The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Page Fourteen APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Monday Evening, November 19, 1934 Social Items Valley Legion Of Moose Meets Kaukauna Eleven Ties Fond drf Lac in the clubrooms on E. Second-st, with Mrs. H. F. Weckwerth as hostess.

Bridge honors were won by Mrs. Henry Minkebege and Mrs. E. A. Kalupa.

The next meeting will be held Nov. 30, with Mrs. Al-vin Warneke as hostess. Kaukauna American Legion Auxiliary will meet this evening at the clubrooms on Oak-st. Following the business meeting, a social hour will be held and refreshments served.

CaU Sleeting Tonight On Housing Program Kaukauna A committee of bankers, business men, manufacturers, and laborers will meet at 7:30 this evening at the Municipal-bldg to discuss the federal housing program planned for Kaukauna. Mayor John H. Niesen has called the meeting in an effort to stimulate interest and to speed up the program here. Gridders, 6 to 6 N. R.

Schmidt Describes Activities at City of Mooseheart thrown out without even preliminary examination since they were obviously ineligible. William Dix Funeral Is Tuesday Afternoon Kaukauna The funeral for William Dix, 59, who died at midnight Friday following a stroke, will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at First Congregational church, with the Rev. G. C. Saun-derson officiating.

Burial will be in Kelso cemetery. Russia's new airship service which will be inaugurated shortly, will connect Moscow and Sverdlovsk, the large industrial center in the Ural Mountains. Offside Penalty in Final Period Takes Victory From Kaw 1,388 Applications For HOLC Loans Now Pending in Wisconsin Post-Crescent Washington Bureau Washington There were about applications for Home Owners Loan Corporation loans pending in the Wisconsin HOLC office just before the HOLC announced that it would not accept further applications. Action will be taken on those pending. On Nov.

9. there had been a total of 3,637 applications involving filed with the Wisconsin office. Of these, 1,951 had been granted, the loans involving $4,368,278 or an average of $2,239 per loan. Applicants withdrew 57 applications and an additional 241 were Kaukauna Kaukauna high's Or 's Funeral Tomorrow for Mrs. Joseph Conrad Kaukauna The funeral for Mrs.

Joseph Conrad, 30, who died early Saturday in Appleton, will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at Holy Cross Catholic church, with the Rev. A. Garthaus officiating Burial will be in Holy Cross ange and Black clad football team Saturday held the Cardinal invaders of Fond du Lac high to a 6 to 8 tie at the Kaukauna ball park to complete the first undefeated football season in the school's history. Both teams missed the kick for the point after touchdown. '4, People of Greenland are storing large stocks of supplies in preparation for a long winter.

"An offside penalty in the final Mrs. William Lange and Mrs. Albert Kobs entertained at the home of the former on Brothers-st Saturday evening for Miss Dorothy Paschen and Norman Lange, whose marriage will take place soon. Cards were played and prizes were woh by Herman Remter, Gilbert Busse, Miss Marion Klumb, and Mrs. Herman Paschen, in schafs-kopf; Mrs.

De Vrught and Mrs. Krenkie, in rummy. A mock wedding was held and participants were Gordon Remter, preacher; Lolietta Endter, bride; Mrs. Gordon Remter, groom; Mrs. Fred Endter, best man; Mrs.

Charles Busse, bridesmaid; and Mrs. Lester Remter, ring bearer. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schubring, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Schubring, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubring, Mr. and Mrs.

Hugo Wenzel, Mr. and Mrs. Busse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Busse, Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Paschen, Mr. and Mrs. Al Reinholtz, Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Dreger, Walter Paschen, Miss Marion Klumb, Miss Irene Paschen, Kaukauna; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Endter and family. Miss Lolietta Endter, Walter Berg, Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Krenkie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Remter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Remter, Mr.

and Mrs. Clar- Kaukauna The Fox River Valley Legion of the Moose met at Odd Fellows clubrooms on E. Second-st here Sunday afternoon. More than 100 delegates from seven cities were present. Cities represented were Sheboygan, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Appleton, Marinette, and Kaukauna.

During the afternoon an address was given by N. R. Schmidt, of Mooseheart and the work it is doing in caring for families of deceased Moose members. Entertainment included several numbers by the Harriet Cleland school of dancing; harmonica selections by Peter Weir-auch; accordion and guitar selections by the Drexler brothers. A dinner was served at 5:30 Sunday afternoon at Paschen's restaurant.

