The Kelkar Education Trust’s V G Vaze College of Arts - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

The Kelkar Education Trust’s V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce

(Autonomous) Syllabus for T.Y.B.Sc. (June 2020 Onwards)

Program: B.Sc. Semester – V and VI

Course: Zoology SEMESTER V



Paper Title Credit

SZO501 Taxonomy and Type Study I 2.5

SZO502 Haematology and Immunology 2.5

SZO503 Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General Pathology and



SZO504 Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles and

Developmental Biology of Chick


SZOP501 Practical based on Paper I (Course 11) 02

SZOP502 Practical based on Paper II (Course 12) 02

SZOP503 Practical based on Paper III (Course 13) 02

SZOP504 Practical based on Paper IV (Course 14) 02




Paper Title Credit

SZO601 Taxonomy and Type Study II 2.5

SZO602 Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal Tissue



SZO603 Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human Genetics and



SZO604 Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography


SZOP601 Practical based on Paper I (Course 15) 02

SZOP602 Practical based on Paper II (Course 16) 02

SZOP603 Practical based on Paper III (Course 17) 02

SZOP604 Practical based on Paper IV (Course 18) 02



The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

1. Syllabus as per Choice Based CreditSystem

i) Name oftheProgramme : T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology

ii) CourseCode :Semester-V

SZO501 (Course 11),SZO502

(Course12),SZO503 (Course13) and

SZO504 (Course14)


SZO601 (Course 15),SZO602

(Course16),SZO603 (Course17) and

SZO604 (Course18)

iii) CourseTitle : Zoology

iv) Semester-wiseCourseContents : Copy of the Syllabusenclosed

v) References andAdditionalReferences : Enclosed in theSyllabus

vi) CreditStructure

No. of CreditsperSemester 16

vii) No. of lecturesper Unit 15

viii) No. of lecturesperweek 16

ix) No. of Tutorialperweek :--

x) No. of practicalperweek : 04 (per batch)

2. SchemeofExamination : Internal Assessment (40 marks):

Class Test 20 marks,

Assignment: 15 marks

Class Participation: 05 marks

External Assessment (60 marks)

Semester End Exam:


12 Marks -One question each from

4 Units / Two questions of 6

marks each from 4units

12 Marks -Two/Three questions

each from 4 Units (Any 4 out of 6)

3. Special notes,ifany : No

4. Eligibility,ifany : As laid down in the College

Admission brochure/website

5. FeeStructure : As per College Fee Structure


6. Special Ordinances / Resolutions, if any :No Pag


The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester:V

Course:Zoology-I(Course11) Course code:SZO501

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields ofZoology.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the principles of taxonomy and modern system of classification in animal

kingdom so as to give the students with evolution point of view

2. To enhance the ability to identify the animals pertaining to different ecosystem

and thus, highlighting the hierarchy of animal classification system.

3. To acquaint the learner with the internal structural organization and the

mechanism of different systems in Invertebrates.

4. To introduce the learners to the modern system of animal classification.

5. To describe the distinguishing characters of major invertebrate phyla and their

adaptive features with reference to their habitat.

6. To introduce basic concepts of invertebrate classification in animal kingdom

from phylum Annelida to Echinodermata.

7. To study general characteristics and salient features of animals belonging to

Phylum Annelida to Hemichordata and Minor phyla.

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Module no.

Content Lectures


1 Principles of Taxonomy 15





Levels of Organization: i. Unicellularity, colonization of cells, multicellularity

ii. Levels of Organization: Acellular, Cellular, Tissue

level, Organ level and ‘Organ-system level Symmetry

i. Basic concept and definition ii. Types:

a. Asymmetry: e.g.Amoeba

b. Radial symmetry: i. Biradial symmetry: eg. Sea anemone ii. Pentaradial symmetry: e.g. Starfish

c. Bi-lateral symmetry: d. e.g. Invertebrate – Planaria Vertebrate –Man

iii. Evolutionary significance of symmetry Coelom

i. Basic concept and definition ii. Formation of coelom iii. Types:

a. Acoelomate: Platyhelminthes e.g.Liverfluke b. Pseudocoelomate: Nematoda e.g.Ascaris c. Coelomate: e.g.Frog

iv. Evolutionary significance of coelom Metamerism

i. Basic concept and definition ii. Types:

a. Pseudometamerism: e.g.Tapeworm b. True metamerism:

i. hom*onomous – Annelida e.g.Nereis

ii. Heteronomous – Cephalization –Insecta e.g. Dragonfly

iii. Cephalothorax – Crustacean e.g.Lobster iii. Evolutionary significance of metamerism



The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

1 V


Taxonomy a) Basic concept, definition and objectives b) Linnaean Hierarchy, Binomial Nomenclature c) Six Kingdom classification: General characters of

each Kingdom with examples: i. Kingdom Archaebacteria ii. Kingdom Eubacteria iii. Kingdom Protista iv. Kingdom Fungi v. Kingdom Plantae vi. Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Protista: Animal like Protists: Protozoa a) General characters of Protozoa b) Classification of Protozoa with distinguishing features

and suitable examples:

• Phylum Sarcomastigophora Class Sarcodina e.g. Amoeba

Class Mastigophora e.g. Trypanosoma

• Phylum Ciliophora Class Ciliata e.g. Opalina

Class Phyllopharyngea e.g. Dysteria

• Phylum Sporozoa Class Aconoidasida e.g. Plasmodium Class Conoidasida e.g. Toxoplasma

2. Kingdom Animalia I 15



Phylum Porifera a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and suitable examples: o Class Calcarea e.g. Leucosolenia o Class Hexactinellida e.g. Hyalonema(Glass-rope

sponge) o Class Demospongia e.g. Euspongia(Bath sponge)

Phylum Cnidaria

a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples ▪ Class Hydrozoa e.g. Hydra ▪ Class Scyphozoa e.g. Aurelia (Jelly fish) ▪ Class Anthozoa e.g. Meandrina(Maze Coral)




The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



III Phylum Platyhelminthes a) General characters

b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features and examples ▪ Class Turbellaria e.g. Planaria

▪ Class Trematoda e.g. Schistosoma (Blood-fluke) ▪ Class Cestoda e.g. Taenia sp. (Tapeworm)

c) Morphology, life cycle and pathogenicity of Fasciola sp.


Phylum Nematoda

a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples ▪ Class: Aphasmida / Adenophorea e.g. Trichinella

(Trichina worm) ▪ Class: Phasmida / Secernentea e.g. Ascaris


3 Kingdom Animalia II 15

I Phylum Annelida

a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples i. Class Polychaeta e.g. Nereis (Clamworm) ii. Class Oligochaeta e.g. Pheretima (Earthworm) iii. Class Hirudinea e.g. Hirudinaria (Leech)

II Phylum Arthropoda

a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples A. Subphylum Chelicerata

i. Class Arachnida e.g. Hottentotta tamulus(Indian Red Scorpion)

ii. Class Merostomata e.g. Limulus (Horse-shoe crab) iii. Class Pycnogonida e.g. Nymphon(Sea spider)

B. Subphylum Crustacea

i. Class Malacostraca e.g. Scylla serrata (Giant Mud Crab)

ii. Class Maxillipoda e.g. Balanus (Barnacle)

C. Subphylum Uniramia

i. Class Chilopoda e.g.Centipede ii. Class Diplopoda e.g.Millipede iii. Class Insecta e.g. Attacus atlas (Atlas moth)

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

3 III Phylum Mollusca a) General characters of the Phylum. b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples i. Class Aplacophora e.g. Chaetoderma ii. Class Polyplycophora e.g. Chiton (Coat-of-mail shells) iii. Class Monoplacophora e.g.Neopilina iv. Class Gastropoda e.g.Nerita v. Class Pelecypoda e.g. Solen (Razor clam) vi. Class Scaphopoda e.g. Dentalium (Tusk shell) vii. Class Cephalopoda e.g. Nautilus (Pearly nautilus)

IV Phylum Echinodermata a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples i. Class Asteroidea e.g. Protoreaster (Starfish) ii. Class Ophiuroidea e.g. Ophiothrix (Brittle star) iii. Class Echinoidea e.g. Clypeaster (Sand dollar) iv. Class Holothuroidea e.g. Cucumaria (Sea cucumber)

v. Class Crinoidea e.g. Antedon (Sea lily)

V Minor phyla a) General characters b) Classification up to class with distinguishing features

and examples i. Phylum Acanthocephala e.g.Moniliformis ii. Phylum Onychophora e.g. Peripatus (Velvetworm) iii. Phylum Chaetognatha e.g. Sagitta (Arrowworm)

c) Peripatus, a connecting link

VI Phylum Hemichordata a) General characters b) Classification with distinguishing features

and examples i. Class Enteropneusta e.g. Balanoglossus (Acorn worm) ii. Class Pterobranchia e.g. Rhabdopleura iii. Class Planctosphaeroidea e.g.Planctosphera


Basic concepts of phylogeny: Phylogenetic tree of invertebrate



The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

4 Type study: Sepia 15



General characters and classification, Habit and habitat, External characters, mantle cavity, locomotion, economic importance

i. Digestive system ii. Respiratory system

iii. Circulatory system iv. Excretory system v. Nervous system and Sense organs

vi. Reproductive system

Total No. of lectures 60

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Workshops, Hands-on training practicals, Field data collection of fauna

SZOP501 (SEMESTER V) Based on Paper I-COURSE 11

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Classification of phyla up to class and study of the general characters up to class. Kingdom Protista – Animal-like Protists: Phylum Protozoa

A. Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Class Sarcodina e.g. Amoeba Class Mastigophora e.g.Euglena

B. Phylum: Ciliophora Class Ciliata e.g. Paramoecium Class Phyllopharyngea e.g. Dysteria

C. Phylum: Apicomplexa / Sporozoa, Class Aconoidasida e.g. Eimeria Class Conoidasida e.g.Sarcocystis

2 Kingdom Animalia D. Phylum: Porifera

i. Class Calcarea e.g. Scypha ii. Class Hexactinellida e.g.Hyalonemma iii. Class Demospongia e.g.Spongilla



The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

E. Phylum Cnidaria i. Class Hydrozoa e.g.Vellela ii. Class Scyphozoa e.g. Rhizostoma iii. Class Anthozoa e.g.Corallium

F. Phylum Platyhelminthes

i. Class Turbellaria e.g. Dugesia tigrina ii. Class Trematoda e.g. Fasciola hepatica iii. Class Cestoda e.g. Taenia solium

G. Phylum Nematoda

i. Class Aphasmida / Adenophoreae.g.Trichinella ii. Class Phasmida / Secernentea e.g. Ascaris

H. Phylum Annelida

i. Class Polychaeta e.g.Arenicola ii. Class Oligochaeta e.g.Tubifex iii. Class Hirudinea e.g. Pontobdella

I. PhylumArthropoda a) Subphylum:Chelicerata

i. Class Arachnida e.g.(Scorpion) ii. Class Merostomata e.g. Limulus iii. Class Pycnogonida e.g. (Sea spider)

b) Subphylum Crustacea i. Class Malacostraca e.g.Lobster ii. Class Maxillipoda e.g.Copepods

c) Subphylum Uniramia

i. Class Chilopoda e.g.Centipedes ii. Class Diplopoda e.g.Millipedes iii. Class Insecta e.g.Moth

J. Phylum Mollusca

i. Class Aplacophora e.g.Chaetoderma ii. Class Polyplacophora e.g. Tonicella iii. Class Monoplacophora e.g.Neopilina iv. Class Gastropoda e.g.Turbo v. Class Pelycypoda e.g.Donax vi. Class Scaphopoda e.g. Dentalium vii. Class Cephalopoda e.g.Octopus

K. Phylum Echinodermata i. Class Asteroidea e.g.Starfish ii. Class Ophiuroidea e.g. Brittle star iii. Class Echinoidea e.g. Echinus (Sea urchin) iv. Class Holothuroidea e.g. Holothuria (Sea cucumber) v. Class Crinoidea e.g. Crinoid (Sea lily)



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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Sr. No.


