The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Il' 'I 4 THE WEATHER prittfic i Kcpublirau A EIGHTH SIX PAGES Coast to Coast Jk ft an 0 Chuan erstwhile de the 9 4 from vital of at 0 be GEORGE MANSIELD Merrick I been completed last year but report 9 would entitle him to 4 £1 4 r4 WOULD REMOVE GREAT TRANSPORTATION BAR suggestion that Hope was ex both European represented in of five weeks The New Orleans had his pocket but he a baker's helper a family that had 0 Attendance invitation to Secretary of Commerce Ad dresses New England Busi ness Men in New Haven CASE UKE AT NEWPORT BASE DECLARED CURED HOOVER BOOSTS WATERWAY ROUTE ONST LAWRENCE HEARS ULLER TALKED OR GOVERNOR AGAIN AsS'l GEORGE MANSIELD PIONEER IN BAKING BUSINESS1S DEAD SPRINGIELD dealers HAVE WITHDRAWN ALL BUTLER ON HAND TO TIGHTEN ft HOLD AT CAPITAL Rain Warm Tonight Rain Cold Tomorrow1 Details of Weather on Page 2 ETHICS CHICAGO TREATMENT DEBATED ORMER GERMAN STATE SECRETARY INJURED ra serious out some hope for his CHARGES OICER ENTERED HOME AND BEAT HIM Experts Argue Needless Pain Inflicted on Youth With Death Autopsy Continues BRITISH GUARD HOLDS SHANTUNGESE Defense Units Bar March of Northern Army Stand Against 500 With Machine Guns Capture of Nanking by Cantonese and of Shanghai to Them Expect ed Soon BOARD WILL INVESTIGATE Know That Coolidge Wants Kenotmnation But Politicians See Plans ARMED GUARDS LIE IN WAIT OR OTHERS DISPUTE IN SARRE SETTLED BY LEAGUE NAVAL PARLEY NOTE INCLUDES RANCE ITALY Navy Man Recovering After Eight Months With Creep ing Paralysis Captured in armhouse Near Bentleyville Pa Dynamiteand Car Short Distance' Away Says Important Matter Not to Be Intrusted to Indo lent Relatives Interlaken Switz March (AP) After having spent several years in painstaking preparations for his bur ial Hugo Pfeister is dead at the age of 80 He pot only had built his own coffin and ornamented it with much elaborate woodcarving and a number of biblical texts but also had bought his burial plot and dug and cemented his future grave an Important matter as the preparation for Pfeister used to say not to be entrusted to Indolent relatives" DRIVE TO GET $400000 ASSURED SUCCESS Arthur Garfield Hays Sent by Publishers Jto Inquire on Boston Move inds Police SUNDAY NUMBER PRICE EIGHT CENTS 400 A YEAR erdinand Bergman and Wife Complain of Patrol man 30 a Negro hospital early 'had been thrown Compromise Plan for Polic ing Area to Adjust Issue Between rance and Ger many Agreed Upon Before Adjournment of Council Session rench Troops Will Withdraw from Zone Invitation to Brit ain and Japan to Meet June 1 at Geneva Hopes Others Will Attend ed In the beginning of an investiga tion at Joliet Execution Twice Postponed or several weeks the convicts had been held in the Joliet Jail with the date for their execution thrice set for the murder of Peter Klein deputy warden at the model new penitentiary at Stateville from which they escaped jiay last Twice the day of death was post poned after all arrangements had been made for two triple hangings by stays Issued by the trial judge and only last week with the executions set for yesterday Justice rederick De Young issued a writ of error citing their case for review by the high court Despite the statement in Chicago of the recaptured Roberto Torrez that the bars were sawed last midnight they apparently had been prepared some time ago for the break for lib erty which it was believed had beer timed for the night before the execu tion after all avenues of hope had been closed Then apparently believing that the best that could come of the review of (Continued on Second Page) City News General Neys Editorials or activities A box half JS A Chicken Brood Hartford Hatchery Plans Shipment by Air Mail to San rancisco 'Hartford Ct March Some baby chicks are to make a long flight from the hatchery of Rby Clark of East Hartford to San ran cisco They are going by air mail Mr Clark who has the largest hatchery in Connecticut plans a con signment of baby chicks to the West coast as an experiment It will take 37 hours for the chicks to reach tholr destination The postal regulations permiteforwarding baby chinks by par cel post to points which insure their delivery within 48 hours No provision Is made for feedinr or watering the chicks in transit as they must be shipped immediately after be ing hatched Builds Own Coffin Digs arid Cements His Grave Dies Cool Toward David I Hold Out Against ilibuster Latter Hears No Home Criticism ather of Assessor Lover of ine Hoisqs Came from England as a Boy Captured in War George Edward Mansfield 84 a pi oneer in the baking business and for 57 years a resident of this city died last night at his home at 13 Howard street of a complication of diseases Mr Mansfield was born at Chard of State Von Kuhlmann who foreign minister during the war and the maker of the Brest Litovsk and Bucharest treaties was run down by motorcycle today 'in front of the Adlon hatel Von skulle tured and his condition is Doctors ho recovery Kotze 22 escaped bruises? 