Dancing was held in the evening. The committee in charge of the arrangements included N. H. Weber, Kastell, and E. Last Day! "Trans Atlantic MerrGo-Round' LEGION MEETS TOMORROW Kaukauna Kaukauna Post No.

41 of American Legion will meet at the Legion clubrooms on Oak-st at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. Monthly business will be The club of the high school will meet at the high school building at 7 o'clock this evening. Quill and Scroll society of the high school held an All-school dancing party at the school building Saturday evening. Music was furnished by the high school orchestra, and chaperones were members of the school faculty. The 19th anniversary of the founding of the Moose lodge in Kaukauna will be observed at the Moose clubrooms on E.

Second-st here this evening. The program will include a speaker, dancing, cards, and refreshments, according to Norman Gerhartz, secretary. Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, St Anne's court, No. 226, will hold a coveredTdish supper at 6:30 Tuesday evening in the club rooms. Mrs.

Ed Derricks" is chairman. A group of friends and relatives surprised Gregory Vandenberg at his home on Kaukauna-st Saturday evening, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lamers, Arthur, George, Raymond, Jacob Lamers, and Miss Wilma Lamers, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Lamers, daughter, Mary, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wachtendonk, Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Lamers, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vandenberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Lamers, Mr.

and Mrs. Jess Wydeven, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Himbergen, Kimberly; Mr. and Mrs.

Wilfred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Heindel, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ashauer, and Miss Leona Beg, Kaukauna.

Cards and daneine FOLLOWS CARRIE Another Kansas woman, Mrs. May Fraree, above, has snatched up the hatchet from where the militant Carrie Nation laid it down and Is heading a brigade of 50 women pledged to keep the state dry, using hatchets on illegal bars if necessary, following the recent prohibition election victory. Mrs. Fra-zee is head of the Arkansas City W. C.

T. U. ence Remter, Mrs. Albert Kumrow, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Remter and Mr. and Mrs. William De Vrucht, Neenah. The Ladies Aid society of the First Congregational church will meet at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed Simon.

Last Times 4 TODAY BAXTER in "Hell in the Heavens" Scout Troops Continue Activities This Week Kaukauna Kaukauna Boy Scout Troops will continue activity here this week with meetings at their respective meeting places. Boy Scout Troop 20 will meet tonight at the scout cabin in Riverside park. The Scoutmaster Herbert Niesen will direct the meeting. Scoutmaster Leonard Macrorie will conduct a meeting of scouts of Troop 31 at Holy Cross church auditorium, and Scoutmaster Henry Grieschar will be in charge of a meeting of scouts of Troop 27 at St. Mary's church auditorium Tuesday evening.

Just One Day to See This Hit! TUESDAY ONLY GET READY FOR LAUGHS FROM THE period of the game robbed the Kau-kiuia high team of a touchdown. With tb ball on the one foot Jme, KuthelHifciater. plunged over the goal but a Kaukauna lineman was iffside, and two incomplete passes -failed to give the Kaws the touchdown and margin of victory. Kaukauna scored in the first period, when a pass combination featuring Kuchelmeister and Wurding-rr proved effective from the Fondy 35 yard line, backing the Cardinals up against their own goal line midway In the first period, the Kaws took possession of a bad punt on the Fondy 35. Here Wurdinger passed to Kuchelmeister for a first down on the Fondy 24, and then Kuchelmeister heaved to Wurdinger, who crossed the goal line.

Kuchelmeis- fer's placekick for the point was wide. Lutzer began ripping through the Kaukauna line in the seconl period, and the Kaws stopped one rush on their own two-yard line. Kucntimeister and Lutzer dominated the ploy during the secjnd period, both backs doing the ground-gaining for their respective teams. Fondy Goes Over Lutzer, Fondy backfield ace, crashed the line in a sensational 38-yard run through the Kaukauna team, while Kuchelmeister also broke -away several times for substantial gains. In the Kaukauna line, the play of Simon, Towsley, Fleming was outstanding.

The "trio was constantly swarming about the Fondy backs, and broke up a number cf plays before they could be started. Meanwhile in the Fond du Lac line, Mutz, FarrelL and Ferguson were showing well. Ferguson's removal from the game with an injured, knee left a gap in the Fondy line that the Kaws found times as Kuchelmeister got away into the open field," Fond du Lac found considerable trouble wth the Kaws passing attack, which functioned successfully in the third and fourth periods. A pass to Kuchelmeister from Wurdinger in the waning seconds of play was ruled incomplete on a heartbreaking decision to Kaw fans. The pass if ruled complete would have given the Kaws an opportu place, and lunch was served.