L. Phylum Hemichordata i. Class Enteropneusta e.g.Saccoglossus ii. Class Pterobranchia e.g.Rhabdopleura iii. Class Planctosphaeroidea e.g.Planctosphaera

4. Minor Phyla i. Acoelomate i. Phylum Acanthocephala e.g.Echinorhynchus ii. Coelomate J. Phylum Chaetognatha e.g. Sagitta.

iii. Phylum Onychophora e.g.Peripatus

5. Study of Sepia with the help of diagram / Photograph / Simulation whichever possible. No animal shall be dissected.

a) Digestive system, b) Reproductive system, c) Nervous system d)Jaws e) Radula f)Chromatophores g)Spermatophores h)Statocyst

6 I. Mounting of Spiracles of co*ckroach

II. Mounting of Cornea of co*ckroach

III. Mounting of mouth parts of co*ckroach

7. Study tour –

Visit to fish market / Aquarium / Any other place to observe invertebrates and submit a report.

Semester V: Taxonomy and Type Study I SZO501:Paper I(Course11) ( Internal AssessmentPattern)

Marks: 40

1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1,2,3and4) 20 marks

2 Assignment: 15 marks

3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05 Marks

Semester V: Taxonomy and Type Study I SZO501:Paper I(Course11) (Internal Class Test PaperPattern)

Duration: Marks:20

Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Q 2. Write short note on:(Any two) 10 Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester V: Taxonomy and Type Study I SZO501:Paper I(Course11) (Theory PaperPattern)

Duration: 2 hours Marks: 60

Q1 a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q 2 a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q 3 a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q 4 a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2,3,4)

12 Marks

Semester V: Taxonomy and Type Study I SZOP501:Paper I(Course11) (Practical PaperPattern)

Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Sepia: Sketch and label the system

(Digestive / Reproductive system / Nervous system) OR

Identify and Describe: a & b (Jaws / Radula / Chromatophores / Spermatophores / Statocyst

04 marks

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Q.2 Identify and classify giving reasons: a) Protozoa / Porifera /Cnidaria b) Platyhelminthes /Nematoda c) Annelida /Arthropoda d) Mollusca /Echinodermata

12 marks

Q.3 Identify, classify and describe a) Acanthocephala / Chaetognatha /Onychophora b) Hemichordata c) Observe the animal* (photo/existing preserved specimen) andidentify phylum givingreasons. *A suitable animal which is not prescribed in the syllabus

06 marks

Q4. Mounting of Spiracle of co*ckroach/ OR

Mounting of Cornea of co*ckroach

OR Mounting of mouth parts of co*ckroach

03 Marks

Q.5. Field report 10 marks

Q.6 Viva based on Paper I (Course 11) 05 Marks

Q.7 Journal with neatly drawn and labelled diagrams 10 Marks

SZO501:Paper I-Course 11 Course outcome

After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 apprehend the basis of classification and modern classification up to class of the lower invertebrate animals.

CO 2 Classify each organism based on the characteristics and its structural organization

CO3 Develop the idea of working of the different systems within the Invertebrates and thus, gain the knowledge about the life history and the peculiar adaptations of the Invertebrates.

CO4 Understand that scientific classification of animals is based on certain

characteristics they have in common.

CO5 Recall characteristics features and examples of each phylum.

CO6 Get an idea of higher groups of invertebrate animal life and their classification

pertaining to different aspects.

CO7 Correlate the behavioural aspects and phylogenetic relationships between Invertebrates. P



The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Recommended Resources

Reference Books

1. Invertebrate Zoology: E.L. Jordan and P.S.Verma

2. A manual of Zoology - Part I, Invertebrata; Ayyar, M.Ekambaranath

3. Invertebrate Zoology – Volumes of different Phyla; HymanL.H.

4. Instant Notes in Animal Biology by Richard D.Jurd.

5. Zoology For Degree Students: Dr. V. K. Agarwal, S. Chand publication.

6. Introduction to Zoology – Vol I: K. K. Chaki, G. Kundu and S.Sarkar,

New Crystal Book Agency.

7. Modern text book of Zoology – Invertebrates; Eleventh;Edition

Professor R. L. Kotpal; Rastogi publication

8. Phylum Sarcomastigophora viz. Protozoology, by S. V. Nikam & S.T.

Tanveer; ed. 2011, Pub. Oxford Book.

9. Invertebrate Zoology by E. L. Jordan &P. S. Verma Rev.edition,2009,

Chand publications

10. Invertebrate Zoology by P. S. Verma, edition,2009, Chand publications

11. Zoology for degree students, Non chordates-1 by V.K. Agarwal 2017, S.

Chand publications

12. Zoology for Degree Students-I, B.Sc. First Year, by V. K. Agarwal,Pub.

S. Chand Coy.

13. B. Sc. Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology by V. K. Aggarwal 2017, S.Chand


14. Invertebrate Zoology by Fatik Baran 2012, PHI Learning

15. A Textbook of Invertebrates by N.C. Nair et al. 2010 Saras publications

16. Practical Zoology: Invertebrate, by S. S. Lal,2016

17. Invertebrate Zoology by Ruppert, Fox, Barnes,7thedition,2003

publications Cen gageL earning

18. Invertebrate Zoology by D.T. Anderson 2nd edition 2002,publications


19. Invertebrates by Richard C. Brusca et. al, 3rdedition2016,publications


20. Biology of the invertebrates by Jan A. Pechenik, 7thedition,2014

publications Mc Graw Hill

21. An introduction to the invertebrates by Janet Moore,2ndedition2006,

publications Cambridge

22. Protozoology, by S. V. Nikam & S. T. Tanveer ed. 2011, Pub. Oxford

Book Company (N.B.: This book includes Phylum Sarcomastigophora)

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



E- Resources










The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester:V

Course: Zoology-II(Course12) Course code: SZO502

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields of Zoology.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce to the learner the composition of blood, haemorrhage and haematopoiesis

2. To acquaint the learner with the physiology of blood clotting and clinical aspects of


3. To introduce to the learner the basics of applied haematology and to impart knowledge

of diagnostic techniques used in pathology

4. To acquire the knowledge of lab pathology and its diverse career aspects

5. To introduce the topic of immunology by emphasizing the basic concepts to build a

strong foundation and to give an overview of the immune system that plays an

important role in disease resistance.

6. To introduce immunopathology and the concept of vaccines and vaccination.

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)


Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures


1 Paper Title: Basic Haematology 15








Composition of plasma: Water, respiratory gases, dissolved salts, plasma proteins, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, nitrogenous waste products Haematopoiesis: Erythropoiesis, leucopoiesis and thrombopoiesis

Erythrocytes: Structure and functions, abnormalities in structure, total count, variation in number; ESR; types of anaemia Haemoglobin: Structure, formation and degradation; variants of haemoglobin (foetal, adult), abnormalities in haemoglobin (Sickle cell and Thalassemia)

Leucocytes: Types and functions, total count and variation in number; leukaemia and its types

Thrombocytes: Structure, factors and mechanism of clotting, failure of clotting mechanism Blood volume: Total quantity and regulation; haemorrhage

2 Applied Haematology 15



Introduction and scope of Applied Haematology: Clinical, microbiological, oncological and forensic Haematology

Clinical significance of Diagnostic Techniques i. Microscopic examination of blood:

a) Blood cancer (lymphoma,myeloma), b) Infectious diseases (malaria,leishmaniasis), c) Haemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anaemia,

thalassemia) ii. Coagulopathies: Haemophilia andpurpura iii. Biochemical examination of blood:

a) Liver function tests: AST, ALT, LDH, Alkaline phosphatase, Total and direct bilirubin

b) Kidney function test: Serum creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN)

c) Carbohydrate metabolism tests: Blood sugar, Glucose tolerance test, Glycosylated haemoglobin test

d) Other biochemical tests: Blood hormones - TSH, FSH, LH.



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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

3 Basic Immunology 15

I Overview of Immunology i. Concept ofimmunity ii. Innate immunity – Definition, factors affecting innate

immunity, Mechanisms of innate immunity – First line of defence – physical and chemical barriers; Second line of defence- phagocytosis, inflammatory responses and fever

iii. Adaptive or Acquired immunity, Antibody mediated

and cell mediated immunity; Active Acquired immunity – Natural and Artificial; Passive Acquired immunity – Natural and Artificial

II Cells and Organs of immune system i. Cells of immune system – B cells, T cells and null

cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and mast cells

ii. Organs of immune system

a) Primary: Thymus and bone marrow b) Secondary: Lymph nodes and spleen

III Antigens: Definition and properties; haptens

IV Antibodies: Definition, basic structure, classes of

antibodies – IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE


Antigen processing and presentation a) Endogenous antigens – cytosolic pathways b) Exogenous antigens – endocytic pathways

4 Applied Immunology 15

I Antigen-Antibody interaction i. General features of antigen-antibody interaction

ii. Precipitation reaction – Definition, characteristics and


a) Precipitation in gels (slide test)

b) Radial immunodiffusion (Mancini method)

c) Double immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony


iii. Immunoelectrophoresis – Counter-current and

Laurel’s Rocket electrophoresis



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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Unit No.

Module no.



iv. Agglutination reaction definition, characteristics and


a) Haemagglutination (slide and micro-tray


b) Passive agglutination c) Coomb’stest

v. Immunoassay-ELISA Vaccines and Vaccination

i. Principles of vaccines – active and passive immunization,

ii. Routes of vaccine administration iii. Classification of vaccines:

a) Live attenuated b) Whole-Killed or inactivated c) Sub-unit vaccines: Toxoids, Protein vaccines,

Viral-like particles, DNA vaccines iv. Adjuvants used for human vaccines:

a) Virosomes and Liposomes b) Saponins c) Water-in-oil emulsions

v. Vaccines against human pathogens: a) Polio b) Hepatitis A and B c) Tuberculosis (BCG)

Transplantation Immunology: Introduction to transplantation; Types of grafts; Immunologic basis of graft rejection: MHC compatibility in organ transplantation, Lymphocyte and Antibody mediated graft rejection; Precautionary measures against graft rejection

Total no. of lectures: 60

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Workshops, Hands-on training practicals, Field data collection of fauna

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



SZOP502 (SEMESTER V) Paper II-Based on COURSE 12

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Enumeration of Erythrocytes – Total Count.

