All American: Season 5, Episode 17 script (2024)

It's Spring Break for GAU, but the well-deserved break brings some big changes when an old friend surprises Spencer and Jordan, Olivia searches for the courage to share her truth, Patience has a decision to make as her career skyr...

Thanks for making time
for your momma bear.

Well, you know we said we was
gonna do this thing monthly.

Besides, it's spring break,

and my life ain't
crazy for once.

This is feeling like old times.

Hot cakes fresh off the skillet.


Did I show you to mix water

instead of milk
with that batter?

Yes, ma'am. Less
calories and fat.

And Spencer loves
them. Right, baby?


You want some, Mrs. Grace?

You know, I am going to
stick with these biscuits.


Hey, girl.

Denise. You're early.

Early for what?
- Uh...

There's something that I've
been wanting to show you.

Where the hell is my bed?

You know how I always said
I wanted a craft room?

Well, Denise inspired
me to get started.

I love this idea.

You know, we have tons of fabric

at the dress shop
that you can have.

Oh, girl, bring it on over!

She is officially hired to
help. I like her. Come on.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Where am I supposed to
sleep when I come home?

Your home is at the beach house,

where you've been
living for the past year

with your comfortable bed.

You know, when you're here,

you can always sleep on
the blow up mattress.

This wall is larger
than I thought.

We could put a kiln over here!

What the hell is a kiln?

We're not putting
a kiln in here.

I made this necklace in a kiln.

- Oh. That is nice.
- Ok. I'm out.

Wait. Spencer.

Nope. S'all good. I got
morning practice anyways,

so y'all can just do whatever.


Are you sure you don't
wanna stay a little longer?

I could have coffee
and donuts delivered.

I wish. My schedule
is so jammed,

I literally had to set
reminders to take my vitamins.

How 'bout, hey, dinner and a
movie in the Marina tomorrow?

Nope. Back to back
meetings and vitamins.

Ok. You're still coming to Liv's award
ceremony, tonight, though, right?

I feel terrible, but there's
an artist in town from the UK

I have to scope out.

And I already spoke to Liv.

She said she's cool.

I'm just gonna get
her flowers, though.

But cheer loudly
for the both of us?

Sure. Bye.


No. It's spring break.

Well, then why don't you take
a break like everybody else?

Well, I'm writing a speech
for the award ceremony.

I mean, I know winning
is a long shot.

But if I do, then everyone's
gonna be asking for my next story.

Actually, would you mind
listening to what I've got so far?

Sure! I'm all ears.


Do you need help
finding something?

No, just organising versions
one through four of my speech.

You're going to read
me four versions?

Seven. The last three
are on my computer.

Hey. Hi.

What's up with the 911 text?

I think Liv is spiralling with
this whole award ceremony.

Well, I mean, I'm sure there's
a lot of pressure. Right?

I mean, this is a
huge deal for her.

Maybe just give her some space?

Well, she asked for my help.

And then she kicked
me out of her room

after my third
note on draft two.

How many drafts are there?

Don't ask.

You know what?

The last time that
she spoke publicly,

it didn't go so well.

Maybe she just doesn't want
a repeat of the eulogy.

Yeah. I'll go check on her.

Thank you.

You're not worried your
fingers might fall off?

That's the least of my concerns.

Yeah, you got half the
Amazon forest on your floor.

Yeah, well, who
needs trees, right?

- Whoa.
- I'm kidding.

Well, at least you're still
cracking jokes. That's a good sign.

Jordan, what if people think I'm a fraud
when they realise I'm not Jayden Davis?

Ok. Maybe it's time we, uh,
step away from the keyboard.

No. I'm in a groove.

Draft eight is
feeling really solid.

Draft eight, you say?

Yeah. Wow. That's cool.

What are you doing? I was just
in the middle of a clever segue.

Yeah. You got two hours to work on
that segue while I'm at practice,

and then you're
going away with me.

What part of "i
need to work..."?

Non-negotiable, Olivia baker.


♪ Yeah, who dat... ♪

Here we go. Down. Set.

Watch out. Watch out.

Wide 16. Here we
go. Here we go.

Hey, check 5, check 5, check 5.

Wide 16.


♪ don't be
jealous with it ♪

♪ watch me get it, yeah ♪

♪ inside, outside, yeah ♪


We need fast feet, boys!

Boy, where'd you get
that whistle from?

Found it. Yeah?

