The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2681-2700 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2681

Charlie’s words left Melba completely speechless.

She finally knew that she was the biggest difference from Charlie.

She thinks human nature is too simple, and the world rules are too ideal.

But Charlie had already seen this through.

Helping others is really simple, but there must be a suitable reason.

Otherwise, even if the food wasted every day in developed countries is enough to feed all of Africa, Africa will still go hungry.

The reason is, why ask the billion people in developed countries to save the wasted food and send it to Africa?

It’s very simple to waste it. If you don’t want to eat, you can’t eat it, just throw it in the trash can.

Why ask others to give this wasted food to Africans? It doesn’t make sense!

The top 100 richest people in the world have money that can’t be spent in a lifetime, but every day in the world, there are people who starve to death because they can’t eat. The reason why people in the world are still starving to death is to kidnap these rich men morally?

The same is not justified.

The same goes for her seven companions.

What they did was nothing worth saving for Charlie.

Charlie asked Hamid to keep them alive, which was regarded as benevolence, and even their savior.

In this case, what about Charlie?

After understanding this, she slowly lowered her head and stopped talking.

She felt that she was a bit too emotional just now.

Instead of thanking Charlie for life-saving, she complained about his typical resentment.

Seeing that she finally stopped, Charlie’s mood eased slightly.

Hamid on the side seemed a little unhappy seeing Charlie, and he persuaded him: “Brother, Miss Watt may still be too young to see the sinister world, so some of the remarks are indeed a bit naive to us, but don’t go too far in your heart . Charlie nodded and said lightly: “My brother is right, but anyone who has seen a sinister world will never go to such a ghostly place to make a documentary.”

Hamid was very endorsed exclaimed:” To tell the truth, I did not understand what this group of young people think they are all Americans and come to Syria to shoot some anti-war documentary, but They didn’t even realize that the entire Middle East region has become like a lawless land today, and it is the United States that has been behind it!

“If they weren’t here to stir up, we don’t know how easy it would be!

Chapter 2682

“However, they sent troops to stir up a deal when we were all right. Even when they couldn’t get their hands free, they didn’t let us go. Instead, they secretly supported inciting one force to target another force, which in turn triggered our civil war.

“The result? Their group of young people came all the way to criticize us for fighting in the civil war. Can we say that their brains were eaten by dogs?

Hamid’s words-out, Melba was even more ashamed to not lookup.

In fact, although their so-called elites are highly educated, they are essentially a generation brainwashed by Western media.

They always feel that everything about Westerners is the truth, while other places except the West are backward.

They are in the West every day and they see how other countries fall behind, how turbulent, and how the people are not living the ideal way, so they can’t help but develop a sense of being the masters of the world.

As a result, they began to travel to various third-world countries, trying to change the entire third world on their own.

But they often overlook the most important point. Some third-world countries are not doing things themselves, but the proud United States is behind them.

Therefore, this behavior of them feels like they are standing on the moral commanding heights and is extremely noble, but it is actually very stupid in nature.

Seeing Melba lowering her head deeply, Charlie smiled and said to Hamid: “They did this as if his father took away other people’s clothes. Not only did they not know, but they also ran away. In the past, righteous words told people that you must be a civilized person in a civilized society, and you must not be as ridiculous as you are n@ked.

Hamid gave a thumbs up and said in admiration: “Brother, the summary is brilliant!

Charlie smiled. Said: “It can’t be said to be incisive. It can only be said that the higher education in the countries is too brainwashed. This large group of doctors and postdocs can’t even understand the basic international situation.”

Hamid said with emotion: “It’s still a brother, you see. Must be thorough.”

Charlie looked at the time. It was estimated that it would take about 20 minutes before Chester and the others arrive. He saw Hamid standing on the ground. His left leg with muscle atrophy needed to stand on a rock ten centimeters high. Being able to maintain the balance between the left and right sides of the body, he couldn’t help but

think to himself: “This Hamid is not a bad person, and he can be regarded as very moral, but he is quite good to me. Then think of him limping-one There must be many inconveniences and constraints on the leg in a war-torn place like Syria, so an idea came to him. So, he smiled and asked Hamid: “Brother, have you ever thought of putting your left leg healed?

Hamid smiled bitterly: “Of course I thought about it, and I can use all the methods I can. In order to cure this leg, I have been to Germany, the United States, and Japan in another identity. I spent tens of millions of dollars on seeking medical treatment, but I still can’t cure my leg.

When it comes to this, Hamid sighed: “Hey! If I didn’t achieve great cause, I became a lame man. This is really me. A lifetime regret.”

Charlie said with a smile: “It’s not as serious as the biggest regret in a lifetime. It doesn’t matter if the leg is lame, it can be cured! Hamid said helplessly: “It can be cured, of course, I don’t say these words. But the best orthopedic surgeon in the world told me personally that it would be impossible to cure it, so I didn’t have any hope. Maybe this is the destiny arranged for me by God, and it is destined that I cannot achieve great cause.”

Charlie smiled, looking at him with an unfathomable expression, and asked: “If I say that I can cure your legs, would you believe it?

“I don’t believe it!” Hamid shook his head subconsciously.

But, in the next second, he suddenly realized something, and blurted out: “Brother, are you kidding me, or do you really have a way?!”

Charlie smiled: “Then I, your brother worthy of you, what about me? Would I make a joke about your regret?”

Hamid said excitedly: “Then what you mean is that you really have a way to heal my legs?!

Having said this, Hamid did not hesitate to kneel on one knee, moping on top of his head, and respectfully said: “My brother! If you really have a way, please tell me the way, if my legs can really recover. , I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!”

Charlie nodded, and took out a pill from his pocket. This is not a rejuvenation pill, but the previously refined blood-saving heart-saving pill.

This medicine was used to cure Jacob, who had high paraplegia. Although it could not extend Hamid’s life span by more than ten or twenty years, it would not be a problem to cure his legs!

Chapter 2683

For Charlie, the Rejuvenation Pill is still of some value, but the cost of this blood-saving heart-saving pill is really low to negligible.

And this kind of pill is nothing to him now. Actually useful. The reason why he still carries it with him is to deal with some special circ*mstances.

For example, now this blood-saving heart-saving pill comes in handy.

Hamid’s left leg is the biggest regret in his life. In his opinion, it is impossible to cure it, but for Charlie’s blood-saving heart-saving pill, even if his legs are lame, One can be cured.

Therefore, Charlie first handed the pill to Hamid, and said with a slight smile: “Brother, my magic pill is made by ancient Chinese genius doctors. It can cure all diseases and is invaluable. I originally spent a lot of money. I bought it and carry it with him at all times, just in case and life-saving in an emergency.

He said, he sighed with emotion, and said, “But since you need it more than me this magical medicine, then I will give it to you today!

Hamid hearing this, was flattered on the one hand, and inevitably asked in amazement: “My brother, you mean my lame leg. Can it be cured as long as I take this pill?!

Charlie nodded, and said in a very sure tone: “Yes, as long as you take it, it will be effective on the spot.

After speaking, he pointed to the surrounding environment and smiled: “As long as you take this medicine, you will definitely run more flexibly than a rabbit on this mountain in a minute.

Hamid heard him say that. He can’t believe it.

Because he really spent a lot of energy, money, and material resources in order to heal his leg.

He has basically seen the world’s top orthopedics experts once.

The more experts he has seen, the more he believes one thing is that his leg will never be healed. But right now Charlie handed him a black pill, saying this— pill can cure him. His lame leg has subverted his understanding of medicine.

So, he asked in disbelief: “What you said is true?

Charlie smiled and said: “Is it true or not? Wouldn’t you know if you eat it? Besides, you don’t have to worry that I will harm you because If I want to kill you, it’s much more convenient to use a gun than poison.”

Hamid nodded, he didn’t worry that Charlie would harm him at all. In troubled times, he was very convinced that Charlie would beat him up for so many years with his own vision and judgment.