2 Enumeration of Leucocytes – Total Count.

3 Differential count of Leucocytes.

4 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate by suitable method – Westergren or Wintrobe method.

5 Estimation of haemoglobin by Sahli’s acid haematin method.

6 Determination of serum LDH by using colorimeter/ spectrophotometer.

7 Estimation of total serum/ plasma proteins by Folin’s method.

8 Estimation of serum/ plasma total triglycerides by Phosphovanillin method.

9 Latex agglutination test – Rheumatoid Arthritis.

10 Determination of bleeding and clotting time.

Semester V: Haematology and Immunology – SZO502:Paper II (Course 12) (Internal Assessment Pattern)

Marks: 40

1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1.2and 3) 20marks

2Assignment: 15marks

3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Semester V: Haematology and Immunology – SZO502:Paper II (Course 12) (Internal Class Test Paper Pattern)

Duration: Marks:20

Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q 2. Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester V: Haematology and Immunology – SZO502:Paper II (Course 12) (Theory Paper Pattern)

Duration: Marks: 60

Q1.a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out of six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2,3,4)

12 Marks

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Semester V: Haematology and Immunology – SZOP502: Paper II (Course 12) (Practical Paper Pattern)

Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Enumerate erythrocytes in the given sample and comment on clinical condition.

OR Enumerate leucocytes in the given sample and comment on clinical

condition. OR

Present a report on differential count of leucocytes and comment on clinical condition

15 marks

Q.2 Estimate total plasma proteins by Folin’s method. OR

Estimate serum / plasma total triglycerides by Phosphovanillin method.

10 marks

Q.3 Estimate haemoglobin by Sahli’s acid haematin method. OR

Record Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate by Westergren / Wintrobe method.

OR Determine serum LDH by colorimetric/spectrophotometric method.

10 marks

Q.4. Perform Latex agglutination test – Rheumatoid Arthritis. OR

Record bleeding/clotting time and comment on clinical significance

05 marks

Q.5 Viva voce based on theory 05 Marks

Q.6 Journal 05 Marks

SZO502: PaperII-Course12 Course outcome

After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 Comprehend basic haematology and identify various components of haemostatic


CO2 The learner will be familiar with the terminology used and diagnostic tests

performed in a pathological laboratory.

CO3 Acquaint with diagnostic approaches in haematological disorders and better

equipped for further pathological course or working in a diagnostic laboratory.

CO4 Comprehend the types of immunity and the components of immune system.

CO5 Realize the significant role of immune system in giving resistance against


CO6 Understand immunopathology and the principles and applications of vaccines and

develop basic understanding of immunology of organ transplantation.



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Recommended Resources

Reference Books 1. Practical Hematology; Dacie J V; Churchill Livingstone; 2006

2. Lecture Notes: Haematology; Hatton, Chris S. R.Hughes- Jones, Nevin C. Hay, Deborah; Wiley-Blackwell

3. ABC series : ABC of Clinical Haematology; Provan; Drew Publisher: BMJ Books

4. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology; Thirteenth Edition; Gerard J. Tortora & Bryan Derrickson; Biological Science Textbooks, Inc.; 2012

5. Biochemistry; Fourth Edition; U. Satyanarayana & U. Chakrapani; Elsevier;2013

6. Immunology - Introductory Textbook; Shetty N.; New Age International;2005

7. Immunology - Essential and Fundamental; Pathak S., & PalanU.; Science Publishers;2005

8. Immunology: A textbook; Rao C. V.; Alpha Science Int'l Ltd.;2005

9. Ananthanarayan and Paniker's textbook of Microbiology; C. J. Paniker (Ed.); Ananthanarayan R.; Orient Blackswan;2005

10. Textbook of Immunology; Haleem Khan,Rajendra Sagar, Sadguna

11. Prescott’s Microbiology; Ninth Edition; Joanne M. Willey,Linda M. Sherwood &

12. Christopher J. Woolverton; McGraw-Hill Education;2014 13. Immunology; Third Edition; Janis Kuby; W.H. Freeman;1997

14. Kuby Immunology; Sixth Edition; Thomas J. Kindt, Richard A. Goldsby, Barbara Osborne & Janis Kuby; W.H. Freeman;2007

15. Concepts in Biochemistry; Third Edition; Rodney Boyer; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.;2006

16. Medical Biochemistry; Fourth Edition; John Baynes &Marek Dominiczak; Saunders (Elsevier);2014

17. Cellular and Molecular immunology; Abbas A. K., Lichtman A. H. &Pillai S.; Elsevier Health Sciences;2014

18. Roitt's Essential Immunology – Vol. 20; Delves P. J., Martin S. J., Burton D. R., & Roitt I. M.; John Wiley & Sons;2011

19. The Elements of Immunology; Khan F.H.; Pearson Education, India;2009

20. Kuby Immunology; Sixth Edition; Thomas J. Kindt, Richard A. Goldsby, Barbara A. Osborne & Janis Kuby; W.H. Freeman; 2007

21. Janeway's Immunobiology; Murphy K. & Weaver C.;Garland Science;2016

22. Fundamental Immunology; Paul W. E.; Philadelphia:Lippincott- Raven;1999

23. Immunology - Introductory Textbook; Shetty N.; New Age



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International; 2005

24. Prescott’s Microbiology; Ninth Edition; Joanne M. Willey,Linda M. Sherwood & Christopher,Woolverton; McGraw-Hill Education; 2014

25. Medical Biochemistry; Fourth Edition; John Baynes &Marek Dominiczak; Saunders (Elsevier);2014

26. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry; David Lee Nelson, A.L. Lehninger, Michael M Cox;

27. W.H. Freeman, New York;2008 28. Biochemistry; 5th ed.; J M Berg, J L Tymoczko and Lubert Stryer;

W.H. Freeman, New York; 2002

29. Biochemistry; 2nd edition; Donald Voet and Judith G Voet;J. Wiley and Sons, New York;1995

E-Resources 1. Nanoparticle vaccine shows potential as immunotherapy tofight multiple cancer types’;

2. UT Southwestern Medical Center; Science Daily, April 24 2017;

3. Articles on “Blood groups”; (1)The Indian Express, August 15,2012/ Times of India,

4. August 16, 2012; (2)Times of India, September 11,2014 5. ‘India facing shortage of life-saving albumin serum’; written by

Abantika Ghosh,New 6. Delhi; The Indian Express, October 16, 2014, 2:25am

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Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester:V

Course: Zoology-III(Course13) Course code:SZO503

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields of Zoology.

Course Objectives

1. To familiarize the learner with the cellular architecture of the various organs in

the body and understand the importance of different types of tissues in the

vital organs and their functions

2. To introduce the learner to the principles of toxicology with particular

emphasis on toxic responses to chemical exposures, nature and effect of

toxicity and toxicity testing and develop amongst students an introductory

understanding of regulatory affairs in toxicology.

3. It also intends to develop amongst students an introductory understanding of

regulatory affairs in toxicology.

4. To introduce the learner to basics of general pathology and impart knowledge

of retrogressive, necrotic, pathological conditions in the body, thus explaining

repair mechanism of the body.

5. To make learner familiar with biostatistics as an important tool of analysis and

its applications.

6. To inculcate research aptitude by introducing advanced techniques and ideas.

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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

SZO503 (Paper III-Course 13: Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General

Pathology and Biostatistics

1 Mammalian Histology 15



Vertical section (V.S.) of skin: Layers and cells of

epidermis; papillary and reticular layers of dermis; sweat

glands, sebaceous glands and skin receptors

Digestive System

i. Vertical section (V.S.) of tooth; hard tissue –

dentine and enamel; soft tissue – dentinal pulp

and periodontal ligaments

ii. Transverse section (T.S.) of tongue – mucosal

papillae and taste buds

iii. Alimentary canal – Transverse section (T.S.) of

stomach, small intestine, large intestine of


iv. Glands associated with digestive system –

Transverse section (T.S.) of salivary glands, liver.

2 Toxicology 15

I Basic toxicology i. Introduction to toxicology – brief history, different

areas of toxicology, principles and scope of toxicology

ii. Toxins and Toxicants – Phytotoxins (caffeine,

nicotine), Mycotoxins (aflatoxins), Zootoxins (cnidarian toxin, bee venom, scorpion venom, snake venom)

iii. Characteristics of Exposure – Duration of exposure,

Frequency of exposure, Site of exposure and Routes of exposure

iv. Types of Toxicity – Acute toxicity, Sub-acute toxicity, Sub-chronic toxicity and Chronic toxicity



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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures


v. Concept of LD50, LC50,ED50 vi. Dose Response relationship – Individual / Graded

dose response, Quantal dose response, shape of dose response curves, Therapeutic index, Margin of safety

vii. Dose translation from animals to human – Concept of

extrapolation of dose, NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level), Safety factor, ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake)

Regulatory toxicology

i. OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals (an overview)

ii. CPCSEA guidelines for animal testing centre, ethical issues in animal studies

iii. Animal models used in regulatory toxicologystudies

iv. Alternative methods in toxicology (in vitrotests)

3 General pathology 15

I Infectious diseases: aetiology, infectious agents, viruses - hepatitis, bacteria - tuberculosis, fungi - skin diseases

II Cell injury: Mechanisms of cell injury: ischemic, hypoxic, free radical mediated and chemical

III Retrogressive changes Definition, cloudy swelling, degeneration: fatty, mucoid

and amyloid (causes and effects)

IV Disorders of pigmentation Endogenous: Brief ideas about normal process of

pigmentation, melanosis, jaundice(causes and effects)

V Necrosis Definition and causes; nuclear and cytoplasmic

changes; Types: Coagulative, Liquefactive, Caseous, Fat and Fibroid

VI Gangrene Definition and types (dry, moist and gas gangrene)



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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

4 Biostatistics 15






Probability Distributions: Normal, Binomial, Poisson

distribution, Z-transformation, p-value, Probability

Addition and multiplication rules and their applications.

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion:

Variance, standard deviation, standard error

Testing of Hypothesis: Basic concepts, types of

hypothesis: Null hypothesis and Alternate hypothesis,

Levels of significance and testing of hypothesis

Parametric and non-parametric test:

Parametric tests: two-tailed Z-test and t-test

Non-parametric test: Chi-square test and its applications

Correlation: Correlation coefficient and its significance

Total No. of lectures 60

Beyond the Syllabus:

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals

SZOP503 (SEMESTER V) Based on Paper III-COURSE 13

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Study of mammalian tissues: V.S. of Tooth, T.S. of Stomach, T.S. of small

intestine, T.S. of Liver.

2 Microtomy: Tissue preservation and fixation, dehydration, infiltration, paraffin

embedding and block preparation, sectioning, staining.

