Reacting to Aaron Rodgers 'BAD ASS' Response to New York Jets 'Owing' NFL in 2024! - Raw Chili (2024)

Reacting to Aaron Rodgers ‘BAD ASS’ Response to New York Jets ‘Owing’ NFL in 2024!

the Jake asmin show will begin shortly thanks to all these great patreon members who help support the show get your super chats ready Jake will be here in just a moment [Music] if you love the New York Jets this is the place to be and now the Jake asmin show Aaron roders was a guest on time to shine on Mad Dog Sports Radio and offered a badass response to the comments made by the NFL that the Jets owe the league in 2024 what did Aaron say we play it for you and react it’s the Jake asid show live on a Friday new intro let’s hit it and get it started man our jets are primed for a historic season [Music] we bleed Jets Green each and every day this is not the same old Jets we have Aaron freaking Rogers we had Garrett Wilson let’s go we have Bree Hall Please Subscribe and hit the like button below Super Chat baby cut the line we have S garer we have Quinn and Williams the jet bandwagon is loaded now it’s time to talk all things new your jet it’s the Jake as show here we go Jets fans happy Friday hit the like button if you’re tuned in live right now if you’re not watching live still hit the like button and a reminder to those not watching the show live time stamp your favorite moments in the comment section down below so people tuning in late could skip ahead perhaps to the best moments of the show a wild phone call crazy debate everything this show with the as Maniacs has to offer so Aaron rers was a guest with Adam Shine On Time To Shine which you can listen to on the station I do work for on Mad Dog Sports Radio on SiriusXM channel 82 in fact this Sunday I’m going to be hosting on Mad Dog Sports Radio from 4: to 8:00 pm Eastern and you can listen to it for free Sirius is offering that’s right a free listener period from now until June 3rd so you can download the Sirius app you can listen for free if you have Sirius in your car you can listen listen for free as well 4: to 8 Eastern on Sunday I will be on Mad Dog Sports Radio I’m also on next Saturday from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Eastern so if you never heard me on sergus before now is your chance to listen to me on madog sports radio with that being said let’s hear from Aaron Rogers who said a lot in this interview with Adam shine but perhaps the best answer Aaron gave was the answer to shine’s question about the Jets schedule and Mike North the head of scheduling saying hey the Jets you owe us one what was your reaction to the schedule release and the Jets owing the NFL one yeah I love it I love it I mean we are must watch TV and that’s pretty obvious everybody knows that um whether you love me or hate me uh people want to see me play they enjoy watching me play and we are uh a team to watch this year not surprising six Prime Time games in the first 11 12 weeks um I love it you know uh make it difficult let’s see how we stack up against one of the top teams in the league because San Fran 100% will be one of the top teams in the NFL obviously they were last year went to the Super Bowl had a chance to win that thing and then short week uh you know and go to Tennessee beautiful city Nashville love it go to you know have have some land down there love that that City know will a little bit he’s an up andc coming Young quarterback they got new staff there and then short week coming back home on a Thursday night our first of two Thursday nights uh against one of our Rivals division Rivals so I love it uh it’s fantastic uh no excuses three games in 10 days we’ll be ready to rock and roll not worried about it um you know I’m sure we’ll have a good plan for the schedule for all that as far as us Owen people yeah that’s fine whatever I don’t care what anybody has to say about that that’s uh that’s great uh you know it was sh*tty for me it was rough for the league I get it me only playing a few plays last year uh that’s going to be different this year year and uh you know what happens when we pay him back this year with six great Prime Time games you know what are they going to say next year oh baby how do you not hear that Jet fans and get fired up what happens when we pay them back this year with six great Prime Time games what are they going to say next the great ones always find ways to motivate themselves Aaron roders is going to use everything to motivate him in 2024 he already had motivation going into 2023 with people saying ah he’s on the downside of his career it’s not GNA work you can’t turn around the Jets it’s the Jets and then he got hurt then he heard what everyone said about him how he’s done he’ll never be the same ah it’s the Jets same old Jets they stink doesn’t matter he hears everything I love that answer man that is just a badass response another way to put it it I love it if this man stays healthy I still believe he’s one of the 10 best quarterbacks in football he’s too talented his arm works his brain functions and I always go back to the Tom Brady line after Brady won the Superbowl against the Falcons where they were down 283 he told Peter King I finally have all the answers to the test why would I retire and that was in 2017 Brady obviously played till 2022 when you get to a certain point you have all the answers to the test if you’re one of the all-time greats Roger certainly in that category there’s nothing he hasn’t seen there’s nothing he hasn’t been able to react to and it’s not even just this comment here that I thought was revealing I talked about it yesterday but for those who missed the shows we did yesterday this was Rogers speaking with the Jets in-house media team Eric Allen on his goals for the Jets in 2024 I was talking to a buddy yesterday I said if I didn’t think we could win the Super Bowl and I could win MVP I wouldn’t be playing um and that’s the order of goals uh but if I didn’t think I could play at the highest level and be the best player in the league and Lead this team in Super Bowl I wouldn’t be playing you know because I don’t want to hold on and be and be an afterthought um and be a shell now I’m a different player today than I was when we won the Super Bowl along long time ago when I was running around more and I was rushing for the mid 300s every season right and uh I extended a lot more plays now I’m beating you with my mind and I can still throw the hell out of it and I can still beat you line of scrimmage and I can still get us in the right play and I can still dominate I think and if I didn’t think that shoot there’s a lot of other things I could be doing but uh that’s the goal win a championship anding to be the best player I mean I believe him I think you can still do it injury luck needs to be on your side but if this guy plays he’s still G to be really really good and I listen to the full interview that Aaron did with shine before I came on the air this morning and just the confidence Aaron has just oozes out of them which is exciting talking about how things are going to be different this year when I’m out there the other big takeaway from this interview I don’t have the audio because it just aired so I didn’t have time to grab it and I wanted to make sure we got live here on a football Friday for everyone out there to kick off Memorial Day Weekend shine asked him Point Blank why should Jet fans have confidence in Nathaniel Hackett and I thought Aaron’s answer to that was great too he said well you should trust me and I trust Nathaniel so to me that’s the end of story really was a badass response we got to believe in Nathaniel there’s been some things that we’ve improved on been some things that were out of his control at the end of the day his and mine partnership is one that’s been fruitful in the past and is going to be fruitful again sign me up for a fruitful partnership but I I’ve said this man hack it is what it is if Rogers believes the guy and is comfortable with him this is no different than Adam gase being pton Manny’s guy it’s no different the other thing Rogers mentioned in the interview that should be discussed is the fact that Aaron talked about the new coaches that they added I think there was a real coaching problem besides hackit last year I think there’s a reason why they changed the receivers coach the running back coach some of the other low-level assistants you could say it’s on hacket which is fair but someone like the procedural stuff like the penalties guys not knowing where they need to be guys not knowing what to do the false starts lining up off sides I feel like that’s on the position coaches for not having these guys ready and that’s why they made those changes now we could say it’s not a big deal and ultimately at the end of the day Aaron being back to the biggest thing but I did find that noteworthy that Aaron brought that up in this interview with Adam Shan but the bottom line is this if Aaron believes he can win with hackit you got to let it play out because we’ve seen this in recent NFL history it’s not like the Jets are trying to do something that’s never been done before so the the bottom line is if Aaron believes in the guy you got to believe in Aaron’s judgment on the guy that’s how you got to look at it is it the most ideal scenario to basically have to rely on Aaron no but what other choice do you have right you know you want to be a Super Bowl Contender you need a franchise quarterback you have one and he’s all in and he’s fired up and the other take away I had listening to the interview so we played you the comments where Aaron talked about the NFL saying the Jets ow one his comment at the end what happens when we pay them back this year with six great Prime Time gains what do they going to say next year that tells me Aaron’s already thinking about playing as he has publicly said beyond just this season like this is a guy who doesn’t think I only got one great year left in me this is a guy who envisions himself playing at least two more years with the Jets which is incredibly exciting obviously as he is said none of it matters if he doesn’t play well because then they will replace him they’ll be a different head coach probably a different GM they got to win but you know this is not a guy who’s just playing the last year of his contract because he’s under contract for 40 million and that’s it like this is a guy who truly believes he could go out there and he could play several more seasons with the Jets which I think if you’re a Jet fan that’s exactly what you want to hear you got a guy who’s all in so look I don’t know how you could not be fired up with these comments the last couple days whether it’s the press conference the interview with Shine the interview with Eric Allen this is the guy who’s hungry it’s the guy who’s locked in and if the football injury Gods could cut this team and Aaron Rogers a break the Jets are going to be as good as any team in the AFC because that’s the type of roster they have and Aaron even acknowledged that and he talked about the expectations just the other day here’s the cut I was just referring to if I don’t do what I know I’m capable of doing we’re all probably going to be out of here so I like that kind of pressure though um I know there’s you know it’s a tough Market to play in it’s not for everybody I relish that opportunity and that’s the way the NFL is I’m not saying anything Monumental as you guys are typing away and putting your your tweets out this is how it is every single year I might you might not to say it but as you get older in the league if you don’t perform they’re going to get rid of you or bring in the next guy to take over I mean it happened in Green Bay so um and I’m you know a few years older than I was back then so I expect to play at a high level I expect this to be productive and and competitive and and all that stuff to take care of itself that should be the goal that should be the goal that’s the expectation there’s no doubt about it we’ll open it up to your comments and questions super chats we’ll cut the line make sure you turn on gift receipts because shout out again yesterday to the great Mike D’s Nuts who gifted 120 memberships in a single show if you didn’t watch the second show yesterday you missed an absolute classic it was wild and Mike writes in wife is going away with her friends for the weekend so it’s just me and my bouts LOL Nuts Weekend dear Lord shout out to Mike D’s Nuts shout out to Jetpack with a super chat the classic jake. asmin hey jetpack one request make the Super Chat $2.90 so at least we could cover a subway ride baby I appreciate you Dre writes in shout out to Dre Dre’s undergoing a procedure in a couple hours and he’s watching the show he’s been an as Maniac for nine months thank you for all the love and prayers from my as Maniac brothers and sisters in Rogers We Trust Jets Jets Jets Jets let’s go shout out to Dre we’re thinking about you bud all the best my [Applause] man comments questions super chats we’ll cut the line shout out to DJ who writes in what’s up just join the patreon DJ get in the Discord jakas show I did in fact get a confirmation email from your DJ so welcome aboard shout out to DJ Infamous Julian Nate Justin Alvarez Stern and luppy they are