Come meet the team. Come on.

You let sal catch up
to you, didn't you?

Boost his confidence?

Nah. Just ain't got it today.

Hey, did they change your
bedroom when you moved out?

Coop lives in my old room.

That don't bother you?

Nope. It still
feels like home.

Hey, is that, uh...?

Dr. Gutenberg,

- Gau's president.
- Yeah.

Man. I ain't seen him
since the day I signed.

What the hell's he doing here?

Maybe he's looking for coach?

- I'll go find out.
- Yeah.

Dr. Gutenberg, I didn't
know you was a football fan.

I'm not, but I am a booster fan.

And there's a rumour our team is
signing ex-cons and has-been players.

Where's coach
Kenny? Or any coach?

We running student-led voluntary
practices for spring break.

Coach Kenny is out in
Tennessee recruiting.

So are the rumours true?

No. I mean yes, yes.

We have a guy who
made a mistake,

but he did his time and now
he's getting a second chance.

Golden Angeles university
is a prestigious program.

It's not a charity case.

This ain't charity, sir.

All I know is my
elite d1 program that

normally signs the top
players in the country

now looks like last chance u.

And the boosters aren't happy,
which means I'm not happy.

They have a lot of questions.

And if they don't
like the answers,

I'll have no choice but
to clean house myself.

What did he mean
by "clean house"?

Is he gonna pull scholarships?

Yeah, I'm not sure.
He ain't seem happy.

I left a message with coach
Kenny to give him a heads up.

I hope he got a plan.

Wow! Look at you,

Spencer James not
saving the world.

Dr. Spears said I gotta chill
on all that, so I'm trying.

I see you. I see you.

But, look, I gotta run
somewhere with Liv.

But, uh, you're still coming to
her award ceremony tonight, right?

Oh, my bad.

I thought that was just a
family invite-only thing.

And I got this date with Alicia.

I don't know how cool she'd be
if I rescheduled that for Liv.

Yeah, don't do that.

It's all good.
I'll see you later.

All right, man.

- That-a boy.
- What's up, man?

How you feeling
about everything?

So who was that grumpy-looking
white dude you was talking to?

That was gau's president.

The big man, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm guessing he's wondering where
his usual five-star recruits are.

Hey. Don't trip. He
don't get football.

S'all good.

It ain't like five-star recruits
have it easy these days anyway.

I been training Marco galvez.

Oh, I know Marco.

Yeah. He was about
to sign with us

before everything went down.

I thought he went to Florida.

Well, he's in town
on spring break.

Sound like he not having
the best time down there.

Why? What's up?
- I didn't ask.

I'm training him here in
an hour if you wanna join.

Might be nice for him
to see a familiar face.

For sure. I'm gonna definitely
swing by. Good looking out.

Of course.


so the interview should
be pretty seamless.

He's just gonna
be, like, fishing

for what fans can expect
from the "fire & ice" tour.

So, yeah, just keep it,
like, vague, but exciting.


Cool, cool.

Uh, yeah, so that
right there was

the opposite of exciting.

Well, I was actually thinkin'
about that quinceañera.

That was so fun, wasn't it?


Um, remember how I told you

it reminded me about

how much I miss my
indie boho roots?


Yeah. Well, I
kinda... I don't know.

Patience, whatever
it is, just say it.

I just, I mean, we
poured so much time

and resources into this
new image and sound...

But you know what?

Talking out loud is the
confirmation that I need.

So, yeah, let's just...

Let's just keep
this train moving.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am sure.

Look, we got this interview,

and it's gonna be dope. Yeah.

But you know what
I'm not sure about

is your phone stressing
with them alerts.

Sorry, it's my calendar.

There's, like, a million
things to do and no time.

Including this brunch with
my dad which I need to cancel

'cause your interviewer
changed the interview time.

Oh, no, no, no. Just go be
with your dad. I got this.

- No, I should be here.
- Skye's gonna be there.

Look, why do you
have a hired staff

if you don't trust
them to do their jobs?

Ok. Thank you.

What's this?

Ha ha ha! A dance studio.

I can see that, Jordan.

How hard is the
nostalgia hitting?

I mean, my last
memory here was, um,

throwing a tutu in
Gina price's face.

Mm-hmm. Dance was your
first language, right?

It was how you
expressed yourself

before you could even talk.

So, I figured... why not
bring you back to your roots?

How is this supposed
to help with my speech?