3 Identification of diseases or conditions (from slides or pictures): Vitiligo, Psoriasis,

Bed sores, Necrosis, Oedema

4 To study the effect of CCl4 on the level of enzyme activity in liver on aspartate and



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alanine amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase (in vitro approach).

5 Study and interpretation of pathological reports: Blood, Urine and Stool (faeces).

6 Following biostatistics practicals will be done using data analysis tool of Microsoft

Excel (DEMONSTRATION in regular practicals) & manually:

a. Problems based on Z test

b. Problems based on t test

c. Problems based on Chi square test

d. Correlation, regression analysis – demonstration only.

e. Problems based on ANOVA – demonstration only.

(Learner is expected to identify appropriate test for the given problem) ination of

LC50 for a suitable pollutant (any one salt of a heavy metal dissolved in water) on

Daphnia, Probit analysis.

Semester V: Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General Pathology and Biostatistics – SZO503:Paper III(Course13) ( Internal AssessmentPattern)

Marks: 40 1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1.2and 3) 20marks 2 Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

Semester V: Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General Pathology and Biostatistics

– SZO503:Paper III(Course13) (Internal Class Test PaperPattern) Duration: Marks:20 Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions each from Unit1,2,3) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q2 Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

The Kelkar Education Trust’s

V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Semester V: Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General Pathology and Biostatistics

– SZO503:Paper III(Course13) (Theory PaperPattern) Duration: 2 hours Marks: 60

Q1.a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out of six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2.3,4)

12 Marks

Semester V: Mammalian Histology, Basic Toxicology, General Pathology and Biostatistics – SZOP501:Paper III(Course13) (Practical PaperPattern)

Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Demonstrate the effect of CCl4 on the level of enzyme activity of Aspartate/Alanine amino transferase/ alkaline phosphatase in liver (in-vitro approach)

10 marks

Q.2 From the infiltrated tissue prepare block, trim and mount it on the

block holder.


Mount the ribbon on slide from the given block.


Stain the given histological slide and identify the tissue.


06 marks

Q.3 Identify and describe a, b, c, d. a) & b) based on study of mammalian tissues c) & d) based on diseases or conditions

08 marks



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Q.4. Interpret the pathological report – blood / urine / stool.

03 marks

Problems in Biostatistics (anyone)


08Marks 05Marks

Q.7 Journal 10 Marks

SZO503: Paper III-Course 13

Course outcome

After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 appreciate the well-planned organization of tissues and cells in the organ


CO2 Create awareness to acquire knowledge about precautionary measures and

remedial treatment, thus promoting healthy impact on the society.

CO3 Develop broad understanding of the different areas of toxicology and develop

critical thinking and assist students in preparation for employment in

pharmaceutical industry and related areas.

CO4 familiar with various medical terminology pertaining to pathological condition of the

body caused due to diseases.

CO5 Collect, organize and analyse data using parametric and non-parametric tests and

set up a hypothesis and verify the same using limits of significance.

CO6 Enhance research aptitude and implement innovative ideas for future


Recommended Resources

Reference Books

1. A Textbook of Histology; Deshmukh Shivaji; Dominant Pub. 2. Colour Textbook of Histology; Gartner, Leslie P.;Saunders. 3. A Textbook of Histology; Mathur Ramesh; Anmol Pub. 4. A Textbook of Histology and A Practical Guide; Gunasegaran

J.P.;Elsevier. 5. A Textbook of Histology; Khanna D.R.; SonaliPub 6. Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B.

Manna; New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata;1999.

7. Casarett and Doulls Toxicology – The basic science of poisons; Edited by Curtis Klaassen; McGraw-Hill;2001.

8. Public Health & Sanitation Part I &II: The All India Institute of Local Self Government. Sthanikraj Bhavan, C.D.Barfiwala Marg,



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Andheri (W), 400058, 9. Park’s Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine, 7th E.d:

K.Park, M/S Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, 1167, Premnagar, Jabalpur,482001.

10. Toxicological testing handbook – Principles, applications and data interpretation

11. A Text book of Modern Toxicology: E.Hodgson and P.E.Levi, Tata McGraw Hill. on; David Jacobson-Kram and Kit Keller; CRC Press;2006

12. Principles and methods of toxicology; A. Wallace Hayes; CRC Press;2007

13. Toxicology – principles and methods; M.A. Subramanian; MJP Publishers, Chennai;2004

14. Fundamentals of Toxicology; Kamleshwar Pandey and JP Shukla; New Central book agency Ltd., Kolkata;2011

15. Elements of Toxicology; Kamleshwar Pandey and JP Shukla; Wisdom Press, New Delhi;2010

16. Principles and Applications of Toxicology; Lahir Y.K.; Seekay Publications;2013

17. Essentials of Clinical Toxicology; Lall S.; Narosa Publishing House;1998.

18. A Textbook of Veterinary and General Pathology; Second edition; J. L. Vagad; IBDC Publishers

19. Clinical Pathology; Guru G.; NCERT;1988. 20. Clinical Pathology; Batra Neelam; Vikas Publishing House Pvt.

Ltd.; Nov.1982. 21. Essentials of General Pathology; Dr. Sudha Shivraj, Dr. Satish

Kumar Amarnath, Dr. Sudha Shivraj, Dr. Satish Kumar Amarnath, Sheela Devi; Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers &Distributors

22. Textbook of Pathology; Harsh Mohan; Jaypee Publishers 23. Biostatistics – The Bare Essentials; Third Edition; Geoffrey R.

Norman, David L. Streiner; B.C. Decker, Inc., Hamilton;2008

24. Fundamentals of Biostatistics; Second Edition; Veer Bala Rastogi; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi; 2009 (Reprint2010)

25. Fundamentals of Biostatistics; Second Revised Edition; Irfan Ali Khan and Atiya Khanum; Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad;2004

26. Instant Medical Biostatistics; Dr. Ranjan Das and Dr.Papri N. Das; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi;2009

27. Primer of Biostatistics; Fifth Edition; Stanton A. Glantz; McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.;2002

28. Basic Biostatistics – Statistics for Public Health Practice; Second Edition; B. Burt Gerstman; Jones and Bartlett Learning Burlington;2015

29. Biostatistics – A Guide to Design, Analysis, and Discovery; Second Edition; Ronald N. Forthofer, Eun Sul Lee and Mike Hernandez; Elsevier, Inc., (Academic Press), USA;2007

30. Statistics in Biology and Psychology; Sixth Edition; Debajyoti Das and Arati Das; Academic Publishers,Kolkata



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Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester:V

Course: Zoology-IV(Course14) Course code:SZO504

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields of Zoology.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the learner to understand different integumentary structures and

derivatives in the vertebrates and to acquaint learners with special derivatives of


2. To introduce the learner to different bones of human skeleton and their functional

importance and relate the arrangement with contraction and motion.

3. To identify various arrangements of the long limb muscles and to relate the

arrangement with contraction and motion

4. To study muscle injuries and syndromes.

5. To introduce the learner to the basics of developmental biology with reference to chick

as a model and also familiarize with experiments related to it.

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)





Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

SZO504 (Paper IV-Course 14): Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles

and Developmental Biology of Chick

1 Integumentary system and derivatives 15





Basic structure of integument: Epidermis and dermis Epidermal derivatives of Vertebrates

i. Hair, hoof, horn, claw, teeth, beak and epidermal scales (small scales, large scales, modified scales - spine)

ii. Glands - types (mucous, serous, ceruminous, poison, uropygial, and salt gland) and functions

iii. Type of feathers

Dermal derivatives of Vertebrates: Scales in fish; scutes in

reptiles and birds; dermal scales in mammals – Armadillo, Antler –Caribou

Special derivatives of integument: Wart in toad, rattle in

snake, whale bone in baleen whale, kneepads in camel.

2 Human Osteology 15




Introduction: Bone structure (Histology), physical properties, chemical composition and general functions of bones. Cartilage: General structure, functions Introduction and types of long limb muscles Flexors, Extensor, Rotator, Abductors, Adductors Axial skeleton

i. Skull: General characteristics of skull bones - Cranial and facial bones

ii. Vertebral column: General characteristics of a

vertebra, structure of different types of vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx)

iii. Ribs and sternum: General skeleton of ribs and


iv. Hyoid bone: Structure and function.

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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

2 IV Appendicular skeleton i. Pectoral girdle and bones of forelimbs ii. Pelvic girdle and bones of hindlimbs

3 Muscles of long bones of Human limbs 15




Introduction and types of long limb muscles Flexors, Extensor, Rotator, Abductors, Adductors

Muscles of forelimbs

i. Muscles that move the arm (Humerus) – Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis

ii. Muscles that move the forearm (Radius-ulna) – Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi ulnaris and Extensor carpi ulnaris

iii. Muscles that move the wrist, hand and fingers – Flexor digitorium superficialis, Extensor carpi radialis and Extensor digitorum

Muscles of hind limbs

i. Muscles that move the thigh (Femur) – Sartorius, Adductor group, Quadriceps group (Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis), Hamstring group (Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus)

ii. Muscles that move the lower leg (tibia-fibula) – Fibularis longus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis anterior, Soleus, Extensor digitorum longus and Fibularis tertius

iii. Muscles that move the ankle, foot and toes - Tibialis anterior, Extensor digitorum, Longus and Fibularis muscles

4 Developmental Biology of Chick 15



Introduction to Developmental Biology: Basic concept and principles of developmental biology morphogenesis, organogenesis, fate maps, cell adhesion cell affinity and cell differentiation.

Development of Chick embryo

i. Structure of Hen’s egg, physico-chemical nature and form of yolk- granular, platelets and spheres; fertilization, cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation

ii. Structure of chick embryo – 18 hours, 24 hours, 33 hours, 48 hours and 72hours

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Unit No.

Module no.




iii. Extra embryonic membranes

iv. Organizer: Introduction, Spemann Mangold

experiment, Hensen’s node as an organizer.

Fate Mapping Techniques

Total No. of lectures

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals

SZOP504 (SEMESTER V) Based on Paper IV-COURSE 14

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Study of integumentary systems – V. S. of Skin of Shark, Frog, Calotes, Pigeon and Human

2 Study of Human Axial Skeleton – Skull and Vertebral column

3 Study of Human Appendicular Skeleton – Pectoral and pelvic girdle with limb bones

4 Study of muscles of forelimbs – Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachio radialis, Triceps brachii, Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi ulnaris and Extensor carpi ulnaris

5 Study of muscles of hind limbs–Sartorius, Adductor group, Quadriceps group

6 Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Hamstring group (Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus), Fibularis longus, Gastrocnemius

7 Tibialis anterior, Soleus, Extensor digitorum longus, Fibularis tertius



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Sr No.


8 Study of ontogeny of chick embryo using permanent slides – 18 hours, 24 hours, 33 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours.