most recent patreon subscribers we just updated the list of names for the intro so DJ sorry you just missed the cut but I promise next month your name will be in the countdown ticker as a thank you to all the patreon members for your incredible incredible support all right comments questions super chats we’ll cut the line first Up On The gustbuster Hotline is Tim from fishland what’s up Tim Hey Jake listening to those comments from him this past week I feel like he’s gonna change his game I think he’s gonna model his game a little bit after Brady especially Brady’s young older years when he sees the rush coming he’s just going to get down okay or throw it away when he got hurt last year it was on him it wasn’t on the offensive line that was a three-step drop he looked to the right on a three-step drop you don’t look back to the left you got to get rid of that ball a because that’s why the tackles were CAU taught to cut block so the defensive ends don’t get their hands up in the air to block the ball if they know it’s coming out fast okay he tried to make something out of nothing all right um I see that that’s a big change that’s probably going to be a big change in his game because like I said he said that he could beat you with his mind now okay um there was another thing I wanted to touch on that he said I think he’s been beating people with his mind his whole career but I think specifically he talked about it the other day like he’s not relying on his athleticism as much at this stage of his career like he used to run for 300 rushing yards a year now it’s going to be way more stay in the pocket get the ball out quick and they got the right play makers to do it which is why he talked about in the interview with Eric Allen how much he loves Malachi Corley why he was his favorite receiver in the draft class because of what he fits uh you know how he fits in the type of offense they want to be this year and I’m willing to give hacket a pass on last year because it doesn’t matter what offensive coordinator it doesn’t matter if you have Andy Reid it doesn’t matter if you have Kyle Shanahan when you have that porest of an offensive line that can’t get to the second level that can’t hold blocks from in two to three seconds you cannot run an offense you cannot you cannot call plays five seven step drop with double moves to allow the receivers to get open downfield so you got to give them the offensive line is is what drives the all the skill positions they’re the only position that doesn’t have to rely on somebody else to do their job okay it’s the engine that makes everything go on offense so let’s see how the offensive line Looks this year and then we’ll we’ll really give judgment on on hacket on that because you know I you watch that Miami game in Miami what’s his name uh the the defensive end was just coming off the ball and just eating maai beckon a lot okay and it was within two to three seconds I remember Shannon sharp said that maai beckon couldn’t block the stach out of his eyes so let’s see what happen to see where an offensive line can get up to the second level for Bree okay see if they can actually block on screens you know what I mean like CU that’s the biggest thing okay you can’t have an off offense without the offensive line Tim I completely agree I think better quarterback play also helps the o line too guys are better equipped to handle blitzes guys are better equipped to be in the right positions to pick up blitzes whether it’s leaving a tight end in there or a running back it just everything starts with a quarterback you need an offensive line as well and that’s why they signed Tyron Smith that’s why they traded for Morgan Moses that’s why they signed John Simpson I just laughed the there was a narrative this offseason the Jets can’t cut leak and Tomlinson because they can’t create another hole on their o line as if lak and Tomlinson wasn’t one of the worst offensive linemen in the league you can’t create another hole well he at least plays he stinks he’s terrible nice guy I know the guys on the beat love leak Tomlinson nice guy accountable he just wasn’t good as a jet we got to call it how it is oh we can’t cut lak and Tomlin are you kidding me they replaced him with John Simpson who plays every game like Laken but is actually good they replaced beckon with Tyrant Smith they replaced Dwayne Brown with Morgan Moses or vice versa however you look at it because beckon played both Tackle Spot last year I mean this offensive line is Lighty years better and you have fadu backing up Tyron Smith and I heard Rogers on shine this morning talk about Olu being the Jets left tackle of the future for the next decade I don’t think Aaron’s thrown that around if he didn’t think ‘s probably been pretty impressive so far in these OTAs this team is loaded they have no excuse if Aaron’s healthy none and even if Aaron gets banged up I’m not assuming he’s playing four plays but Tyrod Taylor is a pro and they should be able if you’re my definition of a backup is if they got to play four games can you go two and two or better and I think with Tyrod the answer is yes hopefully it’s zero games Tyrod has to start or it’s only one and it’s the last game of the year because everything’s clinched for the Jets or maybe it’s Jordan Travis in that game who knows but man there there’s no no excuse for this team they’re loaded th3 with a super chat talking or you’re taking the white to a Jets game for the first time this year any jerseys ideas for her she doesn’t know much about football maybe Rogers well you can’t go wrong with Rogers the thing with Rogers though is you have a chef life on that Jersey potentially right how many years is he playing for the Jets if you wanted to have a jersey that could last a lot longer I’d recommend what I’m wearing right now the sauce Jersey you can go Garrett with the number five go quinnon mean you got good options on this team Quincy JM Johnson you got you got choices we can’t go wrong with Rogers I mean come on at this time next year though I’m fully expecting s Gardner to be the highest paid cornerback in the history of football someone asked me yesterday we didn’t have time to get to it which Jets young player do I think will get the extension first I think SAU is the first to get paid from the 22 class because I think it’s the easiest contract to do he’s the best player at his position in the league you know where the bar is you beat the bar he’s the next guy up but I’ll worry about that next year first state jet says strive for greatness so tired of this team aspiring to be mid we finally have a great one daring us to be great amen amen hit the like button let’s get weird with a super chat he’s an as Maniac for two months really glad to hear JBC is looking good so far he was no scrub coming out of LSU I really love our depth on this team lfg Jets yeah good to hear Yesterday from Brandon who’s a jet season ticket older but does some work for jets xfactor Brandon pocos I believe is his name did a great job on the show yesterday he said Bernard Converse made some plays yesterday good to hear more of your calls right now ladies and gentlemen joining us from the pool to kick off this Memorial Day weekend is a man who needs no introduction he is the Alden shoe sales champion of the world ladies and gentlemen Neil is up next hello Neil Jake how we doing Neil to quotey Stephen A Smith that Aaron roders is a bad man that’s all I got tell you he’s a bad man folks Jake um you see my chairs back there I’ll be spending a lot of time in those chairs with my cigar and a drink when the summer kicks off what a morning here in Long Island oh my God it’s amazing and I want to tell you you know I’ll say it to you I’m having a July 4th bash out here oh yes and lot of friends lot of drinks lot of part in uh my the Hampton where are you right now yeah it’s East mares it’s right the borderline of the start of the Hamptons yes nice and my neighbor does a grci style 30 minute uh fireworks display on Fourth of July that is as good as Macy’s in New York and we’re going to kick the end the night off with that you’re definitely I hope you’re available the fourth come out with your dad or whoever you want to bring somebody else I’ll bring Rogers with me Neil how’s that sound that’s fine I’m I’m to personally invite him uh hopefully um but we’re gonna have a great summer let’s enjoy every let’s drink in every drop of this next 12 months because I’m telling you right now I’ve been saying it right along and boy I’m starting I’m starting to sound just like everybody else I started the uh pre-draft like the only guy out there that was really positive about this team being a 1233 14 15 16 17 win team now everybody’s on the on the lane Train everybody and Mike D’s Nuts Mone what a display unre what a display by Mike D nuts wow and everybody is is you know look it’s all it’s in everybody’s mind we’re all very excited and we’re going to drink in this whole off seon all the way up to the opener on Thursday night but let me ask you Jake what’s the plan on Monday night we are gonna have a meet up on Monday night the opener or what I’m trying to put together a watch party I’m in talks with a uh with a with a bar in Jersey City they’re they’re first up if I can’t come to a deal with them I’m going to open it up to another bar or restaurant that’s interested in having us I want to do something for the for for that first game though for sure yeah I I definitely think we should all be together for the opener and make it a wild time because that that’s going to be a big thing and again you know I have my vote for for Nashville for for week two at least to start for the for the get togethers so what’s get that together and or wherever else you feel like going I’ll be there but I really I like this Nashville idea especially coming off the one and0 and then it gives us a lot of it gives us a lot of options you know later in the year for a second Meetup yeah well there’s I’m definitely doing London deal and I plan to do Miami I’m not I’m not ruling out going to Nashville I’m just trying to finalize at least one of these first and then I’ll add more stuff for sure did you say Miami Miami yeah Miami is definely good yeah I don’t worry I got you in Miami beautiful you want to know why I did some research Florida is my third most viewed state outside of New York and New Jersey for where my listeners are from so it just makes too much sense to do the Meetup in Miami because it’s we will reach the most people outside of the Tri State I mean you know depending on how things go I mean we could all be in Miami and just take a big giant bus midweek all the way up to Jacksonville and finish off the week we can look at that that option as well do some shows on a bus you can rent one of these big RVs and have a bunch of as Maniacs travel up the uh up to Florida to meet up with uh Ricky and ju Ricky and some of the guys in Jacksonville and pay them some love as well I mean we have to spread the love in Florida that’s the idea here December in Florida is going to be the theme and we should wrap things up by Jacksonville I think that’ll be wrapping things up that’ll be the last time we see Rogers before the play we’re going to put him in bubble wrap and you know put Tyrod Taylor out for the last few games so I’m excited um I’m gonna have some guy over here some landscapers start to make a lot of noise so I’ll be done we’ll be good to go and we’ll talk about July 4th Jake and uh that’s going to be the kickoff for the rest of the uh summer and start off the preseason I love it Neil I’ll talk to you soon like these nuts drop another hundred on Jake baby let’s go Jake I’ve made all 13 of my points before you cut me off again I’m gonna throw myself out this goddamn window amazing great call by Neil everyone’s invading Neil’s Hampton’s home July 4th Melo Washington Jake show the Jets new video they posted it was in the intro Melo way ahead of you shout out to Gator for quick turn around on that Addison writes in Neil jump in the if you want the Jets to win this year’s Super Bowl now if you call back in and you want to jump in the pool you let me know we know you know how to jump through things we’ve seen that Neil could jump through a window like with the best of them that’s been proven hit the like button if you’re tuned in live right now Neil’s right about the schedule by the way though Back toback Games late in the year in Florida another reason to be optimistic I think if you’re a Jet fan while both Miami and Jacksonville are good teams you rather play them late in the year in Florida because there’s not a HomeField Advantage for the Heat Miami always has such an advantage in September every year when they put the road team in the Sun at Hard Rock and their Sidelines covered by the shade you don’t have to worry about that late in the year and you get Miami last game of the regular season in your building I know Neil thinks they’re going 20 and0 but say that game decides the the division I’ll take my chances against two on cold weather last game of the year I’ll take my chances and look week one’s difficult there’s no doubt but then after that the quarterbacks you face in week two three four and five you have a significant quarterback Advantage