So, he turned his mind, took the pill, and said, “Brother, no matter if this medicine is effective or not, thank you first! No matter how much you spend on this pill, I will double it, oh no, give you ten times!

Then he immediately put the pill in his mouth, chewing the pill, he had not just got the time to swallow the pill immediately turned into a sweet syrup flowing into his body.

Right then, he felt the potion, like a sweet spring flowing through the dry land. It seemed to nourish the organs wherever it went from the moment it entered his mouth.

Then, something more magical happened!

He felt the power of the medicine, it seemed like Someone directed it directly to his left leg!

He felt that his left leg was getting hotter and more itchy, as if he had been bitten by countless mosquitoes. When he was very itchy, he suddenly realized that The muscles of his left leg that had been atrophied began to rejuvenate.

Originally, his left leg was not only suffering from muscle atrophy and lameness, but more importantly, because of the injury, so the whole limb basically was unable to exert much strength. But now is not the same.

He can feel the power of the left leg is recovering fast!

He tried to stand up, and had a very hard left leg, even in an instant burst of strong power, let him All of a sudden, he changed from a kneeling posture to a fully standing position.

What’s more amazing is that his standing posture is no longer tilting his body to the left, but he is standing completely straight!

Chapter 2684

Hamid was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He carefully touched his left leg for a long time, and then touched his right leg for a long time. Only then was he surprised to find that his two legs were exactly the same. It was thick and the same length!

Soon, he lifted his left leg with excitement, and found that the flexibility of his left leg was even better than before he was injured! Then he tried to jump in place a few more times, he even found that he was as light as a swallow, not only his legs were intact, but there was also unending strength in his body.

At this moment, Hamid thought he had a dream!

He pinched his thigh forcefully, only to realize that the pain came so directly and simply!

This made him realize that the scene before him was not a dream!

He was so excited that he was almost incoherent: “my legs are really good my legs my legs really all right really restored my legs as ever!!!

He shouted out that voice even before has been low with Melba, who dared not make any response, also looked at him subconsciously.

Melba could not imagine that Charlie could really cure Hamid’s whole world with a pill that seemed ordinary. Top orthopedic doctors can’t cure a disabled left leg.

But, the reality is like this!

Charlie looked at Hamid who was excited and intolerable, and said with a smile: “Brother, come on, take two steps with no illness!

Hamid does not Hesitantly nodded his head: “Okay! Taking two steps!” After that, he took a step on the rock pile on the top of the mountain.

This step was fast, steady, and easy!

Hamid took another step immediately, and it was also easy, and the body did not even have to change.

These two steps gave Hamid great confidence. He suddenly accelerated, and with a hard kick on his left leg, the whole person had already jumped out!

Ever since, a mad figure like a neurosis ran around in a circle on the top of this dim mountain.

While running, he was yelling in excitement, loud yelling, and loud laughter, reverberating in the surrounding valleys without people.

Fortunately, there is no man’s land with a radius of more than ten or twenty kilometers. Otherwise, ordinary people will really be scared out of good or bad.

Hamid can’t care about this anymore.

He felt like he was running n@ked in a sudden heavy rain in the scorching summer heat. The unrestrained feeling made him burst into tears involuntarily.

After running for several laps and shouting for several, Hamid strode to Charlie, grabbed Charlie’s hand, almost mad with excitement, and at the same time said with 10,000 pious gratitude: “Brother! My leg is all healed! Completely healed! You are really my reborn parent! You are a healer, and this healthy leg is equivalent to giving me a second life!

After that, he hurriedly asked: “Brother, this How much did the medicine cost? I must give you ten times!”

Charlie smiled indifferently and said seriously: “It’s all between brothers. If you talk about the money, you will be out of the question, and if you are not humble, you really want to give me ten times, old Brother, you may not be able to afford it. As far as I know, there is a miraculous drug that is slightly stronger than it, and it was sold at a sky-high price of 2 billion yuan. If you really give me ten times, I am afraid that your army will have to sell iron.

Hamid’s face was hot for a while, and he said embarrassingly: “Brother, it’s your brother I’m abrupt. Such a magical medicine is not expensive to sell even for 100 million US dollars! It’s just that brother, I’m really short of funds now. I will pay you ten million dollars, and I will slowly give you the rest!”

Charlie waved his hand and said calmly, “Brother, since you and I are worthy of calling each other brothers, then this medicine is my gift to you. Don’t be so polite with me, but if I need help from my brother in the future, don’t forget me.

Chapter 2685

To Charlie, a blood-relief heart-saving pill was really nothing.

If he wants to mass-produce this kind of thing, he dare not say that he can directly put it on the production line, but it is very easy to refine one hundred and eighty, or even three or two hundred in a day.

The reason for playing so much is mainly to ensure that this thing is in the eyes of outsiders a very valuable pill.

Therefore, giving Hamid a pill at hand is almost equivalent to a fruit farmer who owns 10,000 acres of orchard and giving someone an apple at hand which is not worth mentioning.

However, this thing is of great significance to Hamid.

In a peaceful world where there is no war, a person with a disabled leg will have many inconveniences. He will even regard recovery as the greatest wish of life.

What’s more, Hamid is a general who seeks to survive in the war.

Charlie cured his leg today, which is equivalent to saving his life.

With a healthy body, Hamid can better lead soldiers to fight, and even lead the soldiers, so that soldiers can maintain obedience.

Therefore, he excitedly said to Charlie: “Brother! You are my greatest benefactor in this life besides my parents! In the future, as long as you need my help, your brother will die for you!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “With the words of my brother, my magic medicine is in vain.”

Hamid said seriously: “Since my leg was scrapped, the team has dropped from more than 10,000 to 2,000. At that time, I actually didn’t have the fighting spirit I had before. It’s okay to come down. In the future, choosing a reliable force to rely on in the past can be considered as a guarantee…”

Having said this, Hamid was melancholic, suddenly a bit more fierce in his eyes.

His voice became unusually firm, and he shouted loudly: “But! Now that God has given me this opportunity, let me meet my brother, you noble, and let my brother heal my leg! Then I Hamid, from now on At the beginning, I must not sink into the same way as before! I must go all out to re-make the team bigger and stronger. Perhaps one day, I can also become a real prince and general!”

After that, he looked at Charlie and said sincerely: “Brother! If the day I really become a prince, brother, when I am crowned, my brother must come to witness for me!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “I think you have the fate of being rich and wealthy. I think it won’t be long before you can wait until this day.”

Hamid laughed, stretched out his hand to Charlie, and said excitedly: “Brother, then I will lend you good words!”

Charlie smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook his hand firmly, and said, “In addition to fighting wars, you need to be more economically savvy. In this society, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. As long as you have enough funds, Don’t talk about 10,000 people at the bottom, even if there are 100,000 or 1 million people, it is not a problem at all.”

Hamid said seriously: “My brother is right. From now on, I will have to use 120% of the fighting spirit to regain the size of the team!”

While talking, the sound of a helicopter roared from a distance.

In mid-air dozens of kilometers away, two bright lights approached quickly.

Hamid knew that this was the helicopter that came to pick up Charlie, so he said with a bit of sorrow: “Brother, you are going away too hastily. I’m really ashamed of myself being a landlord and not being able to entertain you!”

Charlie smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, there will be opportunities in the future.”

After speaking, Charlie remembered something and then said: “By the way, Faisal and the others, it’s not that they really betrayed you, but I used some tricks to add some psychological hint to them subconsciously. So after you go back, don’t embarrass them because you are angry, just don’t let them take up important positions for the time being.”

Hamid suddenly realized that he nodded and said, “No wonder they listened to your command one by one, it turned out to be like this…”

Having said that, he immediately assured Charlie: “Don’t worry, my brother, I will definitely not embarrass them, and for the seven hostages, I will keep them alive as you said.”

Chapter 2686

Charlie clasped his fists: “Then thank you, brother.”