9 Prepare permanent mounting of chick embryo up to 48 hours of incubation (demonstration).

Semester V: Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles and Developmental Biology of Chick – SZO504:Paper IV (Course 14)

Marks: 40 1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1,2,3and4) 20marks 2Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

Semester V: Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles and Developmental Biology of Chick –SZO504: Paper IV (Course 14)

Duration: Marks:20 Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q.2 Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3

d) Unit4

Semester v: Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles and Developmental Biology of Chick

– SZO504:Paper IV(Course14) (Theory PaperPattern) Duration: Marks: 60

Q1.a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks



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Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: (Any four out of six) (1 or 2 questions from Unit 1,2,3 and 4)

12 Marks

Semester V: Integumentary system, Human Osteology, Limb Muscles and Developmental Biology of Chick

– SZOP504:Paper IV(Course14) (Practical PaperPattern) Duration: 2 hours Marks: 50

Identify and describe a) and b) Based on integumentary system

c) and d) Based on forelimb muscle

e) and f) Based on hind limbs muscle

g) and h) Based on osteology – human axial skeleton

i) Based on osteology – human appendicular skeleton

27 marks

Q.2 . Identify, sketch, label and describe the given stage of chick embryo

08 marks

Q 3. Viva-voce based on theory

Q 4. Journal



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SZO504: Paper IV-Course14

Course outcome

After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 Understand the importance of various types of epidermal and dermal derivatives

along with their functions.

CO2 Acquire knowledge about the structure, types and functions of human skeleton, its

arrangement and their role in body movements.

CO3 to understand the types of long limb muscles, its arrangement and their role

in body movements

CO4 to gain knowledge about the muscle injuries and syndromes

CO5 Gain information pertaining to the processes involved in embryonic

development and practical applications of studying the chick embryology.

Recommended Resources Course 14

Reference Books

1. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates; Ninth Edition; Kent, G.C. and Carr R.K.; The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2000

2. Text book of Chordates; Saras publication 3. Modern text book of Zoology; Prof. R.L.Kotpal 4. Integumentary system and its derivatives; Samuel D.Hodge 5. Atlas of Human Anatomy – Vol I; R.D. Sinelnikov; Mr. Publishers

Moscow 6. A Guide of Osteology (for medical students); Prakash Kendra,

Lucknow 7. Text Book of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology;Tortora 8. Human Osteology – Tim D White 9. Text Book of Human Osteology – Singh Inderbir

10. Mechanisms of Body Functions; Second Edition; Dexter M. Easton; Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi;1978

11. Human Anatomy – John W. Hole, Jr., Karen A. Koos, Publisher: W. C. Brown Publisher, USA.

12. Practical Zoology; Second Edition; Dr. K.C. Ghose & Dr. B. Manna; New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd. , Kolkata;1999.

13. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology – Gerard T. Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski. Publisher: Harpers Collins College Publishers (7th Edition).

14. Developmental biology –Gilbert 15. Development of Chick –Patten 16. Developmental Biology –Wolpert 17. Text book of Embryology – N.Arumugam 18. Chicken Development – Embryology; W.H. Freeman & B.




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Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester: VI

Course: Zoology-I(Course15) Course code:SZO601

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields ofZoology.

Course Objectives

1. To enhance the knowledge of Classical Zoology, highlighting the hierarchy of the

development of organisms.

2. To introduce basic concepts of modern Chordate classification with evolution point

of view and to understand the concept of taxonomy in higher animal kingdom.

3. To introduce the learners to the distinguishing characters of diverse Phylum and their

adaptive features with reference to their habitat.

4. To introduce the learners to the distinguishing characters of classes Reptilia, Aves and

Mammalia and their adaptive features with reference to their habitat.

5. To study in depth about the general characteristics and salient features of Vertebrate-


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Module no.

Content Lectures

SZ0601 (Paper I-Course 15): Taxonomy and Type Study II

1 Chordata: Protochordata and Euchordata I 15




General characters, Difference between non-chordates and chordates Origin of chordates: Annelids as ancestors, Arachnids as

ancestors and affinities with Echinodermata

Protochordata i. General characters of Group Protochordata

ii. Distinguishing characters of Subphylum

Urochordata and Cephalochordata

iii. Subphylum Urochordata ▪ Class Ascidiacia e.g. Herdmania ▪ Class Thaliacia e.g. Salpa ▪ Class Larvacia e.g. Oikopleura

iv. Subphylum Cephalochordata

Class Leptocardii e.g. Branchiostoma (Amphioxus)

Euchordata I

i. Group Euchordata: General characters Subphylum Vertebrata: Generalcharacters Division Agnatha and Gnathostomata:

Distinguishing characters.

ii. General characters with examplesof: Class Ostracodermii e.g. Cephalaspis Class Cyclostomata e.g. Petromyzon (Lamprey)

2 Euchordata II 15

I Division: Gnathostomata

i. Superclass: Pisces and Tetrapoda ii. Superclass – Pisces: Distinguishing characters

Class Placodermi e.g.Climatius

Class Chondrichthyes e.g. Rhinobatus (Guitar




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Class Osteichthyes e.g. Exocetus (Flying fish)

Dipnoi (Lung fish): Distribution, habit and habitat, external

and internal characters, affinities with super class Pisces,

affinities and differences with class Amphibia

Superclass Tetrapoda

Class Amphibia: General characters


a. Limbless amphibian e.g. Ichthyophis


b. Tailed amphibian e.g. Amphiuma

c. Tailless amphibian e.g. Hyla(Treefrog)

3 Group Euchordata II 15




Class Reptilia: General characters Examples a. Extinct reptile e.g.Ichthyosaurus

b. Living fossil e.g.Sphenodon c. Aquatic reptile e.g. Chelonia sp. (Seaturtle) d. Arboreal reptile e.g.Chamaeleon

Class Aves: General Characters

Examples a. Arboreal bird e.g. Melanerpes sp. (Woodpecker) b. Terrestrial bird e.g. Gallus sp. (Jungle fowl) c.Swimming bird e.g. Phalacrocorax sp.(Cormorant) d. Shore birds and wading birds,

(Sandpiper), Ardeolagrayii (Pondheron) e. Birds of prey Strigiformes(Owl),

Accipitriformes(Eagle) f. Flightless birds e.g. Dromaius sp. (Emu)

Class Mammalia: General characters

Examples a. Egg-laying mammals e.g. Ornithorhyncussp.

(Duck-billed platypus) b. Pouched mammals e.g. Macropus sp.(Kangaroo) c. Insect eating mammals e.g. Sorex sp. (Common

shrew) d. Toothless mammals e.g. Bradypus sp.(Sloth) e. Gnawing mammals e.g. Funambulus sp.(Squirrel) f. Primates e.g. Macaca sp.(Monkey)

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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

3 Type study: Shark 15



Habit & habitat, distribution, external characters, classification and economic importance.

Skin, exoskeleton, endoskeleton and systems a) Digestive system b) Respiratory system c) Blood vascular system d) Nervous system, Sense and receptor organs e) Urinogenital system, copulation, fertilization and


Total No. of lectures 60

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals


Based on Paper I -Course 15

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Group Protochordata

i. Subphylum Urochordata

a) Class Larvacea e.g.Oikopleura b) Class Ascidiacea e.g.Ciona c) Class Thaliacea e.g.Salpa

ii. Subphylum Cephalochordata

• Class Leptocardii e.g. Branchiostoma (Amphioxus)

iii.Subphylum Vertebrata: Division Agnatha

a) Class Ostracodermi e.g.Pharyngolepis b) Class Cyclostomata e.g.Petromyzon

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2 Division Gnathostomata

i. Superclass Pisces:

a) Class Placodermi e.g.Bothriolepis b) Class Chondrichthyes e.g. Rhinobates, Chimaera c) Class Osteichthyes e.g. Protopterus, Catfish

ii. Superclass Tetrapoda: a) Class Amphibia, e.g. Ichthyophis, Alytes and Triton b) Class Reptilia: e.g. Varanus and Crocodile

3 Class Aves:

Examples: Penguin, Flamingo and Vulture

4 Class Mammalia:

Examples: Dasyurus(Tiger cat), Flying Squirrel and Gorilla.

5 Study of Shark with the help of diagram / Photograph / Simulation whichever possible. No animal shall be dissected.

a) Digestive system

b) Heart and Aortic arches

c) Urinogenital System

d) Endoskeleton of Shark:

i. Axial – Skull and vertebral column ii. Appendicular – Pelvic and pectoral fins, pelvic and pectoral girdle

6 Visit to fish market / Aquarium / Zoo / National Park /Any other relevant place to observe chordates and prepare a report.

Semester VI: Taxonomy and Type Study II -SZO601:Paper I(Course15) ( Internal AssessmentPattern)

Marks: 40 1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1,2,3and4) 20marks 2Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation andOverallconduct 05Marks

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Semester VI: Taxonomy and Type Study II -SZO601:Paper I(Course 15) (Internal Class Test PaperPattern)

Duration: Marks:20 Q.1 a) Fill intheblanks: (1 or 2 questions eachfrom Unit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks ColumnA Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q.2.Write short note on:(Anytwo) 10Marks

a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester VI: Taxonomy and Type Study II -SZO601:Paper I(Course 15) (Theory PaperPattern)

Duration: 2 hours Marks: 60

Q1.a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2,3,4)

12 Marks

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Semester VI: Taxonomy and Type Study II -SZOP601:Paper I(Course15) (Practical PaperPattern)

Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q1.Identify, classify giving reasons a) Urochordata / Cephalochordata / Ostachodermi /Cyclostomata b) Observe the animal* (photo/existing preserved

specimen) and state its class giving reasons. * The animal should be other than prescribed in the syllabus

06 marks

Q2.Identify, classify and describe a) Pisces b) Amphibia c) Reptilia d) Aves e) Mammalia

15 marks

Q.3 Study of shark with the help of Specimen / Photograph / Simulation (Digestive system / Urinogenital system / Heart and aortic arches

06 marks

Q.4. Identify, sketch and label/ Identify and describe marked portion in given diagram

Skull or vertebra of shark/ Fin of shark (Pectoral / Pelvic) / Girdle of shark (Pectoral / Pelvic)

03 marks

Q.5 Field report and viva based on Paper I Course 15 10 Marks

Q.6 Journal with neatly drawn and labelled diagrams 10 Marks

SZO601: Paper I-Course 15

Course outcome

After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 trained in identifying the fauna through key features, habitat and behavioural

aspects which will enhance their knowledge in the subject of Zoology

CO2 get an idea of origin of Chordates, its taxonomy up to class with reference to

phylogeny and their special features.

CO3 understand the characteristic features and examples of different Phylum

and emphasize on the examples which generates curiosity for further research.

CO4 understand the characteristic features and examples of class of Reptilia,

Aves and Mammalia.

CO5 get an idea of vertebrate animal life of Shark elaborately with the

classification and the systems in detail.