SPIRIT WORLD! eiks' ladies met Friday afternoon i 1 fA av "a i mm I 1 ij Ui ici 1 1 i APPLETON Kaukauna Church Opens Forty Hours Devotion Kaukauna Forty Hours of devotion opened at St. Mary's Catholic church here Sunday morning, with an exposition high mass at 8:15, with the Rev. A. Roder, church pastor, officiating. A special service was held Sunday evening, and the Rev.

Cornelius Vandenborne of Kimberly delivered the sermon. Special mass, services were conducted this morning and the Rev. Joseph Schaefer, Custer, will deliver the sermon at a devotional service at 7:30 this evening. The period of adoration will be concluded with a special service Tuesday' evening. Reregister Jobless At Kaukauna Office Kaukauna Reregistratioh of unemployed men and women was started here this morning, under the direction of the National Reemployment Service.

Registrations will be received today and Tuesday at the city engineer's office in TEL. 451 CJg-jJp TEL. 451 RADIO SERVICE Any Make 1217 N. Richmond St Conference Meeting at Green Bay This Week Kaukauna Three members of the Kaukauna high school faculty are expected to attend the meeting of the Northeastern Wisconsin Inter-scholastic conference at Green Bay Wednesday evening. Those who will attend are James F.

Cavan-augh, superintendent of schools, principal Olin G. Dryer, and Coach Paul E. Little. 4 "-v, "I III Poultry Fair and Carnival Tuesday Evening, Nov. 20 Darboy American LcgionGlubhouse Everybody Welcome! the Municipal-bldg.

All Kaukauna COUNCIL MEETS TUESDAY Kaukauna An adjourned meeting of the city council will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the Municipal-bldg. Monthly business will be considered, and aldermanic reports will be received. She was just a medium medium until she reached into the astral plane and pulled out the answer to a weird murder mystery! with KAY JOHNSON WILLIAM GAXTON BRUCE CABOT RALPH MORGAN i unemployed are urged to renew their registrations with the Reemployment service. Starts SATURDAY "TEE WHITE PAR AD A 1:30 and 3:30.. 15c Evenings: 7:00 and 9:00 A Ma- nity to score from the Fondy 11 f-tripe.

Guyet recovered a Kaukauna Continuous Sundays and Holidays fumble on the Littlemen's 10 "yard stripe and took advantage of the break to tie the Kaws. Heweh heav- pd to Lutzer who was downed on the two-yard line, and on the next play the invaders were penalized 17 Tonight and Tuesday Night Are NIGHTS '6 live yards for being offside. John ron passed to Farrell for the touch down, and Gatzke's dropkick for the IV point was blocked; Outstanding Team TODAY and TUESDAY No human power could snatch him from legal murder until the fragrant memories of a deathless romance returned at the hour of joy lovers never forget! AUGUSTUS THOMAS' FAMOUS PLAY "THE WITCHING HOUR" (WHEN LOVE COMES BACK AGAIN) With Sir Guy Standing John Halliday Judith Allen Tom Brown 1 1 LJ SHAWN AND HIS ENSEMBLE OF IM DAH0E03 LAWRENCE CHAPEL APPLETON MONDAY, 5, NOV. 28 THE CRITICS SAY "Manifold plasticity and keen expression" "varied and sustained" "a remarkable performance a miracle of art" "interesting and superlatively varied" "a triumph" "the audience watched fascinated" HERE IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY, DON'T MISS IT! The game marked the end of the 4 4 'A I- -1 I i i i Added COMEDY CARTOON VTTAPHONE ACT if gridiron play for the most outstanding team" in the Kaukauna school's history. In eight games this season, the Kaws won six and tied two.

Both ties were with teams from the Fox River Valley conference. Kaukauna holds the TT It STARTS FRIDAY "HERE COMES THE NAVY'7 1 championship of the western divi sion of the Northeastern Wisconsin conference. Coach Little used his reserves more throughout the fracas than A(c, cfo regulars. The Seats 50c; $1 and $1.50. Advance Sale at Belling's Drug Store, Appleton.

