arrival in stride, his face lit up with a smile as greeted the girl.

"Oh! [Sup, Pony]?"

Ochako found herself lost not too far into the conversation.

English wasn't her strong suit and the girl, 'Pony', according to Dekkun, spoke at a breakneck pace.

It was honestly another merit to Class 1-A's representative that he seemed to be keeping pace with the foreigner, joking and laughing as his conversation partner appeared to fret over the cast on his arm.

She shared a quick look with Iida, who appeared about as lost as she was.

He had told her that it was Izuku who had come up with the plan for him to bolt out of the USJ while the villains were distracted.

That he had gotten over the shock of the situation almost immediately and started forming a plan of attack.

That he had given Iida his phone and told him to call someone specific on it.

That the person who picked up handed the line directly to All Might.

The more she heard, the less she understood about her classmate.

The more she thought, the more she wanted to know.

Just whowasIzuku Midoriya?

How was he so on top of things?

What was his deal with Bakugou?

These questions and more rattled about in her head as she watched the blonde girl sign Izuku's cast and go on her way.

And as the greenette began his stride once more, she and Iida fell into step with him.

"Midoriya, there's something I've actually been meaning to ask."

It seemed that she wasn't the only one with questions for the freckled enigma.

"Hit me, Ii-chan."

"Where are we going? The cafeteria is in the other direction."

That… was a good question. She had just started walking with the two after they left the classroom, she honestly didn't pay much attention to where the leader(?) of their little trio was ambling off to.

"Support building. Gotta grab something from there. You guys can go on to the cafeteria ahead of me, if ya want."

Said leader held his gaze forward as he answered the bespectacled lad.

Iida and Ochako shared another gaze before turning their gazes forward yet again.

Not another word was said until they reached the Support Course's Development Studio.

The greenette looked back at them and gave them a smile.

"Wait here a sec, I won't be long."

The two gave him a nod, watching him disappear behind the large doors of the studio.

He reappeared moments later with something slung over his shoulder.

Well, not something.

Someonewould be far more apt of a description for the item slung over her friend's shoulder.

Someone in dark coveralls with salmon pink hair.

If they had any issue with being handled like a sack of potatoes, they didn't voice them.

Instead they continued tinkering with…

"Wait, is that a gun?"

"For legal reasons, when you refer to it, we'd rather you call it Baby 1115109131."

It was Dekkun who responded to the question.



She and Iida focused on two different things, both equally important.

Luckily, the Midoriya was willing to elaborate on both.

"'Baby' is what we call all of the inventions. Mother of Machines here treats just about every last one with tender love and care. 1115109131 is the number designated to this baby in particular. They're usually not that long, but this one's a special case."

There was a sound of discontent from the pink-haired girl on his shoulder.

Dekkun hummed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. They're all pretty special. That said, this one's got a special place in my heart. It's the first one we ever designed together."

That seemingly assuaged the girl over the green-haired teen's shoulder who went back to work on the-

On… Baby 1115109131. The not-shotgun in the girl's hands.

Suddenly, the greenette stopped mid-stride and turned to face the pair that followed him.

Iida and Ochako stopped just as he did.

"You know, it completely slipped my mind, but I haven't even introduced you guys yet, have I?"

He hadn't.

"Right, figured. Sorry, guess I'm a bit scatterbrained at the moment."

He offered them a sheepish smile, a look that Ochako hadn't seen on him before then.

She kind of liked it.

"Anyway, guys, I'd like you to meet my best friend and dependable support monkey, Mei Hatsume. Say hi, Mei."

He turned so that the girl was facing them again.

She looked up from her 'baby' and offered them a massive smile, her eyes obscured by a pair of goggles that Ochako hadn't noticed before.

"Heya, nice to meetcha! The name's Mei Hatsume! If you need support gadgets, you come see me. If I'm not working on something for Zu here, I'll get you sorted right away."

And just as quickly as she began to speak, she was back to work.

"Uh, right. I'm Ochako Uraraka and this is Tenya Iida. Nice to meet you too."


No response.

Dekkun craned his head back and addressed them.

"Yeah, you're not gonna get a word from her when she's like that. Let's get to lunch."

With that, the leader began walking again.

And what could she and Iida do but follow?

Munch! Munch! Munch!

The sight of Izuku Midoriya eating a bowl of Katsudon was one that left an impression on Ochako.

It wasn't messy or anything, but she had never seen a bowl picked so cleanly down to the final grain of rice.

And so quickly too.

She barely even had her chopsticks in hand before looking over to see half of the food in the guy's bowl gone.

And when he finished-

"Open up."


-Ochako was made to bear witness to some of the most lovey-dovey crap that she had seen done between two people who claimed to be entirely platonic.

She wasn't sure if her parents ever fed each other, but there it was.

Sitting just before her was a scene straight out of a Shoujo manga.

A classic.

A lunch feeding scene.