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Recommended Resources

Text Books

1. Modern text book of Zoology – Vertebrates; Professor R.L. Kotpal; Rastogi publication; Third Edition 2012.

Reference Books

3. Vertebrate Zoology for Degree students; V. K. Agarwal;S. Chand Publication;2012.

4. Fundamentals of Zoology, Dr. K. C. Ghosh and Dr.B. Manna, New Central book Agency (P)Ltd.

5. Chordate Zoology Volume II, Prof. N. Arumogam. Saras Publication.

6. Chordate Anatomy Mohan P. Arora, Himalaya Publishing House, First edition.

7. Chordate Zoology, E. L. Jordan, P.S. Verma, S. Chand& Company Ltd.

8. The life of Vertebrates; J.Z. Young; ELBS - Oxford University Press; Third edition,2006

9. Textbook of chordate Zoology, Vol. II, G.S. Sandhu, H. Bhaskar; Campus Book International, First edition, 2005.

10. Introduction to Zoology – Vol II: K. K. Chaki, G. Kundu and S. Sarkar, New Crystal Book Agency.

11. URL for search on net:

12. Chordate Zoology by E. L. Jordan and P. S. Verma, edition,2009, Chand publications

13. Chordate Zoology by P. S. Verma, edition,2009,Chand publications

14. Modern Textbook of Zoology Vertebrates by R.L.Kotpal, edition Jan 2015, Rastogi publications

15. Practical Zoology: Vertebrate, by S. S. Lal,2015

16. A Textbook of Invertebrate Zoology & Cell Biology, by V.S. Kanwate, A. N. Kulkarni et al. ed. Alka Prakashan

17. The Animal Kingdom: An Elementary Textbook in Zoology; Specially Classified and Arranged for the Use of Science Classes, Schools and Colleges (Classic Reprint), by Ellis A. Davidson, Sept. 2015, Publisher: Forgotten Book.



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E- Resources 1.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

ingdoms/Animal%20Kingdom%20%205/Local%20copy /classification/chordata.html

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Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester: VI

Course: Zoology-II(Course16) Course code: SZO602

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields ofZoology.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce to the learner the fundamental concepts of enzyme biochemistry and to

enable the learner realize applications of enzymes in basic and applied sciences.

2. To introduce to the learner the concept of homeostasis thermoregulation and


3. To introduce to the learner the details of endocrine glands and its disorders.

4. To introduce to the learner the fundamental concepts of tissue culture and guide them

progressively to certain areas of animal tissue culture.

5. To create interest in the techniques and methodology of tissue culture in research work

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Module no.

Content Lectures

SZO602 (Paper II-Course 16): Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal

Tissue Culture

1 Enzymology 15






Introduction and Nomenclature: Definition; concept of activation energy; nomenclature and classification (based on IUB – Enzyme Commission) of enzymes; chemical nature of enzyme, co-factors and co enzymes.

Enzyme Action and Kinetics: Mechanism; Factors affecting enzyme activity – substrate, pH and temperature. Derivation of Michaelis-Menten equation and Lineweaver Burk plot; Concept and significance of Km, Vmax and Kcat.

Enzyme Inhibition: Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors and their kinetics; therapeutic applications of enzyme inhibitors.

Regulation of Enzyme Activity: Allosteric regulation and regulation by covalent modification of enzymes; Isozymes (LDH)

Industrial applications of enzymes: Food and detergents

2 Homeostasis 15



Homeostasis i. External and internal environment; Acclimation

and acclimatization.

ii. Body clock – Circadian & Diurnal rhythm. Thermoregulation

i. Endothermy and ectothermy

ii. Temperature balance: Heat production – shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis; Brown fat, Mechanisms of heat loss.

iii. Adaptive response to temperature - daily torpor, hibernation, aestivation

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Unit No.

Module no.

Content Lectures

2 III Osmotic and Ionic Regulation

i. Living in hypo-osmotic, hyper-osmotic and terrestrial environment – Water absorption, salt water ingestion and salt excretion, Salt glands, Metabolic water

ii. Role of kidney in ionic regulation

3 Endocrinology 15




General organization of mammalian endocrine system

Hormones: Classification, properties, mechanism of hormone action.

Histology, functions and disorders of the following endocrine glands:

Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid Pancreas Adrenal

4 Animal Tissue Culture 15




Aseptic techniques i. Sterilization – basic principles of sterilization,

importance of sterility in cell culture

ii. Sterile handling – swabbing, capping, flaming, handling bottles and flasks, pipetting, pouring.


i. Types of media – Natural and Artificial media

ii. Balanced Salt Solutions

iii. Complete Media – amino acids, vitamins, salts, glucose, oxygen supplements, hormones and growth factors, antibiotics

iv. Factors influencing cell culture – surface tension and

foaming, viscosity, temperature, osmolality, pH, CO2, bicarbonate and O2

Advantages of tissue culture – control of the

environment, in vitro modelling of in vivo conditions



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Limitations of tissue culture techniques i. Preparation of cells / organs for culture

ii. Cover slip, Flask and Tube culture

iii. Primary and established cell lines

iv. Hybridoma technology

Total No. of lectures 60

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals


Based on Paper II- Course 16

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Effect of varying pH on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase

2 Effect of varying enzyme concentration on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase

3 Effect of varying substrate concentration on activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase

4 Effect of inhibitor on the activity of enzyme Acid Phosphatase

5 Separation of LDH isozymes by agarose / polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

6 Histology of glands: T.S. of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal.

7 Instruments for tissue culture- Autoclave, Millipore filter, CO2 incubator, Laminar air- flow. (Principle & use)

8 Packaging of glassware for tissue culture.

9 Aseptic transfer techniques.

10 Trypsinization and vital staining using Trypan blue stain.

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Semester VI: Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal Tissue Culture– SZO602:Paper II (Course 16)

(Internal Assessment Pattern) Marks: 40

1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1.2and 3) 20marks 2Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

Semester VI: Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal Tissue Culture– SZO602:Paper II (Course 16)

(Internal Class Test Paper Pattern) Duration: Marks:20 Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions each from Unit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q 2.Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester VI: Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal Tissue Culture– SZO602:Paper II (Course 16)

(Theory Paper Pattern) Duration: 2 hrs Marks: 60

Q1.a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks



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Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks

6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out of six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2,3,4)

12 Marks

Semester VI: Enzymology, Homeostasis, Endocrinology and Animal Tissue Culture

– SZOP602:Paper II (Course 16) (Practical Paper Pattern)

Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Demonstrate the effect of on the activity of acid phosphatase. (Substrate concentration/ pH variation/ Enzyme concentration/ Inhibitor concentration)

OR Perform trypsinization and show the isolated cells using suitable vital stain.

15 marks

Q.2 Separate LDH isozymes from the given sample by Agarose / Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

OR Demonstrate the packaging of glassware for tissue culture (Any three)


Demonstrate the technique of Aseptic transfer.

10 marks

Identification: a) Based on diseases

b) Based on diseases

c) Based on diseases

d) Any one instrument – Autoclave, Millipore filter, CO2 incubator, Laminar air-flow.

15 marks

Q.4. Viva voce based on theory 05 marks

Q.4 Journal 05 Marks

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SZO602: Paper II-Course16 Course outcome After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 Understand fundamentals of enzyme structure, action and kinetics and appreciate

the enzyme assay procedures and the therapeutic applications of enzymes.

CO2 Comprehend the adaptive responses of animals to environmental changes for

their survival.

CO3 understand the types and secretions of endocrine glands and their functions.

CO4 Understand the significance of tissue culture as a tool in specialized areas of

research and will appreciate its applications in various industries.

CO5 Put theory into practice by improvising in the techniques and methodology of

tissue culture.

Recommended Resources

Text Books 1. Text book of Comparative Physiology; R Nagabhushanam,Ms Kodarkar, Sarojini R India Book House Pvt. Ltd.

Reference Books

2. Comparative Animal Physiology; Knut Schmidt Nielson; Cambridge Press

3. Comparative Animal Physiology; Prosser and Brown 4. Comparative Animal Physiology; William S Hoar 5. Animal Physiology; N. Arumugam, A. Mariakuttikan; Saras


6. Mechanisms of Body Functions; Second Edition; Dexter M. Easton; Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi;1978

7. Culture of animal cells – A manual of basic technique; R. Ian Freshney; John Wiley and Sons Publications;2005

8. Basic cell culture – A practical approach; J. M. Davis; Oxford University Press; Indian edition;2005

9. Animal cell culture – Biotechnology Series: Vol.1; Bina Mishra, B. P. Mishra, Pran P. Bhat, P.N. Bhat; Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd; 2011

10. Animal cell culture – Concept and Applications; Shweta Sharma; Oxford book Company;2012

11. Biotechnology of Animal Tissues; Dr. P.R. Yadav and Dr. Rajiv Tyagi; Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi;2006

12. A textbook of Enzymes: Shailendra Singh; Campus Book International, New Delhi2007.

13. Biochemical Adaptation: Mechanism and Process in Physiological Evolution: Peter W. Hochachka & George N. Somero, Oxford University Press.



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14. Text book of Endocrinology; Williams 15. Textbook of Endocrinology Hardcover; Dharmalingam;2010 16. Endocrinology; 6th Edition; Mac Hadley, Jon E.Levine 17. Bailey's textbook of histology Hardcover; Frederick RBailey 18. Comparative Animal Physiology: P. C. Withers, Thomson

Publishing Co. 19. Additional Reading: Prescott’s Microbiology; Ninth Edition;

Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood & Christopher J. Woolverton; McGraw-Hill Education;2014

20. Biotechnology-an introduction: Second Edition:S. Ignacimuthu, S.J, Narosa Publications.

21. Animal Biotechnology: R. Sasidhara, MJP Publishers, Chennai. 2006

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Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester: VI

Course: Zoology-III(Course17) Course code: SZO603

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology 2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields of Zoology.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce learner to chemical and molecular processes that affect genetic material and understand the concept of DNA damage and repair, and how gene control is necessary for cell survival.

2. To introduce learner to a set of techniques to modify an organism’s genome to

produce improved or novel genes and organisms.

3. To introduce learner with the concepts of genetics, genetic alterations in human

genome and their diagnosis.

4. To introduce learner to bioinformatics – a computational approach to learning

the structure and organization of genomes, phylogeny and metabolism.

5. To inculcate research-oriented activities by applying the theory into training and thus,

emphasizing in overall development of the student.

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Module no.

Content Lectures

SZO603 (Paper III- Course 17): Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human

Genetics and Bioinformatics

1 Molecular Biology 15

I Types of mutation i. Point mutations – substitution, deletion and insertion

mutations ii. Substitution mutations – silent (same-sense),

missense and nonsense mutations, transition and transversion

iii. Deletion and Insertion mutations – frameshift mutations

iv. Trinucleotide repeat expansions – fragile X syndrome, Huntington disease

v. Spontaneous mutation – tautomeric shifts, spontaneous lesions

II Induced mutations i. Physical agents:

Ionizing radiation (X-rays, α, β and γ rays) Non-ionizing radiation (UV light)

ii. Chemical agents: Base analogs (5-bromouracil) Intercalating agents (ethidium bromide) Deaminating agents (nitrous acid) Hydroxylating agents (hydroxylamine) Alkylating agents (mustard gas) Aflatoxin (aflatoxin B1)

III Preventative and repair mechanisms for DNA damage i. Mechanisms that prevent DNA damage – superoxide

dismutase and catalase ii. Mechanisms that repair damaged DNA –

direct DNA repair (alkyl transferases, photoreactivation, excisionrepair)

iii. Post-replication repair – recombination repair, mismatch repair, SOSrepair

IV Eukaryotic transcription: RNA Polymerases, types

&subunits, Promoter elements for three polymerases,

Activators, Enhancers, Repressors. Elongation and

Termination of transcription and process of translation.