if you’re the Jets significant and you got to take advantage of that Today’s Show is presented by my friends at liquid IV Jet fans I know you’re going to be out and about this weekend it’s Memorial Day Weekend purchase liquid IV with my code Jake asmin liquid and help yourself stay hydrated you simply pour one of the liquid IV pouches into your water bottle your cup of water and one liquid IV pouch in a cup of water is the equivalent of drinking three cups of water get hydrated with liquid IV use my promo code Jake asmin and you’ll receive a 20% discount off your purchase I’ve been using liquid IV for years so it’s pretty cool that they’re finally a sponsor of this Channel all right more of your calls right now comments questions super chats we’ll cut the line ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is a man with not one not two but three different introductions well you know that I was a Lyon crap of crap you should check out my new hat the Jets are freaking awesome um hi Jake how you doing Bobby midnight hello sir great it’s a beautiful day it is and was that guy right about Aaron roders like when he looked to the left it wasn’t it because of the grass got him not because he was looking left and right was I think he I think he just held on to the ball a little too much I think there was maybe some nerves involved in that play if you watch it back he did have Garrett Wilson open and I wonder if he I wonder if he’ll just th if like that scenario ever existed again he would just throw de gar I think it was just first game nerves man like I they’re still learning a new offense and new plays being put in it is what it is I I I’ve said this all along too if it wasn’t that play the Achilles was popping at some point it’s not like it was it wasn’t gonna happen gotcha gotcha okay I hope I’m invited to see Neil’s house I want to jump in that pool you and Neil swimming together would be wild I love water I’m a fish you’re a pool guy uhhuh all right I like the ocean but sometimes you got to watch out for New York oceans what they throw in there hey Aaron Jud should have not home in yesterday yes he did he’s locked in right now yes he’s getting warmed up for the year and so though is good too so’s the MVP of the league right now Bobby uhuh that’s good I like that oh yeah staning doing good too I like that he’s healthy keep John Carlo healthy yes definitely yep and do you ever watch the show on CVS with Boomer and uh Gio yes I mean they’re technically my competition now but I used to work at F do you ever watch the when they’re on CBS in the morning as uh Sports Network yeah i’ I’ve seen the show on TV before yeah yeah they had this guy on the thing this he wants to share a beer with everybody on the stage they’re in New Jersey now and they’re uh you know they go down this time of year once a day once a year to go down to that part of New Jersey yeah can’t remember the place where they go do you remember I don’t no it was good it was funny and then yep I can’t wait I get my haircut today at 3 o’clock so with Desiree yes with Desiree oh yeah she’s she’s ready to cut your hair oh definitely yes I can’t wait hey does it look a lot better back there than before it looks like you cleaned up some of the Clutter yes there was a lot of clutter back there boys and girls now look at it it’s a lot better it needs some more cleaning but you know I get alone yeah now Bobby jqu writes in that he wants you to let everyone know that anyone who joins our Discord you’ll call them yeah if they didn’t let me to I would love to call people you know how I love to call people oh yeah I’m not shy never a shy no you’re definitely not shy no no Allen’s not the next one up is he he’s not no dang God if he is let me on I get that talk about my friend ra from glenhead oh he pissed me off yday yeah oh it looks like he lives in the 7 Shack 70s Shack shut up Alan you probably live in the garbs pal yeah where you live GS uh can like around all right so I let you go so we let other people on I talk too much I know that Bobby thanks for the time okay thank you very much well you know I love the Yankees and the chats and to read the super chats are more than just a hat um Bobby Bobby verse Allen one of the great rivalries in the history of sports mother F andu says where can I find the invite link for the Discord the link to the Discord is the first thing you see when you join patreon it is pinned on the dashboard of asmin show hopefully people notice that Bobby’s as Maniac Emoji has been updated and Now features him wearing a Jets hat because we sent Bobby midnight two different Jets hats and a listener who wants to remain anonymous sent Bobby midnight a Jets Jersey that’s on the way I’ll leave it at that and it’s not just a Jets Jersey of s Gardner or Aaron roders or Garrett Wilson it is a custom Jets Jersey that Bobby can wear on the show in the future speaking of jets jerseys we sent this guy a Rogers Jersey last year and now I haven’t seen him wear it in a while B’s up next what’s up bch oh who want to put it on yeah all right yeah there we go you know what I’m just gonna yeah I’ll put on just give me a minute all right we got all the time in the world here wait wait wait wait hold on hold on might want to take the headphones off first but all right that’s neither here or there now you’re good sho I’m sorry no that’s okay just just for you Jake oh yeah we love it B because you are a legend and you I would take you over anybody in the media business all right including that that oh God I just hate Chris KY man I hate him so much man I want punch you in the face man he just pisses me off oh but that’s right man I’m sorry man just these me people getting on my nerves man I gota tune them out man because this is reel me back in because of the dumb takes um you gota not watch it b i I don’t watch it I can’t help myself man it’s it’s just a social media technology cell phone thing man like like like like like like back in the 80s and 70s you know will’ll be better but now since we live in this new age social media thing it’s just kind of hard because it just wheel you in and like uh oh it’s it’s kind of like drugs you know I mean like I don’t want to do it but it just had to put me back in and have me watch so but um yeah first of all I want to go at Mr Allen again you know calling out yeah out know going after Rob who’s one of the nicest uh dudes I seen man you know I mean saying that he lives in the 70s Shaq Allan and it’s like you live in a 19 40 horsesh*t uh house you know what I mean like like like like like like I bet his apartment a little a little you know crib you know has a bunch of pig [ __ ] all over it so Allan what about your own little filth you live in all right don’t wor about people’s personal uh uh places you know and keep my boys names Rob and Bobby out of your mouth Alan all right keep them out of your mouth because you are a prophetic human being and knowah Bobby Don’t Call Him A Caron car call him Satan call him the devil that’s his new name because he is the devil because he’s evil you know I mean that’s all I gotta say about that about him I’ll tell you what bacen go yourself yeah well done bmac get his ass Tom writes in isn’t it great that Tom’s a member now folks Tom’s maybe the funniest commenter we got the jerk St called and they’re running out of Allen great SFI reference too by the way coochie right in coochie became a channel member at the buzzer last last night and what’s great is I’m pretty sure Mike nuts gifted a membership to coochie I mean the jokes just right themselves folks Allan’s wife told me he sits down to P if true that is a shocking Revelation W look at JJ going in on bmac too thank you for ending that call JJ call in again please give give us some more outrageous takes Dan says Jake might be the only Seinfeld fan younger than me I mean it’s one of the most popular shows of all time Dan everyone should be a Seinfeld fan it’s also on Netflix now so it’s way easier for people who have never seen the show to see it like I know people that never seen it that are like my age that are watching for the first time ladies and gentlemen JJ is on the line JJ hello you ask and you shall receive I I don’t understand how bmac is a Green Bay Packers fan but he wears a Yankees hat and a Jets Jersey and calls into a Jets show every chance he gets I mean like where’s the loyalty to his team I’m still waiting for him to start his own YouTube channel called the bmac experience and and feature you know some Green Bay Packers content because he’s at this point he’s just a bandwagoner and you know what Bobby hurt my feelings because Bobby said something negative about me the other day and then it comes to find out that Bobby’s a Giants fan but I’m Gonna Leave Bobby alone because you know I like Bobby but if he has one more time with me but bmac can we like ban him for the show how much to ban bmac for the show B’s part bac’s part of the family there is no bounty on him well but if there was a number what’s the number there the number doesn’t exist well tell me chat people in the chat I know you guys got a number what what do you guys think is fair maybe we can sway zero dollars JJ zero okay but what value does he bring to the show he’s a Aaron roders fan he roots for the Jets I I respect BAC he’s a great guy okay how much uh to ban uh gas station Dre then Dre is part of the family there is no Dre gas station Dre but no actually I’ll take that back I forgot he’s going to surgery all jokes aside uh you know I don’t want I don’t want to ban Dre I actually like Dre me and Dre have fun uh fun you know fun time together so Dre is Dre is fine but BAC I really want to ban him well I I I think your issues with BAC don’t make any sense why can’t he rip for Aaron Rogers is his favorite player grown up he can root for Aaron Rogers but don’t be a a Green Bay Packers Fan wearing a Jets Jersey that makes no sense he’s wearing an Aaron Rogers Jersey I sent it him it’s not like he it’s not like he bought it himself okay and you know he sleeps in that Jersey too right he just put it on I don’t think he was sleeping in it yeah because he took it off took a shower put on his regular clothes but when he goes to sleep that’s his night gown well why don’t you ask him if this is true bmac joins the show right now J I’ve been waiting to come at you my boy I’ve been waiting all right first of all who the hell are you to tell me who the for to for or what to for all right I am a Packer fan JJ I am a packer I’m a yane fan too all right I’m a Packer fan I’ve been a Packer fan since 20 and one right when b f was a quarterback all right hell when b f wh for the Jets I was still B for fan and he went to the Vikings I was like yeah you Patrick M shut up JJ shut up shut JJ shut up I’m talking to you boy all right I can be a Packa fan and R and Rogers the way I want to just like Patriot fans and I live with a bunch of patriot fans who was still Tom Brady fans when he went to Tampa B patri fans wearing a temp Bay uh bayy jersey and a patriot hat at the same time so JJ F you all right you disgrace you and Allan deserve each other all right y’all are like peanut butter and jelly and poison all right because yall a negative y’all always say terrible things about your favorite team right JJ I question your phandom JJ because you know what you’re Jet fan but you always negative towards the Jets right you never say nothing positive about him you always come on pick arguments with Jake tell about fire Rob Salah fire Rob Salah oh start 13 and one if not Sal gotta go JJ my face because you I got got I got a question for you I got a question for you uh what are you doing August 24th August 24th yeah the Jets play the Jets well the Jets play the Giants that day and um I would love for you I want you to come and I want you to sit right next to me and we’re gonna root for Aaron Rogers together I’m gonna buy you some gas station Sushi hopefully Dre can make it too I’m gonna buy you some gas station Sushi and I’ll get you a nice beer I don’t know if you’re old enough to drink beer but I’ll get you a nice cup of beer and you know we’ll watch the Giants game together and Rogers is not going to play he’ll be on the sideline but you know you’ll still get to see him how how does that sound August 24th I can’t hear him what did he say uh can you hear me say I can’t hear him I can’t hear him can’t you hear me we’re having some audio issues make your point again B you cut off there I never JJ I would never want to meet you right because you are a disgusting human being and I don’t meet disgusting human beings all right when I meet somebody I will meet someone who’s not nice polite and you know mean and and that’s friendly you’re not friendly JJ you don’t seem like you’re a friendly guy you don’t yeah yeah JJ once again I’m gonna extend the offer to you if you change your mind if you’re still an Aaron Rogers fan on August 24th um then let me know you’ll come on down with me we’ll watch the game together and and hopefully we can find some common ground hopefully I can uh get you to see the light you know because you are a Packers fan but if you really want to be a Jets fan I I’ll take you to your first Jets game how about that you know I go Jake Dre Bobby ra to to to