Ralph's Modded Aric's Mod 0.9.7 Standalone Hybrid Expansion - Mods (2024)

This is a pre-installed stand-alone version of Strive for Power (S4P v5.25 with Aric's Mod v0.9.7 already applied with addedexpansion to the hybrid system plus gameplay tweaks and a variety of new features/content)

You do not need to download anything else.This includes the base game v5.25 (not the latest version 1.0).You should not apply mods without deleting the backup folder and never uninstall/apply Aric's Mod (it's already applied).

Version Game-Breaking Bug Risk Level:Lowish (most folks bugs are due to taking extra steps in the installation)
Previous Save Compatible: probably with Aric's Mod 0.9.7, but it's meant for a new game

Huge thanks to AricTriton, Ankmairdor, Maverick of course, Deviate for the hybrid concept and first draft, Redle, and all the guys on the Discord who helped me with sage advice and gdscript syntax.


To install simply download S4P-RalphsModdedAricsMod097.zip, extract and:

  1. Move the folder "S4PGameFolderRMAM097" to wherever you like on your drive(s) example: C:\S4PGameFolderRMAM097\
  2. Add the mod folder
    1. For Windows 10 at least, navigate to or create folders so you have the folder path C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\
    2. If you've installed Aric's Mod before, rename "AricsExpansion" to something else to back it up
    3. Move the folder "AricsExpansion" from RalphsStandaloneAM097.zip to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\
  3. Take no other steps at all (Do NOT "Apply" Aric's Mod from the mod menu in the game)
  4. Run Strive.exe, start a new game, and confirm no errors
  5. Optional: Download RalphsTweaks.zip (below) and install per the instructions below (under the 'Optional' heading)
  6. Optional: Download and installsome portrait packs (they really add to the game)
  7. Play or Apply other mods (RandomPortraits is the only one I know that plays nicely with this), play with scripts, break the game/mod (seriously take no other steps than those above even if you find readme's that say otherwise; those are just leftovers from Aric's mod which is already fully applied).

How to InstallRandom Portraits mod (optional):

Start from a working Ralph's install and then apply random portraits mod from in-game mod menu, but make sure not to have the box checked on Aric's when you do since it's already applied and you don't want to screw up the manual install that's already premerged. You might getthis when you click on full body image under Customize, but reportedly nothing breaks and it works fine.

ERROR: Signal 'value_changed' is already connected to given method '_on_scroll' in that object. At: core/object.cpp:1473

To install Random Portraits:

1. download random portraits mod
2. extract it into C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\
3. a) run Strive.exe b) go to mod menu c) checkmark random portraits mod (and nothing else) d) install
4. reboot game
5. check-box the random portrait usage to on under settings/options (whichever)


Added Hybrid Content and gameplay tweaks/fixes to include:

  • Rebalanced and expanded hybrid system
    • Added detailed listings of the new hybrid mechanics following the race descriptions for each race
    • Rebalanced max stats by race
    • Rebalanced bonus stats for pure-bloods and all hybrids
    • Added/removed traits and adjusted physical/mental features based on racial %'s
    • Added elemental affinity component tied to racial %'s
    • Added nature magic saturation component tied to racial %'s
    • Added mana corruption component tied to racial %'s
    • Added genealogy change effect to the Mutation spell
    • Set genealogies for unique NPCs that fit story/lore better than random
  • Added Subspecies (such as Mousekin, Werewolves, Minotaurs, Succubi, etc.) which can be found or bred given the right combinations of racial %'s
    • Added custom stats and bonuses for each Subspecies
    • Added Subspecies descriptions for Inspect Looks screens
    • Added Mouse Tails to allow Mousekin Subspecies
    • Added slave guild quests that give out recipes for breeding certain hybrid subspecies
    • See the full list of added Subspecies below
  • Added lore edits to make the hybrid system plausible and align S4P / Conquest lore some where they diverged
    • Added 3 new entries to the library (1 unlocked by default, 2 with Nursery upgrade)
    • Made uncommon races like Dragonkin very rare to show up in genealogy for mixed race hybrids
    • Lore/descriptions now suggests that uncommon races are only recently becoming available for enslavement/breeding
    • Made it so Uncommon races randomly encountered have pure or nearly pure genes
  • Gameplay/pacing changes
    • Nerfed player-targeted Invigorate so it only gives you 50 energy provided you have > 50% of your health rather than more or less filling your energy gauge
    • 1 in 5 chance to get one of several special traits for babies when they get a new random trait (includes some of the ones for special characters, eg. "Sturdy")
    • Adjusted (variables.gd: var skillpointsperlevel = 1.0) to fix pacing given lower max stats (and therefore less levels to gain)
    • When accelerating development of the fetus, sexual traits from parents are removed for children and have a chance to be removed for teens; also inherited slu*tty/Devoted resets to Pliable.
    • Reduced Quicksell penalty to multiply price x0.9 rather than x0.5
    • Changed Breeder specialization (nerfed sale prices a little and halved raise baby times)
    • Added Collect Bounty button next to Quicksell button. Works like Quicksell, but you collect bounties instead. The pay is a little random, but it can improve your reputation in the town you turn your bounties in. Note: for the moment captured guards could have bounties too (plan to fix in future update)
    • Made ambushes a little more random
    • Added some new dryad/nereid encounters: Dryads don't take kindly to your types 'round here and the Nereid are trying to secure the beach against slaver scum while they're here for breeding season
    • Made slave pricing race modifiers driven by market forces (sell a lot of one race and glut the market, but it recovers over time)
    • Added daily chance for random market price swings and descriptions by race
  • Miscellaneous
    • Changed "Blond" eyes to "Amber" eyes
    • Added eyesclera to Inspect Looks and baby descriptions
    • Nerfed Starting Slave Magic hobby to +1 from +2 max magic
    • Added 'Graceful' hobby as an option for the Starting Slave
    • Nerfed Maple's starting skillpoints to distribute (she was starting with a whopping 14)
    • Streamlined consent&fetish discussions a little by displaying current consent/fetishes
    • Multiple rescues increases chance for NPCs to join party when invited
    • Added more detail to Player Inspect Looks
  • Fixed bugs
    • Player and starting slave now have hybrid bonuses applied consistently
    • 50/50% hybrids now only get bonuses according to whichever half is the same as their race (no more double-dipping)
    • Fixed func set_baby_type(person) in constructor.gd (Nereid was missing and Dragonkin was duplicated)
    • Fixed Slime setRaceBonus() line order changed so that correct race bonuses are subtracted before slime race bonuses are added
    • See Relatives now shows correct sex for offspring (was often female when should have been male).
    • Fixed 'Halfkin ' race babies (affected Taurus and Centaur race hybrids with <50% of those races in their genealogy)
    • Fixed not-quite-bug where 50/50 (or any %'s tied for top highest racial component)hybrids would always be one of the races and never the other (commonly affected player character's offspring with another pure-blood)
    • Fixed "bug" that made slave guild rosters remove slaves slower than intended (only one slave had a halfway decentchance to be removed)
    • Fixed my own bug that caused a crash in early game if the party's awareness was low
    • **NEW** Hopefully fixed npc duplication when you recruit a rescued npc (needs testing)
    • **NEW** Fixed tit*size array error [back vs back()] that would pop up in the console (in tweaks files too, now)
    • **NEW** Fixed OP Harpy bug I introduced in the April update (I think)
  • Optional tweaks (RalphsTweaks.zip)
    • Increase Spell costs
    • Make Food harder to come by
    • Have bloody bad taste
    • Make upgrade points more challenging to get
    • Restrict maximum number of beds based on game days passed
    • Player Specialization Changes
    • Instructions to add these are below



Optional additional changes as follows for a longer and in some ways more challenging playthrough (my personal preference)