Hatsume was still hard at work, but there was Dekkun, chopsticks in hand, feeding her whatever he had put on her plate.

Meat, vegetables-

"Tilt your head back and sip."

-he even helped her drink water!

It was rather distracting to her.

She didn't know how to feel about the genuine affection that was being displayed across from her.

Or the feeling of dread that crept up as she felt an intense pressure emanating from… somewhere.

It was gone as quickly as it arrived, but she couldn't deny that it was there.

After that, lunch passed by quickly without incident.

They returned Hatsume to the Support course- much to the visible dismay of her teacher- and began walking back to class.

"Hey, Occhan, Ii-chan, can I ask ya somethin'?"

Midway through their walk back to class, the greenette spoke up.

"Sure, Dekkun. What's up?"

He was quiet for a moment, likely thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Why do you guys wanna be heroes?"



"I guess what I mean is, uh, why did you choose to join the hero course instead of… well, any other school or course or whatever."

An innocent enough question, but Ochako could feel her blood freeze in her veins.

"What brought that on, Midorya?"

"Oh, ya know, just been thinkin' about it. We've already been here for a week, even though we got last week off, so I was just kinda curious."

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm not sure if I've told you yet, but my family's actually in the hero business, you see."

Dekkun's eyes widened slightly.

"Whoa, f'real?"

Ochako didn't know if Iida could stand any taller.

Or put his nose any closer to the car.

"That's right. You've probably heard of my brother, Ingenium."

Ochako already knew this, she and Iida had talked about it during lunch in the first week.

But one thing thatthatconversation didn't have was the greenette's reaction.

The starry eyes and awestruck expression were unexpected, but very cute, so thought Ochako.

"That's awesome, man! I couldn't even imagine what it'd be like to haveapro hero in the family, let alone be part of awholepro hero family."

Iida chuckled.

"Well, I can't say much about that, seeing as itismy life. But, I suppose that my brother is the one who inspired me to become a hero. I've always looked up to him, so to be completely honest, I couldn't imagine a career any more rewarding than pro heroism."

Dekkun laughed, scratching the back of his head bashfully, "Geez, Ii-chan. You're making me look bad here. Compared to you, my reason seems kinda childish."

"Oh don't say that, Midoriya. Whatisyour reason? I'm genuinely interested."

So was Ochako, but she didn't speak, didn't chime in, lest she draw attention to herself.

The green-haired hero student dropped his hand back to his side, his smile much smaller on his face and the look in his eyes much more… distant.

"I made a promise. To a lot of people. Some of them… I haven't seen in a long time, but I get the feeling they're watching. And I wanna make sure they see me doing my best. So I'm gonna be a hero, the number one hero who saves more people than anyone else in the world. So I can thank 'em all for believin' in me."

Ochako felt like the boy had stopped talking to her and Iida at some point, but she was still drawn in, nonetheless.

It felt like she was truly looking at her friend for the first time since they met.

And what she saw… made her think about her own reasons for joining the hero course.

Compared to the pair in front of her, it just seemed-

"And what about you, Occhan?"


Dekkun smiled at her and asked, "What'syourreason for becoming a pro?"

His eyes seemed to gleam with curiosity, and that made her chest feel tight with anxiety.

But even so, he was honest.

The least she could do was return the favor.

So she took a deep breath in, held it for a moment, and exhaled.

And just after that, she said, "Money."

Iida's eyes went wide, "Money?"

Dekkun raised a brow, "Hm?"

"Y-yeah. Money. I get that it's kind of a petty reason, especially compared to you guys, but… uh, yeah."

"Nonsense! A sustainable income is a perfectly admirable goal. It's not a sin to support yourself."

Her stickler friend was quick to support her, hands a-chopping as was their wont.

Her other friend, however, was silent.

She looked over and saw that he was looking at her, as if waiting for an explanation.

She obliged, "My parents run a construction company. They missed out on a big contract a little over ten years ago and haven't really gotten any work since. I wanna make things easier for them. So, I'm going to become a hero-"

"And cut the cost of movin' raw material with your quirk, yeah?"

As expected, he caught on fast.

"That's right. And I'll make money from pro hero and promotional work too. And then, I'll send them on a long vacation, somewhere nice. Hawaii or California, maybe. I want them to take it easy."

That was what she wanted.

That was the reason why she moved all the way from Mie by herself and lived in an apartment that was just below the common standard of living.

No matter what, she would ensure that her parents got to live an easy life when she graduated.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Bravo! Bravo, Uraraka! What a fine goal!"

Good ol' Iida.

She looked past him to look at Dekkun again.

Only to see that he wasn't there.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

She turned to look over her shoulder and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the freckled lad grinning at her.

When did he-?

"You didn't need to explain yourself."

Without giving her time to even finish the thought, the greenette spoke to her.

"I dressed it up all nice with the talk'a promises and thankin' people. But if ya bring it down to brass tacks, I'm here for my own selfish reasons. You're here to provide. I'm here to prove something. So don't get so down on yourself, 'kay?"