Soon, a heavy civilian helicopter landed slowly on the top of the mountain.

The plane still didn’t land completely, Chester and Issac jumped down from left to right, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “Master, are you all right?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Do I stand here as if something has happened?”

After speaking, Charlie pointed to Hamid and said to the two of them: “Come on, let me introduce you to him. This is Commander Hamid, the highest commander of this opposition army. He has studied in China. His Chinese is very good.”

The two of them shrank, and hurriedly said in unison: “Hello, Commander Hamid!”

Hamid greeted them politely.

Charlie looked at the time and said, “Brother, it’s late, I have to fly back to China, so I won’t engage you more, let’s talk about it next time!”

Hamid nodded, clasped his fist, and said, “My brother, I don’t want to thank you less. Let’s leave contact information for each other. I will give you my satellite phone number. If you have anything, you can find me at any time.”

Charlie said: “Okay, let’s leave each other’s phone numbers. If you have anything, you can call directly.”

After the two left each other’s contact information, Charlie said to Melba: “Okay, Miss Watt, let’s go.”

Melba then raised her head, nodding with an ashamed expression.

Charlie bid farewell to Hamid again, clasped his fist, and said, “Brother, there will be a period later!”

Hamid also said very religiously: “There will be one Inshallah!”

Afterwards, Charlie took Melba on the helicopter arranged by Chester.

Hamid didn’t want to leave in a hurry but watched Charlie’s helicopter take off until he was no longer visible. Then he sighed and stepped onto his plane.


In the helicopter returning to Lebanon, Chester, Issac, and Vasily looked at Charlie with shock.

Especially Chester, he originally thought that if Charlie went into Hamid’s sphere of influence alone this time, 90% he would be taken prisoner, and he would definitely have to ask Wade Family back home to pay for the ransom.

In fact, after knowing these circ*mstances, Mr. Wade was already ready to spend money to redeem him. The company registered by the Wade family abroad has already prepared tens of millions of dollars in funds. As long as Hamid gave an account, he could immediately Hit the money.

But what Chester thought of was that Charlie not only rescued the person, but Hamid himself took him to the meeting place.

What made him even more incredible was that Hamid was calling him his brother and was very respectful to him.

Just when Chester was so shocked that he couldn’t add anything, Charlie asked him: “Old man, is the Concorde airliner ready?”

Chester came back to his senses and said hurriedly: “Master, we are going back to the airport, it is ready, you can take off at any time.”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said: “Direct airport, transfer to Concorde and return home immediately after arriving!”

Chapter 2687

The slender Concorde airliner took off from the Lebanese capital Beirut International Airport.

The plane soared into the sky and sailed towards China at the fastest speed.

On the plane, Melba sat in the window, staring out of the window in a daze.

Until now, she still feels that the experience of the past hour or so is like a dream.

However, she quietly looked at Charlie, who was sitting not far away with his eyes closed and rested, and she could clearly feel that all this was not a dream, but a real existence.

Thinking of Charlie going coming to Syria alone and saving her from the brink of death, Melba felt very guilty besides being grateful.

She felt that after so many years of reading and studying economics and finance for so many years, she was naive and could not even see through human nature.

At first, she was not ashamed of her abandoning her peers? But now that she thinks about it carefully, all her friends are really uneasy.

In their opinion, she would rather die with them by herself than have a chance at life.

Even they had the chance to live, but they were squandered unscrupulously.

As a result, they squandered their opportunities and started to feel extremely angry that why she had the opportunity to leave.

This kind of person made her fully appreciate the evil of human nature.

Thinking of this, she silently stood up from her seat, then paced to Charlie’s side and sat down gently.

Charlie, who was closing his eyes and rested, felt a person sitting next to him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Melba. He smiled and asked her, “Why don’t you take advantage of these few hours of flying time and take a good rest?”

Melba said in embarrassment, “I was very confused and couldn’t sleep…”

With that, she looked at Charlie and said in shame, “Mr. Wade, I am really embarrassed today.”

Charlie smiled slightly, “Are you doing it for your friends?”

“En…” Melba nodded slightly and said with emotion: “I really didn’t expect that they were all such people. You are right. I don’t know enough about human nature. Maybe it’s society. A lot of experience is still lacking.”

Charlie smiled and said: “The more lack of social experience, the more proof that you have been well protected since childhood. Many children in a few years and teenagers have a lot of social experience early on. This proves that The protection given to them by their native family is not enough.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Furthermore, this thing you experienced is indeed quite special. Under normal circ*mstances, it is impossible for a normal person to experience being kidnapped by the armed forces of another country. There are six to seven billion people in the world. Population, it is estimated that there are not even six or seven thousand people with this kind of experience. When converted, only one person in an average of 1 million people will have this kind of experience. So congratulations. After tonight, you are separate from 99.99% People who didn’t have the opportunity to have practical experience, immediately left most of them behind.”

Melba was even more ashamed and blushed and said, “Don’t make fun of me. I know I’ve done this thing from start to finish.”

Chapter 2688

Charlie agreed and said: “If you ask me to make a pragmatic comment, your thing is really stupid. Anyway, it’s right and not wrong, but you are in the wrong position. If you really want to prevent the world Wars, you should not propagate anti-war in Syria, but at the door of the White House in Washington, because your motherland is responsible for at least 50% of wars in modern society around the world.”

Melba nodded lightly, and then hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, in fact, I want to say, I am not the kind of banana guy…”

Charlie asked curiously, “What is a banana man?”

Melba hurriedly said: “Banana people refer to Chinese people who were born and raised in the United States. They have the body and genes of a yellow race, but have the thinking and views of Western people.”

Charlie asked with interest: “Aren’t you thinking like Western people?”

Melba shook her head and said, “Although I was born and raised in the United States, and I was also an American citizen, my parents taught me since I was a child that my roots are in China. Let me remember that wherever I go, it is China. Man’s creed.”

Charlie nodded lightly, and then asked, “But I heard your dad say that you don’t seem to want to return to China?”

Melba explained: “The main reason is that I have some communication problems with him. In fact, this problem has always been between father and daughter. When I was young, he was busy making money and flying all over the world. Fly away, seldom cared for me, and rarely allowed me to experience fatherly love, so the relationship between the two of us is relatively rigid. After my mother passed away, the relationship became more rigid, and I did not want to return to China, this opinion was just an excuse to reject him.”

As she said, Melba sighed, and continued, “Actually, I have thought about it myself. Even if I don’t want to ease the relationship with him now, when he is really old, I will still find a step to take care of him. I always thought he was only in his fifties, and he hadn’t reached the time when he has to relax…”

Charlie nodded in understanding and said, “If you think it is really difficult for the two of you to relax, it is actually unnecessary. You must go to Aurous Hill now. Your father’s greatest hope is that you are safe. You still want some personal space, for the time being, I believe he can understand it too.”

Melba blurted out, “But I have promised you…”

As she said, she realized something and said with shame: “But I may find it difficult for myself to do your job now. After all, I made such a big mistake in judging the situation. This proves that my ability and temperament are still not good. not enough……”

Charlie waved his hand: “This is not the same thing. If a person judges a wrong friend, it doesn’t mean that he will make mistakes when he does other things. I have always believed that genius definitely does not follow the barrel effect.”

“A person who is balanced in everything is not a talent, but a mediocrity!”

“Only a person who is extremely strong in one aspect is a real talent!”

“If you are someone who is very strong in certain aspects, then you are a genius!”

After speaking, Charlie said seriously: “You should have seen a lot of Hollywood inspirational movies. Some people seem to be fooled, but they are very talented in mathematics; some people know nothing, but they can play basketball superbly. ; Some people can’t even speak well, but they are top physicists or astronomers;”

“Even a top genius like Einstein couldn’t do everything.”

“So, for me, as long as you can do this business well, other shortcomings are not a problem in my eyes.”

Melba nodded lightly and said seriously: “Mr. Wade, as long as you are willing to give me a chance, I will definitely go all out and do my best to help you do this business!”