Ok. You know better
than anyone that

whenever I am feeling stuck
with football or life,

I escape to video games.

Now, some people
may call that lazy,

but it's the outlet that I need.

So maybe this can be
that for you again.

Yeah, well, I would much
rather have played video games.

Didn't know that was an option.

- It's not too late.
- No, no, no.

Hold on. Yes, it
is. Yes, it is, ok?

Because I've already paid $30
a head for this hip hop class.

We're not even dressed
for a hip hop class.

Heh heh heh! You didn't
think I'd come prepared?

Buckle up, sis.


♪ I've been running
all day... ♪

Well, here is to legacy, right?

You know, I really love

the idea of combining the
formonica and keating names.

Thanks, dad. I haven't even
asked. How is retirement?

Erin and I are going to be heading
down to Costa Rica in two weeks.

She wants to look
at houses to settle.

Maybe you and Erin can
harvest pineapples together

or get a farm with
pigs and goats.

Yeah, I think I'm good
on the pigs and goats.


What about you, honey? Are you
getting everything you wanted?

Yeah, and more.

Well, looks like you're
on the right track, then.

Actually, speaking
of the right track,

I hate to cut this lunch short, but
I have to get ready for a meeting.

I remember the days of
cutting brunches short.

You know, I'm not gonna lie.
I really miss the hustle.

If you miss it so much,
you should join me today.

There will be plenty of hustle.

I'm in. Wait. Really?

I was just joking.

I mean, I'd rather help you out

than shop online
for board shorts.


Ok, I'm splitting y'all
up into two groups

to review the first
six eight counts.

This side will go first.

Everyone else, get
ready for next.

Hit it. Hey.

♪ Water on me like the sauna ♪

♪ some karats, some pointers ♪

♪ all these commas
I won't fumble ♪

♪ migo gunners
out the jungle ♪

♪ buy it all, fronter ♪

♪ cake on, me no funnel ♪

♪ drop top feelin'
like stunna ♪

♪ catch these plays, no
runner, chrome heart wallet ♪

♪ smoke my pilot, take
three vibes to the tropics ♪

♪ tropics... ♪

♪ I was outside just
servin' narcotics ♪

♪ narcotics, woo ♪

♪ pass me that stick...
Make one wrong move ♪

♪ just pop him ♪

♪ lanvin on bro with
the... flooded out ♪

♪ in the hotel lobby ♪

♪ it's crowded ♪

♪ diamonds be dancing
like Bobby... ♪

Ok, that was, um, interesting.

Next group, let's get it.


♪ I go in the jungle
and ain't got a coat ♪

♪ I bet I come
out with a mink ♪

♪ do this... for the fam ♪

♪ 'cause this...
Bigger than me ♪

♪ color stones in
my infinity link ♪

♪ and in the factory,
masterpiece ♪

♪ I call him twin 'cause
that be my brother... ♪

5, 6, 7, 8.

♪ Water on me like the sauna ♪

♪ some karats, some pointers ♪

♪ all these commas
I won't fumble ♪

♪ migo gunners
out the jungle ♪

♪ buy it all, fronter ♪

♪ cake on, me no funnel... ♪

Nina, why are we holding
onto five counts ago?

You know we always move
forward no matter what.

♪ ...take three vibes
to the tropics ♪

♪ tropics... ♪

♪ I was outside just
servin' narcotics ♪

♪ narcotics, woo ♪

♪ pass me that stick,
make one wrong move ♪

♪ just pop him... ♪

Ok, let's add on.
Off that eight...

Let's go.

What? I thought we
were having fun.


Feels kinda weird being
back in here. Not gonna lie.

Didn't think I was welcome
after turning y'all down.

Oh, man, you always welcome.

Plus, I'm glad to see you're
in good hands here with my guy.

Man, I love that
y'all brought sal on.

This dude was a
legend in high school.

Oh, he still is.

You shoulda seen him out there
today roaming the middle.

Ok, ok. Look, i'MMA
go grab some stuff.

We gonna get that
workout in, a'ight?

Let's do it.

All right, sal.

So, how's Florida?

I know it ain't always
easy joining a d1 squad

already in motion.

It's, uh, it's been
chill. You know.

A lot of moving parts, but,
um, nothing I can't handle.

You know there ain't
no hard feelings

you not signing with us, right?

I'd have done the same
thing if I was you.

Hell. A year ago I was in
your exact shoes, so...