He had gotten rather close to her as he spoke, lowered his voice as well.

"And hey, Sports Festival's in a couple weeks. I'm gonna win it, of course. But you already know that you should still do your best, right?"

Ochako nodded.

Of course she did.

The Vice Rep had said something about that during class.

"The top pro heroes will be watching, of course. A lot of the current top 30 were actually scouted and became sidekicks after doing exceptionally well."

She fully intended to be noticed, it would be the boost she needed to kickstart her goal.

Dekkun's grin got wider.

"Good, I'm glad. Now, here's some extra incentive. If you impress me, I've got a reward for ya. Alright? I know you said you were gonna do your best, but for this reward? You need to go even beyond that. Got it?"

A reward?

She thought about asking for more information, but despite herself, she simply found herself nodding.

"Great. Glad to hear. Can't wait to see how ya do, Occhan."

Another bright smile was her reward for that.

He patted her shoulder and began walking in front of her.

As she sped up to keep step with him, she had a thought.

She may not have been all too sure about what went on Izuku Midoriya's head, but she was sure of one thing…

He was a good guy.

Izuku didn't pay much attention to his afternoon classes.

He was too anxious, too ready to leave and be free to use his left hand again.


His leg bounced, heel tapping lightly against the linoleum.


He heard pencils scratching against paper as Eraserhead said something from the front of the class.

His eyes shot to the clock on the wall in front of the door.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

It droned the same monotonous beat that seemed to echo through the mostly quiet room, as if mocking him.

As if saying, 'It's only five minutes. But it might as well be an eternity to you.'

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Five minutes.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Four minutes.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!


Tick! Tick! Tick! Tick! Tock!


Tock-tick! Tock-tick! Tock-tick!


"Alright. With that, you're free to go."

Izuku couldn't remember a time where he had packed up his things so fast.

He only vaguely registered Occhan and Ii-chan walking up to and vaguely registered that he had agreed to something that they asked him.

They walked to the door with him, Occhan stepping in front of him to open it for him.

And when she did, she stood in shock.

Because on the other side of the door, was a definite mass of people all wearing U.A. student uniforms.

They stared into the classroom, someone in the front, a fatigued-looking guy with purple hair looked directly at him.

Izuku didn't say a word.

The other guy said several.

"Class 1-A, this is a declaration of war."

Izuku had but one thought in response.

and who the hell are you supposed to be?

Three years ago, today, I released the first two chapters of MDOS one after another on FFN. It was the first fanfiction that I remember writing seriously and I was incredibly nervous about how it would be received. Now, as I sit here upon 40+ chapters, over a 100,000 words, 294 Comments, 164 Bookmarks, 539 Kudos, and 27607 Hits, I only have two words to say: Thank You.

Thank you for all your support and patience for and with over these past three years. I won't lie abd say that it won't take MDOS another three years to finish, but I can promise you that I'm in this for the long haul. No matter how many stories I start on my end, no matter how many times I'm going to get burnt out and say that 'I can't do it', I know that if even one person says that they wanna see how this story ends, I'll keep pushing. In a way, you guys are my heroes.

So once again, thank you. I'll see you next update.

Chapter 45: Be Prepared

Chapter Text

Neito Monoma was a hero…

In training.

He was proud of this fact.

As a child, like most kids his age, he dreamed of becoming a hero.

He remembered how he'd play 'Heroes and Villains' with his friends in Grade School.

How, quite often in Junior high, he'd find himself scrolling hero forums and engaging in discussion with denizens of the internet that were like him.

Go-chan, Seddit, and Yaho!were just a few sites that he could name.

Back while everyone was talking about the Mad Dog of Shizuoka, he was more interested in All Might's fight with Toxic Chainsaw.

When everybody was going gaga over T-Set and Haruka Sawamura, he was watching the denizens of the internet craft theories about the Naruhata Vigilantes.

This man was more than a fan of heroes.

He was a hero enthusiast!

And he was a little less than enthused to say that he wasn't all that impressed with his U.A. peers.

Not his classmates in 1-B, they were doing great.

Awesome people, the lot of them.

His beef was with 1-B's sister class, 1-A.

Heknewsomething was wrong with them the second he heard about their homeroom teacher from Kan-sensei.

"No, don't you defend him, Ishiyama. You're enabling him. Yes, it'snicethat no one got expelled this time. But that's not something we should have to worry about in the first week, let alone the first day!"

Yeah, maybe he didn't say ittothe class.

And yeah, maybe he just so happened to hear him complaining about andatthe man in snippets when he came to ask for guidance after Battle Training, but still!

Class 1-A is a class headed by a menace!

And on top of that, apparently their class representative was some kind of neck-snapping psycho!

His source?

"And All Might, what's this I hear about one of your students snapping another student's neck?"

"That was just Young Midoriya's technique. It's a bit jarring, but-"

He didn't hear much after that, but what could possibly justify a neck-snapping?