Charlie said with a smile: “That’s great. In addition, I think you can relax with Uncle Watt when you go to Aurous Hill this time. He really cares about you very much. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be able to come to Syria to rescue you.”

Chapter 2689

When Charlie and Melba hurried back to Aurous Hill without stopping, Hamid also hurried back to the valley in northern Syria.

At this time, his subordinates were talking about it, and everyone didn’t understand why Hamid had to send a hostage out suddenly.

Moreover, in addition to the woman hostage, there was another guy that everyone had never seen before. They didn’t know where he came out from, and then he followed Hamid.

At any rate, it is also a heavily guarded military garrison. Someone unknown to anyone will appear inexplicably. This kind of weird and even strange thing happened here for the first time.

So after Hamid left, everyone couldn’t wait to know what happened just now.

Hamid’s deputy went to the cellar in person, looking for someone to ask what happened, but Faisal and others, who were loyal to Charlie, took advantage of the fact that the cellar had only a narrow entrance and an iron gate that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. They kept inside the iron gate, not allowing anyone to enter.

Hamid’s deputy also didn’t expect Faisal to betray, and in a hurry, he couldn’t wait to explode with a bomb, but when he thought that there were seven hostages who might be exchanged for the ransom, he temporarily dismissed the idea.

However, he was also very clear in his heart that although the cellar was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the cellar itself was also a dead end, so as long as he held the exit, Faisal would surrender in no time.

As a result, he immediately deployed nearly a hundred additional armed forces in the yard, with all gunpoints aimed at the exit of the cellar, to ensure that anyone coming out of it would be beaten into a mess in an instant.

At this moment, the helicopter roared in the sky, making everyone nervous.

They recognized that this helicopter was the one that Commander Hamid had just taken.

But no one knows now whether Commander will step out of the chopper after it has landed.

The helicopter slowly declined, Hamid’s deputy saw the helicopter to land in the yard, and immediately to the side of the soldiers told:! “Get quickly out of the way, to make a helicopter landing space

in the yard of the house, soldiers had packed quickly to The surroundings, leaving a large space for the helicopter to land.

Then, the helicopter fell slowly. After it landed, the door opened instantly, and Hamid jumped off the plane directly. Seeing such a situation, he couldn’t help asking “What are you all doing?” The deputy hurried forward and said: “Commander! Where did you go? Where are the two people you took just now?!”

Hamid said calmly, “Both of them are my friend. Don’t ask more questions about it, you are my deputies and dare not ask anymore. They hurriedly said: “Commander, Faisal, and the others have already rebelled! These guys are now in the cellar preparing to fight back! As long as you say something, I’ll let people blow the iron door and rush in to catch them!”

“No!” Hamid said immediately, “I left Faisal underneath. Don’t guess! After that, he immediately stepped towards the entrance of the cellar. At this time, the deputy suddenly recovered and exclaimed: “Commander, what has happened to your leg?

Hamid smiled slightly and asked him: “You want to ask what has happened to my leg. I am not lame, am I?” The deputy nodded lightly.

The surrounding soldiers also looked horrified. They also realized that Hamid’s left leg has completely become normal, and everyone was extremely curious deep in their hearts, wondering what happened to him.

Hamid laughed: “My benefactor gave me a magic pill, it cured my leg, from now on, I Hamid, is no longer a cripple!

Around the soldier can not help but be stunned!

A Magic medicine cured a lame leg that has been irreversibly damaged?!

Isn’t this a foolish dream?

Chapter 2690

Although you don’t read a lot of books, you still have basic common sense when you carry guns and fights every day. In Hamid’s case, let alone in Syria, which lacks medicine and health facilities, even if you go to the most powerful developed country in the world. It is impossible to cure this.

However, the reality in front of them is right in front of them. The commander, who has been lame, is really walking fast!

Hamid naturally saw everyone’s reaction in his eyes.

Although he was so excited that he almost wanted to shout, for his own image and to better control his team, he still resisted his inner excitement, pretending to be calm and striding forward, all the way into the cellar.

As soon as he entered the cellar, he said directly: “Faisal, I have sent Mr. Wade and Miss Watt away, and Mr. Wade has also told me about your situation. Don’t worry, I will assure you of my life. As long as you open the door, you won’t be embarrassed. You can continue to return to your armored team, and the others are the same!

Faisal subconsciously said: “It doesn’t matter whether I live or die. The most important thing is that I must first Make sure that Mr. Wade has left safely! Otherwise, I will fight with you to the end!”

Hamid was surprised in his heart and thought: “Brother Wade’s hypnosis method is really amazing! This man was his own. He didn’t care about life and death, he just wanted to be loyal to Brother Wade. If I had this ability, I would not be able to unite the entire opposition camp?

After a while, Hamid said: “Faisal, do you still doubt that I will do something unfavorable to brother Wade? You don’t want to think, how could I be his opponent? What’s more, why should I be against him? Do you know that Brother Wade is my benefactor and he healed my leg!”

Faisal asked: “You said Mr. Wade cured your leg?!

Hamid immediately said: “Can I lie to you? If you don’t believe me, open the door and have a look. Don’t worry, I am the only one in the corridor.

After a while, the iron door opened a gap, and Faisal looked through the gap and found that there was indeed only Hamid in the entire corridor, and he was bare-handed and did not carry any weapons.

So Faisal breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “What you just said is true?”

Hamid raised his hands and walked down slowly, saying, “Look for yourself, my legs aren’t they all right?”

Faisal was shocked, and because of psychological hints in his heart, his respect for Charlie burst out, sighing: “In this world, I am afraid that only Mr. Wade can have this ability!”

Hamid nodded and asked him: “So you believe me?

Faisal said: “I believe.

After speaking, he opened the door directly and said: “Commander Hamid, I hope you can keep your promise.”

Hamid solemnly said: “Don’t worry, I will do what I say! After that, he stepped into the cellar pointed to the iron door of the room inside, and said: “Faisal, I know you are loyal to Brother Wade, but before Brother Wade does not come back, or give you any orders, I hope you can do well your original job.

Faisal nodded and said, “No problem, Commander Hamid!”

“Okay.” Hamid pointed to the door and ordered:

“Open the door inside.”

Faisal did not talk nonsense, and immediately opened the iron door.

Hamid stepped forward, and the seven young people inside were so scared that they couldn’t help but plead.

Hamid looked at these seven people and sneered: First of all, congratulations. I promised Brother Wade that I will not take your lives. Your lives are saved!

The seven people wept with joy when they heard this.

One man cried and asked: “Commander, when can you let us go back?”

“Go back?” Hamid waved his hand: “No, no, no, no, no, seven of you will be slaves here, as long as you live, Just work here. If you die, you will be buried here. In this life, there is no chance to leave this place for you!”

Chapter 2691

Hamid’s words made these seven so-called princes of heaven struck by lightning, and felt that the whole world collapsed at this moment.

The purpose of their documentary filming in Syria is very different from that of Melba. They don’t really have the world in their hearts, and they don’t really sympathize with the people suffering in the war. They just hope to give themselves a more powerful resume and let themselves get more growth capital in the hypocritical upper class in the West.

Later, when they got a part-time job in the upper-class society, at the high-end reception, everyone scrambled and exchanged cups. They would laugh and talk about the fact that they had made a documentary on the battlefield in Syria for the sake of anti-war. -Will surely trigger a large crowd of praise around.

At that time, it will not only make the head and boss have a better impression of them, but also make the dignitaries admire them. It is definitely a good qualification that can last a lifetime.

However, they never dreamed that they would come to Syria to brush a copy of their qualifications, and they would take them in for the rest of their lives! When they thought of staying in this ghost place all their lives as slaves in the future, these seven people, without exception, were all wailing.

Weeping! When Hamid saw the seven people crying and crying, he asked coldly: “Why cry? When you came to Syria, you never thought there would be such a day?!