I'm here as somebody who gets it

if you need to talk.

Thank you.

But, um, I'm pretty sure

those shoes fit a
tad differently.

How so?

Clearwater state
found out I'm gay.

Ain't like that was a secret.

I mean, you was talking about your
boyfriend when you were visiting here.

Yeah, but, uh, they want to do
this whole out athlete campaign

with me at the centre.

Ah. Got it.

Look, I'm proud of being queer,

but I didn't sign up
to be the face of it,

especially at a university
that fired a teacher

for being out just
a few years ago.

I just wanna play football.

I feel you. Don't
nobody like being used.

The publicity and gossip are
starting to cause problems,

taking attention
away from the field.

Some of my teammates even think
I'm getting special treatment.

Now, I just wanna
train in peace.

That's why I came
back for spring break.

Look, you wanna train in peace?

Think I can help you with that.

Come run some drills
with us later.

I'm pretty sure your
coaches are gonna have

something to say about that.

Nah, we running voluntary student-led
practices for the next two days.

And besides, we could use
some five-star talent around

to make these dudes
sweat a little.

So sorry I'm late, but
I got us some salads

since who knows how long
we'll be in this interview?

Aw. Thanks.


How's Coop? We been like
ships passing in the night

with all her late night
law class studying.

You see her more than I do.

Oh. Uh-oh.

It's complicated.
And the last thing

I wanna do is involve her ex.

Trust me, as the ex,

the last thing I want
to do is get involved.

But we're friends now,
right? You and me?


It's just Coop and I
are sort of on a break.

But the thing is we haven't
had the time or space

to define that either.

But it's whatever.
Forget I said anything.

Let's get into this
interview stuff.

Yeah, yeah. Let's get it.

Jordan, just please
leave it alone.

Nope. I let you stew
the whole car ride home.

Ok, now, will you just tell
me what happened back there?

I have to finish
writing my speech.

I just want to help.
Will you talk to me?

It was what that teacher said,
"move forward no matter what."

Dad used to say the
exact same thing to me.

I, um...

I figured it had to do with
some sort of reminder of dad.

He was the one who usually
brought you to dance class.

But, look, Liv,

all I wanted was for you
to get out of your head.

All right? And you did.

Yeah, until I
walked out of class.

No, but you were
amazing before that.

I was ok.

No, Liv, you killed
it. All right?

It was like...

It was like whenever
you'd make me film you

being a beyonce backup
dancer back in the day.

Side note, I always appreciated
you letting me jump in

despite how much I sucked.

Friendly reminder,
you still suck.

Whoa. Come on! I
held my own in there.

I was like Sean Patrick Thomas
in "save the last dance."

Oh, yeah. I don't even
think a Juilliard-bound,

offbeat white woman
could help you.

Ok, we are done crushing

my non-existent dance
dreams, all right? Pssh.

One last thing...

Watching you during
the freestyle segment,

it reminded me of what your
true first language was.

Letting go and speaking
from the heart,


I mean, that's what "Liv
the truth" is after all.

♪ Till the hurt
in me is gone... ♪

Come on.

♪ Better days will come ♪

Man, that's whack that they
forcing his hand like that.

He was there to play football.

Yeah. They don't
own his story.

Don't nobody control
none of our stories.

That's the main reason I ain't
commit to Texas northern tech.

They tried to paint me
as some gang banger...

Bad boy on and off the field.

They ever met you?

No shade, but you about the least
bad boy brother I know, Spencer.

Oh, man. Chill.
I got my moments.

Hey, yo, I know we
three straight dudes

with zero clue of what it's like

to put your sexuality
out in public,

but I feel for the kid.

I mean, his narrative
is his to control.

I just wish he could
find a way to do that

and focus on the game.

So I'm thinking
this shade of Violet

with cream-coloured baselines
will be cute. Right?


I forgot Spencer took karate.

For about a week straight,

he was adamant about
quitting football

because of the ninja turtles.

Focus. We're trying to imagine

what colour this wall should be.

You ok, Mrs. Grace?

I'm sorry, you guys. I
can't do this to Spencer.

It's just not sitting right.

He had so many changes
in his life recently.

And I...

I want to respect the memories
that he's holding onto.

Besides, I should
be getting ready

for Olivia's award ceremony.

You know, I'm still
kind of salty that Laura

chose you as her
plus one and not me.

What time are you and
Spencer getting there?

Um... not sure.