So, Neito's initial view of Class 1-A could be best described as 'poor'.

And then, the incident at the USJ occurred.

And normally, he'd be sympathetic to people who were caught up in an incident with a crew of violent villains.

But 1-A just had to take that andrun with it.

Take the week off from school, get a bunch of media coverage, and then come back to a warm reception.

Yeah, he was sure they werereallyaffected.

Really, it must've been so hard soaking up so much sympathy and limelight.

His heart bled for them.

It bled far more for his awesome but under appreciated classmates.

Kendo, with her heavy fists.

Nirengeki, with his steel body.

Kodai, with her min-maxing.

And Kuroiro, with his blackness.

that last one didn't sound right.

That aside, he had a plan.

A plan to get his classmates into the spotlight where they rightfully belonged.

And to put Class 1-A in their place.

He conceived it after seeing UA_Rat's leak on Seddit.

That plan, of course, involved the Sports Festival.

It was simple, really.

Show up to the Sports Festival and crush it.

Simple and elegant.

Class 1-B would take their share of clout, get some internships, and get to show people that 1-A wasn't the only hero class.

So to start, right after Kan-sensei wrapped up lessons for the day, he whipped his peers into a bit of a frenzy and took them to see their sister class.

Now thatmaysound bad, but to be fair, they were headed to battle.

He wanted to know the enemy's faces, and he wanted the enemy to know 1-B's as well.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Classes 1-C, D, E all had the same idea.

It was crowded in the hallway outside of 1-A's classroom.

So many people were congregating in front of the door.

All of them there with the express purpose of getting a look at the problem class.

Of course, the second that 1-A's lightly bandaged homeroom teacher stepped out, they all parted like the Red Sea, but they stood firm again after he left.

And then-


-the door slid open.

Neito had to peek around and over some people to get a good look, and when he did, what he saw didn't impress him.

A squishy looking brunette with a dumb expression on her face and a freckled greenette with a sloppy uniform and a cast.

These were the people who had survived a villain attack.

And they just… didn't look like much.

For a moment, there was quiet.

Not silence, with the low buzz of quiet conversation filling the air.

A boy with purple hair, likely one of the students from the Gen-Ed course seeing as Neito didn't recognize him, spoke up first.

"Class 1-A, this is a declaration of war."

And when he spoke,thatwas when the hall fell silent.

Those were words that hung in the air.

Everyone who was there knewwhythey were there- except for Pony, maybe. Neito was pretty sure she was just happy to be included-but knowing what they were there to do and actuallysayingwhat they were there to do were two different things.

Eight words.

Eight words was all it took to shift the mood from curiously tense to outright hostile.

"W-what? What do you mean by that?"

And Neito could see that brunette in the door was feeling it.

"Who the f*ck cares what they mean?Move."



The rude blond who shoved past her, though, did not seem to read the mood at all.

He stood in the doorway, outright glaring at everyone gathered.

"I've got places to be. You wanna make a declaration, go and tell it to someone who cares."

His words were sharp and to the point.

He wasn't yelling, but he spoke loudly enough to be heard by everyone there.

And the purple-haired boy from Gen-Ed stood firm.

"What? In such a rush to run away that you can't even respond in kind?"


"In truth, a lot of people here came around because they were curious. After all, your class is the one that survived a villain attack."

Murmurs of agreement rumbled through the assembled crowd.

The Gen-Ed kid listened to them and stood a bit taller.

"However, if this is the best that the hero course can offer, I gotta say: I'm not impressed."

"f*ck do you-?"

"A foul-mouthed, arrogant hothead like you is on-track to become a hero? It honestly sounds like a cruel joke."

If looks could kill, the purple-haired boy would've been ripped apart and charred by the blond student's stare.

"You see, not everyone who applied for the hero course got in. That's not to say that they all got kicked out, though. Most of us get stuck in Gen-Ed or other tracks. Almost like it's some sort of consolation prize."

"What's your point?"

"Mypointis, that depending on the results we show in the Sports Festival, there's a chance for us to be transferred into the Hero Course. Of course, I'm almost certain the inverse is true for you guys."

In the corner of his eye, Neito could see some of his classmates shifting uncomfortably at the prospect.

You guys don't have to worry about that.

They would perform well, he was sure of it.

"To tell you the truth, I just came by to scope out the competition with my class. But now that I've seen your attitude, I can say with certainty, I'm gonna enjoy knocking you down a few pegs."

And once again, the Gen-Ed boy's words hung in the air.



-a sound from behind the blond drew everyone's attention.

And when Neito looked, he saw him.

The greenette in the cast, doubled over with his uncovered hand on his knee while he trembled.


The brunette next to him seemed concerned.

"Sorry, Occhan.Snrk!I was just- !"

But it seemed she needn't be as the boy in the cast began to laugh.

No, not laugh.


He began to cackle, the laughs ripped from his throat like he'd just been hit by Ms. Joke's quirk at full force.