70 feet specta Von Kuhlmann Suffers rac lured Skull When Hit byMotorcycle Berlin March 12 ormer Secretary was of whom PLUNGE THROUGH WINDOW IN IGHT CAUSES INJURIES to Colorado Serines Gen Pershing also called and the President to stop at Lincoln on his way west None of Nine Works Sup pressed as at State Capital on Sale Here or on Shelves of City Li brary Voluntary Steps Taken on Warning of Ac tion Despite Protests MASS SUNDAY MARCH 13 1927 KING ALONSO OTEROVES Madrid March 12 (AP) urther improvement fji the condition of King Alfonso js announced The king came ill with the grip early eekk to the police a brawl and another man started room upstairs After be the two continued the Reed was re last just received by the navy department show that construction will continue on file Lexington until November and on the Saratoga until October Each will be given a long shake down cruise and testing program be fore it is assigned to fleet duty The Lexington then will be sent to the scout fleet in Atlantic waters and the Saratoga to the battle fleet in the Pacific Construction reports on the three fleet submarines under construction at Portsmouth Is land Cal show that the 4 will be finished on April 1 1928 The 5 in July 1929 and the 6 in October 1929 Delay dn the construction of the six river gunboats being lufilt at Shang hai China also are reported No dates for their completion have' been fixed Two of them were to have been completed within the next month Txindon March Shanghai dispatch press describes a the heart of the today between two opposing wings of the Kuomintang or People's Repub jjean party in The course of com memoration of the Second anniversary the death of Dr Sun Yat sen A body apft armed with clubs and brick bats Attacked a group of moderates and a free for all lasting about half an hour The rench settlement police dis perfd the rioters seven were serioiislv ininred A Shanghai dispatch to the Sun day Observer say that the Canton ese are expected to capture Nanking within the next three days their troops now being within 30 miles of thatjcit Detection Likely at Nanking Meanwhile the dispatch says Mar snai sun fender of Shanghai is in Nanking wnere tne I Boston March Arthur Garfield i Hays New York attorney came to Boston today to investigate the sup pression of Hard Boiled a hovel published by Boni Liveright of New York The book was one of nine which have been withdrawn from sale here because of alleged objectionable mat ter they contained Mr Hays as coun sel for Horace Liveright called on Richard uller chairman of the Boston bookseller's committee which volunteered to stop the sale the nine books Says When he left tonight Mr Hays had characterized the action of the police in banning the books and He also said: Hard Boiled is barred because of its title though is probably not aa obscene as The author should have en titled the study whifli incidentally is ino highbrow for the ordinary reader 'The Woman Who it been called Girl from One of the amines Item snooper would have let It Mr Hays did not indicate what ac tion he would take to combat the sup pression Last year he defended Henry Mencken editor of the American Mercury when that magazine was un dr fire here Mr Mencken came to Boston and sold the magazine on the streets to make a test case He was granted a temporary injunction against interference in the distribution of the magazine 12 (AP) A to the Sunday Ex in rench concession Second Hand Plane Takes Nose Dive at Mineola Unlicensed Driver Held for Homicide Mineola I March: Nicholas Spelino 19 trusting the skill of an amateur pilot rode to his death in an airplane crash near North this afternoon Nicholas who bought an old plane with a broken nose and many When the plane was about off the ground according to tors Kotze shut off the motor or it stopped It clid not pick up again thought he appeared to be trying to be trying to restart it The plane shot into a nose dive when about 50 feet up It turned over completely when it struck the ground but did not catch fire Spelino 'riding in the front seat was caught The amateur pilot was found to be alive though unconscious Tonight he was under arrest in hospital on a technical charge of homicide He had hoped tn pasq the insc soon wnich a pilot license West Side Man Says Police man Entered House With dbt Warrant Assertions Denied erdinand Bergman of 221 River street West Springfield accompanied by his wife and son red yesterday appeared before the board of select men and chargee Police Officer John O'Brien with punching him in the mouth