Among the seven, one kid cried and said “We just want to refresh our qualifications. I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous. Commander Hamid, please let us go. We can also read and study. We can’t do anything else. You can leave us seven. It’s a cumbersome thing to keep us here!”

Others also cried and pleaded.

For them, as long as there is a chance, they must fight for it with all their strength. However, Hamid did not give them any hope at all, he said coldly: “From tomorrow, all of you men will go to dig out the toilets, and all the women will go to herding cattle and sheep. You will work 16 hours a day. At that time, I will arrange for someone to follow you. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will fine him for three days. He/she in that case can’t eat; if anyone wants to escape, I will break his legs and let him crawl to get to the toilet!

The conditions in the village where Hamid is stationed are very difficult. There used to be an electricity supply, but since the beginning of the civil war, it has been unable to supply electricity. Here, there is no electricity, no communication, no running water, and no sewer.

Therefore, the people of the entire village, as well as the soldiers of Hamid, all settled in the dry toilet.

One to two thousand people have a very large amount of defecation every day. The soldiers originally took turns cleaning the toilets and transporting the filth out of the village, but no matter who was allowed to do this kind of thing, it was inevitable that there would be complaints.

Therefore, Hamid hardly thought about it and arranged these five men to clean the toilet and dump the filth. As long as the five men were squeezed to the extreme, his soldiers would no longer have to do such dirty work.

After listening to these five people, they almost have the desire to die.

Thinking of handling the feces of one or two thousand people every day and cleaning the toilets they used, these five people feel that their lives are all over.

Because Hamid said that they should stay here as slaves for a lifetime, and they will not be able to leave until they die. This means that as long as they are alive, they have only this job of cleaning the toilets and dumping filth every day. Repeatedly, without end.

Is there anything more tragic than this for a lifetime?

Several people couldn’t help thinking of Charlie, and they hated him and regretted it in their hearts.

Chapter 2692

Knowing that Charlie had the ability to take them out, why bother to pretend to be something in front of him? If they were respectful to him just now, they might have followed Charlie to leave Syria, out of this hell.

Seeing that these people were about to collapse, Hamid was too lazy to look at them again and told the soldiers around him: “Let them get up at 5:30 in the morning and start work at 6 after the meal, and take a half-hour break at 12 o’clock in the afternoon. Rest for half an hour at 6 o’clock, and then work until 11 o’clock in the evening. Do you understand?”

Several of his men nodded immediately: “Understand the commander!

After listening to the seven, they almost wanted to hit and die here.

Every day. Work for 16 hours, take three meals for another one and a half hours, and the rest time is only six and a half hours, which does not count as washing, dressing, going to the toilet, etc., so they can take five or six breaks a day Thank God for being young!

Although this group of people does not have a wealthy family background, at least their family conditions can be counted as petty bourgeoisie. They have never had any hardships since they were young, and they have not been tired. The high-intensity squeeze, just hearing it, was already scared to death.

However, Hamid had no mercy on them. After the order, he turned and left.

At the same time, in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, Chester was in the same distance as Zhongquan Wade, the old man of the Wade family, was connected. In the video call, Chester respectfully told how the Master parachuted alone to rescue Melba, and was sent out by Hamid himself, and reported to Zhongquan all about it.

After Zhongquan listened, the whole person was shocked. There is nothing to add.

He asked with a dull expression: “Charlie really has such an ability?! A person parachuted to the opposition station alone, and he brought the person out safely?!

Chester respectfully said: “Yes master, it is true! At that time, the height of the young master’s parachuting was more than 5,000 meters, and the height of the parachute opening was much lower than the height of the safe level. Even the Russian special forces coach Vasily said that at that height to open the umbrella, people can never live, but I didn’t expect that the young master would have no problem at all.

Zhongquan couldn’t help but exclaimed: “I’ve heard people say that Charlie is a true dragon on earth by many people in Aurous Hill. I originally thought It’s just an exaggeration. I didn’t expect that he really has such a great ability!

Could Charlie practice martial arts? Chester seriously said: “Master, I don’t think even a master of martial arts, there is not necessarily such skill as the master has, ordinary people, will be crushed immediately under him in no time.

The height, for the young master, is completely easy! Zhongquan asked again: “Then, do you know how he rescued Melba alone?! Oh, right, you just said that Hamid personally sent him to the rendezvous point with Melba to join you, I want to know, why did Hamid give Charlie respect so much?! Isn’t he the commander of the armed forces? It stands to reason that Charlie goes to save his hostage, he should take Charlie as an enemy! How could he send it off in person?! Could it be that Charlie was kidnapped?!

Chester didn’t expect that the old man asked so many questions in one breath, and hurriedly explained one by one:

“Return to master. The young master’s process of saving people was not shared with us, so I don’t know what method he used to rescue Melba, but why Hamid gave the young master so much face? I didn’t want to understand this, and Hamid is not just To give a face to the young master, he is even worthy of the young master brothers. In his words, he is very respectful to the young master, so I don’t know whether the young master kidnapped him. I am afraid that only the young master himself knows that.

Zhongquan listened, and couldn’t help sighing: “Unbelievable, unbelievable! I was even ready to spend money to redeem him, but I didn’t expect it to be such an unbelievable ending.” After that, he couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “It seems that my Wade family really came out this time. There is a real dragon in the world!

Chapter 2693

When the sky in Aurous Hill just turned white, the Concorde airliner that Charlie and Melba took finally landed at the Airport.

After the plane landed, Charlie, Melba, and Issac took the helicopter arranged by Issac and flew directly to Shangri-La.

When the plane just started, Charlie asked Melba’s opinion and asked her if she would like to meet with Pollard immediately. If she wanted, he could directly call Pollard using the satellite phone on the plane and tell him that Melba was already there. The news of his rescue made him meet with Melba at the airport as soon as possible.

However, after careful consideration, Melba feels that her whole spirit is relatively decadent, and she wants to take a break, at least take a bath and change her body to dry clean clothes then will meet her father.

So Charlie decided to take her to Shangri-La to settle down first, and then give her a few hours to rest. When her condition is almost adjusted, he will go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics and give Pollard one big surprise.

As for Charlie himself, he did not expect that this time to save Melba, it only took more than ten hours before and after. Originally, he told his wife about going out of town. If he returned home early in the morning, It seemed a little weird, so he planned to also go to Shangri-La and let Issac arrange a room for him to rest and sleep.

Last night in Syria, he used Aura as a psychological suggestion, so that the Aura in his body was already extremely scarce, which really made him felt a little tired.

By the time of sunrise, Charlie’s helicopter had landed at Shangri-La.

After getting off the plane, Charlie directly said to Issac: “Old man, arrange one room for Miss Watt and one room for me, both of us need to take a rest. In addition, you have to toss about it all night. Go back to your office and have a good rest.

Issac hurriedly said: “Okay young master! After that, immediately ask his subordinates next to him: “Has the presidential suite gone out? If haven’t, take young master there to take rest!

The other party immediately replied: “Mr. Issac, our presidential suite was booked by Mr. Ito from Japan, don’t you remember? Issac patted his forehead and blamed himself: “Look at my pig brain! After all, he was right again.

Charlie said: Master, the entire east district where the presidential suite is located has been rented by Ito Yuuhiko, or you can go to the executive suite in the west district to take a rest.”

Charlie frowned and said: “Don’t Zhiyu and her mother live there, and Ruoli, to be on the safe side, I still don’t go there, lest there be any monsters, just arrange one for me. Normal rooms are fine.

Issac hurriedly said: “Then I will arrange for you and Miss Watt to live in the luxurious suite on the second top floor for the time being!”

Charlie nodded slightly: “Okay.

Soon, the staff prepared two suite cards, and they gave Charlie and Melba opened two luxury suites on the second top floor. The door of the two rooms was opposite, and there was only one passage.