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Prokaryotic transcription –introduction

Eukaryotic gene expression i. Regulatory protein domains– zinc fingers, helix-turn-

helix domain and leucine zipper

ii. DNA methylation

2 Genetic Engineering 15



Tools in Genetic Engineering i. Enzymes involved in Genetic Engineering: Introduction, nomenclature and types of restriction enzymes with examples, Ligases – E.coli DNA ligase, T4 DNA ligase, polynucleotide kinase, phosphatases, DNA polymerases, reverse transcriptase, terminal transferase

ii. Vectors for gene cloning: General properties, advantages and disadvantages of cloning vectors plasmid vectors (pBR322), phage vectors (λ Phage), cosmid vectors(c2XB)

iii. Cloning techniques: Cloning after restriction digestion – blunt and cohesive end ligation, creation of restriction sites using linkers and adapters, cloning after hom*opolymer tailing, cDNA synthesis (Reverse transcription), genomic and cDNA libraries

Techniques in Genetic Engineering i. PCR techniques: Principle of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Applications of PCR

ii. Sequencing techniques: DNA sequencing: Maxam-Gilbert method, Sanger’s method Protein sequencing: Sanger’s method, Edman’s method Applications of sequencing techniques

iii. Detection techniques: Blotting techniques – Southern blotting, Northern blotting and Western blotting Applications of blotting techniques

3 Human Genetics 15

I Non-disjunction during mitosis and meiosis Chromosomal Aberrations: Structural: Deletion: types, effects and disorders; Translocation: types: Robertsonian and non-Robertsonian disorders;



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Inversion: types, effects and significance; Duplication and their evolutionary significance (multigene families) Numerical: Aneuploidy and Polyploidy (Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy)



Genetic Disorders i. Inborn Errors of Metabolism:Phenylketonuria,

G-6-PD deficiency, Alkaptonuria, Albinism ii. Single gene mutation: Cystic fibrosis iii. Multifactorial: Breast Cancer iv. Uniparental Disomy: Angelman Syndrome and

Prader-Willi Syndrome Diagnosis

i. Prenatal Diagnosis: Amniocentesis and Chorionic villus sampling, Banding techniques (G, C, Q), FISH, Protein truncation test(PTT),

ii. Genetic counselling

4 Bioinformatics 15






i. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics web resource (NCBI, EBI, OMIM, PubMed)

ii. Applications of Bioinformatics Databases – Tools and theiruses

i. Biological databases; ii. Primary sequence databases: Nucleic acid

sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL-EBI, DDBJ) Protein sequence databases (UniProtKB,PIR) Secondary sequence databases

iii. Derived databases - PROSITE, BLOCKS, Structure databases and bibliographic databases High wireSci Direct

Sequence alignment methods i. BLAST,FASTA ii. Types of sequence alignment (Pairwise & Multiple

sequence alignment) iii. Significance of sequence alignment

Predictive applications using DNA and protein sequences

i. Evolutionary studies: Concept of phylogenetic tree, convergent and parallel evolution

ii. Pharmacogenomics: Discovering a drug: Target identification



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iii. Protein Chips in an infant stage and Functional Proteomics: Different types of protein chip(detecting and quantifying), applications of Proteomics

Metabolomics: Concept and applications

Total no. of lectures 60

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals

SZOP603 (SEMESTER VI) Based on Paper III- Course 17

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Quantitative Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method.

2 Quantitative Estimation of DNA by Diphenylamine method.

3 Separation of Genomic DNA by Agarose gel electrophoresis.

4 Colorimetric estimation of proteins from given sample by Bradford’s/Folin’s method.

5 Problems based on Restriction endonucleases.

6 Karyotype (Idiogram) analysis for the following syndromes with comments on numerical &/or structural variations in chromosomes (no cutting of chromosomes):

a) Turner’s syndrome b) Klinefelter’s syndrome c) Down’s syndrome d) Cri-du-chat syndrome e) D-G translocation f) Edward’s syndrome g) Patau’s syndrome

7 Interpretation of genetic formulae: Deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation

8 Calculation of mitotic index from the photograph or stained preparation of onion root tip or cancer cells.

9 Explore BLAST for nucleotide sequence comparison.

10 Explore the databases (Nucleotide, Protein) at NCBI for querying a nucleotide or protein sequence.

11 Exploring bibliographic database PubMed for downloading a research paper on subject of interest with the use of operators.



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Semester VI: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human Genetics and Bioinformatics – SZO603:Paper III (Course 17)

(Internal Assessment Pattern) Marks: 40

1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1.2and 3) 20marks 2 Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

Semester VI: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human Genetics and Bioinformatics – SZO603:Paper III (Course 17)

(Internal Class Test Paper Pattern) Duration: Marks:20 Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions each from Unit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q 2.Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester VI: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human Genetics and Bioinformatics – SZO603:Paper III (Course 17)

(Theory Paper Pattern) Duration: 2 hrs Marks: 60

Q1. a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks



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Q 4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: Any four out of six (1 or 2 questions each from Unit 1,2,3,4)

12 Marks

Semester VI: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Human Genetics and Bioinformatics – SZOP603:Paper III (Course 17)

(Practical Paper Pattern) Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Isolation & Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method. OR

Isolation & Estimation of DNA by Diphenylamine method.

15 marks

Q.2 Separation of Genomic DNA by Agarose gel electrophoresis OR

Colorimetric estimation of proteins from given sample by Bradford’s/Folin’s method.

08 marks

Q.3 A problem based on Restriction endonucleases. OR

Calculation of mitotic index from the photograph or stained preparation of onion root tip or cancer cells

OR Q. 3 a) Analyse the given syndrome and comment on numerical

and/or structural variations in chromosomes. b) Interpretation of a genetic formula.

06 marks

OR 03Marks

03 Marks

Q.4. Demonstrate the use of bioinformatics tool:

BLAST for nucleotide sequence comparison. OR

Databases at NCBI for querying a nucleotide/protein sequence with the help of suitable operator.

OR PubMed for downloading a research paper of interest with the help of suitable operator

06 marks

Q.5 Viva voce based on theory

05 Marks

Q.6 Journal 10 Marks

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

SZO603: Paper III-Course 17 Course outcome After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 Get an insight into the intricacies of chemical and molecular processes that affect

genetic material and recognize the significance of molecular biology as a basis for the

study of other areas of biology and biochemistry.

CO2 Understand related areas in relatively new fields of genetic engineering and


CO3 Get acquainted with the vast array of techniques used to manipulate genes

which can be applied in numerous fields like medicine, research, etc. for human


CO4 Become aware of the impact of changes occurring at gene level on human health

and its diagnosis.

CO5 Will contribute innovative ideas for research-based studies and thus,

develop their intellectual ability.

Recommended Resources

Reference Books

1. Genetics – The continuity of life; Daniel Fairbanks and Ralph Andersen; Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company;1999

2. Introduction to Molecular Biology; Peter Paolella; Tata McGraw Hill;2010

3. Molecular Biology; David Freifelder; Narosa Publishing House; 2008

4. Genetics; Robert Weaver and Philip Hedrick; McGraw Hill;2001

5. iGenetics – A Molecular Approach; Third Edition; Peter J. Russell; Pearson Education, Inc. (Benjamin Cummings), San Francisco;2010

6. Molecular Biology – Academic Cell Update; Update Edition; David Clark; Elsevier, Inc.;2010

7. Genetics; M.W. Farnsworth; Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., USA;1978

8. Principles of Genetics; Eighth Edition; Gardner, Simmons and Snustad; John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Singapore;2002

9. The Science of Genetics – An Introduction to Heredity; Fourth Edition; George W. Burns; Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York;1980

10. Molecular Biology – Bios Instant Notes; Fourth Edition; Alexander McLennan, Andy Bates, Phil Turner & Mike White;Garland



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Science; 2013 11.

12. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology; Frederick M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Robert E. Kingston, David D. Moore, Seidman J. G., John A. Smith and Kevin Struhl; John Wiley& Son, Inc.;2003

13. Introduction to Proteomics; Daniel C. Liebler; Humana Press; 2002

14. Molecular cloning; Joseph Sambrook, David WilliamRussell; Third Edition; CSHL Press;2001

15. Gene Cloning – An Introduction; Brown .T.A; Fourth Edition; Wiley-Blackwell;2011

16. Recombinant DNA - Genes and Genomes- A short course; 3rd Edition; Watson, J.D., Myers, R.M., Caudy A., Witkowski, J.K.; Freeman and Co. NY;2007

17. Principles Of Gene Manipulation & Genomics; Primrose S Band R. Twyman; Blackwell Science Publications; 2006

18. Methods In Enzymology, Vol 152; Berger Sl, KimmerAR; Academic Press;1987

19. Genomes 3; Third Edition; T.A.Brown; Garland Science Publishing;2007

20. Molecular Biotechnology - Principles and applications of recombinant DNA; Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J. J.; ASM press, Washington;2010

21. Microbiology; Fifth Edition; Pelczar, M.J. et al; Tata McGraw-Hill Co., New Delhi;2001

22. Introduction to Protein Structure; Second Edition; Branden C.and Tooze J.; Garlan Publishing;1999

23. Proteins; Second Edition; Creighton T.E.; W.H. Freeman;1993 24. Proteomics - Protein Sequence to Function; Pennington, S.Rand

M.J. Dunn; Viva Books; 2002

25. Genetic engineering – Principles and Practice; Sandhya Mitra; Macmillan India Ltd., NewDelhi

26. Biotechnology – Fundamentals and Applications; Third Enlarged Edition; S.S. Purohit; Student Edition, Jodhpur;2005

27. Biotechnology – Expanding Horizons; B.D.Singh;Kalyani Publishers,Ludhiana

28. A textbook of Biotechnology; R.C.Dubey; S.Chand and Company Ltd., NewDelhi

29. Cell and Molecular Biology; Eighth Edition; E.D.P. DeRobertis, E.M.F. De Robertis Jr.; Info-Med Ltd.; 1988

30. Genetics (Bios Instant Notes); Third Edition; G.I. Hickey, H.L. Fletcher and P. Winter; Taylor and Francis Group, New York; 2007

31. Genetics – A Conceptual Approach; Third Edition; BenjaminA. Pierce; W.H. Freeman and Company, New York;2008

32. New Clinical Genetics; Second Edition; Andrew Read and Dian Donnai; Scion Publishing Ltd., UK;2011

33. Genetics; Third Edition; Robert F. Weaver and Philip W.Hedrick; Wm. C. Brown Publishers (The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.);



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34. Human Molecular Genetics; Fourth Edition; Tom Strachan and Andrew Read; Garland Science, USA;2011

35. Genetics; M.W. Farnsworth; Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., USA;1978

36. Human Genetics – An Overview; Alice Marcus; Narosa Publishing House;2010

37. The Science of Genetics – An Introduction to Heredity;Fourth Edition; George W. Burns; Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York; 1980


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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Programme:T.Y.B.Sc. Semester: VI

Course: Zoology-IV(Course18) Course code: SZO604

Teaching Scheme


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 40 marks

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Written

8 - 1 4 20 15 05 - 60 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -2Hrs.