to to a Jets game before I will go with you all right all right well Hey listen I tried all right B you have a good day man wow so bmac his Olive Branch he was extending you’re not buying it you think he was still being JJ yeah no look look first of all look I would never will never sit with JJ all you next to JJ all right and JJ wants to go to a game and he said he does go to the Jets games him and Allen should go together and this is have a sweet bys and on that sweet should say negative nties all right negative Jet fan n NES because that’s what they are all right are just just fan have to say Jet fans it’s fans because that’s what they are they are negative Jet fans you know that [ __ ] on their favorite team and they don’t know when to be happy and and I bet you if the Jets go 13 and three I mean excuse me 13 and four JJ is gonna say well the jet shoo went 14- three because that’s what they do they like to nitpick bmac you make some Salient points good back and forth there between you and JJ okay that’s what this channel needed today folks John writes in Jake’s an alltime instigator and I’m here for it they call me the Dana White of jets YouTube all right when there is a fight that needs to be made this isn’t boxing we actually have the fights that the people want we actually get the fights that we want made to happen Jenner gy with a super chat Jake you got to play a copyright version of Return of the Mac new intro let’s go is Return of the Mac for BAC or for the Jets and Rogers coming back Chef Kevin says bmac if you want to sit with me I got you how about that bmac you want to go to a Jets game Chef Kevin is offering for you to sit with him a real Jets fan not JJ I love it keep the super chats rolling comments questions who’s going to gift some memberships for the people yesterday it was all Mike D’s Nuts consider paying it forward it’s just $5 to gift one membership and they could become an as Maniac free of charge for one week I mentioned Dana White next week I will be in the building I’ve never been at presedential Center believe it or not but I will be in credential Center for UFC 302 Dustin porier is the main event he is fighting one of the greats in the sport for what will be probably maybe one of the better fights of the year it’s porier taking on Islam makev for the lightweight Championship lightweight Championship porier third shot at winning the lightweight belt yesterday thanks to the UFC I had a chance to speak with Dustin the full interview is up on my YouTube channel I’m gonna air it on Monday when I fill in for Bart Scott and Allen Han on ESPN New York but here’s Dustin porier talking about potentially fighting Conor McGregor for the fourth time I know you have previously said that you think the ship has sailed on a potential fourth fight with Connor but I’m just curious if you’re to win on Saturday Dustin and obviously Conor is able to take down Chandler would that change anything at all would you have any interest in a fourth fight with Conor it could you know if the stars align but it just feels like even talking about it after going through the Rivalry with him for so many years and fighting him back to back in 21 as I prepare to to get ready for a fight week for the Undisputed belt and he’s fighting a guy who whose last fight I not I I choked him out you know it’s like it just feels so far removed and so much things have to happen before then so I’m just focus on right now and that’s Islam makv I mean what a great interview with Dustin so check out the full conversation if you haven’t seen it yet on my YouTube channel there’ll be more fight interviews coming on the Channel people have been asking for it it’s funny out of all the videos I’ve ever done on this channel the most viewed video I have ever done is one of my interviews with Danel white when I was still in Houston a couple years ago came in in studio with me for a wide ranging conversation I apologize for the P the picture of that interview being in like 120p it was because we had a tech issue but it was a great interview it has like 300,000 views plus some of the clips have like half a million views so check that out if you missed it comments questions super chats will in fact cut the line thanks to everyone who’s tuned in live right now let’s go to Gary I brought up boxing she knew Gary had a weigh in what’s up Gary so I I got a couple things the prenal center the Nets played there for two seasons right before they moved to Brooklyn great and before that the great isad center located next to Giant Stadium I love that place um I I went to so many games there um but when they play at the brenal CER it was great because they didn’t have a fan base in Brooklyn yet and the Jersey fans already hated him for for leaving the swamp so I used to go there and sit Courtside no joke for six bucks eight bucks I took my wife to the gate sat five rows up midc court for $12 she thought I was rich because I got like court but they were 12 bucks um I I I was there recently for a Shakur Stevenson fight um it’s it’s it’s a nice place uh and there’s a pizza place called Francesca about a block away it’s good pizza just in case and that was my other the point so Kansas City teams fan called in yesterday by the way are you a UFC fan at all Gary or you just like boxing just boxing really yeah I mean I I like boxing if there’s a big boxing fight like I watched Fury last week like I’ll get into like the big fights but I don’t know I just think UFC is more entertaining they they actually get the best fights made all the time no it does because Dana White makes the fights happen there’s no one authoritative figure in boxing that makes fights happens there’s four different I silly it’s silly yeah I could go on for for hours about why good fights don’t get made um but peace fan said about gas station pizza I want to defend him on that gas station Pizza is still better than most things you’re going to eat it’s better than anything you’re G to get at McDonald’s Burger King or Wendy’s 100% this you’ve had you’ve had some awful takes like seriously some of the worst takes in the history of the show that right there is by far the worst take youve ever had your gas station Pizza is better than anything you could get from McDonald’s or Wendy’s is that what if you said it’s 3 in the morning right and you said Gary we got three choices McDon four choices McDonald’s Wendy’s pizza or quick trip Pizza like McDonald Wendy Burger King a quick trip Pizza let’s go get the pizza 100% 100% it’s still pizza right I get it’s it’s bottom tier pizza but it’s still Pizza are you nuts are I know the answer serious no no no no anything from McDonald’s is better than gas station Pizza anything nothing at McDonald’s a big back any of their chicken nuggets their crispy chicken sandwich their uh to-go wraps anything is better than gas station pizza for McDonald’s or Wendy’s or any fast food place that’s legitimate I think like quick trip or 7-Eleven that pizza it’s not it’s obviously terrible but it’s still better than anything you get at McDonald’s are you nuts have you had Wendy’s chicken tenders before or Wendy’s Crispy Chicken Sandwich 40 years old I had McDonald’s and W Wendy’s many have you had a Quarter Pounder from McDonald’s before of course yeah and if you’re giving me a choice guest station pizza from quick trip or or or a Big Mac or a quarter pounder I’m going to take the pizza 10 out of 10 times it’s not even close all right my next question to you is Gary when was the last time you were hit in the head yesterday I mean it’s it’s been it’s 10 years it’s been a while it’s been a while what are we talking about okay I’m not I’m not the only Pizza junkie in here that would agree with that statement if you’re a real Pizza junkie you would gas station Pizza is disgusting it disgusting but we didn’t we’re not talking about levels of good here we’re talking about crap you’re going to eat at 3:00 in the morning no one would agree with you everyone everyone watching the show no everyone watching the show has had a late night where they needed to get fast food at the end of the night and they love a McDonald’s burger or a Wendy’s chicken sandwich I mean is it just McDonald’s and Wendy’s you’re throwing Burger King in there too what about Chick-fil-A what about Raising Canes what about open I like chickfly and raising C but then I open at 3 in the morning so give me the fast food places that you think are better or or worse than gas station Pizza those three for sure Taco do you do you have taco Casas in uh in Houston I would no I would go to Taco Bell okay Taco Bell is definitely worse than gas station Pizza no it’s not oh my God of all the things that you can eat right like gas station pizza and and wings gas station wings too I’m put that it’s not that bad right like this can’t be a real take even for you a real take like I would I understand that they are bottom level wings and bottom level Pizza like it’s it’s the bottom of the barrel I understand that but it’s still better than most things it’s still better this is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard this I I know there’s at least a third of the audience is gonna a third a high number maybe not a majority minority of people agree with me I’m gonna run it up the poll right now there’s just there’s just no way just it’s impossible so put Big Mac or quarter pounder against gas St some pizza I guarantee you I get a nice chunk of people on my side the majority I might not win but there’s going to be a lot of people who agree with me no and if they click yes in agreeing with you they’re trolling they’re not I’ll run it up the poll I’m I’m I’m all about democracy I I I don’t think I’m gonna win but I think give me a percentage that you think is gonna agree with me just top of your head 5% if that one% 35 I think it’s way higher than you think there’s just Burger King not good food it’s horrible bro and you don’t feel good you’re arguing for gas station Pizza look yourself in the mirror damn it Knockouts don’t matter if you’re landed of Jabs uh what are we doing let me run it up the poll stand by people I’m typing this out right now what should the question be is Gary on crack No it should be do you agree that gas station Pizza is better than anything from McDonald’s Wendy’s or Burger King all right just under 100 characters perfect yes or no so if you agree with Gary vote Yes if you don’t vote no everyone understand run it up the poll poll is officially active good God ladies and gentlemen while Gary was spouting whatever that was a man who goes by the name Mike D’s Nuts has returned and he has returned to gift five counted five more membership sh ladies and gentlemen we actually now have a Sounder we could play when Mike D’s nut strikes enjoy bang thank you m nuts for another gifted membership maybe the most absurd video we’ve ever played on this show if you hear your name called you got a membership Goose McGee C wayen Rex Ryan shout out to coach Mr downtown and Dean you are all officially an as Maniac unreal wow what a ride Rex Ryan wrote in still in shock how crazy de nuts went yesterday and then Rex got a membership how about that unreal does anyone agree with g 84% say no so far who could have saw that one coming more of your calls right now ladies and gentlemen joining us right before he is set to undergo a heart procedure is a man we call Dre hello Dre what’s going on my guy how’s everything going Dre how are you doing I’m feeling great I go already I’m in my Jet’s gear ready to go to the hospital and get the procedure done this way the doctor knows everybody know was like listen this is what’s at stake so let’s have this procedure done so we can be at 100% when the season starts let’s go I’m not spending a long time on the D shout out to everybody in the Discord yo for real 100% the love that I received there the love I get from yall I truly appreciate that so yo you guys are the real MVPs real talk thank you very much and I don’t know why JJ keeps trying to associate me with gas station sushi I’m not the one who came up with that if I saw that I would probally bomb it in the gas station that be like oh God this is ABS the worst thing you could do like I don’t know where that came from like I brought up about G about queing sandwiches from a gas station because I’ve seen that and I was like yeah I’m pass on that too I’m not eating at a gas station I don’t know what’s upe a Gary but I’m telling you right now Wendy’s and Burger King I you could have McDonald’s McDonald’s you know it’s MC mystery meat I I I’ll feel you there but when Wendy’s is good food like I trust the food that I’m getting from Wendy’s and Burger King grills their burgers so at least it feels like you having a cook cook a backyard cookout you know and you could get flame broiled you know you could do that so I’m not understanding what the whole issue is I’m not putting gas station Pizza in my mouth that’s disgusting I would rather have sabar we would rather eat sabar first like you know that that’s Saros is you as Jake says he’s he’s already said on the record as that is 100 % authentic New York Pizza yeah like I would take staros over gas station Pizza any day of the week come on every day of the week so I I really we need