night spjitting his lips and loosening one tooth The officer went to that section of the town in response to a telephoned complaint that boys had setx a fire on the bank of the river ormal investigation by the board will result Acording to Mr Bergman the of ficer sighted three boys one of them his son red 14 as he approached the scene of the fire' He went to question them when they broke Into a run In three directions He gave chase to the Bergman boy who ran home and into an upstairs room The officer followed the boy into the house when Mr Bergman and his wife who witnessed the chase entered Jy an other door Denies Officer Entrance Mr Bergman said he challenged the officer's right to enter his home in pursuit of the lad without a warrant and asked that he produce one or get out He opened the door and twice ordered Officer O'Brien to leave he said when without warning the of ficer shot out his right fist striking him In the mouth and splitting his upper and lower lips on the inside and loosening a tooth There was sufficient torce in tne Plow he declared to knock him to the floor with great danger of fracturing his skull Mrs Bergman said she was a witness to the attack The boy was ordered from tbo stairs room by the injured parent and he was questioned by the officer Of ficer said he would have to take the boy to the police station for questioning by a sergeant and told Mr Bergman that he might accompany the boy jn the department ord an tqmobile Mr Bergman somewhere in the action threatened to report the of ficer to the board of selectmen Chief Sent Them Out Mrs Bergman who also presented herself at the police station and Mr Bergman became much excited ac cording to Chief of Police Joseph A Demers and for a time created a great deal of noise With much dif ficulty the chief heard both sides of the story and in view of Mr Berg man's threat to complain of the of ficer's action to the board of select men told them to leave the station or he would lock them up Toward the close of the seletcmen's meeting yesterday Officer O'Brien was given an opportunity to state his side of the case As he approached the river bank he said he saw (Continued on Second Page) Negro Treated for Cuts on Head Arm and Back After Crash at Postal Telegraph Uftice William Reed taken to Mercy night he through a plate glass window of the Postal Telegraph company on Worth ington street Police say the act was the culmination of a brawl that started in the building upstairs The police ambulance carried the injured man to the hospital where he was confined for several hours with severe cuts on the head right arm and back' the glass cutting through his coat and trousers Officer Michael itzgerald was at tracted to hee the crash Upon arriving he found Reed climb and had last the Somersetshire Eng December 10 1843 the son of Thomas and Mary Hould Mansfield Ab the age of 14 he ran away from home and set out for America He worked his way across the sea as cabin boy on a pack et ship that reached New Orleans af ter a nara passage boy on arrival at but little money in obtained work as Having come from followed the baking business for years it was natural that he should gravi tate toward this work and for years until his retirement he had been con nected with this business Captured by North Tn the early period of the Civii war xvbile on a provision boat on the Po tomac river he was taken prisoner by Union forces and carried to New York where he was released after having (Continued on Second Page) ESTABLISHED BY SAMUEL BOWLES WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844 SUNDAY IN 1878 Our en northern authorities are trying to exact as much money as possible from him Most of his offi cers are reported ready to secede to the Cantonese ranks It is believed the dispatch con tinues that Gen Chang Tsung chang who is now defending Shanghai is holding on to the city with the chief object of extractins as much mnne as possible from it and that he will then quit and allow the Cantonese to march in TJien he may move along the north bank of the Yane tse in an tenrmt to aid Chang Tso lin's move ment on Hallow through the province of Honan The correspond ent says that it is doubtful however i whether Chang Tsung chang possessesenough military ability to carry out such a scheme American residents in Shanghai the correspondent says are annoyed that the United States marines there are ouu coopea up in ships instead of joining the defense force around the city and that they arehowing their sympathy with the British troops by Presenting them with gifts British Keep Shantungese Out of Area Shans Wai Mamh i incident that for a time threatened Bankbook on One of Sus pects Shows $5000 De posit in Detroit Bank Express Company Whose Arc jOred Car was Blown! Up Offers $5000 Reward