Spencer's driving.


So are you enjoying
a day in the life?

Oh, please. You're taking
me back to the old days.


Hey, did the bold "past
due" on these royalties

not get your attention?

Dad, it's no biggie. My
accountant said that, you know,

ageing a few days past
due is just a small fee.

It ain't always about
the fee, sweetheart.

Sometimes it's about
people, you know.

Some of these artists are
counting on these royalty checks.

You're right.

It's like the one part
of the job I don't enjoy.

And unlike when
you were a mogul,

I don't have a whole
department to handle them.

Early on, I had to
do it on my own.

So until you get people to handle
it, you're gonna have to learn

to love to do it yourself.

Yeah. Easier said than done.

You know what?

What are you doing?

Well, I'm gonna
show you what I did.

Ok, check it out.
Your mom built me

this program when keating
records was just a toddler.

Wow! Mom was an excel ninja.

Your mom was, uh, everything.

Yeah. I miss her too, dad.



one more piece of advice:

Your busy schedule
earlier looks like

it's all centred around work.

And you know better than
anybody that I built my company

at a cost to you and your mom.

Time is fleeting, Layla.

Gotta find a way to make room

for the things that matter
most outside of work.

Find that balance.

Hey! Thought I was coming
to a team practice.

That starts in an hour.

I wanted to chop it
up with you first.

'Bout what?

A wise athlete helped me
with my own identity crisis.

He made me realise I needed to
define Spencer James in my own terms.

I know who I am.

Oh, I don't doubt it.
But say it out loud.

Record it.

This for nobody except you...

So that when you're
out on the field

getting pulled in directions
you don't want to go

and you need to be
reminded of who you are

and why you're here,

you can just put
your headphones on,

listen to this, recenter,
and get back to work.

Sounds kinda corny.

Fool, did you just
call me corny?

I mean...

Look, just shut up and try it,
ok? Delete it if you hate it.


Marco galvez,

do you know what
your narrative is?


and it ain't just one thing.

Nobody is.

I'm the son to two
wonderful immigrant parents.

I'm proudly of Salvadorian
and Haitian descent.

I'm an overprotective brother,

a lover of anime and dance,

and I'm a five-star running back

who happens to be gay.

That is Marco galvez.

Crap. What time is it?

What's this?

This is help.

The plan is for you to
focus on your words,

and we're gonna help you
get your look together.

Are you serious?
- Uh,

we got your back, Liv.
Team baker in the building.


And you might be learning
how to contour today.

Ooh. Oh, no, he won't.

I think we've got it
between me and mom.

I thought you had practice.

Nah, it's voluntary,
so I can stay.

You've done more than enough.

Thank you for everything.

Girl, I gotta give
you your flowers.

Everyone and they momma has been

on the Patience 2.0
bandwagon right now.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Don't thank me. The praise is owed
to your slaying viking queens.

The makeup tutorials your team released
to replicate your music video looks

have got the people
thirsting for more.

I mean, look at all these folks

feeling so much more
confident thanks to you.

Oh, wow.

So, everyone is dying to know...

Are you planning on
creating more filters

leading up to the big
"fire & ice" tour?


Yes, of course.

You know, we are... we're
going bigger and splashier

because, um, you know,

that's what Patience
2.0 is all about.

Can I quote that?

Um, can we just, like, maybe...

Just talk about the tour?

That's what we're doing.

I mean, while I cannot
speak for the vortex,

I will go on record as saying

I am so glad "girl next
door" Patience is out

and Patience 2.0 is in.

The world has been waiting
for your edge, baby girl.


♪ You know the drill ♪

♪ we-we-we be running ♪

♪ all day, we be
running, all day... ♪

Motion, motion, motion!

♪ Carrying the game, like
we fully sprinting... ♪

Come on.

♪ Man, dog, you can't
tell 'em nothing ♪

You hear that, baby?

♪ ...Who the opposition? ♪

♪ I can play every position ♪

♪ I got what you been missing ♪
player: Come on, come on!

Good job, good job.
Good job. That-a boy.

Yo, I'm not gonna lie.

This squad got some heat on it.

Hey, we might be scrappy,

but never underestimate hunger

and the underdog with
something to prove.

Yeah, y'all are gonna sneak
up on people for sure.

I appreciate that, man, but
we still got work to do.

Yeah, well, the
hunger hits different.