No one stopped him, but no one could really look away.

It was… oddly captivating.

And by the time the boy finished laughing, his skin was flushed a startling red and there were tears in his eyes.

And then, he began to speak.

"Sorry about that."

There was still a bit of mirth in his tone.

"I've been a bit starved for entertainment lately and when ya hear somebody say somethin' so f*ckin' stupid, ya can't help but laugh."



Neito's thought was vocalized by the Gen-Ed student who had led most of the interaction up to that point.

The green-haired student smiled almost apologetically before walking forward, stepping around the blond(who seemed even more livid than he did mere moments before) and stopping right in front of the purple-haired student.

"Oh, sorry. Maybe I wasn't speaking clearly enough. Here, lemme break it down for ya."

The smile seemed a little less apologetic then.

"You see, everyone in the room behind me almost died last week. Every. Last. One. Including me."

The greenette's smile was no longer apologetic or even amiable while his tone got a bit lower.

Low enough that Neito had to strain his ears to hear what was said next.

"You don't scare me. You'llneverscare me. And if I tell nothing but lies for the rest of my life, know that this is the last truth I've ever told: Every last person in that room… will spontaneously combust before they're ever put at risk of losing their spot to you."

They were harsh and cold words.

And Neito could tell that he meant every last one.

"And the rest of you, listen up! This is a message from just me to you!"




"I, Izuku Midoriya, have a dream!"


To his side, he could see… Tokage, off all people, bristle.

"And to achieve that dream, I've got some steps to take. Winning this year's sports festival is just one of those steps. If you wanna get in my way, see me at the Sports Festival. And I'll show you the difference between you and me."

It was co*cky.

No, not co*cky. It was downright conceited.

But even so, he said it with so much… conviction that Neito's mind almost took it as fact the second the words hit his ears.

"Now, if you don't mind, I've gotta go see Recovery Girl to get this cast, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could step aside."

As if under some sort of spell, the crowd opened instantly.

The greenette offered another smile, a real one.

"Appreciate it. Now then, I'll see you when the Sports Festival rolls around. Hope you'll be ready to congratulate me on my victory. Later!"

And with that, he walked through the opening that was made and was off.

It wasn't until he had completely disappeared around a corner down the hall and the ashen haired blond from 1-A stormed off in a huff after him that Neito realized…

Izuku Midoriya had just casually insulted and challenged almost everyone in his year group.

And then he walked away with a smile like they had just been palling around.

It was at that moment that Neito Monoma was certain that he was thinking the exact same thing that everyone else in the crowd was.

Who the hell is Izuku Midoriya?

Izuku needed assistance.

It was the first thing he thought about when Recovery Girl took off his cast.

He needed help.

Or a guide.

Or maybe even just a push in the right direction.

Because Izuku was concerned, to say the least.

He had… hit a wall.

It was something that he'd noticed not too long before the USJ trip.

He was plateauing, something he hadn't experienced in all the time he had been training for the past decade.

And honestly, if he were set on a different career path, maybe that wouldn't have been a problem.

He was already stronger than most adult men, richer too.

If he were attending a regular high school, he could take it easy until graduation.

But hewasn'tattending a regular high school, he was attending U.A.

And he wasn't on a different career path, he was going to become a hero.

And if he plateaued or got complacent-

"Smash him."

-he likely wouldn't live to regret it.

Though that wasn't his main concern, really.

His concern mainly lied in what would come after.

His mother was worried sick when he came home injured.

Mirei-baba and Dojima-san were too.

And Mei…

If he died, his greatest regrets would be leaving them alone.

Just after that would be the fact that his friends and allies would probably follow close after him if they ended up in another situation like the USJ.

Hereallydidn't want that.

So, in order to keep that from happening, he needed to get past that wall.

And One-For-All was the best bet.

He had skill and refinement, but he didn't have the sheer awe-inspiring strength that All Might had.

"Smash him."


With power like that, he could protect everyone.

But before that, he needed to push himself to his absolute limit without it.

And he knewjustthe guy to help with that.

Sky Finance, Kamurocho- April 24, 201X

"Nope, got nothing for ya."


"Honking like a goose isn't gonna change the fact that I have literally nothing left to teach you."

"But- I mean- c'mon, there's gotta besomething."

"There's not."


Well, that was a bust.

But that was fine, just fine.

He had more than one friend in Kamurocho, after all.

Even if Chief couldn't help, that didn't mean he was SOL.

He knewjustwho to ask next.

Yagami Detective Agency

"Yeah, 'fraid I can't help you, man."


"Cursing in English isn't gonna change what I can't do."

"I know. But whycan'tyou teach me anything, man?"

Yagami-san looked at Izuku like the boy had just asked if the sky was blue.


The older man sighed, "Nothing."




So, that was also a bust.

Yagami couldn't help and Kaito-san was out of town, so he couldn't help either.

But once again, that was fine.