for Arrest of Nine Bandits WESTERNERS CONTINUE TO INVITE COOLIDGE Washington March 12 The steady stream of invitations' Which have poured in on President Coolidge since he definitely announced Tuesday he would go west this summer to estab lish a fummer White House continued undiminished today Hamlin Republican national committeemen from Colorado called at the White House today with an invitation John urged Neb URTHER DELAYS IN AIRPLANE CARRIERS Washington March De lays in construction of the airplane carriers Saratoga find Lexingtofi have caused the navy again to post pone arrangements for their tests and commissioning Both ships originally were to have Pittsburg Pa March (AP) The arrest of two suspects and th finding of the automobile in whidl the nine bandits escaped with 000 after blowing up an armorad pay car of the Pittsburg Terminal Coal company was reported tonight by county detectives The bandit machine was found on Ginger hill' near Bentleyville Pa The suspect were arrested in a nearby house Officers armed with riot guns wer stationed at the farmhouse in th belief that four men who left th place shortly befor the detective 1 arrived would return Number Plates Stolen The car bore PennsylvanA license plate 102 896 The platee it was reported by the detectives were stolen from a machine owned A Gilimore of Monongahela City Pa I Police attempted to find Gilimore but relatives said he haibeen away foe I several days The suspects gave their namei 'a I Stanley Sywczdck and Stanley I Stanko both of Detroit Mich The 1 farmhouse is owned by Joe Wiskow 1 I ski but he was absent when th I detectives swooped down on the place I A search othe men revealed a pains I book showing Stanko had deposit I S5000 in a Detroit bank early in 193 I There was nothing else on the two 4 suspects to throw any light on their I residence or ijrti vities A box half I Ailed with dynamite was found in outhouse I Chicago March 12 (AP) aced with spending the rest of their lives behind the grim walls of the state penitentiary six condemned murderers "today for the second time made a spectacular bid for the free dom they twice had forfeited Three of them Mexicans got to Chicago where two were recaptured one probably fatally shot after a Pistol fight with detectives TWo of the policemen were shot One Patrolman Dlrs Patrolman Leo Grant South Chi cago policemanshot in the encounter with the three Mexican convicts in their wild dash for liberty died in the South Chicago hospital tonight The other three Americans fell vic*ms or a miscarriage or otherwise perfect plan and were to vent their disappointed rage zby armed control of the Will county jail for as long as they wished Two women were arrested in Chi cago in connection with the escape and Edward Gibbons jail guard who sat in front of the cell when they pushed out the previously sawed barsand stepped through with pointed pistols was severely arraign Announcement Made Last Night at Report Dinner Washington March 12 or mal Inx itations to participate In a naval arms conference at Geneva were transmitted today to the British and Japanese governments both of whom previously had advised the state department that they would accent The invitations transmitted to the British and Japanese embassadors here by Acting Secretary Grew pro posed that the Geneva naval discus sions begin June 1 or soon thereafter and expressed regret of the American government that rance and 'Italy had seen ni to aecnne tne they also participate pressed however that governments would be formally Suggests Informal The identic notes of Great Britain and Japan were made public by the department with the agreement of the two embassadors The note to Great Britain addressed to Embassador Howard read as fol lows reference to the memoran dum handed by the American embas sador to his secretary of state for foreign affairs ebruary 10 1927 regarding the possibility of the initiation of negotiations at Geneva concerning the limitation of naval armament between the representatives of the powers signatories of the Washington treaty of 1922 mv frnv ernment is pleased to learn as the re sult of informal conversations that the British government is willing to par ticipate in negotiations with the Unit ed States and Japan American government regrets that rance and Italy should have formally refused the President's invi tation and shares the opinion of his majesty's government that their pres ence would be most welcome at such a conference This government sin cerely hopes therefore that they may decide to be represented at least in some informal manner at the conver sations contemplated conversations it now ap pears could most advantageously and conveniently begin at Geneva on the (Continued on Second Page) ive Convicts Lose In Bold Attempt to