Issac personally escorted them to the door of the room. Charlie said to Melba before swiping his card to enter the door: “Miss Watt first take a good rest. It’s just after six o’clock. Let’s tentatively schedule lunch at 12:30. After having a meal, I will send you to the university. “

Melba nodded lightly and said gratefully: “Thank you, Mr. Wade.”

Charlie waved his hand:” Do not be polite with me, after all, there are dealings in the fight.

Melba replied and said, “Mr. Wade, then I will go to rest in advance.”

Charlie nodded: “See you.”

Melba looked at Issac on the side again and said gratefully: “Mr. Issac, thank you too.

Issac said without hesitation: “Miss Watt is too polite, this is what I should do.”

Seeing Melba entered the room, Charlie opened the door of his room, Issac saw that they both returned to the room to rest, so he immediately returned to his office.

Charlie entered the room, the first thing was to lock the door, then took off all his clothes, stepped into the bathroom, and took a cold shower.

After washing himself clean, Charlie sat on the bed, feeling the spiritual energy in his body, and seeing that the spiritual energy was almost exhausted, his heart was also very painful.

In the beginning, he discovered the existence of spiritual energy in the piece of peace and wealth that he bought from Ervin.

It’s a pity that the aura in that stone has been absorbed cleanly by him. Since then, although he has seen many treasures of heaven and earth, he has never encountered anything that contains aura.

Moreover, among the high-rise buildings in this city, there is almost no trace of aura, and it takes at least a few months to add to it.

Chapter 2694

This also gave him a sense of crisis in his heart.

Aura is fast to use, but it is far from easy to accumulate.

If there is no lasting and effective way to replenish Aura, I am afraid that it will be difficult in the future for him.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but recall the content of the “Nine Profound Sky Classics” in his mind.

In the “Nine Profound Heavenly Classics”, a higher-level pill than the rejuvenating pill is recorded, named Peiyuan Pill.

Regardless of the name of Peiyuan Pill, it seems that it is not as arrogant as the other Pill, but this kind of pill is directly higher than it.

Rejuvenation pills can make ordinary people live longer and resurrect from the dead, but they do not contain aura. After all, aura is the most refined and pure energy between heaven and earth. It is the most powerful kind of power. Rejuvenation pills are far from being able to catalyze aura. To the point.

However, this Peiyuan Pill is a pill that truly contains aura.

Although it is the most basic entry level among the pill containing spiritual energy, the materials it needs are, without exception, all extremely rare treasures.

Among them, the most demanding ones are Ganoderma lucidum that needs at least more than a thousand years, snow ginseng for more than 1,000 years, and Ambergris that is more than 10,000 years old.

Don’t know if the Millennium Ganoderma is easy to find, but Charlie has thousand-year-old snow ginseng. In the beginning, Liang was shunned by his biological father and half-brother in the family. In order to gain a foothold in the Wei family, he passed his mother’s treasure to him. He gave thousand-year-old snow ginseng to Charlie, and he kept the snow ginseng without using.

However, Ambergris, which has been more than 10,000 years old, is indeed too rare.

As we all know, ambergris is the secretion of $perm whales, it is the best raw material for spices, and it is also a blind medicinal material.

Simply buying ambergris is not a problem, you can buy it if you have money.

However, buying old Ambergris is almost like dreaming.

Because the $perm whale itself does not have a lifespan of 10,000 years. The longest life span is seventy years, which is remarkable. According to this time, the 10,000-year ambergris must be the $perm whale that died ten thousand years ago. It has grown before death.

The history of human’s known civilization is not as long as 10,000 years. Where can he find a secretion left in the body of a $perm whale 10,000 years ago?

Charlie couldn’t help but get up again when he thought of this.

Such a difficult preparation can only refine the first-level aura pill. Wouldn’t it be even more impossible to refine a higher-level aura pill?

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help sighing, and thought to himself: ” Maybe I need to say hello to Qin Gang, he has been doing medicine business, a thousand years of ambergris perhaps can not find, but a thousand years of Ganoderma should still be no problem, like ambergris, you can then slowly look around.

so , He immediately sent Qin Gang a WeChat message and asked him to try to find these two things.

Qin Gang quickly replied: “Master, the Millennium Ganoderma is very easy to find. I know a Hong Kong medicinal material dealer, and he collects it. There are many old-year medicinal materials. Thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum, Centennial tangerine peel, and Centennial Pu’er are all in stock. Although the price is high, if the thousand-year Ganoderma is sold per gram, it costs tens of thousands of dollars per gram.

As for ambergris, they are often sold, but most of them are of relatively ordinary quality. The best one I remember is a white ambergris with a thousand years of history that was auctioned at Sotheby’s a few years ago. However, I have made medicinal herbs for so many years. I have never heard of it that old.

Charlie didn’t feel disappointed after hearing it. He smiled slightly and said: “Then you can help me get the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. For Ambergris, you can help me pay attention.”

“No problem.” Qin Gang agreed without hesitation.

Charlie thanked him, but didn’t continue to communicate with him.

Just as he was about to rest, someone rang the doorbell of the next room.

Zynn, wrapped in his nightgown, saw that it was his own subordinate, and opened the door to let the other person in.

After the other party came in, he whispered: “Master, I’ve heard that Ito Takehiko’s men have reserved the Kiharu Lake Golf Course, which is five kilometers away. Ito Takehiko may go to the golf course to play golf at around nine o’clock. See if you have prepared in advance. Then, go there quietly to meet him?”

Zynn said excitedly: “The golf course? Great! It just happened to avoid Shangri-La. It’s a great opportunity to meet Ito Takehiko quietly!

Chapter 2695

Zynn, who was so excited, couldn’t imagine that Charlie was next door to him at this time.

The luxury suites of Shangri-La are very uniform in design. The overall layout is a square field shape. The two rooms on the left are the living room and the study, and the two rooms on the right are the bathroom and the bedroom.

In other words, the bedroom where Charlie was located happened to be next to Zynn’s study.

Under normal circ*mstances, the rooms of a five-star hotel will be silenced and soundproofed to ensure the quietness, privacy, and comfort of the guests. Therefore, even if it is separated by a wall, ordinary people cannot hear the conversation next door.

But for a person like Charlie with extremely sensitive senses, just such a wall is really a little useless.

Therefore, even if he had no intention of eavesdropping on the conversations of the people next door, he still didn’t say a word, and he heard the movement of Zynn’s room clearly.

However, even at this moment, Charlie didn’t know who the next door was.

Because Zynn’s subordinates called him the master, it was impossible for Charlie to infer the identity of Zynn just by using the word master.

However, he heard the words Ito Takehiko clearly.

He heard that the person next door actually wanted to meet Ito Takehiko, and he was suddenly curious.

Ito Takehiko came to Aurous Hill in a relatively low-key manner. In fact, the outside world didn’t know it. In addition, he stayed at Wade’s hotel, and there was no leakage of check-in information.

Therefore, in this case, the person who can find Ito Takehiko’s whereabouts must have a very difficult background.

So, he immediately sent a text message to Issac, asking him to do everything possible to find out who was living in the next room, and at the same time, he must not be surprised.

Issac was just resting in the office for a while, and suddenly received Charlie’s WeChat, and immediately realized that there might be a serious situation, and then he hurriedly got up and turned on the computer and checked the information of the guests staying in the room next to Charlie with his own authority.

The check-in information shows that Charlie staying next door is just an ordinary person without any special identity.

So, he immediately replied to Charlie: “Master, the person you asked me to check is a middle-aged person from Yuzhou. From the information, there is no special place, no case, no background.

Charlie frowned and asked him, “Can you find out the company of this person?”

Issac manipulated in front of the computer and said, “I can’t find out for the time being. There is no work unit in his file. It may be a self-employed person, or he may be working in a relatively small private enterprise.”

Charlie asked again: “Can you find out if he has paid social security?

Issac thought for a while, and said, “I have a relatively secret channel. Can find this information.