to stick to football and you know High Jinks and the shinanigans because our culinary skills evidently we we we don’t belong talking about food so let’s just let not do that no more shout out to my boy BAC JJ leave me back alone man he you know what he gave us Favre he gave us Rogers let we welcome him in of course he can root for his favorite quarterback because he loves Aaron Rogers and he’s seen far andaron Rogers and we all know Rogers is way better than far so let’s just accept him Embrace him we are not see JJ he must be a bandwagon fan for other sports like he’s probably a recent Yankees fan and something talking about the evil empire and all of these championships to World Championships and so he’s bougie about oh bandwagon fan like the Jets fans aren’t going to welcome bandwagon fans I’m going tell you right now I already got room set up for like my cousins that the all Giants fans when when we start winning and we start winning championships and they want to move us I’m be like come here sit next to me on the bandwagon I’ve been here the whole time holding your seats so I don’t know what the issue is our L of badwagon pants that means we’re doing it right that means we’re popular that means our team is kicking ass and taking names and so we got a new few new fans that weren’t there at the beginning I’m not going to disparage anybody’s from fandom what’s wrong with you stop doing that Dre than that good luck with the procedure okay all right my brother you guys take care love y’all I’ll talk to y’all later ladies and gentlemen Dre checking in before the heart procedure we love it no such thing as a badwagon Jets fan man if Bach wants to RI for Rogers because he’s his favorite athlete there’s nothing wrong with that still a Packer fan the Brady example is a great one because I know plenty of Patriots fans in my life that were basically Bucks fans for those years Brady played in Tampa how could you not be Dan says Dre We heart you good luck today love that King lski says Neil is sick to his stomach right now you’re so right have anyone caught Neil’s call yesterday hysterical just dumping on everyone for their food takes fpp says jj1 calm cool and Collective interesting fpp taking JJ side update on the poll Gary thought that 35% of the audience would agree with him right now 81% of the audience does not agree with Gary and I truly believe the 19% that does is trolling no chance more calls right now ladies and gentlemen joining us live on what looks like a boat is Peter Castro hello Peter Jake how are you not as good as you Peter Jake uh what’s his name Al what’s what’s his name oh Gary he’s out of his mind I own gas stations I own gas stations the only thing you buy there is coffee Beer soda ice stuff like that pizza forget about it absolutely forget about you want a good pizza you go to Johnny’s and Mal Veron that’s the best as as far as Aaron roders goes I got a lot of faith in him Jake I got a lot of fake faith in Aaron he he’ll take over that team the offense jets are going to be great they’ll be 14 and three at worst this year and then onward to the playoffs and I think we’re going to be fine I love it Peter I love the optimism from you this is tremendous well you know why because Aaron gives it to me you listen to Aaron Rogers talk and you just he’s a winner he knows he knows what he’s doing he’s a winner you don’t have to think twice about what he’s saying he knows what he’s doing I agree I agree so onward and tell Gary though he’s got to be kidding me go to a gas station for pizza what is these nuts I love it you you own gas stations you can speak to him you you can talk some sense into him put him on I’ll talk to him he’s out of his mind he’s not on hold anymore okay all right well uh tell Neil I’m only I’m in shinik Bay I’m only five minutes away from him tell him to come on down all right well you guys got to hang out this weekend then I love it he’s only about 10 minutes from my house I love it I’ll connect you to I don’t know if you have his contact info but EMA email me Peter I don’t know if you’re on Instagram or Twitter but I I’ll put you guys in touch all right take take it easy have a nice weekend nice Memorial Day great show as you as usual Peter you’re the man enjoy the boat we’re all jealous love that tremendous Peter owns Gas Stations is calling out Gary that’s amazing uh more calls right now are we ready for this one buckle up Allan has called in hello Allen H morning what’s going on first of all that view behind Peter was unbelievable uh secondly all the best to Dre um as far as fast foods are concerned uh rest in peace Morgan Spurlock who passed away today I didn’t see that super bad I mean not super bad yeah he died of cancer today 53 years old oh sorry to see that man I mean that that’s one of the best documentaries I’ve ever watched I totally agree um very much looking forward to watching Jet games with Gary this fall uh I do feel bad for Aurora has to watch it with us but are you actually are you confirmed confirmed moving to Dallas that’s where you’re moving I am I’m moving uh we’re moving in June we’re moving next month uh where we have the we have four offers for our house now so we’re trying to figure out which one we’re going to pick but we’re moving into an apartment in late June and my wife starts her new job in early July so um definitely dreading the summers in Texas I know you’ve experienc it I heard it’s about 110 115 degrees there so I’m definitely not looking forward to that I will not miss it that is the it’s the only part of Texas that is the worst the Summers yeah uh as far as fast food is concerned um I hate McDonald’s don’t get me wrong the only thing that’s good about McDonald’s is one thing and that’s its diet co*ke diet cooking McDonald’s is the greatest invention ever I can’t eat there but there is no way I would take any gasstation pizza over any fast food no chance wow you know it’s a bad take if you are not GNA agree with Gary because you love to agree with Gary I love Gary takes uh I I don’t eat fast food I think only one I really would eat now is like a Chick-fil-A I’ve had Raising Canes once and I thought it was pretty good looking forward to actually going to uh have another In-N-Out Burger when I move to Texas as it’s not here in North Carolina but there is no chance in the world that would take gas station Pizza you got to have waterburger when you’re in Dallas they’re everywhere I’ve had a water bger I actually like Water Burger too but um it’s not fast food though hot take on it it’s technically fast food but it takes forever if you’re on the drive-through line that it’s it’s it’s crazy to me that people wait as long as they do in and out I think is better because it’s efficient it’s quick um Pizza in Texas I don’t know if there’s any I’m not that sure if there is um told that there’s maybe one or two in Plano I’m not sure about that but there is no chance in the world I would take gas station Pizza over anything and I hate fast food but I love Gary I’m looking forward to watching football games with him um but there’s no chance that’s the only thing I have to say there’s nothing really to talk about about may practice at Flor and bark so I can’t I can’t wait for you and Gary to uh call the postgame show together that would be pretty funny that would be pretty again I worry about week two against Tennessee because I think we go into that game 0 and one so in my opinion that’s where all the pressure comes on to Sala in the Jets I just don’t think they win week one just to get to Tennessee they have to win that game they cannot go to the T to the Patriot game on a Thursday night at 0 and2 they must win that Nashville game so always a pleasure and happy Memorial Day to all you even no I can’t really wish happy Memorial Day to those two clowns Bobby and B ma okay always a pleasure man bye Allan farewell what a call from Allen on brand Super Chat from Nate Nate writes in my Joe Douglas Jersey has arrived and it’s glorious ALS also Jake do you ever read Discord DMs I do Nate it’s one of the benefits of being on Discord you can reach me directly did you actually order a Joe dougas Jersey send us a picture of that that’s hilarious if so shout out to Nate for giving us some practice updates yesterday that was hilarious I got a text from someone that is in my line of work that thought that was hysterical more Super or more calls and we’ll continue with your super chats up next is Gman the who I’m not familiar with hello Gman goodbye Gman that was a weird one Chef Kevin is up next hello Kevin Jake what’s up man how you doing hey what’s up man nothing much man uh so today is kind of started off with uh people a little bit on the on the hot side and if you remember yesterday I was a little pissed off that my rep didn’t let me know about you know the practice going on yesterday so this channel that you have man it’s like therapeutic um I feel like it’s also educational too like one of the words that I found out this year was inept I didn’t know what that was until you know we started talking about that and figured that out um you know church as well like I get so much from here but I just wanted to kind of just talk to you and then I’ll figure it out from the chat later on if I’m right or wrong but basically my rep last year told me I was able to get uh tickets to the summer camp for spring for the the uh the hard knots and all that it didn’t happen no worries I’m a cool even guy no problem so he said he got me for the next opportunity it didn’t happen yesterday so I got mad send him an email never got an email back should I still be mad should I talk to somebody else what what do you think I should do do you have a different rep you could reach out to I only have one I don’t want to say his name you know but go online and just find someone else that’s above that person and contact them yeah I think I might have to do that and then some will get back to you they the your season ticket they want your money what I’m saying exactly but I’m also thinking too because of what uh Nate said yesterday about the unruly people me um last year for the Patriots game I was actually on the field with my wife and my son holding the flag before the game started and then I saw belich on the field and I actually have it on video I’m over there like yelling at him I’m cursing at him a whole bunch of stuff and the Jets people came over was like hey you got to come down you got to come down I’m like a man F that I just started like just going off at bill and I was I was drinking honey of course and it was a one o’clock game so I think because of how early it was I just kind of got lost in the moment that was probably one thing so I might have got flagged they were going to kick me out but I was like hey don’t leave me for my wife and my son like so they were like easy with me with that and then I just closed it so I might have been flagged on that so thanks for the clarification Nate um but I do want to talk about since you said it yesterday on the Bobby fle of this that the Sushi I got to let yall know Sushi it doesn’t matter about fish it doesn’t matter if the food is cooked or not the basically what makes Sushi is the vinegar and the rice that’s what makes Sushi it doesn’t matter what goes in it a lot of people associate raw fish but it could literally be anything you put into it as long as it has the rice with the vinegar in it so I just want to clarify that and I love 3D I love my guy but you are bugging with that pizza taste it’s what he he it’s probably the worst take that’s ever been given out in the history of the show there’s nothing it’s not even close it’s not even close not even close i’ pick anything over gas station Pizza like WWA I know they’re trying to do something but don’t don’t talk me about no gas station Pizza seriously man Chef Kevin you’re the man where’s your restaurant by the way well thank you for asking so it’s a Cloverleaf Tavern located in Caldwell New Jersey where literally 15 minutes away from Floren Park I was I was at Floren Park when uh if you don’t mind out uh NJ Matt who did the um the Taylor Ham s that mik Wills the following day if you don’t remember like I I went up Park and I and I went there and dropped off 100 tailor hams I gave a couple of the security guys at the gate they let me through my rep was waiting for me brought it through gave me a tour and everything you know it was cool um I also follow those uh the the chefs the training chefs and whatnot not to talk smack but I’m I’m more qualified than all of them like I feel good like you said like hey you need to be you need to be training those chefs over there which you know I I I’m I’m good I’m good at what I do we’re very busy we’ve been open for 91 years wow we’re we’re the number one bar in the country Clover Leaf Tavern we have the accolades when prohibition ended in 1933 we got the first liquor license in Jersey and it was for $1,000 that is awesome I I definitely will have to pay you a visit at some point that’s great I’m here but appreciate everything you do I just felt like I had to jump in because we were talking food the last couple days plus I was pissed at my my rep still am I’m not gonna lie I think we know why you weren’t invited though if you screaming