Evade Death Chair ing out of the window cut bruised His opponent fled and not been located at a late hour night The officer summoned ambulance According tween Reed in a billiard Ing evicted UdlLIH till IIP CITPPr leased from the hospital late night Declared Worthy of Strength of Two Sister Na tions Who Have Overcome Countless i 4 New Haven Ct March' 1 2 A shipway between the Atlantic and the Great lakes by way of the St Lawrence river would open the whole of the mid continent tp international trade substantially increase the re turns from farming by1 lowering trans portation costs and benefit the indus trial East of power creation Secretary Hoover told a gathering of New Eng land business men here tonight in an address before the New Haven Cham ber of Commerce Since the Canadian and American commission of en gineers last fall pronounced the canal construction feasible he said a strong tide of sentiment for immediate con struction has gotten under wav in both Canada and the United States There may be difficulties in the way of putting a plan into effect for open ing the Great lakes the Commerce clepartment head said but in spite of obstacles inherent in international agreement in the disposal of power rignrs tne long record of successful co operation between the TTnitort was crates ana Canada left him hopeful of last asreIMnt on the subject 1 onia Kernove Transportation Barrier construction would remove a great barrier to world transportation" he declared is urgent to the pros perity of the vast Midwest It will contribute a wealth of hydro electric power It is a task worthy 'of the strength and purpose of the two sis ter nations who have in two centuries already overcome countless obstacles in implanting the most hopeful civili zation of history railways as we may man de mands an outlet to the sea by direct ships and for one big reason it is cheaper To carry goods to their des tination without two to four times re handling is the only road to the most economical transportation gineers have determined full plans by which we can ultimately secure a 30 toot channel admitting to the lakes 88 per cent of all cean going vessels which touch North American ports and thus great cities like ort Wil liam Duluth Chicago Detroit Cleve land Buffalo and Toronto may take their place and part as the seaboard of the world "Our major purpose is to open a great and cheaper Transportation route The development of power is a fortunate and valuable byproduct While the total cost of the works on the St Lawrence will amount to about600000000 our engineers estimate that after we deduct that portion of the works will he taken over by the power development we are left on various estimates with a cost to the governments of from 100000000 to $200000000 which itself may some day be recovered from power army engineers have made ex haustive examination of the New York route If it wero constructed wholly upon American soil it would cost over 630000000 If it were con structed on the shorter route from Oswego to Albany it would not be an all Aimerican route for ships would then need to pass through the Ca nadian Welland canal around Niagara In this case it would cost 500000000 In neither case would there be any electrical power developed would not say that the New York route is never to be contemplated If for any reason our Canadian friends do not wish to join in such an enter prise I am certain that the needs of our own population will sooner or later compel us undertaking the free ing of lake shipping to the sea even if it does cost i None of Banned Books on Sale in Springfield The ban placed by the Bpston dis trict office ail police on nine books sex eral of which are de clared to be the season's best sellers has revealed that none cf these books is on the shelves of the Springfield library nor is any at present on sale at any of the local bookstores It was learned yesterday that most of the books had been on sale here but were withdrawn by the dealers when it was learned from the publishers that (Continued onSecond Page) $2000 Gift by Wire Success of Trinity drive $400000 was made certain last night when the last of the ships comprising the victory fleet swept across the bar into the port of Victory The actual amount of money0pledgei has not yet been fully reckoned as there are atill some promised pledges that have not come in but the total will be nounced today Announcement of success of 1 drive camo last night at a report I ncr at Trinity Community housej When the workers sat down to their' meal the shlus wprft nnitA frm port but as the meal progressed I telephone and telegraph calls liegaal pouring in Crews of the ships baclt I from last minute calls on prospects rushed in with added amounts and I at 90511 the ships had readied their I goal I As