Mail orders filled at Lawrence College Theatre, Appleton. A(C Kaukauna Fond du Lac VIIs LE Van Guilder Look at These Sensational Values. These Are Only a Few of the Many Specials We Are Offering You! .312 SAVE Bedat LT Ferguson KifTe LG Miller I i Mgl Gress Fleming RG Jaber Block RT Schultz Dix RE Finnerty Kuchelmeister QB Johnson Sager LHB Langly J2i 1)1 II btmon RHB Walgenbach WeCormk-k FB Frank Substitutions: Kaukauna Tows- ley, C. Simon, Kalupa. Deering, Heinz, Driessen, Hipp: Fond du Lac Lutzer, Hewen, Gatzke, Mutz, isostwick.

Farrell, Guyet. Referee Witte. Sheboygan; um pire, Darling. Green Bay; field I Heavy Fleeced Men's union suits sweater rr coats jkjQ Fleece Lined 11 i Grey or Blue Men's Sale Price Zipper Jackets Qo3 Tan Suede Cloth SPECIAL -9 Men's Slipover men's SI7EATERS Flannel SWATS 0olors Extra Special $1.79 Value judge, Denney, Appleton. 25 Wool Men's Semi-Dress onion suits panto SPECIAL Men's Heavy Wool OUEnCOATS QOIL Extra Heavy Blue Double Breasted A ReaI Work Sox 023.i3 1 10c 3 Pair 50c Men's Double Golden tVOni; SHOES Fleeced GLOVES Plain Toe PAIR OH.

40 Ego BOARD MEETS TONIGHT Kaukauna The board of education will hold a special meeting this evening at the offices of the high school. Business pertaining to the construction of the auditorium and gymnasium as an addition to the high school building will be considered. 17ATCII REPAIRING Onr hljchlr klHea pnlr any make of FIneat SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK GOLD DUST large pkg. 17c FAIRY SOAP 5 bars 19c GOLD DUST Cleanser 6 cans 25c SUNDAY MONDAY Laundry Soap 10 bars 23c CLARETTE Soap 5 bars 19c SHINOLA, Shoe Polish, all colors, liquid or paste 9c WINTERKING transforms the chiUy fafl days into Florida sunshine and makes your home warm, cozy and comfortable. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS J.


445-W quality wnrkmannhip Kuaraateed at rraaonahle prices. WATCH CRYSTALS Fitted While Yon Walt EUGENE 17ALD 115 K. College Are. Appleton Men's SUEDE HUNTING CAPG Beversible Corduroy or Duck Top Fur Ear Band Sale Price Boys' LEATHER niTTEns Wool Lined 65c Value Men's Blue Corduroy SHEEPSKIN GO178 Wombo Collar $3.95 Value BLUE SUEDE Sport GOATS Double Breasted Full Belt $3.00 Value Sale Price 03.90 Tan or Grey Winter Weight Nixon Fuel Co. Neenah Anton Mankosky Kaukauna TUESDAY DINNER Old fashioned Chicken Pie or New England QCrt Boiled Dinner OuC FORD HOPKINS Tea Room Special Place yotir orders for Dressed Thanksgiving Fowl now.

All our ponltry is fresh dressed each day. IL H. Schulze Greenville -Z. Welcome Shiocton Lbr. Co, Shi oc ton Bear Creek Sugar Bush R.

F. Diestler Lbr. and Fuel Co. Uortonville Little Chute Supply Co. Little Chute P.

A. Bomsom Medina New London lee and Fuel Inc. New London Fuller Goodman Co. Center Valley Menasha Wholesale Co. Menasha Heavy Duty Work WORK SOX WORK SOX RUBBERS Extra Heavy Heavy Cotton ram5pecIT1 While They Last Blue or Grey While They Last i osc age 1 WE GIVE AUCTION MONEY Get your winter's snppl of Coal this week and receive Auction Money.

Outagamie Equity Go-Operativc Exchange Dealers in Flour, Feed, Groceries, Farm Implements and Poultry-Coal and Wood Telephone 24C0 320 North Division Street APPLETON WISCONSIN Miller-PiebJ Co. Seymonr Black Creek Tackman Lor. and Mfg. Co. Nichols 5 Beautiful Girls In Tap Dancing, Singing and Variety Numbers OOKS (Master of Ceremonies) Everybody Invited! Old Heidelberg Inn Louis Soffa, Prop.


The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.