Charlie said: “Then you can check for me now, whether he has paid social security, and if so, which company is paying him.

“Okay! Issac hurriedly started to inquire and checked for a long time. After that, he said to Charlie: “Master, I found out that he does have social security, and the social security base is very high. The company that paid him social security is a local financial investment company in Yuzhou.

Charlie continued:” The background of this company! Check out the equity structure behind it!

Chapter 2696


Issac continued to inquire according to Charlie’s instructions. While checking, he said, “Master, I see that this company is wholly-owned by another technology company in Yuzhou. Behind the company, there is an investment fund and a partnership enterprise. This investment fund is Eastcliff SW Capital or South West Capital!”

Charlie asked him curiously: “

SW Capital? Whose family? Issac hurriedly said: “SW Capital, that’s One of the many capital-operated companies of the Su family.

Su! “The Su family?” Charlie frowned, and said, “I heard someone next door calling another person called Master. So, maybe the old dog that lives next door to me is Chengfeng?!

“This” Issac said with some disbelief: “Master, shouldn’t Chengfeng come to Aurous Hill by himself?”

Charlie laughed: “If it isn’t Chengfeng, it might be Zynn.

“Zynn?” Issac couldn’t help but said, “Even if this guy wants to take the opportunity to get close to Ito Takehiko, he shouldn’t sneak to Shangri-La?

Issac sneered: “This is the place where his brilliant ah, Aurous Hill has always been a sphere of influence for Wade’s family. Since he was bound to come to Aurous Hill he well thought out the plan, like him who believe in a lamp black. The truth, you should know that the oil lamp that was lit in ancient times was placed on the table, just like a candle.

After the lamp is lit, although it can illuminate the entire room, it does not illuminate the small area under itself. So this small area, although away from the lamp recently, but the room has become the darkest, most hidden places he pics to live is Shangri-La, is the bet we think he could have done such a thing, this is the surprise!

With that said, Charlie said again: “If it weren’t for my hearing which is a lot better than the average person, I wouldn’t be able to detect it. If even I couldn’t detect it, it would be even more impossible for you and your subordinates to detect it, so from this point of view, he was relatively successful in doing this, and he really used his mind.

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, if it is really Zynn, what should we do?”

Charlie sneered: ” Whether he is Zynn, he is a member of the Su family. Since it is the Su family, then It’s like a sheep’s mouth. If I don’t gnaw him off, wouldn’t I be sorry for the Su family’s aggressive and daring maneuvers?

After speaking, he immediately ordered: “The person who arranges you immediately, in the room directly below this room, Put a signal jammer, but don’t turn it on for the time being. In addition, you have to be prepared and listen to my orders. When you start the jammer, cut off the surveillance video on my floor at the same time, understand?

Issac said without hesitation “Okay young master, I understand!”

At this moment, in the next room.

Zynn sent his men away, and took a shower by himself in the bathroom. After the shower, he wrapped his bathrobe and stood in front of the mirror carefully. Using hairspray to put his hair back to the back of his head, he had already begun to figure out how to get Ito to agree to cooperate with the Su family.

This time, the Su family was suspended from the ocean shipping license. The impact was too great and the loss of income was serious. Forget it, a large number of ships cannot be started. Daily maintenance costs, depreciation costs, and lease costs are an astronomical figure. In addition, there are still a large number of seafarers and employees who need to be fed. The daily loss is calculated as 100 million.

For Zynn, this is his first turnaround since he returned from Australia. Only if he wins this battle can he let the old man look at him with admiration and win back his old man’s appreciation of himself.

So, to him, the significance is very significant.

Even he can successfully inherit the position of Su Family Patriarch and all the family assets in the future will be under his hand and he will have to look at the success or failure of all of it!

Chapter 2697

Just as Zynn was expecting that he could use his own power to turn the Su Family’s turmoil upside down on his own, but he didn’t know that a big net had wrapped him tightly.

Charlie already had a two-handed plan at this time.

If the person next door is Zynn, then he has a special package specially prepared for Zynn;

But if the person next door is not Zynn, but someone else from the Su family, then he will go directly to Orvel’s kennel, and give a company with Shoude.

Issac screened out the rooms that were booked out before and after that time and had not checked out one by one according to the time of the next room reservation, and then further screened them. Basically, it can be concluded that the Su family came to Shangri-La this time, except for staying. In addition to the person next to Charlie, there are four other subordinates. Of these four people, two live opposite the room next to Charlie, and the other two live next to Charlie.

At this time, many of Issac’s subordinates were already lying in ambush in nearby rooms. Once Charlie gave orders, they would immediately control these four subordinates.

In addition, Issac also made people prepare to shield and cut off the network signal. When Charlie ordered, he could immediately protect the room next to Charlie and the surrounding rooms, and kill all communication networks.

The mobile communication signal will be shielded, the wireless WIFI network will be cut off, and even the traditional network and line interface will also be disconnected from the network.

At that time, this will make sure that the people in this room can not respond immediately, and the communication will not work for them.

In order to meet the “Master” from the Su family for a while, Charlie walked out of the room after getting dressed neatly.

At this time, a waiter arranged by Issac walked over and handed Charlie a room card.

This one is the universal room card for the entire Shangri-La Hotel.

Nowadays, almost all hotels adopt electronic room card system for the convenience of management. The door locks need to be opened with an authorized room card at the front desk of the hotel. Generally, the room card will be authorized for as long as you stay, and it will automatically become invalid after the expiration date. It is easy to manage and can prevent being used by others.

In other words, the door lock of each room is actually controlled within the hotel management system.

Although you cannot directly control the opening or closing of a certain door, you can directly write the administrator’s highest authority in the room card, so that this room card can open all the doors of this hotel.

However, there are exceptions. If the occupant in the room opens the anti-theft lock in the room, the door cannot be opened even if the door is swiped.

However, many people do not have such safety awareness, so they rarely use this lock actively.

Zynn did use the lock last night, but after his subordinates came in just now to report, he didn’t lock the lock again, but hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

This was mainly because he was somewhat careless and didn’t know that he had been exposed.

Therefore, when Charlie got the room card and swiped it lightly on Zynn’s room door, the door lock opened in response.

At this time, Zynn was still tidying up his clothes and appearance in the cloakroom.

Charlie pushed the door, and when he entered, he didn’t realize it at all.

And Charlie had already used his perceptual ability beyond ordinary people to get a clear picture of his position in the room.

At this time, Zynn, at the upper right of the T-shaped room, where the bathroom and cloakroom are located. After Charlie came in from the upper left, he went directly to the living room at the lower left and sat down.

Opposite Charlie is the bedroom door of this luxurious suite.

Chapter 2698

Zynn dressed up at the upper right, and needed to go back to the bedroom later before he could walk out of the door in front of Charlie.

So Charlie simply sat there, on the sofa opposite the door, stretched out his hands with long legs, and put them on the back of the sofa until he appeared.

At the same time, the signal jammer has also been opened, and all the surrounding mobile phones are in a state of no service because they cannot search for signals.

Although Zynn’s mobile phone is still connected to the hotel’s wireless network, the wireless network itself has been cut off. In other words, although he is still connected to the WiFi, he can no longer get on the Internet.

But Zynn didn’t pay attention to this.

He tidied up his suit and tie in front of the mirror, and after making sure that he was dressed appropriately, he took out a fake beard and stuck it under his nose.

Later, he took out a pair of gold glasses from his pocket. After putting it on, he looked like a returned overseas Chinese.

Immediately afterward, he put a top hat of the same color as the suit on top of his head. He felt that this way, it would be more foolproof.

When he was ready, Zynn picked up the phone and prepared to go outside, but he looked down at the phone and found that the phone is now in a non-service state, which made him surprised and wondered, “How can this hotel not connect to a mobile phone signal? Is my phone broke?”

He opened WeChat again, and found that the top of WeChat actually showed that it was not connected. He was even more surprised and whispered to himself: “No! The WiFi logo is on, and the network is connected. Why can’t I connect to WeChat?”