a result Trinity will have a nv I auditorium Members of the parish 1 and friends of th church during the 1 I past week have pledged more than I200000 and Mrs Horace A Moaeg I has promised to give another 200008 I The 400000 thus raised will put th 'I local church in the forefront In New I England in equipment for religion I work The campaigners were elated over receipt of a 2000 subscription by wire'' I from a Springfield resident not a I member of Trinity church who i I now Ine lorida Several well known I residents of the city who are not I members of Trinity have subscribed 'I $1000 each to the building fund but 'w' I this wired pledge is tlie largest yet I ceivcd from outside the membership 1 1 The paid workers of the church I only a few in number have I uted to the building fund in a I able manner staff sub 4 I scribed a total of 5000 I The victory sermon is scheduled for 11 this morning With Dr TnnoM A representing Bishop 1 son in the pulpit Dr Adams will 3 conduct the victory ovensong at 7 (Continued on Second Page) JUDGE TILSON ATER OATH TAKEN ATTACKS SENATORS Ability to Support Herself New York March Eliza beth Schlich who has been earning her living as chambermaid in New York hotels since 1922 sailed for Eu rope today to claim 40000000 from the Soviet government She claimed to be tho wife of Prince Tchernitcheff She carried a letter bearing the signature of Lenin whicii contained a promise that her property in Moscow valued at 40000000 would not be conflscatetlif she demon strated she was capable of supporting herself for two years One of the con ditions was that a part of the prop erty be given the Soviet to be ap plied on the Russian debt of the Unit ed States Miss Schlich who said she is a daughter of the late rederick Schlich and Countess Katherine Potemkin was a passenger on the Stuttgart which sailed for Cherbourg She'said she would first go to Taris to get her passports a rom The Washington Bureau Washington March 12 Chairman William Butler of the Republican national committee believes the and its organization in excellent shape he said here today after a series of conferences with party lead ers He will remain in Washington for some time giving his attention to what he called routine work He brought encouraging news of soijie re covery in Massachusetts cotton manu facturing Butler has seen President Coolidge but had no comment as to whether the President would accept renomina tion had better ask he laughed He was likewise noncommittal as to his reported plans to be a candidate for United States senator again Told that tjere have been reports here that Gov uller might be a candidate for senator the chairman said he had heard rumors In Massachusetts that the governor might seek re election out personally had no information about the uller program While obviously out of sympathy with the action by Senator Walsh in holding up the final deficiency ap piopriaiion Dm in tne senate on the last day cf the session and well in formed concerning editorial criticism of Walsh's position Butler had no opinion to offer as to whether this will be made a political issue next year against AYaIsh bY Massachusetts Republicans Walsh on Way to Speak Senator Walsh went to Massachu setts tonight to keep several speak ing engagements and will return late next week He said that in the tier sonal messages received at his office there has been no criticism his re fusal to permit the passage of ap propriation bills on the last day of the Senate after its procedure had been lied up by a filibuster Chairman Butler said' he believed the President's xeto of tlie McNary Haugen bill met with general ap proval and that the reserrtment of it even in the Northwest was much less than some supporters of the legisla tion had anticipated As time went on he added the soundness of the veto would have an even greater appeal He apparently is unconcerned over threats by backersof the mat tney win seek tariff revision to retaliate against the industrial North east and doubted that such tactics could succeed Chicago San rancisco Cleveland and Detroit have already begun to make bids for the Republican national convention next year but no decision will be made officially until next De cember and JButier said he has no preference himself Cotton manufacturing has Increased in Massachusetts in the last few months he said and he thought the situation has Improved very much "I think we have been down to the bot tom but are How definitely confine he said Politicians attach much importance to the visit of Butler at this time and tnink It means a tightening up of the administration grip upon the party's national machinery in preparation for the selection of delegates to the next national convention The Coolidge men believe in nnlitirni nmrni a i rij rxjs