There was still one friend that he knew he could count on.


"Can't help you there. Sorry, kid."


He was now out of options.

This was a problem that he couldn't recall ever dealing with, what with the long list of adults that were willing to teach him to fight from the age of four.

Unfortunately, so many things had changed in the past two years.

Uncle Kaz is 'dead', Jiji's missing, Taijiji's probably with him, and I don't know where I'd even begin to look for Saigo-san.

The last one was a bit of a long shot, but Saigo-sanwasa good teacher, as far as Izuku was concerned.

He didn't wanna go to Toshi-sensei, because he could justfeelthat that wouldn't yield any real breakthroughs on his end.

As such, Izuku was effectively stuck.

And it sucked.

He hated it.


"Just hand over your wallet! C'mon! Dontcha wanna be a good friend to yer pals?"

-now had a distraction from his plight.

A distraction in the form of a commotion in the alley behind New Serena.

Pin in this.

As he was wont to do, Izuku rushed straight towards the trouble.

And when he reached it, he couldn't help but grin.

Three thuggish looking men surrounded a particularly weedy looking guy in a two-piece suit.

He had glasses with rectangular frames and his hair seemed greasy and messy.

"I- I don't have any money."

"Bulllsh*t. You're heading to that damned vocational school in Ijincho, ain't ya?"

"Y-yes, but-"


Whatever explanation the man had was interrupted by a swift gut punch.


"Cut the sh*t! Hand over your f*ckin' wallet, ya stooge!"

"I-I wo-"



Struck again, the man in the glasses fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.

"Hand it over!"

"C'mon, Icky!"

"Just give it up, Ikari!"

The other goons had joined in at this point, kicking at him and jeering.

Yep, that's Kamurocho, alright.

One of the shiniest trash heaps in Japan.

Which made it a good thing that Izuku was rather experienced in removing trash.

So, clenching his newly freed left hand into a fist, Izuku called out.

"Hey, sh*tbirds!"

As if on cue, the trio of miscreants all turned toward the greenette.

"The hell?"

"Who the f*ck-?"

"The f*ck did you just call us?"

Izuku had no intention to draw this out.

He just wanted to hit something, and these gentlemen were so kind as to offer themselves up.

So he ambled forward with a smile and stopped a few paces before the leader, who stood a head taller than him.

The greenette stared up at him.

"What? Didn't hear me? That lump of crap in-between your ears just for show?"

"You little…"

His words enraged the man before him, that was good.

Izuku could see it.

The gritting of his teeth.

The tensing of his muscles.

The clenching of his fists.

With all those tells-


"What the-?"THWACK! "-ungh!"

-it would've been impossible for Izuku tonotcounter the sluggish straight that came at his face.

A quick parry and then a knee blow to the stomach.

He'd read about the technique in the book that he'd taken from Kiryu's room.

The Komaki Parry.

He hadn't gotten to use it much, but with the way that it brought the thuggish oaf who had punched at him-


- to the ground, likely unconscious, it made him want to use it far more.

And there were two.

Stepping over the inept mound of flesh that he just created, Izuku turned his attention to the other two ne'er-do-wells, the flash of blue flame lighting up the corners of his vision.

They stared at him.

He stared back.

There was silence.

Silence until Izuku said three words.

"Well? Come on."

Izuku Midoriya, Mad Dog of Shizuoka - DarkestKnightEntertainment - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (1)

And as if those words were a stimulant, the remaining two jackanapes exploded into movement.

One lagged behind the other slightly, no set stance for either of them, but they were both rushing at Izuku with the intent to do him harm.

And when the first one reached him, he lashed out with a wild haymaker with most of his body weight behind it.


A wild haymaker that was easily dodged.


And countered with a swift high kick to the side of the head.


It pushed the guy back and dazed him a bit, but it didn't knock him down like his friend.

The Komaki Evade And Strike.

A simple evasive maneuver that allowed him to counter while on the maneuver.

The only problem with the maneuver was that it sacrificed power for better positioning.

"You little sh*t!"

The thug that was lagging behind his friend reached Izuku just after he dropped his leg.

His punches were faster, more coordinated.

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

But they were nothing compared to the kicks he'd dodged from Akiyama when the man had helped him train.

"Sit still!"

"Punch slower! Hear how you sound?"

He always did like to poke a bit of fun at a lot of the mooks that he fought.

Unfortunately, his bit of fun-



-almost got him punched in the face.

He was lucky enough to get his guard up when he did, but the damage had been done.

The hoodlum, having been given an inch, was pressing the attack hard on Izuku.







Blow after blow blasted at the boy's defense.

It didn't hurt too much, but he knew that he couldn't just defend forever.

He could see the other tough slowly regain whatever counted as wits to him.

He really didn't want to have to fend off two apes on his lonesome.

Lucky for him, he had just the technique in mind.

All he had to do was wait for the right moment.





In the middle of the punk's next combination, Izuku raised his fist swiftly, interrupting the flurry of strikes raining down upon him.