Prerequisite 1. Basic knowledge about the concepts in Zoology

2. Skills in exploring the diverse fields of Zoology.

Course Objectives

1. To understand different factors affecting the environment and various methods to

improve environmental stewardship.

2. To introduce various ways that can help in the protection, conservation, management,

and enhancement of wildlife populations and habitat.

3. To acquire knowledge about the geographic distribution (present and past) of animal

species in correlation with distribution of animals.

4. To be conversant with scientific literature related to environment and wild life

management, Bioprospecting and Zoopharmacognosy.

5. To create awareness about the process of discovery and commercialization of new

products based on biological resources and various ethological aspects.

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



Module no.

Content Lectures

SZO604 (Paper IV- Course 18): Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting,

Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography

1 Environment Management 15






Natural resources and their Classification i. Forest resources, water resources (surface and

ground) and mineral resources ii. Energy resources: renewable and non-renewable

resources. Exploitation and Modification of Natural Resources:

Impact on climate, flora and fauna Waste Management

i. 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) of solid waste management.

ii. Recent technology in solid waste management:

a) Traditional methods for solid waste management: Composting, Incineration, Landfill Recycling, Windrow composting

b) Modern methods for solid waste management: Anaerobic digestion, ethanol production, biodrying, pyrolysis, Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket(UASB) technology, waste autoclave

Water management

i. Rainwater harvesting: Definition ways of harvesting, components, model of rain water harvesting: Rural and Urban, Advantages and disadvantages

ii. Watershed management: Definition, need and objectives, classification (mini, micro, mili, sub- watershed, macro-watershed), Watershed management practices: Contour, gully control, stone bunds. Growing greenery and integrated watershed approach(IWA).

iii. Case study: Ice-stupa artificial glaciers by Sonam Wangchuk

iv. Effluent treatment, recycling plants, control and treatment of sewage water

Acts and Rules of Environment Management

i. Environment Protection Act – 1986, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1981, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act –1974



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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

ii. Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules – 1989

iii. EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) iv. Role of Central and State Government (Pollution

Control Board) and NGOs

2 Wildlife Management 15




Habit, Habitat, Territory and Niche of Wild Animals: Herbivores, carnivores, solitary, social (flock, pod, community), pack and herd, types of habitats and territories, niche concept

Threats to Wildlife i. Poaching and hunting, deforestation, encroachment,

competition (intra-specific and inter-specific), overgrazing and climate change, diseases (zoonosis and reverse zoonosis)

ii. Tourism and human animal conflict

Wildlife Conservation

i. Techniques and methods used for wildlife census: Aerial counts, camera trap, line transect census and track surveys, capture mark recapture method, wildlife radio telemetry

ii. Forest management, policies and Acts: Harvesting

Trees, Thinning harvest, Clearcut Harvest, Shelterwood harvest, Seed tree harvest, Group selection harvest, Single-tree selection harvest, Prescribed burning, Reforestation

iii. Forest policy 1894, 1952, 1988; The Indian

Forest Act, 1927; Forest (Conservation) Act,1980.

3 Bioprospecting and Zoopharmacognosy 15




i. Traditional and modern bioprospecting, economic value of bioprospecting

ii. Bioprospecting and conservation, advantages and


Zoopharmacognosy i. Definition and types

ii. Self-medication and its mechanism



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iii. Methods of self-medication through: a) Ingestion- ants and mammals b) Geophagy- invertebrates and birds c) Absorption and adsorption

iv. Applications – Social and trans-generational aspects

of insects, birds and mammals

v. Contribution to human medicines

4 Zoogeography 15




Introduction: Plate tectonics and continental drift theory Animal Distribution and Barriers

i. Patterns of animal distribution – continuous, discontinuous, isolation and bipolarity

ii. Barriers of distribution –Topographic, climatic,

vegetative, large water masses, land mass, lack of salinity and special characteristic habit (homing instinct).

iii. Means of dispersal – land bridges, natural rafts and

drift wood, favouring gales, migration by host, accidental transportation and by human agencies

Zoogeographical Realms: Palearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, Australian, Neotropical, Nearctic and Antarctic

Beyond the Syllabus

Tutorial Activities: Students’ Presentations, Brain storming sessions, Group Discussions, Use of E-learning, Conferences and Hands-on training practicals

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)


Based on Paper IV Course 18

List of Experiments

Sr. No.


1 Estimation of phosphates from sample water.

2 Estimation of BOD from sample water.

3 Estimation of COD from sample water.

4 Estimation of Nitrates from sample water.

5 Estimation of acidity and alkalinity of sample water by methyl orange and phenolphthalein indicator.

6 Comparative study of sound intensity in different places by Decibel meter.

7 1. Study of bioprospecting:

a. Tumour suppression compounds e.g.Sponges b. Skin erythema treatment from gel

8 Study of Zoopharmacognosy in ants, cats, elephants and dogs.

9 Indicate the distribution of fauna in the world map w.r.t. to its realm and comment on the pattern of distribution.

a) Palearctic: Giant Panda and Japanese Macaque b) Ethiopian: Common ostrich and African bush elephant c) Oriental: Indian one-horned Rhinoceros and Gharial d) Australian: Platypus and Red Kangaroo e) Neotropical: Guanaco and South American Tapir f) Nearctic: Virginia opossum and Sea otter g) Antarctic: Emperor Penguin and Antarctic Minke Whale

13. Long Excursion (Study tour / Visit) to Zoo / Sanctuary / National park / Research institute and submit a report.



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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)

Semester VI: Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography

– SZO604: Paper IV(Course18) ( Internal AssessmentPattern) Marks: 40

1 Class Test : (Based on Theory Unit 1,2,3and4) 20marks 2Assignment: 15marks 3 Class Participation and Overall conduct 05Marks

Semester VI: Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography

– SZO604:Paper IV(Course18) (Internal Class Test PaperPattern) Duration: Marks: 20 Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks: (1 or 2 questions each from Unit1,2,3,4) 05marks

b) Match the column: (1 or 2 questions eachfromUnit1,2,3,4) 05 marks Column A Column B

1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. e)

Q 2.Write short note on:(Any two) 10Marks a) Unit1 b) Unit2 c) Unit3 d) Unit4

Semester VI: Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography

– SZO604: Paper IV(Course18) (Theory PaperPattern) Duration: 2 hrs Marks: 60

Q1. a) Answer the following: (Unit1) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit1) b) Answer in brief: (Unit1)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q2.a) Answer the following: (Unit2) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit2) b) Answer in brief: (Unit2)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q3.a) Answer the following: (Unit3) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit3) b) Answer in brief: (Unit3)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks



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Q4.a) Answer the following: (Unit4) OR

a) Answer in brief: (Unit4) b) Answer in brief: (Unit4)

12 Marks 6Marks 6Marks

Q.5 Write Short notes on: (Any four out of six) (1 or 2 questions from Unit 1,2,3 and 4)

12 Marks

Semester VI: Environment and Wildlife Management, Bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and Zoogeography

– SZOP604: Paper IV(Course14) (Practical PaperPattern) Duration: 5 hours Marks: 50

Q.1 Estimation of BOD / COD from the given water sample

Q 2. Estimation of phosphates / nitrates from the given water sample OR

Estimation of acidity / alkalinity of sample water by methyl orange and phenolphthalein indicator

10 marks 10 Marks

Q.3 Identification

a) Based on bioprospecting (Sponge / Aloe ferox / Aloe vera)

b) Zoopharmacognosy (any one – ants, cats, elephants and dogs)

Q.4 Identify the given animals (any 2) with respect to their realms and comment.

06 marks

06 Marks

08 Marks Q.4 Study tour visit report. Q.5 Journal

10 Marks

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



SZO604: Paper IV-Course 18 Course outcome After the completion of the course, students will able to

CO1 Understand the different factors affecting environment, its impact and environment

management laws.

CO2 Apply knowledge to overcome the issues related to wildlife conservation and


CO3 Become acquainted with how and why different animal species are distributed

around the globe.

CO4 Understand the paradigms of discovery and commercialization of biological

resources and knowledge gained by self-medication by animals

CO5 create awareness about the research studies of new products based on

biological resources and various ethological aspects.

Recommended Resources



1. Essentials of Environmental Science; N. Vasudevan;

Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi110002

2. Environmental Biology; P.S Verma, V.K Agarwal; S. Chand&

company Ltd. New Delhi110055

3. A textbook of Environmental Science; Arvind Kumar; A P H

Publishing Corporation,New Delhi110002

4. Environmental Biotechnology - Basic Concepts and Application;

Indu Shekhar Thakur; I. K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi110016

5. Text book of environmental science; S. C.Santra

6. Wild life management; Rajesh Gopal

7. Wildlife Management and Conservation - Contemporary Principles

and Practices; Paul R. Krausman and James W. Cain III

8. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management; John M.

Fryxell, Anthony R. E. Sinclair, Graeme Caughley

9. Molecular Biotechnology – Principles and Practices;


10. Biotechnology - P. K.Gupta

11. Biotechnology - B. D.Singh

12. Biotechnology Fundamentals & Applications - S. S. Purohit

13. Pharmacognosy and Pharmaco biotechnology- Ashutosh Kar

14. Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy - Evans,W.C.

15. Pharmacognosy - Kokate, C. K. A. and Purohit, A.P.

16. Practical Pharmacognosy- Gokhale, S. B. and Kokate, C.K.

17. Text book of Pharmacognosy; T. E. Wallis

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V G Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)



(Dr. S. D. Rathod) V.C. Nominee

Syllabus Prepared by: 1. Dr. B.B. Sharma,

Principal, KET’S V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous), Mulund East, Mumbai

2. Dr. Vinod R .Ragade: Chairperson, Syllabus Committee Head, Dept ofZoology, Associate Professor, KET’S V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous), Mulund East, Mumbai

3. Dr. Kiran Kharat: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, KET’S V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous), Mulund East, Mumbai

4. Dr. Preetha Achary: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, KET’S V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous), Mulund East, Mumbai

5. Ms. Veena Menon: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, KET’S V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous), Mulund East, Mumbai


18. Zoogeography – The Geographical Distribution of Animals; Philip J.

Darlington JR;

19. Academic Publishers, Kolkata

20. Animal Geography -New begin

21. Vertebrate Paleontology -Romer

22. Ecological animal geography- Allee, Park and Schmidt

23. Zoogeography of India and South East Asia - Dr. S. K. Tiwari; CBS

Publishers and Distributors, Delhi;1985

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