You know, I know sal's story,

but after talking to Kai
and some of the other guys,

y'all are like season four
of "Friday night lights."

- I never seen it.
- You're kidding, right?

Unfortunately, he
is not kidding.

Don't start.

Ok? And I've been
trying to tell him

that he is missing out on the...

Greatest football
show of all time.

Wow. Regardless,
gau administration

gotta be excited for
y'all next season.

I don't know. I don't think

our new recruits are flashy
enough for the president.

Yeah, well, flashy
don't guarantee wins.

Yeah, well, try selling that

to someone who only cares
about press and boosters.

A'ight. Enough chit chat.
Y'all ready for round two?

Yes, sir.

He look kinda tired to me.

Are you sleepy?

I'm good. Come on, now.

I'm only seeing three or
four stars right now...

Ha ha! Let's run it.

Let's get it. Let's get it.

Xc shift, 95 dig.
Here we go...

Just got word Devonte is
gonna publish your interview

in a special artist
edition next week.

Great job, girl.

Well, that'll be dope.

Ok, I ignored it
during the interview,

but now it's just you and me.

What's going on?

You know, um,

I miss my indie sound.

Yeah, it was me grounded
in something real.

And this "fire &
ice" 2.0 Patience,

it just isn't it.

It just doesn't feel right
projecting this message that

people need to change
themselves to feel better.

And I just want everyone to know

their true identities
are equally as fierce.

And I can't... I can't do
that if I'm not even being me.


Hypothetically speaking,

if boho Patience were

to remaster "fire & ice"...


How would that sound?

Um... ok.

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ everything, all that ♪

♪ say I ain't the baddest,
but we both know ♪

♪ that's all cap,
see, we heating up ♪

♪ our position,
better fall back ♪

♪ so you don't want no smoke ♪

♪ getting faded
off the contact ♪

♪ yeah ♪

I have an idea.

Damn, that smells good.

I thought we were eating in.

Not anymore.

Ok. Picnic on the beach?

Wrong again.

Ok, then help a brotha out.

We're going to Olivia's
award ceremony,

the one I had to find
out about from your mom.

Look, there was
nothing to find out.

I wasn't hiding nothing.

I just wasn't planning on going

because I thought it
was a family thing,

and I knew we had
our date night.

Besides, won't things be awkward
with you and Olivia together?

Mm-mm. Considering
she's the one

who helped us get back
together, no, it won't.

Run that by me again?

When you were reeling
over losing coach baker,

she's the one who told me I
should've kept supporting you,

no matter how hard
you pushed me away.

She's the reason I
came back that night.

So, we owe her.

And tonight sounds
like a big deal.

Isn't the point of
the vortex to support

each other's wins and losses?

♪ Don't be afraid... ♪

Remember how nervous
I was at the house?

It's like ten times worse now.

What if I win?

Oh, hopefully, I don't win.

You want us to root
for you to lose?

No. I don't know.

Sweetheart, remember
that writing the article

was the hardest part.

Now just enjoy being celebrated.


Oh! Yo, yo. Look who it is.


Great. Like, there wasn't
already enough pressure

without John salley being here.

Who's next, Michael Jordan?

Uh, better, hopefully.

Hey, what's up?
Here you go, baby.

We didn't miss anything, did we?

No. You're right
on time, actually.

Um, I thought you weren't
gonna be able to come.

We couldn't miss
cheering you on.

Well, if I win.

When you win.

So, uh, they got dinner?

I think I actually saw some tiny,
little rice balls over there.

But I am gonna wait
until John salley goes

to the buffet, then
I'm gonna pounce.

John salley's here?
- Right there.

Damn. No pressure, Liv.

Come on! Spencer,
chuckling: Ok.

It's fine.

Hey. What was so important

I needed to make a pit stop?

Oh, girl, I'm sorry. I didn't
know you were going out.

I mean, I will always take
an emergency text from you

over anything.

Was it about the
interview or...?

Ok. I have been struggling
with "fire & ice"

and the persona that we built.

Uh, I know, I can tell.

And, um, after the tour,

we can redefine who you are.

Yeah, but that's the
thing. I don't...

I don't want to
redefine who I am.

You know, like, I know who I am.

And I think I found a
solution to move forward

with just a slight tweak.


- Take a seat.
- Ok.


- Ok, imagine this.
- Mm-hmm.

Same album, same songs

just with an acoustic flair.

And me on stage with my guitar.


♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ everything, all that ♪

♪ say I ain't the baddest,
but we both know ♪

♪ that's all cap,
see, we heating up ♪

♪ our position,
better fall back ♪

♪ you don't want no smoke ♪

♪ getting faded
off the contact ♪

♪ yeah, I bring the
fire every day ♪

♪ ice cold at night ♪

♪ got me switching up a Lane ♪

♪ I can toe that line ♪

It's really good.
It's better than good.

Yeah? Ok, and I know... I
know reimagining the tour

will unravel
everything, but I...

I am down to work overtime.

It's triple overtime for
me. But whatever it takes.

And, yeah, and if it's
too much, I get it.

Stop. Look, I don't care how
much work it's gonna take.

This is the real Patience.

And honestly, between the
quinceañera and today,

this is, like, the happiest
I've heard you sound.

Your fans are going to love it.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Cool. Um, ok, so we're
really doing this?

Yeah. I mean, Gia
is gonna flip,

but we'll get her
onboard tomorrow.

Ok. Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, my god.

Look, I just, I
want you to be you.

So we're gonna figure it out.

And I get to cancel tomorrow's
pyrotechnics meeting,

so more free time for me.

Gotta run. I'm
really proud of you.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

Yes! Girl!


Don't act like you don't
want those samosas.

Go for it.

It's tempting.

Um... I know
using Jayden Davis

was supposed to
protect all of us

and showing up here,
claiming the name,

breaks that.

I thought actually maybe that's

why you weren't
gonna come tonight.

I'm sorry I even
hesitated to come.

It was just a misunderstanding.

Listen, you showing up tonight,

owning who you are,
that takes guts.

And j. And I meant it when
we said we support you.

And in terms of protection,
you know you got the vortex.

Ain't nobody messing with us.

Thanks, Spencer.

How are your nerves
holding up, sweetie?



Baby, uh,

can I talk to you?

Actually, I think
they're about to start.

Maybe after the ceremony?


Leaps of faith are scary,

and bravery looks
different to everyone.

To me, bravery looked
like the first time

that I said out loud
I wanted to achieve

what I thought was impossible,

a career in the NBA.

I guess my ancestors
were working overtime...

Because four
championship rings later,

I think I achieved
my dream, then some.

And I continue to honour
those who came before me

every day of my
life by living up

to the best that they saw in me.

And each nominee here tonight

have their own story of bravery,

leaps of faith on how
they changed lives,

stories that will
thankfully live on

in the articles that
they have written.

So I am honored to present

the award for excellence
in sports journalism.

And it goes to...

Jayden Davis.

You won! You did it!

Liv, you won.

Except I can't move.

I think I can help.


Thank you.


Um... hi.

Thank you so much for this.

In the spirit of Mr. Salley

and those he continues to honor,

I'd like to take this
moment to honor a man,

without whom I'd never
have written this article.

My dad passed away
a few months ago.

I was supposed to honour him
with the eulogy at his funeral,

but I couldn't find the air to
breathe, let alone the words.

But if you'd indulge me, i'd
really like to try again today.

My dad is Billy baker.

Some of you may know him

as former NFL great turned
high school football coach,

but... he was so much more.

He was a pillar of his
community in south L.A.,

a mentor to many, and
a friend to even more,

a husband to the most
incredible and patient woman...

And a father to all, even
if you weren't his blood.

He encouraged me early on
in life to be a change maker

and more recently,
to use journalism

as my weapon against injustice.

He also taught me to
be proud of my name

and supported me

even when I didn't feel
comfortable using it.

So today,

I'd like to reclaim that name

as Olivia baker,

not Jayden Davis.

I'd like to dedicate
this award to my dad,

a change maker himself

and a man that we can
only aspire to be.

I love you, dad.

Thank you.

Finally, she eats.

The nerves are gone.

Appetite's back.

I'm proud of you, Liv.

That was a beautiful tribute.

Can I ask you something?

Yeah. How do you do it?

Put one foot in
front of the other

after losing both
Corey and now my dad?

I want to keep
honouring him every day.

But I just... how?

By learning to live in the now.

That's what your pops
would have wanted for us.

Liv, you and me,

we had to learn the hard way
that we only got a small window,

tomorrow ain't promised.

So embrace what's
in front of you...

Your dad would've wanted you

to live out your wildest dreams

both in your career
and your life.

You're right.

Can't say I've really
been doing that.