The sheer force of the counterblow sent the thug stumbling back.

And that brief moment was all Izuku needed.

[!] Heat Move: Essence of Finishing Blows

Within moments, he had kicked off from his position, on a beeline for the man he knocked back.

His knee raised, directly on a collision course with the man's stomach, the freckled lad closed in rapidly.

And the poor mook, as soon as he realized what was happening, he tried to block.

Truly, he did.


But it was all for naught, as Izuku buried his knee into the man's gut, forcing him into a hunch.


In perfect position to receive the elbow that Izuku slammed into the back of the neck.

He fell to the ground boneless, like a puppet with its strings cut.

He was out.

And that just left the last guy.


Oh, he's done.

…had passed out on his feet.

He was still standing, but there was nobody in the pilot seat of that flesh mecha.

And for some strange reason-

Sniff! Sniff!

-the air stank of ammonia.

Izuku chose not to think much of it, instead, turning back towards the victim of the trio… who was no longer there.

"Wow, okay. You're welcome, I guess."

Usually after an encounter such as this, Izuku would get the lowdown from the victim of the incident.

He'd either talk to them and give them some sort of confidence that would uplift them and keep them out of situations such as this.

Or he'd just grab some sh*t for them.

Yeah, to be honest, it was usually more of the latter than the former.

But very rarely was it neither.

And unfortunately, that left him right back where he started before the little diversion.


He cursed, not entirely jazzed about actually having to deal with his issue, as he walked out of the alley and stepped back onto the street.

"Hey, kid."


He turned to the voice that called out, and was greeted by a not unpleasant visage.

A brown-haired young man in his mid twenties stared back at him.

He wore a hooded jacket with white sleeves and a red plaid vest, his pants were plain dark brown, and on his feet, he wore a pair of rain boots.

Izuku didn't think that he'd ever met the man before.

But the man seemed to know him, or something, judging by the glint of recognition in his eyes.

"I've got a question for you."


"Nothing bad, I promise."

"Um, alright. Shoot."

The man grinned.

"Tell me, do you know Kazuma Kiryu."


It took Izuku a moment to register the question, but when he did-


-he didn't have an actual answer.


Katsuki dodged a quick strike aimed at his cheek, quickly closing the distance and driving a fist toward his opponent's chin

He was evaded and kneed in the side.


The breath knocked out, the fiery blonde was defenseless as his opponent turned so that the boy was behind him, grabbed his arm and a handful of his shirt-


-and executed a perfect shoulder toss.

His back hit the ground so hard that he bounced off of it slightly, and his lungs were suddenly deprived of air.


The sound he made was entirely involuntary.

Forced out of him as he writhed on the ground and tried his damnedest to get his breath back.

He heard his opponent walking away from him, the sound of heavy combat boots growing fainter and fainter.




"Get- get back here,dammit!"

The footsteps stopped.

"Get up, then. Don't waste my time."

A harsh voice responded to him.

I'm tryin', asshole.

He rolled onto his stomach, using his elbows to hoist himself up, and raising his head to glare at the man that he was just fighting.

A man in his early twenties with dark slicked-back hair and an undercut stared back at him.

He was tall, with a lean and muscular frame that was well accentuated by the v-neck t-shirt and the distressed gray jeans that he wore.

And he looked down on Katsuki with a look that the boy couldn't stand.

His eyes wide, he stared at Deku, who had removed his hand from the boy's throat and was standing straight once more.

As Katsuki stared at him, he stared back and the look in his eyes was almost… disappointed?

Katsuki felt like his blood had caught fire.

For just a brief second, the man's visage was replaced by a different asshole.

One with green hair and freckles.

Katsuki shot up off the ground like it had burned him.

The man raised a brow, but still got into a fighting stance.

"Well, I'm ready to go again when you are. So, c'mon. Come at me."

"Do you realize what side of that gap you're on? And if you don't, why don't I show you?"

And he almost sounds just like the prick. Perfect.

Katsuki took his own stance.

Front leg forward, bent.

Back leg straight, knee unlocked.

He was training.

Sports Festival was in a couple weeks.

"And to achieve that dream, I've got some steps to take. Winning this year's sports festival is just one of those steps. If you wanna get in my way, see me at the Sports Festival. And I'll show you the difference between you and me."

He was gonna win it.

And he was gonna wipe Deku's stupid f*cking smile off his face.

He inhaled evenly through the nose, then exhaled through the mouth.

When he got out his last bit of breath, he was ready.

And true to his word, the man across from him was ready too.

He learned forward and kicked off from his spot as hard as he could.

No time to dick around, he had a fight to win.

Izuku Midoriya, Mad Dog of Shizuoka - DarkestKnightEntertainment - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2)

Chapter 46: Here’s What’s Up- From DKE


Where I’m at and where we go from here.

Chapter Text

So I've been going through something.

For 367 days, I've been going through something.