even though the fight ahead may look Chambermaid Will Claim $40000000 Estate in Russia 5 Newport I March (AP) The fact that a patient in the Naval hospital here is recovering from the mysterious Landry's disease which killed Albert rick of Chicago became known today The patient is Heissel of Portsmouth xvith tfie rating of chief pay clerk Heissel has been suffering from disease for eight months He has so responded to the physiotherapi treatment devised by the hospital medical staff that the physicians saj he is virtually cured In his ca however the paralysis which at one time prevented him moving either arms or legs checked before it reached any organ Capt Riggs commanding fleer says that the Heissel is in a million" He has heardTif no other instance in the service in which' a man attacked by this disease ha re covered Heissel was fatten to the hospital fronj the S' Wright airplamf tenders He watched with eager sym patny we progress of the vain tempt to save life Charge Torture Needless Chicago March (AP) Before science can 3iope obtain data through which it is hoped a cure can be developed for the treatment of the creeping paralysis known as Lan dry's disease xvhich brought death to Albert rick after a fight of 1C8 hours more time for research work xvill be required rick was kept alive by ar tificial respiration through the aid of fellow workers who going td his bedside in relays kept him breathing by forcing his lungs to contract and expand Dr George Hassin neuropatholo gist of the University of Illinois Medi cal school said a preliminarv exam ination of body revealed an infection of the fourth vertebra He said that the infection might have re sulted either from work or play But added that there was no indication of a fracture Dr Hassin will continue his tests for two weeks Some discussion among physicians here has developed over whether it was ethical for rick's physicians to resort to maintenance of life through artificial respiration at great physical anguish to him inasmuch as some specialists take the view that death was certain rom other sources came assertions that a cure was possible Dr Paul McCready of New Haven Ct has stated that he cured a case of Landry's disease about a year age Mrs Mary Baker of East Haventhe paueiiL xvon a oattle tor life similar to fight after being paralyzed5 hours in all but a few chest mus cles AMATEUR PILOT KILLS PASSENGER TWO PITTSBURG KANDITSUSPECTS UNDER ARREST ii CHARGE MADE ON BOOK BAN Reward Offered Detectives had no Mea when th four other men would return but planned to maintain an all night vigil it necessary Other developments tn the case toi night included theofTerine of a X60M reward for the arrest and conviction bandlts by the express company Jwhich owned the armored car that was blown up in addition a ward of 10 per cent of any of the" stolen funds recovered was posted by the insurance company with whieh (Continued on Sefbnd Pag) I Three Saw Way to reedom at Chicago Capture Deputy Sheriff and Make Good Start for Liberty One Escapes Two Caught Being Overcome in Gun tie on Street Three Others Although Armed ail to Get Out of Cell Police Hold Women as Outside Accomplices Sixth Convict Still at Large a Cripple and Capture Expected er Recess Appointee Considers Positions of Har an George Unfair and Macon Ga March TV Tilson recently given his sec ond recess appointment by President Coolidge as judge of the middle Geor district after the Senate had re fused to confirm the appointment took the oath of office here today and issued statement attacking the po sitions of Seantors George and Harris in opposing the confirmation Judge Tilson said he would not have the second appointment had he thought the positions of the two sen ators "fair or opposed appointment of Judge Tilson on the grounds that he was and did not live in the district over which he was to preside Never Sought Appointment subcommittee of then Senate judiciary committee which reported I favorably to the whole committee on jny appointment was told by SenatorHarris that I was personally obnox ious and he would say that on the Senate floor I have never done anything to call for suchsa statement anif course feel very sorry that senapr felt it his dutysto use this insinuation of my doting something dishonorable in order tj block my con firmation "In my whole life I have never asked ftraa political appointment and when the President? tendered me this appointment I accented the same and xvill continue to accept as Jong as the President feels inclined to tender me a regular os retess appointment as judge of this district1 CHINESE KtlX) i nGHTINZONE at Shanghai 0 Extremists and Moderate Na tionalists in rench Area 9 Americans Want Marines Ashore ife Demonstrates li.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.