  • Option A: GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT - to make all of the optional changes, simply download RalphsTweaks.zip and
    • 1) copy the "files" folder in RalphsTweaks.zip to your main game folder ("S4PGameFolderRMAM097") from step 1. above and click yes to overwrite all files when prompted(it will only update some, the rest need to stay as they are)
    • 2) copy the "AricsExpansion" folder in RalphsTweaks.zip to your ...\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\ folder from step 1. above and click yes to overwrite all files when prompted (it will only update a few, the rest need to stay as they are)
    • And you're done. You can ignore Option B unless you're just interested in more detail about the changes.
  • Option B: HI, I'M KAREN AND F*@% YOUR MENU, I DINE A LA CARTE - for more advanced users who understand the game's folder structure already: pay attention to the "How?" notes below and manually delete the existing *.gd files noted then rename the *_ALT.gd files noted to replace the *.gd files deleted
    • Increase Spell costs
      • What?
        1) Increased spell costs for Sedate, Fear, Invigorate to 40 mana
        2) Rebalanced spell costs (Doubled most other spell costs)
        3) Made Summon Tentacle add 5 Lewdness to slave when cast (b/c otherwise it's not very useful IMO)
      • Why? This makes you need to manage your mana supply and helps keep you from spamming Sedate, Fear, Invigorate, etc. (+20% spell power unchanged)
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\files\scripts\spells.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\files\scripts\spells_ALT.gd to spells.gd
    • Make Food harder to come by (recommended for experienced players only); increases cost to buy food and nerfs Hunt/Forage
      • Why? Game seemed too easy early on and I wanted another reason to start a farm aside from just because it's cool
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\files\scripts\jobs&specs.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\files\scripts\jobs&specs.gd to jobs&specs.gd
        Step 3) delete ...\files\items.gd
        Step 4) rename ...\files\items_ALT.gd to items.gd
    • Have bloody bad taste (de-British some of the sex descriptions)
      • Why? Us yanks aren't gonna lie there thinking of England (What game is this, Ultima?)
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\AricsExpansion\scripts\aricsexpansion\expansion.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\AricsExpansion\scripts\aricsexpansion\expansion_ALT.gd to expansion.gd
    • Make upgrade points more challenging to get
      • What?
        1) Changed so converting attribute points to upgrade points only works for slaves with Loyalty >= 50
        2) Drastically increased negative repuation gained from selling slaves to Sebastion or in Umbra
      • Why? To make players rely on Custom Requests and training/selling slaves to get upgrade points and make for a longer and somewhat more challenging playthrough
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\files\scripts\outside.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\files\scripts\outside_ALT.gd to outside.gd
        Step 3) delete ...\files\scripts\slave_tab.gd
        Step 4) rename ...\files\scripts\slave_tab_ALT.gd to slave_tab.gd
    • Restrict maximum number of communal beds, personal rooms, and jail cells to 4 plus 1 more for every 5 game days that pass.
      • Why? I found I would fill up my mansion too fast and the turns dragged on me, this way you're forced to focus on a lower number of slaves early on.
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\files\scripts\upgradespanel.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\files\scripts\upgradespanel_ALT.gd to upgradespanel.gd
        • If you want the Player Specialization changes in the next step too:
          Step 3-1) delete ...\files\globals.gd
          Step 4-1) rename ...\files\globals_ALT.gd to globals.gd
          And you're done, move onto Player Specialization Changes
        • If you only want the changes to the beds:
          Step 3-2) Open ...\files\globals.gd
          Step 4-2) In globals.gd, find and change var nopoplimit = false to var nopoplimit = true
    • Player Mage Specialization Changes (Breeder changes are in all versions)
      • What?
        1) Nerf Player Mage specialization to remove mana cost reduction
        Why? Mana comes too easily. This helps keep you from spamming Sedate, Fear, Invigorate, etc. (+20% spell power unchanged)
      • How? Follow Option A above or for Option B:
        Step 1) delete ...\files\scripts\Mansion.gd
        Step 2) rename ...\files\scripts\Mansion_ALT.gd to Mansion.gd
        • If you want the changes to the beds above too then you already replaced globals_ALT.gd with globals.gd and you're done with this step.
        • If you only want the changes to Player Specialization:
          Step 3) delete ...\files\globals.gd
          Step 4) rename ...\files\globals_ALT.gd to globals.gd
          In globals.gd, find and change var nopoplimit = true to var nopoplimit = false

Input, requests, and bug reports/fixes are welcome.

Note the RandomPortraits mod should work just as well as it does with Aric's Mod 0.9.7, but you'll probably want to add manual portraits and bodies for some of the subspecies if you get them for immersion.

Future plans: Bug fixes, More Features, Hopefully merging as much of this as possible into the next version of Aric's Mod

Ralph's Modded Aric's Mod 0.9.7 Standalone Hybrid Expansion - Mods (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.