This is a note that I've drafted and redrafted and changed the wording of and the day count of several times.

I'm trying to find the best words to help describe how I'm feeling at this moment and how I want to approach these feelings as I talk.

First, I would like to say something that I meant to say two days ago:

Thank you for another wonderful year of support for my story.

My feelings on it are twisted and complex but at the deepest, most base level, I probably wouldn't be where I am at the moment if I hadn't written this story four years ago.

I definitely wouldn't be here if not for the deluge of support and truly great interaction that it received in that first year of updates.

Now before anyone panics, this story isn't dead.

I'm not abandoning or deleting it, but I'd definitely like to say some things in regards to this story and other stories on this profile.

When I started MDOS, it was during a tough time. We were all there for COVID, cooped up and dying for connection of any kind.

In a way, this fic was my way of reaching to find that connection. To see who would reach back out.

And so many people did. So many reviews and comments and favorites and follows.

It was... honestly breathtaking, because at the time, I was actually losing faith in myself as a writer (among other things).

So all of this support for something that I done on a whim, it felt really special to me.

So I wrote more. And I received more support.

And then I wrote even more and I ended up receiving even more support.

Got some hate too, won't lie about that, but that bit of hate paled in comparison to the overwhelming amount of love I was receiving for this pretty niche story.

And then I finished Arc 1.

I celebrated, took a short break, and hopped right back in for Arc 2.

Did that, started a Discord server, boom, boom, boom, Arc 2 done.

Then I started Arc 3, among a list of other things, and I realized something.

When I started this, I was having fun.

I was just making stupid jokes, writing sh*t I thought was kinda cool, showing off my love for one of my favorite childhood game series and this anime series that I really liked.

But then as I started writing chapters again, I realized that my jokes just didn't hit for me like they did before.

My dialogue felt stilted and slow.

My transitions and flow felt choppy.

The characters who got me to this point just didn't feel... right.

I realized I was burning out.

At first, I thought it was writing as a whole, but then I figured out that this wasn't the case.

I was burning out on MHA.

It made sense to me, honestly.

I had started all of this with MHA and, outside of a few outliers, I had stuck to MHA and crossovers with MHA.

I had effectively put myself in a box.

And my pen was suffering for it.

Every line was sh*t and had to be written a hundred times more before it was passable.

Every chapter felt like a throwaway, like I was just waiting to find my point in the next.

I hated the bigger picture, because it just kept reminding me that I was no longer just doing this for sake of doing it.

No, I was doing it because I wanted praise. I wanted people to look and say, 'that sh*t's hot'.

I was doing it for ego, my fragile pride that couldn't stand to be criticized kept holding me back.

And by the time I managed to work this out for myself, I had enveloped myself in a cocoon of self-doubt and resentment.

Wrapped up in my vanity and insecurity, I tried to fake being fine.

And it worked, for a time.

I put out a new chapter of My Strive, I finally started working on P.S. Red I, got a couple new chapters of MDOS out.

And then, the cocoon tightened.

I started choking again. What was I doing?

Were people liking this?

What if this chapter's not better than the last one?

I had stopped reading fanfiction at this point, because I couldn't stop comparing myself to everyone.

I'd never be someone's favorite. Not in any category.

I'm just junk food entertainment, here for the quick laugh, gone in the next week.

I don't have the same staying power of something like "This Bites' or anything Couer Al'Aran puts out.

I'm just DKE, the guy who got lucky in a fandom that blew up during quarantine.

I'm 23 now, 4 years older than the guy who started this story and honestly I'm still just as clueless and lost.

But, even then, even as I say this, lost as I am.

Clueless as I am.

And down on myself as I may be, I still remember the fun that I used to have as I wrote this story.

I don't want to be just junk food entertainment anymore.

I want to keep making jokes and having fun and writing stories with weird premises and character decisions and stupid jokes, but I wanna do it on my terms.

I don't want to write stories and be worried about falling into some spiral if someone doesn't like it or doesn't vibe with it the way that I do.

I wanna write my stories how I used to. I wanna connect through my interests and laugh or cringe with my audience about whatever the hell it is that I wrote at like 2 in the morning.

Because in the end, that's what made these stories that I wrote worthwhile to me:

The connections that I made and the laughs I had while writing them.

And so, I say this now, MDOS and all of my other MHA related projects will be going on indefinite hiatus.

But I promise, when they come back, they'll be better than ever. You have my word.

And as for my new projects, I've decided to dive deeper into original works and other fandoms.

I have one project that I'm working on consistently at the moment, and I've prepped several others for release after that gets well and truly along and to a point that I find satisfactory.

I have the first two chapters released on myDiscord Server. Which is open and will be linked below.

Anyway, with all that said, thank you and I hope you’re ready for the new-ish me.


discord. gg/YbFHG4F5U5

Hope to see you there!

Izuku Midoriya, Mad Dog of Shizuoka - DarkestKnightEntertainment - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.