He hurriedly walked out of the cloakroom and walked through the bedroom to the living room, to use the hotel’s landline to call his subordinates.

However, when he stepped out of the bedroom, his whole figure was suddenly startled! The speed of his heartbeat instantly doubled!

Because, he saw that there was a person sitting on the sofa in the living room!

Moreover, the appearance of this person is indescribably familiar.

Zynn panicked and asked calmly: “Who are you?! Why are you doing in my room?!

Charlie smiled at Zynn and said with a smile: “You are Zynn Su, right?”

Zynn saw that the other party directly reported his name, and asked extremely vigilantly: “Who are you?! Do you know me?!

Charlie said with a smile: “Actually, we have met, but you may be older and out of mind. You used it, so you can’t remember me.

Have you seen me?!” Zynn frowned, his heart was extremely nervous, but his mouth was pretending to be calm and said: “Why don’t I remember that I met you?

Charlie went to the coffee table. Picking up an apple, he took a bite and said, “Think about it carefully. We met at the elevator entrance of the Tokyo Hospital. Have you ever recalled?

Zynn squinted his eyes, watching Charlie vigilantly, while thinking back quickly rummaging the memory in the mind.

Soon, he remembered the scene Charlie said!

He pointed to Charlie and exclaimed: “You are the kid who makes me feel familiar in Tokyo!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and asked him with a smile: ” Why do you think I’m familiar?”

Zynn said coldly, “Because you look like a short-lived ghost that I knew before, but has been dead for a long time!”

Charlie’s expression instantly became extremely cold. Said: “Zynn, if you kneel down and slap your face right now, I will assume that you haven’t said that, otherwise, I will slap your face!

Zynn sees Charlie’s cold expression and can’t help being a little surprised. He couldn’t help asking: “How are you related to Changying Wade?!

Charlie stood up and said word by word: “Changying Wade, it’s my dad!

Chapter 2699

When Zynn heard this, his whole person was suddenly struck by lightning, and stood motionless in front of Charlie.

He never dreamed that Changying’s son was still alive!

He didn’t even expect that Changying’s son would appear in front of him!

At this time, in addition to the nervousness, his heart was a little more angry!

“Changying Changying again! Ever since I knew Liona, the word Changying has become my nightmare. Until Liona was in a car accident a few days ago and her whereabouts unknown, I was a little free from Changying’s shadow, but now Here comes another Changying’s son?! Where did this guy come from?!”

Seeing Charlie and Changying’s features and temperament are very similar, Zynn hardly doubted his words.

He stared at Charlie and asked in a cold voice: “Even if you are Changying’s son, what do you mean by appearing in my room now?

“What do I mean?” Charlie sneered: “I have come to you to settle the account. What do you think about it?”

Settlement?!” Zynn saw Charlie’s visit being unkind, and when he thought that he was now in Wade’s hotel and there was no one around him to help him, he couldn’t help feeling even more flustered.

Therefore, he couldn’t hide his nervousness and said: “Your father and I are at best distant acquaintances, no friendship, no hatred, what do you count on me?

Charlie coldly said: “Today, I will count it against you. Wade League’s account, you jumped up and down to organize the anti-Wade alliance against my father, right?”

Zynn excused himself: “The anti-Wade alliance is just a saying at the beginning, just like airlines have SkyTeam and Star Alliance. , Everyone is a rival to each other, what’s the big deal with that?

Charlie asked: “Then how did my parents die?

Zynn blurted out: “How do I know? Your parents’ deaths were not caused by me. The people who wanted to kill your parents back then had more hair on their heads than mine. Not only domestically, but also abroad, there are a lot of them. Is it possible to kill him, what does it have to do with me?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Is it related to you or not? I really can’t say it right now, but it doesn’t matter, since you are in my hands, I can catch you first, and then slowly investigate!

Zynn subconsciously reprimanded: “Boy, since you are Changying’s son, you should call me Uncle, I am also your elder, how dare you so presumptuous in front of me!

‘Presumptuous?” Charlie snorted: “This is presumptuousness? I just said that if you don’t kneel down, I will smash your mouth. You haven’t fulfilled your promise. So!”

Zynn took a step back in shock, and said nervously: “You think you are the Wade family’s son, you can do anything to me casually? Have you weighed, if you provoke me, what will happen to you?

Charlie sneered and said: “I don’t know what will be the end, but I usually like to provoke it first!” As soon as the voice fell, Charlie suddenly stood up from the sofa. Before Zynn recovered, Charlie went straight. He rushed to him, grabbed his collar, put his other hand directly on his face, and slapped vigorously.

With a snap, Zynn’s entire left face suddenly swelled up, and the five-fingerprints on his face were already bright red.

At this moment the Soviet Conservative directly hit Mongolia, and his hysterical roared: “?! How dare you ‘

Charlie was astonished and asked: “How dare I, you do not know the answer?”

Then, direct and It was a slap in the face, and with a slap, Zynn directly vomited blood.

At this time, Charlie smiled and asked him: “Do you know the answer now? If you don’t know, I can answer you again.”

Since Zynn had been slapped twice by Charlie, his whole body had already been dazzled.

The severe pain made his whole person on the verge of collapse. When he grew up so big, he had only been beaten by the old man, but even the old man has never beaten him so hard!

Chapter 2700

He yelled at Charlie angrily: “Do you know what the Su family is capable of? Believe it or not, I can kill you in minutes?

Charlie waved his hand and said disdainfully: “Zynn Su, save it, you have already fallen in my hands, don’t pretend to be aggressive and cruel in front of me, and don’t think you can overwhelm me by taking the Su family, because my goal is not as simple as slapping you twice.

Zynn asked nervously, “What is your goal?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “My goal is to trample your entire Su family under my feet, not only with big ears, but also big eyes. The face of your dad

Chengfeng Su!” Zynn has never met someone like Charlie who speaks so arrogantly in his life.

However, he also knows that he is now the turtle in the urn of others, and he has no chance to escape. If he really angers the other party, he might actually get more in trouble.

As a result, his whole person’s momentum instantly weakened, and he explained: “Big nephew, you really misunderstood me about your parents. This matter has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with my family!

Charlie said:” It doesn’t matter. You don’t have the final say, but I have the final say here!”

Zynn asked nervously, “So. What do you want?”

Charlie smiled and said, “What I want, I just said that, I will draw your face first, then your dad’s face, and then trample your entire Su family under my feet!”

Zynn was shocked in his heart, and never dreamed that Changying’s son would come to find him. Gosh, this guy is so murderous!

At this moment, he suddenly thought that his younger brother Shoude had disappeared in this city, so he subconsciously asked: “Is my younger brother in your hands!?

Charlie nodded: “You are talking about Shoude, that dead fat pig? Yes, he is indeed in my hands. Do you know how he is doing now?”

Zynn asked with a pale face: “What did you do to him?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Oh, I put him in a dog cage. By the way, I shot a video of him. He was stripped n@ked and only wore a pair of briefs. He said in the video some nasty things about your family, you should have seen this.”

Zynn immediately thought of the two videos that completely destroyed the reputation of the Su family.

There is a paragraph, which Shoude said in front of the camera.

Zynn had racked his brains to think about someone behind the scenes, but he didn’t expect that this person was Changying’s son!

He couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva, looked at Charlie nervously, and asked, “Then what is your plan for today?” At this time, what he is most afraid of is that he, like his brother, is locked in a dog cage in the dark.

Charlie smiled indifferently and said, “I know what you are thinking, but don’t you. I’m nervous. It was really too simple and rude to put your brother directly in the dog cage at the beginning. It really lacks some artistic sense, so I designed a whole set of super gift packages for you this time. It is definitely a brand new design and a brand new experience!

“If you enjoy the whole process, can remember you for a lifetime, and it will be worthwhile to cover you in this life, not in vain!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2681-2700 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.