at bich which well worth it I get that I get that yeah I got it on video too man I got it on video all right do me a favor me send us the video we’ll play it gotcha gotcha all right DM it to me on uh Twitter that’s the best way at Jake asmin my brother will do my man there we go Chef Kevin checking in that is great I love that we have to check out his bar Jeet fans if you’re a jersey Clover Leaf Tavern Pittsburgh Mike says looking forward to my Huga house hat I’ll rep it next time I call in thanks for the code love that I’m wearing a Huga house hat right now promo code asmin at checkout is that code for the discount buy one hat get the second at 30% off they actually just restocked and added a couple of brand new hats so I got to look through that later because I’m sure I’ll buy another one from Huga house but get the Hat I’m wearing get the Hat Aaron’s always wearing a bunch of Jets players see the Hat on the left there same hat that Aaron’s rocking Huga promo code asmin at checkout you’ll get a discount with your purchase all right we tried to go to this guy before and he dropped off and well he just dropped off again so never mind but joining us right now on the line is a man who has a Joe Douglas Jersey reportedly Nate up next hello Nate it’s here in all of its Glory it right after practice yesterday from from parts are known because it’s it’s Morgan Moses’s number so I looked up Joe Douglas’s the one the one photo from him when he played in at Richmond anywhere number 78 so Joe Douglas shout out to his Richmond uh Richmond Spiders number 78 I’ll be repping that yeah hold it up again 20 bucks is that Parts Unknown that’s Parts Unknown 20 bucks like beautifully stitched so they had a Morgan Moses Jersey on Parts Unknown and you just customized it to say Jo I actually I ordered a Bree a gar like all the big times and then my I got one from my girlfriend I got her a Bree and then I was like oh did you want something else she was like do they have a Joe Douglas yours she she loves Joe Douglas for just from watching first like one Jets drive and all all the stuff I shove in her face and she’s like that’s the reason the Jets are good like they gotta keep him um she doesn’t know a lot about football but she likes him she was like yeah I want to Joe Douglas so I email I I chatted with the guy from from China on on the dhgate and he was like yeah which one do you want switched what do you want and I was like 78 Joe Douglas and then he I was like can you do it on mine too and I switched my uh my like Garrett or whatever I ordered to this too and they made the change spelled it beautifully and uh 78 here to stay that is amazing you gotta be the only Jet fan with a Joe Douglas Jersey yeah but I don’t I think there’s more out there there’s other Joe Douglas truther so to speak I was never a Zach truther but I’m I’m absolutely a Joe Douglas truther I love it awesome I I loved um I loved listening to you about um talking about Aaron I heard I didn’t listen to the whole interview I just heard the blur about yeah like we’re the we’re the best and you know we want to be we were on Prim Time because everyone wants to see us blah blah blah blah I love that Peter I saw his clip from yesterday but he’s he’s turned it around Aaron Rogers got him fired up all of a sudden so I love that all the Jets fans are kind of turning what happened to me overnight I don’t know if I told you the story I got that that hat autographed by like all the all the Jets but it was a hat that I was sold out online that I went like all the way to Liz and queens to go pick up two of them so I didn’t have anything to get signed and then Isaiah Davis signed it and then he was like that’s a nice hat I want it and I was like well you shouldn’t have signed it I would have given it to you I got another one at home and then he comes back to me after doing all the autograph lines and he like T takes his phone out he’s like yo what’s your IG could I buy that other hat off you like that that’s fine like it sold out and I was like all right and then he followed me on IG now he messaged me this morning he was like so where you where you at can I meet you BL and give him now but now I gotta make a decision like I biked to Queens for these two hats and they’re sold out and supposed to be this exclusive dropped now I got to make this decision like I basically lost two in one day because I got them all autographed one of the kids who’s my coach is a big jets fan gave it to him yesterday and then Isaiah Davis actually I didn’t think he’d take me up in the offer like I said it as a joke and then he dm’ me like yeah I want that hat so what’s up so I feel like I’m losing both but for a good cause for both re well you kind of deal with him maybe maybe he could get you some other jet gear in exchange for it like they I’m thinking I don’t want to make it too transactional but but yeah I know I know he’s going to offer something and I’ll be like yeah well he’s probably going to offer the money for it but just say hey I don’t want money how about you just saw you know can I get like you know some some new jet swag cuz you know I I would trade that hat for maybe a hat or a shirt they have all the licensed gear that in there what I for exactly or meet them that was a fun experience him dming me when I haven’t used Instagram in like 10 years I Ed it to like follow stuff but not and is just DM me hey man I want that relationship with the guy now too it’s the start of a friendship I love it there you go there you go but yeah cheers Jake cing I gotta leave in five minutes head to Boston for a funeral for the weekend so enjoy your moral Day weekend take care you two great calls yesterday date that’s a great story condolences to you as well man that’s wild Joe Douglas Jersey and wheeling and dealing a hat with a Jets rookie running back Jerome writes in 14 and three says Jerome the Packers Fan injected into my veins Jerome I hope you’re right he’s been saying that for months all right Gman The Profit stay on the line I’m coming to right now can you hear me yes sir yeah how you doing today man I’m at the office you know I got a few things to say I love the show first of all you’ll be seeing me more I like to go by Gman a prophet because I’m I’m gon do a little prophesizing for you today okay um the Jets will win in San Francisco opening night and to move forward gree Hall would be offensive player of the year and that Aaron roders will be the MVP of the league and we’re going to have the top three offense and the top three defense this is what it is and this is what it’s going to go G man the Propet has made this statement and our record will be 15 and two the two games will be rested at the end of the year the two losses I love you Jake you’re a good dude I love the show I love the content let’s go Jets Gman I love it where are you calling us from I’m calling from Jersey I’m in the doctor’s office are you a doctor I’m guessing oh no no I’m not a doctor um you know just you know we like like a medical we the medical people but we we we’re Jets we’re all Jets fans here I got the whole office maybe the Jets can this place is like the office as well too you should see it it’s funny it look it’s just gonna add to the to The Maniacs that this show preser um puts out anyway so Gman great call call back all right absolutely love you guys stay up and stay gold I love it what a call Gman The Profit a debut call some first time callers today the last couple days love it big things ahead folks if you haven’t hit the Subscribe button on the channel you’re missing out more calls right now let’s go to Dre Day what’s up Dre Day yo what’s going on Dr how you doing man what’s up man wild show man first of all I want to say I don’t know what’s wrong with Gary and his taste buds yeah that’s that’s gas station Pizza yeah okay second of all Dre um fight fight fight keep stay strong brother you’ll be all right brother make it through third of all I want to say uh we need a four-way uh four-way call off JJ and Allen versus Bobby and your boy vmac man I I mean it’s just it’s just getting Wilder by the day Dre D I mean there’s some real hatred out there between these people and we need we need to have you on there as the referee so we get all four of them guys on the screen to have you as the referee just just have a whole show and let them just go off with each other CU them guys is something else man it’s it’s always an adventure I’ll tell you that yes sir well keep up the good work Jake and like I said I see you soon Buddy Tre day appreciate you man great call Great call NY Jets Florida next up what’s up NY run into my phone Jake hold on all right appreciate the uh well maybe I have to find it again Jesus we hear you I don’t know what we’re looking at I see a sky there we go 95 degrees out working outside appreciate all the comedy couple of notes Allan if you have four offers in your house take the highest one if you resort to name calling like the word tool you lost an argument and Gary you gotta be insane bro Wendy’s was voted one of the top five best burgers so if you don’t even have a Wendy’s burger or a gas station Pizza I I know what he’s saying about that dude the Wendy’s bacon ater or any of their chicken sandwiches I mean it’s it’s amazing and him to say gas station Pizza is better than anything they have it’s one of the worst takes of all time I I I think I think that goes along with he didn’t mention the 40 beers he had before that you know what I mean to he needs the high fat content to drown out the uh dilute the the beers that happened beforehand so I guess that might be the greasiest nastiest thing you could you could you could eat after after you have all consume on your beers so anyway Jake uh show show is show is awesome as usual I appreciate you keeping it Loose uh I’m working out here putting up a tent 95 degree weather so in Florida so uh why are you wearing a sweatshirt then because I’ve been in the Sun for 20 years you know I’m I’m and I’m I’m white I’m ghostly white sort of like you you get in the sun you probably burn right so so you get in the sun you burn I’m just trying to protect my myself as much as possible with glasses and a hat and a long sleeve shirt what hat is that that’s not a patriot logo is it no no no it’s like a Puma hat I don’t know my father yeah no no no I’m I’m I’m off the buck gear and stuff don’t worry I’m I’m not going to do that again I had an orange hat on the other day but I I learned my lesson on that one if I’m gonna call in I you know got be able to take some of the heat all right Jake Hey Jake I I do have a question don’t don’t take this the wrong way okay I I called in late yesterday I wanted to know what a what a young single Jake asmin does after his show like last night and you didn’t have what what do you what what what did you do last night like not all rated but you know did you go have dinner go out with your friends like what are you doing that yeah I I I got I got dinner with some friends last night actually okay cool I was just wondering you know we live in my single days we used to come in from Long Island to Manhattan on The Rona branch and hang out in New York and you know when you’re single so uh just just wanted to know thanks Jake have a good one NY Jets Florida what a call Pittsburgh Mike with a super chat Jake asit official caller power rankings are in one Scott two bonesy three Chef Kevin Four Mike D’s Nuts five Bobby strong rankings there you left out some alltime greats Pittsburgh Mike some alltime greats but the number one caller on your list is Scott and Scott joins us right now hello Scott oh thank you for the uh the poll rankings I guess but I you know like I said the the the stuff with um I’m just getting it going I got to go with the gym but real quick all the stuff with Aaron Rogers is coming out like I said the media we just got on the field with OTAs and it’s already starting I I mean like all the other shows the same cliche garbage I I just it’s May for so I just need to ask you did you like any of the parcel’s bit yesterday and we can talk football anything you want but if you did like that I’m just asking what what parcel’s bit yesterday did you hello did you like the parcels take or no you didn’t talk about Parcels yesterday anyone Scott what are you referring to audio Scott you didn’t mention bill parcel’s yet yesterday I don’t know what you’re talking about oh the the the parel or the other day with the um pants falling down uh Pest Control when I was spraying his house and my pants fell down yeah well yeah we all love that story yes but that was a couple days ago yeah it’s the audio it’s it’s messed up Scott thank you for the time what the hell [Music] I guess that’s why he’s the number one caller according to Pittsburgh Mike the reason right there Scott told a story earlier this week how when he was in Pest Control he worked on Bill parcel’s Saratoga home and his pants fell down while working on the home and Bill parcel’s and I guess his wife and the people there were making fun of him that was the story he told the other day it wasn’t yesterday though and when he just said Bill parcel had no idea what he was talking about amazing I mean Scott has given us some epic calls folks I mean he gave us the duck