I'm a freshman college student

who's been so focused
on my job off campus,

I don't even know where
the commissary is.

Damn. Yeah.

Ha ha! Well, look,
freshmen year ain't over.

Go after the life you want.

You gonna get it
changed to "Olivia"?

I do wish it said
"Olivia baker."

I'll get some sharpie on there.

- This is so nice.
- So?

- We're gonna be all right.
- Ha ha ha!

I've been meaning to tell you

that colour looks good on you.

Oh. Thank you.

There's something I've been
meaning to tell you, too.

If it's about the craft
room, let me go first.

I was selfish for trying to hold onto
something I should be letting go of.

I shouldn't have
blindsided you like that.

Yeah, well, it's your house.

No, Spencer, it's our house.

And in our house, you
sacrificed the world

for me and Dillon to have
everything we needed.

I should be honouring
that by honouring you

and your needs now.

Home ain't a place, ma.

It's wherever you are.

And all the craft
rooms in the world

ain't gonna change that.

You feel me?

- Thank you, baby.
- Yep.

Hey. Hi.

Thought I would
find you in here.

You working late?

Uh, no. I was about
to join you guys.

Just wanted to quickly
pack up some royalties

so I don't forget to
mail them out tomorrow.

Hmm. So what ever happened
with that UK artist?

Oh. I sent the best a&r
consultant to cover for me.

Really? You hired someone new?

He wishes. It's my dad.

But Liv's too important.

I would've hated
to miss tonight.


And you're kind
of important, too.

So, I was thinking...


You've still got a few more
days left of spring break,

so what do you think about
a day trip to Catalina?

Well, I thought your
schedule was too tight.

Now, where did this
sudden change come from?

Time is fleeting.

That's the tweet.



Ok. Ooh, yup, yup.
That's the one.

Yeah. That is the one.

Ok. Post that with the
hashtag dream team.

Cool. Um...

You know, I wanted to thank you

for your assist with Layla.

Like, I owe you.

It's your voice that sold it.

You know, I feel
like, uh, my soul

would've slowly died every day

on the original tour, so...

Well, now it can thrive
and inspire others

the way it inspired me.

Girl, quit it.

No, I'm being for real.

And watching you today
was the reminder I needed

to always fight for me.

I'm in awe of you, Patience.


Well, thanks.

Whoa. Um...

Oh, my god.

What the hell?

Oh, I... I'm so sorry.

I just... I got
carried away...

No. Just... yeah, i'MMA go.

Like, I... go.

Yeah. I got to go.

I... I got to...

You wanted to see me, sir?

I get the sense
you weren't happy

with our talk earlier.

No disrespect, but our team
doesn't need any fixing.

Yeah, we got some guys
with some baggage,

but they got something better
than any five-star recruit

can offer... heart.

So I keep being told.

I don't understand, sir.

You could have simply shared

that the team had
re-signed Marco galvez

instead of letting me believe

it was just about these
second chance recruits.

Well, first of all,
I'm not the coach.

That would need to be
something coach Kenny

and a.D. Barnes would share
with you, if it was true.

Which it's not.

Actually it is.

Like I told
Dr. Gutenberg myself,

this roster is full
of heart, grit,

and dedication.

I'd regret not
being a part of it.

Wait. Are you coming to gau?

Y'all are rewriting your
narrative, just like me.

So, yes, I'm officially
decommitting from clearwater state

and joining gau.

The boosters had questions.

And now I get to deliver
some pretty great answers.

Looks like we got
ourselves a team.

I guess we do.

♪ I know there's gonna be ♪

♪ some brighter days... ♪

Hey, sweetie.

♪ I swear that love will
find you in your pain... ♪


♪ I feel it in me ♪

♪ like the beating
of life in my veins ♪

♪ I know there's gonna be ♪

♪ some brighter days ♪

♪ I know there's gonna be ♪

♪ some brighter days ♪

I think it's just
missing one thing.

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ if your screams
don't make a sound ♪

♪ oh oh oh ♪

♪ if your walls are
crashing down... ♪


♪ Oh oh oh, if your heart... ♪

Now our legacies will
always be together, dad.

And I'll honour that
with each step forward...

♪ I know there's
gonna be some... ♪

One foot in front of the other.

♪ Brighter days ♪

♪ I know there's gonna be ♪

♪ some brighter days ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ I know there's gonna
be some brighter days ♪

All American: Season 5, Episode 17 script (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.