Chase earlier in the week and then he gave us the call yesterday where he asked random women if they wanted to come on the show it’s been a week for Scott there’s no doubt ladies and gentlemen Jerry Perez has just gifted 10 Channel memberships that’s right not just D nuts coming through for the people Jerry Perez Step It Up Show Me the Money show me the money money money money if you hear your name called You’re a channel member thanks to Jerry Perez Crema deeme Matias Morales Dorcas Bella NYC CF quick Doo Rob L Steve V Josh frisman Jay Herz Joel you are all officially as Maniacs boom ladies and gentlemen Scott has called back in hopefully his internet is working a little better or he’s not on drugs either way when Scott calls we answer hello Scott Scott is this a bman impression or you actually asleep I know what can wake Scott up King lski is on the line what’s up King ah Scott’s gone damn it a jake my brother Jake my brother Bo this show is off the rail and let me tell you something we asked for Scott we got Scott damn it okay Scott came back full forth we asked for the legend Scott we got Scott baby report live to you from the rare uh moments from King L’s house okay I’m not in the car today but I just had to call in man because this is a all time show okay at the end of the day Gary you don’t even season your chicken son I I I’m convinced you don’t even season your chicken son so don’t come on here talking about no damn food okay at the end of the day we all know what’s appetizing and we all know what we want we want that damn chicken souit Y come on with that damn chicken soup Char we need it Char you ain’t been here in a minute Char we need that damn chicken sou Chef Kevin I’m coming to Clover I’m telling you cl to Clover Leaf I need some of them chicken wings Chef Kevin I need it hey Scott wake your ass up we need a welcome we need a wellness check on Scott okay I Scott I need some of that fried duck FR me up some [Music] dck let’s go kosi baby Scott I hope you’re awake now after you heard the King on the line amazing amazing I I mean come on now what what a show what a show unbelievable Mike D’s Nuts he’s super chats L’s definitely higher on that list if not number one how about that de’s nuts advocating for the king look I I’m not going to give a a ranking here because I love all the callers but I would say this to Pittsburgh Mike if you’re ranking the top callers and king loski is not on your list I think the list is invalid I think King lki has to be in your top five he just has to be I mean there there’s too many good callers but I’ll offer a king lki take he needs to be in the top five he belongs there more of your calls right now Darren in the Attic hello Darren unmute your mic Darren hit the uh mic button should be right down below there’s like a microphone icon that says mute hit that Darren Darren we can’t hear you Darren but we could see you do you know sign language oh there we go I think I got it now no what I was gonna say I think the only way Pittsburgh Mike is right with those rankings if he’s ranking hair because Scott’s definitely top of the hair yeah it’s tough to argue with that if you think about it I mean there Scott I mean as we could see here Scott has some of the greatest hair we’ve ever seen and he’s saving that so we can donate it to somebody so I don’t want I don’t want to make too much fun of him but uh great call whatever and then what was New York talking about because I had something to say about that too NY Florida uh I don’t remember what he was talking about to be honest it’s been a wild show I don’t either there’s too much going on man all right you enjoyed the rest of your day brother Darren thank you what a call what a call last chance to get in we’re an hour and 35 minutes into this unreal today’s Jake asid show presented by my friends at Fanatics Jet fans get your officially licensed jet gear right down below it’s linked and it’s all through Fanatics gety yourself a new Jets hat with the new logo a shirt any of the jerseys check it out Fanatics an official affiliate partner of the Jake asmin show also programming reminder Mad Dog Sports Radio I’m on I’m on uh Sunday 4 to 8 Eastern you can listen for free Sirius is running a free promotion from now until I believe uh let’s see it’s from now until June 3rd so you could listen all this week and next week for free download the SiriusXM app or in your car if you have Sirius and then Monday filling in for Allen Han and Bart Scott I’ll wear my Bart Scott Jets jersey in the studio noon to three we’ll be on talking to York Sports on Memorial Day and then actually that night I’m double dipping because I I don’t work hard enough baby ESPN radio right after the playoff game that night in the NBA 10:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. I’m on again so double dipping on Monday we got radio on Sunday I’ll try and squeeze in a YouTube show or two at some point this weekend so be on the lookout for that that’s the upcoming Radio schedule if you want more info join the patreon we’ll have information on when I’m going live and all that this weekend J asmin show all right more calls right now William is on the line hello William Jak my brother Jake my brother how you doing what’s up man I’m super excited this is uh this my first time calling um huge Jets fan I’ve been watching you GW since uh that jaguars debacle I’m actually in Jacksonville Florida and um after that rant I was like oh man sign me the hell up but um thanks for the Hat I appreciate you I got the discount on that puppy all right still trying to figure out this camera thing don’t mind me but I appreciate the leading uh speaking of ESPN New York I know you have this ongoing beef oh this is a Jets Hat by the way don’t mind the hair visor I love it yeah I figured it’s Unique plus you know the hair thing makes hats kind of challenging no if I had hair like that I would wear a visor every day [ __ ] right excuse my mil I apologize family daytime uh but also you know speaking of espb in New York I appreciate the lead in I know you have this ongoing beef with Chris KY and um you know forun I’m at the up at the cadon most of the time and Michelle smallman his coworker right she’s um she’s volunteering for auditions for like you know her new favorite sports team all right if she becomes a Jets fan it would kill Chris keny every day so I feel like our challenge to as Maniacs we need to offer her food all right we need to send her some sort of proposal and we need to make her a Jet fan plus she’s already talking about Aaron Rogers gonna be MVP sign me up sign her up really well I I’m surprised by that just because I know I had I I did a show on ESPN Radio we had Michelle on as a guest before the baseball season she’s a big she’s a big Cardinals Fan huge Cardinal Manan she didn’t sound like the biggest Aaron Rogers fan so I’m surprised she actually feels that way about Aaron ah so yes I usually wake up like the crack of dawn probably around like 6:30 and then I watch some um um you know the show with them on it and on ESPN in the morning as um un Sportsman light I watch boy green and then you know of course I watch you two three times a day and yeah no she it sounds like she’s on the Jets train she she just doesn’t know it yet and I think if we nudge her the right way send her some food we’ll get her bought in hey you know what if that’s what it takes all right you know I mean I don’t know if Chris KY will be too happy if Michelle is supporting such a a cancer exactly yes indeed so um you know I’m not going to take too long I’ll I’ll call back uh you know eventually and I appreciate everything you do I appreciate um you know the whole Jets crew and all the fans um Gary has [ __ ] taste and um have a wonderful day William thanks man and thanks for the Chanel memberships she gifted uh earlier this week that was awesome ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is Scott who’s called back inid hello scottt Scott Scott no way this is louder than bman [Music] oh Scott let me try and wake him up hold [Music] on didn’t work damn it let me try one more thing let me try one more thing where’s my [Music] champ all right let’s see if uh let’s see if he’s awoken Scott you’re up next hello Scott heyy what’s up man I’m awake it just um what I was uh referencing to is the uh Bill parcel story with the underwear yes um did you like that yeah I thought it was a hilarious story that’s nothing dude and pest controls with Nature’s Way just if you want to it ties in really quick I made three civilian arrests I called them in during pest control I have an EMT story was the side note which everyone was saying hey this guy Cooks people’s food you wna you want to get uh injured wait for that one and I think you said um we got to send me to a zoo I’ve been kicked out of two zoos you’ve been kicked out of two zoos oh yeah let’s start with that story let’s hear the story about you getting kicked out of a zoo okay so let’s do real quick okay in green Wich which is like um next to uh I think it’s Cambridge family it’s on the southern Vermont borderer um Chef Ramsey was there for um Hotel Hell I think it was Cambridge we were there he he was cool you know he was filming he like guys I like to talk but anyway they had a small zoo in green witch and they had it got dismantled because of small cages you know inhumane humanitary reasons but when I was there they had you know gator pit maacs you know all kinds of monkeys bears but there was a in a cage there was a male um tiger and a male lion the it doesn’t matter it was a family run operation but the guy comes out because the male tiger didn’t like me so what he did was he kind of like gred his uh he kind of made a face at me he turned around he tried to pee on me the male lion now that’s a rope about like this thick that shot out about 8 to 10 feet now the point is the tiger was laying down just whatever he saw the commotion he smelled the pee he gets up and he’s like he’s agitated now they’re right in my face right next to the cage the Lions on this side the Tigers on this side they literally look at each other and then they turn and they look at me and when they look at me I swear it’s was like the Hulk you know the the Hulk series when his eyes change when the chemical reaction happens their eyes just bulge and they’re both staring at me this close like oh [ __ ] so I’m with my girlfriend Sarah I said get away from me stay away I said is that door closed because if it’s not I’m in trouble so what happens is the owner comes out his wife says hey you know what’s going on out there and he comes out he’s like hey I saw the uh urine on the ground he’s like you got to get out of here so he’s like run with me so we run out together um outside the facility there’s a retaining wall he’s like I gotta hide you here he’s like that the lion and tiger they can smell you they can smell you two uh miles away I’ll get to that one in a minute so he’s like I don’t know I don’t know if you can come back he’s like personally you didn’t do anything I don’t care but my wife’s pissed off I don’t know so that closed down I got kicked out out of that one now the second zoo was was the San Diego Zoo grade two until I got there if you’ve been there it’s it’s poer Bear Stadium it seats 1100 people capacity it’s like a U-shaped you walk in there’s a retaining wall again on the right hand side you exit through the left just like a theater yeah I’m on the left- hand side right next to the 1100 uh capacity sign there’s a retaining wall and then there’s like a little Landing that the bear has and then he has his pool so he’s frolicking doing whatever guy says hey you know hey there’s that man he’s in the way and and he was a shaer I’m like now they’re kids they’re only people I’m T than anyway let them do their thing so what happens is the the polar bear is frolicking around just doing whatever then all a sudden he just starts doing these motions just come in real quick real slow and real he comes up to me right by the plexiglass and starts banging on the Plexiglas he’s you know baring oh no we can’t lose Scott midc story on why he was banned from a zoo no Scott call back in get out better wi-fi God Mike D’s Nuts says Scott does not represent Upstate New York LOL Lenny super chats us with his free Channel membership Jake asmin show the Jerry Seinfeld show of jets YouTube content we’ll take it ly Mike D’s Nuts says Scott me and Mai were in Cambridge on that episode what a call from Scott I’m glad he woke up too a little worried he was just going to be sleeping ladies joining us right now as someone who’s gonna have to do something this year that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy watch Jets football with Gary and Allen Aurora joins us now hello Aurora yeah I was so I was doing some chores around the house and I was like I hear Alan say my name and I’m like or Allan whatever you call it Alan Allen now but I heard I heard him say my was like oh I I pray for her she’s got the watch and I’m just like yeah but I will promise this to you Jake I will send you privately some like shorts to include in your videos and your your shows so that people know the full experience there of listening to these two folks during a Jets game yes we need we need plenty of content I’ll make sure that we uh we we air the best of Allan and Gary at the Dallas Jets bar yeah yeah I’m overall just getting really excited for for the the upcoming season I like was looking at how many months it’s away I’m like oh my God we still have the whole summer to get through right now and I’m was like I just like put our my family on the list to get the group by for the Jets for the home opener so I’m was like just really want to get these tickets reserved I want to get our tailgate going I just I want the season to start and uh yeah that that’s all just wanted to come on and say hi great call and and once again I wish you all the best this year thank you Aurora we’ll beat I’ll beat you week one at the home opener too I can’t wait or week three I should say yeah sounds good also my boyfriend I’m purchasing him a canoby jersey cause I showed him the video because he’s not into football at all and I showed him a gator uh video and he was like I want a canoby jersey now I’m like okay here you go that’s amazing I I you gotta call in when he wears the Jersey all right yeah he’ll be at the game with it so amazing I love it great call Great call that’s epic love that Aurora representing our 4% female audience baby and growing unreal Alan writes in love Aurora my goal is to embarrass her as much as possible dear God more calls right now purple belt Mike is on the line hello Mike yo what’s up what’s up Mike yeah I can’t I can’t wait for uh the UFC tomorrow that interview you did with Dustin awesome getting picked up I just got tagged in a tweet from Championship RS they cover MMA they got 18,000 Twitter followers and they aggregated the cut of him saying hey he doesn’t close the door on the McGregor fight despite what he had said previously so I got that out of him which is cool yeah that’s awesome yeah he did a good job you got to get more um content man and you know what if porier wins then you can be like you go on my show you’re guaranteed to win because you you already got derck Lewis so I’m really rooting hard for uh for porier tomorrow it’s true I’m having uh I’m having Randy Brown on next week too he’s from he’s from Queens he’s fight he’s the first fight on the main card at 302 you know maybe I can talk I’m a purple BT at Sarah BJJ maybe I can uh get something for you Bo if you do one of the sah guys yeah all right I’ll look into that um real quick with the Jets if if all goes well right what’s your realistic ceiling because obviously me Super Bowl but like let’s be real with you know you being in the N what’s our realistic ceiling uh to win the Super Bowl that’s my that’s M yeah what what do what do you’re in the same boat no I mean I think their ceilings a Super Bowl I think they have a Super Bowl caliber team I I think I I look at it like this Mike the goal in the regular season should be win the division have a home playoff game and at least win one playoff game and then anything after that you have as good a chance as any team to win the whole thing but like to me like the the the Jets have the Jets have a successful season if they win the division and at least win one playoff game I know we want bigger than that but like I think that’s where it starts and then you know the expectations change as the year goes on like the injuries happen are the teams around them not as good as we think are they better than we realize like if Aaron wins the MVP in the regular season you know the goal is the Super Bowl at that point you know like this might be your best shot ever at it so I I think just like being realistic at least 10 wins I want the division though and I want to win at least one playoff game and you go from there I think we might have lost Mike in the car but good call there jetpack says I’ll identify as female to boost those numbers to 5 per. I don’t think it works that way but I appreciate the support um hold on one second Peter on Discord messaged me uh his contact info I want to make sure we send it to Neil so we can get a Neil and Peter meet up this weekend hold on this is important stuff I got to copy and paste this Peters info he’s 10 minutes from you okay there we go uh Tom a says Lane train Jersey needed there’s only one of those and Lane train has it right now Mr mcmoney says I identify as a Super Bowl champion I’d love to identify as that too Darren says stop being cautious Jake Super Bowl or bust get a couple High NOS in me this weekend I’ll be right there with you Darren don’t worry and when I’m by the pool tomorrow all right at the great Rachel Rubin household maybe my opinion will change but right now I’m I’m expecting to win the division and I’ll go from there uh Allan writes in Al l n equals fancy and classy Allen equals fancy and classy Allen equals crude and dirt bag some times they intermingle the spelling of Allen’s name seems to make no sense still don’t know what’s going on there all right let’s see um Darren says Jake only types with two fingers wrong watch this hey Darren go f your self boom check the chat Darren I left the message for you just kidding uh let’s see Greg writes in Allan my middle name is Allen interesting um enette says Allen equals a lot of nuance or nuisance that’s nuisance right I can’t read I don’t know let’s see Allan says Aurora boyfriend not a football fan now that’s nuts I even got my wife into football unfortunately she loves Allan and momes it’s a bad job by you Allan if your wife wasn’t into football you could have made her a Jets fan but the fact that you allowed her to root for a division rival doesn’t exactly bold well for us believing you’re a real Jets fan um Lou says with the real Allen please stand up ladies and gentlemen our final caller is someone who was on earlier but a lot has happened since he was last on I want to give him an opportunity to give his thoughts on today’s program buckle up well you know your is a cartoon character um Bobby oh I did have me on again I’m sorry I was just I forgot to turn myself off I’m sorry well you you’ve been here the whole time so I wanted your take on today’s program oh it was good it was horrible to she Allan’s face it was disgusting I was puked and JJ and Allan should date I tell you those two should no I feel better for Mrs Allen though I feel bad that he she has to move to Dallas Texas with Allen oh my God living there imagine moving with that guy uhuh uhuh I feel bad for her definitely a plus a like King lki I wish I got to talk to that guy he has so much energy coming doesn’t he he does yeah he brings all the energy he hey Nick has that at the end of his shows he goes what do you learn from today’s show and we have to we all LS and stuff we learn on the show too what did you learn from today’s show then Bobby well Allan’s a jerk well we knew that already we didn’t just learn that no we know he’s a jerk for a long time that um let’s see what else oh uh scy got thrown on the two zoos yep that was a big one we didn’t get to hear the conclusion of the second story like Scott I think he’s hilarious do you like his hair yes he’s all right I got I got long hair too but not like that I wouldn’t have hair like that but it’s all right he does remind me he he’s just a funny guy he’s just a great guy he’s what you need if you depress you need him he’s funny he is very funny yes and then um you’re not going to be on later today right uh maybe I might surprise you Bobby I’ll write it in the Discord oh okay yeah check on Discord right King lki says I feel bad for her too Bobby I know right King Losi imagine being married to that thing thing that thing that cartoon character I wish Alan gets his brother JJ says he wants to be friends with you Bobby he thinks you guys would get along JJ get on here I want to talk to you what did I do wrong with you what did they say about you yeah JJ he mentioned my mouth and said I said something about him what did he say well you’re not answering the question are you getting a call Bobby no I can hold up I could call him later all right no JJ what did I say to you he said I didn’t he mention me he said I said something about him I don’t know what he said yeah he said something is he over there is he calling in he’s not on hold no I think all right well maybe next time actually he has just called in let’s see if we could broker a piece here before we wrap JJ hello JJ what did I ever say to you I don’t know what I said to you no yesterday you you uh or maybe it was two days ago you were like oh Jake you should have put JJ in the hole again well were you stupid say you you stupid rain sometimes you say stupid things okay that’s I got a couple questions for you I’m gonna it’s gonna be rapid fire question where are you from um originally from the Bronx mve to originally from the Bronx right McDonald’s or Wendy’s uh Mcdonalds gas station Sushi or gas station Pizza none of that crap yeah well you got you gotta pick one I don’t want it I don’t like it I that’s my I don’t like any of them okay one gotta go Robert Salah Joe Douglas or Jake gmin oh definitely uh Joe Douglas it was supposed to be easy one you were supposed to say Robert Salah all right uh let’s let’s let’s let’s keep going Yankees or Giants uh Yankees okay Giants or jets now Jets because Giants stink right that’s where you from I’m I’m from Queens New York but I lived in Florida until I was in the seventh grade I moved to Queens when I was like two uh part of Queens you know you know Hillside I lived in Glen Oaks you know where that is okay there that’s that’s a little bit further away from me um I think I had one more question for Bobby but I can’t it slipping my mind so this is the this is the first of many uh uh of our interactions all right I’m sorry I said something I nice no no it’s fine it’s fine it was just you know what it was I’m a huge fan of yours so when you wanted me to be banned for 24 hours it sung I was like all right you know first be Bobby yeah no I just want Alan to G forever that’s all Alan I think I think you and Allan can get along too how about this B doesn’t want to come since bmac doesn’t want to come with me to the game how about you and Alan come with me to the game August 24th you sit on my left will sit on my right sit in the middle I’m not going anywhere with that piece oh all right well I’m trying I’m I’m old for two today I gu I don’t like Alan I he doesn’t like me we don’t like each other so no Allan actually likes you he’s a huge fan of yours too trust me I know don’t lie just okay bye [Laughter] JJ Jesus Christ I do not Allan hates me I hate Allan that’s how it is this how it goes this show is what it is right well look all we need to know about Allen is that when push comes to shove Bobby always wins Bobby’s a tool I don’t give two sh*ts about him I feel B for your wife so blow it at your ass I hope your wife break your hand B’s a [ __ ] okay that’s fine you’re a hot B we can’t stand your voice me freaking headache imagine being married to that thing he’s a Lon crap of crap he’s a Lon crap of crap those are the fine words from Bobby midnight folks hit the like button if you haven’t two hours on May 24th who says there’s nothing to talk about with the New York chat certainly not me not on this show I’ll be back potentially later today I got some things I got to do first but I have an exciting announcement I want to make later on about our post game show we have landed a big time sponsor for all our postgame shows this year and it’s something I think Jet fans are going to be really excited about so I’m looking forward to that once again I’m on Mad Dog 4 to8 Eastern on Sunday I am on ESPN New York noon to three on Monday and ESPN national 10:30 to 1 am also on Monday so I appreciate all of you guys for the support for tuning in Mad Dog and all of serus is free for the next week so you can definitely check that out Carly writes in I could now use these funky emojis that’s right you’re finally an as maniac and you have access to all the Emojis and I added a brand new Robert Salah Emoji I also updated the Bobby Bindy Emoji to reflect him having a jet hat if you’re a channel member for longer than six months you now have the Jake asid show logo that is attached to your name as a sign of loyalty and a sign of being a true as Maniacs I want to thank everyone once again for the support ladies and gentlemen that does it for me but if you missed yesterday for the first time uh since I’ve done this show the jet head coach Robert Salah paid us a visit so if you missed it here’s a short clip and hopefully you go watch the rest of the show from yesterday Keith I got another special guest who’s on the line that wants to talk to you you ready for this oh no who is this gonna be ladies and gentlemen the head coach of the nyj Bob Salo yo Keith you really look nothing like me uh much better looking than um you know even a Jets fan so uh you know suck it pal uh I’m the real deal and you’re not coacho uh you are the real deal you are very handsome you are extremely well-built you are an excellent coach and and if you ever want to talk nicely to me I could be wooed over to become a Jets fan again okay I could I I will come back and rep Gang Green with you coach all right

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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